Coconut oil: 12 unusual uses

In the fight against such an unpleasant and rather problematic disease as hemorrhoids, all means are good. It is not surprising that the use of traditional medicine, which promotes the use of plant products filled with nutrients and medicinal properties, is becoming popular. One of these useful products, which will come in very handy in the treatment of insidious hemorrhoids, is coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a storehouse of lipids that are beneficial and necessary for the human body, which have a direct therapeutic effect on its work and vital activity in general.

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  • Beneficial features

    The beneficial properties of coconut oil are based on a composition that is literally teeming with useful substances. This product contains:

    • Calcium.
    • Phosphorus.
    • Vitamins A, C, E.
    • Fatty acids: lauric, palmitic, oleic, myristic, caprylic, capric, stearic.

    It is in the fight against hemorrhoids that coconut oil shows itself at its best and takes the initiative completely into its own hands. Thanks to its unique composition of beneficial substances, this healing product provides the patient with the following assistance in healing:

    1. It thoroughly cleanses the body of viruses and bacteria, as it contains antibacterial substances. This helps eliminate the development of bacteriological infections when they enter the body through open wounds.
    2. Serves as protection for the skin from any external irritants that cause irreparable harm to it.
    3. Heals microcracks in the skin, renewing and healing it.
    4. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis, helping it retain moisture.
    5. Renews the intercellular substance of the skin, and also enhances metabolic processes directly in the intercellular space.
    6. Stabilizes various kinds of proteins in the patient’s body.
    7. Serves as protection against pathogenic bacteria and fungi in the gastrointestinal tract, which promotes favorable intestinal function, as it prevents dysbacteriosis, and improves digestion processes in general.
    8. Favors the stable functioning of the body's immune system, strengthening it.
    9. Lowers blood cholesterol levels.
    10. Stimulates blood thinning, which prevents the formation of blood clots.
    11. Affects the strengthening of the vascular walls of arteries and veins.
    12. Increases the ability of tissues to regenerate, which contributes to their timely renewal in case of hemorrhoids.
    13. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, as it increases resistance to stress.
    14. Relieves inflammatory processes.
    15. Eliminates pain during bowel movements.

    In fact, coconut oil is a good assistant both in the treatment of hemorrhoids and in carrying out preventive measures against other diseases.

    Since the body is an integral system, one affected organ will certainly “share” its illness with other nearby organs, and therefore it is certainly necessary to protect them. Coconut oil has these properties to the fullest.

    Olive oil for hemorrhoids

    Olive oil, which is familiar to us, is used not only for nutrition, but also for medicinal purposes. It can be taken internally or lubricated externally. Thus, stool is normalized, defecation is facilitated and inflammation of hemorrhoidal cones is reduced.

    • to combat constipation, you need to take the oil after meals, 15 ml three times a day;
    • to prepare the ointment, just mix honey and oil in an equal volume, and then use it to lubricate the crack or external cones;
    • in combination with chamomile oil, the medicine can enhance the therapeutic effect and quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The ingredients should be mixed 1:2, with the larger volume being olive oil, after which we lubricate the anus and nodes three times a day.

    During the treatment process, as well as to prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is recommended not only to use medicinal products of natural origin, but also to monitor perineal hygiene, follow a dietary diet and control the frequency of stool, avoiding prolonged constipation.

    Indications and contraindications

    Coconut oil is recommended for external use by everyone, regardless of age. This product has a number of useful properties that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

    As for internal use, the oil is easily absorbed by the body, is not stored in fatty layers at all, and is a useful and necessary ingredient in the diet of people leading an active lifestyle.

    Coconut oil is also effective in preventive measures and treatment of diseases associated with the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and cardiovascular system.

    Due to the content of saturated fatty acids and a number of vitamins, coconut oil is an indispensable aid in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, eliminates pain during bowel movements and has antiseptic properties that help with bleeding and prolapse of hemorrhoids.

