Rectal use of Diclofenac in the form of suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids

The use of Diclofenac for hemorrhoids is mandatory for local pain relief in complex therapy for treating the disease. Diclofenac by itself is not a remedy that eliminates hemorrhoids. This is an anesthetic drug that is used in surgery, rheumatology, gynecology, therapy, ophthalmology, urology, neurology, etc. The action of Diclofenac is aimed at reducing hemorrhagic manifestations - pain when sitting, defecation, swelling, hyperemia and itching in the anus. If you use only Diclofenac (as monotherapy), you will not be able to get rid of hemorrhoids.


Along with this drug, the complex treatment of hemorrhoids, depending on the development of the disease, may include anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents, venoprotective, venotonic drugs, hemostatics, antispasmodics, anticoagulants, immunostimulants, etc.

It is important to remember that hemorrhoids are a disease that requires mandatory consultation with a proctologist. Self-medication can lead to very serious health problems - from kidney and gastrointestinal problems to problems with the cardiovascular system.


The product is used to treat chronic and acute hemorrhoids, when you urgently want to relieve pain. Diclofenac's ability to quickly relieve inflammation allows you to get rid of the disease in a short time, when the moment is missed when you have to treat an advanced stage of the disease.

The drug will meet consumer expectations:

  • will numb the affected area;
  • slow down thrombosis;
  • eliminates local allergic reaction;
  • will reduce elevated body temperature.

Doctors are often asked about the permissibility of the drug for use in the treatment of hemorrhoids, when the rectal mucosa is damaged or wounded. Professional doctors say: suppositories are used if the anus is intact. The reason lies in the composition of the drug. The substances that make up Diclofenac treat intact membranes, and an irritating effect appears on damaged areas. The patient will feel a strong burning sensation that does not allow holding the candle for a long time.

Indications of the drug

Diclofenac is a suppository that has a positive effect in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

Recommendations for therapy

Indications for use:

  • overheating of the body;
  • arthritis of the vertebral joints (Bechterew's disease);
  • chronic inflammatory process in the joints, in patients suffering from psoriasis;
  • diseases of soft tissue structures;
  • pain in the postoperative period;
  • soreness of the head;
  • diseases of the ears, pharynx, tonsils;
  • diseases associated with gynecological problems.

It is recommended to use Diclofenac for hemorrhoids:

  • to relieve inflammation in the rectum;
  • with pain in the anal passage;
  • in the treatment of hemorrhoids of varying degrees.

Benefits of treatment

Positive aspects of the drug Diclofenac:

  1. Suppositories are not addictive. There is no need to increase the amount of the drug; the product is used on an ongoing basis without losing effectiveness.
  2. The product is intended for external use, without making it dangerous and contraindicated for patients with kidney, liver, and gastric diseases.
  3. Suppositories are administered rectally. Provides an immediate effect on hemorrhoids, absolute safety for the functioning of other organs.

special instructions

Although Diclofenac is a safe drug for hemorrhoids, there are recommendations for the use of the medicine:

  1. It is permissible to use suppositories provided that the mucous membranes of the rectum are intact.
  2. It is not advisable to use it over a long period of time; there is a risk of negative side effects.
  3. The drug is used externally, ingestion will cause poisoning.
  4. Use the medicine carefully. Contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes or damaged surface will cause irritation and pain.
  5. There is no confirmed information on the safety of use when carrying a child or breastfeeding. The use of candles is not recommended.

Instructions for use

The absorption capacity of suppositories when used externally is low; the occurrence of negative effects when doses are exceeded is low.

Symptoms of overdose

In rare cases, the following may occur:

  • head pain;
  • nauseating sensations;
  • gag reflexes;
  • severe pain in the abdominal area;
  • cloudy consciousness.

Treatment consists of relieving symptoms.

Features of use

The suppository contains 25, 50 or 100 mg of medication. The drug is administered after defecation, after washing your hands. Hemorrhoid suppositories are quickly removed from the packaging material and inserted deeply into the anus. Hands are thoroughly cleaned of the drug.

It is allowed to use up to 150 mg of the substance per day; in practice, a smaller amount of the drug is required to eliminate pain. Treatment terms are minimal - a few days.

