Effective treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies and the most effective recipes

How to treat inflammation of the pancreas at home

General recommendations

Once pancreatitis is diagnosed, the patient needs to make significant lifestyle changes. Following some recommendations will ensure long-term remissions and improvement in the general condition of the body. Violation of the regime will increase the risk of repeated attacks and complications. With pancreatitis, irreversible changes occur in the functioning of the pancreas.

Any provoking factors can worsen the patient’s health. Some complications of the inflammatory process can cause death.

List of general recommendations:

  • maintaining a proper diet;
  • taking prescribed medications as prescribed by the doctor;
  • periodic rehabilitation measures and regular monitoring by a gastroenterologist;
  • providing the body with sufficient physical activity and preventing the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the use of some folk remedies as an addition to standard therapy.

The situation and environment around the patient

Stressful situations for patients with pancreatitis can cause an exacerbation of the disease. During therapy and during remissions, rest is necessary (for attacks, bed rest). A disturbance in the psycho-emotional state will provoke stagnation of secretions or spasm of the vessels of the digestive tract.

Consequences of stress and constant emotional tension:

  • reduction of the remission period;
  • risk of sudden exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • decreased tendency to recovery;
  • increased risk of pathological complications.

Control over nutrition and diet

Compliance with the diet is a mandatory part of the treatment of pancreatitis. Consumption of prohibited foods can provoke an attack of the inflammatory process. The diet has a therapeutic effect on the digestive system and prolongs the period of remission of the disease.

The duration of its compliance depends on the individual clinical picture of the patient’s health status. If there are complications, you have to adjust your diet throughout your life.

Features of nutrition for pancreatitis:

  • Mushrooms, legumes, whole milk, white cabbage, egg yolk, baked goods, fresh bread, rich meat broths, chocolate, berries and fruits with a sour taste are excluded from the menu;
  • You should not eat fried, fatty, salty or spicy foods (such foods in most cases immediately after consumption provoke an exacerbation of the pathology);
  • Alcohol is strictly prohibited (even a minimal amount of alcoholic beverages causes irritation of the damaged membranes of the digestive organs);
  • It is recommended to prepare dishes by steaming, boiling, stewing or baking;
  • all dishes in the diet must be freshly prepared (foods with expired expiration dates are strictly prohibited);
  • meals should be fractional and balanced (it is recommended to eat food up to eight times a day, the volume of one serving is 200-250 g).

Gymnastics for inflammation of the pancreas

In acute pancreatitis or during periods of exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, any physical activity is contraindicated. During remission, the body needs certain activity. A sedentary lifestyle can cause stagnation of bile and deterioration of the digestive system. However, patients with diagnosed pancreatitis should not engage in active sports (athletics, strength exercises, football, etc.).

Options for beneficial physical activity:

  • elementary morning exercises (squats, swings of the upper and lower limbs, bending, walking in place, exercises should not provoke excessive fatigue and pain in the muscles);
  • swimming (despite the involvement of all muscle groups, the body does not overstrain);
  • skiing (short distances, excluding excessive loads and ski jumping);
  • Exercise therapy (classes are held in medical institutions, exercises can be repeated at home);
  • walking (it is recommended to walk more, distances should increase gradually).

Video on the topic: 5 exercises for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia.

Use of medications

If you have pancreatitis, you should never self-medicate. Incorrectly selected medications may not only fail to eliminate the attack, but also increase the intensity of the pain syndrome. Pathology therapy involves complex treatment with several types of medications.

The timing of their administration must be observed exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Replacing any drug on the list can reduce the tendency to recovery.

Drugs for the treatment of the inflammatory process:

  • enzyme agents (Omeprazole, Fanitidine);
  • drugs to improve digestive function (Platifillin, Spasmolitin);
  • medications from the category of antacids (Maalox, Phosphalugel);
  • antispasmodics (Drotaverine, No-Shpa);
  • antibiotics (Azithromycin, Amoxiclav).

Herbal treatment

Herbal medicine is a good addition to the main therapy for pancreatitis. Herbal components are not inferior in composition to some pharmaceutical drugs, but this nuance is not a basis for replacing medications with herbs. Medicinal plants can be used as an independent ingredient for preparing decoctions and infusions, or combined with each other. The standard recipe for preparing such products is to pour boiling water over one teaspoon of the dry mixture.

Examples of beneficial herbs for pancreatic diseases:

  • chamomile (improving the digestion process);
  • burdock root (has a calming effect on the digestive tract);
  • yarrow (has a beneficial effect on the biliary system);
  • sage (improving the functioning of the digestive system);
  • horsetail (useful for intestinal function);
  • plantain (natural antibiotic);
  • peppermint (increases appetite);
  • clover (contains a large amount of vitamins).

Treatment of pancreatitis with a miracle plant for the pancreas

Cryphaea is a special, rather rare type of moss that grows on the trunks of some trees: fir, pine, birch, poplar, beech.

In folk medicine, two types of kryphea are used:

  • Kripheya Amurskaya, whose homeland is the regions of the Far East: Khabarovsk Territory and Amur Region. This species is listed in the Red Book.
  • Kryphea Multidirectional is a representative of the subtropical flora. It grows in the Caucasus, the Balkan Peninsula, the Krasnodar Territory and Turkey.

It is very difficult to find kryphea in the forest; it is listed in the Russian Red Book as a rare endangered plant.

