Metallic taste in the mouth - causes and treatment
Unpleasant taste in the mouth: causes, symptoms and treatment
Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth in men The taste of iron appears in the mouth of
Cystic fibrosis is a possible cause of pancreatic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis (cystic fibrosis of the pancreas)
Main symptoms: Pain in the left hypochondrium Undigested food in the stool Girdle pain Loss of appetite
What kind of bread can you eat with gastritis of the stomach: is it possible to eat black, rye and white bread
12/02/2018 From the moment it enters the oral cavity, food goes through a complex path, giving away some of its nutrients
Weak stomach. Weak stomach: causes, symptoms, treatment. Features of the procedure
Causes of a “lazy stomach” Functional dyspepsia syndrome is associated with several sources: Dietary disorders,
Can you eat apples for pancreatitis?
Is it possible to eat apples for pancreatitis of the pancreas?
The adult population often has problems with the pancreas and with the growth of people's well-being
You can drink green tea for gastritis with high acidity
Is it possible to drink Ivan tea if you have gastritis? For various forms of gastritis as therapy,
Symptoms of intestinal erosion: causes and treatment
Structure of the duodenum and erosion The initial part of the small intestine is 12 fingers long (about
Reasons for the development of megacolon and symptoms of various forms of deviation
The proper functioning of the digestive tract plays a vital role in people's daily lives. Chronic diseases lead
Composition of buckwheat
Is it possible to eat buckwheat porridge if you have gastritis?
Gastritis, chronic and acute, is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process of various etiologies of the gastric mucosa. Main directions
Aloe with honey for ulcers
Honey for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Causes and symptoms of stomach ulcers Stomach ulcers and gastritis have the same symptoms. It has been proven
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