Signs of chronic intestinal colitis - what to do to treat the disease

Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa leads to significant disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.
This disease affects men over 40 years of age and women over 20. But not all patients receive timely treatment. Experts believe that manifestations of left-sided colitis occur in more than half of people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Left-sided colitis is accompanied by inflammatory processes of the rectum, which, in turn, spread upward to the splenic flexure of the colon. This leads to proctosigmoiditis and false diarrhea, accompanied by bleeding. These symptoms clearly indicate impaired colon function, treatment of which is a priority. In addition, forms of colitis can flow into others, and left-sided can develop from a peptic ulcer. To prevent left-sided colitis from becoming chronic, it is necessary to eat foods that contain plant fiber. This product promotes more complete bowel movements.

Causes of left-sided intestinal colitis

Left-sided colitis can occur due to many factors. So, this disease can be inherited due to the genetic predisposition of the body. Treatment with antibiotics and other drugs can cause the development of the disease, since when interacting with gastric bacteria, the balance of the latter can be disrupted, which can lead to

leads to colon irritation and development of symptoms. Thus, left-sided intestinal colitis can become a chronic disease.

The most common sources of disease development are viruses and fungi. Poor quality food also causes poisoning in the body, which develops inflammation that requires urgent treatment.

The treatment process for left-sided colitis cannot be started without determining the exact cause of the disease. It is necessary to reliably establish whether it is infectious or chronic, which will subsequently affect the measures taken.

The development of left-sided colitis is influenced by many factors, including:

  • a disorder in the body's immune system;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • constant constipation;
  • frequent stress;
  • insufficient amount of plant foods in the diet;
  • previous diseases of the stomach or colon;
  • poor nutrition;
  • frequent intake of spicy food, which is the main irritant of the walls of the colon;
  • Emotional stress along with physical condition are also causes of colon diseases.

Symptoms of left-sided colitis

The main symptom of this disease is that patients have difficulty defecating, accompanied by severe contractions in the abdominal area. Another manifestation is excessively frequent, about 15 times a day, stools that release blood. Abdominal pain predominates on the left side. Also, with left-sided colitis, constipation may occur, leading to painful sensations. With the help of palpation, you can determine compactions in the colon, which arise as a result of incomplete emptying and feces accumulated there. If the intestine is very tense, the patient will experience severe pain in this area.

There is frequent rumbling in the stomach and bloating due to poor nutrition. If you do not take this symptom of the disease seriously, then left-sided colitis moves into a more complex stage.

Lack of appetite makes it difficult to normalize the nutrition process, and all these factors lead to a general weakening of the body and a feeling of malaise. The patient's temperature may increase significantly or have an abrupt curve, which indicates the development of infectious diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of left-sided colitis

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to conduct a general blood test to detect helminth eggs. For a more accurate analysis of the condition of the colon, a colonoscopy is performed. This procedure will help to examine the entire length of the colon and conduct a histological examination of the tissue sample. Further treatment will be based on the results obtained.

Elimination of the main symptoms and treatment of left-sided colitis requires a qualified approach. In accordance with the characteristics of each patient’s body, it is necessary to select antibiotics that will not harm health. If a patient suffers from constipation, then, first of all, it is necessary to remove from the body all the toxins that have accumulated during the process of intoxication with feces. To do this you need to use activated carbon. Otherwise, for diarrhea, take Loperamide or any other drug that has an astringent and fixative effect.

Timely treatment will help maintain the health of your body and relieve serious complications caused by the development of left-sided colitis.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Pus in stool
  • Constipation
  • Blood in stool
  • False urge to defecate
  • Muscle weakness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Malaise
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Belching
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement after bowel movement
  • Increased gas formation
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Rumbling in the stomach

Chronic intestinal colitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane, as well as the submucosal layer of this organ. May be accompanied by characteristic symptoms, including diarrhea and constipation, severe cramping, rumbling and increased gas production. This type of disease occurs with alternating periods of exacerbation and resolution of symptoms. Often accompanied by inflammatory processes in other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

This disorder occurs equally in women and men, only the age of onset differs. Female representatives range from twenty to sixty-five years of age, males - from forty to sixty-five years of age. The causes of this disorder are quite varied. This can be beneficial due to the acute course of a particular disease of the gastrointestinal tract, or exposure to microorganisms, as well as prolonged exposure to stressful situations or consumption of low-quality food.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult, as it has specific external and internal manifestations. Therapy consists of a set of remedies, but the most important role is played by a specially formulated diet for chronic colitis.

Classification of colitis

Inflammation of the intestine is a well-studied pathology, therefore it is a carefully classified disease. We will provide only a list that includes the most common types of colitis.

Left-sided colitis affects the left side of the colon, which includes the descending colon and the sigmoid colon. Usually combined with inflammation of the rectum.

Hemorrhagic colitis is an inflammation of the intestines, which is provoked by E. coli, and is accompanied by stool disorder mixed with blood (bloody diarrhea). You can get sick by eating meat and dairy products infected with the pathogen.

Membranous mucous colitis is an inflammation of the intestines, which is provoked by E. coli, and is accompanied by stool disorder mixed with blood. You can get sick by eating meat and dairy products infected with the pathogen.

Atonic colitis is common among older people and is caused by long-term inflammation of the intestines. Leads to a decrease in peristalsis, resulting in constipation, even intestinal obstruction.

The disease microscopic colitis combines the concepts of collagenous and lymphocytic inflammation of the intestinal wall. It is accompanied by watery diarrhea and has a chronic course. The diagnosis can be determined based on histological examination.

Antibiotic-associated colitis – antibiotic-associated colitis – is caused by suppression of normal intestinal flora as a result of antibiotic therapy.

Radiation colitis (post-radiation) - occurs in patients with oncology who have undergone radiation therapy. The cause of the disease is exposure to ionizing radiation. Symptoms may begin weeks or years after cancer treatment.

Distal colitis is one of the forms of chronic disease, which is characterized by inflammation in the distal intestine. Develops due to regular irritation of the mucous membrane by factors of a mechanical or chemical nature.

Infectious colitis. In infectious colitis, there is acute inflammation of the large intestine caused by various bacteria. The course of the disease is almost always acute.

Superficial colitis is one of the forms of chronic colitis, which is characterized by inflammation in the distal intestine. Develops due to regular irritation of the mucous membrane by factors of a mechanical or chemical nature.

