Is it possible to eat bananas if you have pancreas?

How to be treated

In the acute form, treatment is carried out in a hospital. These are medications and a strict diet. For chronic pancreatitis, the patient is treated at home. First of all, he must strictly follow a diet. If, of course, he wants to get rid of the hated disease.

What will you have to give up forever?

  • Alcohol and tobacco products.
  • Fatty food.
  • Pickles, smoked meats, marinades.
  • Bakery.
  • Spicy dishes.
  • Fried food.

This is where the question arises: what to eat? How to replace your favorite dishes and sweets? Is it possible to eat bananas for pancreatitis? What about apples? What fruits are allowed in general? Now let's talk about this.

Nutrition table

Is it possible to eat bananas for pancreatitis and cholecystitis? At the first illness they are allowed for use.

And so that the patient would not be so sad from following the diet, we made an accompanying table. It details the menu for the week.

Day of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayOatmeal porridge on waterBaked bananaPuree soup with potatoes and pureed chicken. With vegetable broth. Low-fat cottage cheeseMashed potatoes with chicken, without milk and butter.
TuesdayLiquid rice porridge with waterOne soft-boiled eggPuree soup with added tomato and pureed beef.Baked appleBaked banana and low-fat kefir
WednesdayOatmeal porridge on water with mashed bananaWheat bread crackersChicken noodle soupCarrot souffléVegetable baby food
ThursdaySemolina porridge on water with grated appleKisselBuckwheat soup with chickenBeef dumplingsMashed potatoes with fish (piece)
FridayOatmeal on waterBaked bananaChicken noodle soupBaked appleCarrot soufflé
SaturdaySemolina porridge with added fruit baby foodWheat bread crackersOatmeal soup with beef chopsBaked bananaSteamed chicken meatballs
ResurrectionRice puddingKisselSoup - puree with vegetables and beefCottage cheeseBaked banana and apple

As you can see from the menu, drinks are not listed anywhere. This can be explained by the fact that if you have pancreatitis, you should not drink food. What can you drink between meals? Be sure to have mineral water, at least 1.5 liters per day. Jelly and compotes are allowed. Fruit decoctions and rosehip drink. You will have to give up coffee, tea, cocoa and milk.

What can you eat?

What is nutrition for pancreatitis? What foods are acceptable?

Let's start with the fact that in the acute form, hunger is useful in the first days. The patient drinks only water for two to three days. Then he gradually begins to eat.

As for the chronic form, diet comes first. You should pay attention to viscous porridges and puree soups. This is now the main food of the sufferer. Below is a list of acceptable products.

  • Viscous porridges made from oatmeal, semolina and rice.
  • Soups – puree with vegetable broths. Puree soups.
  • Soup - noodles in weak chicken broth.
  • Dried white bread in small quantities.
  • Boiled lean meat: chicken, turkey, beef.
  • Boiled fish.
  • Kissels, jellies and compotes.
  • Boiled vegetables.
  • Fruits: apples and bananas.
  • Dairy products: low-fat kefir and cottage cheese. You can have mild cheese, but not during an exacerbation period.

Can you eat bananas if you have pancreatitis? As we see, it is possible. However, there is one “but”. Bananas are allowed only baked, as are apples.

Principles of therapeutic nutrition

Treatment of pancreatitis requires complex treatment methods, including formal therapy, diet, and traditional methods of treatment. Considerable importance in the treatment process is given to therapeutic nutrition, the task of which is to normalize the functioning of the pancreas and prevent the processes of fatty infiltration in it. The principle of nutrition for pancreatitis during remission consists of a number of features:

  1. All dishes must be steamed; stewing or boiling is allowed. A categorical ban applies to fried and spicy foods, which irritate the gastric mucosa and unnecessarily load the inflamed pancreas. Such actions can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. It is necessary to adhere to fractional meals, carried out at least five times a day. This is what contributes to the gentle functioning of the gland.
  3. The required amount of protein for the body is replenished through lean meats, poultry or fish, as well as by obtaining vegetable protein from certain foods in the form of vegetables and fruits.
  4. The consumption of fatty foods is strictly prohibited, for the reason that fat helps to increase the activity of the pancreas, whose task is to process it. To break down fats in the stomach, a special enzyme is needed in the form of lipase, the production of which greatly strains the pancreas. Animal fats in the diet of patients are replaced with unrefined vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.
  5. Ready-made meals consumed should be at a comfortable temperature, close to the temperature of the human body. Cold food contributes to the development of spasms of the pancreatic ducts and gallbladder, which increases the risk of exacerbation.
  6. A diet for pancreatitis must be followed for a long time, often this period lasts a year or more. During this time, it is possible to restore the gland and eliminate the changes that have occurred in it, as well as to strengthen its healthy state.