Combination with other drugs and contraindications

When treating hemorrhoids, careful use of the drug in combination with antibiotics and medications intended for the treatment of epilepsy is recommended. Self-medication is unacceptable. Seek advice from a doctor in the field of proctology.

Contraindications to the use of Diclofenac for hemorrhoids:

  • rectal fissures;
  • erosive and ulcerative proctitis;
  • allergies and intolerance to the medication;
  • peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • insufficient function of the heart, liver, kidneys;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • bronchial asthma.

Side effects

The use of the drug in rare cases provokes side effects.

The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted by abnormalities: consolidation of fecal matter, colic, nausea, gag reflexes, excessive gas formation, diarrhea, stomatitis, loss of appetite, bloating, and spotting.

Allergies are represented by: anaphylactic shock, tongue, lip swelling.

On the skin side, the following is recorded: baldness, itching, rashes, eczema, increased sensitivity to radiation.

The central nervous system experiences: tendency to sleep, reluctance to go to sleep, weakening of the body, depressive states, dizziness, anxiety, convulsions.

From the sensory organs: deterioration of auditory functions, the appearance of blind spots in visual characteristics, blurred vision, noise effect in the ears, changes in taste.

The genitourinary system is susceptible to kidney diseases and swelling as a result of poor fluid drainage from the body.

In the hematopoietic organs, the following occur: a decrease in platelets, a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in eosinophils, and a tendency to bleeding.

From the respiratory system: swelling of the larynx, cough, bronchial spasms.

Contraindications for the use of Diclofenac

However, self-medication with Diclofenac is not recommended. Only a doctor can prescribe it. The reason lies in a number of contraindications:

  • allergy to any of the components of the product;
  • heart and arterial diseases;
  • intestinal or stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure;
  • liver problems;
  • inflammation inside the intestines;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • other diseases specified in the instructions for the drug.

The purpose of the examination with a doctor is to find out whether there are any contraindications to the use of Diclofenac. If they are absent, then you can safely use this drug in any of its forms - ointment, suppositories, tablets or even an injection solution. However, it is still better not to give injections at home, limiting yourself to other dosage forms.

About consumer reviews

The network contains numerous reviews about the experience of treating hemorrhoids with Diclofenac suppositories. Basically, these are positive points that describe the practice of treating hemorrhoids and other inflammatory diseases, vividly and colorfully describing how the drug helped heal external or internal hemorrhoids at different stages of development, helped resolve bleeding nodes, and heal anal fissures. They also talk about effectiveness and the absence of side effects for a long time.

Don't trust reviews entirely. Consult a doctor. Read the instructions for use. Consider individual intolerance to the drug.

Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease. Many patients are embarrassed to turn to a qualified specialist for help with a delicate problem. The result is the emergence of serious problems in the general condition of the patient. After examining the doctor and establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe an effective medication - Diclofenac. It has the ability to eliminate inflammation and pain from formed hemorrhoids. But before use, you should read the instructions and identify indications and contraindications for use.


People suffering from erosive and ulcerative proctitis with cracks on the surface of the anus should avoid using Diclofenac ointments or suppositories. Otherwise, the antiplatelet effect of the drug can provoke rectal bleeding, which only worsens the course of the disease.

You should use suppositories, ointments and gels with caution when:

  • individual intolerance or allergic reactions to any of the constituent components,
  • exacerbation of stomach or intestinal ulcers,
  • pregnancy,
  • liver, kidney or heart failure,
  • lactation.

The drug is prohibited for persons under 12 years of age.

Diclofenac should be used with caution if a person experiences asthma attacks.

Diclofenac ointment for external use

Pharmacological action of the drug

Diclofenac belongs to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group of medications. The drug is used in various fields of medicine - ophthalmology, oncology, gynecology, general surgery, neurology, traumatology, and rheumatology.

The positive results of using Diclofenac for the treatment of hemorrhoids are due to the fact that it has the ability to quickly neutralize discomfort in the anus.

The effect of the drug is aimed at demonstrating a therapeutic effect for the whole organism:

  1. Eliminates pain in the anus, reduces fever.
  2. Reducing inflammation during the development of hemorrhoidal cones with varicose veins of the intestine.
  3. Prevents the formation of blood clots.
  4. Thins the blood and eliminates stagnation of venous blood in the vessels of the rectum.
  5. Reduces swelling of the soft tissues of the anus.
  6. Blocks hypersensitivity reaction.
  7. Inhibits the development of free radicals that cause deformation of cells and soft tissues of the body.
  8. Reduces the volume of inflamed exudate in hemorrhoids.