Diphtheritic colitis is a pathology in which filmy deposits of dark gray color of fibrin origin are found on the mucous part of the colon. In this case, the mucous membrane will be thickened and soaked in blood. This type of inflammation occurs with shigellosis or poisoning with certain toxic substances.

Membranous colitis is a form of inflammation of the colon that is caused by the anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile. Variants of the course of the disease are presented from diarrhea to plaque deposits on the mucous membrane. Occurs due to overuse of antibiotics.

Allergic colitis - provoked by food antigens or general allergic reactions. Accompanied by significant intestinal dysfunction, pain in the abdominal cavity, and excessive gas formation.

Undifferentiated colitis is a collective concept of symptoms of ulcerative inflammation of the intestines and Crohn's disease. The signs of these ailments are very similar, but the approach to treatment is different. The diagnosis can only be clarified by biopsy examination of pieces of inflamed tissue.

Collagenous colitis (collagenous colitis). It is included in the group of microscopic inflammations of the intestinal mucosa and has an identical clinical picture. Its typical feature is the deposition of collagen on the plate under the mucous membrane.

With pronounced flatulence. It occurs as a result of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, and is also associated with exposure to allergic factors. It manifests itself as bloating as a result of gas accumulation and constipation.

Diffuse colitis. For inflammatory processes in this disease of the large intestine, changes in the dystrophic profile are typical, which can spread to the small intestine. Patients complain of constant rumbling in the stomach, dyspepsia, flatulence and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Most often, the disease is a complication of an intestinal infection or long-term treatment with antibiotics.

Necrotizing colitis. Occurs among premature babies due to immaturity of protective mechanisms. With pathology, necrotic lesions develop in the mucous membrane with possible transition to the underlying tissues. The disease is also seen among children born at term, but having problems during the neonatal period (asphyxia, heart defects, blood transfusion).

Eosinophilic colitis is an allergic reaction associated not only with inflammation of the small intestine, but also the walls of the stomach.

Non-infectious colitis is a disease induced by a number of factors of non-infectious origin. These include disturbances in the diet and nature of nutrition, dysbiosis, ischemic processes in the intestines, physical inactivity, and bad habits.

Bacterial colitis is caused by infectious agents only of bacterial origin.

Adhesive colitis is damage to the intestines by adhesions as a result of poorly performed operations, abdominal injuries, or rupture of a tube as a result of an ectopic pregnancy.

Lymphocytic is an inflammatory lesion of the wall of the colon with lymphocytic infiltration of the mucous membrane.

If the colitis is unspecified, the reasons could not be determined.

The diagnosis of intestinal colitis means the concept of inflammation of the large intestine under the influence of a number of causes of infectious, non-infectious and allergic origin. The disease is accompanied by typical symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and general impairment.

Drug-induced colitis, the cause of which is the use of potent, aggressive medications.

Colitis of the rectum - under the guise of uniting a whole group of diseases of various etiologies, which manifest themselves in inflammation and changes in the structure of the mucous wall of the large intestine.

Spasmodic (spastic) - in medical practice called irritable bowel syndrome. All symptoms of the disease are caused by spasms of the intestinal muscles and generally resemble indigestion due to poisoning.

Enterocolitis is an inflammatory disease of the digestive tract in which parts of the large and small intestine are involved in the pathological process. According to the nature of the course, there is an acute form of the disease, which is mainly a consequence of gastritis, and a chronic form.

Gastroenteritis is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. As an independent disease, gastroenteritis develops extremely rarely. Basically, it is a symptom of an already existing pathology.

Mucous colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine, which is accompanied by spasm of the muscles of its walls and increased production of mucus.

These are not all the points in the currently used classification of pathology. We especially note that diagnosis is difficult in some cases, requiring a serious examination of the intestine, especially the ascending colon.


Chronic colitis can be caused by a wide range of etiological factors. The main ones are:

  • pathological influence of microorganisms;
  • parasites and worms;
  • various intoxications of the body;
  • the influence of radioactive radiation, for example, in the treatment of cancer;
  • taking certain medications for a long time, the side effects of which affect the integrity of the intestinal mucosa;
  • genetic predisposition or congenital metabolic abnormalities;
  • allergic reaction to certain foods;
  • damage to the arteries supplying the small and large intestines;
  • autoimmune connective tissue diseases;
  • ingestion of metal compounds, mercury or arsenic into the body (this often happens under unfavorable working conditions);
  • complications after surgery;
  • addiction to alcoholic beverages for many years.


The disease occurs in several types:

  • spastic - manifested by severe pain that occurs in different parts of the intestine, which is why the place of formation of unpleasant sensations changes;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis. A form of this disease characterized by pain spreading throughout the intestines. The main symptoms include the formation of ulcers and bleeding.

Depending on the causes, chronic colitis can be:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • toxic;
  • radial;
  • ischemic;
  • combined - in which several etiological factors are combined.

According to the prevalence of the lesion, the disease is:

  • segmental - only a certain part of the intestine is involved in the pathological process;
  • total – when all parts of the colon are affected. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis very often occurs in this form.

Classification according to the severity of symptom expression:

  • mild degree - in which it is easy to achieve the remission stage;
  • moderate severity - a person needs to adhere to a diet and take medications in order to maintain a long-term retreat of symptoms;
  • severe – periods of exacerbation prevail over periods of decrease in the intensity of manifestations of signs of the disorder.


Since the chronic course of the disease involves alternating periods of exacerbation and resolution of symptoms, patients most often seek help from a doctor precisely at the moments of acute manifestation of symptoms. During remission, they are expressed to a weak degree or are completely absent. Thus, the symptoms of chronic colitis are:

  • soreness, the localization of which spreads along the lateral parts of the abdomen. The pain can range from severe cramping to aching, and, as a rule, does not spread to other internal organs;
  • diarrhea followed by constipation, or vice versa;
  • rumbling in the intestines - can cause discomfort because it is constant;
  • frequent belching, often with an unpleasant odor;
  • change in the size of the abdomen;
  • a large amount of emitted gases;
  • lack of feeling of complete bowel movement, which often leads to discomfort, and this, in turn, causes frequent mood swings and irritability of the patient;
  • false urge to pass feces. Emptying occurs every few days;
  • constant nausea and malaise;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • weakness of the body;
  • severe fatigue occurs even when performing low-intensity physical activity;
  • sleep disorders, manifested in the form of insomnia or a change in rest mode, when a person sleeps or is drowsy during the day and is awake at night;
  • pale skin;
  • increased hair loss and brittle nails;
  • change in taste preferences.

