Quick treatment of hemorrhoids at home - treatment of hemorrhoids at home

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According to health statistics, a delicate and complex disease - hemorrhoids - affects 15% of the adult population. Many people are ashamed to consult a proctologist about their disease and suffer for many years, worsening the condition. Treatment of hemorrhoids at home with folk remedies - is such an approach to such an insidious and complex disease possible? This question worries many people.

Hemorrhoids - what kind of disease is this?

Hemorrhoids are a pathology of the internal blood plexuses on the excretory canal of the anus. The passage of blood through the vessels is disrupted, blood clots appear and increase in size. At an early stage of the disease, hard, itchy nodules appear. When the human intestinal tract is prone to constipation, the swollen nodes come out when straining. They become inflamed, burning and bleeding appear. Half of the people who get hemorrhoids suffer from this condition and turn to a proctologist in the late stages of an advanced disease, missing the time to completely cure the disease.

Important! The advanced chronic course of the disease leads to the death of part of the tissue around the anal outlet (sphincter), which threatens blood poisoning.

People of all ages suffer from hemorrhoids. People at risk are those who have:

  • inherited weak vascular walls;
  • work with heavy lifting or constant sitting;
  • a diet that leads to constipation;
  • overweight, obesity, diabetes;
  • period of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • bad habit of sitting on the toilet for a long time.

The cause of the disease can be a stressful condition. In this case, prescribed therapy using decoctions of sedative herbs helps.

Classification of hemorrhoids

Depending on the nature of the disease, this disease can be acute or chronic. Depending on the etiology, it is classified as primary and secondary hemorrhoids. The primary form of the disease develops under the influence of certain provoking factors. Secondary hemorrhoids are a consequence of other diseases (for example, severe cardiovascular lesions, cirrhosis of the liver, cancer pathologies in which normal blood flow in the veins is disrupted). Depending on the form, hemorrhoids can be internal, external, or combined.

External hemorrhoids are manifested by the location of hemorrhoids outside the intestine (they are grouped around the anus). Nodes arise due to the expansion of venous vessels that are located around the anus in the subcutaneous layer. Internal hemorrhoids are a form of the disease in which hemorrhoids are localized in the lumen of the rectum and remain invisible during remission. They are located under the mucous membrane and occur due to blood overflow.


You should pay attention to the first symptoms and consult a proctologist for advice. Symptoms of the disease are determined in the early stages:

  • itching around the anus;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the passage (due to swollen nodes);
  • burning, feeling of local increased temperature;
  • tingling when walking or pain when sitting;
  • inclusions of blood in the stool;
  • cones coming out;
  • burning pain and drops of blood after defecation.

The initial stage of the disease gradually becomes chronic, and the symptoms increase. Inflammatory processes are accompanied by swelling and acute pain.

Important! Pain and bloody discharge may be symptoms of an intestinal tumor.


The disease is characterized by three types: internal, external and combined. The development of hemorrhoids has 4 stages:

  1. Initial – itching around the anus, tingling when sitting or walking.
  2. The second is the feeling of a foreign body in the passage, inclusions of blood in the stool.
  3. Third - the nodes swell and come out, swelling and bleeding, burning and pain.
  4. The fourth is constant external bleeding bumps, acute pain, swelling (incontinence syndrome).

Many people hesitate to visit a proctologist for a consultation in the first stages. They turn to friends and strangers for help, wasting time and aggravating the disease. Therefore, if you suspect hemorrhoids, you need to contact a proctologist so that surgical intervention is not required when the disease becomes chronic.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women and men with folk remedies

This delicate problem occurs not only in women, but men also suffer from this disease. Looking at newspapers and magazines while sitting on the toilet is the cause of the appearance of nodes on the veins in the pelvis. Men are less likely than women to seek help from a proctologist because of shame. They look for articles on the Internet, in magazines “How to cure hemorrhoids with folk remedies at home” and resort to using methods published in publications. It is necessary to take into account the fact that even prescriptions for folk remedies must be agreed with a doctor.


The initial stages of hemorrhoids can be treated at home. The first step is to create a balanced diet that will help get rid of constipation. The diet is based on natural products:

  • boiled vegetables;
  • low-fat food should be steamed;
  • cereal porridge;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken, rabbit, fish (steamed);
  • fractional nutrition in small portions is used.

