Dietary table for gastritis: diet and menu

Table 2 according to Pevzner: important rules

• Small meals and chewing food thoroughly, which will allow foods to be better absorbed and not linger in the stomach.

• Including foods rich in vitamin C in the diet: kiwi, currants, green vegetables, bell peppers, citrus fruits. This is necessary for gastric juice to achieve the required level of acidity, which affects the absorption of beneficial elements.

• Cooking dishes with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, wine, juices, and sour berries will activate the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for complete digestion. Diet No. 2 for gastritis with reduced secretion will be incomplete if this simple rule is not taken into account.

• The consumption of fatty and difficult-to-digest foods (legumes, corn, goose and duck meat, hard-boiled eggs, dried fruits, milk) should be reduced to a minimum. Fatty foods slow down the secretion of gastric juice, and “heavy” foods remain in the stomach for a long time, which burdens the digestion process.

Table No. 2: permitted products

1. Bakery products, dried or baked the day before, dry cookies and biscuits, baked pies with fish, meat, eggs and jam, cheesecakes with cottage cheese (baked goods should not be rich and hot).

2. Light soups with weak broths made from fish, meat, vegetables or mushrooms. Vegetables included in first courses should be well boiled, finely chopped or pureed.

3. Lean meat, dietary sausages, boiled tongue, pancakes with meat (baked only), lean beef, veal, turkey, chicken, lamb, rabbit.

4. Low-fat varieties of fish, baked or boiled.

5. Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese (fresh or as part of various dishes), sour cream and cream.

6. Vegetable oils, butter or ghee.

7. Steamed omelets, soft-boiled eggs.

8. Potatoes, beets, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, ripe tomatoes, cucumbers. Sometimes you can allow white cabbage and young green peas. Vegetables are baked, boiled, steamed.

9. Buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and semolina porridge, cooked in water, milk or weak broth.

10. Different fruits are allowed. Lemon and orange are best added to tea rather than consumed in their pure form. Acceptable sweets include honey, marshmallows, jams, marshmallows, preserves, caramel, marmalade and toffee.

11. Coffee, cocoa, tea, vegetable and fruit juices diluted in half with water, bran or rosehip decoctions.

12. Homemade sauce using fish, meat or mushroom broth, as well as white and sour cream sauce. It is permissible to add parsley, dill and celery to dishes, as well as bay leaves, cinnamon and vanillin.

Diet "Table 2": what is possible, what is not

Meat, poultry, fish. In the case of the “Table 2” diet (which is often called briefly by both doctors and patients - diet number 2, or even diet 2), the restrictions apply not so much to the types of meat or fish, but to the methods of their preparation and consumption. For example, stewed meat balls, “hedgehogs”, steamed fish cutlets, various kinds of casseroles or boiled fillets - can and should be included in the daily menu, but fried breaded cutlets, nuggets, semi-finished meat products and similar “delicacies” - it is necessary, on the contrary , categorically exclude from the diet. If we talk about soups, then broths - both meat and fish - are allowed only secondary ones.

Eggs. You can - only soft-boiled and in the form of a steam omelet. Under no circumstances should you have fried eggs!

Bread and flour. In the “Table 2” diet, bread and pastries made from wheat flour (preferably yesterday’s), light biscuits, and savory cookies are acceptable.

Dairy products. As part of the “Table 2” diet, you can consume milk as part of other dishes - along with tea, or in an omelet, etc. Low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, and sugar-free yoghurts are also allowed.

Vegetables. Any raw vegetables are strictly prohibited (they mechanically irritate the walls of the stomach, which is extremely undesirable for any form of gastritis). Welcome: vegetable purees and cutlets and casseroles, salads from boiled vegetables. You should be very careful with vegetables such as white cabbage, green peas, and fresh herbs.

Cereals. Only “sticky” types of cereals are allowed - semolina, sticky rice, oatmeal, etc. Pasta is allowed to be small in size and well-cooked.

Fruits and desserts. The “Table 2” diet prohibits the consumption of hard fruits with a coarse fibrous texture - for example, apples, pears, pineapple, citrus fruits. You can include soft fruits in your diet, such as peaches, apricots, plums, etc. Or any fruit indiscriminately, but in the form of puree, jam and other “purees”. For sweets, choose desserts with a soft consistency and not too fatty.

Beverages. You can: clean water, weak tea with milk, cocoa, juices, compotes and fruit drinks from sweet fruits and berries. Not allowed: sweet soda, kvass, sour drinks, strong black coffee, alcohol.

Additional prohibitions. It is important to understand the basic principle of the therapeutic diet “Table 2”, which is in many ways similar to the therapeutic principle of the diet “Table 1” (which is not surprising, since both are designed for people with digestive problems): foods and dishes that are neither in no way irritate the damaged walls of the stomach. This means that everything that enters the mouth (and then the stomach) must be neutral in temperature, have a soft (ideally puree-like) consistency, and not be spicy, fatty, sour, or smoked. For example: apples in their pure form are not allowed, but applesauce from a jar of baby food is allowed. Millet, barley, quinoa, and corn grits are prohibited from cereals. Legumes are also prohibited (except large white beans). The diet should not contain semi-finished and canned foods, pickles and marinades.

Prohibited soups are bean, pea, okroshka, milk soup.

Prohibited foods for diet No. 2

1. Fresh baked goods, baked goods.

2. Milk soups, as well as first courses prepared from beans, peas and millet, okroshka.

3. Goose and duck meat, canned meat and smoked meats.

4. Fatty fish, as well as canned fish.

5. Milk and heavy cream.

6. Pork lard and beef cooking fat.

7. Fried eggs, as well as hard-boiled eggs.

8. Onions, garlic, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, peppers, mushrooms. You should not include pickled and salted vegetables in your diet, as well as raw or ungrated vegetables.