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Eating bananas for pancreatitis is not prohibited, but it will be better for the pancreas and for the entire digestive tract if they are first crushed using a grater or blender. Thanks to this process, the amount of rough fiber is reduced and the banana is easier to digest without lingering in the stomach. Its breakdown will require a smaller amount of enzymes, the production of which occurs in the pancreas, and the gastric juice itself will also cost much less.

If you have inflammation of the pancreas, you can use dried bananas in your diet, preparing compotes from them and adding them to ready-made dishes, after grinding them in a blender or using a meat grinder. The most common cause of pancreatitis were bananas that were steamed.

Can I eat fresh bananas?

It is permissible to eat bananas for pancreatitis if you follow a number of recommendations. It is forbidden to eat fruits during the acute period of pancreatitis - during this time the patient must observe therapeutic fasting. Due to their high calorie content, bananas are not advisable to eat before bed. It is forbidden to eat more than a fruit per day.

Among other subtleties of eating bananas are:

  1. Add fruit when preparing culinary dishes - casseroles, porridges, drinks, cocktails. This helps prevent negative symptoms.
  2. Eating bananas that have undergone heat treatment reduces the load on the digestive system.
  3. It is allowed to add fresh fruits to the diet only after the onset of stable remission of the disease.
  4. The puree is suitable for trial use. To do this, peeled banana can be mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender. The quality of the dish does not suffer with this method of preparation, and absorption is much faster.

Features of consumption

Banana is a high-calorie fruit and contains many carbohydrates. Despite its good digestibility, it takes quite a long time to digest, so it is better not to eat the fruit at night. Carbohydrate-rich foods are ideal for breakfast - they will replenish your energy reserves and still have time to be fully digested.

Dietary table No. 5 creates gentle conditions for the stomach and gall bladder by pre-grinding most dishes. To prevent the high fiber content from creating additional difficulties for the stomach, you can eat grated banana pulp. Digesting chopped banana will require fewer enzymes and the load on the pancreas will be reduced.

What are the benefits of banana?

Doctors recommend including banana in your diet every day for pancreatitis. Since this exotic fruit contains many useful micro- and macroelements, and there are very few fats and easily digestible carbohydrates, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the inflamed pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

This fruit contains:

  • cellulose;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • almost all B vitamins, etc.

The benefits of bananas for the human body
A distinctive feature of bananas is that they do not contain aggressive substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the pancreas, and there are a lot of those that help improve digestion and the outflow of pancreatic juice into the duodenum. Due to its high fiber content, this exotic fruit eliminates hunger for a long time.

Therefore, if you are ever asked a question about whether or not you can eat bananas with pancreatitis, feel free to answer: “Yes!” However, do not forget that you need to use it correctly and in certain phases of the disease.

To objectively talk about the benefits or harms of a banana, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties:

  • 100 g of raw banana contains 89 kcal, banana juice - 48 kcal, and dried fruit - 346 kcal.
  • Banana carbohydrates, if not consumed, pass into adipose tissue.
  • Banana substances provide a lot of glucose, which is useful for mental and physical work, as it provides a lot of energy.
  • B vitamins contained in bananas help normalize sleep and nervous system functions, and improve mood.
  • Iron and potassium eliminate various ailments: hypertension, constipation, heartburn and depression.
  • The high sugar content in bananas helps boost your mood and give you a joyful glow.
  • Banana has an astringent effect and is an antiseptic. It is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane and stomach ulcers (not at the acute stage).
  • Bananas are used in cosmetology to prepare hair and face masks. The skin of the face becomes moisturized and filled with nutrients, wrinkles are smoothed out. Hair becomes soft and strong.
  • The carbohydrates contained in bananas are quickly digestible, so this fruit is recommended to be consumed with high energy expenditures. Carbohydrates quickly penetrate the blood to saturate tissues and cells with the right amount of energy.
  • The fiber contained in bananas helps improve the microflora of the stomach and improve its functioning. In this way, constipation and gastrointestinal disorders are eliminated.