Signs of nonspecific ulcerative colitis:

  • the appearance of blood or purulent fluid in the stool;
  • diarrhea prevails over constipation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen is often mild and may resemble tingling or colic. In cases where spasms intensify, this may indicate damage to the deep intestinal tissues;
  • bloating in the lower abdomen;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decreased or complete absence of appetite, which leads to weight loss;
  • Inflammation of the vascular, mucous and iris membranes of the eyes appears. But such a sign is detected extremely rarely;
  • muscle weakness;
  • joint pain.

During an exacerbation of symptoms in ulcerative colitis, changes in the intestinal mucosa may occur. Among them:

  • swelling;
  • bleeding, which can be noticed by blood in the stool or a change in its color (in this case it will turn black);
  • formation of small ulcers;
  • the appearance of neoplasms similar to polyps. They appear only during inflammation.

Symptoms of chronic spastic colitis:

  • the occurrence of painful spasms that intensify at night or during a long period of refusal to eat;
  • bloating;
  • increased gas formation;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • insomnia, as a result of which a person is constantly tired;
  • headache attacks of varying intensity;
  • Complete bowel movement can be accomplished the second or third time. The process of excreting feces occurs once every few days;
  • constant rumbling in the stomach.

In order to reduce symptoms, it is necessary to constantly adhere to the diet, but it is important to watch out for the fact that certain foods can cause constipation.

How to treat colitis: methods, drugs, prognosis


Modern medications for improving the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are very effective. Most medications used work by preventing inflammation in the intestines.

Typically, a group of anti-inflammatory drugs called aminosalicylates is considered first. These medications are chemically related to aspirin. They suppress inflammation in the intestines and joints. How are they accepted:

  • Oral (tablets by mouth).
  • Directly into the rectum, in the form of a suppository (wax capsules).
  • As an enema (liquid squeezed into the rectum from a bag or bottle).

Aminosalicylates treat symptoms in most cases. However, you may need to undergo treatment for 3-6 weeks.

Other, more powerful anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed when the disease is very active or aminosalicylates do not work. Often, the first choice is corticosteroid drugs (prednisone) and new biological agents.

However, doctors are always concerned about the side effects of these medications, especially with the increased risk of infection. The goal is to reduce the dose and then stop the anti-inflammatory drug while keeping the disease under control.

Medicines are also used to reduce colon spasms, making symptoms less painful.

When the condition is severe or diarrhea causes dehydration, hospitalization is required. While fluids are being restored to the colon, and sometimes nutrition is administered intravenously.

Surgical assistance is required in the following cases:

  • Severe symptoms that are not controlled by medications.
  • Unacceptable side effects from medications.
  • Very high risk of colon cancer due to extensive inflammation.

After some operations, bowel movements must be passed through an opening in the abdominal wall. This is called a stoma (replaces the function of the rectum). A urinal is also connected. An ostomy can be used temporarily or permanently.

New surgical techniques make it possible to preserve the muscular layer of the intestine while removing the mucous membrane. This type of surgery has cosmetic benefits. It allows you to defecate through the rectum. Bowel movements are normal, except that they are frequent and contain more fluid.

When to Seek Professional Medical Help

New or changing symptoms often mean that additional exposure is not needed. People with ulcerative colitis should be in constant contact with their doctors.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • Fever indicating infection or rupture of the intestine.
  • Severe bleeding from the rectum.

Toxic megacolon is a serious but rare complication. It is characterized by such severe inflammation of the colon that movement in it stops. Megacolon causes bloating, vomiting, or severe pain. The condition requires urgent treatment, often surgery.

What are the prognosis of the disease?

Ulcerative colitis affects people differently. Many have only mild symptoms. They do not require constant treatment with medications. Others require a range of medications or surgery. If not treated surgically, the disease remains lifelong.

Although the disease requires ongoing medical care, most people work normally and lead productive lives.


Complications can only be caused by ulcerative colitis. The consequences may be:

  • perforation of the ulcer, which often causes peritonitis. Symptoms of chronic colitis in this case will be expressed in severe bloating and tension in the abdominal muscles, chills accompanied by high fever, coating on the tongue and weakness of the body;
  • gangrene of the affected areas of the intestines and colon. In this case, the person suffers from low blood pressure, weakness and high fever;
  • blood poisoning or spread of infection to other organs;
  • bleeding in the intestines - this indicates chronic ulcerative colitis;
  • the appearance of an oncological tumor.


To confirm the diagnosis of chronic spastic or nonspecific ulcerative colitis, you must seek help from a therapist or gastroenterologist who will:

  • a conversation with the patient, during which it is necessary to report all symptoms, without exception, since each type of disease has specific signs, as well as the time of their first appearance and the duration of the remission phase;
  • examination of the patient - which consists of palpating the abdomen and examining the eyes. If there is inflammation, this indicates nonspecific ulcerative colitis, and an ophthalmologist is involved in the diagnosis;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • immunological analysis;
  • stool analysis - to detect blood or purulent impurities;
  • examination of the large intestine using an endoscope;
  • colonoscopy, which will help distinguish the exacerbation phase from remission;
  • radiography of the abdominal organs using a contrast agent;
  • Ultrasound - to exclude other intestinal pathologies in spastic or nonspecific chronic colitis.

Chronic colitis. Diagnostics

Laboratory blood parameters are not very informative.

  • A scatological examination of stool reveals inflammatory elements in the stool: mucus, leukocytes, sometimes red blood cells, indigestible fiber, iodophilic flora.
  • Microbiological analysis of stool (test for dysbacteriosis) identifies pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms.
  • Calprotectin in stool is a test for inflammatory lesions of the colon, suspected Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

The most informative methods for diagnosing chronic colitis are irrigoscopy (x-ray of the colon with a contrast enema) and endoscopic examination methods (examination of the rectum - sigmoidoscopy, examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon (sngmoscopy), examination of the entire colon (colonoscopy).

  • Irrigoscopy allows you to determine the localization of the inflammatory process, the nature of changes in the relief of the mucous membrane and impaired motility of the colon.
  • During exacerbation, endoscopic examination reveals swelling, redness (hyperemia), pinpoint hemorrhages, erosive process in the mucous membrane, its thinning and pallor during atrophic processes.
  • Carrying out a targeted biopsy with a morphological examination of the intestinal mucosa during endoscopic examination is decisive in the diagnosis of chronic colitis. It allows you to exclude special forms of colitis - nonspecific ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease of the colon.


