Composition of castor oil and methods of use in the treatment of constipation

Castor oil as a laxative

The drug has been known for a long time as a laxative. These days, castor oil for constipation has received a new lease of life due to its natural origin. The action is based on the property of the drug to enhance intestinal motility due to its irritating effect. Castor oil for constipation in capsules or liquid form helps when other remedies are ineffective. Using it is safer than an enema. Drink castor oil only as prescribed by a doctor - it has many contraindications.

In addition to using castor oil for constipation, its use, subject to instructions, is recommended for:

  • treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • getting rid of helminths;
  • improving hair condition;
  • acceleration of labor;
  • fight dandruff;
  • bowel cleansing before research diagnostic procedures.

The drug can be sold in pharmacies in the form of capsules or in vials - liquid form - 30 mg each, and is inexpensive. To achieve easy bowel movements, it is not advisable to use it yourself - the remedy eliminates only the symptom itself. It is necessary, together with your doctor, to find out the cause of the difficulty with bowel movements and eliminate it. Castor oil should absolutely not be used for constipation during pregnancy. It acts in such a way that it can cause contractions of the uterus, leading to miscarriage or premature birth.

Forms of release of the drug

Many people are interested in whether castor oil will help speed up bowel movements. To answer this question, you need to study the features of the drug. You can buy oil at the pharmacy. A doctor's prescription is not required for purchase, but consultation with a specialist is required.

Therapists warn that self-treating constipation can be dangerous. In some cases, there is a risk of making the situation worse. Difficulty with bowel movements can become chronic.

Castor oil for constipation is considered a relatively safe drug. Many doctors advise using it instead of powerful laxatives. The oil is packaged in glass bottles . Some manufacturers equip containers with special droppers for easy dosing of the product.

In pharmacies you can find castor oil in the following volumes:

  • 25 ml;
  • 30 ml;
  • 40 ml;
  • 50 ml;
  • 60 ml;
  • 100 ml.

To make containers, dark glass is used to protect the substance from the harmful effects of direct sunlight.

There is another, less popular form of release. These are capsules for oral administration. They are packaged in blisters or cardboard packs of 10 pieces. The weight of each capsule is 0.5 or 1 gram.

Is castor oil safe to take orally?

Although the medicine is of herbal origin, the oil remedy has side effects. Use can lead to dehydration, cause intestinal atony, and digestive system upset. There are contraindications for use:

  • age less than 12 years;
  • gallstones;
  • lactation period;
  • chronic constipation;
  • pregnancy;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal, uterine bleeding;
  • strange pain in the abdomen.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated orally if:

  • constant constipation (taking oil can cause bleeding due to the systematic passage of old fecal plugs);
  • existing bleeding (intestinal or uterine) - the picture may worsen;
  • kidney diseases;
  • poisoning with fat-soluble poisons;
  • abdominal pain or colic of unknown origin;
  • appendicitis in acute form;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • adhesions and inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

How to drink castor oil for constipation

The drug has an unpleasant taste and smell, so you need to know how to take it. Convenient to use in capsules. If you drink the medicine in liquid form, it is better to dilute it with juice, wash it down with milk or ginger tea. Remember: the drug will take effect no earlier than 6 hours. There are rules on how to use castor oil. Required solution:

  • warm up;
  • drink before meals;
  • if possible, take at night;
  • during the course of treatment - start taking a dose of 30 mg for adults, increasing to one milligram per kilogram of body weight;
  • take 10 mg daily for children over 12 years of age;
  • drink no more than three days - the substance is addictive.

Many people suffer from such a common ailment as constipation, but few people know that the natural remedy castor oil is a good remedy for relieving this kind of suffering. Its main healing property is its laxative effect. Taking castor oil internally for constipation, you get the effective effect of its enzymes on the gastrointestinal tract, this causes increased muscle contraction, which leads to cleansing. The properties of castor oil are superior to those of other vegetable fats; it has a yellowish tint, an unpleasant taste, and a specific waxy aroma.

Instructions for use of castor oil

Before starting treatment, it is clear that it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all contraindications, restrictions, rules of use, and be sure to consult a doctor. Castor oil is available for sale in pharmacies in the form of capsules, as an ointment or liquid oil in small bottles. Indications for the use of this remedy, in addition to a laxative, are extensive: against poisoning, to stimulate labor, normalize intestinal function, treat wounds, cracks, burns, dandruff, etc.

