Rosehip syrup: instructions for use for children, for weight loss, during pregnancy, reviews of benefits and harms, price

Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction with high acidity and ulcers?

Rosehip decoction is used as a remedy that is effective for hypertension. for example, and as a table drink. But is it always possible to use a decoction and infusion of rosehip, is it possible to use it often, and what are the dangers of using infusions and decoctions of these fruits for the mucous membrane of the stomach, duodenum and pancreas?

What is the danger of rose hips for the stomach?

Rosehip decoction is useful because it contains a large amount of ascorbic acid; it is this antioxidant that helps protect the body from the negative effects of free radicals and improve immunity, including resistance to viral infections.

Therefore, the use of rosehip is quite justified for the prevention of viral infection. We have already written about other beneficial properties of rose hips, but how does the use of decoctions and infusions affect the gastric mucosa?

A large amount of ascorbic acid causes rose hips to significantly increase the acidity of gastric juice. If a person suffers from low acidity, then rose hips can also be useful for the stomach, but in most cases it is precisely increased acidity that is observed, and therefore rose hips can be dangerous for the gastrointestinal tract due to the development of gastritis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.

How to find out about the dangers of rose hips?

Not all people may suspect that they have high acidity of gastric juice, and rosehip decoction can be used both to prevent viral infections and to combat high blood pressure. Rosehip decoctions are often used as a table drink.

It should be said right away that regular use of rosehip can be dangerous both in terms of the development of gastroenterological complications and due to its diuretic effect. The removal of potassium ions from the body is dangerous due to the development of muscle twitching and cramps, heart rhythm disturbances and even cardiac arrest.

Therefore, you should not use infusions and decoctions as a table drink on a regular basis, but their periodic use can be useful, but in the absence of contraindications - high acidity, gastritis or peptic ulcer, especially during an exacerbation.

It’s easy to find out about the dangers of a drink made from rose hips for the gastrointestinal tract. Often, after taking a decoction or infusion, discomfort occurs in the upper abdomen, which can persist for a long time or even increase. The problem is that many people do not pay attention to these symptoms. As a result, chronic gastritis occurs, and sometimes even a peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum develops, which is not accompanied by severe clinical symptoms.

If after taking rose hips you notice the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, then it is better to undergo an examination, determine the acidity of gastric juice or perform a fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

Negative effects of rose hips on the pancreas

The development of pancreatitis when taking rose hips is explained by the fact that it increases the acidity of gastric juice, and as a result, the stimulation and secretion of pancreatic juice increases.

If there is a certain predisposition, this can lead to cell destruction and the development of an inflammatory process, so patients who suffer from chronic pancreatitis are not recommended to use rose hips, at least not often and in large doses.

Is there an alternative to rose hips?

When blood pressure increases, the use of rose hips is recommended as an additional treatment, since this folk remedy provides a weak diuretic effect and reduces the level of hypertension, while supplying the body with necessary microelements and vitamins.

However, it should be understood that, on the one hand, rosehip infusion cannot be used as the main means of treating hypertension, and on the other hand, that in the presence of contraindications, in particular peptic ulcers and pancreatitis, the use of rosehip seems unjustified, since it can be replaced with diuretics, which do not have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

If rosehip is used as a means to prevent viral infections, then garlic or multivitamin complexes can be an alternative if there are certain contraindications to the use of rosehip itself.

Thus, infusion and decoction of rosehip is a wonderful folk remedy that can really be successfully used to prevent the development of viral infections and in their complex therapy for the purpose of detoxification, as well as for hypertension or symptomatic arterial hypertension. However, one should take into account the possible presence of contraindications to the use of rose hips and take a reasonable approach to the use of this folk remedy, and not use it to treat some diseases with a high probability of developing others (gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis).


Preparation of medicines from rose hips

Essential oil

Buy rosehip essential oil at a pharmacy or specialty store. Dilute the essential oil with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Drink one teaspoon of this medicine before each meal. Essential oil activates the gastrointestinal tract, which improves digestion.

The essential oil will also soften damaged mucous membranes of the stomach, which will prevent the occurrence of pain in the event of gastrointestinal diseases.

Berry-based tincture

Take a tablespoon of berries and grind them to a powder. After this, put 0.5 liters of water on the fire, bring the water to a boil, throw in the healing berry powder, bring the mixture to a boil. Then pour the broth into a thermos and let it brew for 1-2 days.