    This substance is endowed with healing qualities that strengthen the immune system, which helps the body overcome viral infectious diseases, and creates favorable conditions for healing from other serious diseases, in particular hemorrhoids.

    However, like all products that have medicinal properties, coconut oil also has contraindications. The only and significant contraindication that coconut oil has is individual intolerance to the drug. You should also be careful with the dosage and take it in moderation, since excessive consumption of this product can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate chronic diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

    Side effects and risks

    Coconut oil can cause digestive upset if your body is not used to it. This may cause diarrhea, stomach cramps, or indigestion. Because of this, start with a teaspoon of coconut oil a day and work your way up. Do not consume more than 3 tablespoons per day.

    If your hemorrhoids were caused by diarrhea, do not use coconut oil as it can make the diarrhea worse and worsen the hemorrhoids and their symptoms.

    Coconut oil is safe for pregnant women to treat hemorrhoids, either topically or topically.

    Although coconut oil appears to be a safe alternative to other saturated fats and may reduce "bad" fats. cholesterol levels, more research is needed to assess how beneficial it is for the heart. High levels of saturated fat may theoretically increase the risk of heart disease, despite claims that it may reduce it.

    Methods of application

    Coconut oil can be taken either orally or used externally to combat hemorrhoids. Despite the fact that the disease is serious and requires medical intervention, at home it is possible to eliminate pain and stop inflammatory processes.

    Coconut oil cream

    In order to prepare an effective hemorrhoid cream for external use, you need to take:

    • 1-1.5 tbsp. coconut oil.
    • 5-6 drops of ginger oil.
    • Cotton swabs.

    Place coconut oil in a small container and melt it over low heat. After this, add ginger essential oil and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. When the consistency of the medicine becomes homogeneous, the cream should be transferred to a container and cooled completely.

    Next, using cotton swabs, apply the cream to the sore spot until completely rubbed in. The procedure must be repeated twice a day, morning and evening, for a month.

    Coconut oil ointment

    Coconut oil ointment will help eliminate pain and itching, stop inflammatory processes, while restoring damaged skin. This ointment consists of the following ingredients:

    • 2 tbsp. coconut oil.
    • 10 drops peppermint essential oil.

    You need to prepare the ointment at a low temperature so that all the beneficial properties of coconut oil are not lost. When the butter has melted, add 10 drops of peppermint oil into the container with it, and the resulting mixture must be stirred constantly. After a homogeneous composition of the product is obtained, it must be set aside until completely hardened. Apply the ointment with clean hands or a cotton swab to the affected area and rub until completely absorbed.

    Coconut oil and dandelion infusion

    A decoction of coconut oil with the addition of dandelions will help resist hemorrhoids from the inside and, gradually restoring digestion, improve intestinal function.

    The decoction consists of the following ingredients:

    • 1 cup dried dandelion petals.
    • 1-1.5 tbsp. coconut oil.
    • 1 tsp honey
    • 1 piece of lemon.

    Pour boiled water over the dandelion petals and let steep for about 15 minutes. After the plant has shown all its medicinal properties, add coconut oil to the container with dandelions and mix well.

    In order for the broth to be more saturated with nutrients, you should place a spoonful of honey and a piece of lemon in it. It is recommended to use the decoction on an empty stomach before an evening meal for a month.

    Camphor oil for hemorrhoids - treatment. Hemorrhoids camphor oil

    In alternative medicine, camphor oil for hemorrhoids is used to relieve symptoms and relieve swelling. It stimulates the regeneration of the epidermis, disinfects and helps reduce inflammation of external hemorrhoids. Camphor laurel oil also has a local analgesic effect.

    For medicinal purposes, 10% camphor etherol is used. The excipient is regular sunflower oil. 100% camphor is available on sale - an aromatic analogue of medicinal oil, which is not suitable for treatment.

    Camphor oil is for external use only. Oral ingestion is fraught with severe poisoning and can be fatal.