How does the laxative effect occur? When you take castor oil for constipation, lipase is hydrolyzed in the small intestine and ricinoleic acid is formed, which irritates receptors throughout the intestine and causes a reflex excretion of feces from the body. The end result (bowel movement) should occur within a period of between 5 and 6 hours.

When can you use oil?

The official instructions contain information that the drug can be taken in two cases:

  • To solve problems of difficult bowel movements.
  • As a labor stimulant.

However, the range of uses of this drug is more expanded. It is used to cleanse the intestines, improve peristalsis, heal burns, improve hair condition, and treat hemorrhoids and helminthic infestations.

Indications for the use of castor oil are limited to difficulty defecating. But it is impossible to take this remedy systematically, in order to solve a delicate problem. Exceeding the dosage is also unacceptable.

Castor oil has a positive effect on the health and appearance of hair

How to drink castor oil for constipation

During intestinal and digestive disorders, the drug should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Several recommendations for the correct use of castor oil for constipation:

  • the medicine can be addictive, so you should not abuse it;
  • for best absorption of the oil, it is necessary to drink it for a long time before or after meals, the approximate interval between meals and the drug should be at least an hour;
  • if you take oil, wash it down with a drink of ginger, milk, or dissolve the required dose in a glass of drink;
  • Drink as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration.

Dosage for adults

For adults, the dosage is prescribed strictly once a day, a maximum of 30 grams of oil or 30 capsules as one dose, drink over half an hour (if the capsule contains 1 gram). Please note that the drug is taken for a maximum of three days. If the purpose of taking the drug is different, for example, to induce labor, then the dosage is slightly different, and interactions with other medications are observed.

Norm for children

The dosage for children starting from 12 years of age is prescribed in the same way: once a day. Depending on the complexity of the problem, follow the following doses of medication:

  • the minimum dose of the drug is 5 grams of oil (approximately one teaspoon), or 5 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • the average dosage is 10 grams of oil (dessert spoon) or 10 capsules of 1 gram each;
  • maximum dosage – 15 grams (a tablespoon of oil) or 15 capsules of 1 gram.

The rule for taking capsules for children is the same as for adults - drink the required amount half an hour before meals.

Castor oil for children

In young children, the problem of difficult bowel movements cannot be ruled out. In this case, the selection of laxatives must be approached with special care, because it is very important not to harm the body! Castor oil should be used only in cases where it is not possible to use other medications.

Children can only take it orally with strict adherence to the rules. The usual dosage for an adult is reduced by 3 times and is 5-10 ml of liquid or 1-2 capsules. The rules for taking it are no different from adults: take it 30 minutes before meals.

You should pay very close attention to the baby's reaction. If nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea occurs, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a doctor.

Many pediatricians are against this method, as they believe that the intestines of a growing organism are hypersensitive to irritating components. This increases the risk of developing dehydration.

When treating constipation in children, castor oil is used only in extreme cases.

Harm and contraindications of castor oil

You can cause considerable harm to yourself by taking castor oil if you have not followed the rules for taking it. You may experience the following side symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, disruption of digestive and intestinal motor processes, diarrhea, disturbances in the electrolyte balance and metabolism of the body, rash, allergies.

To avoid these troubles, it is important to familiarize yourself with and take into account all the contraindications associated with taking this oil:

  • if you have been chronically constipated for a long time;
  • Taking castor oil for appendicitis is strictly prohibited;
  • You should immediately stop taking the oil if you suddenly feel acute abdominal pain, you need to consult a doctor to find out the cause of what is happening;
  • should not be taken by women suffering from uterine bleeding, since this medicine tends to rush blood to the female organs;
  • the presence of kidney-related diseases;
  • It is strictly forbidden to treat constipation with castor oil for pregnant women - this threatens the pregnancy of the child;
  • You should also not take the oil during lactation, so as not to harm the baby’s health;
  • Taking castor oil is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age;
  • poisoning with poisons, male fern extract, etc.