It is difficult to find kryphea on pharmacy shelves. But in Antalya there are special neighborhoods where you can find this rare plant in small shops of local healers and herbalists. To treat pancreatitis, it is used in dry crushed form or in the form of infusions and decoctions.

Pharmacological action of kryphea

Krifea is an effective remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system. This is due to the unique healing substance s-methylmethionine contained in the plant. Its properties include the ability to normalize the acid balance of the gastrointestinal tract and increase regeneration processes.

The use of tincture of cryphea has a beneficial effect on the secretory functions of the pancreas: the production of insulin, digestive enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease, which help improve the digestion process.

Its regular use helps relieve attacks of nausea and pain. In addition, the plant helps relieve symptoms of asthma and allergies. Kryphaea does not cause side effects such as decreased concentration or drowsiness.

Kryphaea is recommended for therapy in the following cases:

  • Pancreatitis, both chronic and acute;
  • Hay fever;
  • Secretory insufficiency of the pancreas;
  • Gastritis of the stomach;
  • Ulcerative and inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Allergies;
  • Asthma.

Method of using alcohol tincture: 20 drops three times a day, about half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is three months, after which a thirty-day break is taken. Therapy, if necessary, is repeated three to four times a year.

Efficacy of cryphea in chronic pancreatitis

The therapeutic effect of cryphaea is noticeable after regular two-week use of the drug. There is a general feeling of well-being and a retreat of pain attacks. But it is not enough to achieve a noticeable improvement in the condition; it is still important to maintain it. This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which consists of following a special diet - avoiding fatty, smoked, spicy foods, as well as no alcohol or carbonated drinks. And, of course, it is important to complete a full course of treatment lasting at least three months, since chronic diseases cannot be cured within a few weeks. This will require persistence and patience. Only by following these rules can positive results be achieved in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

Where can I buy?

Cryphea is not cheap - 250 milliliters of tincture costs about 6,000 rubles. But this volume is designed for 2-3 months, that is, for one course of treatment. Find out where you can buy kryphea.

First aid for exacerbations at home

Not only the patient himself, but also his relatives should know the rules for providing first aid during an attack of pancreatitis. If the pain syndrome is severe, you should not self-medicate. The patient needs urgent medical attention.

During exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, the pain is less intense and patients can cope with attacks on their own.

Algorithm of actions during an attack:

  • calling an ambulance;
  • avoiding the consumption of food and water during an attack;
  • A cold compress will help reduce the intensity of pain;
  • it is allowed to take a drug from the category of antispasmodics;
  • providing the patient with complete rest and bed rest;
  • the pain manifests itself less intensely if you sit down with your torso tilted forward or lie down in the “embryo” position;
  • You should not lie on your back during an attack (the pain intensifies, vomit may enter the respiratory tract).

Read more about traditional methods of treatment for pancreatitis

Each type of pancreatitis requires its own individual approach, due to the differences in pancreatitis symptoms. Acute pancreatitis is characterized by attacks, and home therapy requires great care.

Treatment of pancreatitis using folk methods involves the use of medicinal plants, and this helps reduce the effect on the body of the harmful effects of medications during treatment.

Acute attacks of pancreatitis must be treated in a hospital setting.

Any manifestation of inflammatory processes is indicated by typical physiological signs and symptoms:

  • sharp stabbing pain;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased temperature and blood pressure.

Therapy with folk remedies is allowed only at the onset of pancreatitis, and it is possible as part of a treatment complex.
In case of exacerbation of pancreatitis, the following recommendations are followed:

  • the patient is provided with perfect peace;
  • inflammatory formations and processes are relieved;
  • prevention of purulent complications is carried out;
  • toxins are removed from the body;
  • pain is relieved.

Treatment of pancreatitis with the help of traditional medicine removes inflammation; interaction with antibiotics will speed up recovery and restoration of the functions of internal organs.

Traditional method of treating kryphea

Cryphaea (a special type of moss) is considered a very effective remedy for the treatment of pancreatitis, which is explained by the presence of the substance s-methylmethionine in its composition.

Regular use of this traditional treatment method helps relieve attacks of nausea and pain due to pancreatitis.

How to take the tincture for pancreatitis:

  • half an hour before meals, three times a day, 20 drops;
  • course - 3 months, 30 days break;

It is allowed to repeat the course up to 3 times a year.

The therapeutic effect of using this drug from folk recipes based on kryphea is noticeable after regular 2-week use of the product.

Treatment with chicory for pancreatitis

Regular use relieves loose stools and flatulence. The chicory-based drink contains substances beneficial to the human body:

  • B vitamins, vitamin C;
  • useful resins;
  • pectin;
  • carotene;
  • various macro and microelements.

Chicory contains inulin, the content of which is important for stabilizing the functioning of the digestive system.

Drinking a chicory drink for pancreatitis helps achieve the following effects:

  1. Relieve inflammation of the pancreas.
  2. Normalize blood sugar levels.
  3. Stabilize blood pressure.
  4. Help improve metabolism.
  5. Relieve diarrhea and flatulence.

To prepare this traditional medicine, chicory powder is required, without any additives. For one glass - 1 teaspoon of chicory. Drink instead of tea, it is also allowed to drink in its pure form, instead of coffee.

If chicory is not to your taste, you can prepare one of the following medicinal drinks:

  1. Add milk and chicory - half a teaspoon - to freshly brewed tea. It is allowed to sweeten it a little, take it before meals.
  2. In a glass of boiling water - 1 teaspoon of cocoa, 1 teaspoon of dry milk and half a teaspoon of chicory. The mixture is infused for several minutes.

