Castor oil for hemorrhoids: reviews, application

Hemorrhoidal problems from anal varicose veins are not uncommon. The current lifestyle suggests that an office worker spends the day in a sedentary position with minimal physical activity. Hemorrhoids can also be acquired during pregnancy.

Eighty percent of people experienced unpleasant symptoms and bowel dysfunction. Pathologies occur unnoticed in humans, subsequently turning into serious complications if treatment is not started in time.

Castor and other cold-pressed oils are isolated as self-therapy. Reading reviews on the Internet, you will notice that a large percentage of people are embarrassed to see a doctor.

It is better to contact a proctologist and find out how to properly treat hemorrhoids with castor oil. Let's consider methods of use when the first signs of hemorrhoids appear.

Features and signs of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur due to constant lifting of weights, sedentary work, during pregnancy, due to digestive disorders (constipation).

Despite the presence of hemorrhoids in people, only inflammation, increase in size, and prolapse are considered the first stage of hemorrhoids. Signals of the onset of the disease are a subtle burning sensation in the anal area, itching.

Symptoms are typical:

  • pain in the lower part of the rectum;
  • stool disorders;
  • discharge of anal blood;
  • neoplasms in the anal area.

They lead to serious consequences in the form of constant aching pain and inflammation inside the rectum, on the surface of the skin. It is recommended to use castor oil for hemorrhoids at the first sign of itching or burning in the anal area. If nodes fall out, contact the clinic immediately.

Composition and properties

The ointment is a multifunctional product based on birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. It was first created by surgeon Alexander Vishnevsky at the beginning of the twentieth century. The official name is balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky).

The effect of Vishnevsky ointment

The ointment is considered a good antiseptic. Birch tar and xeroform are antimicrobial components. Supports and accelerates tissue healing. Calmly distributed over the surface of the skin or wound. Due to its warming properties, it increases blood flow to the site of inflammation, helping to remove pus. Reduces swelling.

Composition of the ointment

Includes three components:

  1. Antiseptic (xeroform). Disinfects well. It has drying properties.
  2. Castor oil. Viscous and dense. Enhances the penetration of other components into the affected areas of tissue during hemorrhoids. The oil additionally gives a softening effect.
  3. Birch tar. Increases blood circulation, reduces swelling, eliminates congestion in hemorrhoids. The healing and restoration process in tissues is accelerated. The beneficial substances in the ointment provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

Beneficial properties of castor oil

Castor oil has a yellowish tint with a waxy odor; the consistency is dense and viscous. The oil contains useful microelements - fatty linoleic and oleic acids. The oil is extracted from castor bean seeds (natural composition). The lipase included in the composition accelerates the breakdown of castor oil in the intestines.

The oil has been known for its medicinal and cosmetic properties for centuries. Castor oil performs the following functions:

  • toning the skin and muscles;
  • removal of edema;
  • treatment of colds;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • resorption of venous nodes;
  • lightening of pigmented areas;
  • wrinkle removal;
  • nutrition of skin, hair;
  • arthritis treatment;
  • natural laxative;
  • healing, drying of skin lesions (anal fissures);
  • anti-inflammatory function.

Composition and healing qualities of castor oil

Castor oil is extracted from castor bean fruits, which are half composed of a fatty substance. It contains ricinoleic acid glyceride (the notorious castor oil), several saturated fatty acids, and glycerin.

Castor bean fruits also contain proteins, alkaloids, plant fiber, and many minerals. It is curious that such a useful plant is considered poisonous, since its seeds contain a toxin dangerous to human health - ricin.

During pressing, this substance remains in the cake, or disappears after steaming the seeds. So the resulting product - castor oil - is considered absolutely safe, moreover, it has multiple beneficial qualities.

First of all, many people know about the laxative effect of castor oil. However, its usefulness does not stop there. When used externally and internally, castor oil has the following healing properties:

  • disinfects damaged areas and kills pathogenic microbes;
  • heals wounds and cracks;
  • cleanses inflamed areas;
  • soothes itching;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • moisturizes the skin.

It is this ingredient that is one of the main components of the widely used drug - Vishnevsky ointment, acting as a healing agent for wounds, abrasions and cracks.

Castor oil for hemorrhoids is an effective folk remedy, which is also recommended by traditional medicine. When used externally and internally, castor oil not only facilitates the course of the disease, but also prevents its exacerbation.

The success of treating hemorrhoids with castor oil depends on the stage at which the patient begins therapy. If you use the remedy at the first symptoms of the disease, additionally changing your lifestyle, there is a chance that you will not start the disease and limit yourself to a minimum amount of drugs.

Using castor oil to treat hemorrhoids

Official medicine recognizes castor oil as a safe and effective remedy for treating the intestines and restoring the mucous membrane. The oil stimulates the functioning of the organ, diarrhea and fecal incontinence are possible. Causes dehydration and severe thirst. If used incorrectly, the risk of developing enterocolitis increases.