After this setting you can drink it. You need to consume the tincture one tablespoon per day in the morning and evening, as well as before lunch. This medicine stabilizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and also improves digestion. You can buy berries at the market from a reliable grandmother or in a specialized store.

Medicinal tea

Take 2 tablespoons of wild rose leaves and 1 tablespoon of green tea. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil and pour it over the leaves and green tea. Place the tea in a cool, dry place for 12 hours. After this, you should drink half a glass of tea before meals. It is advisable to warm the tea to room temperature before drinking. This tea will reduce inflammation, activate the immune system and give you a good mood.

Rosehip decoction for gastritis - benefits, recipes

Rosehip berries are widely used by humans for the prevention and treatment of various diseases: they contain a large amount of vitamins, essential oils, minerals; the fruits can be consumed fresh or a rosehip decoction can be made. For the stomach, this remedy becomes useful if it is necessary to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, improve digestion and get rid of constipation.

Many people are interested in whether the infusion can help with gastritis or will the folk medicine only cause harm? It is important to remember that there are several types of this disease, and the effects of plant juice or extract can be diametrically opposed.

Is it possible to drink rosehip decoction for gastritis?

Based on the type of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, two types of disease are distinguished:

  • With an increased level of acidity (fundic, reflux, antral subtypes). Such gastritis appears due to improper diet, abuse of junk food, diseases of the gallbladder, duodenum, endocrine diseases, and genetic disorders. Stomach acid levels exceed 2 Ph.
  • With low acidity. In this case, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the level drops below 1.5 Ph, and the breakdown of food occurs worse. Pathogenic microorganisms appear inside, threatening the condition of internal organs. Most often, this species occurs in a chronic, neglected form.

It is easy to notice that rosehip is an undesirable remedy for a stomach with high acidity: the fruits of the plant contain a high percentage of organic acids, and this is a folk remedy for gastritis. like a rosehip decoction, will only worsen the situation, provoking an exacerbation of the disease. It is especially dangerous to take the drink if the disease is chronic.

If a gastrointestinal disease, on the contrary, is accompanied by a decrease in acidity, drinking tea or fruit-based infusion will alleviate the condition, improving well-being. A decoction for erosive or atrophic gastritis provides:

  • Saturation with useful substances - vitamins, minerals, etc. - the content of vitamins in rose hips is high enough to successfully cope with this task;
  • Accelerated metabolism, normalization of gastrointestinal tract functions.
  • Destroying pathogenic bacteria that multiply when the ability to digest food deteriorates.
  • Rapid healing of damaged local mucosal areas.

Recipe for preparing rosehip decoction for gastritis

There are various options for preparing rose hips to treat gastritis. Decoctions, infusions, and jelly are prepared using dried berries. We have collected the most popular recipes with rose hips for the stomach:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of fruit are poured into 1 liter of water in a thermos. Water is boiled and poured into a container; the temperature should be 60 degrees. The drink is kept for 7-8 hours, consumed instead of regular tea. A serving is equal to 1 glass. The average duration of treatment is 5-7 days.
  • To prepare the jelly, pour 1-1.5 cups of the cooled infusion into a separate container, and heat the remainder on the stove. Add 2 tablespoons of starch to the glass, pour the cold liquid into the heated mixture. Kissel is taken one glass after a meal: the drink soothes the gastrointestinal tract, while at the same time normalizing the content of acidic microflora.
  • To make a decoction, the berries are crushed, poured with hot water, and boiled for 5 minutes. It is important not to exceed the time: long digestion deprives rose hips of most of the beneficial components and vitamins. The finished liquid cools down, then you can drink it. You need to take a glass of the drink daily. The duration of the course varies depending on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Ready-made infusions disinfect the body, increase the degree of acidity due to the increased content of ascorbic acid, relieve pain and burning sensations in chronic diseases.

How to use?

Medicine for gastritis based on rose hips can be prepared in several ways:

  • Remove the seeds from the fruit, boil them and cover with sugar. The resulting mass should resemble syrup. It can be consumed immediately or canned.
  • 5 tablespoons of fruits are poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the drink is removed from the stove and infused for 3 hours. You can drink it as tea, but before meals.
  • Not only fruits, but also other parts of the plant can be used. For example, pour a tablespoon of roots with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

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Rosehip for gastritis

The second name of this medicinal plant is wild rose. It belongs to the Rosaceae family and is found everywhere because it is unpretentious to growing conditions. The scope of application of rose hips in folk medicine is wide. Let's find out how he copes with the treatment of gastritis.