The daily fluid intake is two liters, not including first courses. The diet does not include legume products or sweet confectionery products. Eliminate hot seasonings, smoked foods, pickles, alcoholic drinks, and smoking from your diet.


Treatment with folk remedies is not complete without ointments, which are applied to the affected area after hygiene procedures.

  1. An ointment based on calendula flowers will help cure hemorrhoids at home. First you need to make a tincture of calendula in alcohol. Then 5 g of this tincture is mixed with Vaseline.
  2. Effective treatment of hemorrhoids using an ointment based on mumiyo. For a one-time procedure, a small piece the size of a match head is enough. The mummy is kneaded and applied in a thin layer to the knot. If it is inside, then the mummy needs to be inserted inside. The course lasts up to 10 days.
  3. To make the ointment, you will need 20 g of Vaseline, a little crushed tobacco and 15 g of butter. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pass through a sieve. Keep refrigerated. Before application, the required amount of ointment is warmed in the hand. The resulting drug helps relieve pain, burning, and also eliminate constipation.

Folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids in the form of ointments are convenient to use not only before bed. They can be used to treat external hemorrhoids. Most recipes are excellent at combating inflammation, pain and swelling. The complexion improves, the gait becomes easy - you can fly instead of walking.

Folk recipes

Before treatment with folk remedies, you should consult a proctologist and treat the disease comprehensively. Traditional therapy can relieve pain symptoms, relieve irritation, and stop bleeding.


Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies at home is recommended to use warm baths of herbal decoctions. Infusion of birch leaves - 100 grams infused in two liters of boiling water. birch leaves on gravity for 30 minutes. The infusion is used in the form of baths for 1.5 weeks every evening. It softens hard bumps, relieves inflammation and itching.

The same baths are used from a decoction of horse chestnut bark. This ancient folk recipe was used not only to treat hemorrhoids, but also to help treat thrombophlebitis. The crushed bark is brought to a boil in 1 liter of water and infused for 1 hour. Apply every evening for 7-8 days in a row.

A good remedy that relieves pain and stops swelling is an infusion of chamomile. Brew 1 tbsp in 500 ml of water. a spoonful of flowers, poured into a container, take a steam bath for 15 minutes over the container with the decoction every evening for 10 days.

A steam milk bath with onions helps in treatment. 500 ml of milk is poured into a container, 4 medium onions are steamed over low heat for 20 minutes. The patient is given a half-liter enema of chamomile infusion. The steamed milk with onions is poured into a clay dish and a steam bath is taken. The course of treatment is two weeks every other day.

The method of alternating dousing with warm and cold water has a positive effect on hemorrhoidal cones. A grain of manganese is added to warm water to create a pink tint.


Compresses effectively relieve pain symptoms. For them, decoctions of medicinal herbs, plain water, and minerals are used. For long-term use, polyethylene is applied to the surface of the gauze swab so that the herbal decoction does not dry out.

If a person with hemorrhoids does not have inflammatory processes in the internal organs of the small pelvis, you can use cold compresses made from gauze soaked in a decoction of herbs according to folk recipes. The surface is covered with an ice bubble. As the bubble heats up, the compress changes. For decoctions, the herbs of yarrow, chamomile, celandine, and mullein are used.

For 500 ml of water take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of a mixture of mullein flowers and roots, bring to a boil. Leave until it cools down. A 4-layer gauze is soaked in the broth and applied to the cones for 25-30 minutes. The product tones blood vessels and reduces swelling.

A heaping tablespoon of chopped carrot tops is poured into 220 ml of boiling water and left to steep in a thermos throughout the day. In the evening, after washing with water at room temperature using laundry soap, apply a compress for 25 minutes.

For compresses at home, use a 9% salt solution (1 liter of water 90 grams of salt), which is applied for 2 hours before bedtime. Saline solution relieves inflammation, redness, and heals cracks. Also, a slurry of mineral clay is applied for 2 hours. Alum dissolved in a glass of hot water quickly eliminates itching and burning. After cooling, a bandage is moistened with them and applied to the nodes for an hour.