To eliminate vein prolapse, an integrated approach to treating the disease is necessary. In this case, the effect of the active substance of the drug on the patient’s body eliminates the causes of hemorrhoids and blocks the process of proliferation of pathogenic symptoms.

Indications for use

Diclofenac is designed to eliminate pain during the inflammatory process of formed hemorrhoidal cones. The drug has no ability to influence the development of the disease and its progression. Diclofenac for hemorrhoids is prescribed in the following situations:

  1. With inflammation that has formed in the intestines, as well as the falling out of hemorrhoidal-type nodes and cones.
  2. Feeling pain in the anorectal area.
  3. At various stages of the hemorrhoids treatment process.
  4. Mucous discharge from the anus, unusual for the normal state.
  5. When unpleasant sensations, painful or pulling occur during the act of defecation.

To help alleviate the general symptoms of the ongoing disease, topical preparations, such as ointments or suppositories, are used. If you want to achieve a quick effect, medicine uses the medication in the form of an injection for injection into the gluteal muscle. Injections are used only in difficult situations.

In addition to the effects on hemorrhoids, Diclofenac can be used for the following diseases:

  • spondylitis of ankylosing type;
  • severe headaches;
  • diseases of extra-articular soft tissues;
  • diseases of the female organs – dysmenorrhea, adnexitis;
  • hyperthermia – when there is a violation of heat accumulation in the human body;
  • arthritis of various forms - psoriatic, rheumatoid;
  • for pain after surgery, accompanied by tissue inflammation and swelling;
  • pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system;
  • for tonsillitis, pharyngitis or middle ear disease (otitis), as well as other infectious diseases that affect the human otolaryngological organs.

In addition, the medication effectively affects the elimination of foci of inflammation that have formed in the pelvic organs or its soft tissues.

Any use of the drug should be carried out only under the special supervision of the attending physician. Independent use of the medication can lead to improper use and secondary infection.

Reviews of Diclofenac

Valery : “I listened to enough advice and decided to numb the hemorrhoids with Diclofenac. The effect appeared after 10 minutes. At first the pain went away, and I was happy, but after that the anal bleeding worsened, the itching and burning intensified, and I had to go to the doctor.”

Andrey : “I don’t know why I got hemorrhoids, but I was ashamed to go to the doctor. I read that pain can be relieved with Diclofenac. There was an important event ahead, and I just needed painkillers. Who would have thought that the drug would make me call an ambulance and leave with attacks of pain straight from the corporate event.”

Natalya : “They cause me to get mucus in my stool, and the day after the injection my stomach feels tight and bloated. I won’t use it again.”

Semyon : “I lasted 5 days. I had severe diarrhea, insomnia, worsening of the fissure, and I couldn’t get out of the toilet. In short, these candles not only did not help, but also aggravated the problem.”

Contraindications and side effects

Before you start using an effective medication, it is recommended that you read the instructions for use and identify possible contraindications. If you do not follow the recommendations and use the product, you can cause side effects and serious health problems.

To begin therapeutic use, you should notify your doctor about any chronic diseases other than hemorrhoids. During use, you must be under the constant supervision of a proctologist.

The following general points are highlighted when the use of the drug Diclofenac is strictly prohibited:

  1. Inflammation and bleeding in the digestive organs.
  2. Pathological state of blood formation.
  3. Acute form of hemorrhoids.
  4. Development of hemophilia.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Stomach ulcer.
  7. Children under 7 years of age when using the gel, adolescents under 17 years of age when administered orally (by mouth) and patients over 19 years of age when using suppositories.
  8. The moment of bearing a child and further feeding the baby for suppositories and gel.
  9. Pathology of blood clotting.
  10. Individual intolerance.
  11. III trimester of pregnancy for the use of the tablet form of Diclofenac.

You should not administer an effective medication in the form of a gel for ruptures and cracks in the anus, as well as severe damage to the skin near the anus.

Almost all patients are allowed to use the medication. The exceptions are people who have crossed the age of 60, as well as patients with arterial hypertension, diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart muscle. It is not recommended to self-administer the drug to patients with respiratory system disorders caused by the formation of polyps in the nasal passages, or with pathological processes in the digestive organs.

