Intestinal atony treatment with folk remedies

The health of the digestive system is affected by many negative factors. The combined influence of a combination of causes results in an intestinal condition such as atony. Atony is observed in people of different sexes and ages. The pathology is more common among residents of developed countries who are under pressure from stress, poor environment, poor nutrition, and unhealthy lifestyle.

Signs of atony

Intestinal atony is a significant decrease in the contractility of the smooth muscles of the organ, accompanied by impaired peristaltic and digestive function. Muscles lose tone, peristalsis weakens, food stagnates in the intestines. There is atony of the small and large intestines. The role of the intestine is to digest food, absorb nutrients through its walls, and excrete metabolic products through the rectum.

A decrease in motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract is expressed by symptoms of intestinal atony:

  • The main symptom of an atonic intestine is chronic constipation. Stool retention is more than 48 hours;
  • consequences of constipation - severe abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence;
  • if the process is prolonged, coprolite deposits form on the intestinal walls. These are dense compressed feces, dehydrated due to prolonged contact with the intestinal walls;
  • Toxic breakdown products enter the bloodstream and poison the body. Signs of intoxication occur - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, bad breath;
  • constipation leads to such dangerous diseases as hemorrhoids, anal fissure due to damage to the colon by coprolites, hiatal hernia due to increased pressure in the abdominal cavity;
  • indigestion causes metabolic disorders, externally expressed in changes in body weight, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, poor condition of hair and nails.

The extreme degree of the disease is complete atony, in which absolute intestinal obstruction occurs. It is accompanied by severe signs of intoxication of the body, rupture of the intestinal wall, and peritonitis.


Atony of the rectum is accompanied by corresponding signs, which makes it possible to determine it independently. The pathological process is accompanied by constipation even with daily bowel movements.

Patients note excessive density of stool. In this case, bloating is often diagnosed. It is also accompanied by excessive gas formation.

Patients experience worsening sleep and constant weakness. In parallel, anemia may develop.

The skin on the face becomes excessively pale. With this disease, patients are often diagnosed with intestinal colic.

Attention! What is intestinal peristalsis, only a doctor knows thoroughly, who can not only make a correct diagnosis, but also prescribe rational treatment.

Why does atony appear?

It is impossible to single out one cause of the disease. The atonic state of the intestines is promoted by:

  • insufficient physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle lead to gastrointestinal motility disorders even in adolescents;
  • congenital anomalies of intestinal anatomy and physiology in a child of early life;
  • poor nutrition, lack of foods containing fiber in the menu;
  • nervous overload, regular stressful situations;
  • taking antispasmodics, analgesics, gastric acidity blockers for a long time. These medications negatively affect smooth muscle tone;
  • contamination of the intestines with pathogenic bacteria and viruses;
  • introduction of parasitic worms;
  • alcohol and cigarette abuse;
  • endocrine disorders – hypothyroidism, diabetes;
  • surgical interventions on the abdominal organs;
  • in older people, signs of intestinal atony appear due to weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and organic systemic lesions.

Benign or malignant neoplasms of the intestine interfere with the passage of feces and inhibit peristalsis. Sometimes weakness of gastrointestinal motility has a genetic basis and manifests itself with age. Atony occurs in women during pregnancy, as the relaxing effect of progesterone increases, and the uterus puts pressure on the intestines.


Common causes of irritable bowel syndrome:

  • psychogenic factors - stress, overwork, increased nervous excitability, mental disorders, psycho-emotional lability;
  • heredity - people who know about cases of IBS and IBS in close relatives are at risk;
  • decreased motility of the intestinal tract of any nature - the condition is caused by a decrease in smooth muscle tone of a post-traumatic, medicinal, physiological nature;
  • long-term drug therapy (especially antibiotics, hormones) - drugs often lead to the development of dysbiosis, chronic irritation of the intestinal lining;
  • visceral hyperalgesia – a syndrome of decreased pain threshold, the body’s reaction to stimuli;
  • exposure to hormonal, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse), homosexuality, internal hemorrhoids, chronic paraproctitis, proctitis, and abnormal development of the intestinal tract can contribute to the development of a pathological condition and functional disorder of the colon.


Diagnosis of the disease consists of successive steps: external examination and history taking, laboratory and hardware tests. The purpose of the examination is to establish the cause of atony in order to select the most effective treatment tactics. During the initial examination, the doctor palpates the abdomen and collects a detailed medical history.

Need to tell:

  • How often does bowel movement occur?
  • how does the act of defecation occur - is there pain, tension, bleeding;
  • previous illnesses, surgeries;
  • medications taken;
  • lifestyle and nutrition;
  • hereditary diseases in relatives.