Swelling is reduced by applying fresh, well-washed aspen leaves to the cones for two hours. If itching or discomfort appeared, the leaves were removed, the area was washed with warm water and lubricated with a mixture of honey and water (1:1). In this way, the compress was applied every other day, and if the nodes decreased, every other day until the lumps completely disappeared.

Indoor geranium leaves also help relieve pain symptoms. The leaves are washed under running water, lubricated with linseed oil, rolled into a tube and inserted into the anus before bed after a steam bath with chamomile. Taking 1.5 cups of cabbage brine every day before lunch restores intestinal function well. Brine affects the thickening of stool and relieves inflammatory processes.


Suppositories the thickness of a little finger, cut from potatoes, relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Candles are placed after a warm bath of birch leaves for an hour. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Hemorrhoids are also treated with ice suppositories. To do this, boil a teaspoon of calendula in two glasses of water. They roll polished paper into cylindrical shapes, the thickness of a little finger, fill them with broth and freeze them. After the cleansing enema, an ice suppository was inserted into the anus. Before the procedure, the edge is rounded and lowered into warm water to smooth out the roughness of the candle. The suppository was administered every other day for 30 seconds. After a week of treatment, the candle holding time was increased to a minute.

Proctosan is a candle containing natural substances. Under their influence, pain and inflammation go away and wounds heal. Used at home for treatment and preventive measures. Should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Methyluracil - suppositories effectively dilute hard feces and are used for constipation. Natural substances help relieve inflammation, restore mucous membranes, heal cracks, and relieve pain. During pregnancy and lactation, consult a doctor.

Nigepan - suppositories have an effect on thrombosis, relieve inflammation and pain. Sold in pharmacies upon presentation of a prescription. Candles are not used for bruising on cones. Used in the early stages of the disease.

Brine and juice

Taking 1.5 cups of cabbage brine every day before lunch restores intestinal function well. Brine affects the thickening of stool and relieves inflammatory processes. For constipation, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of squeezed onion juice 15 minutes before meals for a week.

Garlic heals wounds on nodes. The clove must be swallowed completely without chewing. The clove is not digested in the stomach and when it comes out, it comes into contact with the nodes and promotes their healing. Red rowan juice has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract and the treatment of hemorrhoids. Take 150 ml of freshly prepared juice before meals with a glass of water. You can add ½ teaspoon of honey to the juice.

Decoctions and infusions

A decoction of St. John's wort is popular. Steam 1 tbsp over low heat for 15 minutes. spoon of herb per 200 ml of water. Accepted 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. For internal bleeding cones, take a decoction of crushed viburnum bark. Steam 1 tbsp over low heat for 30 minutes. spoon of bark in 220 ml of water, strain. The decoction should be 200 ml. It is taken in the same way as St. John's wort decoction.

Traditional methods for hemorrhoids involve treatment with leeches. A leech is placed on the inflamed lump, the oral secretions of which dilute the formed blood clot. After the leech disappears, a tampon of calendula infusion is applied to the bump.


For inflammation of hemorrhoids, enemas made from herbal decoctions are used. The herbs of chamomile, calendula, and wormwood are boiled. For decoction 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials are poured with 220 ml of water, steamed over low heat for 20 minutes. Leave until it cools to +25°.

For an enema you will need a children's rubber bottle and 50 ml of infusion. The tip is lubricated with sea buckthorn or linseed oil, petroleum jelly and carefully inserted into the anus, lying on the right side. After administering the infusion, you need to lie down for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedure every evening for 7-8 days in a row.

Rectal suppositories

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home can also be carried out using self-prepared medicinal suppositories. They help get rid of lumps and cracks that are located deep in the rectum. The procedure helps improve blood circulation, relieve pain, irritation and inflammation. Suppositories, irritating the intestinal mucosa, have a laxative effect.