benefits of banana

Banana is a filling and healthy fruit. It extremely rarely causes allergies, so bananas are included in the diet of young children earlier than other fruits. The pulp is well digestible in raw and cooked form. Banana gives a feeling of fullness and has high energy value.

The fruits contain a lot of potassium; to replenish the daily requirement, it is enough to eat only three pieces. A sufficient level of potassium in the body ensures proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Potassium is responsible for removing excess fluid from the body, normalizing blood pressure and reducing swelling.

Doctors recommend including bananas in the menu of residents of large cities. Due to the high content of magnesium, B vitamins and substances similar in composition to endorphins, these fruits are recognized as excellent helpers in the fight against stress and depression. They lift your spirits, improve mental activity and performance, and relieve anxiety and insomnia.

The fruit contains vitamins A, C, E, PP and minerals - iron, calcium, phosphorus. Beneficial amino acids and antioxidants, which fruits are also rich in, strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infections.

The pectins contained in bananas help eliminate toxins and allergens, improving digestion. The enveloping properties of the pulp promote the healing of stomach ulcers, protecting its walls from the aggressive effects of acids.

In reasonable quantities and when served correctly, a banana for pancreatitis will become a source of energy and nutrients necessary for the health of the entire body.

Specifics of use

Patients with pancreatitis are prescribed diet No. 5, which involves observing certain dietary restrictions. The point of therapeutic nutrition is to reduce the load on the digestive system, especially the pancreas. Bananas are considered a healthy fruit, but the difficulty of digesting them is due to the presence of plant fibers (fiber). For easy digestion, it is recommended to thoroughly grind the fruit pulp.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the quality and ripeness of the fruit. The peel should be clean, without black spots or signs of rotting.

For pancreatic pathologies, the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits is not recommended.

Features of use:

  • green fruits can cause an attack of pancreatitis;
  • unripe fruits activate increased gas formation and flatulence;
  • one medium-sized banana is an acceptable dose for pancreatitis;
  • To provide energy and eliminate hunger, it is better to eat fruit in the morning.

Bananas during acute pancreatitis

The acute period of pancreatitis is characterized by the fact that all processes of inflammatory genesis are significantly intensified. The load occurs not only on the pancreas itself, but also on other organs of the digestive system. Therefore, during this period, it is recommended to follow an expanded diet. That is, most foods that are allowed to be consumed during remission should be excluded from your diet for this period.

Speaking about whether it is possible to eat raw bananas during inflammatory acute pancreatitis, it is worth recommending to refrain from eating such fruits. During the most severe course of the disease, you must temporarily completely stop consuming these products.

When the patient's condition has stabilized, bananas can be gradually eaten. It is recommended to start with half or even a third of the fruit. After which it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the pancreas to the consumption of the specified fruit and, as health improves, increase the norm to the whole fetus.

Therefore, answering the question “can you eat bananas for acute pancreatitis?” the answer will be no. An exception concerns the second period of the acute condition, when the patient gradually approaches remission.

However, it is not advisable to include raw bananas in your diet. The reaction of the pancreas in this case can be unpredictable, and during this period you should refrain from overloading it. Bananas need to be baked or steamed before eating. It is not recommended to consume more than 1 fruit per day.

It is known that bananas are one of the most high-calorie fruits and eating such carbohydrate-rich foods will conditionally increase the load on the entire gastrointestinal tract, and in particular on the pancreas.


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I have always been of the opinion that bananas are useful for any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, and even if you have pancreatitis, you can eat them without fear for the pancreas. And the fact that they need to be eaten with great caution came as a complete surprise to me. How is it possible, their flesh is so soft, bananas are given to children as complementary food almost from birth, but if the pancreas is inflamed, it’s not allowed, it’s strange. When I was diagnosed with pancreatitis, the doctor immediately warned me about dietary restrictions, which I began to try to adhere to. I excluded all prohibited foods from my diet, including bananas.

