Is it possible to eat apples for pancreatitis of the pancreas?

The adult population often has problems with the pancreas, and with the growth of people's well-being, this diagnosis is becoming more common. The fact is that inflammation of this organ is provoked in most cases by poor nutrition - banal overeating, eating fatty, heavy foods, alcohol abuse, and other less global nutritional disorders. Pancreatitis can also develop against the background of viral diseases, helminthiasis, abdominal trauma, serious poisoning, due to the use of medications, etc.

Proper nutrition. What to exclude, and what can and how to eat?

When problems with the pancreas occur, patients experience severe pain, the intensity of which can be reduced by correct preparation of the daily diet. Patients with pancreatitis during an exacerbation of the disease should strictly adhere to the special diet recommended by doctors, and also exclude fats, carbohydrates, any fried foods, as well as foods containing coarse fiber (cabbage). In this case, it is necessary to increase the amount of low-fat proteins in the diet and switch to fractional meals 5-6 times during the day.


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Apple is a healthy and tasty fruit that can be purchased throughout the year. This is probably the only fruit that can be consumed for all health problems. I have chronic pancreatitis, and I have to eat on a diet. There are many dishes with apples on my menu. From the fruit I make homemade sugar-free juice, jelly, casserole, and pudding.


Our grandfather had a problem with his pancreas. A month after the attack, he was prescribed a diet. The use of fruits, berries and vegetables was recommended; the list of permitted ones included an apple, or rather, apple juice, puree and other desserts and dishes with fruit. I make apple juice at home from fruit from my own garden. It turns out to be a very tasty and healthy drink. I bake apples with cottage cheese and make puree from them. Kids love these apple treats too.

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Apples for pancreatitis

Since such a diet does not provide the body with a full set of vitamins and microelements, they need to be replenished somehow. In light of this, a logical question arises: can you eat apples for pancreatitis? Like any fruit, apples are very beneficial to the human body. They improve metabolism, improve the function of the cardiovascular system, remove dangerous toxins from the body and prevent the development of cancer. This is not only a juicy and tasty fruit, but also a storehouse of fiber, vitamins and minerals, so necessary for the smooth functioning of the human body.

As a rule, patients with pancreatitis are prescribed a strict diet during the acute phase of the disease - everything that can cause inflammation of the pancreas is mercilessly excluded from the list of foods allowed for consumption. However, apples have such high characteristics that they have found their place in the diet for pancreatitis. Answering the question whether or not apples are possible for pancreatitis, it should be said that yes, it is certainly possible. True, they need to be consumed under strict control so as not to cause more harm to the body than good. It should be noted that any diet must be recommended by a medical specialist and be under his close supervision throughout the acute phase.

As already noted, apples for pancreatitis are not only allowed, but also highly recommended, but they must be eaten with great caution. During an exacerbation, the first two days you should absolutely not eat apples in any form. And only on the third day of illness can you take freshly squeezed juice from the fruit in the amount of one or two glasses, but always diluted with boiled water.

Chemical composition and calorie content of the product

Fresh apples are one of the most valuable components of human nutrition. The fruit is saturated with many substances that, when consumed in moderation, help improve the condition of the body as a whole, as well as individual organs and systems. The greatest value of the aromatic fruit is that it is rich in vitamins. Among them, the highest concentrations stand out: vitamins A, C, groups B, E, P and carotene.

Did you know? Apple fruits make up half of the world's fruit harvest on the planet. Traditional regions for growing the plant are considered to be the territories of Poland, the USA, China, Italy and Turkey.

The pulp contains micro and macroelements:

  • boron;
  • vanadium;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc;
  • chromium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel.

In addition, regardless of the variety and early fruiting, apples contain tricarboxylic acids (chlorogenic, malic, citric, tartaric), as well as fiber. The skin contains flavonoids, and the seeds contain at least 15% valuable fatty oils. The calorie content of this product is 52 kcal.

