Psychosomatics of gastrointestinal diseases. How to and how NOT to treat the stomach.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults are a common complaint among contemporaries, especially those who live in busy cities and lead a sedentary lifestyle. According to doctors, a significant part of the symptoms from the digestive system are caused by intense one-time or chronic psycho-emotional stress. Irregular working hours, excessive demands and numerous responsibilities of office employees, financial instability and a credit yoke are typical stressors leading to nervous exhaustion and psychosomatic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefits and harms of stress

Everyone, without exception, is familiar with stress. People experience stress in various forms and degrees every day. In small doses, stressors can be beneficial. But when the effects of stress become too great, it affects not only mental functioning but also physical well-being.

In small quantities, stressors can help increase energy and alertness, allowing you to focus on the problem and find the best solution. This type of stress is called “eustress.” People interpret such experiences as “injecting energy”, “stimulus to activity”. Eustress is what makes life exciting and interesting. These are experiences that help you wake up cheerful and rested, work productively all day long, without feeling tired.

But when the pressure level becomes too great, distress develops. In such a situation, stressors exceed the individual's ability to deal with them in a constructive manner. Often people experiencing distress describe themselves as “burnt out” or “devastated.” At this stage, if a person has not found positive and productive ways to counteract stress, a cascade of specific biochemical reactions is launched in the body. As a result, psycho-emotional disorders and psychosomatic diseases develop, which often manifest as pathological symptoms from the digestive system.

Localization of tumors and their psychosomatics

The location of the tumors depends on the emotions experienced by the person.


Breast cancer develops when a woman experiences despair and has a problem with her sexual partner. Such patients see the meaning of life in their husband. They “dissolve” in their spouse, and when he disappears from life, illness begins.

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PSYCHOSOMATICS. BREAST. PART 2 . For the first part, see the tag #psychosomatics_breasts For cancer/fibrosis/cysts of the milk ducts, the conflict of separation is responsible. It's called: the rejection of a woman by her loved ones. Let's put this bold ❤ so that fewer women get sick and pass my posts from hand to hand! . Any conflict has three phases: 1⃣Programming 2⃣Active phase 3⃣Recovery. Programming phase: The woman is bored, experiencing a breakup. For example, she separated from her lover. The woman is waiting for him to return. And ulceration begins on all sides of the ducts - to enlarge the ducts and so that more milk flows (flow of love) Recovery phase: cancer, when a loved one returns, or when a woman meets a new prince - ductal adenocarcinoma, they thicken in order to heal the earlier ulceration. Remember the story of Kylie Minogue. The cancer developed when she met her new lover. . Cancer is not always natural. It all depends on the duration and depth of the conflict. We all experience events differently. For some women, separation and resentment are not a problem - they will simply turn the page. And for some it’s a very serious drama. . How to behave in a relationship with a man when there are disagreements? How to prevent the consequences of your drama? If the post gets 100 of your hearts, I’ll tell you! Your ❤ is an assessment of my work and an indicator of the relevance of the topic. . Has there been such a thing in your life that you experienced a breakup with your loved one for a very long time? Did it affect your well-being? . . #psychosomatics #breast #breast cancer #mastopathy #breast fibrosis #breast cysts #psychoanalysis #psychologistMoscow #not sick #health #healthy lifestyle #woman #women's health #girl #wife #mother #beautifulbreasts #photo #blogger

A post shared by PSYCHOLOGIST PSYCHOSOMATICS (@ulia_pogorelets) on May 11, 2020 at 2:34am PDT

The second category of patients suffering from breast disease are women who put everything on their shoulders. They are characterized by working hard and striving to be ideal wives and mothers. When the roles of spouses change in the family, problems with the spouse begin. They are offended by children and relatives due to lack of gratitude. A woman unconsciously puts herself in last place.


Stomach cancer occurs in patients who are unable to cope with a complex traumatic situation. They do not trust their emotions to anyone close to them and reject the help of others. Psychotherapists note that the digestive tract symbolizes tolerance towards other people. He reacts sharply to relationships with loved ones and the world around him.

The psychosomatics of stomach cancer is based on a person’s reluctance to communicate with a specific unpleasant relative, household member, or colleague. The second provoking trigger can be emotional burnout, hidden anger and aggression. The reluctance to receive warmth from loved ones also leads to a malignant tumor. They often feel unwanted. The disease pushes us to pay attention to the person’s personality and his complexities.


Bowel cancer occurs due to the need to do things that do not bring positive emotions. A person perceives the world around him not positively, but negatively. He concentrates on failures and mistakes, without noticing the positive aspects.

This category of patients is characterized by increased anxiety, suspiciousness, criticism and nagging towards others. Patients with intestinal cancer are scrupulous and conservative. They can be perfectionists.


Blood cancer is common in people with difficult experiences that cannot be expressed, forgiven or let go. Often these are childhood traumas or an unspoken feeling of uselessness. Such a person experiences loneliness, even within his family. He may be angry with his household because of this.

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INCREASED BILIRUBIN. Bilirubin is a special breakdown product of red blood cells. . If it is significantly elevated in the blood, a slightly yellowish characteristic tint of the skin and sclera of the eyes appears. . Since the main part of the bilirubin itself is always formed in the liver, we consider it as a psychosomatic symptom manifested within this organ. . So, the formula is simple, unrecognized, unreacted and unprocessed anger = increased bilirubin

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