Treatment for chronic colitis will vary depending on the phase of the disease. During the period when symptoms subside, therapy consists of following a diet, and in case of exacerbation, medicinal methods of therapy are prescribed. Treatment is individualized based on the type of disorder, intensity of symptoms, and general condition of the patient. The following medications are often prescribed for the treatment of chronic colitis:

  • antibiotics;
  • probiotics – restoring the number of beneficial microorganisms;
  • antispasmodics – reducing the manifestation of pain;
  • laxatives or fastening drugs, depending on what exactly worries the patient - constipation or diarrhea;
  • medicinal substances with a high content of enzymes;
  • corticosteroids and immunosuppressants for ulcerative colitis;
  • Enveloping and sedative medications – for the treatment of spastic colitis.

Drug therapy will not be fully effective without following a special diet. The diet for chronic colitis consists of the following rules:

  • enrich your diet with fiber, which is found in large quantities in bread, vegetables and cereals. Fiber is a necessary element for the treatment of spastic colitis;
  • eat small meals four to six times a day;
  • Lean meat and fish can only be eaten boiled. You can add boiled eggs to them;
  • the diet should be dominated by first courses cooked in vegetable broths;
  • peel vegetables and fruits;
  • eating large amounts of seafood;
  • You should avoid foods and drinks that irritate your intestines. These include carbonated drinks and legumes, dairy and fermented milk products, hot seasonings and alcoholic drinks, nuts and table salt;
  • the diet should be high-calorie and contain large amounts of proteins, vitamins and other microelements.

Surgery is required only to eliminate complications.

There are also methods for treating chronic colitis with folk remedies, but their effectiveness causes a lot of controversy among doctors, so they can only be used after consultation with specialists.

Features of nutrition and prevention of relapses in ulcerative colitis

Considering that a long-term inflammatory process in the body leads to weight loss and exhaustion, nutrition for ulcerative colitis should be complete, high-calorie, and contain foods rich in vitamins and proteins. You need to eat in small portions, 6 times a day.

sauces, spices, fatty and fried foods, coarse plant fiber in the form of raw vegetables and fruits from the diet For the same reason, you need to be careful when consuming milk and dairy products.

You can eat fish, lean meats (beef, turkey, chicken, rabbit) baked and boiled, soups in weak low-fat meat and fish broth, porridge, eggs (up to 2 pieces per day soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet), potatoes, rice, jelly, jelly from blueberries, ripe pears and other berries and fruits, curd soufflé, dried bread. Drinks you can drink include tea, black coffee, water cocoa, rosehip, bird cherry and blueberry decoction.

After stopping the exacerbation of ulcerative colitis, anti-inflammatory drugs are taken for six months. Next, a control colonoscopy is performed. In the absence of inflammatory changes in the colon mucosa, the course of treatment is stopped; if the endoscopic picture of the disease persists, then the course of treatment is extended for another 6 months until the next study.

It is necessary to prepare for a planned fibrocolonoscopy. The easiest way to do this is with the help of the drug Fortrans. On the eve of the examination, you must adhere to the diet indicated above; you can drink tea immediately before the examination. On the day of the study, after diluting the drug at the rate of 1 sachet per 1 liter of water (the number of sachets depends on your weight), drink in divided portions over 4 hours. The stool stops 3 hours after the last dose of the drug. After this, a colonoscopy can be performed.


In order to prolong the remission phase of chronic colitis, it is necessary:

  • stick to a diet;
  • drink a large amount of liquid per day - at least two liters;
  • wash your hands thoroughly after going outside, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables before eating;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle, giving up drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • at the first urge to visit the toilet;
  • be examined by a gastroenterologist if the slightest problem with intestinal functioning occurs.

Colitis is inflammation or dystrophy of the colon, which contributes to atrophy of the inner lining of the intestine and organ dysfunction. Developing pathological changes cover the insides of the intestine.

The disease can spread throughout all parts of the gastrointestinal tract in both adults and children. Symptoms vary and depend on the type of disease, degree of development and characteristics of the body.


Intestinal colitis, the symptoms and treatment in adults for which vary depending on the type of disease, can develop for the following reasons:

  • Food poisoning. Eating low-quality foods contaminated with bacteria. The infection quickly spreads through the digestive system, releasing toxins. The active substances affect the large intestine, causing characteristic symptoms and an inflammatory process.
  • Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of fried, fatty foods, smoked foods, irregular meals, and a monotonous diet for an adult lead to disruption of the digestive system. As a result, dysbiosis develops, and constant constipation or diarrhea is possible.

  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Common causes of colitis are inflammation in the stomach and pancreas, which can lead to disturbances in the digestion of food and changes in the bacterial composition in the intestines. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed, which manifests itself in various symptoms.
  • Inappropriate use of medications. Many medications have a laxative effect. Improper use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs leads to an increased intestinal response to any irritants. Excessive sensitivity to the components provokes constant diarrhea, the development of the disease against the background of other symptoms.

  • Frequent mechanical impact. Regular use of rectal suppositories and enemas can cause intestinal irritation, resulting in colitis and other diseases in an adult.

Factors provoking the appearance and development of the disease:

  • Mechanical – injury to the digestive system, in particular the mucous membrane;
  • Allergic – reaction to products incompatible with the body, use of medications containing a prohibited component;
  • Congenital - pathological changes in the intestine present at birth can subsequently lead to the development of a number of pathologies, including colitis;
  • Decreased immunity, stress, and weakened health in other ways cause some types of illness.

Prevention and Prevention: The Importance of a Diet Menu Containing Nutritious Meals

There is no way to prevent ulcerative colitis. However, you can reduce the frequency of symptoms by avoiding foods that cause colitis, spicy foods, and dairy.

The diet should be well balanced, and meals should be nutritious and rich in vitamins, even during symptomatic episodes. By doing this, you will reduce the likelihood of complications from malnutrition such as weight and blood loss. More about the diet menu

Ulcerative colitis increases the risk of developing colon cancer. People with severe inflammation are at highest risk. They should be checked frequently for early signs of cancer. Your doctor will tell you how often you should have colonoscopies.

Poor diet or the effects of colitis medications can lead to osteoporosis. This disease weakens bones and causes them to break. Osteoporosis is prevented with medication, exercise, calcium, and vitamin D. If you have ulcerative colitis, talk to your doctor about osteoporosis. What to do as part of the treatment of the disease?