9. Millet, corn, pearl barley and barley porridge, legume dishes.

10. Figs, dates, currants (red and black), gooseberries, raspberries, any raw fruits that contain coarse fiber.

11. Fatty, spicy, salty snacks, fatty sauces, hot peppers, horseradish, mustard.

12. Kvass and grape juice.

Therapeutic diet table 2: menu for the week


Breakfast. Boiled potatoes, boiled fish, tea. Lunch. Fruit jelly. Dinner. Meatball soup, baked potatoes, tomato juice. Afternoon snack. Rosehip decoction. Dinner. Cheesecakes with sour cream, tea with lemon and honey. Before bedtime. 250 ml kefir.

Breakfast. Semolina porridge with water, soft-boiled egg, coffee with milk. Lunch. Rosehip decoction. Dinner. Noodle soup, potato casserole with meat, berry compote. Afternoon snack. Baked apples. Dinner. Cottage cheese with sour cream and honey, compote. Before bedtime. Curdled milk.

Breakfast. Sticky rice porridge, tea with lemon. Lunch. Raspberry jelly. Dinner. Soup with vegetables in chicken broth, meat soufflé, dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack. Baked apples. Dinner. Steamed potatoes and fish fillets, cocoa. Before bedtime. Kefir.

Breakfast. Omelette of 2 eggs, steamed, lean ham, tea with lemon. Lunch. Blueberry jelly. Dinner. Rice and carrot puree soup, buckwheat porridge cooked in water, steamed meatballs. Afternoon snack. Baked apples. Dinner. Mashed potatoes, meat baked in foil, rosehip infusion. Before bedtime. Kefir.

Breakfast. Semolina pudding, boiled sausage, tea with lemon. Lunch. Apple juice diluted with water. Dinner. Cauliflower and zucchini soup, boiled beef, tomato juice. Afternoon snack. Baked apples. Dinner. Buckwheat pancakes, fruit jelly. Before bedtime. Curdled milk.

Breakfast. Sticky rice porridge with butter, coffee with milk. Lunch. Blueberry jelly. Dinner. Rassolnik, chicken fillet cutlets, boiled potatoes, dried fruit compote. Afternoon snack. Tea with lemon, marshmallows or marshmallows. Dinner. Mashed potatoes, boiled tongue, tomato juice. Before bedtime. Kefir.


Breakfast. Oatmeal, soft-boiled egg, cocoa. Lunch. Fruit juice diluted with water. Dinner. Vegetable soup with meatballs, baked chicken, berry jelly. Afternoon snack. Marmalade, rosehip decoction. Dinner. Boiled buckwheat porridge, steamed meat cutlets, tomato juice. Before bedtime. Curdled milk.

If the condition worsens during the diet, it is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed in one meal, as well as increase the number of meals, that is, you can eat 7-8 times a day, but in small portions.

Authorized Products

The first table diet according to Pevzner involves preparing first courses in potato broth or vegetable broth with pureed vegetables, pureed or boiled cereals (semolina, buckwheat, rolled oats, rice). You can eat milk noodle soups, as well as puree soups with the addition of pureed chicken or meat. Flour for seasoning soups is not fried, but only dried, an egg-milk mixture is added to them, and the finished ones are seasoned with butter or cream.

Steamed meat cutlets

Steamed and boiled dishes are prepared from lean meat without tendons, fascia and skin. For this purpose, beef, young lamb and lean pork, chicken and turkey, tongue, and liver are used. You can use them to prepare steamed cutlets, dumplings, aspic, soufflé, meatballs, mashed potatoes, zrazy, beef stroganoff (only from pre-boiled meat). Boiled meat is allowed - veal, chicken, rabbit and meat baked in the oven. Low-fat types of fish are steamed and served in pieces (the skin is first removed) or in the form of meatballs, cutlets, meatballs, etc.

Diet No. 2: recipes

• Cream of mushroom soup

. Boil 300 g of mushrooms, chop carrots and onions and simmer in butter. Peel 4 medium potatoes and cut into small cubes, boil until tender in mushroom broth. Then add the prepared vegetables and boil for another 10 minutes. Pour the liquid into a separate container, and grind the thick fraction using a blender. Then pour in the broth and stir.

• Rice porridge with dried fruits

. Pour about 40 g of chopped dried fruits (raisins and dried apricots), 50 g of rice and a teaspoon of sugar into boiling water. Cook for about 10 minutes, then add milk and bring to a boil. Beat with a blender into a homogeneous mass.

• Fish fillet with tomatoes and cheese

. Preheat the oven to 190°C. Place 500 g of fillet on a baking sheet, top with onion cut into rings and 150 g of cream. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. Then remove, sprinkle with grated cheese (about 120 g) and bake for another 10 minutes.

• Cucumbers with sour cream and dill. Peel the cucumbers and finely chop (you can grate them). Add finely chopped dill, stir and season with sour cream.

• “Babka” from noodles with cheese

. Boil 150 g of noodles in 1 liter of water and drain in a colander. Add 60 g of grated cheese, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon each of sugar, sour cream and butter. Mix thoroughly and place in a frying pan. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes or on the stove over low heat with the lid on.

You can find many healthy food recipes in the section: “Healthy Food Recipes”.

Classical and surgical diet options 1, main principles and dietary menu

Diet 1 is a special nutritional system used for acute and chronic gastritis, diseases of the digestive tract, ulcerative pathologies, as well as in the postoperative period. The treatment table promotes better digestion of food, relieves discomfort, and prevents complications. The diet involves switching to a liquid, pureed and crushed menu, completely excluding solid food from the diet.

Chemical composition of diet No. 1

The diet of the first table is consistent in the presence of nutrients, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Implies the following:

  • fats – 100 g (allowed 30% - vegetable, 70% - animal);
  • salt – up to 12 g;
  • carbohydrates – no more than 450 g;
  • proteins – 100 g (40% – vegetable, 60% – animal);
  • water - at least 1.8-2 liters.

The diet includes 6 meals a day.

The daily norm of dietary treatment table No. 1 is 3100 kcal.

