Medicines and folk recipes for the treatment of gastritis of the stomach. How to use

Acute or chronic gastritis can quite significantly spoil the quality of life as a whole, and not just the mucous membrane. Therefore, much attention is paid to the use of drugs that both treat and eliminate certain unpleasant symptoms. Also, drugs are often prescribed depending on the form of the disease.

But it's easy to get confused in the market today. Is it possible to select the drug mixture yourself? Which one treats gastritis best, solves the problem of thinning mucous membrane faster? What features are associated with this or that dosage form? What is a registration code? Should you consult a doctor when choosing a new drug? How clear are the instructions and how long does it take for the composition to be absorbed into the blood? In general, the instructions are very important, you have to become familiar with them! The application is described in detail there!

What medications help with acute gastritis?

The most painful ones are caused by attacks of acute gastritis, which can be triggered by various factors. Since it is difficult to predict deterioration, it is worth finding out in advance which medications help cope with the problem, remember their names, and the specifics of use.

And how quickly they are absorbed into the blood, how they act, after what time, what consequences remain for the mucous membrane. The data should be in the instructions, read carefully!

Among the basics, it is worth mentioning a proton pump inhibitor. The basic active ingredient is omeprazole, one of the most common. In Russian pharmacies you can find the medicine Ultop , it is made in Slovenia. Find out the registration code, it will come in handy.

The principle of action of the drug is quite simple: it inhibits the enzyme H+-K+-ATPase in the parietal cells of the stomach, thereby blocking the production of hydrochloric acid. The level of all secretions decreases, regardless of the nature of the provocation, since the composition is absorbed quite well.

It is worth paying attention to contraindications. So, Ultop (official name) is not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient, during pregnancy, and is prohibited for children.

It should not be taken by nursing mothers during lactation, with inherited poor sensitivity to fructose, with sucrase deficiency, or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Ultop should also be taken with great caution in case of renal and (or) liver failure.

This product is available in the form of enteric capsules that do not threaten the mucous membrane. The cost in pharmacies, depending on the specific supplier and the number of capsules in the packages, can range from 179 to 800 rubles per package. Most reviews on

Ultop is positive, this product has a good reputation: enteric capsules do not cause problems, their use goes quite smoothly. Medical studies have shown that this dosage form is optimal for problems with the stomach and mucous membranes.

A pretty good product is Ontime , which can be found in Russian pharmacies in the range from 200 to 800 rubles.

The price range of other drugs that can replace Ontime is even wider: from 122 to 3,700 rubles. Don’t forget to look at the registration number when purchasing, it should be like this: LP 000831-020813, this information will protect you from counterfeits. Remember your registration details!

The official trade name is Ontime, which is where it can most often be ordered, but the international non-proprietary name is rabeprazole, however, your doctor will most likely need this information when ordering the product. But you should also be careful; a generic name is often easier to remember. And the trade brand is often changed.

The principle of action is based on the suppression of secretion due to enzyme inhibition. The effect is dose-dependent and can lead to depression regardless of the cause of irritation.

The maximum effect from taking Ontain is achieved after 2-4 hours; for best results, it is worth organizing a stable intake for several weeks, one tablet daily.

When you stop using it, normal stomach function is restored within a few days.

There are few contraindications. In addition to individual hypersensitivity to the main substance, only pregnancy and lactation.

This clearly demonstrates that Ontime is a harmless option compared to many analogues. Users' opinions regarding this particular drug are divided.

Antispasmodics (painkillers for gastritis)

“What to drink if you have gastritis if it hurts a lot” is a question that worries almost every patient who has encountered discomfort in the stomach. To relieve pain, a separate group of drugs was developed - antispasmodics.

Antispasmodic tablets relieve spasms by acting on the autonomic nervous system or relaxing intestinal smooth muscle. The result in both cases is the same: the spasm is relieved and the pain goes away within 1-2 hours.


Dicetel is an effective tablet for gastritis, helping to eliminate severe pain. The main active ingredient of Dicetel is pinaverium bromide. This component selectively acts on the gastrointestinal tract, practically without affecting other body systems.

Auxiliary medications for acute gastritis

The main drugs that are most often prescribed for acute gastritis were described above. Of course, each option also has a fairly large number of analogues, which today are not much of a problem to find, especially if you know the international nonproprietary name.

However, quite often antacids can be prescribed as auxiliary drugs for acute gastritis; these are a number of drugs that have an excellent ability to coat the gastric mucosa, and quite delicately.

What other means are we talking about? As a striking example, it is worth mentioning Maalox , which is also well known for its ability to relieve heartburn even for those who have not encountered the problem of gastritis closely enough.

The official registration number is N016126, and the international nonproprietary name is Algeldrat + Magnesium hydroxide, the latter is necessary for doctors and pharmacists to know in order to navigate a large number of similar drugs that differ only in the brand name, that is, the manufacturer, in this case Maalox with magnesium is the trademark name. And once again: don’t lose your registration number, it’s easier to identify yours with them.

This remedy is available in the form of a suspension, as well as in the form of chewable tablets, which are prescribed for various digestive problems. And gastritis is just one of them.

Composition: the basis is two components, quite typical for this group of drugs, this is magnesium hydroxide, which can be in the form of a powder or in the form of a gel, as well as aluminum hydroxide, in a similar form. The remaining substances play the role of auxiliary.

Principle of action: aluminum hydroxide, together with the second main ingredient magnesium hydroxide, neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, thereby eliminating the possibility of hypersecretion. As a result, the stomach and mucous membranes are able to recover, which is very important during an attack of acute gastritis and helps prevent further deterioration of the condition.

In addition, Maalox also has an absorbent and enveloping effect, thanks to which the mucous membrane receives additional protection. Sometimes magnesium (and other things) works wonders!

It is also worth mentioning the contraindications: Maalox is not recommended for use in cases of severe renal failure, hypersensitivity to individual components, isomaltase deficiency, problems with fructose tolerance, as well as glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

Also, the drug should not be taken in childhood and adolescence under 15 years of age, with hypophosphatemia.

You should approach it with caution if you have impaired renal function, patients with porphyria on hemodialysis, with Alzheimer's disease, during lactation and pregnancy, with a low amount of phosphates in the food they eat; in these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Be careful.


This is a group of tablets that are prescribed for complex drug treatment of gastritis. The course and treatment regimen in this case are strictly individual, so we will briefly talk about the principle of action, contraindications and other important points.


This is a powerful prokinetic agent that normalizes the contraction of the muscles of the stomach and esophagus. Helps cope with nausea and vomiting. In the latter case, it is prescribed in the form of injections. It is used as a last resort, as it has many contraindications. It can cause serious side effects, so it is used in short therapeutic courses.