  1. Ice suppositories based on chamomile can relieve fever, pain, disinfect the affected surface and stop bleeding. Traditional recipe. Dried flowers are poured with boiling water, infused and filtered. After the broth has cooled a little, you need to pour it into molds. A fingertip might come in handy. The decoction should be stored in the freezer and taken immediately before use. The first procedure should take no more than 5 minutes. Gradually the time increases. As a result, the suppository should be left until it is completely absorbed.
  2. A popular remedy for hemorrhoids is potato rectal suppositories. The vegetable has an enveloping property and reduces pain. The required shape is cut out from the middle of the root crop, smeared with Vaseline or cream and injected into the rectal area. If hemorrhoids occur during pregnancy, then folk remedies that include this root vegetable are the safest.
  3. Honey candles will help cope with pain, burning, and inflammation. This remedy for hemorrhoids is equally useful for men and women. You only need candied honey that is at least a year old. You need to form candles from the honey mass and place them in the refrigerator to harden. Use before bed for 7 days.

It is best to place candles before bedtime or after sitz baths. The length of the suppository should be equal to half the little finger, the diameter should not be more than 1.5 cm. After the suppository is inserted into the anus, you should not stand up to get the maximum benefit.

Vishnevsky ointment

Vishnevsky ointment is popular in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Used to relieve symptoms and completely cure the disease. The ointment has minimal side effects and is used topically to relieve inflammation and heal wounds. The liquid medicine covers the wound with a film, warms the swelling and increases blood circulation in the hemorrhoid. It also destroys bacteria and dries the inflamed area. Castor oil, which is included in the composition, softens the skin, relieves burning, and penetrates deep into the tissues.

Birch tar, which gives the ointment an unpleasant odor, heals wounds and restores the mucous surface. Before starting treatment, you need to clean the cones using lotions with a pink solution of manganese for three days (3 times a day). The nodes that cause pain are additionally treated with medicine to relieve it. After cleansing with pink potassium permanganate, a bandage swab with a layer of ointment is applied overnight. You can also use suppositories that contain Vishnevsky ointment.

When the cones come out, compresses are applied, after which the area around the application site is treated with camphor alcohol. If this does not cause pain or burning, the nodes are also treated. The use of ointment is allowed for pregnant women and nursing mothers externally, if allergic reactions are not observed. There are contraindications to the use of the medicine:

  1. Do not apply the ointment in the summer, on hot days (after absorption, birch tar makes the skin susceptible to ultraviolet rays).
  2. Do not use the drug in case of renal failure.
  3. Do not use if there are neoplasms.

Attention! Uncontrolled use of the medicine causes skin itching and rash. For such symptoms, the doctor prescribes anti-allergy medications.

There are analogues of ointment without a strong unpleasant odor:

  1. Ichthyol - relieves itching, redness, swelling, heals wounds. At the same time, it dries out the skin, which requires careful use.
  2. Zinc paste – cleanses the area of ​​bacteria, relieves inflammation, improves skin softness. Use under the supervision of a proctologist is recommended.
  3. Levomekol - used for chronic hemorrhoids with swelling and wounds with bacterial infection. The composition includes an antibiotic that relieves inflammation and removes bacterial damage. Helps cleanse wounds from impurities of pus, dries and restores the skin. Use as directed and under the supervision of a physician.
  4. Fleming's ointment, which contains extracts from horse chestnut and calendula plants, has a gentle effect on cones and has no side effects. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you will need to consult a proctologist.

You can find out about different methods of treating the disease in this video.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

This disease occurs during pregnancy and affects 20% of women. The reasons for this are the same:

  • frequent constipation due to constriction of the colon;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • impaired blood circulation due to fetal pressure on the inferior vena cava;
  • the occurrence of hemorrhoids with increased intrauterine pressure during labor.

The risk of disease after pregnancy requires that you consult a doctor when the first signs of hemorrhoids appear. Accurate diagnosis is important for early treatment. Since during pregnancy a woman is not prescribed medications that can affect the unborn child, disease prevention should begin in the first trimester of pregnancy.

To do this, a nutritionist adjusts the diet so that the intestines work properly and there is no constipation. Active movement in the fresh air. Protect the pregnant woman from stressful situations. Maintaining personal hygiene is an important condition in prevention (after each bowel movement, wash the perineum from front to back with water at room temperature).

After two days, take warm (not hot!) sitz baths with chamomile infusions or a pink solution of manganese. As prescribed by the proctologist, ointments and suppositories are used to locally relieve inflammation and itching. In the case of chronic hemorrhoids in a pregnant woman, local treatment measures are carried out, and surgical intervention is postponed until the postpartum period.