Diet modifications #1

Diet table 1 implies diets 1a, 1b, 1:

  1. Table 1a - here the protection of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ is pre-installed, which helps to quickly heal ulcers and erosions. Nutrition is prescribed in the first days (week) if acute gastritis or ulcers worsen significantly. You need to eat every 3 hours, for example, milk porridge, soup, steam omelette, berry jelly.
  2. Table 1b – after 7 days a different diet is recommended. It is necessary during remission of the ulcer. This, in addition to table 1a, includes dried bread, liquid vegetable purees, fish or dietary meat (rabbit, nutria) cutlets. Food is taken pureed.
  3. Table 1 – allowed in the absence of ulcerative pathology. This diet involves unprocessed food.

Pevzner diet or table No. 1, 1a, 1b

The purpose of the diet: restore the functions of the stomach and duodenum.

  • Chronic gastritis with increased or decreased acidity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion.
  • Acute gastritis during the recovery period.
  • Acute and chronic course of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • After a relapse of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Postoperative period.

Basic principles of diet No. 1:

  • Fractional meals - 5-6 meals per day.
  • Energy value per day: 2800-3200 Kcal.
  • Products must be pureed, chopped and steamed or boiled.
  • Minimum salt intake.
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and eat them only warm.

What is table 1a and 1b

Therapeutic nutrition for those suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers begins with the most gentle diet 1a. The diet is prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the disease for the first 10-12 days. All dishes are prepared boiled and pureed.

As a rule, the daily menu of diet 1a includes:

  • Milk, jelly, jelly (non-sour);
  • soft-boiled eggs (no more than three per day);
  • once meat soufflé;
  • once a day milk porridge: pureed, liquid;
  • slimy milky cereal soups.

Bread and bread products are excluded from the diet.

Chemical composition of diet 1a (table 1a):

  • proteins 75-80 g;
  • fats 80-90 g, of which 25-30 g are vegetable;
  • carbohydrates 200 g;
  • calories 2000-2200;
  • table salt only 6-8g.

This diet helps reduce reflex excitability of the stomach.

When the process of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease subsides, they move from the most gentle diet to a more stressful one - diet 1b.

All dishes are prepared boiled and pureed. To the products and dishes allowed by table 1a, add 75-100 g of white crackers. Meat and fish are not served in the form of a soufflé, but in a rougher culinary preparation - in the form of cutlets, quenelles, and meatballs. More often pureed milk porridges are given. Soups with this diet are no longer slimy, but cereal-based - milk-based, pureed.

Chemical composition of diet 1b (table 1b):

  • proteins 90 g;
  • fats 90 g (of which 30 g are vegetable);
  • carbohydrates 300-350 g;
  • calories 2500-2800.

When a patient suffering from a peptic ulcer shows improvement, he is transferred to diet No. 1 (table No. 1).

For what pathologies is table 1 used?

The specialist prescribes treatment table No. 1 for existing pathologies associated with the gastrointestinal tract:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • pathologies of the esophagus;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, manifested by constipation;
  • enteritis of various forms;
  • gastritis of any form;
  • duodenal ulcer during remission;
  • gastroesophageal reflux pathology;
  • diaphragmatic hernia;
  • after operations;
  • dumping syndrome;
  • oncology of the digestive tract.

The purpose of dietary table 1 is to supply the human body at the time of illness with all the necessary nutritional components and help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, namely, motility, the appearance of gastric juice, and stimulate the healing of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal.

Table number for gastrointestinal problems

If a patient has pancreatitis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, as well as all forms of gastritis, he is prescribed 4 nutrition options. They are distinguished by their strictness and range of permitted products, as well as the method of food processing. For the first 3 days, the patient should not eat anything except warm boiled water. Then the ban is lifted, and the person is offered fresh fruits and juices. A few more days of this diet, and after that soups (puréed), porridge and cottage cheese (low-fat) are allowed.

Table No. 1 is prescribed to patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis (chronic form and attenuation of the acute type). It is forbidden to eat hot or cold foods. All products must be boiled or baked, but without crusts.

It is recommended to steam food

It is allowed to steam food, but broths are strictly prohibited.

If a patient with gastritis in remission has no pathologies or concomitant diseases, he is prescribed diet No. 2. The variation is suitable for patients with colitis (during the period of active recovery) and secretory insufficiency in chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The menu is selected so that a person eats well, but the list of prohibited foods will be impressive. Patients are not given food that is poorly digested or irritates the receptors and accumulates in the stomach.

Table No. 4 is assigned in the following cases:

  1. Dysentery.
  2. Enterocolitis in the acute stage and its prevention.
  3. Intestinal pathologies.
  4. Gastroenterocolitis with pronounced symptoms.

Dietary table No. 4 is prescribed to patients with intestinal diseases

This variation has the lowest calorie content due to the reduced intake of fats and carbohydrates. Patients following this table do not add salt and sugar to their dishes. Fatty and solid foods are prohibited. Processing options are not much different from the previous ones: boiling, steaming, mashed potatoes.

If gastritis shows symptoms, treatment includes diet - table 4 and 5. Their gentle effect on the inflamed surface of the gastric mucosa allows you not to irritate the affected areas, but to envelop them, while simultaneously feeding the body with the necessary set of nutrients and vitamins.

Table No. 5 is prescribed to patients who have been diagnosed with cholecystitis, cholelithiasis or hepatitis during the recovery stage.

Diet number 5 is prescribed for gallstone disease

The main principles of the correct menu

Diet 1 according to Pevzner is a diet that involves reducing chemical, thermal, mechanical stress on the gastric canal. Therapeutic therapy in the presence of ulcers or gastritis is prescribed by a specialist after medical research.