Types of colitis

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is considered the most dangerous and difficult to treat. Inflammation of the large intestine occurs, and numerous ulcers spread throughout the internal part of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is more often observed in adult residents of large cities. It can occur between the ages of 30 and old age.

Depending on the course of the disease, intestinal colitis is divided into the following types:

  • Acute colitis – symptoms arise suddenly and are severe.
  • Chronic colitis develops slowly; it is difficult to determine the type of disease based on its symptoms and to distinguish it from other gastroenterological diseases.
  • Ulcerative. The intestinal mucosa is damaged, and the course of the disease is complex. Changes occur in the intestinal lining. Treatment for colitis lasts at least 5 years; periodic medical examinations are required to detect cancer cells that may develop against the background of the disease.

  • Nonspecific ulcerative. The main reason is serious intestinal inflammation that occurs when the immune system fails. The tissues of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged, and a number of characteristic signs are observed: pain in the left side of the abdomen, which is relieved after defecation.
  • Erosive. Inflammation of the gastric lining, causing the development of a large number of intestinal ulcers emerging from the stomach.
  • Catarrhal. The next stage of erosive colitis. Inflammation causes redness and the colon becomes enlarged. The internal size decreases and surface microcracks appear. Inflammation can spread over the entire surface of the intestine.
  • Diffuse. An independent initial stage of a disease, the development of which leads to other types of illness.
  • Spastic. Leads to deterioration of intestinal motility (the movement of food becomes difficult). Constipation occurs and the stomach hurts severely.
  • Atrophic. As a result of intestinal inflammation, the amount of nutrients released from food decreases. The intestines become thinner.
  • Superficial colitis. Characterized by the development of inflammation in the upper part of the intestinal mucosa. It most often occurs in adults of working age, mainly due to poor nutrition or disruption of the functioning of other organs of the digestive tract.

Superficial intestinal colitis can occur due to disorders in the central nervous system. Constant stress and nervousness in adults lead to the development of inflammation in the intestines.

The following types of illness are less common:

  • Infectious. Intestinal parasites enter the body through poor quality food processing and dirty water. Infection contributes to the development of ulcers.
  • Radiation. Develops with radiation sickness.
  • Ischemic. Necrosis of vascular tissue leads to deterioration of intestinal function, colitis.
  • Left-sided colitis. Localized on the left side of the digestive tract. It develops due to poor nutrition, as a result of exacerbation of previous stomach diseases, and congenital insufficiency of the intestinal tract functions.
  • Undifferentiated colitis. This disease combines symptoms of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The symptoms are similar to other types of the disease, but the treatment regimen is different. It is important to take into account the patient’s sensitivity to the drugs used, since they actively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis

Speech by Professor Shifrin O.S. within the framework of the II International Internet Congress of Internal Medicine Specialists.

Professor Shifrin O.S.: – Good afternoon, dear colleagues. I will give a talk today on the topic of inflammatory bowel disease.

(00:13) Screensaver: 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations in the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

Professor Shifrin O.S.: – And it will be devoted to the treatment of ulcerative colitis: how to optimally use 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations in the treatment of this severe, diagnostically and therapeutically difficult disease. What goals does a clinician pursue when taking on the complex task of supervising a patient with ulcerative colitis? First of all, he must achieve clinical remission, but this is not enough. He should try to achieve clinical remission without the use of steroid drugs. Maintenance of clinical remission should be long-term. A very important key to the success of long-term maintenance of clinical remission is the achievement of endoscopic remission, and in the future we will strive to achieve histological remission. As is known, a relatively small number of drugs are used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases. There is a tendency that a number of drugs that were previously used in the treatment only of Crohn's disease are now successfully used for ulcerative colitis. This applies to azathioprine, anticytokine drugs, and some antibiotics that are also used for toxic forms of ulcerative colitis.

There are two approaches to the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: either we prescribe drugs sequentially from the least strong effect and, accordingly, from the weakest side effects, to stronger drugs that give a greater number of side effects. This approach seems to be the most logical. Another approach is when, already in the early stages, and this is especially true for Crohn’s disease, anti-cytokine drugs are prescribed. These are drugs that do not change the natural course of the disease, but at the same time threaten the occurrence of many severe side effects. It should be remembered that 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs in the first line of treatment for ulcerative colitis have the highest degree of evidence of the effectiveness of their action. Already by 2000, based on a large number of controlled randomized studies, it was shown that these drugs in their effectiveness were supported by the highest level of evidence - 1A.

The first drug of 5-aminosalicylic acid, which began to be used for ulcerative colitis, was “Sulfasalazine”, consisting of two parts: 5-aminosalicylic acid combined with sulfapyridine, which is used as a carrier of 5-aminosalicylic acid under the action of azoreductases produced by colon bacteria , the drug molecules disintegrate into their original parts and exhibit a pharmacological effect. I will dwell a little later on the numerous side effects of this drug. And the prescription of Sulfasalazine now in the 21st century should be treated with great caution.

So, let us remember the recommendations of the European Society for the Study of Colitis and Crohn's Disease in terms of the use of 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations for ulcerative colitis. In the case of a widespread form of colitis, with total colitis, but with moderate activity, at least 2 grams of mesalazine per day is indicated as the basic therapy for exacerbations. This is supported by a high level of evidence of 1A. And what is very important, for total colitis you should also use local topical preparations of mesalazine - this dramatically increases the effectiveness of treatment.

For left-sided colitis with moderate activity, a combination of oral mesalazine and topical drugs is also indicated. At the same time, the effectiveness of treatment significantly increases with a level of evidence of 1B. For proctitis with mild moderate activity, it is possible to initially prescribe suppositories with mesalazine with a high level of evidence. But if there is no effect, this local therapy should be supported by the administration of oral forms of the drug. Maintenance therapy with 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs is recommended for all patients in whom we managed to achieve clinical and endoscopic remission after using 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs as an exacerbation therapy.

Oral therapy is the first line of maintenance therapy and should be used for total colitis, necessarily with the use of oral forms. For proctitis or left-sided colitis, it is possible to use only local forms of mesalazine to maintain remission (not to induce remission). If it is not possible to successfully maintain remission with local forms only, the latter should be combined with tablets. And we must not forget the minimum doses that are necessary to effectively maintain remission. They must be at least 1 gram. At the same time, topical mesalazine preparations, in particular suppositories, should be prescribed at least three times a week for distal colitis. Of course, recommendations are recommendations. And a clinician who has experience in treating such patients can, of course, independently decide many questions about prescribing the drug. The ECCO guidelines do not require scrupulous adherence to them. First of all, the real clinical picture decides.