Watch a video explaining what constipation is and how to deal with it:

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body: not always what helps one will be an effective panacea for others. As with any other medicine, with castor oil, it is important to always remember this and not self-medicate. Be sure to consult a doctor to remove not only the results of diseases, but also to find out their causes, and then engage in treatment. Watch your diet, your lifestyle, approach your health and the health of your children thoroughly - after all, this is the most precious thing you have.

Katerina, 28 years old

“All my life I have suffered from constipation, the moment of exacerbation occurs during transitional periods - autumn, spring. I know very well that in such cases you need to be more careful with nutrition, but in my case this does not always help the food be broken down well, which leads to a malfunction in the intestines and my torment begins. Once my grandmother advised me to use castor oil. I was skeptical about this, but I tried it and the effect did not take long to wait. As a result, I was satisfied with this method, I adopted it, but I try not to abuse it, I’m afraid to get used to it.”

“I can’t say that constipation is my problem, but sometimes some troubles happen, so I know what castor oil is and why I should take it. I have resorted to this remedy several times, but it is not always effective, perhaps when such problems appear, in addition to some medications, it is necessary to follow a diet in combination, then the quality of treatment should be higher.”

“I don’t know about special diets, compliance with all sorts of rules, but the only time I had to take this oil to get rid of constipation, I didn’t get a laxative effect, so I’m not sure of the effectiveness of this remedy. Probably, it’s really worth taking into account the characteristics of each person and his illnesses.”

Each of us has encountered such a serious and delicate problem as constipation in everyday life at least once. There are many techniques to fix the problem. Among folk remedies for eliminating constipation, the leading place is occupied by castor oil, which has a positive effect on intestinal motility and gently promotes bowel movement.

Features of use in children, the elderly and pregnant women

Castor oil (for constipation and removal of toxins) should be taken with extreme caution not only by people who have contraindications; there are other restrictions. Pediatricians do not recommend using castor oil on children under 12 years of age.

From the age of 13, depending on the child’s weight and the condition of his intestines, a one-time dose of 5, 10 or 15 capsules is given (if the medicine is in liquid form, then 1 tsp, 1 dessert or 1 tbsp, respectively).

Doctors do not recommend taking liquid castor oil for people over 60 years of age. This is explained by the fact that age-related changes in the body often affect swallowing functions. When taking the oil, vomiting may occur, some of which may enter the respiratory tract. With unchanged swallowing reflexes, the oil is used for no more than 2-3 days, 1 tbsp. l. per day.

Doctors do not advise older people to use cleansing enemas.

If this procedure is carried out systematically, a lack of fluid in the body (dehydration) may occur. This often causes thrombosis and then strokes. Castor oil is prohibited for pregnant women. In addition to the laxative effect, it has the property of toning muscles. The muscle contractions caused by the drug can provoke increased uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage.

Causes of constipation

Constipation is a long-term retention of feces in the intestines, which not only generally affects a person’s well-being, reducing his quality of life, but also gradually leads to the development of serious diseases. Poor nutrition is considered one of the main causes of constipation. The predominance or abuse of fatty and heavy foods, flour and confectionery products, and sweets contribute to the difficulty of its work, provoking disturbances in its functions. Other important factors contributing to the development of this disease are pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle, a course of treatment that involves taking certain medications, various diseases, including the nervous system, and frequent stress.

Intestinal dysfunction is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: abdominal pain, headaches, nausea, bloating. To eliminate discomfort and ease the intestines, the simplest remedy is a laxative. The choice of laxatives in pharmacies is huge, unfortunately, many of them have a lot of side effects, so it is safer to use traditional medicine. Among such remedies, the greatest effectiveness is noted for castor oil, which has been used since ancient times as an effective laxative.

Natural castor oil is isolated from the seeds of the castor bean; it has a yellowish tint in appearance and a peculiar “waxy” odor and an unpleasant taste. In addition to its laxative properties, castor oil is used in the care of hair, facial skin and the treatment of skin lesions and diseases.