General principles and description:

  • limiting irritants of secretion (exclusion of broths) and mucous membranes (refusal of seasonings, spicy foods, raw vegetables);
  • Boiled, steamed, liquid food is allowed, baked dishes are possible (without crust); if there is a noticeable improvement in the patient’s condition, pureed, not pureed diet table number 1 is allowed (as a puree);
  • exclusion of hard to digest foods;
  • food contains a sufficient amount of fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • consumption of purified water up to 2 liters per day;
  • salt is allowed in small quantities;
  • You can’t take hot or cold food (the first has a negative effect on the membrane, and the second inhibits the acid-forming function, stopping the regenerative processes), warm food is recommended;
  • split meals are preferable - up to 6 times a day; last consumption – 3 hours before going to bed.

Even the form in which food is served, how it is cut, affects the digestibility of the stomach. Large shmat often provokes mechanical irritation of the shell. In this regard, a gentle diet, table 1, menu must be carefully selected, food should be boiled, kneaded, and chopped.

Details about dietary menu No. 5

The main sign of gastritis is pain in the epigastric region, belching, nausea, bloating and flatulence. To eliminate such symptoms, you need to choose the right products so that they do not provoke an increase in gas formation or irritate ulcers, erosions or inflamed areas of the stomach walls. In addition, the diet should not provoke the development of constipation, which are signs of chronic colitis.

The best diet for gastritis is the menu for the week from the 5th table. The main task is to regulate the functioning of the liver, optimize fat metabolism or the activity of the biliary system. As a result, a person retains vitality for a full existence, and due to a balanced menu, he does not suffer from a lack of useful nutrients or minerals.

Table No. 5, like any other dietary options, provides for frequent meals - up to 5-6 times a day. It is best to sit down at the table every 4 hours. Thermal and mechanical processing methods are identical to the previous options, and animal fats and extractives are somewhat limited.

It is recommended to eat pureed meat.

Meat and root vegetables, rich in coarse fiber, should be pureed so that this food is easily digestible and does not contribute to the process of rotting in some parts of the stomach.

Even the holiday table should be special, because you can stick to this menu for up to 2 years. There are several options for this diet:

  1. Table No. 5A. Calorie content – ​​2500 kcal. Fast foods, any legumes, fats, fried foods are limited, salt is prohibited. Recommended for patients with the following diagnoses: cholecystitis and hepatitis during severe symptoms, gastritis, cholelithiasis in chronic form.
  2. Table No. 5P. Calorie content – ​​1800 kcal. You can eat fats and carbohydrates in small doses. It is prohibited to eat food that stimulates the active production of gastric secretions. Recommended for patients with the following diagnoses: chronic pancreatitis in remission.

    Basic principles of diet No. 5

  3. Table No. 5R. Calorie content - 2900 kcal. At one time, you are allowed to eat a small amount, which is equal to 2 human palms. Prescribed to patients after surgery if they have a peptic ulcer.
  4. Table No. 5Shch. Daily value – 2100 kcal. Prepared by boiling and stewing, steaming, grinding into puree, the dose of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum. It is recommended for use by people with the following problems: exacerbation of hepatitis and various inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Diet No. 1 for specific diseases

Below are nutritional features for specific pathologies.

Ulcer of duodenum, stomach

Table No. 1 will be needed if the ulcer worsens. The need to use diets 1a, 1b appears with a severe exacerbation of the disease in the initial days. Then boiled, not pureed food is allowed. If you have an ulcer of the duodenum or gastrointestinal tract, you need to eat at least 6 times a day, avoid salty, spicy foods, and canned foods.

At the moment the symptoms subside and the general condition of the person normalizes, they join the common table. It also requires frequent meals and a sufficient amount of protein in food, which reduces the activity of glandular cells and causes a decrease in the productivity of gastrointestinal juice. And the use of soy flour before meals for about 5-6 weeks weakens the production of pepsin and restores peristalsis.

Diet No. 1 for gastritis

In the acute form and exacerbation of gastritis, nutrition helps relieve inflammation, which is achieved through pureed and quickly digestible food. Table 1a (up to a week), 1b (up to 14 days) and 1 will provide long-term remission. For the first couple of days, food needs to be wiped, then it is enough to eat veal, rabbit, chicken, only chewing thoroughly.

The diet is the first table, a gentle menu is followed for up to 3 months, after which they switch to general nutrition, but with a limitation of seasonings, marinades, and spicy foods. Also minimize the use of any sweets.

The essence of the diet

Diet is a means of therapeutic action in the treatment of disorders of the digestive system thanks to a gentle nutritional system. You need to understand what can be consumed with this nutritional method and what cannot be consumed.

Along with the diet, ascorbic acid and thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, etc. are taken.

The diet recommends six meals a day with the introduction of a second dinner, which consists of dairy products. Calorie content and the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet are determined depending on age.

There is a variation - table 1 A, which is a system of more stringent restrictions prescribed simultaneously with bed rest for aggravated gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis. Table 1 A prohibits the use of salt in the menu, as well as high-calorie dishes containing carbohydrates. Table 1 A recipes recommend liquid or puree food; you can eat every two and a half hours, six times a day.

Grocery list

The daily diet for table No. 1 contains the following ratio of components:

  • Proteins – 100 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 400 g;
  • Fats – 100 g.

The calorie content of a man's one-day menu can be increased to three thousand kilocalories, for women and children - up to two thousand eight hundred kilocalories per day. Salt intake is no more than twelve grams per day, drinking - one and a half liters.

You can include the following products in your daily diet for gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis:

  • Dried bread;
  • Baked pies, baked goods without baking;
  • Puree soups prepared from a decoction of vegetables (possibly with the addition of heavily boiled cereals or pasta);
  • Veal, lean beef, turkey, chicken fillet, boiled or steamed;
  • Lean fish, baked, steamed;
  • Vegetable, buckwheat, rice side dishes;
  • Porridge without milk with a minimum content of salt and sugar;
  • All milk products, preferably low-fat, except cheese (rarely low-fat);
  • Chicken eggs, omelettes;
  • Snacks in the form of salads from boiled vegetables, beef liver pate, etc.;
  • Sweet dishes made with fruit sugar;
  • Drinks (hot chocolate, coffee drink, homemade juices, infusions).

