What to do if blood comes out in stool

What to do if you find blood in your stool

If you find blood in your stool, you should act calmly and clearly:

  • Analyze your diet in recent days. Eliminate the possibility of staining stool with food and medications.
  • Write down other symptoms, if any (diarrhea, nausea, pain, fever).
  • Visit a proctologist, undergo tests and other studies prescribed by the doctor.


To avoid such problems, not much is needed. Regularly check your health, do not develop even the most insignificant diseases in your opinion, eat properly and regularly and lead an active lifestyle.


What treatment will be needed

A prerequisite for successful treatment is giving up bad habits.
After identifying the problem and making a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed, which will depend on what caused the blood in the patient’s stool

Regardless of the diagnosis, first of all, the doctor will prescribe a therapeutic diet to the patient, thanks to which it will be possible to improve the functioning of the intestines, which is important, especially with hard feces. It is important to get rid of bad habits, which also cause intestinal problems and blood in feces in men

Therapy for various diagnoses includes:

  • For hemorrhoids, it is important to use suppositories, ointments and blood-clotting drugs. In order for the patient to get better, it is important to take mild laxatives.
  • In case of polyposis or when a red hemangioma is diagnosed, minimally invasive removal is performed, in which no trace remains of the neoplasm.
  • For oncology, complex treatment is prescribed. The tumor is removed, then a course of chemotherapy and radiation is prescribed. Sometimes, in order for the patient to go to the toilet, after surgery a colostomy is inserted into the rectum, which can be temporary or permanent.
  • Intestinal infections are treated with antibiotics and a gentle diet.

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Traditional methods of therapy

Traditional methods for such serious pathologies are not welcomed by doctors. If a patient wants to try any folk recipe, then before using it it is necessary to consult a doctor. The most common hemostatic folk remedies are:

St. John's wort infusion has hemostatic properties.

  • Infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort and plantain. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and infused for 25-30 minutes. Afterwards, a gauze is moistened with the product and placed over anal lesions caused by hemorrhoids or mechanical trauma. Keep the decoction for at least half an hour.
  • If bleeding is due to intestinal damage due to ulcerative colitis, microenemas based on milk and celandine decoction will help. But sometimes the effect is just the opposite, so it is important to consult a doctor before use.
  • For hemorrhoids, lotions based on garlic and vegetable oil will help. The garlic is crushed and mixed with a couple of drops of vegetable oil. The mixture is placed on a napkin and applied to the affected areas. It is strictly forbidden to apply a tight knot to hemorrhoidal inflammation at home. This event can aggravate the situation and lead to serious complications.

Blood in the stool can be caused by various factors. But it is important to keep in mind that often such signs indicate pathological disorders and damage in the rectum. Self-medication is not recommended. It is better to visit a doctor, find out the diagnosis and start treatment. The sooner therapy begins, the greater the chance of successful recovery. In advanced stages, it is much more difficult to get rid of the problem, so if you have characteristic symptoms, do not delay a visit to the proctologist.


Blood in stool: causes and possible diseases

Bloody stools are a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract . The source of bleeding may be the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small or large intestine, or anus.

Bleeding in the upper digestive tract

If blood in the stool comes from the upper digestive tract, the following causes may be considered:

  • Gastrointestinal ulcers Peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum are the most common cause of bleeding in the upper digestive tract. Their catalyst is often infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  • Medicines. Various medications can cause bleeding in the upper digestive tract, such as painkillers and acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin).
  • Chronic heartburn: If repeatedly aggressive stomach acid rises into the esophagus, the mucous membrane may become inflamed (esophagitis or reflux esophagitis). As a result, the affected mucous membrane may begin to bleed.
  • Liver diseases: Various liver diseases cause deviations in venous blood flow, which can cause esophageal varices . As a result, they rupture easily, which can cause life-threatening bleeding.
  • Severe vomiting: The lining between the stomach and esophagus may rupture. Doctors talk here about Mallory-Weiss syndrome . This often occurs in alcoholics with previously damaged mucous membranes.
  • Stomach cancer: A malignant tumor in the stomach can also cause blood in the stool.