SubstanceQuantity per 100 g
Water85.5 g
Carbohydrates11.3 g
Alimentary fiber2.4 g
Fats1.7 g
Squirrels0.27 g
Ash0.2 g

Calorie content of 100 grams of fruit - 47 Kcal

Apples differ in taste depending on the variety, the place of ripening, and the duration of storage. The table shows average nutrient content values. Deviations from the tabular data are especially significant when considering the vitamin composition of apples. Apples contain maximum vitamin content during the harvest season. The amount of vitamins in apples during ripening is 3-4 times greater compared to long-term storage

Indicator nameQuantity g/100gIndicator nameAmount mg/100gIndicator nameAmount mg/100g
The nutritional value:Vitamins:Micro- and macroelements
Squirrels0,4A (PE)0,05Carbon10
Fats0,4B1 (thiamine)0,02Calcium16
Carbohydrates9,8B2 (riboflavin)0,02Iron2,2
Other:PP (niacin)0,03Magnesium9
Dietary fiber (fiber)1,3B5 (pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate)0,07Sodium26,0
Starch0,8B6 (pyridoxine)0,08Potassium278
Pectin1,0B9 (folic acid)0,0018Phosphorus11,0
Organic acids0,8C (ascorbic acid)10,0Chlorine2,0
Ash0,7E (TE)0,4Sulfur5,0
Unsaturated fatty acids0,1H (biotin)0,0003Aluminum0,110
Saturated fatty acids0,1K (phylloquinone)0,002Copper0,11

In addition, apples also contain: vanadium, iodine, cobalt, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, rubidium fluorine, chromium, zinc

What kind of apples exactly?

It should be remembered that not all varieties of apples are useful for pancreatitis - fruits with high acidity can provoke a new attack of the disease, so it is better to choose sweet varieties, such as Golden Deluxe, Saffron, White filling. Do not use apple juice from tetra packs - it contains citric and ascorbic acids, as well as sodium benzoate, which have an irritating effect on the inflamed pancreas. After about a week, it is permissible to eat one fruit, but it must be either pureed or baked.

What fruits are allowed to eat if you have pathologies of the pancreas?

Apple varieties containing large amounts of organic acids can exacerbate pancreatitis. For this reason, not all juices can be prepared freshly. Only sweet varieties are suitable for this:

  • Saffron;
  • White filling;
  • Golden Delicious.

However, fresh apple juice can only be prepared from fully ripe fruits. As for the product from the store, it must contain one of the preservative substances:

  • citric acid;
  • sodium benzoate;
  • sorbic acid.

They can irritate the pancreas. For this reason, patients are prohibited from giving factory-made juice, only freshly prepared juice with a minimum pulp content.

Raw whole apples are allowed to be eaten only during the period of remission, choosing those with green skin. Patients can consume “red-skinned” fruits only after they have undergone heat treatment, since they can cause an exacerbation of inflammation of the gland. And even then, a few apples are allowed, as they provoke excessive gas formation.

The best solution is to peel ripe fruits before eating.

Apples for acute illness

An acute attack of pancreatitis prohibits any food for two days. On the third day, you can prepare fresh juice from raw apples and, diluting it with boiled water, consume it in an amount of 200-400 ml.

Under no circumstances should you drink a factory-made product, because of the preservatives it contains, which can significantly aggravate the patient’s condition.

After a week, you can start eating baked apples, no more than one per day, grated.

Before the onset of stable remission, fresh fruits, both whole and ground, are completely prohibited.

Chronic pancreatitis and the stage of remission of the disease

People suffering from pancreatitis, which is in remission or a chronic form of this disease, can eat grated fresh or whole baked apples of sweet varieties without excess.

You are allowed to drink compotes or juices from these fruits. The diet can be diversified with a number of recipes for culinary products made from apples, slightly sweetened with sugar:

  • jelly;
  • puree;
  • mousses.

The diet for chronic inflammation of the pancreas does not include a variety of baked goods containing large amounts of sugar, as this can cause an exacerbation of the disease. For the same reason, sweet apple jams, jams and preserves are prohibited.

Chronic period of illness and apples

How to take apples for chronic pancreatitis? During the chronic period of the disease, this tasty fruit should be eaten very moderately and only in a baked or pureed state. You can also make juice and compote from them. It is possible to use apple confectionery dishes with caution, but they should contain the bare minimum of sugar - mousses, jellies, purees. Any baked goods, even with apple filling, are not allowed, as are jams, jams, and apple jams. And even such a luxurious holiday dish as goose with apples is also prohibited due to the fat content of the main component - goose.

Apple charlotte recipe

In order to prepare four servings of this delicious dessert, you will need:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • four apples;
  • a tablespoon of butter.
NutrientsValue (grams)
Calorie content580 Kcal

Preparation of charlotte takes place in four stages:

  1. Beat the sugar together with the eggs, then add the flour and mix.
  2. Cut the fruits into slices.
  3. Grease the mold, place the apple slices on it and fill with dough.
  4. Bake until the dough is covered with a golden crust.