You should not use the medicine if you are drinking alcohol, or if you have diabetes.

If the situation is interesting, women are advised not to use the drug. But if the expected effect exceeds the risk of developing a fetus with defects, then doctors may allow the use of Diclofenac for the treatment of hemorrhoids from 13 to 31 weeks of gestation. Later use may cause premature birth or missed abortion.

In almost all situations, the use of the drug is tolerated favorably. The occurrence of side effects may occur in 1 case out of 100 subjects. In addition, the cause of negative situations when administering a medicine may be the independently prescribed dosage and method of administration.

The following are the most common side effects:

  1. redness and severe rashes on the skin near the anus;
  2. pain during defecation;
  3. irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  4. disorder in the genitourinary system, manifested by urinary retention;
  5. changes in taste sensations, as well as deterioration in the clarity of the image of the outside world;
  6. mucous discharge from the rectum, supplemented by bloody clots;
  7. abnormal functioning of the respiratory organs - bronchospasm, cough;
  8. changes in the functioning of the central nervous system - insomnia, headache, constant drowsiness, loss of ability to work;
  9. detection of an allergic reaction - Quincke's edema, itching in the area of ​​​​inflamed hemorrhoids.

If any negative reaction is detected, you should contact your doctor and determine the cause of the side effect. In case of contraindications, only a doctor, based on the medical history and tests performed, can prescribe a similar medication with an identical spectrum of action and active substance.

Composition and release form

You can buy Diclofenac at a pharmacy kiosk in different forms. The active ingredient of any type of medication is a derivative of phenylacetic acid. It is supplemented with various substances depending on the type produced.

The following forms of release and composition contained in each of the medications are distinguished:

  • Injection for injections in the form of a solution - looks like a colorless liquid, transparent structure, in a volume of 3 ml. The aroma is vaguely reminiscent of benzyl alcohol.
  • Gel for local external use - sold in volumes of 1.2 and 5.2%. When squeezed out, the mass has a yellow tint, a dense structure and a specific amber. Available in aluminum or plastic tubes of 30 and 50 mg. Additionally, the composition includes ethylene glycol, lavender oil, rectified alcohol and trolamine.
  • Candles are suppositories for rectal use in the form of a torpedo, presented in a soft yellow tone. The main component contains solid fats.
  • Substance for topical use - available in a tube weighing 30 mg. The composition includes, in addition to the active component, propanediol, dimethyl sulfoxide and polyether of simple consistency.
  • Capsules – used for oral administration to reach the digestive organs. The tablets have a specific shell, round in shape, easily dissolved inside the digestive organs. In appearance it has a bright yellow tint. In addition to the active substance, the dragee contains a carbohydrate from the group of disaccharides, octadecanoic acid and potato starch.

Depending on the form of hemorrhoids and the severity of the disease, the attending physician can prescribe any remedy from pharmaceutical companies to eliminate the painful symptoms.

Instructions for use

To eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve pain, the doctor prescribes various types of Diclofenac release forms. In addition, the doctor advises the optimal dosage, which will not provoke the occurrence of negative reactions if the drug is taken.

If rectal suppositories are used, they should be inserted into the rectum no more than 3 times a day, the dose of the substance should not exceed 150 mg. In case of severe disease, the norm can be increased to 200 mg. Before inserting a suppository, you should first go to the restroom and empty your intestines using a natural or artificial method.

Using ointment, apply a small amount of product to the surface of the skin. The substance is rubbed in with massive movements in the area closest to the hemorrhoids. The dose should be calculated based on the area of ​​the affected area, but not more than 4 mg at a time.

The ointment is used only on the outer skin; contact of the substance with the mucous membranes is strictly prohibited.

Before applying to hemorrhoids, the affected area should be rinsed with cool water, blotted with a soft cloth and the required amount of product applied. The procedure is performed in a side lying position. It is necessary to spend at least 15 minutes in this state for the medicine to start working.

How to use Diclofenac in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Diclofenac ointment should be rubbed into the peri-mucosal areas of the perianal area. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day. It is very important to apply the gel correctly. The drug should not be applied to damaged areas of the mucous membrane, open wounds or eyes. After use, if the procedure was carried out without medical gloves, you should thoroughly wash your hands with detergent. If the drug gets into the anal canal fissures, it will lead to rectal bleeding and complicate the course of the disease.