The cost of Metoclopramide is 10-42 rubles. The analogue of the active substance is Cerucal.


This is a modern drug that acts more gently than Metoclopramide, while causing fewer side effects. It has a beneficial effect on the stomach and esophagus, helping to push food entering the body. These are effective anti-nausea tablets for gastritis. They increase the tone of the gallbladder and prevent the reflux of food from the duodenum into the stomach.

Not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and under the age of 16 years.

The cost of Ganaton is from 182 rubles. Analogue - Itomed.

When selecting drugs for the medical treatment of gastritis, take into account the category of drugs, the characteristics of the disease and the form of the disease. Before using the products, read the list of contraindications or consult a gastroenterologist.

What medications help with chronic gastritis?

Chronic gastritis requires a slightly different approach. We are talking about the following:

  1. Systematicity is important. It is necessary to pay attention not only to drugs, but also to the general lifestyle, the quality of food consumed, and other factors. In this case, the treatment will be comprehensive and will bring not temporary relief, but stable results.
  2. Prevention of exacerbation attacks. Preventive measures can be taken to avoid sudden deterioration.
  3. Medical control, acidity level testing and regulation.
  4. Antacids are often prescribed, in this case, mainly because of their protective and enveloping properties. Usually, preparations based on aluminum are selected, formulations with magnesium are often taken, and combinations of the two indicated components are possible. They do not act immediately, since they do not have the ability to be quickly absorbed into the blood, so they are not often recommended during an exacerbation, but they are even very good for treating the chronic form.
  5. Pay attention to the lack of other elements in the body: Medical studies have shown that sodium can be very beneficial for the body. You can also read about the wonderful properties of sodium in the instructions for any medicine that contains this element.

Medicines for the erosive form of pathology

If a person promptly contacted a medical facility and was diagnosed with erosive gastritis, then specialists will prescribe the following medications:

  1. To increase the tone of the walls of the organ, you need to drink Motilium, Reglan, and Cerucal tablets.
  2. To increase the protective functions of the stomach, patients should take drugs “Metacil”, “Dalargin”, “Karbeenokosol”, “Biogaston”, etc.
  3. To restore the mucous membrane and increase blood flow, you need to drink Skrulfat and De-Nol.
  4. Patients are prescribed the inhibitors Controloc, Omeprazole, histamine receptor blockers Ranitidine, Kvamatel.
  5. To stabilize the acidity level, you need to take the drugs “Gaviscon”, “Maaloxa”, “Almagel”.
  6. To normalize digestive processes, you should drink Festal and Creon.
  7. When a pathogenic microflora is identified that provoked the development of gastritis, patients are prescribed Pilobactoma and Clatinol tablets.
  8. For bleeding from erosive lesions, injections of Dicynone and Vikasol are indicated.

Auxiliary medications for the treatment of chronic gastritis

The already mentioned antacids can be used as auxiliary medications in the treatment of chronic gastritis; the role of these drugs is generally quite remarkable; a lot of interesting things can be read in the instructions.

Depending on the stage of the disease and its nature, they can play both a major and an auxiliary role.
What you need to consider when choosing a specific option with aluminum or magnesium, as well as with both of them, of course. A striking example is Phosphalugel , it is quite typical.
This can be seen even from the instructions, as well as from the composition. So, the principle of action: the product is available in the form of a balanced gel. The base contains a combination of aluminum phosphate, pectin, agar-agar and sorbitol. This dosage form helps to significantly enhance the enveloping effect that this particular drug produces; in addition, it neutralizes excess acid and absorbs it. At the same time, Phosphalugel does not interfere with the digestive process, which is important. This is also indicated in the instructions; no one hides the information.

There are few contraindications in this case. This is the traditional hypersensitivity and kidney failure in a serious form, but that’s all.

The price of the drug, depending on the specific locality, can vary from 160 rubles to 320.

User reviews for Phosphalugel are in most cases positive. Among the disadvantages, there are mainly difficulties in finding a suitable dosage form on the open market.

Since such problems often lead to the emergence of counterfeits, it is worth checking out the official data. After all, Phosphalugel, under which most pharmacists sell it, is a trade name, but the international name is aluminum phosphate. For the latter, it’s quite easy to find an analogue or explain everywhere exactly what you need.

Also remember about the registration number, P No. 012655/01 - you can check this information with the information in the instructions. Take your time! Careful study of the instructions can provide a lot of interesting information.

Main groups of medications in the treatment of gastritis

Investigating the causes of the development of the disease, scientists concluded that the overwhelming percentage of gastritis is the result of activation of Helicobacter pylori . Consequently, the treatment regimen for erosive antral gastritis consists of the following points:

  • combating pathogenic microflora with antibiotics and bismuth salts;
  • decreased acidity of gastric juice;
  • protection of the gastric mucosa;
  • relieving muscle spasms;
  • anesthesia;
  • aids digestion;
  • replenishing the lack of vitamins and minerals.

Against the backdrop of a massive drug attack, it is imperative to follow a diet and nutrition regimen to guarantee a successful recovery. In the acute form of the disease, the effect of the toxic substance is first eliminated, then treatment begins.


In the drug treatment of erosive gastritis, the leading role belongs to antibiotics. Given the high adaptive ability of microbes, a tandem of penicillin drugs and a group of macrolides is used to achieve optimal results.

Penicillin antibiotics

The very first antimicrobial drugs, the honor of discovery of which belongs to Alexander Fleming in 1928. Penicillins have low toxicity and a wide spectrum of action on pathogenic microflora. To treat stomach diseases, acid-resistant synthetic drugs such as Amoxicillin are used. It is not destroyed in an acidic environment, is quickly absorbed in the intestines, and penetrates well into the gastric tissue through the bloodstream. Penicillins kill gastric invaders by preventing the formation of bacterial cell walls.

Amoxicillin is prescribed 2 times a day, 1,000 mg, with an interval of 12 hours (for example, at 8:00 - the first tablet, and at 20:00 - the second).

Antibiotics of the macrolide group

This group of drugs has little toxicity, is well tolerated by patients, and has mild, rare side effects. The semisynthetic antibiotic Clarithromycin exhibits the greatest resistance to hydrochloric acid. It disrupts microbial protein synthesis, exhibiting a bacteriostatic effect.

Take Clarithromycin 500 mg together with Amoxicillin also twice a day, every 12 hours according to the following regimen:

  • 8:00 - Amoxicillin;
  • 10:00 - Clarithromycin;
  • 20:00 - Amoxicillin;
  • 22:00 — Clarithromycin.

The course of treatment with antibiotics is 7 days, but if there is a strong bacterial contamination, it can last up to 10-14 days.