This delicious and harmless dessert can be eaten in the morning, afternoon and evening, but in very small portions.


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  5. Ponichuk A.A. Berries for your health: from A to Z. Phoenix Publishing, 2004, pp. 56–76.
  6. Rogov V.I. Health Without Drugs 2004 pp. 310–363.
  7. Slavgorodskaya L.N. Berries are healers. Phoenix Publishing 2004 pp. 172–201.

Choosing and eating apples for illness. Adviсe

As can be seen from the above, apples are useful for pancreatitis if you follow the rules for eating them and subject them to the necessary culinary processing. There are also a few useful tips to remember:

  • Apples should be exclusively sweet varieties and it is better if they are green, since red fruits have a stronger effect on the condition of the pancreas, they are harmless only when baked.
  • Eat apples very moderately, because the pancreas with pancreatitis is not able to cope with a large volume of food, even if it consists of apples.
  • It is better for patients with pancreatitis to eat apples without the peel, since it is a rough fiber that causes bloating of the stomach and irritation in the pancreas. True, during periods of stable remission, you can eat the peel and this is highly recommended, because it contains a lot of pectin and plant fiber.

Chronic stage

In case of chronic inflammation of the pancreas, it is allowed to eat sweet and ripe fruits, peeled. Eat no more than 2 small fruits per day. A product that has not undergone heat treatment and red fruits will lead to an exacerbation of the pathology.

In chronic form, eat fruits only after the main meal.

During stable remission, the following dishes are consumed:

  • ground fruits;
  • baked fruits in the oven;
  • mousses;
  • souffle;
  • apple compotes;
  • puree.

During treatment, the patient's diet does not include the following foods for pancreatitis:

Sweet varieties are isolated from healthy products.

You can eat fruits by making a puree out of them. To prepare it, grind the product using a fine grater. One of the safest cooking methods is pureeing boiled fruit. In this form, the fruit is easier to digest, and digestive disorders do not occur.

To puree, rinse and peel the skins as they contain a lot of fibre. The pulp has a useful substance, like pectin, which does not cause discomfort in the intestines, compared to fiber.

In case of chronic iron disease, the product is also used as an ingredient for preparing difficult dishes.

There are a sufficient number of cooking recipes. You can eat mousses that contain minimal amounts of sugar. Pieces of baked fruit are added to porridge. Fruits go well with cottage cheese, meat, rice and semolina porridge. These products are allowed to be eaten during the chronic course of the disease, according to the 5p diet.

How to eat apples?

So, when eating apples for pancreatitis, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Do not under any circumstances eat apples during an exacerbation of pancreatitis - neither in the form of juice, nor pureed, nor baked - this can significantly harm the patient and aggravate his condition;
  • use apples without peel for food - in the acute phase of the disease, and during the achievement of stable remission, eat fruits with peel;
  • never eat apples on an empty stomach;
  • limit your daily apple diet to 1-2 medium-sized fruits;
  • fruits should be ripe and sweet so as not to irritate the pancreas.

In what form can it be eaten?

Due to the fact that apples have a number of properties that favor the proper functioning of the body and saturate it with vitamins, they are actively used as part of a gentle diet for pancreatitis of the pancreas.

It is recommended to use apples of sweet, non-acidic varieties, yellow and green in color due to their low allergenicity, peeled.

Before use, it is recommended to prepare apples by chopping or heat treatment - baked, dried, boiled, pureed, etc. It is prohibited to use recipes high in fat, sugar, and vegetable acids.


Baked apples have a beneficial effect on the body, which is fragile after inflammation, are easily digested, and help saturate the body with useful substances and microelements. When cooked in the oven or microwave, apples become sweet and soft.