Bleeding in the middle and lower digestive tract

Various diseases that affect the middle and lower digestive tract can also cause blood in the stool. These include:

  • Tumors in the small or large intestine: These are the most common cause of bleeding in the middle and lower digestive tract. However, these tumors do not necessarily have to be malignant (colon cancer). There are also benign growths in the intestines that may be responsible for blood in the stool.
  • Chronic inflammatory disease : Especially in younger people, blood in the stool can be caused by Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. While the latter only affects the colon and rectum, Crohn's disease can cause inflammation throughout the entire digestive tract. The exact causes of both diseases are unknown.
  • Colon polyps : These are predominantly benign mucous projections of the colon. They usually do not cause any discomfort, but may begin to bleed as they increase in size. In addition, they can develop into a precursor to colorectal cancer. Therefore, colon polyps are usually removed after a certain size. Bleeding may also occur after such an intervention.
  • Diverticulum: Intestinal diverticula are bulges in the intestinal wall (usually in the colon). The disease is called diverticulosis and is quite common. If diverticula become inflamed (diverticulitis), they may begin to bleed.
  • Infections: From the common stomach flu to more serious illnesses such as typhoid or bacillary dysentery, a variety of infections can cause blood in the stool. Usually, diarrhea occurs at the same time.
  • Pseudomembranous colitis: This is a form of inflammation of the colon caused by an overgrowth of certain intestinal bacteria (Clostridium difficile). The trigger is usually long-term antibiotic therapy. Typical symptoms of this condition are severe abdominal pain and diarrhea, often with blood in the stool.
  • Hemorrhoids: The spongy, well-perfused vascular lining of the anus can be painfully enlarged and easily ruptured during defecation. Then you will find fresh, mostly bright red blood in your stool.
  • Mesenteric infarction: This refers to acute occlusion of the intestinal vein. Older people suffer the most. During the course of the disease, blood may appear in the stool.

Blood color

Blood in stool in women can be different, and its nature largely depends on the underlying disease. With anal fissures, the discharge occurs in small portions and is most often noticeable on napkins. If the appearance of blood is caused by proctitis, streaks of mucus will be visible in the stool. When a patient is diagnosed with polyps, the volume of blood released and its features are affected by the size of the tumors. But women always have noticeable blood during stool. A similar situation is typical for cancer diseases.

- a specific disease in which ulcers form on the mucous membrane. The pathology is manifested by loose stools containing blood. Stomach ulcers are often accompanied by severe anal bleeding.

The nature of the discharge is directly related to the characteristics of a particular disease.

Therefore, when diagnosing, doctors must take into account the nature of the discharge.

Oncological process in the gastrointestinal tract

Unfortunately, the most common cause of bloody stool in an adult is gastrointestinal cancer. In conjunction with the appearance of anal bleeding, other characteristic signs of oncological processes in the body are observed. The intensity of their manifestations depends on the location of the neoplasm. Most often, doctors diagnose intestinal cancer.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal cancer:

  • aversion to food;
  • increased fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • pain in the intestines;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • increased gas formation;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

As oncology develops, stool acquires a characteristic appearance; it takes on a ribbon shape. The patient increasingly experiences false urges; during stool, blood flows, which is black in color with purulent discharge. All this is typical for the last stages of cancer, which it is advisable not to reach.

Blood in stool in men and women

The causes of various bleedings do not depend on the gender of the patients. Actually, like the list of relevant pathologies. If there is blood in the stool in men, then the reasons are the same as in women.

Feces with blood appear in women more often than in men, also for the reason that in the fair sex, feces can simply become soiled during heavy menstrual bleeding. Therefore, you just need to observe whether there is blood between periods.

Also, the appearance of red discharge in the stool can provoke anal sex. This type of love relationship can cause injury to the rectum and, accordingly, bleeding. This can be avoided if appropriate preparation is carried out and lubricants are used.

Bleeding from the lower intestine

The lower parts of the intestine are called the colon and rectum. The end of the rectum (rectum) in women is directed slightly backward.

Bleeding from the lower intestine is less common than from the upper intestine. They are not dangerous, as they are rarely profuse in nature.

By the nature of the distribution of blood in the stool, you can determine which part of the intestine is bleeding. The less blood is mixed with feces, the lower its source is located.

Bloody stool does not mean that there must be traces of blood visible to the naked eye. Bloody stool may look like melena, a black, tarry stool.

Digestive enzymes affect the blood passing through the intestines and change its color. A slight blood loss gives the stool a shiny black “varnish” color, while the excrement is normally formed. Excessive bleeding in the intestines makes the stool look like cherry jelly.


Another thing is when bloody stool appears due to bleeding from the rectum. The cause of such pathologies can be erosion, neoplasms or hemorrhoids.