In folk medicine, variations have been developed on the use of castor oil for hemorrhoids. There are known recipes for taking the oil internally, treating the skin and mucous membranes of the rectum. To determine the effectiveness of the methods, read reviews of castor oil from patients. For treatment, it is recommended to take a high-quality product. Pharmaceutical castor oil will do.

Oral use

When consumed internally, castor oil cleanses the intestines. Taken to relieve constipation and facilitate bowel movements. Doctors prescribe the oil as a gentle laxative.

Pharmaceutical companies produce castor etherol in capsule and liquid forms. To cleanse the body, an adult is prescribed 15-30 capsules, for a child – 5-10 capsules. The effect will occur within 5-6 hours - be in a convenient place. Capsules are allowed to be taken with tea and water. You can dissolve them in your chosen drink.

The use of castor oil for hemorrhoids is permissible for up to 3 days, so as not to cause an overdose of the drug.

External use

For external use, etherol is used to prepare rectal suppositories and impregnate compresses. Castor oil is added to evening sitz baths. Soak a cotton pad (a piece of bandage) using castor oil and apply it to the anus and fissure overnight. It will help relieve pain, disinfect the affected area, and speed up healing.

For prevention, wipe the damaged area with oil twice a day after visiting the bathroom, carefully treating the nodes.

Capsules, sold in pharmacies for internal use, are inserted into the opening of the rectum at night to relieve pain and form a protective film over the lesions. Suppositories produced by pharmaceutical companies have the expected therapeutic effect.

Castor oil baths

Baths with the addition of castor oil have been tested for hemorrhoids. For 4 liters of warm water, 15 drops of essential oil are required.

The procedure in a sitz bath is carried out until it cools down. Treatment consists of a week of daily morning hygiene procedures, which will reduce hemorrhoidal cones, relieve pain, and reduce bleeding during the day. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended by 5-7 days.

Proctologists clarify: the methods are effective during the first stage of hemorrhoids.

Castor oil as a laxative

Even children know about the laxative properties of castor oil.
It was not for nothing that the fabulous Dunno was so afraid of this medicine. However, it is better to limit the use of castor oil for hemorrhoids accompanied by constipation. This remedy should be used only in extreme cases. Why? The laxative effect of castor oil is pronounced. 4-6 hours after its use, diarrhea develops, which can worsen the course of the hemorrhoidal process. Therefore, it is better to postpone the use of the drug for the period of remission.

If you often use remedies for constipation, then you cannot replace castor oil with a laxative. It acts harshly and is only suitable for emergency measures.

Frequent use of castor oil internally will result in a decrease in the independent regulation of bowel movements. There is an addiction to the laxative drug. Therefore, it is recommended to use it no more than once a week. You need to give your intestines the opportunity to act on their own.

It is strictly forbidden to use castor oil in pregnant women. What could such indiscretion cost? In late stages of pregnancy, the drug can provoke premature birth, and in the early stages it can cause miscarriages. Indeed, by stimulating the activity of the intestines, the uterus also increases its contractile activity.

The use of castor oil is acceptable to stimulate labor. It is carried out only under the supervision of medical personnel and with medication support.

Approximate dosages of castor oil: 15 g of oil per dose, which corresponds to half a bottle. If there is no effect, you can increase the dose to 30 g (use the whole bottle).

The use of castor oil is only possible for children over 12 years of age. The drug is not used in children due to the risk of dehydration.

Contraindications for use

The natural origin of castor oil does not guarantee the absence of negative effects on the patient:

  • periodic dizziness;
  • eating disorder;
  • severe skin sensitivity;
  • hallucinations;
  • allergy;
  • kidney diseases;
  • loss of consciousness.

Castor oil should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or children under 12 years of age, since the effect on the child’s body is unknown due to the lack of clinical trials. There have been cases of premature birth due to the use of castor oil.

Before use, consult a doctor.

The word “castor oil” will no longer make people smile, it will help to safely, quickly and inexpensively get rid of hemorrhoidal symptoms and cure constipation. Natural remedy, side effects occur when taken orally.

Patients who have tried the treatment method admit that rubbing and compresses using castor oil did not cause burning or discomfort. After a week of treatment, the wounds and injuries were eliminated.

Tips for use

When treating hemorrhoids with castor oil, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol and smoking so as not to further irritate the intestinal walls. Taking the drug is supplemented by dietary nutrition, which is important to follow throughout life, even with a cured gastrointestinal disease.

Hemorrhoids most often occur in people whose activities involve prolonged sitting in a sitting position. To avoid it, you need to move more and do moderate exercise during breaks. If the disease develops, then self-medication is unacceptable. You need to see a doctor, overcoming the embarrassment. He will prescribe the necessary examination and select adequate therapy. The main thing is not to delay, so that the consequences do not become critical. Castor oil is not a panacea for hemorrhoids, although it helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms at the initial stage. This should be followed by conservative treatment under the supervision of a physician.