Bismuth salts

To cure erosive gastritis, bismuth salts are best suited. They form a protective film in the acidic environment of the stomach, which helps scarring of ulcers and erosions by protecting the mucous membrane from aggressive factors. Bismuth preparations stimulate the synthesis of mucus and bicarbonates and inhibit the secretion of pepsin. They kill microbes directly at the site of erosion, where antibiotics do not penetrate.

The following bismuth-containing products are used: Vikair, Vikalin, De-Nol, Ventrisol, Tribamol, Bismafalk. Price range: from 20 rubles for domestic Vikair to 1,200 rubles for imported De-Nol. Take 3-4 times a day after meals with warm water. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Through the joint efforts of two Novosibirsk scientific institutes, a new drug based on bismuth tripotassium dicitrate was synthesized. Preclinical trials of the drug have proven its safety and antimicrobial activity. According to the inventors, the drug will be available in pharmacy chains in 2020.

Proton pump inhibitors

This is the name of a group of drugs that block the movement of chlorine and hydrogen atoms in the gastric mucosa. The synthesis of hydrochloric acid with a lack of H+ and Cl- is inhibited, and the acidity of gastric juice decreases. The first drug of this group (Omeprazole) was synthesized in 1979 by Swedish chemists. The invention of drugs that suppress high stomach acidity has significantly reduced the percentage of surgical interventions in the treatment of ulcers.

One of the drugs (at the discretion of the gastroenterologist) is prescribed in the following doses: Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, Rabeprazole - 20 mg, Lansoprazole - 30 mg, Pantoprozole - 40 mg 2 times a day for a week.


They exhibit an effect similar to bismuth salts - they form a thin film on the mucous membrane, which is not absorbed or dissolved, but slowly slides into the intestines. There it adsorbs excess liquid, toxins, and irritants. Used for diarrhea associated with the disease. Does not affect microbes. The active substance of the drugs Neointestopan, Kaopectate is magnesium salts.

Rebagit, Rebamipide, Rebamipide-Makledoz contain rebamipide. It protects the cells of the gastric mucosa, enhances the secretion of mucous secretions, and increases blood circulation. The tablets are recommended to be taken for gastritis caused by alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Venter, Sukrat, Sucralfat, Ulgastran, Ankrusal contain a complex of aluminum salts. Once in the stomach, the active substance is fixed on the necrotic masses of the ulcerative lesion, forming a protective film. Well protects the mucous membrane from the action of pepsin and bile acids. Used for a form of gastritis caused by reverse bile reflux, as well as for patients on hemodialysis.

Tablets for gastritis with high acidity

Increased acidity in combination with a pathology such as gastritis can greatly ruin the quality of life. Therefore, well-organized treatment in this case should take an integrated approach with strict adherence to instructions.

If gastritis with a high acid content was caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, then appropriate therapy is necessary, it is advisable to take duct pump inhibitors.

Careful selection of drugs to regulate acidity levels is also indicated. Quite often the already mentioned omeprazole is recommended; its main active ingredient is aluminum hydroxide. It enters into a chemical reaction with enzymes, resulting in the formation of a new substance - aluminum chloride. A fairly simple and delicate neutralization occurs. From a medical and scientific point of view - even elegant.

It is worth mentioning the contraindications specified in the instructions. Almagel should not be taken by Alzheimer's patients, however, this applies to many analogues. The product is not given to children under one month of age. However, if treatment is required already at this age, then it is worth consulting with experienced doctors or at least medical professionals.

Important! You should not give it in case of acute renal failure or increased individual sensitivity to the substances included in the composition.

In all other cases, Almagel is quite suitable, just study its details and, preferably, its number. It copes quite well with gastritis, it acts gently and delicately.

It boasts a local anesthetic effect, and the price does not exceed 600 rubles in most pharmacies. It is not surprising that Almagel is so in demand: the number of reviews about this drug, both in simple text form and in video form, is simply amazing.

Also during the period of remission, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated. It is advisable to eat meals separately, this way the excessive load will be removed from the stomach. Herbal medicine is considered useful; it makes it possible to relax and relieves discomfort.


If gastric juice contains excess hydrochloric acid, the stomach lining becomes irritated. The latter leads to digestive disorders and other unpleasant consequences.

Antacid drugs are a special category of drugs designed to neutralize hydrochloric acid.

The doctor prescribes such tablets for gastritis with high acidity. Below we will look at proven medications from this group and tell you how to use them.

Tablets for gastritis with low acidity

Low acidity can lead to very serious health problems. A decrease in the amount and concentration of acid leads to the fact that food digestion processes begin to stop in the body. Therefore, a putrid odor periodically becomes a characteristic symptom.

A decrease in the amount of acid also leads to a feeling of heaviness after eating and loss of appetite. Often the patient may begin to vomit simply after eating, and a noticeable feeling of heaviness often appears.

This is explained quite simply: acid plays a protective function in our body. As it decreases, a large number of fungal pathogens begin to penetrate inside.

Periodically, a lack of acid leads to the process of protein breakdown stopping, which entails autoimmune diseases, which are quite severe by all medical criteria. Symptoms of deterioration may include not only vomiting, but also dizziness, weakness, and fever.

The approach to treatment in this case should be comprehensive. Here, most often, many drugs are needed, some will restore the required level of acid, others will care for the mucous membrane, and their compatibility with each other must be taken into account. So you should not self-medicate, contact medical professionals.

As an example, we can cite a drug that is most often prescribed for such a diagnosis. Its official trade name is “Plantaglucid” , it is a herbal remedy, the international name is plantain extract. Counterfeiting occurs quite rarely, but it is still worth paying attention to the registration number: P No. 014877/01-2003.

This product has a rather interesting dosage form: granules from which you will need to prepare a solution. It should be taken regularly, until the normal state of the mucous membrane is restored, the unpleasant symptoms with vomiting stop, and not only, but strictly - on the recommendation of a doctor.

Despite the harmless non-proprietary name, the product itself can cause allergies. The drug is based on dry plantain extract. In most cases, use is safe. But don't be fooled by the names!

It has a rather interesting principle of action: it helps to relax the folds of the stomach, increase acidity, and normalizes metabolism.

Due to this action, a contraindication would be duodenal ulcer, increased stomach acidity, and in relation to the latter there can be either an acute form of the disease with vomiting and all that goes with it, or a chronic one, in this case there is no fundamental difference. Of course, increased sensitivity to components is also taken into account.

The cost ranges from 1000 rubles, depending on who exactly supplied the drug, the pricing policy of a particular pharmacy, and so on. Sometimes the name may not coincide with the trade name, but the specific use of the composition does not change. This is what consumers note in their reviews.