Thus, according to the experience of our clinic, it is very important to consider the clinical features of the onset of the disease. They also, to some extent, predispose to maintaining remission in the future with one drug or another. Thus, in the case of a purely diarrheal variant of the onset (not diarrheal-hematochezian) of ulcerative colitis, 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations also turned out to be most indicated. 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations are also important in preventing the development of colorectal cancer; unfortunately, a frequent complication of ulcerative colitis is a decisive line for the prevention of colorectal cancer. Screening and genetic studies have not yet been fully developed. Therefore, special importance is attached to the long-term administration of 5-aminosalicylic acid drugs in order to prevent the development of colorectal cancer in our patients.

The first 5-aminosalicylic acid drug was Sulfasalazine. It showed an effect, but it also showed a high incidence of various side effects when using it. According to our data, 40% of patients with ulcerative colitis who took Sulfasalazine experienced some side effects. After Sulfasalazine, the so-called diazo compounds of 5-aminosalicylic acid were developed: Olsalazine, in which two molecules of 5-aminosalicylic acid are connected by a diazo bond, and Balsalazide, in which 5-aminosalicylic acid is connected to a 4-amino-benzoyl-alanine residue. But, unfortunately, these drugs showed approximately the same frequency of side effects as Sulfasalazine.

Later, releasing systems appeared; in the beginning, they were predominantly pH-dependent. That is, the release of mesalazine contained in the tablet depended primarily on the pH of the intestinal contents. The disadvantage of this group of drugs is that, since inflammation of the intestinal wall changes the normal intestinal pH, these drugs often do not work. The situation changed after the development of mesalazine preparations, namely mesalazine microgranules coated with an ethylcellulose coating, the release of which depends on the time the substance remains in the intestine.

The release of the drug "Pentasa", which represents this form, begins already in the duodenum. That is, this drug is good for treating not only ulcerative colitis, but is very suitable for treating Crohn's disease. The drug is evenly distributed in the small and large intestines. What is very important is that it does not linger in the stomach, which avoids a sharp increase in concentration in the blood. Thanks to its gradual release, the drug reaches the distal parts of the intestine. And the rate of drug release remains constant over a wide range of pH of the intestinal contents. That is, in this regard, the drug is very advantageous. The distribution of the drug has been repeatedly studied using various methods, in particular scintigraphy. And here it is shown that mesalazine is released in both the small and large intestines. And the area of ​​application of this drug is both Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Moreover, various forms are used for these diseases. When studying the distribution of the drug, we noted that the distribution of Pentas was very uniform and applied both to the initial parts of the small intestine, starting with the duodenum, and to the distal parts of the colon.

Let me tell you about a case from our clinical practice. A 35-year-old patient came to our clinic with complaints: loose stools mixed with mucus, sometimes blood, up to 5-7 times a day, flatulence, weakness, weight loss of almost 7 kg in a year. Ill for two years. The young woman was quickly diagnosed with ulcerative colitis; unfortunately, this is not always the case. As with Crohn's disease, we have big problems in the country with the early detection of these diseases. A patient with Crohn's disease was recently admitted to our clinic but had not been diagnosed during his 24 years of follow-up with a typical clinical presentation. That is, of course, we must study the clinical picture of these diseases more deeply.

So, the patient developed hematochezia, diarrhea, and began to lose weight. The correct diagnosis was made - ulcerative colitis. The doctors mechanically followed the path of increasing the dose of Sulfasalazine. At first she took 2 grams, then she began to take 3 grams and, finally, 4 - there was no effect. Fortunately, this patient had no side effects. But the clinical effect of prescribing Sulfasalazine was not achieved. In our clinic, a diagnosis of “nonspecific ulcerative colitis, total form, Truelove I activity” was made, and it was confirmed. We widely use radiation methods to confirm the diagnosis, in particular computed tomography. The computer colonography method allows you to clarify the lesion, at what stage the intestine is affected, the severity of the lesion, the thickness of the intestinal wall, evaluate the fiber adjacent to the intestine, the presence of lymph nodes, and so on.

We prescribed Pentasa to the patient - 3 g/day. As is known, this drug can be used once a day - this increases patient compliance. Naturally, it is easier for a person to take medications once than three times a day. And, accordingly, patients will be more willing to follow the doctor’s recommendations. According to the perfect ECCO recommendations, therapy with an oral drug - Pentasy tablets - had to be supplemented with a new form of Pentasy, which is now proposed, and which we already have at our disposal - suppositories, Pentasy suppositories, which contain 1 gram of mesalazine. Pentasy suppositories can be used once, and not twice a day, as was previously proposed for their use. And with the use of local and oral therapy, we quickly managed to achieve an improvement in the clinical picture.

But I have already said that our goal is to achieve not only clinical remission, but also endoscopic remission. To assess the dynamics of the condition in this regard, we use the Mayo clinical-endoscopic index, which combines both clinical indicators and endoscopic indicators. After treatment with Pentasa tablets and suppositories, the patient’s stool frequency normalized, rectal bleeding and hematochezia disappeared, and the endoscopic picture completely normalized.

What we have as a result: disease activity is 0 points, we have achieved clinical and endoscopic remission. Should we stop therapy? No. And according to our experience and the ECCO recommendations, the recommendations of the American Gastroenterological Association, maintenance therapy should be continued, but the dose of the drug can be reduced. We gradually reduced the Pentasa tablets from 3 grams of the drug per day to 1 gram. We suggested that the patient use Pentasy suppositories three times a week. What can be concluded? 5-aminosalicylic acid preparations remain the first line of treatment for ulcerative colitis. Fortunately, new and increasingly effective drugs containing mesalazine are becoming available to doctors.

(17:25) Screensaver.

Professor Shifrin O.S.: – Several questions were received: “What is a terrible side effect from the use of mesalazine?”

I must say that this is a fairly safe drug. If we compare it with drugs from other groups, this is perhaps the safest drug. It can give cephalalgia, it can give abdominalgia, it can give stool upset. Sometimes it causes such pancreatotoxic reactions, but this is not common. And I repeat, this drug is the safest among all other drugs used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Question: “Should I take probiotics when treating ulcerative colitis?”