Diclofenac suppositories for hemorrhoids are administered half an hour before bedtime. When administering a suppository, you must wash your hands well or use medical gloves.

Before starting the procedure you should:

  • keep the suppository in the refrigerator, because at room temperature (in summer) and in your hands it begins to melt quickly;
  • empty the rectum (naturally or with an enema) and rinse the anus with cool water;
  • cool your hands in cool water so that their temperature drops slightly;
  • lie on your left side, straighten your lower leg, bend your right leg and bring it to your stomach, relax;
  • carefully insert the suppository into the anus, pushing it into the lower ampullary section of the rectum.

For hemorrhoids, you can also use a suppository on the structures of the anal canal. So, after the start of administration, it is necessary to hold the suppository in the sphincter muscles for 20-30 seconds so that it melts a little, and push the medication into the rectum. After inserting the suppository for hemorrhoids, you must remain in a lying position for another 15-20 minutes.

List of analogues

If it is not possible to use the drug due to identified contraindications or side effects, the doctor may recommend other medications. Substitutes are selected in such a way that similar drugs have an identical active substance and a similar spectrum of action.

The following medications are suitable for replacing the original drug:

  1. Diclobene.
  2. Bioran.
  3. Naklofen.
  4. Adolor.
  5. Voltaren.
  6. Dorosan.
  7. Diclovit.
  8. Diclak gel.
  9. Dicloran.
  10. Ortofen.
  11. Diclofenacol.

Self-prescription of substitutes is prohibited. The wrong choice of components stimulates the occurrence of serious complications and disruption of the functioning of important systems of the patient.

Patient reviews

Victoria, 26 years old: “I got hemorrhoids after giving birth. I didn’t know what to do; I tried a lot of medications, but nothing helped. The doctor last prescribed me Diclofenac suppositories. After the first insertion of the suppository, I felt relief, but the pain returned after a short period of time. During the day I injected the drug several times. I’m happy with the result, the pain in the anus no longer bothers me.”

Elena, 38 years old: “I work as an accountant. Due to constant sitting, my hemorrhoids began to fall out. I went straight to the doctor. So far, at the first symptoms, I was prescribed to use Diclofenac ointment topically. I started using it and forgot about the pain and unpleasant discomfort. Now the ointment is always at hand for emergencies.”

Valentin, 58 years old: “I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for decades. Periodically I suffered with knots falling out. The last time my doctor recommended that I use suppositories to relieve pain. I decided to try it. After only a short period of time I felt that the pain had gone away. Now I use suppositories at the first signs of an inflammatory process. So far, Diclofenac has never let me down.”

Thus, Diclofenac is an effective remedy for eliminating pain and neutralizing the inflammatory process. The main thing is to use the medicine correctly and adhere to the recommended dosage.

Rectal suppositories and ointment Diclofenac for hemorrhoids is used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic agent. The medicine quickly eliminates pain of various origins, therefore it is used not only in the treatment of hemorrhoids, but also in rheumatological practice.

Dosage forms of the drug

Diclofenac has several dosage forms, which differ in the speed of action and the method of administration into the body. The most effective are suppositories and ointments.

There are Diclofenac suppositories for hemorrhoids for rectal administration. Suppositories often perform several functions at once - they relieve pain and have a regenerative effect on damaged mucosal tissue, reduce spasms, and relax muscles. Diclofenac suppositories for hemorrhoids act locally, the anesthetic effect is felt within a few minutes. Due to their external effects, they do not contribute to the body’s addiction (no need to increase the dosage) and do not affect organs and systems as a whole.

Diclofenac ointment for hemorrhoids (or gel) is used only for external use. It is applied to the pre-washed perianal area (except for the mucous membranes of the anus), then to the hemorrhoids. Overdose with this application is extremely low, as with the use of suppositories. It acts locally, without affecting organs and systems, and is not addictive. The positive, analgesic result is felt within a few minutes.

Tablets (orally) and injection solution (intramuscular administration), due to their systemic effect on the body and short anesthetic effect, are used less frequently or in combination with suppositories and ointment for the treatment of acute, complicated forms of pathology with severe pain.