Video: Constipation in Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

How castor oil works for constipation

The healing properties of castor oil for spastic and atonic constipation are due to the fatty acids it contains (oleic, linoleic, ricinoleic). When castor oil is consumed, it enters the intestines and there interacts with specific enzymes, in particular with water-soluble lipase, which breaks down fatty acids and other fats, converting them into thermal energy. It perfectly softens accumulated feces, while at the same time there is an increase in the contractile activity of the muscles of the lower gastrointestinal tract (improved peristalsis), which helps cleanse the intestines.

Side effects

Constipation is an unpleasant condition that can be accompanied by bloating, flatulence and pain. In order to avoid intoxication with decay products, laxatives are used. Castor oil, like some other drugs, has a number of side effects. They usually develop with long-term use without supervision by specialists.

  1. The most common complication is diarrhea. Diarrhea occurs when the recommended dose is greatly exceeded. The stool becomes liquefied, and the intestines begin to contract sharply under the influence of oil. Spasms are often painful. To avoid diarrhea, you need to carefully study the instructions for the drug and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. When using castor oil internally, vomiting may occur. Nausea attacks are triggered by the taste and smell of the substance. To suppress the reflex, it is recommended to eat a small handful of raisins or a few slices of lemon.
  3. The most dangerous side effect is lazy bowel syndrome. This condition develops with the abuse of strong mucous-irritating laxatives. Subsequently, the independent peristalsis of the organ worsens, and constipation becomes chronic.

It is quite possible to avoid unpleasant side effects. When treating constipation with castor oil, you should carefully calculate the dose and not exceed the recommended course duration.

How to take castor oil for constipation

“Castor oil” can be easily found in any pharmacy (for internal use!) and purchased for little money; it is available in the form of capsules (1 g) and in the form of a liquid product. To facilitate bowel function, the oil should be taken internally, but only if there are no contraindications. According to the instructions for the drug, to restore normal functioning of the intestines, it should be taken orally once in a dose of 30 g (about two tablespoons or 20-30 capsules). The duration of treatment should not exceed three days. You regulate the time of taking castor oil yourself, taking into account that the expected effect from taking the oil occurs after 2-8 hours. It is advisable to do it at night, or when you are at home (weekends).

To solve intestinal problems, the drug can be given to children from 12 years of age, 10 g (or 10 capsules), also for no more than 3 days in a row. It is better to take castor oil in combination with warm milk, since the taste is “downright disgusting.” Instead of milk, you can use a ginger drink, warm boiled water, any tea, simply dissolving oil in it or wash it down with the prepared liquid. When taking the drug, it is important to strictly follow the dosage.

Castor oil, in addition to its laxative properties, is widely used in the complex treatment of hemorrhoids.

If you begin to experience unusual symptoms while using the product, you should consult a doctor for a diagnosis.

Castor oil, like any remedy with a laxative effect, cannot be taken constantly, since the so-called “lazy bowel syndrome” develops, when the intestines cannot cope with their function without outside help. Therefore, it should be used as a last resort, only for persistent constipation. Regular intake of castor oil is not permissible.

Castor oil is commonly used to treat constipation. It is believed that intestinal obstruction can be treated with this remedy for both adults and children.

But does castor oil really help cope with this process? Yes, this is an effective remedy for constipation, but you need to drink it correctly.

Selection of dosage

Your doctor will tell you how to drink castor oil. For internal use, it is important to follow the dosage. The volume of the drug depends on the following factors:

  • mode of application;
  • patient's age;
  • body mass;
  • duration of absence of bowel movement.

The required dose of castor oil for an adult with mild constipation is 1 tablespoon. It is not necessary to greatly exceed this volume so as not to provoke intestinal upset.

For prolonged constipation, accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen and pain in the intestinal area, complete cleansing is necessary. This condition is fraught with intoxication of the body with decay products. The dose of castor oil is calculated based on the patient's weight. For 1 kg of mass take 1 g of oil.

There is another way to use it. To induce the process of defecation, drink 15–20 ml of castor oil at night. The course of treatment should not exceed three days.

What kind of medicine is this

Castor bean is the plant from which castor oil is obtained. The second name for this product is castor oil. This plant is considered poisonous.

The poison is contained even in its seeds, therefore, when they enter the body, castor bean seeds destroy protein. Poisoning by these seeds can cause vomiting, enterocolitis, intestinal bleeding, or even death.

Before castor oil is made from castor bean seeds, they are doused with hot steam. The medicine is obtained by cold pressing.