The diet prohibits the use of the following items in the menu for gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis:

  • Strong tea, strong coffee drink;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Alcohol;
  • Concentrated decoctions of fish and meat products;
  • Millet, pearl barley, corn grits;
  • Fresh bread and pastries;
  • Vegetables that require long digestion;
  • Dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • Mushroom dishes.

Table No. 1 for gastritis

Diets for gastritis in most cases are associated with one-sided, monotonous nutrition, monotonous taste sensations, which cause in patients not only loss of appetite, but even aversion to food.
In modern medicine, a rational diet is widely used, which combines all the positive aspects of previously existing diets, does not exclude patients from eating appetizing dishes, and can saturate with all kinds of tastes.

The name of this rational diet is table No. 1 (diet No. 1).

This effective method of treating ulcers and gastritis was developed by Soviet research by clinicians V.Kh. Vasilenko, V.N. Smotrova, M.I. Pevzner, I.S. Savoshchenko and others.

They identified the main principles of diet treatment, which ensure maximum rest for the diseased organ (stomach, duodenum), its secretory and motor apparatus, and strengthen the defenses of the human body.

Pevzner diet or table No. 1, 1a, 1b

The purpose of the diet: restore the functions of the stomach and duodenum.


  • Chronic gastritis with increased or decreased acidity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion.
  • Acute gastritis during the recovery period.
  • Acute and chronic course of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
  • After a relapse of exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Postoperative period.

Basic principles of diet No. 1:

  • Fractional meals - 5-6 meals per day.
  • Energy value per day: 2800-3200 Kcal.
  • Products must be pureed, chopped and steamed or boiled.
  • Minimum salt intake.
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and eat them only warm.

What is table 1a and 1b

Therapeutic nutrition for those suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers begins with the most gentle diet 1a. The diet is prescribed during the period of exacerbation of the disease for the first 10-12 days. All dishes are prepared boiled and pureed.

As a rule, the daily menu of diet 1a includes:

  • Milk, jelly, jelly (non-sour);
  • soft-boiled eggs (no more than three per day);
  • once meat soufflé;
  • once a day milk porridge: pureed, liquid;
  • slimy milky cereal soups.

Bread and bread products are excluded from the diet.

Chemical composition of diet 1a (table 1a):

  • proteins 75-80 g;
  • fats 80-90 g, of which 25-30 g are vegetable;
  • carbohydrates 200 g;
  • calories 2000-2200;
  • table salt only 6-8g.

This diet helps reduce reflex excitability of the stomach.

When the process of exacerbation of gastritis and peptic ulcer disease subsides, they move from the most gentle diet to a more stressful one - diet 1b.

All dishes are prepared boiled and pureed. To the products and dishes allowed by table 1a, add 75-100 g of white crackers. Meat and fish are not served in the form of a soufflé, but in a rougher culinary preparation - in the form of cutlets, quenelles, and meatballs. More often pureed milk porridges are given. Soups with this diet are no longer slimy, but cereal-based - milk-based, pureed.

Chemical composition of diet 1b (table 1b):

  • proteins 90 g;
  • fats 90 g (of which 30 g are vegetable);
  • carbohydrates 300-350 g;
  • calories 2500-2800.

When a patient suffering from a peptic ulcer shows improvement, he is transferred to diet No. 1 (table No. 1).

Diet No. 1 according to M.I. Pevzner for a day

First of all, it is recommended to eat fewer pureed dishes and more often be allowed to eat a boiled piece of meat, fish or chicken. In addition to animal fats, about 30% of the fats in the daily diet are vegetable oils (sunflower, refined, olive).

It is known that vegetable oils have a good effect on the digestive process, improve metabolism, in particular, have a positive effect on fat metabolism.

In addition, vegetable oils promote more intense bile secretion, which improves the process of food digestion.

Daily diet:

  • At 8:30 for the first breakfast it is recommended: Boiled lean fish 100g and 200g mashed potatoes. Add 50g milk and 10g butter to mashed potatoes. A glass of tea with 50g of milk and 15g of sugar and a piece of day-old white bread with 10g of butter (in total, no more than 400-500g of day-old white bread is recommended per day).
  • At 11-12 o'clock: Carrot puree, which consists of 200g of boiled carrots, 50g of milk and 5g of butter. A glass of tea can be replaced with rosehip decoction (20g rose hips, 200g water and 5g sugar).
  • At 14:00: Milk soup with vermicelli (30g vermicelli, 100g milk, 5g butter). For the second course - steamed meat roll stuffed with steamed omelette (meat 100g, bread 20g, milk 25g, 1 egg, 10g butter); the steam roll can be replaced with minced meat or boiled chicken meat without fat. For the third - jelly from a decoction of dry black currants (dry currants 10 g, sugar 20 g, potato flour 10 g), which can be replaced with raspberry or black currant jelly, milk cream, apple jelly or baked apple from sweet varieties.
  • At 17:00: A glass of tea with milk (milk 50 g, sugar 15 g), sweet crackers (bread 30 g, sugar 5 g).
  • At 19:30-20:00: Cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar (cottage cheese 50g, sour cream 20g, sugar 5g), pureed milk rice porridge (rice 5g, milk 100g, sugar 5g, butter 5g), a glass of tea with milk (milk 50g , sugar 15g).
  • At 21:30-22:00: A glass of milk with a small piece of bread or a soft-boiled egg (a glass of milk - 200 g).

Chemical composition of this diet:

  • proteins and fats 100g each;
  • carbohydrates about 800 g;
  • total for the day is about 3200 calories.

What you need to know about the modern preventive diet

First of all, the patient must be convinced that only a nutritious diet will save him from the disease. Such a powerful factor as drug treatment will not be able to have a positive effect if the patient violates the dietary regime.

It should be noted that a cure for stomach disease can occur only if the patient follows a course of dietary nutrition for a long time, even during the period of improvement. The patient may feel cured, but the disease, having gone into remission, is not eliminated at all and can worsen if the diet is violated.