When leaking from the lower parts of the digestive tract, blood appears in the stool unchanged.

If it has a bright scarlet color, then this is a direct indication that the cause of bleeding is the hemorrhoidal nodes of the rectum, filled with arterial blood.

Diseases of the rectum

Blood in the stool is a symptom of pathologies in the lower digestive canal. Its inflammation (proctitis) can be acute or chronic. Accompanied by pain in the perineum and abdomen, malaise, frequent urge to defecate, and fever.

The causes of scarlet blood not mixed with stool are as follows:

  • Anal fissures accompanied by profuse, painful discharge. After heavy physical activity, their traces can be found on underwear. The treatment uses ointments, compresses, rectal suppositories with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.
  • Polyps. To avoid malignancy of growths, their timely surgical removal is practiced.
  • Tumors (benign or malignant).
  • Chronic form of hemorrhoids.

Additional factors associated with rectal bleeding include:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Frequent constipation.
  • Hard physical labor.
  • Stress.

Blood on toilet paper appears during anal sex and poor personal hygiene.


After receiving all test results, the doctor prescribes rational treatment. Under no circumstances should you try to eliminate blood in the stool on your own in an adult (especially in women during pregnancy) and a child, as this can only worsen the situation.

Therapy can take place in several ways. If bleeding, ulcers or cancerous tumors are detected, appropriate medical interventions must be carried out immediately. If these pathologies were detected in a pregnant woman, she should be under the constant supervision of the attending physician, and operations are prescribed after childbirth. In cases where other factors are the cause of the release of blood in feces, drug therapy is prescribed, which are selected individually for each patient (especially carefully for women during pregnancy). In addition, a special diet is prepared. If the causes are hemorrhoids and anal fissure, no surgery is required, you just need to enrich your diet with boiled vegetables, fermented milk products and vegetable oil.

If bleeding in a child or adult goes away on its own, it is still necessary to consult a doctor for a preventive examination. In women, the appearance of blood in excrement can occur during pregnancy and disappear on its own after childbirth.


Why does blood enter the intestines?

The basis for sending for an occult blood test is the initial examination, which showed a positive result. In the process of such a study, it is possible to determine all the possible reasons why a reaction to occult blood in the feces was obtained under the influence of a special reagent. In this case, specialists will look for particles of hemoglobin or red blood cells. If they are found, a positive reaction is made for occult blood.

Quite often, an adult's stool is examined if anemia is suspected as a result of intestinal bleeding. To do this, lunch factors must appear, indicating the emergence of a problem.

These include:

  • the appearance of pain or discomfort during bowel movements;
  • the appearance of various unusual additives in the stool, such as mucus, foam or blood, etc.
  • the nature of the stool changes, which can become liquid or denser;
  • if blood particles occasionally appear in the stool;
  • there is a decrease in appetite, with significant weight loss;
  • severe abdominal pain appears, regardless of its location;
  • if the temperature rises spontaneously.

Mostly these symptoms are observed in older adults, but recently this age has moved towards rejuvenation.


Impurities in red stool may not always indicate pathologies. Such manifestations may occur when taking specific foods or medications.

Changed color of stool may be due to eating blueberries, currants, cherries, blueberries, or taking medications such as Bismuth or activated carbon.

If loose stools with blood are a consequence of gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics and tests (urine, stool testing for occult blood), undergo a colonoscopy and x-ray examination.

The tactics that are chosen before treatment depend on the causes of such manifestations.

If there is an intestinal infection, the patient is given antiviral therapy.

If a peptic ulcer is present, the doctor prescribes a conservative type of treatment (diet and medications that are aimed at stopping bleeding). With the help of surgical intervention, neoplasms that could be present in the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated.

Sorbents and drugs that help coat the mucous membrane are also often used to eliminate diarrhea with bloody impurities. They speed up wound healing and restore the overall health of the intestinal tract.

Traditional medicine has the following recipes in its arsenal:

  • Infusion of chamomile leaves: 15 g of herb should be poured into 200 ml of boiled water and poured into a thermos. After 3 hours, consume orally at intervals of 4 hours. It should be taken after meals.
  • The tincture, which is prepared as follows: bloodroot, burnet root, shepherd's purse (all 2 tablespoons each) is poured with boiled water. Take thirty milliliters five times a day. This treatment is acceptable for a one-time case of bloody diarrhea. If this occurs regularly, the doctor should conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate solutions to the situation. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Regardless of what is the cause of bloody diarrhea, it is necessary to follow a diet and monitor the state of water balance. Due to the fact that the body loses a lot of fluid, you should drink water regularly to normalize the functioning of all systems and organs.