Which tablets are better

It is impossible to say which drugs help better with gastritis and which are less effective. Before you start taking any medications for the treatment of gastritis, you should definitely consult a specialist.

You need to firmly remember that not a single medicine is completely safe, all drugs have contraindications. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination. Factors taken into account include:

  • Forms of the disease. If gastritis with low acidity is diagnosed, it is necessary to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, and with a hyperacid form, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the synthesis of digestive juices.

  • The nature of the disease. For example, with an infectious form of the disease, antibiotics are needed, and with an allergic form, antihistamines are needed.
  • Stages of the disease. In the initial stage of superficial gastritis, it is often enough to reconsider your diet and carry out therapy aimed at eliminating the symptoms that bother the patient. More complex forms of the disease require a different approach to treatment. In addition to diet, a whole list of therapeutic measures is needed. For example, with advanced gastritis with low acidity, replacement therapy is necessary; patients are prescribed a gastric juice substitute and digestive enzymes.
  • Individual characteristics. When prescribing drugs, the specialist takes into account the characteristics of the patient - age, special conditions (for example, pregnancy), the presence of diseases occurring in parallel, etc.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis with complications

It is worth noting that if gastritis has led to complications, then there is no need to wait for a panacea: there is no single tablet or enteric capsule that could be taken to get an excellent medical result. Here you need to select a number of drugs, depending on the nature of the complications.

First, it is worth looking at the nature of the complications; the application depends on this. If we are talking about fairly severe pain and spasms, then no-spa, papaverine, analgin, and so on are used. By the way, it’s worth looking at the registration number for the listed options.

First, make sure that it is not a fake. Secondly, if you find out the international name, you can choose an analogue much cheaper. For example, no-shpa has it.

Read the instructions carefully, look not only at general information like the number: no one needs to experiment on themselves, especially a sick person. Therefore, the application must be organized in a civilized manner.

Please note: the dosage form can be any, even tablets, even capsules, which have recently become increasingly popular, especially enteric-soluble ones; the main thing is not to take powders if there are alternatives. In some cases, they can provoke vomiting, which is most often undesirable.

In general, it is worth paying attention to the latest medical innovations. Now carbonates have begun to be actively introduced; they can help establish normal metabolism. Since carbonates have been used before, this cannot be called an absolute novelty. But we are not talking about carbonates in their pure form, but about medicinal compositions that contain carbonates, in a word, read the instructions!

Medicines to suppress excess gastric acid secretion


This medicine can be taken in two ways. Typically, those suffering from erosive type gastritis are prescribed 150 mg of the drug twice a day. If the main problems occur in the evening and at night, it is recommended to take 300 mg of Ranitidine before going to bed. In this case, it is imperative to take the tablets with plenty of clean water or tea. Take the medication for one to two months. For milder degrees of erosive gastritis, it is better to reduce the intake to four weeks. You should not use the product during pregnancy and childhood, as a large number of side effects may occur.


The drug Kvamatel for the treatment of erosive gastritis

The product is available in two pharmacological forms - tablets and injections for intramuscular administration. The specific type of substance is selected individually. When using Kvamatel orally, the patient takes 20 mg in the morning and evening, regardless of meals; if necessary, the drug can be used in a single dose of 40 mg, but only before bedtime. Regardless of the prescribed treatment regimen, the duration of therapy cannot last more than eight weeks. Typically, four weeks of using Kvamatel are enough for patients. When administered intramuscularly, the dose of the active substance does not change, and the duration of therapy is usually four weeks.

Attention! A distinctive feature of drugs in this category is their poor tolerability and combination in complex treatment, which is why it is worthwhile to space out the use of various drugs to eliminate the pathology as much as possible. Adjustments to prescribed doses should be made every 14 days.

What you should pay attention to during the treatment of gastritis with complications

In the process of treating gastritis, it is worth paying attention to medications that make it possible to prevent complications. Vikalin gives a good effect with constant use . It is noteworthy that it does not have an international non-proprietary name, but it does have a registration number: LS-001102-191211.

So, Vikalin has a complex effect. It has a balanced composition with interesting medicinal properties, but Vikalin has a direct effect on magnesium carbonate (carbonate is a salt of carbonic acid, an inorganic compound) and sodium bicarbonate, which interact well with gastric juice.

As a result, Vikalin is able to quite quickly normalize the acidity level and have a weak laxative effect. In addition, this drug eliminates spasms, which often provoke vomiting, in a word, you feel calmer with it. Sodium does this.

Of course, today many are wondering how else to treat gastritis of the stomach, whether it is possible to find other options, what capsules, with what name, number, etc. Of course, there are enough drugs on the market; it is impossible to list all the medical and scientific solutions.

There are also a variety of dosage forms; in a word, the choice of drugs is very large. But if you are interested in the name of how to safely treat gastritis of the stomach, then it is better to consult a doctor about its use. Self-medication can lead to a lot of problems.

Drug therapy for the disease

Treatment of the disease begins with giving up bad habits and improving the quality of nutrition. The first step to recovery should be diet. This is the only way to expect a positive treatment outcome.

Modern pharmacotherapy for the erosive form of the disease includes:


Antibacterial drugs form the basis for the treatment of erosive gastritis when Helicobacter pylori is detected in a patient.

Typically, a combinatorial prescription of 2-4 antibiotics is used for a course of at least 7 days of treatment:

  • Ornidazole is a drug effective against protozoa and anaerobes.
  • Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin that exhibits a wide range of bactericidal effects on microorganisms.
  • Clarithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic. It exhibits antimicrobial activity against most anaerobes and aerobes, including Helicobacter pylori.
  • De-nol contains bismuth subcitrate. Shows antimicrobial, astringent and gastrocytoprotective effects.

You can also take ready-made medications that include several active ingredients:

  • Pilobact Neo is a triple therapy combining clarithromycin, omeprazole and amoxicillin.
  • Clatinol - the drug package is designed for one day of treatment, it contains 2 tablets of tinidazole, clarithromycin and lansoprazole.

Medicines that stabilize gastric and intestinal motility

They should be taken when gastrointestinal reflux is detected. The drugs Cerucal and Metoclopramide, previously used to treat this disease, are no longer used due to their harmful effects on the central nervous system. Medicines containing Domperidone are considered safer for treating the disease:


Prescribed for erosive gastritis with high acidity. It is better to use non-absorbable antacids containing calcium, magnesium and aluminum salts:

They help accelerate the regeneration of affected tissues and improve microcirculation processes in the stomach.