Menu for a week for gastritis

For those patients whose disease is in remission (the ulcer has healed and there are no clinical symptoms), the following sample menu for a week is recommended:

  • Monday 1st breakfast: cottage cheese pudding and tea. 2nd breakfast: jelly, or baked apple, or a glass of milk. Lunch: mashed milk cereal soup, steamed meat cutlets, chopped schnitzel, mashed potatoes, milk cream. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction , croutons with sugar. Dinner: meatballs baked in sour cream, carrot puree, cereal, tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Tuesday 1st breakfast: curd cheese, semolina milk porridge, tea. 2nd breakfast: baked apples. Lunch: pureed pearl barley soup, steamed meat meatballs, carrot puree, fruit jelly. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, croutons with sugar. Dinner : jellied fish, pureed rice milk porridge, weak tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Wednesday 1st breakfast: boiled tongue, pureed buckwheat porridge, milk, tea. 2nd breakfast: curd pudding. Lunch: pureed pearl barley soup, boiled beef stroganoff, mashed potatoes, compote. Afternoon snack: rose hip decoction, croutons with sugar .Dinner: noodle soup with cottage cheese, carrot-apple balls, tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Thursday 1st breakfast: cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream, oatmeal porridge, tea. 2nd breakfast: baked apples. Lunch: fanned pureed milk soup; game meat dumplings, pureed buckwheat porridge, fruit jelly. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, croutons with sugar. Dinner: jellied fish, cheesecakes with cottage cheese. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Friday 1st breakfast: meat soufflé, semolina milk porridge, tea. 2nd breakfast: potato soufflé with sour cream. Lunch: noodle soup with chicken broth, fried chicken, boiled rice, compote. Afternoon snack: rosehip broth, croutons with sugar. Dinner: meatloaf, stuffed omelet, carrot puree, millet casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Saturday 1st breakfast: soaked herring with boiled potatoes, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea. 2nd breakfast: vinaigrette. Lunch: rice soup with meat broth, potato casserole with meat, apple mousse. Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction, croutons with sugar. Dinner: meatloaf stuffed with omelette, carrot puree, millet casserole with cottage cheese and raisins, tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.
  • Sunday 1st, breakfast: curd cheese, milk porridge, coffee with milk. 2nd breakfast: pasta with grated cheese. Lunch: pickle soup with meat broth, pilaf, compote. Afternoon snack: crackers with sugar, rosehip broth. Dinner: fish aspic, apple pie, tea. Before bed: 1 glass of milk.

Daily: wheat bread made from 1st and 2nd grade flour and always rye, only 400 g, butter 10 g, sugar 50 g, table salt 12-15 2.

It should be borne in mind that when treating with diet therapy, special attention must be paid to the vitamin composition of the diet.

The body needs the following amounts of vitamins:

  • vitamin C at least 100 mg;
  • vitamins B1 and B2 about 14 mg;
  • vitamin A at least 2 mg per day.

Along with the introduction of vitamins into the body with food, vitamin preparations are also prescribed in the form of injections and tablets. Table salt is given in moderation and no more than 10 g per day.

It should be noted that the above diet options are very schematic. The amount of certain food ingredients should depend on the individual characteristics of the patient (age, gender, body weight, national characteristics of the diet).

In all cases, specific recommendations for diet therapy are given by the doctor.

Table No. 1 - do's and don'ts

Diet No. 1 recommends the following dishes and products:

  • Milk, weak tea with milk.
  • Butter, olive, refined sunflower oil.
  • Fresh cottage cheese, sour cream, Dutch cheese.
  • Soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes.
  • Milk, cereal, pureed, milk soups with the addition of pureed vegetables (except for cabbage); dairy with chopped vermicelli or homemade noodles; pureed vegetables from carrots, potatoes and beets, seasoned with butter or refined sunflower oil.
  • For second courses: boiled meat and fish (lean beef, chicken, pike perch, perch, etc.). You can have minced meat.
  • Side dishes: pureed milk porridge and uncooked porridge, vermicelli, finely chopped pasta.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, white zucchini in the form of puree, steam puddings.
  • The sauces are prepared white, milk (bechamel).
  • Fruits and berries are selected from sweet, soft and non-astringent varieties. They are prepared boiled, pureed or baked (compotes, jelly, etc.).
  • Among bread products, yesterday's white bread, sponge cake, and savory cookies.
  • Sugar is also included in the diet.
  • Vitamin drinks: raw vegetable (carrot, beetroot) and non-acidic berry juices (raspberry, strawberry with 1/3 cup added water), rose hip and wheat bran decoction.

Chemical composition of the diet:

  • proteins 100 g;
  • fat 100 g, of which 1/3 is vegetable;
  • carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • calories 3000-3200.

When organizing diet No. 1, the following are prohibited:

  • Meat, fish broths and strong vegetable and especially mushroom broths;
  • fatty meats and fish;
  • raw, unprocessed vegetables and fruits containing a large number of cell membranes;
  • salty dishes, spicy snacks;
  • canned food, sausages;
  • pastry, pies, brown bread;
  • cold drinks, ice cream;
  • waters containing large amounts of carbon dioxide.

A course of therapeutic nutrition for gastritis and ulcers is prescribed by a doctor, its duration is individual and depends on the disease. You should switch to a more varied diet only with the permission of your doctor.

To summarize, we can say that the patient’s treatment begins from 1 month: 10-12 days the patient receives table 1a, 10-12 days 1b and then table No. 1.

The most gentle diets 1a and 1b contribute to the disappearance of pain and dyspeptic symptoms (heartburn, belching, nausea). The introduction of vegetable oil into the diet has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and constipation stops.

Diet No. 1 is followed by a person suffering from gastric ulcer for a long time (from 1 to 2 years) after he has become able to work.