Important! It should be remembered that alcohol abuse leads to permanent burns of the esophagus, liver cirrhosis, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Blood in the stool is one of the characteristic symptoms of these diseases

Before the doctor arrives, you can help the patient by following these steps:

  • Increase fluid intake. This will prevent dehydration and normalize the functioning of all human systems and organs.

Adding Ringer to drinking water will help replenish trace elements that may be lost due to excessive diarrhea. Regidron is also a good remedy that can be given before the doctor arrives. Probiotics will help in the fight against dysbiosis: Linex, Bifiform. The doctor will need information that will help make a diagnosis faster, so you should carefully remember the number of trips to the toilet and the degree of blood present in the discharge.

It is important to remember that if there is bloody impurities during diarrhea, you must seek qualified help. Ignoring such a symptom can lead to serious health problems and even death.

Basic requirements for conducting analysis

The appearance of such a problem as occult blood in the stool can speak volumes. For example, that bleeding began in the gastrointestinal tract and tumor processes began to develop. The blood itself can be either open or hidden. Moreover, hidden blood in feces can be detected either under a microscope or using special chemical reactions.

Recent studies confirm that most of the tumors and inflammations that occur in the intestines can cause bleeding. Moreover, in the initial stages, it will be very difficult to determine the cause of the disease, since small portions of blood particles, such as red blood cells and hemoglobin, are simply destroyed by digestive enzymes, becoming almost invisible.

In the body of an adult, the appearance of occult blood in the feces may indicate that polyps have appeared in the intestines and complex inflammatory processes are occurring. It will help determine the onset of the ulcerative process. Diverticulosis develops, which is a kind of pockets in the intestines. In some cases, a positive reaction may indicate the onset of Crohn's disease. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis may develop.

It is for this reason that a fecal occult blood test will be necessary in cases where an accurate diagnosis of the presence of bleeding occurring in the gastrointestinal tract is required. It got its name from the procedure for identifying even the smallest particles of blood when studying stool analysis.

The study itself will allow you to obtain reliable information at the first suspicion of bleeding. The main difficulty is that a small amount of blood in a sample taken is very difficult to detect. The thing is that hidden blood does not change the volume, consistency, or color of stool. It is for this reason that analysis can only be carried out using special technologies.

Hence, if violations occur during preparation, as well as if the test material is collected incorrectly, false-positive reactions can be detected that can misrepresent the diagnosis. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to preparing for the study. Moreover, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child.

Carrying out an analysis to detect hidden blood in the feces makes it possible to detect the presence of hemoglobin and red blood cells, even in cases where it is not possible to do this through visual observation, as well as during microscopic examinations.

Most often, to identify the cause of the disease, the sample will look for the presence of hemoglobin. During the study, a special reagent is added to the stool, which interacts with hemoglobin. At the same time, it demonstrates active chemical reactions.

Using this technique, it is possible, even with a small stool sample, to search for and identify hidden blood, thereby determining the reason why and where the hemorrhage occurred. This will allow you to prescribe and carry out successful treatment in the future.

Bloody feces in a child

In children, the causes of blood in the stool are no different from those in adults. However, the most common phenomena that cause spotting in childhood are dysbiosis, intestinal obstruction, and food allergies.

In infants, blood appears in the stool when treated with antibiotics.

Intestinal dysbiosis

In infants, dysbacteriosis occurs due to improper feeding, immune system defects, and antibiotic treatment. As a result, parents and pediatricians have to deal with liquid stool mixed with blood.

With dysbacteriosis, streaks in a child’s stool may be combined with mucus.

This condition is accompanied by flatulence, lack of appetite, and diathesis. Dysbacteriosis is diagnosed by laboratory examination of stool.

Rectal fissures

With constant constipation, a child develops rectal cracks, which can also cause blood to appear in the child’s stool.

Constipation can occur due to poor diet, rickets

During the first two years of a baby’s life, it is very important to properly organize therapeutic and preventive vitamin D intake and ensure plenty of fluids.

Intestinal obstruction

A serious cause of blood in the stool in children under two years of age is intussusception of the rectum, leading to intestinal obstruction.

With rectal intussusception, the child screams loudly after eating and may spit up profusely in a fountain.