You can bake apples empty or with filling, which can be apricots, pumpkin, pears, low-fat cottage cheese with honey or raisins. Apples prepared in this way must be cooled before use to avoid irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

Baked apples. Benefits for pancreatitis

How beneficial baked apples are for pancreatitis has long been comprehensively researched and determined. Definitely, baked apples are a very useful and necessary product for pancreatitis. The slight thermal effect when baking it, as well as the fact that this tasty dish is prepared in the peel, retains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. When preparing a patient’s diet, it is necessary to take into account that baked apples for pancreatitis have the following valuable and beneficial properties:

  • The acidity level of the apple, which has decreased as a result of baking, does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and has a gentle and beneficial effect on it.
  • This product is easily digested by the stomach and is perfectly absorbed, even if there is a lack of enzymes in the pancreas, and also provides the patient’s body with vitamins and carbohydrates well.
  • Baked apples are especially rich in pectin. This soluble fiber has the unique ability to restore the balance of intestinal microflora and prevent dysbiosis. Pectin is able to well absorb and remove various toxins and bad cholesterol from the body. It also makes an invaluable contribution to the fight against constipation, gently stimulating intestinal motility. In this case, there is no bloating, flatulence, or pain in the abdominal area.

With such great benefits that this dietary dish brings, it is already absolutely clear that a baked apple for pancreatitis can be used as part of a diet for problems with the pancreas. Moreover, in many cases it is even strongly recommended to patients by doctors. If apples are used without sugar and other flavoring agents, then they are absolutely harmless for the diagnosis of pancreatitis. You just need to exercise reasonable caution, strictly follow the recommendations of doctors and never abuse portion sizes.

Benefits of eating apples

Apples help lower blood cholesterol levels.
The fruit of the apple tree, the apple, is considered one of the most popular fruits on the planet and has beneficial properties, as well as:

  • reduces the possibility of diarrhea due to the pectin contained in the fruit;
  • helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevents anagenesis of atherosclerosis;
  • by eating the fruits, you can reduce vomiting and nausea;
  • Constant consumption of apple fruits helps to normalize the intestines, thereby reducing the risk of constipation;
  • improve appetite and normalize the digestive process, thanks to vitamin G;
  • doctors recommend including this fruit in the diet if you have vitamin deficiency, as it contains many trace elements and vitamins;
  • Apple fruits contain a high iron content, which is most important for anemia;
  • with increased physical and mental activity, it is recommended to include apple juice in your diet;
  • Apple juice is necessary for diabetes, since the fruit itself does not contain sugar;
  • Doctors can prescribe this fruit to patients suffering from insomnia;
  • To increase mental abilities and normalize a person’s mental state, apple fruits are prescribed, as they contain a large amount of phosphorus;
  • There is an opinion that apple juice can slow down the aging process and rejuvenate;
  • by consuming the fruit daily, you can avoid the formation of caries, as they have antimicrobial properties;
  • baked apple fruits improve the human digestive system, are able to cleanse the body and remove harmful substances from it.

Despite the many useful substances in apples, they cannot always be eaten; for example, you need to be careful with pancreatitis and take into account their properties:

  • the amount of fat is only half a percent;
  • high content of microelements, vitamins and organic acids;
  • calorie content is low and reaches fifty calories per hundred grams of fruit;
  • solid structure.

Although apple fruits contain a minimal amount of fat, you should not eat them in unlimited quantities if you have inflammation of the pancreas.

When can I have baked fruits?

Baked apples for pancreatitis can be eaten in both acute and chronic periods, and with a certain amount of caution they can be used to dilute your diet even during the acute stage. They have a very pleasant taste and aroma, which has a positive effect on the patient’s digestion. From them you can prepare many delicious dishes that never become boring due to their monotony and are always eaten with pleasure as part of the daily diet of a patient with pancreatitis.

Here are the easiest to prepare dishes that can be prepared depending on the taste preferences of the eater.

The benefits of fresh apples

Due to the increased level of acidity, apple fruits are not recommended to be consumed fresh for inflammation of the digestive system. However, at the stage of remission of the disease, they should be gradually included in the diet, since fresh fruits contain a large amount of vitamins, including potassium and manganese.

The fiber in the green fruit takes a long time to digest and prevents the body from feeling hungry for a long time. The big advantage of the fruit is that it is hypoallergenic, so almost everyone can eat apples. In addition to these positive qualities, there is one more thing - the fruits contain pectin, which can improve complexion and provide freshness to the skin.

Baked apple puree for pancreatitis

In this form, this fruit is as harmless as possible and can be recommended to patients in the acute phase of the disease, but not in the first days, but towards the end of the first week from the beginning of the exacerbation - from 6-7 days.

The apple must be thoroughly washed and the peel pierced with a fork in several places. Place the fruit in a heat-resistant container and, cover with a lid, place in the oven or multicooker or microwave oven. Baking time:

  • oven - at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes;
  • Microwave oven - at a power of 800 W for 7-10 minutes;
  • multicooker - in baking mode for 20-25 minutes (pre-pour 1-2 tablespoons of water onto the bottom.

