Causes of blood in stool
What to do if blood comes out in stool
What to do if you find blood in your stool If you find blood in your stool, you should
Treatment of intestinal colitis at home: traditional recipes and diet
Colitis is an inflammatory process that is localized on the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This disease
Why does my right side hurt along the ribs?
I felt pain in the side on the right side, right under the ribs, at least once a day.
What is abdominal peritonitis and what causes it?
In the famous Soviet-era comedy “Pokrovsky Gate” there is a wonderful episode in which Rimma Markova
What is gastric cardia insufficiency and how to treat it?
September 23, 2018 Gastroenterology Evdokimova Irina The human digestive system is a complex multifunctional device.
How to detect bowel cancer in time and begin treatment
Causes Despite the numerous studies conducted, scientists have not yet identified the reason why it develops
Duodenitis: symptoms and treatment
Treatment of duodenogastric reflux with drugs. Methods of treating duodenogastric reflux (DGR)
Reflux is a generalized name for a condition in which reverse movement of the contents of internal hollow organs is observed.
On which side does appendicitis occur in women?
Symptoms of appendicitis in women, how to determine at home. Appendicitis - symptoms in adults, signs, causes
Main symptoms The first thing that might make you think about appendicitis is pain in the area.
Candles with sea buckthorn oil: instructions for use
In modern medicine, sea buckthorn suppositories are very often used. Reviews from doctors and patients indicate
Drug treatment of reflux esophagitis: drugs, treatment regimens
Principles of treatment of reflux esophagitis The basic principles of treatment of reflux esophagitis are: introducing dietary restrictions and maintaining
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