Composition and beneficial properties of wild rose

Rosehip has long been used by our ancestors to treat internal diseases. Preparations prepared on its basis strengthen the body’s defenses, help relieve inflammation, have a positive effect on the nervous system, and normalize the functioning of the digestive system. This is how a life-loving plant shares its healing power and energy with us.

Even in ancient Sparta they knew about the universal properties of rose hips. Before our era, the ancient Roman scientist Pliny collected recipes for treating 32 diseases with the plant. In the 17th century, English folk healer Nicholas Culpeper treated diseases of the genitourinary system, consumption, and digestive disorders with rose hips. In Rus', mass procurement of medicinal fruits was carried out to cure digestive diseases and colds.

Rosehip is the record holder among medicinal plants for the content of ascorbic acid. Compared to lemon, rose hips contain 50 times more vitamin C. Three wild rose fruits contain the daily requirement of ascorbic acid needed by a person. In addition to it, the berries contain citric and malic acids, pectins, lycopene, tannins, vitamins A, B2, E, B1, K. They contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium. Such a rich composition of wild rose fruits determines their healing properties.

By the way, not only the berries are valuable, but also the roots, petals, and leaves of the plant.

Rosehip serves as a good diuretic and choleretic agent, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and improves vision.

Traditional medicine uses rosehip syrup, oil, infusion, extract, and powder.

Use of wild rose for gastritis

If a patient has diseases of the digestive system, a decoction of rose hips promotes bile secretion, has a bactericidal effect, normalizes intestinal motility and the secretory function of the stomach.

For gastritis with high acidity, it is not recommended to use preparations based on the fruits of the plant due to the high content of vitamin C.

If we are talking about the treatment of gastritis with low acidity, then the best option would be an infusion of fruits. It is recommended to take one glass three times a day after meals.

It must be taken into account that prolonged boiling destroys vitamin C. Therefore, it is better to use an infusion and prepare it in a thermos for the treatment of gastritis.

So, the first option for preparing a healing potion: 2-3 tablespoons of dry crushed fruits are placed in a thermos and poured with half a liter of boiling water overnight. In the morning they are filtered. It is better to drink the infusion with honey.

The second version of the drug: grind 100 grams of fruit, boil in half a liter of water for 2-3 minutes, let it brew until completely cooled. After filtering and squeezing, the product is taken ½ glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals. It is important to use fresh decoction within 24 hours, rather than stocking it up for several days.

Rosehip oil is also suitable for the treatment of gastritis. It should be taken a teaspoon 20-25 minutes before meals. The course of treatment with oil lasts 21 days. This product perfectly regenerates damaged mucous membranes, soothes and relieves pain.

Restrictions on use

The high content of ascorbic acid in wild rose fruits creates a risk of negative effects on tooth enamel. That is why it is recommended to drink rosehip infusion and decoction through a straw.

It is prohibited to use rosehip-based preparations for people who are predisposed to blood clots.

For those who suffer from hypertension, it is prohibited to take alcoholic tinctures of rose hips. They are suitable for the treatment of hypotensive patients suffering from gastritis.

The fruits of the medicinal plant should be used with caution if the patient has flatulence or constipation.

It is worth emphasizing that treatment with any preparations based on wild roses will be effective only if you follow a diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Lack of nutritional culture and improper daily routine lead to serious disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the quality of life and leading to serious illnesses. Adherence to a therapeutic diet indicated for a specific disease becomes a priority.

Most pharmacological agents have a list of side effects. This applies to gastrointestinal drugs that irritate the mucous membrane. In such a situation, it is possible to eliminate the symptoms of acute and chronic gastritis through rosehip decoction. To find out whether the plant is allowed to be used for gastritis, let’s figure out what the beneficial properties of the plant are based on.

Benefits for women

♦ For cholecystitis:

  • Take 1 handful of rose hips per half liter of water and a teaspoon of sugar;
  • simmer over low heat for three or five minutes. It is not advisable to brew in a thermos;
  • It is advisable to boil the broth again for 7-10 minutes, then the broth will be more useful.

You should drink it instead of tea or water.