Enzyme preparations

They are prescribed along with antacids, which reduce the stomach's ability to digest. They are necessary to compensate for the enzymatic deficiency of the pancreas. Among them:

But if gastritis appears due to taking NSAIDs, then less aggressive treatments should be used.

Drugs that inhibit pepsin secretion

To prevent excessive production of gastric juice during erosion and increased acidity, antisecretory agents and proton pump inhibitors are used:

The drugs prevent excessive pepsin secretion, regardless of the cause. Reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Or use histamine receptor blockers:

  • Famotidine suppresses the production of pepsin in the stomach, reduces the stimulation of acetylcholine, histamine and gastrin, and also increases the pH of the juice.
  • Kvamatel reduces the production of pepsin and reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Drugs that help restore damaged stomach walls

The final stage of treatment will be the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. For these purposes, drugs are used that create a protective film on the affected areas.

These include:

  • Sucralfate (Venter) - this medicine creates a protective membrane on the inner surface of the organ. The active substance acts on areas of tissue necrosis and forms a protective film that prevents further destructive processes. The gel covers the surface of the affected tissues in the stomach and duodenum. The drug does not interact with healthy gastric mucosa.
  • Trental – increases microcirculation in areas with poor circulation.
  • Iberogast - has a tonic and antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces the secretion of acid by parietal cells, improves the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive organs. Effectively protects the inner lining of the stomach.

Pain Remedies

No-Shpa with Papaverine will help get rid of stomach discomfort.

Enzymes to improve digestion


The drug is produced in the form of small capsules for oral administration. In this case, patients should take two to four capsules of Pangrol with each meal, regardless of its volume. The number of recommended tablets should be obtained from your doctor, as this is influenced by the condition of the liver, kidneys and the complexity of gastritis. The capsules must not be chewed and must be taken with plenty of water, at least 200 ml. If it is impossible to swallow, the pellets can be added to a glass of water by carefully opening the capsule. After this, the resulting solution must be drunk immediately.


The drug Festal for the treatment of erosive gastritis

A classic drug for the treatment of stomach problems of various nature, including erosive gastritis. The drug is taken strictly during meals or immediately after it. The classic dosage for an adult patient is 1-3 tablets two to three times a day. Festal can be used to treat young children if there is a reason for this. In this state of affairs, only a pediatrician can prescribe the dosage of the active substance, taking into account the weight and age of the child.

Attention! It is impossible to say how long enzyme treatment will last, since many factors influence this. Typically, the duration of therapy varies from two weeks to several years.

How are gastritis treated with tablets?

Gastritis is a stomach disease characterized by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. The presence of accompanying symptomatic signs requires immediate medical intervention. Therapy involves the use of medications to treat gastritis.

You should take medications only as prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree and type of disease identified by the diagnostic results.

After laboratory tests and a comprehensive examination (radiography, endoscopy, ultrasound), the gastroenterologist prescribes a treatment regimen, which necessarily involves taking medications.

Prescribed medications for gastritis are aimed at eliminating the cause of the inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa, relieving unpleasant symptomatic signs of the disease, which include:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach of various types;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • unstable stool;
  • bloating, gas formation;
  • weakness;
  • Possible increased body temperature.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes drug treatment. Choosing a medication for gastritis on your own can lead to serious complications.

Drugs for the treatment of gastritis vary depending on the form of the disease. There is a list of modern medications designed to relieve symptoms and effectively treat the disease in adults:

  • medications for moderate and hyperacidity;
  • medications for low levels of hydrochloric acid;
  • antacids;
  • adsorbents;
  • electrolytic agents;
  • antihistamines;
  • blockers;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • antispasmodics, painkillers;
  • antimicrobial, antibacterial drugs.

Medicines for gastritis differ in purpose and contraindications for use. Before use, it is necessary to know the exact cause of the inflammatory process in the stomach in order to avoid causing irreparable harm to health.

Increased secretion is associated with a high level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which contributes to the erosion of the walls of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. Acidity higher than normal disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does not allow the body to absorb the vitamins and minerals it receives.

Symptomatic signs of the disease are:

  • pain in the stomach, rib area;
  • the appearance of heartburn, belching;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat;
  • diarrhea.

Medicines for gastritis with a high level of acidity are aimed at normalizing the excess secreted substance and protecting the damaged mucous membrane from the appearance of ulcers. The composition of the medicines includes aluminum phosphate, magnesium hydroxide and carbonate, and hydrolcides.

The most effective drugs for normalizing acidity are:

  • Omeprazole;
  • Almagel;
  • Maalox;
  • Gaviscon;
  • Gaviscon Forte;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Phosphalugel;
  • Rutacid;
  • Famotodin;
  • Roxatidine.

These components should reduce stomach acidity and eliminate symptomatic signs. There are proton pump inhibitors that stop the production of hydrochloric acid. Medicines with this effect are:

Medicines, tablets and gel for gastritis with high acidity help maintain a moderate level throughout the day, stopping the formation of substances at the cellular level and reducing the production of enzymes.

A low level of hydrochloric acid can lead to inability to digest food, and as a result, the body does not absorb the necessary vitamins, substances for growth and development, as well as disruption of the metabolic process. Untimely treatment of the hypacid form of the disease can lead to gastroduodenitis and tumor formation.

Symptomatic signs of low acidity are:

  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • lack of appetite;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • gagging after eating;
  • frequent dizziness, malaise;
  • Body temperature may be increased.

Enzymatic, acid-containing medications containing pepsin and betaine are prescribed as remedies for low acid levels. Such medications include:

  • Festal;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Acidin Pepsin;
  • Betaine Pepsin;
  • Limontar;
  • Histaglobulin;
  • Pentagastrin;
  • Prozerin;
  • Etimizole;
  • Plantaglucid.

For gastritis with low acidity, medications are prescribed that should increase acid production and restore secretion.

Antacids are prescribed for gastritis with high acidity and heartburn. These types of medications normalize the concentration of secreted gastric juice. Antacids that reduce hydrochloric acid levels contain useful chemicals:

  • aluminum hydroxide, magnesium;
  • aluminum phosphate;
  • hydrotalcite;
  • magnesium carbonate, calcium.

Preference should be given to proven medications for heartburn and gastritis. The use of traditional methods can provoke a greater increase in the level of acidity in the stomach. Antacids include:

Antacids are intended for gastritis of any form, severity of the disease. For heartburn, you need to use drugs that have a calming, anesthetic effect. Drugs with an enveloping effect are not absorbed into the blood, so the duration of exposure to medications increases.

Drug treatment of chronic gastritis and acute forms of the disease using adsorbents does not make sense. These drugs, which are inexpensive, are intended to remove toxins and infections at the initial stage of development of the inflammatory process. Adsorbents include:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Polyphepan.