It must be taken into account that chicory alone will not be able to rid the pancreas of problems. A diet is required, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Black cumin for pancreatitis

The main component, thymokinone, helps reduce the concentration of mediators that trigger the inflammatory process in the tumor.

Triple tincture in traditional methods of treatment

You can help improve the functioning of the pancreas and normalize insulin synthesis with a drug that consists of three tinctures:

  1. Grind onions (100 g) to a pulp, mix with vodka (600 ml). Leave in the dark for 5 days, strain before use.
  2. Crushed walnut leaves (100 g) are poured with vodka (600 ml). Leave in the dark for a week, then strain.
  3. Pour crushed cuff grass (60 g) with vodka (600 ml) and leave for a week, strain.

The next stage of preparation will be mixing these three tinctures in the following proportions: 150 ml of onion tincture, 60 ml of nut leaves tincture, 40 ml of mantle tincture. The prepared mixture is consumed 20 minutes before going to bed and before breakfast, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Kvass with celandine (according to Bolotov)

Kvass according to this folk recipe helps to destroy the pathogenic environment and helps to renew the gastrointestinal tract tissues, removes inflammation and pain.

Kvass components:

  1. Purified water (or whey) – 3 l.
  2. Sugar – 1 glass.
  3. Sour cream (fat content - no more than 15%) - 1 teaspoon.
  4. Celandine (dry) – 25 g (half a glass) or fresh grass (1 glass).

Whey (or water) is poured into a 3-liter jar, sugar and sour cream are added. The celandine is placed in a sterile gauze bag with a weight (made of stone). A tightly tied bag is placed at the bottom of the jar. Cover its neck with gauze and put it in a dark place. Kvass is prepared for 2 weeks, during which mold is removed from its surface daily and mixed.

On the fifth day, a sediment forms at the bottom of the jar, which is thrown away, and the top layer of the drink is poured into another jar, the bag is transferred and water is added to the brim. After 10 days the drink begins to foam. On the fifteenth day, 1 liter of the finished infusion is poured from the jar, the kvass is put away in a cool place, and water or whey is added to what remains in the jar, bringing it to the previous volume.

You can dilute four times. Then fresh kvass is prepared.

Treatment of pancreatitis begins with the use of one tbsp. spoons half an hour before meals three times a day. If there is no nausea or allergic reactions within a week, the dosage can be increased to 100 ml, three times a day and consumed for another three weeks.

Treatment with flaxseed for symptoms of pancreatitis

It is not recommended to self-medicate without consulting a doctor. Using flax seeds requires caution.

It is good to use flax seed jelly. To prepare it, place one tablespoon of seeds in a glass of water and put it on the fire. Boil for 10 minutes, leave for an hour. Then it is filtered and consumed in the morning before breakfast.

The best folk recipe based on flax: put the seeds (3 tablespoons) in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. They will infuse overnight in a thermos. In the morning, shake and strain. Drink 100-150 ml of jelly three times a day, half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 60 days. If you use the remedy regularly, there will be a positive lasting result.

Treatment with hericium mushroom

The healing properties are explained by the presence of rare polysaccharides, such as beta-glucans, as well as YA-2 fatty acids and phenols. For the treatment of pancreatic diseases - olive oil (150 ml) is heated to 37 degrees in a water bath. 10 g of powder is added, the mixture is kept warm for 3 hours, then put away in a cool place for five days. For prevention, take 1 teaspoon, for treatment – ​​1 tbsp three times a day. spoon.

Royal jelly therapy

This highly effective beekeeping product is characterized by an unusual aroma, sour pungent taste, white, sometimes with a creamy tint. Includes:

  • proteins, carbohydrates, fats;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E, H, PP, group B;
  • minerals: magnesium, cobalt, copper, iron, bismuth, nickel, sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, chromium, phosphorus;
  • amino acids, 22 types, needed by the body;
  • hormones – progesterone, estradiol;
  • enzymes vital for the body - amylase, cholinesterase, invertase, glucose oxidase and others.

The daily norm for an adult is no more than 100 ml. Honeycombs are also used - they can be consumed one piece at a time. The course is 2-3 months, then you need to take a thirty-day break.

Royal jelly comes in several forms:

  • frozen is considered the most valuable, as it retains all the beneficial substances;
  • when dry, it looks like a dense mass where most of the beneficial substances are destroyed. The benefits of such milk are much less.

The best way to consume milk is to suck it in your mouth. The course is 8-12 weeks, after which there is a break for 4 weeks.

Propolis as one of the folk remedies

Propolis is also often used to treat pancreatitis. It contains the following microelements:

  • flavonoids;
  • terpenes;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin complex microelements.

These substances have a healing effect on the pancreas during inflammation. Being a strong antiseptic, propolis stops the increase in foci of inflammation; in addition, damaged neighboring organs are completely restored, and tissue regeneration is enhanced. Small pieces of propolis should be chewed until completely dissolved in the mouth between meals.

Folk recipe from golden mustache

The plant has an analgesic effect on the body, normalizes the activity of the pancreas, spleen, and adrenal glands.

This folk remedy is used in the form of a decoction. Dry leaves are crushed and poured with hot water (0.5 l). Then boil and leave for 12 hours under a towel. You need to drink 70 ml 15-20 minutes before meals, warm. This remedy has contraindications for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • relapse of chronic diseases;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • physical exhaustion of the body;
  • oncology;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • allergic reactions to the plant.