Diclofenac sodium is the active substance of the drug, which is quickly absorbed and at the molecular level reduces the activity of the enzyme (cyclooxygenase), which is responsible for the onset of the inflammatory process. As a result, the oxidation of lipid compounds slows down and the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid decreases.

After contacting a specialist and passing all the necessary tests, the attending physician may prescribe one form of Diclofenac or all at once, depending on the severity of the disease. Diclofenac is universal in that it can be used at any stage of the disease. The drug has another important advantage - it is an inexpensive product.

Diclofenac ointment and suppositories for hemorrhoids - description

The drug is effectively used for both chronic and acute hemorrhoids, if the patient is bothered by severe pain. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, Diclofenac promotes rapid recovery even in advanced stages of hemorrhoids.

The effect you can expect when taking the drug:

  • anesthetic;
  • antiplatelet;
  • desensitizing;
  • antipyretic.

Is it possible to use Diclofenac for hemorrhoids if there are lesions and wounds on the mucous membrane? Experts say that the ointment can only be applied to intact areas of the anus, and it is prohibited to apply an occlusive dressing.

Indications for use

Ointment and suppositories Diclofenac is an effective drug that is used not only for diseases such as hemorrhoids. The medicine may also be prescribed for the following conditions:

  • hyperthermia;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic;
  • diseases of extra-articular soft tissues;
  • for postoperative pain, which is accompanied by swelling and inflammation of tissues;
  • migraine;
  • otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • gynecological ailments – adnexitis, dysmenorrhea.

In the case of hemorrhoids treatment, suppositories can be prescribed:

  • with inflammatory processes formed in the rectum;
  • at various stages of hemorrhoid treatment;
  • for pain in the anorectal area.

Advantages of treatment with Diclofenac

  1. Suppositories and ointment are not addictive, therefore, increasing the dose is not required, the patient can use the medicine regularly, and the effect will remain.
  2. The medicine is used only externally - therefore it can be used by people with kidney, liver, and stomach diseases without fear for their health.
  3. Since Diclofenac for hemorrhoids must be applied directly to the sore spot (we are talking about the form of the drug in the form of an ointment or rectal suppositories), the effect occurs almost immediately. However, no other organs are affected by the drug.

It is noteworthy that the tablet form has a less effective analgesic effect, and the pain returns faster than if the patient used a suppository or ointment.

special instructions
  1. As mentioned above, Diclofenac for hemorrhoids should be used only on those areas of the skin that are not damaged.
  2. Despite the fact that the drug is not addictive, long-term use is not recommended as it increases the likelihood of side effects.
  3. Do not use orally under any circumstances! Ointment and suppositories are intended for external use only.
  4. Avoid getting the medicine on open wounds or in the eyes.
  5. Since there are no controlled clinical studies that have been conducted with Diclofenac taken by pregnant women, the drug is not prescribed to expectant mothers. The same applies to nursing mothers - you should not use the medicine during breastfeeding.

Instructions for use

Since the absorption of the ointment when applied externally is very low, an overdose of Diclofenac is unlikely.

However, in some cases manifestations are possible:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • clouding of consciousness.

Treatment of overdose is symptomatic.

Each rectal suppository contains 50 mg of active ingredient. Suppositories should be used after bowel movements. Before use, you must wash your hands well, remove the candle from its packaging, and then insert it into the anal canal as deeply as possible. Important: if you have already removed the suppository, it must be used as quickly as possible. After use, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The maximum daily dose of Diclofenac is 150 mg - that is, the suppository can be administered 5 times a day. However, practice shows that 3 times is enough for a patient to relieve moderate pain. The treatment period is several days. All proctologists assure their patients that the sooner you can stop taking the medication, the better, since the patient should strive to minimize the duration of therapy.

Interaction with other tools

Diclofenac for hemorrhoids must be taken carefully with drugs that have increased hepatoxicity - antibiotics, as well as drugs aimed at treating epilepsy. In any case, self-medication is not recommended - before starting use, you must consult a proctologist.

Composition and types of packaging

Rectal suppositories are available in 25,50,100 ml. The maximum daily dose per day is 150 ml.

Only the attending physician can prescribe the required dosage . Self-medication with this drug can cause serious allergic reactions and overdose.

Increasing the dosage on your own often leads to nausea and vomiting, and increased blood pressure.

Diclofenac is also available in the form of tablets, injections, solutions, and gel.

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