Electrolytes are used to relieve symptomatic signs of stomach disease. Gastritis is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea, which inevitably leads to dehydration. Electrolytic preparations are intended to normalize water-salt balance. The atrophic type of the disease is characterized by a violation of the process of absorption and assimilation of consumed food, so taking electrolytic drugs is mandatory.

These drugs include:

Autoimmune, atrophic, erosive forms of the disease require the use of antihistamines designed to reduce the amount of biogenic compounds. Histamine destroys the gastric mucosa due to its high content in the body. Elevated levels may be due to an allergic reaction to the drugs used. The best antihistamines are:

These drugs prevent the production of substances that negatively affect the condition of the gastric mucosa. It is necessary to treat atrophic, erosive, autoimmune, anacid gastritis with the help of drugs that block:

  • histamine production:
  • Cimetidine;
  • Ranitidine;
  • Famotidine;
  • Telfast;
  • Erius.
  • substances that provoke vomiting - prokinetic agents:
  • Cerucal;
  • Eglonyl;
  • Raglan.
  • increased levels of hydrochloric acid - antisecretory drugs:
  • Pantoprazole;
  • Rabeprozole;
  • Omez;
  • Esomeprazole;
  • Sanpraz;
  • Kvamatel;
  • Gistak.

Chronic gastritis must be treated with gastroprotectors. Protective drugs are:

Medicines that restore the gastric mucosa have an enveloping effect, therefore they are prescribed for the treatment of acute gastritis. Gastroprotectors protect the digestive organs from bacteria, infections, toxins, and help normalize the intestinal microflora due to their effect on pathogenic substances. For acute and chronic gastritis, you can use gels or suspensions (Almagel, Phosphalugel) to prevent damage to the mucous membrane and relieve symptoms (heartburn, pain syndromes).

For gastritis, accompanied by the appearance of spasms of various types, it is necessary to use painkillers. Medicines safe for children and pregnant women include:

Analgesics containing metamizole sodium, for example, Baralgin, help relieve severe pain. Such medications are contraindicated for categories of the population at risk (children, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular diseases).

The cause of irritation of the gastric mucosa is the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs helps suppress the spread of harmful microorganisms, microbes that destroy the microflora and mucous membrane of the digestive organ. Proven drugs for stomach inflammation are penicillin antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Amoxicar;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Flemoxin;
  • Amoxiclav.

Untimely use of a group of drugs to eradicate bacteria and harmful microorganisms can lead to internal bleeding and ulcerative formations, areas of scar deformation.

To prevent diseases of the digestive system, it is recommended to maintain proper nutrition and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Diet is the best medicine for the stomach. The diet should not contain spicy, smoked, salted, fried foods; you should not drink carbonated water or coffee.

To achieve maximum effect during treatment, it is necessary to combine drug therapy and diet.

Regular visits to the doctor, timely tests, and a comprehensive medical examination will help you avoid irreversible complications. Gastritis is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. In case of inflammation of the digestive organ, you should carefully consider the choice of medications.

Drug therapy differs in indications for use in accordance with the characteristics of the disease. Potent drugs and antibiotics are intended for the direct treatment of gastritis, and to relieve signs of inflammation it is recommended to use a course of non-addictive drugs.

Before using any medications, you must read the instructions for medical indications for use, as well as side effects and possible complications.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


If a person is worried about inflammation of the stomach, he wants to take some strong pills for gastritis that can instantly improve his condition. However, in this case, you should not take the first medicine you come across in order to avoid possible complications. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Before using tablets for gastritis, you must consult your doctor. Because the prescription of medications depends on many factors:

  • type of disease;
  • acidity level;
  • causes of the disease;
  • stage of development;
  • symptoms;
  • presence of an allergic reaction;
  • children, pregnancy, lactation.

Drug treatment of gastritis is one of the most effective methods. Modern pharmaceuticals offer a wide selection of medicines that can quickly cope with the disease and eliminate all signs of gastritis and symptoms of inflammation. Therefore, let's look at what pills you can take for this disease.

Tablets for gastritis are divided into the following groups:

  • antacids;
  • antisecretory drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • bismuth preparations;
  • dopamine receptor blockers.

Each group of drugs includes medications with proven effectiveness.

As an additional drug treatment, if your stomach hurts badly, you can use painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as medications that eliminate symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

It is important not to forget that if you do not follow the diet and other recommendations of the gastroenterologist, even the best pills will not give the desired result.

Below is a list of tablets that are recommended to be taken for gastritis.

To treat gastritis with high acidity, tablets are prescribed that have an antacid effect. These effective drugs reduce the manifestations of the disease, help with heartburn and gastritis. Taking medications on an empty stomach gives a short-term effect, and using after meals increases the duration of action to 4 hours.

Common drug names:

These tablets have the ability to reduce the effects of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, they are often used for stomach ulcers. In addition, they prevent damage to the mucosa under the influence of various factors.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis of any type. It should be taken after meals. Typically, 1-2 tablets are recommended for adults. First, you need to chew them well, and then wait until they completely dissolve in your mouth.

In addition to normalizing acidity, Gastal eliminates symptoms such as pain, heartburn, and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Medicine refers to drugs that do not treat the cause of the disease, but only reduce its manifestations. The tablet cannot be chewed; it is placed under the tongue and slowly dissolved.

Alumag contains useful microelements. It increases the production of mucus, which protects the mucous membrane from destruction. The effect of the drug is observed a few seconds after administration and lasts for 4 hours.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. To eliminate symptoms, take 2 tablets, which must be thoroughly dissolved. The course of treatment is prescribed only by a specialist.

These pills reduce the amount of gastric juice because they block histamine receptors. The most common medications from this group are Ranitidine, Gastrocepin, Cimetidine.

This category includes proton pump inhibitors, which reduce acid secretion. Most often from this group, patients are prescribed Omeprazole, Pariet.

Helps reduce the production of hydrochloric acid, improves blood microcirculation. It can be prescribed for treatment and prevention if a person has a predisposition to the disease. Ranitidine is usually taken twice a day.

This is an M1-cholinergic receptor blocker, the action is aimed at suppressing the production of gastric juice, as well as protecting the mucous membrane from an aggressive alkaline environment. Gastrocepin is prescribed for high acidity to reduce the amount of gastric juice secreted. You need to take the tablets 2 times a day.

This drug reduces acidity levels and makes acid production less intense. You can take the tablets right before meals for 6 weeks.

A proton pump inhibitor that is used to reduce acid production. The last stage of acid formation is suppressed due to the composition of the tablet. Therefore, the level of secretion decreases regardless of the origin of the stimulus. This drug has a rapid effect that lasts throughout the day. Contraindications for use include pregnancy and lactation.