Medicines for bleeding from cones

When hemorrhoids bleed, blood appears in the stool and on clothing, especially after bowel movements. Blood may drip or flow in a scarlet stream. This condition occurs in the following cases:

  • frequent diarrhea;
  • chronic constipation (thick masses injure the cones as they pass);
  • after a long period of labor.

If the bleeding has stopped on its own, a person does not consider it necessary to consult a proctologist for advice. This leads to a chronic course of the disease and an increase in symptoms. This development threatens exacerbation of the disease, anemia. In cases of bleeding, it is important to stop the bleeding quickly. A lotion of cold water with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide works well for this.

Treatment of hemorrhoids at home is recommended using the herbs knotweed, yarrow, wormwood, both fresh and in the form of decoctions. Knotweed or yarrow grass is washed in running water, kneaded in the fingers, wrapped in a bandage, and applied to the bleeding nodes. According to a folk recipe, a tablespoon of crushed wormwood herb is infused in 200 ml of alcohol or vodka in the refrigerator for a day. Every day you will need to take 10-15 drops after meals.

In case of severe bleeding, hemostatic sponges are used to stop the bleeding. They can be applied to external and internal nodes. The products that make up the sponge disinfect the wound and promote its healing.

The drug Relief Advance is used for severe bleeding in the form of ointments or suppositories. For 7 days, candles are placed every 5 hours. Gepatrombin G suppositories have the same effect. Pine and lemon oils, which are part of the medicine, help stop bleeding, relieve swelling, and restore inflamed tissues. The drug is used for 7 days, installed after each release of feces.

Traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids include recipes for decoctions of oak bark and sweet clover herb. Crushed oak bark in the amount of one tea cup is poured into 1.5 liters of water. Steam in a water bath for 45 minutes, infuse in a thermos for 2 hours. A compress from the tincture stops bleeding and strengthens venous vessels.

Decoction 10 gr. raw sweet clover herb in 400 ml of water for 30 minutes, take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. Frequent application of fir oil is used to stop bleeding and restore the tissue of inflamed cones. Sea buckthorn suppositories inserted into the anus at night for 10 days in a row also help.

The use of ointments, creams and suppositories in local therapy

Local therapy for this disease has been used for a long time and is quite effective. The drugs are prescribed in the form of ointments, creams, gels and suppositories. The advantages of these products are that they are in an affordable price range and can be used at home.

All suppositories used to eliminate the symptoms of the disease differ from each other in the nature of their effect on the body. The following groups of rectal suppositories are distinguished:

  • anticoalgants - drugs to prevent blood clots and thin the blood - are not used for bleeding hemorrhoids;
  • anesthetics - suppositories with anesthetics - benzocaine, icecaine, anesthesin - relieve pain;
  • anti-inflammatory - suppositories with a hormonal active ingredient;
  • hemostatics – stop anal bleeding;
  • venotonics – improve venous microcirculation at the site of application.

Well-known drugs are Relief or Relief - Advance suppositories . This line of drugs is used in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids and belongs to the group of combined medications. Relief-Advansa contains an anesthetic that relieves pain. Effective drugs also include Betiol, Anuzol, Gepazolon, Proctosedyl M, suppositories with methyluracil, ichthyol and propolis suppositories.

Important! The use of rectal suppositories must be carried out after careful hygiene of the anal area.

Ointments, creams and gels are not inferior in their effect to suppositories, and in the presence of external hemorrhoidal cones - they are simply irreplaceable. Applications with medications are recommended to be carried out several times a day, after defecation and hygiene measures. Ointments are not only applied externally, but also a tampon soaked in the product is inserted into the anus.

Heparin ointment is a drug that belongs to the group of anticoagulants. Used in complex therapy. Thins the blood, preventing the formation of blood clots in hemorrhoids.

Proctosan ointment - used to relieve pain and relieve itching in the anal area. An effective remedy for anal bleeding.

Levomikol ointment - has an antimicrobial and regenerating effect. Relieves inflammation. The drug belongs to the group of drugs that have a low pricing policy, which does not affect its effectiveness.