We recommend: How to properly treat hemorrhoids with the herb Knotweed


Mikhail, 54 years old: Thanks to castor oil, I got rid of constant constipation. Despite the disgusting taste and unpleasant smell, I constantly use it as a laxative. Before the operation to remove hemorrhoidal cones, I cleansed the body with castor oil and healed severe wounds and cracks. I was disappointed that castor oil is difficult to wash off from skin and clothes. Be careful when applying. I would like to note: the main thing in using castor oil is regularity and consistency. Sitz baths with oil and night compresses helped better. I will continue to use natural medicine.

Elena, 39 years old: I have chronic hemorrhoids with bleeding and constant aching pain. Difficult to tolerate with constipation. The clinic prescribed expensive medications and laxatives, but the effect was temporary - the pain returned. I decided to turn to traditional medicine. They recommended castor oil compresses, taken orally. The taste and smell are terrible, over time the disgust goes away, taking the oil causes less negativity. I did day and night compresses with castor oil - it reduced the pain and helped heal the anal fissures. Now I’m ready for the last stage of hemorrhoid treatment – ​​surgery. I will not stop using the oil - it saved me from excruciating pain. I drink castor oil in combination with vitamin A to maintain beautiful skin. I recommend to all!

Methods of using oil for hemorrhoids

In the presence of hemorrhoidal fissures and the disease itself, it is possible to use the oil only topically or externally.

To do this, weak solutions are made based on oil, which is made using cold pressing.

The form of treatment may vary depending on the disease:

  1. Compress – it is recommended to do it before going to bed using gauze, bandage and oil. If symptoms of hemorrhoids and bleeding from the anus persist, compresses should be worn all day.
  2. Baths are best done in the morning to eliminate the unpleasant sensations of illness throughout the day. It is enough to add a few drops to warm water and sit in it until it cools completely.
  3. Ointments - recommended for use for external hemorrhoids, when there is prolapse of hemorrhoids. Ointments should be applied after each bowel movement.
  4. Suppositories are best used before bedtime, but in case of complications and severe hemorrhoids, suppositories are used 3 times a day.
  5. Laxative – should be used carefully as a laxative. 2 drops of oil will be enough to get the effect. This allows you to relieve tension from the rectum, improves intestinal motility, which allows you to soften the stool and painlessly carry out the act of defecation.

The choice of castor oil recipes for illness should be discussed with a doctor. Any independent treatment can cause negative consequences and complications of hemorrhoids.

If pain, bleeding and severe constipation occur, you should turn to medication.

External use

Castor oil is also used externally not only for hemorrhoids, but also for the treatment of other diseases and prevention. We will consider the use of a drug for hemorrhoidal inflammation of the veins in the anorectal area. It should be noted that there are quite a few methods for external use.

Castor oil in capsules for hemorrhoids

Method 1. Compress

For this method, you need to make a compress from a gauze bandage. To do this, moisten gauze folded 4–8 times with our product and apply it to the anus overnight. It is better to secure the compress with an adhesive plaster.

Method 2. Castor oil candles

Capsules with this substance can also be used as anal suppositories. Before use, you must clean the anus with an enema, and then insert the capsule as a suppository.

Features of internal use of castor oil for hemorrhoids

Castor oil differs from other fatty substances in that it is not only possible, but also necessary in some situations to be used for internal use.

Castor oil is a natural laxative that has proven itself in the treatment of varicose hemorrhoidal veins, helping to gently cleanse the digestive tract.

And this is extremely important in eliminating and preventing constipation.

How does castor oil work for hemorrhoids? Once in the intestines, the product begins to interact with enzymes, and the result of the chemical and biological reaction is glycerin and ricinoleic acid.

These substances irritate the nerve endings in the intestinal walls, which causes the intestines to contract and move feces much faster through the anus.

In addition, the oil substance itself softens hard fecal accumulations, so when passing through the rectum they do not damage enlarged cavernous formations.

Castor oil is sold in pharmacy chains in two dosage forms: in the form of an oily liquid and in capsules.

For a child to have bowel movements, it is enough to consume 5-10 grams of castor oil.

When using this natural laxative, there are several important rules to follow:

  • To combat constipation, an adult will need to take 15 to 30 grams of the product or 15-30 one-gram capsules;
  • For a child to have a bowel movement, it is enough to consume 5-10 grams or the same number of capsules;
  • The laxative effect will begin after about 5 hours, which is why it is better to drink castor oil on weekends so as not to have problems going to the restroom.

It is not recommended to use castor for more than three days in a row, as the risk of overdose increases. And long-term use is fraught with the intestinal habit of artificial stimulation by laxatives.

Since castor oil does not taste very pleasant, it can be washed down with black or green tea or warm milk. If you feel disgusted, you can pour a spoonful of the product into a suitable drink in advance.

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