By the way, if you bake them, they will not do any harm, but the benefits will be enormous. A sick body suffers from a lack of nutrition and vitamins, as it has to eat little. And with the help of baked bananas you can pamper yourself and help your body. By the way, I didn’t like the steamed bananas, it turned out to be some kind of porridge, I probably did something wrong.


When eating a banana, it must be chewed well or crushed in other ways. It is already beginning to break down in the mouth, and entering the stomach will not irritate it and strain the pancreas. When a banana becomes sweeter in the mouth, it means that it has begun to break down into carbohydrates, so it is easier and more fully absorbed. Well, when the periods of calm end and the attacks come with exacerbation, there is no time for bananas, I can’t eat anything at all, I feel terrible pain, although now less often.


Bananas for chronic pancreatitis

The chronic form of the disease involves strict adherence to a diet for a long time. Bananas for pancreatitis can be eaten mashed or baked. It is best to eat them during breakfast, since this plant product contains carbohydrates that require long-term digestion. As in the acute course of the disease, in the chronic form it is advisable to consume no more than one fruit per day.

A healthy compote is made from dried bananas. It is allowed to add a small amount of these fruits to various dishes (porridge, pudding, soufflé). You can prepare a very tasty drink if you thoroughly mix half a banana and half a liter of one of these fermented milk drinks in a blender:

  • kefir;
  • curdled milk;
  • Ryazhenka

In this case, it is advisable not to use milk, since with pancreatitis it is usually not very well tolerated. In addition, it should be remembered that to prepare such a drink, the above-mentioned fermented milk products must be fresh.

Harm from them

Can you eat bananas for gastritis and pancreatitis? Will this sweetness harm your health?

You can eat with these diseases, but there are some things to consider:

  • Bananas are very sweet and are not recommended for people with diabetes.
  • This is heavy food, so you will have to eat no more than one fruit per day.
  • You can drink banana juice, but only homemade juice. What they sell in stores is full of harmful additives.

In what form is it used?

For diseases of the pancreas, it is not recommended to eat products of plant origin raw. Vegetables and fruits are subjected to heat treatment - boiled, steamed or baked.

Despite the low content of fruit acids, bananas with pancreatitis will cause poor health due to their high fiber content. To minimize possible unpleasant gastrointestinal reactions, bake fruits in the oven or steam them. With this method of preparation, coarse fiber becomes easily digestible and puts less strain on the stomach. Baked banana is cut into pieces or mashed into puree.

If a patient with pancreatitis prefers raw fruits, then they can be consumed as follows:

  • Grind or crush, serve as a puree, chop and add to the finished dish,
  • Mix a banana cocktail with kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt or yogurt.

Mashed banana has the same taste as the whole fruit, and it requires fewer enzymes to digest it. To prepare, grate the banana on a fine grater, rub it through a sieve, mash it with a masher or punch it with a blender.

Jars of ready-made baby puree are also suitable for the diet. Doctors allow you to eat one small jar a day, if the composition does not contain components contraindicated in the diet.

Breakfast items

It is best to eat bananas in the morning, adding the pulp to a finished dish or using it in cooking. A banana will additionally enrich your breakfast with carbohydrates and make the dish sweet without adding sugar. Include the following dishes in your morning menu for pancreatitis:

  • porridge with water or skim milk with grated banana,
  • rice pudding with banana puree,
  • cottage cheese casserole with fruits,
  • baked mashed banana pancakes.

Healthy cocktails

It is convenient to mix a banana smoothie with fermented milk products in a blender. For a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk you will need 1/3 of the fruit. Bananas are also added to yogurt; it is better if it is low-fat and without additives. It is better to avoid the traditional milkshake, since milk is difficult to digest and is contraindicated for pancreatitis.

Dried bananas are also considered beneficial. Compotes are made from them, mixed with other permitted fruits and berries, for example, ripe strawberries.