Menu for every day

Diet menu No. 1 according to Pevzner is beneficial and has a pleasant taste, suitable for adults and children. When independently developing a weekly menu for gastritis, pancreatitis, or ulcers, you should use a calorie table and recipes that offer different cooking technologies and combinations of ingredients.

You should not eat overheated or cold food, and salt should be included in your diet to a minimum.

You can create your menu for the week using the following as a sample:

  • Breakfast: rice porridge, omelette, jelly with cookies; oatmeal with milk, curd pasta with fruit puree, casserole with pumpkin;
  • Second breakfast: baked pears; Ryazhenka, buckwheat with milk;
  • Lunch: creamy cauliflower soup, carrot salad, veal meatballs, rice casserole with meat pate, zucchini casserole with turkey;
  • Afternoon snack: pear compote, dried fruit decoction;
  • Dinner: jelly, milk noodles, soft-boiled egg, milk; rice porridge, beef stew, cottage cheese casserole with berries;
  • Second dinner: low-fat heated cream.

Diet for gastritis with high acidity

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa, which changes its secretory function and disrupts the proper motility of the organ. Most often, gastritis occurs in young people, because in the older generation, atrophy of cells that produce hydrochloric acid occurs over time.

There is also a connection with a person’s gender. Despite the fact that both men and women suffer from gastritis, more often the inflammation overtakes the fair half of humanity.

This is due to hormonal instability due to the presence of the menstrual cycle and mental lability also due to the “play” of hormones. It has long been proven that stressful situations are quite capable of causing inflammation. There is no mysticism in this. All human activities are regulated by the brain.

Under the influence of stress, a large number of mediators are produced, which, in turn, affect the cells of the stomach. The result is gastritis. This applies not only to problems with the gastrointestinal tract; other areas of life are at risk just as much as the stomach.

Cases of recovery from gastritis with normalization of the emotional background were recorded. Despite this, gastrointestinal diseases are more often the result of poor nutrition, which will be discussed in this article.

What causes gastritis?

The body's protective reservoirs are large, so it takes a long time for symptoms to appear. It is unlikely that gastritis will develop due to only one investigative factor. Sometimes a person leads an incorrect lifestyle for years and only then does abdominal pain make itself felt.

Inflammation of the stomach can occur when:

  • Compounded heredity (you need to be especially careful if at least one parent has a history of peptic ulcer disease);
  • Infection with H. Pylori (an opportunistic microorganism that begins to multiply intensively under favorable conditions);
  • Poor nutrition (abuse of fatty, smoked, spicy foods, improper diet, eating before bed, etc.);
  • Stressful situations;
  • Systematic consumption of alcohol, smoking;
  • Long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, some diseases of the musculoskeletal system require lifelong use of NSAIDs, which leads to increased acidity of gastric juice);
  • Chronic infections;
  • Endocrine disorders;
  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Worm infestation.

Doctor, everything hurts

Any inflammation is accompanied by pain, gastritis is no exception. A person complains of epigastric pain. It can have absolutely any character. Some describe it as pulling, others as aching, others as pressing, etc.

This is due to stagnation of food in the stomach and impaired motility. The second most common symptom is heartburn.

In the future, a person may complain of constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in health, and even a rise in temperature within the subfebrile range (37-37.9).

How does gastritis occur?

The secretion of gastric juice varies throughout the day and depends on food intake. But, logically, the gastric mucosa is constantly exposed to hydrochloric acid, so why does inflammation not develop immediately? Our body is thought out to the smallest detail; protective factors help prevent gastritis. These include mucus, rapid regeneration, motor skills and good blood flow.

There are also aggression factors: hydrochloric acid, pepsin, H. Pylori. Under the long-term pressure of bad habits, the “scales break” - the traction force is on the side of the aggressive factors, the protective factors weaken and their quantity is not enough to prevent inflammation and ulceration.

It is at this stage that you need to take medications that reduce stomach acidity and go on a special diet.

Why do you need a diet?

Diet for gastritis with high acidity

is nothing more than table No. 1 according to Pevzner. The goal of diet therapy is to normalize protective factors and reduce aggressive factors.

It is strictly forbidden to completely get rid of hydrochloric acid and pepsin; an excess of antacid drugs can lead to the exact opposite result - hypoacid gastritis, which will be treated in a completely different way.

With gastritis, motility is impaired, and the secretory function is aimed at producing large amounts of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. The purpose of the diet is to eliminate disorders and normalize the processes occurring in the stomach.

Eating right

  • Fasting for gastritis
    with high acidity is not recommended, since the content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is extremely high, this will lead to ulcer formation. However, an exception may be the first day of illness, when a person suffers from nausea and vomiting. In this case, fasting is acceptable for one day.

    In this case, a person should drink a lot of water (about 2-2.5 liters) and take proton pump inhibitors (to reduce stomach pH).

  • In the following days, it is possible to switch to dishes that are easy to digest and do not increase acidity (porridge, puree soups, low-fat dairy products, steamed food, boiled meat);
  • Meals should be fractional.
    The intervals between meals reach 3-4 hours, and the food itself should be easily digestible.


  • Breakfast (8:00) – Muesli with sweet berries;
  • Second breakfast (11:00) – a glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • Lunch (14:00) – rice soup, chicken cutlet, piece of bread;
  • Afternoon snack (16:00-17:00) – jelly;
  • Dinner (19:00-19:30) – mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, weak tea.
  • Half an hour to an hour before bedtime - a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • It is unacceptable to eat too hot or cold foods; Excluded from the diet at the time of exacerbation: fatty, smoked, canned food, fast food, carbonated drinks, “dry snacks” in the form of chips, nuts, seeds, etc., fatty meat.


At the time of exacerbation, these foods should be completely eliminated from your diet:

  • Fatty fish and meat, broths based on them;
  • Fatty foods, smoked foods, canned foods;
  • All types of spices, seasonings;
  • Fresh bakery products;
  • Carbonated drinks, fast food;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Concentrated juices, strong tea or coffee:
  • Confectionery (chocolate, candies).