Popular herbal medicines

Popular remedies for hemorrhoids are suppositories. After the examination and results, the proctologist prescribes local treatment in the form of suppositories. They are prescribed taking into account the degree of the disease. The name of the candles and the effect after use is described in this table.

NameDisease stageAction
Methyluracilinitialwound healing
Nigepaninitialwound healing
Ichthyolsecondrelieving pain and burning
Betiolsecondsymptom relief, treatment
Reliefinitialinstant relief
Glycerolinitialemollient, laxative
Sea buckthorn oilinitialwound healing
Viburcolinitialsymptom relief, treatment

Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a proctologist, especially for pregnant women. The initial stage without treatment becomes chronic, which is prone to exacerbations.

Description of the disease

Hemorrhoids occur in several stages, each of which has its own specific symptoms. At the initial stage, there is a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the area, a slight tingling and itching. If there are cracks and abrasions, pain occurs during bowel movements. If you do not pay proper attention to the problem, a severe severity of the disease develops. The patient complains of general weakness, pain in the anus is bothersome even in a calm state, bleeding appears.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by frequent constipation, heavy physical activity, or work that requires constant sitting or standing. An unhealthy diet, including a lot of salty, spicy and fried foods, leads to the fact that the walls of the intestinal mucosa are constantly irritated. Hemorrhoids cannot be cured forever, but you can try to ensure that the acute stage of the disease occurs as rarely as possible.

How to treat hemorrhoids, where to start and what to treat? As soon as the disease has made itself felt, you need to follow some recommendations: you should include more vegetables and fruits in your diet so as not to suffer from constipation, carefully monitor hygiene, spend more time in the fresh air, and observe a work-rest regime. Experts do not prohibit the treatment of hemorrhoids with traditional medicine.

Treating hemorrhoids with folk remedies, especially if the condition is accompanied by bleeding, should be done with special attention and caution; you must first discuss the tactics of the procedures with your doctor.

There are treatments that cannot be used while pregnant.

The causes of the disease and symptoms are the same in men and women. Men are more susceptible to the disease, as they are prone to bad habits - alcohol and smoking. Once inside the body, toxins cause the blood to circulate at an increased speed. Blood flows in huge quantities to all internal organs, including the pelvic area.

Treatment options for hemorrhoids in men may include medications and surgery. Folk remedies for hemorrhoids in men include compresses, lotions, decoctions, sitz baths, and suppositories. It is easier to treat hemorrhoids in women. The problem is that the male part of the population does not like to be treated with such methods or is treated only until it gets better. Therefore, the disease enters the chronic stage.

How to cure hemorrhoids, there are a large number of options. Among them are many traditional methods of treating hemorrhoids. The most popular recipes include affordable and safe ingredients that can eliminate discomfort. To answer the question of how to get rid of hemorrhoids with a folk remedy, you need to decide what ingredients will be included in its composition. There are methods for getting rid of hemorrhoids in women using folk remedies, which are ideal when there is bleeding or when prolapse of hemorrhoids is observed.

Forum, reviews

Communicating on forums, many are looking for traditional recipes for treating hemorrhoids and using them without consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, especially with a long-term disease. Folk remedies do not have any significant side effects, but they must be used with caution. An overdose of a drug that thins the blood viscosity can aggravate the patient's condition and lead to bleeding. According to numerous reviews of people who were treated according to traditional medicine prescriptions, there is indeed a positive trend. For example:

  1. Denis from Stavropol writes: “After two weeks of using suppositories, which included a decoction of horse chestnut and honey, the symptoms disappeared for a long time.”
  2. Katerina from the Moscow region: “I encountered symptoms of the disease after giving birth. Itching and burning, colic, blood spots in the stool - scared me. The first step, after reading the recipes and on the advice of the doctor, was to adjust the diet, recipes for nettle decoctions to stop bleeding. The prescribed Relief ointment in the form of a lotion relieved the symptoms forever.”
  3. Zoya Ivanovna from Perm: “The doctors sent me for surgery to remove the bleeding node. But the operation is worse than the burning sensation in the anus. I found a recipe for candles made from aloe leaf with fir oil. Before use, I cleaned it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate and inserted a candle at night. After two weeks, the node stopped oozing and decreased in size. After a few months I forgot about the operation.”
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