This is a controversial issue that is being debated. The Escherichia coli 1917 strain is believed to have some effect and is even included in the recommendations. But nevertheless, the issue of using other strains of microorganisms is being discussed. In particular, with Crohn's disease - Saccharomyces boulardii and so on. This question requires further development, but is very interesting in itself.

Symptoms of colitis

It is possible to determine intestinal colitis in adults by characteristic symptoms. Discomfort in the lower abdomen in 90% of cases indicates the presence of a disease. There is significant discomfort during meals. After touching the stomach, when riding in public transport, running, the pain due to colitis intensifies. Diarrhea often alternates with constipation, constant bloating is observed, and it becomes difficult to move due to stomach problems.

Undifferentiated colitis has a more complex treatment regimen. Patients note a constant false urge to defecate, pain during the process, even in the absence of stool. There may be foreign impurities in the stool: pus, blood, mucus, dark liquid. The body weakens, digestion of food becomes difficult, harmful microorganisms, if present in the body, develop rapidly. Similar symptoms, which do not appear so clearly, are possible with other types of the disease.

With exacerbation, the symptoms of intestinal colitis in women or men intensify, and during remission they become invisible. The pain is often dull, aching, sometimes bursting. Unpleasant sensations spread over the entire surface of the abdomen, after which they are localized in a certain area. Painful attacks are often accompanied by gas and the desire to defecate.

Depending on the spread of the disease, pain occurs in a certain area of ​​the intestine, or over its entire surface. The degree of development of the disease determines the strength of pain.


The stages of the disease determine the nature of symptoms in adults:

  • The initial stage is characterized by a mild set of symptoms. A person may not see abnormalities in the body. Possible skin rashes, constant thirst, dry mouth.
  • The average degree is expressed by an increase in body temperature to 37 - 38o. Contractions, mild pain, and deterioration of the body's condition are possible. The urge to defecate mainly at night, at least 4–6 times a day.
  • Severe degree is characterized by tachycardia. The skin turns pale, the breathing rhythm becomes disturbed, and the stomach hurts greatly.
  • Acute left-sided colitis or its other subtype is characterized by the following symptoms: severe pain in the lower abdomen, gas formation. There is discomfort and pain during bowel movements. Diarrhea occurs much more often than constipation. A person gets tired quickly, and weight may decrease. After eating, nausea begins to occur for a short time.

Signs of intestinal colitis in women, after it enters the chronic stage, are: flatulence, mild dull pain in the entire lower abdomen, nausea and headache.

Diagnosis of colitis

The disease is determined after collecting anamnesis. Symptoms characteristic of the disease differ depending on the variety. A woman and a man may have the same set of symptoms. It is important to determine the duration of pain, the presence of other complaints, and extraneous signs. Most of the causes are not eliminated on their own; the diagnosis is clarified.

Instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • Coprogram – the state of metabolic processes in the body is assessed using a stool examination. The chronic form involves the presence of excessive mucus in the discharge. Leukocytes and red blood cells are present;

  • X-ray – assesses the condition of the intestinal mucosa. The localization of inflammation is determined;

  • Sigmoidoscopy - changes in the mucous membrane are detected.

In terms of external manifestations, intestinal colitis is similar to changes in cancer. An intestinal biopsy is aimed at ruling out the possibility of cancer.

Ulcerative colitis symptoms vary

Some people experience flare-ups every few months, while others suffer from symptoms all the time. In others, fortunately, the disease rarely makes itself felt.

Typical manifestations of intestinal colitis:

  • Cramping pain in the abdomen, especially in the lower part.
  • Bloody diarrhea, often containing pus or mucus.
  • Fever.
  • Fatigue.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Loss of fluid leading to dehydration.

With spastic colitis, constipation and diarrhea alternate, bloating and attacks of abdominal pain occur. Digestion is often upset after eating, as well as in the morning.

Treatment of the disease

To correctly determine the type of disease, identify the variety and select a treatment regimen, an adult patient should contact a gastroenterologist or coloproctologist.

The primary requirement in treating the disease is diet. The mucous membrane is irritated; to restore the normal state of the body, it is necessary to improve its condition.

As the disease progresses, the body is increasingly supplied with useful substances, so the following heavy foods are excluded from the diet:

  • raw vegetables and fruits are not recommended for consumption;
  • peanuts and seeds;
  • fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • sweets;
  • coffee, chocolate.

When answering the question of how to treat intestinal colitis, it is worth noting important points: food intake is carried out at least 6 times a day in small portions. All products are boiled, stewed or ground into pulp.

The main products are buckwheat, rice, and other well-cooked cereals. It is possible to eat lean meat, pre-chopped or ground. You need to drink a lot of plain water to restore your water balance.

Medicines used for treatment

  • Painkillers and antispasmodics. Necessary to eliminate pain if it exists. For spasms, antispasmodics are taken;
  • Antibiotics. If the development of the disease is provoked by infectious diseases or pathogenic microorganisms. Cifran, Nifuroxazide are used;
  • Antiparasitic substances. When the disease develops due to helminthic infestation.

If an adult goes untreated for a long time, stomach ulcers may develop. Long and expensive therapy will be required. Glucocorticosteroids are prescribed and used under the supervision of a doctor.

The action of the drugs is aimed at eliminating inflammation and healing damaged areas. Rectal suppositories and ointments are used. The patient is shown sanatorium living conditions. Left-sided colitis is easy to cure at the primary stage of development.

It is enough to follow simple recommendations. The development of pathology makes the treatment of intestinal colitis more difficult, requires exposure to more complex medications, and the recovery pattern changes.

In the first stages, colitis can be confused with other gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastritis or dysbiosis. For an accurate diagnosis, consult your doctor.

Home / What we treat / UC TREATMENT

Chronic colitis (ulcerative nonspecific colitis) Symptoms: pain in the left abdomen, bloating, diarrhea or, on the contrary, constipation, feces mixed with mucus and sometimes blood. The general condition worsens, the temperature rises. The duration of the disease in exacerbation ranges from several days to 2-3 weeks or more. Cause of colitis from the point of view of Chinese medicine According to the teachings of Chinese medicine, colitis occurs due to exposure to external phlegm and cold, or irregular diet, weakness of the stomach and spleen. The cause of colitis from the point of view of European medicine - Presence of infection in the gastrointestinal tract - Disorder of the autoimmune system - genetic factors - psychogenic factors Direction of treatment at the HMG Chinese Medicine Clinic Remove poisonous cold and phlegm from the intestines, restore the mucous membrane, balance organs, increase immunity of the intestinal tract for the purpose of cure Methods of treating colitis at the HMG Clinic -Decoction according to individual condition—3 times a day, one sachet. -Phyto-moxibustion on the abdominal area -Acupuncture -Acupressure. — Electro-stimulator-needles — Hot cups

-Fast needles

For the treatment of colitis (neck, Crohn's disease) we offer 2 options for your choice:

1. Face-to-face treatment.

Course of treatment—13 days

Treatment methods:

l Decoction daily, needles daily, electrical stimulator needles,

quick needles, therapeutic massage, hot cups, etc.

l The total amount includes accommodation in a three-star hotel and transfer (meeting and dropping off).