Negative consequences

However, bananas can be harmful, they can cause significant damage to the body if you do not follow the recommendations for their use, overdo it in volumes and/or use them during periods of exacerbation, when the body is most sensitive. Then the following negative consequences may appear:

  • The appearance of diarrhea, and quite severe.
  • The appearance of belching due to increased release of gases.
  • The appearance of flatulence (for a reason similar to the previous one).
  • The appearance of severe stomach cramps.

A separate point is individual intolerance to bananas. Then to the question, is it possible to eat bananas, the answer in any case will be clearly negative. No reduction in portions can compensate for the harm that will be caused to the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs due to an allergic reaction.

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With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis

The chronic form develops with repeated attacks of inflammation of the pancreas. Acute conditions are replaced by periods of remission, characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms of pancreatitis and the patient’s good health. How long the favorable period will be depends on the patient’s lifestyle and compliance with the doctor’s instructions.

menu for pancreatitis

If the disease is chronic, gastroenterologists recommend adhering to an individual diet throughout life. The menu is compiled taking into account general requirements and individual reactions to each product.

During the period of remission, bananas can be eaten in the chronic form of the disease if the stomach reacts to them calmly. At the first signs of exacerbation of pancreatitis, it is better to adhere to a more strict diet in order to prevent the development of an attack.

During an exacerbation, the pancreas is not able to produce enzymes to break down food, and some foods cannot be digested. This is why you should not eat bananas and other fruits and vegetables. It is better to wait until the condition of the pancreas stabilizes.

You should not break the therapeutic diet in the first days of improvement and neglect a visit to the doctor after recovery. The doctor will determine whether it is possible to eat bananas for pancreatitis of the pancreas after the next exacerbation, and will advise on other foods, lifestyle and further therapeutic measures.

Bananas for acute inflammation of the pancreas

It remains a fact that does not require confirmation that during an exacerbation of pancreatitis that accompanies inflammation of the pancreas, you cannot not only eat bananas, but even look at them (for the reason that you may not be able to resist, bite off a small piece first and then eat the whole thing) . In the first days after an attack of exacerbation, the doctor allows only banana juice, which you make yourself and dilute half with water. After some time, you can move directly to the fruits themselves, but do this gradually and in small quantities.

If you feel even slight discomfort when eating bananas, then in order to avoid a new exacerbation, it is better to postpone this fruit dessert until better times.

With the development of acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by a noticeable deterioration in health caused by a sharp increase in inflammation and swelling of the pancreas. In this case, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, digestion is upset, and the person experiences severe pain.

The patient requires bed rest, rest, and therapeutic fasting. In case of acute pancreatitis, a home visit to a doctor is required; hospitalization is often indicated. A strict diet is recommended until the patient's condition improves. Raw fruits and vegetables are excluded due to their high fiber content.

As the general condition improves, different types of foods are introduced gradually and in small portions. Fruits are included in the menu a week after the end of treatment. Banana is introduced little by little, starting with one third of the fruit per day and gradually increasing to the whole. At first, bananas for pancreatitis should be consumed baked or steamed, only mashed.

If pain appears after eating even a small amount of banana, avoid the fruit for a while longer and do not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane. In addition to pain, the following manifestations of discomfort from the gastrointestinal tract are possible:

  • diarrhea,
  • bloating,
  • belching,
  • flatulence,
  • nausea.

Banana juice

Banana juice is a kind of alternative, especially in the first days after an exacerbation, when it is consumed after diluting with boiled water. At the same time, the concentration of substances that cause digestive problems decreases, and it loses its ability to harm the pancreas and stomach. Bananas are completely free of the acids inherent in most fruits and berries, so a drink prepared from diluted banana juice will be useful, will not irritate the digestive organs and will replenish the body with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements.

This only applies to juice that is prepared at home with your own hands. Drinking store-bought, packaged banana juice can cause the most unexpected situations. In addition to sugar and preservatives necessary for preservation, they always contain citric acid, flavorings, chemical colors and flavor enhancers. After reading about all this, it becomes clear that you should not drink such juice if you have inflammation of the pancreas.