    To prepare the mixture you will need:

    • 10 ml tea tree oil;
    • 15 ml linseed oil;
    • 20 ml camphor etherol.

    The components are mixed and applied to a thin cotton-gauze swab, which is inserted rectally. The tampon must remain in the rectum for at least 2 hours, so the procedure is performed before bedtime.

    Flaxseed oil envelops the mucous membrane and increases the tone of the veins. The ether of tea tree and camphor anesthetizes and relieves swelling of the upper hemorrhoidal plexuses.

    This oil mixture is especially effective in the initial stages of hemorrhoids.

    Camphor candles

    The basis of rectal suppositories is raw, peeled potatoes. Rectangles 3 cm long and 1 cm in diameter are cut out of the tuber. The blanks are soaked in camphor oil for 6 hours. Candles are placed before bedtime for 14 days.

    Suppositories are removed painlessly in the morning along with feces. Potatoes help eliminate burning sensation and enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of camphor.

    Camphor etherol stimulates the circulatory system, so it should not be used for bleeding. In the preparation of rectal suppositories, it can be replaced with fir or sea buckthorn oil. They have a hemostatic effect.

    Swelling of external hemorrhoids can be significantly reduced by applying camphor and castor oil lotions at night. The components are mixed in equal proportions and applied to a cotton pad or soft cloth. The compress is applied to the anus and secured with a bandage. For healing deep anal fissures. The oil mixture is applied to the affected area 3 times a day.

    Camphor and castor oil complement each other's properties well. Camphor etherol is quickly absorbed into the skin, so it is mixed with other oils to treat anal fissures. Castor oil has a thick consistency and provides long-term hydration to damaged skin.

    Pharmacy drugs

    Among the ready-made preparations based on camphor, the most popular are:

    1. "Ointment 999". The second trade name is “Pianpin”. Active components of the ointment: menthol, sodium phosphate, camphor and hexamethasone. The product is used to quickly relieve pain, relieve inflammation of external hemorrhoids and heal microcracks. The effect occurs 15 minutes after applying the drug, so it can be used for exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
    2. Camphor ointment. The composition includes petroleum jelly, medical paraffin, camphor and anhydrous lanolin. It is used as a local anesthetic and disinfectant for hemorrhoids, and for the prevention of bedsores. It has a number of contraindications.

    In addition to camphor ointment, pharmacies sell an alcohol solution. It is not recommended for use in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Alcohol dries out the skin, which can cause anal fissures.

    Camphor oil is one of the most powerful natural medicines. Etherol quickly penetrates the blood, which, if abused, can negatively affect the nervous system. The use of camphor oil is strictly contraindicated for:

    • allergies;
    • psoriasis;
    • eczema;
    • frequent seizures;
    • poor blood clotting (hemophilia);
    • pregnancy. Active substances easily cross the placental barrier and can affect the developing fetus;
    • epilepsy. In epilepsy, the central nervous system is very susceptible to pathogens, so camphor oil can become a catalyst for a seizure.

    During lactation, the product can only be used in the form of compresses.

    Various oils of plant origin are often used for the treatment of hemorrhoids by both people who prefer traditional methods of treatment and certified proctologists. In this case, both ordinary vegetable oils and essential oils are used.

    Sea buckthorn

    Sea buckthorn is one of the most beloved traditional medicines. It is used to treat burns and ulcers, various inflammatory processes of the skin and mucous membranes. It is successfully used in gynecological and otolaryngological practice, and is also used in ophthalmology.

    Sea buckthorn oil for hemorrhoids is also widely used. The reparative property it possesses ensures accelerated healing of damaged tissues, helps stop bleeding and relieve pain.

    As a result, the strengthened wall of the blood vessel is less injured and thereby prevents further enlargement of already formed hemorrhoids, and also prevents the appearance of new ones.

    Sea buckthorn oil has anti-inflammatory properties. They manifest themselves due to the presence of tannins and organic acids in its composition. As the inflammation decreases, the swelling in the area of ​​the node also goes away, and eventually the pain also subsides.