Alcohol and cigarettes are also contraindicated for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies.

Tasty and healthy

Eating for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity means food that is steamed or baked with a minimum content of oils.

In case of pathology you can:

  • Weak tea, tea with cream, milk;
  • Bakery products from yesterday. Dried bread or crackers are well digestible and do not force the stomach to “work” more than usual;
  • Lean meat, fish, ham, cheese. The main thing is that they are without spices and additives;
  • Steamed, boiled or baked vegetables, fruits;
  • Low acidity dairy products (milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour cream, bifidok, etc.);
  • Soft-boiled eggs or an omelet made from them with the addition of milk;
  • Soups, puree soups, milk soup;
  • Cereals (in particular, semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice);
  • Pasta;
  • Sweet fruits, berries, vegetables after normalization of general well-being;
  • Honey, sweet jam, sugar, marshmallows, marshmallows;
  • Homemade juices (non-acidic), compotes, herbal decoctions.

Hypovitaminosis and gastritis

With gastritis, the absorption of vitamins is impaired, and tablet forms can do more harm than good for the already irritated gastric mucosa.

In order to improve motor skills and reduce secretory function, it is necessary to include dairy products, cereals, meat, fish, and seafood in the daily diet.

They contain a large amount of B vitamins, which help not only to recover from gastritis, but also to normalize the state of the nervous system.

Vitamins for gastritis with high acidity are necessary, but some, such as vitamin C, must be taken with extreme caution. It is found in abundance in all citrus fruits, but for gastritis with high acidity they are strictly prohibited. You can replenish the vitamin balance with a decoction of rose hips and sea buckthorn.

Attention - exacerbation

We all know that nuts contain a large amount of vitamins, many of which directly affect the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, they are limited in the diet to almost a few pieces per day, because eating it in large quantities can easily cause gastritis.

Needless to say about mushrooms, which contain a storehouse of useful substances, but are very difficult to digest. Outside of exacerbation of gastritis, they should be eaten very carefully, but during illness it is better to avoid them altogether.

Ice cream, cakes - you should give up all of this until you reach remission; the high content of preservatives, coupled with the low temperature of the dish, have an extremely negative effect on the stomach. This kind of sweets should be replaced with honey, jam, marshmallows, of course, in reasonable quantities.


Coarse fibers that provoke fermentation are found in corn, legumes, and pearl barley. Separately, it is worth highlighting grapes, which can and even should be included in the diet, provided that the skin is first removed from it.

Fatty meats such as pork, goose, and various smoked meats, paradoxically, reduce the acidity of the stomach, but they have a negative effect on its motor function, so they are also excluded from the diet. If you have gastritis, it is unacceptable to eat foods that contain both dough and meat.

As an example, everyone’s favorite dumplings. You can eat both separately, but together they take a very long time to digest and disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Despite so many restrictions, a person will still not feel hungry. There is a great alternative to dishes that won’t take you a lot of time to prepare.

Your doctor will give you a list of approved foods that you can combine with each other and eat tasty and healthy every day!

Sample menu


  • Buckwheat porridge with milk;
  • A glass of low-fat yogurt;
  • Ukha, two pieces of bread;
  • Cheesecakes, weak tea;
  • Rice with steamed vegetables.


  • Rice pudding;
  • Sweet berry smoothie;
  • Pea soup, toast;
  • Skim cheese;
  • Steamed pilaf with chicken, weak tea.


  • Oatmeal with honey and berries;
  • Kissel;
  • Buckwheat soup with chicken, toast, weak tea;
  • Bread and compote;
  • Vermicelli, vegetable salad.


  • Muesli with berries;
  • A glass of kefir;
  • Cauliflower soup, toast;
  • Kissel;
  • Mashed potatoes with lean fish, weak tea.


  • Semolina porridge, weak tea;
  • Sweet fruit dessert;
  • Fish soup, toast, beef cutlet;
  • Compote, dried croutons;
  • Cauliflower puree, toast, weak tea.


  • Oatmeal with honey, weak tea;
  • A glass of yogurt;
  • Pea soup, toast;
  • Vegetable salad;
  • Buckwheat porridge with chicken cutlet.


  • Couscous with vegetables;
  • Compote;
  • Buckwheat soup, two slices of bread;
  • Cottage cheese casserole;
  • Boiled potatoes with vegetables.

Also, before going to bed, drink a glass of non-acidic dairy products that have a fresh expiration date (1-3 days).


Despite the fact that there are a lot of restrictions with gastritis, a person can pamper himself not only with tasty, but also easy-to-follow recipes. Each of the dishes listed below does not take more than half an hour to prepare.


You will need:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 cups;
  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Add sugar, egg, salt to the cottage cheese, sift the flour and mix well. Grease a baking sheet with oil, place the dough in the form of pies on it (the dough is thick and lends itself well to modeling). Bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees in the oven.

After 25 minutes, the cheesecakes must be turned over and baked for another 5-7 minutes. You can serve cheesecakes with sour cream, sweet berries or honey. An ideal drink would be weak tea or a glass of low-fat kefir.

Bon appetit!

Potato and spinach soup

You will need:

  • Spinach – 1 bunch (about 350 g);
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Potatoes – 1 medium or 2 small;
  • Vegetable or olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Boil the onion, pre-fried in oil, until golden brown in a saucepan. Salt, add potatoes, wait 10-15 minutes, and then add spinach and leave to simmer under a closed lid for 20 minutes. You can serve it with breadcrumbs and herbs. Bon appetit!

Rice with steamed vegetables

You will need:

  • Rice – 3 cups;
  • Water – 5.5 glasses;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Cauliflower – 1 head;
  • Carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Spinach – 1 pc.;
  • Broccoli – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Water is boiled in a double boiler with oil and salt, washed rice is added. Chop the vegetables and add them to the rice and simmer for 30 minutes. Salt to taste, add herbs. Bon appetit!

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