During this treatment, the poison ricin, which is contained in the seeds, is easily destroyed.

In medicine, castor oil is a laxative that must be taken orally. How does it work?

The use of this laxative is based on the fact that it irritates the intestinal walls, increasing peristalsis. This leads to the patient having the urge to defecate.

Castor bean oil differs little from other oils in its viscosity and density. Due to its unique properties, it is considered indispensable not only in the medical, but also in the industrial field.

Medicinal properties of castor oil

Castor oil is made from the seeds of the castor bean plant. The oil has a waxy smell, a yellowish color and does not taste very good. To obtain a high quality finished product that can be used medicinally, the method of cold pressing the seeds and further purification of the produced oil is used. This product is used in various fields: medicine, cosmetology and other industries.

The effect of using castor oil appears within 5-6 hours after use. The medicine has these properties due to the presence of a large amount of fatty acids :

  • Ricinoleic (about eighty percent).
  • Oleic (about two percent).
  • Linoleic (about one percent).
  • Stearic (about half a percent) and others.

When the drug enters the intestines, the process of hydrolysis of fatty acid derivatives contained in castor oil begins under the influence of lipase and bile enzymes. As a result, glycerol and acids corresponding to the derivatives are formed. The laxative effect in the intestines after using the drug occurs due to the formation of large amounts of ricinoleic acid. Under its influence, the intestinal mucosa is irritated, as a result of which the number of contractions of the smooth muscles of the organ increases, peristalsis increases, and the movement of feces through the intestines to the anus accelerates.

In addition, ricinoleic acid helps to increase fluid secretion in the colon, as well as reduce absorption. This causes the intestinal contents to soften. Some of the oil consumed is not converted into glycerol and acid, but remains in the intestines, which helps facilitate the movement of feces.

*You need to know: castor bean seeds contain a toxic substance - ricin. During pharmacological production, this substance does not pass into the composition of the finished product. In no case should you make castor oil at home, as there is a high probability of poisoning with the substance.

Application Feature

It is important to know the specifics of using this medicine for constipation. However, before that, we will describe its main “parameters”. The color of castor oil is light yellow, and the taste is quite specific.

The oil does not smell like a medicine, but rather like a cosmetic product. Some people may not like the smell of this laxative.

There is a recommendation for them: before taking castor oil for constipation, it should be dissolved in grapefruit or orange juice. However, there should not be too much juice.

If the smell of castor oil makes a person feel nauseous, you should not force yourself to use it to treat constipation.

But there is one way that you can try - to prevent nausea, this laxative should be eaten with some fruit, for example, lemon.

Some people who take this medication for constipation choose to hold their breath while swallowing it. This is a good way to prevent the feeling of lightheadedness, however, it is not suitable for everyone.

Pharmacists, aware of the healing properties of castor oil, as well as its specific smell, have come up with a more “humane” way of using it.

Now in pharmacies castor oil is sold in capsule form. Therefore, for those people who cannot drink it from a bottle, it is enough to purchase capsules.

This laxative can be taken not only by adults, but also by children, but a different dose is provided for them.

Recipes for colon cleansing with castor oil

Castor oil - for constipation, against worms, for cleansing the body of toxins, is successfully used in traditional medicine recipes in conjunction with other ingredients.

The tandem of castor oil and lemon juice promotes deep cleansing of the intestines, the breakdown and removal of old feces and fecal stones.

  • castor oil is taken at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of live weight;
  • For every gram of oil you need 2 g of fresh lemon juice (for children it can be replaced with freshly squeezed orange juice);
  • with severe slagging, the doses increase by 1.5 times;
  • castor oil and half the juice are mixed in a glass - the mixture is drunk in one gulp;
  • everything is immediately washed down with the second part of the juice.

Operating principle

The instructions indicate that the use of this remedy is advisable for both atonic and spastic constipation. Castor oil helps solve the problem of constipation thanks to the healing acids it contains.

When castor oil enters the stomach, it begins to interact with intestinal enzymes, including water-soluble lipase.

The main function of water-soluble lipase is the breakdown of fats and fatty acids in the body. After this breakdown, fats are converted into thermal energy.