    When treating hemorrhoids with sea buckthorn oil, the location of the hemorrhoids is taken into account. In cases where they are located externally, sea buckthorn oil is applied to them using a gauze swab intensively soaked in it, which is applied to the node overnight. Usually 10-12 courses of treatment are enough to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and heal cracks.

    When they are located internally, microenemas are used. For this purpose, about 50 ml of oil, heated to body temperature, is injected into the anal canal for about half an hour. Instead of microenemas, you can insert gauze swabs well soaked in sea buckthorn for 2-3 hours.

    Thanks to the listed substances, when used externally for hemorrhoids, it promotes the healing of damage to the anal area, reduces inflammation and, as a result, reduces pain.

    Taking olive oil, which has enveloping properties and a laxative effect, internally normalizes the functioning of the intestines and eliminates constipation. Also, its use internally strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the likelihood of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

    For hemorrhoids, drink two tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach. You can add it to salads and season other dishes with it.

    You can also use it externally, lubricating the anus area with it during hygiene procedures or making olive-honey compresses on the area of ​​​​hemorrhoids.

    It is worth noting that the choleretic effect of olive oil makes its intake on an empty stomach contraindicated for patients with cholelithiasis and other biliary pathologies.


    Castor oil is used externally to treat hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that, unlike other oils, castor oil has a pronounced local irritant effect.

    Before applying castor oil, you must wash yourself thoroughly. The anus is treated with a finger dipped in castor oil.

    Internal hemorrhoids can be treated in the same way.

    In folk medicine, warm sitz baths with a solution are used, for the preparation of which castor oil is diluted in ordinary water. Such baths relieve swelling in the anus, relieve pain and itching.

    Camphor oil for hemorrhoids is used, like castor oil, only externally. It helps well to relieve inflammation of internal hemorrhoids. A tampon made from ordinary cotton wool is soaked generously and placed in the anal canal for 20 minutes. Four to five such daily procedures usually give excellent results.

    This product is very rich in vitamin E, due to which it helps accelerate wound healing and relieve inflammation. It also has antiseptic properties.

    Various essential oils are included in pharmaceutical remedies for hemorrhoids. Oils from peppermint, lavender, cypress, fir and many others can be effective for this disease. The only condition that is necessary for effective treatment of hemorrhoids with their help is the absence of constipation. Therefore, before starting treatment with essential oils, it is necessary to normalize the stool.

    One of the most commonly used essential oils for hemorrhoids is fir. Fir is so called because it is obtained from the needles and young shoots of fir.

    Having anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antibacterial properties, fir oil is a very effective remedy for hemorrhoids. Easily and quickly absorbed by inflamed areas of the body, fir oil helps improve blood circulation and quickly eliminates inflammation.

    When treating internal hemorrhoids, tampons are often used, for the preparation of which fir oil is mixed with sunflower or sea buckthorn oils. And when the nodes are located externally, fir oil is often used to moisten them along with fish oil in equal proportions.


    Treatment of hemorrhoids with oil can effectively help relieve all symptoms of the disease.

    Flaxseed Oil: A Natural Laxative

    Indeed, flaxseed oil can be considered a safe natural laxative. It is perfect for softening the skin, healing small cracks, and reducing swelling. Flaxseed oil is also considered to prevent hemorrhoidal bleeding.

    If you suffer from chronic constipation, you need to take 2 tablespoons of oil in the morning on an empty stomach. You do this for two weeks, then go on a break. Not only internal use of flaxseed oil can help. Lotions will also be healing. To do this, you should mix linseed and olive oils in equal parts, add about 40 g of calendula flowers brought to a powdery state.

    This mixture is heated in a water bath and then cooled. A cotton swab is generously moistened in the oil mixture and inserted rectally into the cleansed rectum (if internal administration), or simply applied to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes.