A proton pump inhibitor, the action of which is aimed at reducing acidity. The drug has a whole list of side effects, so you should not take it without a doctor. Otherwise, headaches, rashes, diarrhea or constipation may occur.

To cure gastritis complicated by the presence of infection, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Antibiotics are often used for this.

It is worth highlighting several antibacterial drugs:

Typically, a combination of several drugs is used for treatment, which enhance the effect of each other.

These drugs have an astringent, antiseptic effect, they are good for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Names of drugs with bismuth:

The medicine contains substances that eliminate pain, neutralize inflammation, and have an enveloping effect on the gastric mucosa. It should be taken 1 hour after eating.

The drug has a pronounced enveloping effect. It creates a protective film in the stomach, thanks to which it is possible to protect the lining from the effects of acid.

The drugs reduce the symptoms of intoxication, eliminate the urge to vomit, and prevent the development of dehydration:

When treating gastritis, the level of acidity must be taken into account. At high pH, ​​one tablet is indicated, and at low pH, another.

  • Acedin-Pepsin – regulates acid secretion;
  • Motilium, Metoclopramide - stimulate gastric motility;
  • Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin, Panzinorm - include enzymes that facilitate the process of breaking down food. Mezim and Panzinorm tablets are most often used for chronic gastritis.

In case of increased acidity, medications are prescribed that neutralize the acid:

  • Alumag, Rennie - reduce the secretion of gastric juice;
  • Methioclopramide – relieves muscle spasms of the digestive tract;
  • Atropine, No-shpa - reduce pain;
  • Omez, Pariet - reduce the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane.

It is important to remember that incorrect use of tablets and exceeding the dosage often leads to the development of gastritis with low acidity.

The medicine stimulates the process of gastric emptying and improves the tone of the core muscles. The drug is an excellent remedy for nausea. Tablets are sold for swallowing and for resorption. Both forms of release are quite effective. The daily dose is no more than 30 mg. The tablets should be taken 30 minutes before meals. They cannot be chewed, only dissolved. Side effects may include hives, rashes, and intestinal spasms.

The drug contains only natural ingredients, including pork pancreatin, an enzyme whose properties are very similar to human ones. Take 1-2 tablets three times a day with meals. In some cases, the course of treatment with enzyme preparations is carried out for a long time, and sometimes they are indicated for continuous use.

This drug promotes the production of enzymes. Panzinorm treats gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis and other disorders of the digestive tract. You need to take the medicine for gastritis three times a day, 1 tablet.

Tablets with pancreatin, which help restore the functions of the stomach and help it break down foods. Drink Festal 1-2 tablets with meals.

Tablets for stomach inflammation are sold in all pharmacies in the country. Sometimes patients prefer more expensive drugs over cheaper ones. Because they believe that if a medicine is inexpensive, then it is less effective. In fact, it is not the price that plays an important role, but the correct selection.

It is impossible to say definitely which medicine to give preference to. Everyone has their own contraindications and side effects. Drug therapy depends on specific symptoms and stomach acid levels.

Before taking the pills, you should definitely consult a gastroenterologist. Because drugs that help one person can easily harm another, and in some cases even provoke drug-induced gastritis.

Today, pharmacies sell not only tablets for the treatment of gastritis, but also herbal remedies, teas and other folk remedies that enhance the effect of drugs of chemical origin.

In addition, you need to properly think through your diet and eliminate irritating factors, including alcohol and smoking.

The main part of treating stomach inflammation is nutrition and diet. The menu for gastritis excludes: fried, fatty, sour, smoked, salty dishes, rich broths. Food for the patient is prepared with a small amount of salt and spices. The patient is recommended to consume viscous or liquid porridges, boiled meat and fish, light broth, and jelly daily.

A diet for gastritis is developed by a specialist. When treating patients with high acidity, products that reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid are recommended: milk soups, steamed or stewed vegetables, sweet fruit juices.

Patients with low acidity are advised to consume: fermented milk products, lean meat, rice. You need to eat food 5-6 times a day.

If you follow basic measures to prevent gastritis, then you will not need to use drugs to treat it:

  • adhere to a nutritious, healthy diet. Food should include vitamins and microelements;
  • you can't overeat. It is recommended to eat small portions;
  • plan the correct daily routine so that food consumption is regular;
  • pay attention to your health status. If local foci of infection occur, for example, sinusitis, caries, tonsillitis, it is necessary to eliminate them urgently.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.


Pain and discomfort of heartburn accompany gastritis of the stomach. The disease is caused by poor nutrition, and diet and pills help to cope with it. The choice of medications must be taken carefully, treating not only the symptoms, but the cause of the disease. Appointments of specialists help with this.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa - gastritis - requires a visit to a gastroenterologist. The doctor, after examination, tests and examinations, determines the treatment regimen. It is important to know the degree of inflammation of the mucous membrane and the level of acidity. Tablets for gastritis of the stomach help a person cope with the main symptoms of the disease:

  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • constipation;
  • diarrhea.

Stomach tablets for gastritis, which have varied effects, help treat not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease:

  • relieve pain, relieve spasms - Papaverine, No-shpa;
  • stop vomiting - Motilium, Cerucal;
  • reduce the inflammatory process, fight microorganisms - Ampicillin, Pilobact;
  • improve food processing with enzyme preparations - Mezim, Panzinorm;
  • with reduced acidity, they increase the production of hydrochloric acid - Pentagastrin, Limontar.

Separately, it is necessary to say about tablets for gastritis of the stomach when there is increased acidity. There are different groups of drugs for treatment, each of which solves its own problem:

  • stop the production of sulfuric acid - Almagel, Omeprazole;
  • protect the walls of the organ from harmful effects - Ranitidine, Cimetidine;
  • create a protective film on the surface - Vikalin, De-Nol.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, if acidity is increased, occurs due to excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. There are night pains, sour belching, changes in appetite - its increase or decrease. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of tablets for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity is unacceptable. The situation can cause a disruption in the natural functioning of the organ and provoke a precancerous condition.

Tablets for stomach gastritis can be used in therapy:

  • antacid drugs - Gastal, Gaviscon - relieve symptoms without eradicating the cause;
  • drugs that reduce the degree of hydrochloric acid production - Famotidine, Roxatidine;
  • medications - proton pump inhibitors, suppressing the production of acid by the cells of the organ walls - Rabeprozole, Omeprazole.