In addition, golden mustache can cause diarrhea in a child, so its use is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age.

Oats for pancreatitis

Regular oats can also relieve the symptoms of pancreatitis. To heal the pancreas you need a diet. And its important component can be oatmeal broth.


  1. Oats, filled with warm water, are infused at room temperature for 2 days. After the oats begin to sprout, they are dried and turned into powder using a blender. Add 200 ml of water to 1 tablespoon of ground oats and place on low heat. After boiling, the broth sits for an hour and a half, then it is filtered and taken as medicine.
  2. Oats are cooked over low heat in a ratio of 1 to 4. Strain. Drink 100 ml decoction before meals. This method of treating pancreatitis has a positive effect after use for 5-7 days.

Effective folk remedies for treatment at home

When selecting folk remedies for the treatment of pancreatitis, it is recommended to take into account several factors. First, alternative medicine prescriptions cannot replace drug therapy. Before starting home treatment, you should consult your doctor. Secondly, some plant components can trigger food intolerance. If nausea occurs after drinking a decoction or infusion, then it is better to use ingredients with less pronounced tastes and aromas for their preparation.

Treatment methods for chronic pancreatitis

Folk remedies intended for the treatment of chronic inflammation of the pancreas are a good means of preventing exacerbations. Plant components strengthen the digestive system, restore some functions and prevent disturbances in the process of food digestion.

If after consuming a decoction or infusion the condition worsens, then it is better to refuse further therapy with the chosen recipe.

Examples of folk remedies for the treatment of chronic forms of the disease:

  • red elderberry (pour a tablespoon of plant flowers into a glass of boiling water, infuse the product for at least two hours, consume 50 ml three times a day);
  • herbal mixture (30 g of dill seeds, 20 g of crushed hawthorn fruits, 10 g of chamomile and 30 g of peppermint, combine in one container and mix, pour 500 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the preparation, it is recommended to use a thermos for infusion, use the product in small portions throughout the day );
  • herbal mixture based on calamus and dandelion roots (50 g of main ingredients, 25 g of nettle roots, hop cones and thyme herb combined in one container, five tablespoons of the mixture mixed with a glass of honey, taken a teaspoon several times a day) .

Video on the topic: Chronic and acute pancreatitis. Pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis are safe treatment.

Treatment methods for acute pancreatitis

You can use folk remedies to treat acute pancreatitis only after the attack has stopped. Alternative medicine recipes will help speed up the process of restoring the digestive tract. Folk remedies should be used as a complement to therapy, but not as a replacement for medications.

Examples of folk remedies for the treatment of acute forms of pathology:

  • calendula infusion (the product is prepared according to the standard method - a teaspoon of dried flowers of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water, it is recommended to drink the drink in small portions daily for one month);
  • a product based on milk thistle seeds (grind the seeds as much as possible, you can use a blender, take the powder half a teaspoon thirty minutes before meals, with a sufficient amount of water);
  • potato juice and kefir (an hour before lunch or dinner, drink 50 ml of potato juice, after 10 minutes drink a similar amount of kefir, the product helps protect the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and prevent their irritation).

Treatment methods for reactive pancreatitis

A distinctive feature of reactive pancreatitis is the sudden onset of an attack. The provoking factor in most cases is spicy, fatty or fried foods. Folk remedies help protect the pancreas from irritation. Regular use of decoctions and infusions can increase local immunity.

Examples of folk remedies for the treatment of reactive inflammation:

  • a decoction of chicory roots (grind the preparation into powder, pour a teaspoon of the component with a glass of boiling water, after infusion, you can strain, consume 50-60 ml an hour before meals);
  • infusion of caraway seeds (pour a teaspoon of the ingredient into a glass of boiling water, divide the infusion into two parts, consume 100 ml in the morning and evening);
  • infusion of burdock roots (grind the ingredient into powder, pour a tablespoon of the raw material with a glass of boiling water, when infusing, it is recommended to cover the container with a lid, take 100 ml twice a day an hour before meals).

Treatment of pancreatitis with other folk remedies

Since treatment of pancreatic inflammation at home aims to relieve symptoms and improve the patient’s well-being, other folk remedies can be used.

  • During an exacerbation of the disease, a drink made from propolis . You need to dilute 20 drops of prepared propolis tincture in half a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips before bed.
  • Shilajit effectively treats pancreatitis . 2 g of the product must be diluted in 3 liters of clean water. Take the solution for at least 10 days in courses.
  • 300 g of garlic 300 g of parsley root of lemons well supports the functions of the pancreas . Prepare it as follows: grind peeled garlic and parsley root in a blender, mix and pour in lemon juice. Stir the resulting mixture again, put it in a glass container and put it in the refrigerator for 2 weeks to infuse. Take ¼ of a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

There are many traditional medicine recipes that relieve inflammation of the pancreas and enhance its functions. The main thing when choosing these recipes is not to harm yourself, so consult your doctor, start treatment with small doses, and monitor your well-being.

Only comprehensive regular treatment, consisting of medications prescribed by a doctor, folk remedies, and a strict diet, can eliminate the inflammatory process and restore normal functioning of the gland.

The issue of pancreatic inflammation, symptoms and treatment requires your attention and systemic action.

Take care of yourself! Eat right, treat your pancreas, move moderately, and be healthy!