    To avoid harm, you need to know how to use

    To treat external nodes, you can buy camphor alcohol at the pharmacy.
    The oil is intended exclusively for external use for hemorrhoids. Ingestion is fraught with severe food poisoning, including death in case of overdose. It is allowed to combine camphor with other oils, for example, sunflower, sea buckthorn, linseed or tea tree. Pharmacies also sell ready-made tinctures, for example, camphor alcohol. Before using any product, it is important to wash the rectal area with warm water.

    Options for using camphor oil with proven effectiveness for hemorrhoids

    Camphor oil for hemorrhoids can be used in the following ways:

    • After each bowel movement, camphor is applied to the affected areas of soft tissue and inflamed cones. This method effectively removes inflammation and pain symptoms.
    • Make a tampon from gauze or cotton wool, soak it in oil and insert it into the anus, leaving it there for 20 minutes. It is recommended to carry out 6-7 procedures.
    • Shredded raw potatoes are soaked overnight in oil. Afterwards, rectal suppositories are formed from the mass and placed overnight for 14 days.
    • Castor oil in combination with camphor oil is endowed with the ability to reduce hemorrhoidal cones. It is better to apply lotions based on them before bedtime. Do not forget that the treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out only with 10% camphor oil.

    Uses of camphor oil

    Camphor is used as an ingredient in medications, injectable medications, or for topical use. It is a respiratory analeptic and is used for acute and chronic pulmonary heart failure. It is used as a warming agent in orthopedics in the treatment of myalgia, radiculitis, and arthralgia. In bedridden patients it is used to prevent bedsores. In toxicology it is prescribed for poisoning with drugs and sleeping pills.

    The composition of injection medications includes natural or semi-synthetic camphor. It is extracted from camphor laurel or fir oil. Synthetic camphor, which is a product of turpentine processing, is also used as a component of external products.

    To determine the method of drug treatment, it is necessary to find out what the causes of the disease in a particular case are.

    How to use sea buckthorn oil

    Sea buckthorn oil is very often used for hemorrhoids. Patients are more familiar with rectal suppositories based on it. Sea buckthorn oil is high in vitamin C and valuable amino acids. It is not for nothing that it is considered an excellent regenerator and a product that resists itching, soreness, and burning. It can overcome swelling (both external and internal), resist infections, and accelerate healing processes.

    The easiest way to use sea buckthorn oil:

    • Apply a small portion of the oily composition to a piece of natural fabric and press it to the groin;
    • Secure the compress with film and secure with a bandage;
    • Wear the compress for one and a half hours.

    You can administer oil for hemorrhoids rectally. To do this, you need to twist a cotton swab, soak it well in sea buckthorn oil and insert it into the rectal canal with clean hands.

    This session should be done according to the same scenario as inserting a candle into the anus. First, the act of defecation, then all hygienic actions, then taking a comfortable position and the insertion itself. After this, lie down for at least half an hour. To prevent this tampon from staining your underwear, you can use a sanitary pad or gauze in the anus area.

    Who is prohibited from oil therapy?

    Despite the natural origin of these medications, essential oils for hemorrhoids (and not only them) in some cases should not be used.

    Avoid this treatment if you:

    1. Viral or fungal voluminous skin lesions;
    2. Heavy bleeding from the anus;
    3. Rectal cancer;
    4. Purulent fistulas and necrotic tissue changes;
    5. Non-systemic urticaria;
    6. Individual intolerance to these natural components.

    Do not overdose. Excessive use of oil therapy can lead to an irritation reaction in the anorectal area. Local redness, swelling, headache and nausea are possible.

    Finally, don't get too hung up on any one product. The problem of hemorrhoids requires complex action: everything is important, from diet to the correct approach to hygiene. Focus on the treatment regimen that the proctologist will draw up for you. Hemorrhoids are a serious vascular pathology; self-medication will not help. If you are a sensible person and really want to help your body, you can wisely separate the basic principles of treating hemorrhoids from the additional ones.

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