The action of this group of drugs is aimed at neutralizing sulfuric acid. Antacids - tablets for gastritis of the stomach - have a different effect. There are absorbable medications, such as Rennie. They act instantly and upon interaction are converted into salts and carbon dioxide. The product quickly stops heartburn, but the effect of use is short-lived. Carbon dioxide provokes the creation of sulfuric acid, in addition, residual salts have a bad effect on the chemical balance in the body. Doctors do not recommend long-term use of such medications.

Another type of antacid is stomach tablets for gastritis, which have an enveloping effect. The peculiarity of these medications is that the active substance is not able to be absorbed into the blood, so the treatment process is lengthy. The drugs create an effect that lasts longer. Medicines contain aluminum, magnesium, and calcium in their structure. Effective:

Another problem that medications solve for high acidity is stopping the process of sulfuric acid production. Only doctors prescribe such drugs, because there are contraindications. When food enters the body, drugs - proton pump inhibitors - have the following effect:

  • maintain acidity throughout the day;
  • stop the formation of a substance at the cellular level;
  • reduce the production of enzymes necessary for production.

These medications have confirmed their effectiveness in treating diseases with high acidity in adults and children. The use of medications improves the prognosis of the disease; a course of them is required. There are several generations of proton pump inhibitors with varying effectiveness. The most modern medications are used in treatment:

There are drugs with a different principle of action. H2 histamine receptor blockers block the zones of stomach cells responsible for the production of histamine. The body produces this substance when it eats food. Histamine stimulates the production of sulfuric acid. Medicines protect the stomach walls from this substance, production stops. Blockers are effective only for 12 hours, so twice a day is required. Their use in combination with proton pump inhibitors is effective. Popular drugs in this group:

Often inflammation of the mucous membrane is caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which provokes the development of a chronic form of the disease in the patient, the appearance of ulcers. In this case, a systemic effect on the causative agent of the disease is prescribed. Prescribed tablets for gastritis and stomach ulcers that block the production of sulfuric acid - Maalox, Phosphalugel. In addition, antimicrobial drugs - antibiotics:

Inflammation accompanied by low acidity often occurs in elderly patients. For various reasons, the cells that produce the acid that helps digest food die. The total amount of juice decreases, acidity decreases. This can cause cancer. The acid has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, its deficiency causes:

  • active fermentation processes;
  • bowel disorders;
  • bloating;
  • putrid odor from the mouth;
  • rumbling;
  • accumulations of gases;
  • violation of protein absorption;
  • decline in immunity;
  • anemia.

The main thing for a disease with low acidity is to increase the amount of sulfuric acid. One method is to use natural gastric juice. Tablets may be prescribed for the treatment of gastritis, which have different effects. It is recommended to take medications that:

  • enhance the production of calcium gluconate;
  • restore secretion - Panzinorm, Pepsidil;
  • relieve exacerbations - Venter, Clometol;
  • inhibit the action of bacteria - Doxycycline, Omeprazole;
  • accelerate the activity of the glands of the mucous membrane - vitamins - Folic acid, Oligovit.

Drugs to treat a disease may have different effectiveness and cost different things. The main thing is to entrust their choice to a specialist. There are many tablets for stomach gastritis, their effect on symptoms and causes differs. Among the popular drugs:

  • for diarrhea – Polyphepan, Motilium;
  • against spasms – Papaverine, Drotaverine;
  • carminatives – Espumisan, Maalox;
  • enzymatic – Festal, Mezim;
  • antacids – Milanta, Nizatidine;
  • histamine receptor blockers – Famotidine, Omez;
  • improve regeneration processes - Caleflon, Carnitine;
  • restores motor skills – Metoclopramide.


Antisecretory agents

Antisecretory drugs reduce the volume of gastric juice produced by blocking histamine receptors. This includes drugs like Ranitidine or Cimetidine, etc.

This also includes medications from the group of proton pump inhibitors, the action of which is aimed at reducing acid secretion. Of these medications, gastritis sufferers are often prescribed Omez or Pariet, Omeprazole, etc.


The drug is indispensable for reducing hydrochloric acid secretion and promotes microcirculatory processes in the blood flow.

The drug can be used for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes; it is taken 2 times a day for a period of time determined by the gastroenterologist. The duration of therapy is determined by the purpose of treatment.


A drug from the category of proton inhibitors, it is also used to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid secretion. The action begins at the last stage of acid secretion formation; the drug suppresses acid production.

The level of secretion decreases regardless of the origin of the provoking stimulus. The tablets act quite quickly, and the result lasts for another day after taking the capsule.


A proton inhibitor that effectively reduces gastric acidity. The drug has a fairly large list of adverse reactions, so it is not recommended to take it without permission, without medical advice. Otherwise, reactions such as diarrhea or constipation, rashes, headaches, etc. may occur.


Effectively reduces the acidity of gastric secretions and stops inflammatory processes. Thanks to its high therapeutic effect, Omez has pushed drugs from the antihistamine category into the background. Omez is simply more effective, and its results last longer.

Anna, Tula:

I had a chance to meet Omez when the doctor discovered I had chronic gastritis. It not only relieves unpleasant pain, but has a healing effect, preventing the formation of excessive acid production. When I drank it after a meal, I soon felt very hungry, so it’s better to take it before meals, about half an hour. Omez turned out to be a lifesaver for me, and now during exacerbations it’s the only thing I can save myself from.


For hyperacid gastritis, the use of Nolpaza is quite effective, as it relieves pathological symptoms and corrects hydrochloric acid synthesis. Nolpaza is perfectly absorbed by organic structures and is well tolerated by gastritic patients.

Take tablets for 2 weeks before meals once a day. Not suitable for patients under 18 years of age. The drug has side effects such as rashes, headaches or dizziness, so it should be taken only after a medical prescription.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Clarithromycin200-490 rubles82-200 hryvnia
Ecositrin330 rubles135 hryvnia
Pangrol300-1200 rubles130-492 hryvnia
Festal150-700 rubles62-287 hryvnia
Calcium carbonate100 rubles41 hryvnia
Maalox300-650 rubles130-269 hryvnia
Dicynone330-800 rubles135-328 hryvnia
Thioctic acid200 rubles82 hryvnia
Ranitidine33-65 rubles13.5-26.9 hryvnia
Kvamatel50-800 rubles20-328 hryvnia

Attention! The prices presented in the table are conditional and may change taking into account adjustments to the composition of the drug, its dose and the pharmacological company. Domestic funds, as a rule, are not inferior to foreign ones, but have a more affordable cost.

At the first symptoms of the disease, which include nausea after eating, pain at night and problems with bowel movements, you should definitely consult a doctor to rule out diseases such as erosive gastritis and ulcers. With proper treatment and compliance with the recommended diet, the patient can almost permanently stop the disease and prevent it from going into the stage of exacerbation and subsequent complications.

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