After examining and interviewing the patient, the doctor prescribes tests:

  • general blood;
  • blood for thyroid-stimulating hormones;
  • coprogram;
  • feces on eggs of worms and lamblia;
  • feces for blood.

In parallel, hardware research is carried out:

  • radiography;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • biopsy with microscopy of the biopsy sample.

It is necessary to distinguish intestinal atony from Crohn's and Hirschsprung's diseases. A whole team of doctors takes part in the examination of a patient with impaired intestinal motility - a proctologist, a psychologist, a neurologist, and a psychiatrist. After all, the disease can be neurogenic in nature.


A prolonged state of atony without treatment increases the risk of many diseases. These include:

  • malignant neoplasms of the abdominal cavity (intestines, liver, stomach, uterus and ovaries in women, prostate and bladder in men, pancreas);
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • vitamin deficiency with impaired functioning of the gonads.

Slagging in the body causes a tendency to allergic reactions, itchy skin, and various rashes on the body.

Immunity sharply decreases, so patients often suffer from respiratory infections, chronic cystitis, men suffer from prostatitis, women suffer from inflammation of the uterus and appendages.

Treatment of intestinal atony

Treatment of intestinal atony begins with changing the diet and optimizing physical activity. Medicines are used only as prescribed by a doctor. Traditional methods are acceptable in the absence of contraindications.

Diet for decreased gastrointestinal muscle tone

The diet for atony is based on the recommendations of table No. 3. Food should irritate the intestines and stimulate peristalsis. Eat up to 6 meals a day, with larger portion sizes in the morning and smaller portions in the evening. Kissels and purees are not approved by this diet.

Recommended diet products:

  • meat – lean pork tenderloin, young beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey;
  • fish - hake, pike perch, pollock, cod, greenling;
  • semi-finished products – premium quality milk sausages according to GOST;
  • cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, millet. Boil crumbly in water with the addition of milk and butter in moderation;
  • vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, cabbage (boiled), cucumbers and tomatoes, lettuce;
  • fruits and berries - all fresh fruits and berries of their climate zone;
  • dried fruits – dried apricots, prunes, figs;
  • bread - yesterday's dried bread, dry uneaten cookies;
  • dairy products – cottage cheese, sour cream, low-fat kefir;
  • eggs - chicken, quail in the form of an omelet, soft-boiled, but no more than 2 per day.

Drinks – herbal tea, mineral water, juices, compotes. You should drink about 1.5–2 liters of liquid per day. It is useful to include bran in the menu. They are soaked in boiling water, after cooling, poured with kefir, and consumed as an independent dish. Fresh vegetable salads are seasoned with sunflower and olive oil and sprinkled with dill.


A healthy lifestyle includes not only proper nutrition, but also exercise. Exercises to stimulate the intestines activate motility and improve digestion.

The main complex is performed on the floor, in a lying position:

  • From a lying position, slowly lift your straight right leg at an angle of 90°, hold for 3 seconds and lower. Raise your left leg. Repeat 10 times with each leg;
  • Raise both legs slightly bent at the knees above the floor by 45° and slowly lower them, repeat 10 times;
  • bend both legs at the knees, lift them and place them on your stomach. Grab your bent legs with your hands, hold, do 3 rolls on your back back and forth;
  • Raise your upper body with your arms extended forward. Try to reach your toes with your hands in a springing motion.

Exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles, help cure intestinal atony, helping to restore motor function.

Drug treatment

Treatment of intestinal atony with pharmaceutical drugs begins with prokinetics and choleretic agents. Doctors warn against uncontrolled use of laxatives and enemas. These procedures and remedies will only bring temporary relief, followed by a worsening of the situation. Prokinetics in adults treat decreased intestinal muscle tone.

Used in complex therapy of diseases:

  • Tegaserod;
  • Cisapride;
  • Motilium;
  • Ondansetron;
  • Cilancentron.

Medicines are taken as prescribed by a doctor, in the recommended dosage, taking into account contraindications.

Medications to eliminate intestinal congestion include the use of choleretic agents.

The following medications stimulate the release of bile:

  • Holenzyme;
  • Odeston;
  • Allohol;
  • Nikodin;
  • Holosas;
  • Oxafenamide.

You can use choleretic drugs for intestinal atony with full confidence that there are no stones in the gall bladder.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for atony have a fairly high healing potential. At home, decoctions and infusions are used for oral administration. Treatment with folk remedies is represented by plant collections.