Recommendations for treating pancreatitis at home

Chronic pancreatitis has less severe symptoms than the acute form of the disease. Long-term remissions may cause patients to discontinue therapy. The consequence of violating the schedule for taking medications and diet will be an exacerbation of the inflammatory process. If pancreatitis is detected, then home treatment and prevention of the disease must be carried out regularly.

Recommendations for home treatment:

  • You should take vitamin complexes and medications to protect the pancreas regardless of attacks (exacerbations are easier to prevent than to deal with their manifestations);
  • You cannot independently select medications for symptomatic treatment (taking some medications can provoke a sudden attack of the disease);
  • even minimal but regular deviations in the functioning of the digestive tract should be a reason to consult a doctor;
  • experiments with nutrition during pancreatitis are unacceptable (spicy, salty or fatty foods can cause not only an attack, but also complications in the form of gastrointestinal bleeding).

Other recipes

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with folk remedies is performed using various raw materials. This could be propolis, potato juice, oats, etc. You should not drink several different types of medicines at the same time. It is better to consult a doctor and choose the most suitable option from the most common recipes:

  • Use a ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis. This remedy is used before bedtime. Take 15 drops of tincture and add to milk (100 ml).
  • Potato and carrot juice. You will need 2-3 potato tubers and half as many carrots. The skin is not peeled off, the vegetables are only washed well. This amount of root vegetables will yield about 200 ml of juice. You need to drink it fresh before eating. The course of treatment lasts a week, then take a break for 7 days, then continue therapy.
  • Oats. It is taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. You need to wash the grains and grind them using a meat grinder. The gruel is filled with water. For the specified amount of raw material, take 1 liter of liquid. The mixture is left on the stove and needs to be boiled for 10 minutes. Then the finished medicine is cooled and consumed before meals, 1/2 tbsp.
  • Golden mustache plant. Take leaves no more than 20 cm long and fill them with water (700 ml). The product is boiled for 15 minutes. You still need to infuse it for at least 12 hours. Treatment regimen: 50 ml before meals three times a day. The medicine can be stored at room temperature. Before use, it is heated using the water bath method.
  • Take lemons (1 kg), garlic and parsley root (300 g each). The fruits are washed and chopped using a meat grinder or blender. Add garlic and parsley root (pre-chopped). The components are thoroughly mixed and left to infuse for 14 days. The mixture is consumed 3 times a day. before meals.
  • If you plan to treat pancreatitis with folk remedies, you can consider sprouted oats as one of the options. The grain must be soaked for a day, leaving it in a warm place. In a day, sprouts will appear. The grains that have sprouted are separated and washed. They need to be dried. Then grind the raw materials to flour. The finished powder is poured with cold water, the container must be placed on the stove to boil the product for 2 minutes. Then the oats will give the liquid its beneficial properties if it is infused for at least 20 minutes. The sediment must be removed, for which the medicine is filtered. After this you can drink. It is important to know that this remedy is prepared for a single dose, as it quickly loses its properties.

Important information: What symptoms are defined by the authors for pancreatitis?

If you are already taking pharmaceutical drugs, for example Pancreatin, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out only after consultation with your doctor.

Disease prevention

The main measures to prevent pancreatitis are to prevent diseases of the digestive tract and biliary system. If the patient has congenital pathologies, then he should be examined by a gastroenterologist regularly.

After treatment of any disease, it is necessary to conduct a follow-up examination with a specialist.

Prevention measures:

  • balanced and fractional meals (the diet should be absent or present in minimal quantities of harmful foods, for example, fast food, fried foods, pickles, etc.; such foods are prohibited for pancreatitis);
  • providing the body with sufficient physical activity (a sedentary lifestyle causes harm to the body, including the ability to disrupt the functioning of the digestive organs);
  • if there are signs of abnormalities in the digestive system, you should consult a doctor (in some cases, dangerous inflammatory processes are accompanied by minimal symptoms);
  • giving up alcoholic beverages and smoking (bad habits provoke not only pathological processes, but can also cause exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas).

Use of decoctions

Various herbs relieve inflammation of the pancreas. Mint, anise, elecampane, etc. are used. If the question of how to treat pancreatitis is being decided, then in addition to drug therapy, they follow a diet and use decoctions.

You need to ask your doctor how home remedies and pharmaceutical drugs interact.

You can overcome pancreatitis with folk remedies, which are prepared according to recipes:

  1. Prepare the raw materials: anise fruits, celandine, bird knotweed (herb), violet, corn silk and dandelion root. Each component is taken in an amount of 10 g. The raw materials are crushed and poured with boiling water (0.5 l). Place the container with the product on the stove and cook for 2 minutes. The broth is cooled to an acceptable temperature; it must be strained before use. If pancreatitis has developed, treatment is performed according to the following scheme: 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, after which they move on to another recipe.
  2. Take dill and mint (30 g each), hawthorn fruits and immortelle flower (20 g each), chamomile flowers (10 g). The components are mixed and then poured with hot water. In order for the herbs to quickly release the beneficial properties of the liquid, they are crushed. For this amount of raw material, take 0.5 liters of boiling water. While the broth cools, it gradually infuses. Before use, the product is filtered. Treatment lasts 1 month. You need to take the decoction according to the following scheme: 1 tbsp. l. after meals, take the medicine three times a day.
  3. Prepare the raw materials: coltsfoot, elecampane in equal shares. A sequence (2 beats) is added to them. At 3 tbsp. l. raw materials take 0.5 liters of hot water. The container with herbs is left on the stove. The product must be boiled for 3 minutes. After this, the broth is infused for at least 2 hours. Before taking the medicine, filter it. Use the decoction half an hour before meals. To get rid of pancreatitis in adults, you need to take the medicine for 2 weeks.
  4. A decoction based on burdock, elecampane, dandelion, chicory. Plant roots are used. Burdock, or burdock, is useful for pancreatitis due to its rich composition: essential oil, vitamins, fatty acids, mineral salts and tannins. The plant contains the polysaccharide insulin. Burdock root is also used for pancreatitis for its proteins and resins, sitosterol, stigmasterol. All the above components are taken in equal shares. The raw materials are crushed. To prepare the medicine, take 1 dessert spoon of the resulting mixture. Raw materials are poured 1 tbsp. boiling water Boil the product for 5 minutes, leave for no longer than 1 hour and consume 1 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