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Banana juice as an alternative

Some healers suggest banana juice as a remedy. It lacks fat and the pungent taste caused by various acids in other berries. The drink will not irritate the pancreas. This applies to juices made at home. Otherwise, the risk of encountering unexpected results is high.

When you cook it yourself, the pulp remains. It is difficult to find pulp in store-bought juice. The reason is often that water with the addition of natural flavors is poured into the packaging, achieving the desired taste. Preservatives are necessary to preserve the freshness of the product, dyes - to give an attractive color. Such chemistry is far from beneficial to the stomach.

Factory juices often contain substances that are harmless to a healthy person, such as sugar or lemon juice, which are contraindicated for pancreatitis. The content is indicated on the packaging, but it is rare that a buyer spends time reading the small font. It’s better to temporarily forget about the possibility of buying juice in the store.

Preparing banana juice at home is not difficult; thanks to the abundance of energy units, the drink will certainly satisfy your hunger.

The most common recipes

At home, you can bake the fruit.

First, rinse the banana well and then peel it. Cut into small slices, if desired, you can add a little cinnamon for taste.

If raw bananas are well tolerated, they can be added to milkshakes, porridges, and fruit salads, thoroughly chopped.

Wrap everything in foil and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. The finished dish must be consumed warm.

Often, many women bake the fruit in the peel. First, wash the fruit well with soap, then rinse in running water and wipe dry.

Make small holes all over the banana; if desired, you can add a little natural honey inside. Bake at a temperature of at least 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

A very tasty and healthy dish is banana curd casserole.

To prepare, you will need a little cottage cheese 0.5 kg, then mix everything with one glass of semolina. Add the grated banana and mix everything again. Form a shape and fry until a light golden crust forms.

We have not listed all the recipes; there are many other dishes that can be prepared at home.

In conclusion , it should be noted that bananas can bring both benefit and harm, so before consuming it is worth consulting with your doctor, who will help you calculate the required dosage for one day of the product in your case.

Cottage cheese casserole

Ingredients: banana - 2 pieces, semolina - 1 glass, cottage cheese - 500 g.

Method of preparation: mix cottage cheese thoroughly with semolina, add finely chopped bananas to the resulting mass. You can place banana slices on top of the curd mass. Bake for 15 minutes.

Rice pudding with banana puree

Ingredients: rice - ½ cup, banana - 1-2 pcs.

Method of preparation: boil the rice until tender, grind the bananas until puree (with a blender, fork or grater), mix all the ingredients. It is allowed to beat the mixture with a mixer.

Baked bananas for pancreatitis

There are two ways to bake bananas – with or without the peel. This dish is useful for pancreatitis. It does not provoke increased gas formation. The negative properties of plant fiber are neutralized by heat treatment of the fruit. If there is no allergic reaction, the dish can be supplemented with honey, nuts or cinnamon.

Baking without peel:

  1. Cut each fruit lengthwise into two halves.
  2. If desired, sprinkle the workpiece with additional ingredients.
  3. Wrap each fruit half in foil.
  4. Bake the workpiece for ten minutes (placing it on a baking sheet).

Baking in peel:

  1. Rinse bananas thoroughly.
  2. Make small cuts in the peel.
  3. Additional ingredients can be placed into the slits.
  4. The baking time is the same – ten minutes.

General recommendations

We found out whether it is possible to eat bananas with chronic pancreatitis. Now let’s talk about how to eat them correctly and more.

  • Bananas, as has been said many times, can be eaten baked. This diet will have to be maintained for three weeks. Then, mashed bananas are gradually introduced into the menu. They are mixed with porridge, for example.
  • Banana juice is a very tasty thing. If possible, you can prepare it at home. But do not forget that for this you will need a fairly large amount of yellow fruit.
  • Bananas are eaten only once a day.

  • You can eat a jar of baby food that contains banana. No more than one can per day.
  • Is it possible to eat bananas if you have pancreatitis? Yes, yes and yes again.
  • Meals are fractional, 5-6 times a day.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink half a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • The food should be warm. Avoid eating excessively hot foods. And too cold too.
  • The difference between meals is no more than three hours. Under no circumstances should you be allowed to go hungry.
  • What is the volume of food? No more than five tablespoons at a time.
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