This laxative softens feces accumulated in the intestines, facilitating their rapid removal from the body.

Excretion of feces under the influence of castor oil is possible due to increased contractile activity of the intestinal muscles.

This laxative also increases intestinal motility, which is useful for constipation. All this positive effect on the stomach promotes bowel movements.

Why does castor oil act as a laxative?

Castor oil for constipation, entering the body, acts in the following sequence:

  1. Causes lipase hydrolysis in the small intestine.
  2. As a result of chemical processes, ricinoleic acid is formed.
  3. The substance has an irritating effect on nerve endings and receptors throughout the intestines.
  4. The muscles of the organ begin to reflexively contract.
  5. Stagnant feces are removed from the body thanks to wave-like muscle movements.

As a result, problems with:

  • cleansing the intestines of feces and undigested food;
  • getting rid of certain types of worms;
  • removal of toxins;
  • suppression of fermentation processes;
  • the occurrence of bloating.


The use of this medicine, like any other, must be based on rules that include a description of the dosage, time of use, etc.

  1. A patient suffering from constipation must choose a form of medication. This laxative is available in capsules and bottles. The form of the medicine is liquid. It must be taken internally.
  2. For constipation, you should only drink castor oil on an empty stomach. The dosage must be correctly observed: if the patient takes capsules, then 2-3 per day is enough, and if it is a liquid, then 15-25 ml.
  3. If a patient wants to mix this medicine with lemon juice, then the proportion must be maintained: 1 to 2. That is, there should be exactly 2 times more juice than oil. What are the benefits of lemon? It helps cleanse the intestines.
  4. A teaspoon of laxative should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Its use should not be preceded by eating. Directions for use: for constipation, castor oil should be drunk on an empty stomach and then washed down with fruit juice. This will help prevent the gag reflex.
  5. You can cleanse the stomach using a mixture of castor oil and kefir bran. This medicine will help to quickly cleanse the intestines during constipation.
  6. There is a limitation on the use of this product - it should not be taken for more than 3 days.

You can drink castor oil during this pathological process at any time of the day, even before bed, the main thing is to follow the correct dosage.

It is also important to take a laxative on an empty stomach, since if the patient’s stomach is full, the healing effect will take a long time.

There is no universal dosage for taking this medication. It is calculated individually.

Only a doctor can calculate the exact dosage, so before treating constipation with castor oil, it is recommended to consult with a qualified specialist.

The dosage is individual for each patient. However, as the instructions say, you should not drink more than 30 ml of this oil if you have constipation.

And 15 ml of the product, drunk at a time, will have practically no effect. Therefore, the standard single dosage for an adult is 25-30 ml.

As for the children's dosage, it ranges from 5 to 15 ml of laxative, depending on the age and weight of the child.

Methods of application

For adults, it is advisable to take 15-30 g of castor oil orally for the treatment of constipation on an empty stomach. The unpleasant taste of the oil often provokes a gag reflex. To neutralize the taste of castor oil, it is advisable to drink it with any liquid. This could be juice, tea, ginger drink, warm milk or just water. You can prevent nausea if you bite the castor oil with a slice of lemon, orange, or eat a handful of raisins.

Taking the drug in capsules relieves the discomfort associated with the castor taste. Capsules containing a dosage of 1 g of the drug are taken up to 30 pieces in several doses, washed down with water. When the capsule enters the gastrointestinal tract, the gelatin shell dissolves. The contents of the capsule begin to interact with water-soluble enzymes.

The amount of castor oil used for children 12 years of age and older should not exceed 5-15 grams in liquid form or capsules.

A folk recipe for using castor oil with lemon juice helps neutralize the taste of castor oil and enhances the cleansing effect. For this:

  • 30 g of heated castor oil is poured into a glass and lemon juice is added. Lemon juice is taken twice as much as the volume of oil.
  • The mixture is mixed in a glass and drunk at one time. For those who find it unpleasant to drink such a “cocktail,” this can be done through a straw. The laxative effect sometimes appears after 2 hours.
  • It is better to take this mixture at night. Abstaining from eating until the morning will help better cleanse the intestines.