Mix dry raw materials of three-leaf leaves, yellow gentian root, mint leaves, and dandelion roots, one tablespoon at a time. Brew a teaspoon of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 40 minutes, cool. Take 40-50 ml before meals as a choleretic agent for 3 weeks.

Take equal parts of dry buckthorn bark, licorice root, fennel fruit, marshmallow root and flax seeds. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to drink a glass of decoction before bed for a week if your intestines are sluggish.

A laxative decoction of the leaves of senna holly, the fruits of joster and anise, buckthorn bark and licorice root will help with painful constipation. Add a teaspoon of herbs mixed in equal proportions and brew 200 ml of boiling water. Take half a glass at night. It is not recommended to undergo treatment for more than a week.

How to help your child with constipation

Unfortunately, this pathology does not spare even infants. This causes suffering to the baby and torment to his mother. The main reason lies not so much in the structural features of this organ, but in the mother’s diet. Everything she ate will be reflected in the child’s intestinal activity.

Many mothers, taking the advice of their grandmothers, insert pieces of soap into the baby’s anus. This is not only dangerous, but also causes discomfort for the child himself. In this case, it is best to use lactulose syrup, which is easy to find in any pharmacy. Lactulose itself in the form of a white powder can be kept in reserve at home.

The syrup is not only harmless, it is also beneficial. After consuming it, the microflora in the intestines improves dramatically. But this does not mean that you should not consult with doctors.


As you can already see, such a pathological condition as intestinal atony does not bring anything good for a person. How to avoid this disease, and who is at risk? It is worth immediately noting that most often this disease is diagnosed in economically developed countries. This is due to the lifestyle and nutrition of the population: a sedentary lifestyle and high-calorie foods do not leave their mark on the body, and a visit to the gym once a month to ease the conscience will not make any difference.

What are the main causes of atony in the digestive system?

  1. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle, for one reason or another, is becoming the choice of more and more people. There are more and more people whose work is connected to a monitor screen every day. They do not have time to walk or go to the gym more than a couple of times a month, and as a result, the tone of not only skeletal muscles, but also internal organs decreases, innervation is disrupted, and numerous congestion begins to occur.
  2. Stress and emotional tension. The central nervous system regulates the functioning of this part of the digestive system. If for some reason nervous regulation begins to be interrupted, then this affects all internal organs, and the condition of the intestines is no exception.
  3. Taking medications. Some medications can cause a decrease in the tone of the intestinal walls. This applies to most analgesics, antispasmodics, as well as the abuse of laxatives.
  4. Poor nutrition. The fast pace of life increasingly gives us high-calorie foods consisting of fats and fast carbohydrates. For the intestines to function normally, they simply need fiber contained in fresh vegetables and fruits.
  5. Dysbacteriosis. As well as many other intestinal infections. They cause the accumulation of toxins, which greatly weakens peristalsis. This also applies to various parasitic diseases, such as helminths.
  6. Substance abuse. Alcohol, nicotine, coffee, as well as narcotic substances, have a depressing and toxic effect on the nervous system, so that with regular use of these substances they can be considered one of the strongest stressors. In this case, before answering the question of how to treat this disease, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits that undermine your health.
  7. Postoperative condition. Complex operations, especially if they were performed on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, cause a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the intestines.
  8. Malignant tumor. It not only destroys the muscle wall, but also releases toxins that disrupt the functioning of the central nervous and autonomic systems.

Preventive actions

Preventative measures are constantly mentioned throughout the article. If you regularly overeat, lead a sedentary lifestyle, abuse unhealthy foods, street food, then all the advice may simply be useless.

This disease often does not spare office workers and drivers. When you come home from work, you shouldn’t sit down in front of the computer monitor again. It's better to go for a walk or a leisurely bike ride. In general, a bicycle is an excellent preventive measure against many diseases. The same can be said about swimming in a pool.

It is important to start the day with a light exercise routine. These are well-known exercises:

  • "bike";
  • "scissors";
  • circular and swinging movements of the legs.

All exercises are performed lying on the floor. Pulling your legs towards your stomach will also help improve bowel function.

Atony is dangerous due to complications, and if you do not respond to the condition in a timely manner, then the person will develop fecal stones, bleeding, inflammation, cracks, and hemorrhoids.

The disease has positive dynamics. In most cases there is no threat to life. By following the recommendations of the attending physician, changing lifestyle and diet, patients get rid of this problem forever.

Atony is a disease that disrupts peristalsis throughout the entire length of the intestine. One can hope for a quick recovery and positive dynamics when the true cause is established and treatment is carried out. Most often, relief and recovery occurs after a person listens to the recommendations of the attending physician. Eat normally, consume more fiber and less carbohydrates, eliminate stress and be healthy!

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