♦ For kidney and liver diseases, as well as for the treatment of alcoholism, you can prepare the following recipe:

  • Take two liter enamel containers with lids;
  • put a glass of crushed rose hips in the first container, and a glass of birch chaga mushroom in the second;
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water into each container and bring to a boil. Do not boil!
  • leave for an hour, then strain and mix.

Drink half an hour before meals in equal proportions. It is important to brush your teeth immediately after taking it - rose hips destroy the enamel. A portion of rosehip infusion can be infused 2 times, and another portion with birch mushroom - 4 times.

The course of treatment is at least 2 months. A new one should be prepared every day.

♦ In order to use rosehip infusion without harm, and with maximum benefit, for diseases of the bladder or kidneys, gastritis (with high acidity), tuberculosis and atherosclerosis, you need to do the following:

  • 150-200 g of rose hips (it doesn’t matter whether dry or fresh) pour a liter of boiling water;
  • then leave for a day, then strain.

Drink half an hour before meals two or three times a day, 100 ml per dose.

  • Take 5 tablespoons of pine needles, 2 tablespoons of rose hips and the same amount of onion peels, chop everything and mix;
  • pour boiling water, 600 ml of water is enough;
  • let it sit.

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You need to drink it constantly instead of other drinks. The recipe helps not only with infertility, but also reduces high blood pressure.


For inflammation of the ovaries, you can prepare the following decoction:

  • Take equal parts of yarrow, rose hips, calendula, water pepper and horsetail;
  • Brew at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of water;
  • let it brew.

Drink a tablespoon three times a day.

For maximum benefit without harm, it is better to prepare an infusion of dried rose hips in a thermos with a glass flask - if the flask is made of stainless steel, contact of the raw material with the metal sharply (by 30-40 percent) reduces the level of vitamin C in the finished drink. But usually thermoses with a stainless flask have a wide neck, so you can use a trick by putting a suitable-sized glass bottle with the decoction in it, in which it will be infused.

Attention! In order to obtain the maximum benefit and not harm, pour the rosehip infusion into a thermos with recently boiled water, but not with boiling water. When prepared using only boiled water and infused in a thermos, some of the beneficial substances in the fruit are destroyed, without which the healing properties of the plant are reduced.

Rosehip infusion is low in calories, but nevertheless it has a tonic effect and is an excellent energy drink for both a healthy and weakened body. Wild rose is used in recovery from colds and flu, to support the immune system, and for hair growth.

Before you start taking rosehip-based medications, you should familiarize yourself with all the side effects that may follow after use. The plant, depending on the method of preparation and consumption, affects the body differently. For example, berries can act as a laxative, but a decoction of roots, on the contrary, slows down the production of bile, and thereby strengthens you.

Important! 100 g of wild rose fruit drink contains only 19 kcal.

Rosehip is a natural storehouse of vitamins. The berries contain in abundance the minerals that humans need every day: phosphorus, iron, manganese, cobalt, chromium. Vitamins B, K, H, PP, E, C. Organic acids: malic and citric, as well as carotene, phytoncides, riboflavin, tannins and various types of sugars.

For thrombophlebitis and a tendency to form blood clots, rose hips are prohibited. For endocarditis and other heart diseases, the use of wild rose is allowed, but with caution. As with skin problems: itching, redness, spots, dry cough are allergy symptoms that mean that taking rose hips should be postponed.

Properties of wild rose

This unpretentious shrub is found in forests or on mountain slopes. Rose hips are grown in gardens, often in the form of a thorny fence. Red or orange fruits are used for medicinal raw materials. Collection begins in September-October and continues until frost. To preserve the beneficial properties, the berries are dried in a preheated oven, poured into glass or canvas containers and stored away from direct sunlight.

Dense rose hips contain useful substances:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • routine;
  • carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin K;
  • tannins;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • antioxidants;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides.

The composition of rose hips determines the beneficial properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • hematopoietic;
  • tonic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • antioxidant.

Rosehip increases the body's resistance to epidemics of viral diseases, regenerates damaged tissue, and improves visual acuity. The plant normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, is used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, and has a rejuvenating and antispasmodic effect.