Taking castor oil with bran and kefir helps cleanse the intestines. In this case, castor oil has a laxative effect, and bran and kefir have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. To prepare such a drug, mix one teaspoon of castor oil with any bran. Then add a tablespoon of kefir to this mixture. You should take the prepared product in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed. This cleansing procedure is carried out for a week.

If you use castor oil with pumpkin seeds, this method of treatment is suitable for infection with helminths. The benefits of pumpkin seeds in getting rid of parasites have been known for a long time.

The laxative effect after taking castor oil occurs within 2-8 hours after using the drug. The time of onset of the laxative effect and the dose of the drug are individual for each person. Therefore, it is better to plan the first dose of medication on a weekend. Then it will be possible to observe how the drug acts on the body and correctly determine the individual dosage. And in case of a violent reaction of the intestines to castor oil, create conditions for complete recovery and rest.

In order to cleanse the intestines quickly, a castor oil enema is used. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of castor oil to the water and inject it into the anus with a syringe. It should not be used frequently in this way to cause a laxative effect. This can harm the intestinal microflora. A person who abuses this method of cleansing runs the risk of facing the problem of chronic constipation.

When does the effect occur?

As noted above, castor oil acts very quickly. After entering the stomach, a patient suffering from intestinal obstruction only needs to wait 2-3 hours and the desired effect will occur.

After this time, he will feel the urge to defecate. In some cases, you have to wait about 7-8 hours for the effect, but no more.

That is, if you follow the rules for taking this drug, the patient will feel the urge to defecate already on the first day.

To avoid unpleasant situations that may arise during the day, the patient is advised to postpone taking this laxative until the evening.


It is recommended to treat constipation with castor oil only after prior consultation with a doctor. Why is it important?

The fact is that this medicine has a number of contraindications that cannot be ignored, as this can lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition. So, under what circumstances should you not drink this laxative?

  • During pregnancy.
  • During breastfeeding.
  • In acute appendicitis.
  • In case of intestinal obstruction.
  • For food poisoning.
  • For kidney disease, such as renal failure.
  • During pain syndrome. You should not drink this laxative if the pain is localized in the stomach area.
  • During uterine bleeding, etc.

If constipation occurs systematically in a person, it cannot be treated with this remedy either.

When it comes to the chronic form of the process, there is a need to take medications from other drug groups. Only a doctor can prescribe medication to a patient with chronic constipation.

Why should this oil not be taken for more than 3 days? The fact is that if you treat intestinal obstruction with this laxative for a long time, there is a risk of dehydration.

Along with feces, beneficial microelements will be released from the body, as a result of which intestinal peristalsis will be weakened.

Also, long-term use of castor oil is contraindicated for the reason that it is addictive to the body.

An important point: if a person suffering from intestinal obstruction, after taking castor oil, has a feeling of nausea, an increase in body temperature or vomiting, he should call an ambulance.

Such a reaction of the body to oil indicates an individual intolerance to the component included in its composition. The person may have had an allergic reaction. In this case, he will receive assistance only in a medical facility.

One of the indications for the use of this laxative is hemorrhoids. Castor oil also helps remove intestinal worms from the body. To do this, it should be consumed with pumpkin seeds.

What side effects can castor oil cause?

If a person who has an individual intolerance to this drug drinks it, he may experience the following side effects:

  1. Diarrhea.
  2. Severe pain in the stomach area.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Vomit.
  5. Skin itching and burning, etc.

Also, do not forget that this laxative is addictive to the body. If you drink this oil for more than 3 days, it can lead to a number of negative consequences.

Side effects, in this case:

  • Loss of the required amount of electrolytes.
  • Weakening of intestinal peristalsis.
  • Violation of water-salt balance in the body.
  • Colitis and enterocolitis.

Pregnant women are contraindicated in taking castor oil due to the uterine contractions that occur if you drink it.

Uterine contractions are fraught with premature birth and poor health of the expectant mother. In some cases, consuming castor oil during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.

However, in some individual cases, doctors advise pregnant women to use this laxative to enhance labor.

Sometimes, cleansing the intestines before childbirth can help avoid possible risks during childbirth associated with the health of the mother and her child.

To prevent the possibility of an allergic reaction, apply a drop of oil to your wrist.

If a person does not experience itchy skin within a minute, he should not be afraid of using this laxative.

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