Important information: Instructions for use of Contrical for pancreatitis

Traditional medicine: recommendations for patients

For centuries, people have turned to nature for help. Therefore, treating pancreatitis with folk remedies is beneficial, since most recipes have been tested for hundreds of years. Today, the experience of healers and Tibetan monks is shared free of charge with ordinary people. When treated with herbs, exacerbations and side effects when taking medications are much less likely to occur.

It is important to remember that acute pancreatitis is not treated with folk remedies because these methods will not help relieve symptoms. In such a situation, herbal remedies and herbs can only be used as aids. You can then use them to prevent relapse or exacerbation. But even the use of herbs outside of a hospital setting must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Sand immortelle

This is a popular medicinal plant, which is also called dried flower, cat's paws, or cumin. Decoctions and infusions based on the plant increase the flow of bile, relieve minor inflammatory processes, disinfect and restore intestinal microflora.

Before treating pancreatitis with this decoction, you need to purchase the herb at the pharmacy. You should not buy it in spontaneous markets from dubious grandmothers. In most cases, they do not know the rules for collecting medicinal herbs. Immortelle flowers are crushed: you can use a coffee grinder. Two tablespoons of the dry mixture are poured with a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for about half an hour. Then you need to cool the broth and strain. Divide the resulting volume into three doses and consume half an hour before meals. It is advisable to cool the broth to body temperature and keep it in a thermos, since it is useful to consume it warm.

Important! Immortelle increases blood pressure. It is not recommended to use decoctions for people suffering from hypertension.

It is equally important to adhere to the dosage. Don't think that more will be more beneficial. Immortelle can be poisonous in large quantities, and long-term use provokes stagnation of bile in the liver.


Bitters are generally useful, not only to cure pancreatitis. They have a positive effect in the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare a medicinal decoction, only the above-ground part of the plant without hard stems is used at the time of active flowering. Bitter decoctions and tinctures stimulate the secretion of pancreatic juice, the secretion of bile, and increase the production of gastric juice.

To prepare the tincture, you will need one spoon of dried wormwood, which is poured with a glass of boiling water. After this, you need to put the container on low heat and bring to a boil, hold for no more than four minutes. Infuse, strain and take two tablespoons twenty minutes before meals. So the decoction will help the gastrointestinal tract produce enzymes and juices for better absorption of food and facilitate the work of the pancreas.

Wormwood decoctions are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The plant is a mildly poisonous plant. Long-term use provokes the appearance of hallucinations, seizures and mental disorders. The duration of the course is no more than one week, after which it is advisable to take a break and repeat if necessary. This remedy is not suitable for patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Oats, flax

Oatmeal is the first dish that is recommended after fasting during the treatment of pancreatitis. Natural oats are no less useful. Oat grains need to be germinated: to do this, they are soaked in warm water and put in a dark, warm place. The first shoots may appear in a couple of days. You should not wait for too large sprouts: this will cause the grain to lose its healing properties. It is enough that they are barely noticeable.

After this, the grains are dried and ground in a coffee grinder. A kind of jelly is prepared from the resulting flour. Flour is poured with water; two glasses per two spoons of flour will be enough. Place the container on the fire and, stirring, bring to a boil. Remove from heat and leave for at least 20 minutes. Then strain and consume the entire volume in a day. The next day, the product loses its healing properties, so it must be prepared daily.

Flax seeds do not need to be germinated. They are used immediately. Grind it in a coffee grinder and prepare the same jelly as from oats. Or take one tablespoon of flour with water.

Liquorice root

A simple and affordable remedy for patients who do not know how to quickly cure pancreatitis. This plant will help the pancreas in the production of enzymes. The plant has a pleasant aroma and taste. It is often used in the confectionery industry, and children's medicines are created to treat coughs.

The plant is unpretentious, and many grow it on their own plots. But in every pharmacy you can find ready-made dry root, which can immediately be used as an effective pancreatic drug. To do this, pour two tablespoons of the dry component with cold water (0.5 liters) and bring to a boil. Let it brew a little, strain and drink.

You can drink it all at once or spread it over the day. But it must be consumed only hot. Therefore, the rest of the broth is poured into a thermos. The next day, prepare a fresh decoction. But there is some condition that prohibits taking this sweet medicine: long-term treatment or large volumes of decoction provoke high blood pressure. For people with hypertension, this treatment is contraindicated. Moreover, there is a decrease in libido, especially in men.