Now the apple should be cooled and freed from skin and seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces and beat with a blender until pureed.

Healthy foods

The following are beneficial for the pancreas:

  1. Eating vegetable soups.
  2. Warm food.
  3. Porridge.
  4. Boiled meat and fish.
  5. Kefir and low-fat yoghurts.
  6. Black currants and apples.
  7. Seafood.
  8. Vegetable stew.
  9. Rose hip decoction.
  10. Natural juices.
  11. Dried fruits.
  12. Water.
  13. Green tea.

Read more healthy eating tips for your pancreas here.

Site doctor: Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Baked fruits for inflammation of the pancreas in its chronic form or stage of remission can only bring benefits if they are not abused. By the way, this dish is also indicated for gastritis, cholecystitis, and even for such a serious liver disease as hepatitis. And the secret of this lies in the variety of beneficial properties of dietary baked apples:

  1. The use of baking technology leads to a decrease in the content of organic acids in fruits; eating them will not lead to such irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, or an increase in the secretory activity of the pancreas, as from fresh fruits.
  2. If you bake apples, it will be much easier for the body to absorb them, despite the drop in the enzymatic activity of the pancreas, and supply the body with a large amount of vitamins and carbohydrates from these fruits.
  3. Such processing of fruits saturates them with pectin - a soluble form of fiber, leading to normal indicators of the ratio between various forms of saprophytic microorganisms living in the intestinal lumen, cleansing the body of some toxins and “bad” cholesterol, carefully enhancing peristalsis, eliminating constipation, and facilitating the functioning of the gallbladder.

When stable remission is achieved, the patient's diet can be varied with apple pies, which should contain as little sugar as possible.

Factory-made baked goods for patients with pancreatitis are prohibited, however, you can afford to make your own. But the following conditions must be met:

  • prepare them yourself using a minimum amount of sugar;
  • baked goods must be fresh;
  • eat such foods in small quantities.

High-temperature processing of apples changes not only their chemical composition, but also their taste properties - they become more soft and sweet. At the same time, the amount of such a useful microelement as iron remains unchanged.

This dish can be used to diversify the menu of even a patient with acute pancreatitis after only 5 days have passed from the onset of the disease, and it will not cause a worsening of the person’s condition.

To prepare the dish, you can use a slow cooker, microwave (up to 10 minutes, power 800 W) or oven (up to half an hour, temperature up to 180 degrees Celsius).

You can determine the readiness of the fruit by the degree of its softening. After the apple has cooled, it should be freed from the skin and core, then beat the resulting slices using a blender and serve.

Using this recipe, you can prepare a really tasty, sweet dish that can add pleasant variety to your diet for pancreatitis.

The raisins are washed and steamed with boiling water.

Apples are peeled from all cores. The resulting cavity is filled with honey (a teaspoon) and raisins (a tablespoon). After this, the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven for thirty minutes or in the microwave for ten minutes.

Baked apples with honey and raisins

Pour boiling water over the washed raisins for a while until they soften and swell. Remove the core, membranes and seeds from well-washed apples. Place honey in the resulting hole, one teaspoon per medium apple. Then stuff with raisins and place in a heat-resistant container with a tight lid in the oven or microwave or multicooker. The dish is ready:

  • in the oven - after 30 minutes;
  • in the microwave - after about 10 minutes;
  • in a slow cooker - after 25 minutes.

What apples are allowed in your diet?

How compatible are a diseased pancreas and apples, and what features of this situation should you be aware of so as not to harm the inflamed organ? According to experts, these fruits can be present in the diet for pancreatitis if the disease is in remission (there is no acute manifestation).

Gastroenterologists emphasize that it is better to give preference to sweet fruits with green skin. As for red varieties, it is better to avoid them, as they can provoke a relapse of the disease.

Doctors also pay attention to such an important point that you should not get carried away with apples every day. They should be present in the menu in small quantities, because with illness the iron is weakened and does not function in its full working mode. Excessive consumption can lead to unpleasant phenomena such as flatulence and bloating, which will significantly worsen the patient’s condition.

When the pancreas is inflamed, apples must be peeled; it is poorly accepted by the diseased organ. True, some doctors are inclined to believe that during the period of remission it is permissible to eat unpeeled fruits, because their peel contains many useful elements and vitamins.

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