2. Correspondence treatment.

l First, fill out a form and take a photo of your tongue coating.

l After receiving the above materials, undergo a consultation on Skype or Wechat.

l Prepare customized herbs and send via express to your address.

l Delivery to your home takes approximately 10 days minus plus.

Specifically, you can communicate via email

Patient history —Patient #1. 43 years. Diagnosis in Russia: nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Medical history: 7 years Complaints: intestinal bleeding began in 2006. frequent stools (8-10 times a day) with mucus and blood.. Periodically spent time in several hospitals, took sulfasalazine 2 tablets 4 times a day. Enzistal 1 tablet 3 times. Sorbifer 1 tablet 3 times. tripochol 1 tablet 3 times. There was periodic relief, then the condition worsened again. Doctors repeatedly suggested surgery. Since March 2011, he received treatment at the HMG clinic using herbs, needles, cauterization, etc. The course of treatment was prescribed for 14 days. During the course, stool became 2 times a day without mucus and blood. The condition became stable, in addition to spicy foods, he began to eat all the tasty foods that he had long been afraid of. After a course of treatment in the clinic, we drank an individual medicine at home to strengthen the effect for 2 months. Now the condition is stable, like a normal person. —Patient No. 2. 40 years . Hospital diagnosis: chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux, ulcerative esophagitis, narrowing of the esophagus. Medical history: 5 years. Complaints: periodic epigastric pain, heartburn Methods of treatment at the NMG Clinic: decoction, cauterization, massage and needles. Course of treatment in the clinic: 15 days. Effect: 3 days after treatment, the heartburn disappeared, I began to drink wine (before that I was afraid to drink). Only without following the diet, sometimes heartburn appeared. By the end of the course of treatment in the clinic, the heartburn had almost completely disappeared, the pain and other discomforts had completely disappeared. I drank concentrates for 2 months to strengthen the effect at home, and my condition is still stable without complaints. — Patient No. 3. 45 years. Diagnosis in 2006: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, total damage to the large intestine, moderate severity. Medical history: Identified in 2002. Go to the toilet 15-20 times a day, with mucus and blood, fullness and abdominal pain. Treatment was carried out: 8 tablets of prednisolone (metipred) per day, salofalk 500, 3 g each. in a day. 2 months. Then exacerbations occurred 2 times. Over the past 5 years, I have been taking salofalk 1-2 grams per day. There was no aggravation. I felt bad, constant abdominal pain, upset stool. I went to the hospital and took a large dose of the hormone - methylprednisolone, 6 tablets per day. Therefore, the condition is stable, there was no blood in the stool, there was no mucus, the stool was formed, 1-2 times a day, but without the use of hormones, loose stools, pain and cramps, and even blood again begin. Treatment at the HMG clinic: From July 2012, she begins to drink herbal infusions. 3 days after taking the herb: I stopped drinking salofalk, and after 10 days I stopped taking hormones. 20 days after taking the herb: stool once or twice a day, the condition is not stable, then a little better, then again bad and I go to the toilet with water, there is no blood. There is gas and seething in the stomach. no severe pain. A month later: the condition of the abdomen has improved, I go to the toilet no more than once, only seething in the stomach and gases. No pain. Strengthening the effect for 2 months, taking into account the new condition: no complaints now.. Online forum: For those who are looking for Good evening. I decided to write my story. I hope my experience will be useful to someone. I am 35 years old. UC was diagnosed in 2009. Afterwards there were both remissions and exacerbations. When he couldn’t control the exacerbation himself, he went to the hospital. From 2009 to October 2011, he was on salofalk; during hospitalization, he was prescribed prednisolone, metronidazole, and glucose drips. Remissions are short, 2-3 months. I just reduced the dose of salofalk to 1.5-2 grams, and after a month and a half the exacerbation began again. And the reason for the occurrence is not always clear. During my last hospitalization in October 2011, doctors discontinued Salofalk as it was not effective and prescribed me hydrocartisone via intravenous drip, prednisolone and azathioprine. They said that if this does not help, then they will prescribe Remicade. I managed to take the edge off with hydrocartisone, but I didn’t want to start taking azathioprine. Deciding for myself that there was a dead end ahead, I actively began searching for alternative treatment methods. In one of the forum threads, I found an email from a person who was cured using traditional Chinese medicine. I wrote to him asking him to tell me what the essence of the treatment was. He, his name is Roman, contacted me on Skype that same day and explained everything in detail, for which I am very grateful to him. Then, in a short time, I contacted the clinic, answered all the questions, paid for the order, and through the same patients who returned to Russia from a clinic in China at that time, I received the medicine. The medicine is a pea-sized herbal pill. The course of treatment is as follows: 2 times 10 grams before meals half an hour and 1 time before bedtime with water. The tablets prescribed by the doctor are taken together with the Chinese herb for 2 weeks with a dose reduction until complete withdrawal. Then only pills. I started taking the herb on November 1st, on the 15th I stopped all the pills and I can say with firm confidence that I have been in remission for about a week. Reduced the dose to 8 grams. Next, as they explained to me, there will be maintenance therapy. I think I’ll contact the clinic tomorrow and decide on further treatment. With my story, I do not encourage everyone to change their treatment. I think that if someone is satisfied with it, then there is no need to change anything. But I think there will also be those who are looking for ways to heal, and perhaps my story will be useful to them. For them I leave the coordinates of the HMG clinic:, skype: liuhmg, e-mail, tel. +86 13910085076. Lately I’ve been talking on Skype with Dr. Liu. LINK: LINKS TO REVIEWS: Our clinic also provides remote treatment. We will prepare a custom-made herbal mixture according to a recipe developed by our experts especially for you. The effect is guaranteed. Send a request with information about the disease to the email address / Our specialists will contact you shortly.

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