Diagnose pancreatitis by symptoms

The pancreas plays a large role in the functioning of the digestive system; it not only secretes enzymes that promote metabolism, but is also responsible for the production of insulin, a deficiency of which causes people to develop diabetes. The clinical manifestations of the disease are similar to intoxication of the body, in which there is:

  • pain syndrome;
  • temperature;
  • pressure changes;
  • change in complexion;
  • change in skin color on the body;
  • vomit;
  • tachycardia;
  • loose stools or constipation;
  • bloating.


The location of pain in pancreatitis, as a rule, is the left or right hypochondrium, but it is possible that it may encircle the area.


As with any inflammation, the temperature can rise to a critical level in a few minutes.


Blood pressure during illness can either rise or fall.

A detailed description of the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis can be found in the program by Elena Malysheva.


The complexion can also give away the patient; he becomes pale, and later acquires a gray tint.


Blue spots may appear in the navel area, groin and lower back. Some forms of the disease can cause jaundice.


Nausea, vomiting, hiccups and belching are typical signs of poisoning, and pancreatitis is no exception.


During an exacerbation, the heart rhythm begins to increase in frequency, shortness of breath, sweating of the palms or the whole body appears. A yellow coating may appear on the tongue.

Abnormal stool

If diarrhea occurs, you can see particles of undigested food in it. Its consistency is foamy and its smell is pungent. However, constipation cannot be ruled out.


With pancreatitis, bloating and severe tension in the abdominal muscles may occur. During examination, doctors often pay attention to this signal.

Be sure to read:

Giardiasis in adults and children

How to cure chronic pancreatitis forever with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is very popular among the population. It is worth remembering that if acute pancreatitis occurs, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. Treatment with traditional medicine is only possible in combination with medication. Otherwise, the effectiveness of such therapy will be zero. Or it will help for a short period of time, but the disease will return again. So is traditional medicine really powerless? Of course not! Mother Nature has created a whole treasure trove of plants with beneficial properties. Therefore, taking such remedies will help the body restore its strength and get rid of the disease.

So, how to cure pancreatitis forever with folk remedies? Among all folk recipes, the most popular are:

  • Treatment with blueberry leaves and flowers. It is better to pick blueberries in August, when the bushes are saturated with solar energy and have absorbed the entire range of vitamins. Pour a glass of boiling water over the leaves. We proceed from the ratio of 1 tbsp. spoon of collection per 1 glass (200 ml). Leave for 1 hour for the drink to infuse. Then, for 40 days, we use this infusion three times daily.
  • Barberry bark. We prepare a decoction from it. For this, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (200 ml) over the bark. We take 1 tbsp. spoon before eating.
  • To relieve painful spasms, you can use calendula tincture 2-3 times a day. The dosage for one dose is 1 teaspoon.
  • Lemon therapy. For such treatment you will need 1 kg of these fruits, 300 g of parsley, 300 g of garlic (its green shoots). All ingredients are ground in a blender or meat grinder and the resulting mixture is consumed 1 teaspoon before meals. Should be taken no more than three times a day.
  • Sauerkraut will also come in handy. Both she and her juice are useful. The enzymes that make up this vegetable are contained in many medications that are used in the treatment of pancreatitis.

How else can chronic pancreatitis be cured forever using folk remedies? Also, the collection of folk remedies includes all kinds of herbal infusions. They have various properties: from antispasmodic to biliary. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Potentilla root and calendula flowers. This collection helps in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. To prepare the infusion, you need to mix these ingredients in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. After one hour of infusion, you can take 100 ml per day.
  • Flowers of calendula, sandy immortelle and motherwort. Pour boiling water (1 liter) into three teaspoons of this mixture, filter after 1 hour and then take 100 ml before meals three times a day. You can take this collection for one and a half months.
  • Herbal tincture with vodka. For the infusion, mullein, yellow immortelle herb and chicory are used. Each ingredient 1 tbsp. l. Fill the collection with 500 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 3 days. The container with the infusion must be protected from sunlight, which will require placing it in a dark place. The resulting tincture should be taken before meals. Acceptable dosage: 10 drops per 100 ml of water.

Treatment of pancreatitis using the Bolotov method

Treatment of chronic pancreatitis with folk remedies using the Bolotov method involves taking cabbage and celandine cakes for 14 days. A medicinal tincture is prepared from them according to the following recipe:

  • ½ cup of dried and crushed celandine is wrapped in gauze;
  • A small weight is attached to the resulting bag, after which it is lowered into chilled water (3 l);
  • add 1 cup of sugar and 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream to a container of water.

The tincture is kept for 14 days in a dark place, after which it is filtered and diluted with 1 liter of water. You also need to add 1 cup of sugar to the tincture.

Important point! While the product is infusing, it is necessary to stir it daily and remove any mold that forms.

Chronic pancreatitis is treated with this drug as follows: take 100-150 ml three times a day a few minutes before meals. It is recommended to store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Green pharmacy

Products with a similar principle of action for preparing a homemade medicinal mixture can be found in a pharmacy, in the forest, or on your own site.


This fiery beauty has a whole bunch of medicinal properties. It cleanses the blood, stops bleeding, treats chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, and eliminates inflammation of the genitourinary system in men and women. Nettle leaves contain a rich vitamin composition, calcium, beta-carotene, selenium, iron, copper.

Nettle is used to prepare decoctions, infusions as an independent plant and in various herbal preparations. For preparation you will need 2 tablespoons of dry crushed leaves. They are poured with a glass of boiling water, closed and kept for about an hour. Then the product must be filtered. Take one or two spoons throughout the day. The next day, prepare a fresh decoction.