Useful properties of rose hips

Rose hips contain large amounts of vitamin C. This figure is 50 times higher than that of lemon. In addition to vitamin C, rose hips also contain other vitamins and microelements .
In it you can find:

  • vitamins A, E, P, K and B vitamins;
  • calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iron;
  • essential oils;
  • pectins;
  • lycopene;
  • malic and citric acids.

Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, it has a beneficial effect on oxidation and recovery processes in the body. The use of rose hips is considered as a prophylactic agent that prevents the occurrence of atherosclerotic processes.

Rose hips stimulate choleretic and diuretic processes , help eliminate inflammation, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, and improve vision. It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improving the condition of capillaries and blood clotting indicators.

Rose hips can be used in medicine in various forms: in the form of oil, syrup, decoctions, extracts .

On our website: Olive oil for gastritis - how to take it for treatment?

Indications for its use are:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • violation of hematopoietic function;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • female diseases, uterine bleeding;
  • slow bone healing;
  • malaria, zinc;
  • diseases of the intestines, kidneys, and liver in chronic form.

How does rosehip help with gastritis?

Decoctions and infusions of rosehip are not prescribed for gastritis with high acidity - the plant contains concentrated acids. Taking it will complicate the course of the disease. Rose hips are useful for gastritis with low acidity. With regular use of the decoction and following a diet, the painful symptoms disappear.

Rosehip infusion for gastritis with low acidity:

  • soothes the inflamed lining of the stomach;
  • has a choleretic and analgesic effect;
  • regenerates damaged gastric mucosa;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora due to the content of organic acids;
  • improves gastric motility;
  • tones;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • inhibits pathogenic microflora;
  • supplies the weakened body with vitamins and minerals.

Essential oil

Gastritis with high acidity is treated in a gentle way. Oil is made from the seeds of the plant. Prepare the product following the instructions:

  1. Add 100 g of rosehip seeds to 400 g of vegetable oil.
  2. The composition is placed in a water bath and simmered for half an hour.
  3. The resulting product should be drunk 5 ml on an empty stomach three times a day. You can eat food after a 30-minute break.

To relieve symptoms, it is permissible to take pharmaceutical essential oil:

  1. The medicine is diluted with water (the components are taken in equal volumes).
  2. Drink 5 ml on an empty stomach three times a day. Eat after 30 minutes.

Rosehip seeds are used to make oil

The drug is allowed to be taken with increased acidity. Using rosehip oil for gastritis improves the functioning of the digestive system. The product envelops and softens the mucous layer, heals erosions, and relieves pain. Oily liquid suppresses the erosive form of the disease.

How to benefit

All parts of the bush are used as medicine: berries, flowers, leaves, roots. The most useful fruits of the wild rose. The article describes methods for preparing medicinal products from rose hips.

To prepare the infusion, use glass or enamel dishes or a thermos. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water, wrapped and left for half a day. A properly prepared drink has a dark brown color, rich aroma and sour taste. The infusion is filtered and consumed.

To obtain a decoction, add 100 g of dried fruits to 2 cups of boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Prepare the decoction exclusively in enamel or glass containers so as not to destroy vitamin C. Leave for 24 hours and filter before use.

Medicinal rosehip jelly is prepared using an infusion or decoction. This healthy drink is made according to the classic recipe. In a glass of chilled infusion, dilute 2 teaspoons of potato starch. Pour the resulting solution into the boiling liquid in a thin stream with constant stirring. Before use, the healing jelly is cooled.

Rosehip oil

Peeled rosehip seeds in an amount of 200 g are poured into 750 ml of sunflower oil and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. The oil is used internally and externally.

Decoction of leaves

Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves with 2 glasses of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool.

Seed decoction

Pour 1 teaspoon of mashed rosehip seeds into 1 cup of boiling water. Place in a water bath and cook for half an hour. Leave for half an hour, strain before use.

Root decoction

Dry or fresh rosehip root in the amount of 40 g is poured with 2 glasses of hot water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then wrap it up and let it sit for 5 hours.

To prepare the syrup, ripe rose hips are peeled from stems and seeds and boiled in water until soft. Add sugar to the broth and boil until it becomes syrup.

The fruits, leaves and roots of the plant are not exposed to high temperatures. Decoctions are not prepared in metal containers, otherwise the rose hips will lose vitamin C and other beneficial microelements. Drinks made from wild rose fruits are not prepared in advance; ascorbic acid is quickly destroyed. Prepare decoctions per day.