Despite the many positive aspects that this recipe has, there are contraindications. This:

  • hypertension;
  • thrombosis of blood vessels and tendency to form blood clots;
  • allergic reaction to nettle.

This plant, when young, can be added to various dishes, soups, and salads. Fresh young leaves are no less beneficial for the prevention of pancreatitis, if even a minor symptom is detected. This is nausea, heaviness in the right hypochondrium.


This is one of the plants that must be infused with alcohol or vodka. It has a high life-giving effect in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. The ban on alcohol does not apply to this product, since it is taken in the form of drops diluted in water. Aspen bark is used as a raw material for preparation, which is easy to find in any pharmacy.

The aspen bark is crushed, you will need about 50 grams of raw material, which is poured with one bottle of vodka. Leave in a dark place for two weeks. Then filter and store in the refrigerator or in a dark place. One teaspoon of the product is diluted in half a glass of water and taken before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks. Take a break for the same amount of time, then repeat if necessary. This remedy is also recommended for men with problems with the prostate gland.

To prepare an aqueous decoction you will need 300 grams of dry raw materials. The bark is placed in an enamel pan and filled with water until it just covers the bark. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. Then remove from heat, wrap well and leave for at least 12 hours. Then strain and take 50 grams of broth an hour before meals. The product is stored in the refrigerator and warmed up slightly before use. The course of treatment is about a month.

Important! If a recipe for a folk remedy recommends storing the decoction in the refrigerator, then that’s what you need to do. Otherwise, the decoctions lose all their life-giving qualities.

It is not recommended to use the product for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children.

Black elderberry

Berries with an exceptional choleretic effect. Use with caution in patients diagnosed with gallstone disease. The drug is able to relieve tissue spasms, which can eliminate the pain effect during exacerbation of pancreatitis.

The flowers of the plant are used to prepare decoctions. One tablespoon of dried flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then filter and pour into a thermos. The product must be taken warm. Divide the entire volume into three doses, which are taken before eating.

If treatment with flowers provokes constipation, then you can use jelly made from berries. It is advisable not to use sugar when cooking; you can replace it with honey. But add honey to a cooled drink. Honey is a natural antibiotic, and when exposed to high temperatures, it loses these qualities along with many beneficial substances.


A root vegetable, the juice from which is recommended for the treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To treat pancreatitis, traditional medicine recommends drinking 150-200 grams of fresh juice on an empty stomach. After five minutes, it is recommended to drink this with a glass of low-fat kefir. The potato tubers are peeled (although some recipes do not recommend doing this), and the juice is squeezed out of it. This must be done quickly before the potatoes darken.

The duration of this course is about two weeks. After a 12-day break, the course is continued. It is necessary to conduct at least 3-4 courses. According to eyewitnesses, many forgot about the pain altogether, the unpleasant belching and nausea disappeared, and stool returned to normal. The same recipe is used to treat ulcers. If the taste of the juice is unpleasant, you can add a spoonful of honey to it. Treatment in this way is best done in the fall, when the tubers contain the greatest amount of useful substances, mineral salts, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, and iodine. Closer to spring, almost all useful substances disappear from potatoes, only starch remains.

Carrots and Brussels sprouts

The author of this recipe is American nutritionist Dr. Walker. He confirmed the version that freshly prepared juices are the best remedy for treating a variety of gastrointestinal problems and pancreatitis in particular. He actively followed a healthy diet himself and recommended this to all his patients. A nutritionist died at the age of one hundred.

Walker argued that it is not profitable to use vegetables separately. It makes more sense to create cocktails from vegetable juices that complement each other. So, he suggested using the juices of Brussels sprouts, beans, carrots and lettuce to completely rid the pancreas of pathology. He recommended the same recipe for people suffering from diabetes.

These three components are taken in equal parts. The resulting juice is drunk immediately after squeezing on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. Such treatment makes sense if a person follows a strict diet. It is necessary to exclude starch and sugar from the diet. Regular bowel cleansing with enemas is required. The course is a month. After this, you need to take a break for two weeks and, if necessary, repeat the treatment.

Hericium mushroom

This is a rather rare species of mushroom, which is listed in the Red Book. But recipes based on it are used not only for the treatment of pancreatitis. The mushroom is one of the few plant substances that can localize the development of cancerous tumors. The test was carried out in Japan on mice that were implanted with cancer cells. When a tumor appeared, the rodents were regularly injected with hericium extracts. The growth of cancer cells stopped, and sometimes the tumors disappeared altogether.

Such healing properties of the mushroom were not discovered by Japanese scientists. This method has long been used by Tibetan monks to treat cancer. Today it is impossible to purchase the mushroom in its natural form. Mushroom powder is sold on special online resources. A gram of this dry substance is added to a glass of warm water in the evening and left overnight. In the morning, drink the drug on an empty stomach an hour before meals.


These are not all traditional methods of treating pancreatitis. It is beneficial to use honey and honey products for therapy. But this issue deserves a separate large article. However, no matter how powerful and miraculous the treatment with folk remedies may be, all of them simply do not make sense if the patient does not reconsider his diet and life. Doctors are unanimous that stress, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods are the main culprits of pancreatitis. Sometimes it’s worth eliminating all this from your life in order to forget about a serious illness forever. Take care of yourself, be healthy!

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