An effective medicinal decoction for gastritis is prepared as follows:

As mentioned above, a regular fortified decoction is easy to prepare. But when it comes to a drug aimed at treating gastritis, there are some preparation nuances. The traditional cooking recipe is definitely not suitable - when boiling, the beneficial compounds will be destroyed or oxidized. Let's move on to the step-by-step guide:

  • After grinding the fruits, you need to pour them into a small saucepan.
  • Pour in hot water that has just boiled.
  • Place in a water bath and cook for 15 minutes.
  • The water/fruit ratio is the same as in the previous recipe 1:20.

You need to wait a little for the broth to cool down. The recommended dosage is 1/2 cup.

What dosage to take rose hips for gastritis?

  1. Infusion for gastritis is taken 100 ml 3 times a day after meals.
  2. For gastritis, drink rosehip decoction 200 ml 3 times a day after meals.
  3. Kissel is consumed 1 glass after meals.
  4. Rosehip oil is taken 1 teaspoon after meals.
  5. A decoction of the leaves is prescribed 100 ml for an acute attack of stomach pain.
  6. A decoction of seeds is taken 50 ml 3 times a day. The decoction will have a healing effect, including for colitis.
  7. Recommended dosage of rosehip root decoction: 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  8. Rosehip syrup is taken 1 tablespoon per day.

When treating with folk remedies, regularity is important. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

How to prepare tinctures and decoctions

For the drink to be truly healthy, you will have to harvest the fruits properly. In autumn, the berries are fully ripened. Under frost conditions, the concentration of ascorbic acid in fruits decreases. The berries are dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 90 degrees. To prevent anything from burning, it is better to regulate the heat treatment process.

Cooked berries are used to create tinctures. In a thermos you need to pour 2 tbsp. Add a spoonful of rose hips, pour a glass of boiling water, and brew until morning. Strain the resulting liquid and drink 100 ml twice a day.

In the fight against gastritis, a decoction of rosehip root is popular. To do this, the dried plant is crushed, filled with water, boiled for 15 minutes, after cooling, 70-80 ml are consumed in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.


Contraindications are related to the level of ascorbic acid and the effect of vitamin K on blood clotting. Wild rose fruits should not be consumed by people suffering from the following diseases:

  • gastritis with increased secretion;
  • heart failure;
  • endocarditis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • increased sensitivity of enamel;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • calculous cholecystitis;
  • constipation;
  • flatulence;
  • allergies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • hypertension.

Before starting treatment, consult your doctor. A herbalist will help you be treated with rose hips and will select the exact dosage and course of administration.

Rose hips have long been used in folk medicine as a remedy that helps in the treatment of many diseases, improves immunity, and restores strength. The medicinal plant has been well studied and is widely used for medicinal purposes. Tinctures, teas, and decoctions are prepared based on the fruits of the plant. But is it possible to use rosehip decoction for gastritis? After all, the disease requires adherence to a strict diet.

If you take the drink taking into account contraindications and do not exceed the recommended dosage, it will be beneficial. However, it is important to know how to do it correctly so as not to harm the stomach. Let's figure out who the plant will help and who it is contraindicated for. We will also find out a recipe for making a decoction at home.

Rosehip and the decoction prepared from it hold the record for the content of useful substances. It contains especially a lot of vitamin C. It contains the following biologically active components:

  • fructose;
  • vitamins B, K, E;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • oily esters;
  • dextrose;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • phenolic group of compounds;
  • iron;
  • sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • inulin;
  • steroids;
  • organic acids;
  • calcium.

This is an incomplete list of useful substances. It is no coincidence that it is prescribed in the treatment of many diseases.


Rosehip is a medicinal plant, which is popularly called wild rose. It has a general strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. The fruits of the plant are rich in vitamin C, which is more than in lemon. A ready-made decoction or infusion of fruits has a positive effect on the body as a whole, restoring the nervous system and strengthening the immune system.

Rosehip is considered a diuretic and choleretic agent, which normalizes vision and reduces cholesterol levels, and also acts as a pain reliever. Its fruits are used not only to obtain infusions and decoctions, but also for oil, extract, syrup, and powder. These drugs are used for the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • gastritis;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • colitis;
  • stomach ulcer.

Is it possible to drink rose hips for gastritis? This fruit is used in the treatment of ailments in different forms. Decoctions, infusions, jelly, and syrups are prepared from it. Each remedy is effective.

Specifics of gastritis

In the acute form of the disease, the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed. In the first days, it is recommended to refuse food. Although many patients do this on their own. Since any products cause aggravation. Then vegetable broths, porridges cooked in water, and stewed vegetables are gradually introduced into the diet. Products are selected carefully.

The patient must adhere to the following dietary rules:

  1. Exclude products with coarse fibers from the menu.
  2. Do not eat vegetables raw.
  3. Limit the consumption of confectionery products, sour fruits, fried, hot, spicy foods.
  4. Give preference to vegetable puree soups.
  5. Do not consume alcoholic beverages, dishes, sauces, lard, smoked meats, or fresh bread.

If you do not adhere to proper nutrition, the disease becomes chronic and will constantly remind itself of any errors in food. It is in this case that medications are often prescribed, one of which is rose hips.

Rosehip jelly - worth a try!

For such an ailment as erosive gastritis, jelly made from rose hips is a sure remedy. It has a powerful protective, enveloping effect.

  • The drug is filtered - for example, through gauze. And then brought to a boil. The starch is poured in a thin stream, stirring should be continuous.
  • Then the jelly is removed from the heat.
  • The best starch option is corn starch. You can also take potato, but it quickly oxidizes the healing substances contained in the wild rose.
  • How to use rosehip jelly? As with previous drinks - 30 minutes before meals, warm. For example, you can drink 1/2 glass before breakfast and another half before dinner.

Is it possible to drink rosehip for gastritis in the form of jelly when the acidity is high? Unfortunately, this is not recommended. An extremely high concentration of acid is the only, but quite serious, contraindication for the hyperacid form of the disease.

What are the benefits of rosehip decoction?

  • controls insulin secretion;
  • helps in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases;
  • increases the body's defenses;
  • the product normalizes digestive processes;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • inhibits the growth of cancer cells;
  • cleanses the body and circulatory system;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • prevents aging processes;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, and liver;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system;
  • protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines from the effects of negative factors;
  • has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, strengthening, astringent, wound-healing properties.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are incredibly diverse. Doctors and nutritionists recommend including the product in your daily diet

Medicinal characteristics of rose hips

Rose hips are officially considered a medicine, but other parts of the rose hips are also used in herbal medicine, from the roots to the seeds. For gastritis, you can use them, but the raw materials must be prepared yourself.

The berries of the plant have a complex effect on the body.

This is due to the significant content of pectin, tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, and several organic acids. Fruits are a good source of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. Rose hips also contain the entire group B, nicotinic acid, vitamins P and E. There are also a lot of microelements, therefore, consuming rose hips for gastritis heals not only the stomach, but the entire body.

The following properties of rose hips are distinguished:

  • restorative;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • enveloping;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • strengthening and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels.

Is it possible to take rose hips for stomach diseases?

Before taking the decoction, the patient should find out what form of gastritis he has - with high or low acidity of gastric juice. The pH level of digestive juice is determined using diagnostic methods. If the acidity level is increased, the decoction is strictly prohibited. With low and normal levels of hydrochloric acid, a rosehip drink will only be beneficial.

It should be taken half an hour before meals, warm in an amount of 100-150 ml.

You can prepare not only rosehip decoction, but also jelly, syrup, and tea. It is important to adhere to the recipe and cooking rules. If the drink is brewed for a long time, all the beneficial properties are killed; if not brewed, it is also practically useless.

What else is rosehip useful for?

Rosehip infusion will be beneficial not only for gastritis. Thanks to the properties of rose hips, you can improve the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, lower cholesterol levels, and cure atherosclerosis.

Due to the anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, berry decoctions are widely used for colds. Rose hips are indicated as a general tonic for a variety of pathologies.

How to prepare rosehip decoction at home

It is not difficult to prepare the remedy yourself.

You will need: 3 glasses of water; 0.5 kg – rose hips.

  1. The rose hips are thoroughly washed under cold running water.
  2. The berries are crushed into a paste using a food processor or blender.
  3. Rosehip crumbs are poured with boiling water (the water should cover the berries).
  4. The container is placed on low heat and boiled for half an hour.
  5. The drink is cooled to 60 degrees, then poured into a thermos.
  6. The taste can be improved by adding a little natural honey.
  7. After a day, the broth is filtered and poured into a clean container.
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