This condition can be congenital (incomplete rotation of the intestinal tube), or acquired (unbalanced complementary feeding, changing the formula, overfeeding the baby).

With intussusception, the child screams loudly after eating, may spit up profusely in a fountain, and poops diarrhea mixed with blood. Within a few hours, the stool becomes red and slimy. This is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention.

Causes of blood in stool in different age and gender groups

A similar symptom occurs in men, women and children. Depending on gender and age, the reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool may differ. So, in men they can be a sign of:

  1. Malignant or benign neoplasms. A tumor, growing into the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, not only destroys the membranes of blood vessels, but also contributes to compression of soft tissues. This is accompanied by the appearance of blood in the stool.
  2. Hemorrhoids. Long-term constipation and poor nutrition contribute to compression of the venous vessels of the rectum. In the form of conglomerates, they are located inside the intestines and are injured with each act of defecation.
  3. Anal fissures are damage to the mucous membrane that occurs during constipation or anal sex. They are characterized by severe pain and the appearance of scarlet blood on toilet paper.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With the development of inflammation in the lower or upper sections, damage to the blood vessels and mucous membranes of various organs can occur (peptic ulcer, colitis, enteritis).
  5. Infectious processes. Under the influence of bacterial or fungal microorganisms, the small or large intestine is damaged, which is accompanied by diarrhea. In most cases, such exposure contributes to the development of dehydration and serious intoxication. Occurs in cholera, typhoid fever and dysentery.
  6. Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. This is a disease that is characterized by the formation of pathological plaques on the intestinal walls - polyps, which, when rejected, form an open wound. Such an ulcer continues to progress and expand, causing discomfort.

    Nonspecific ulcerative colitis - a common ulcerative-inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of the large intestine - may be accompanied by diarrhea mixed with blood

In women, blood in the stool can appear for the same reasons as in men, but there are also some unique factors that provoke the occurrence of such a symptom:

  1. Menstruation. During this process, a small amount of blood contained in the vagina may leak into the stool when straining. You should not be afraid of this: if the act of defecation is not accompanied by painful sensations, such a symptom is not significant.
  2. Abortion. Often a miscarriage is associated with the discharge of a large amount of blood, which can also color the stool. Due to the nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it is quite easy to confuse it with other pathologies.

Blood in the stool in children may appear for the following reasons:

  1. Helminthiases. Since babies love to put everything in their mouths, the risk of helminthic infestation increases several dozen times. At the same time, round and flatworms enter the body, which live in the intestines and slowly destroy its wall, causing the appearance of blood.
  2. Ingestion of foreign bodies. Metal objects or magnets, unlike plastic or rubber things, can be fixed in the baby's gastrointestinal tract for a long time and do not come out on their own. A foreign body causes significant discomfort and contributes to the development of bedsores and wall damage.
  3. Formation of intestinal volvulus. The internal organs of the abdominal cavity in children are extremely mobile, and motor skills are poorly developed. This leads to periodic severe bloating that deforms the normal intestine. When the loops twist around each other, their nutrition and blood supply are disrupted, some areas begin to slowly die, which is accompanied by the appearance of blood.
  4. Constipation and microcracks. When a child cannot go to the toilet for a long time, he begins to strain hard, which leads to rupture of the anal sphincter. In this case, the blood is usually scarlet in color.

Photo gallery: the main reasons for the development of the disease in children

Parasitic worms are found in underprocessed foods

Volvulus occurs mainly in young children

The presence of a foreign body in the intestine is accompanied by severe pain

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about constipation as a cause of blood in the stool in children

If your child has blood in their stool

In a child, the discovery of blood in the stool can cause a lot of anxiety and worry. There are also many reasons why such a pathology may occur.

With frequent, long-term constipation, the subsequent passage of feces through the intestines can lead to rupture of the mucous membrane and, as a result, to fissures in the anus.

Additional manifestations of pathology in children under 12 months are loud grunting or screaming during bowel movements, tension, and the presence of drops of scarlet blood in the stool.

Cracks can also be a consequence of frequent, heavy bowel movements. In this case, the blood mixes with loose stool.

Another reason for the manifestation of the disease in patients under the age of 12 months may be an allergy to cow's milk and soy. This condition is usually characteristic of infants who eat artificial formulas, however, if a nursing woman eats these products, infants may also suffer from allergies.

Rarer causes include:

  • intestinal inflammation;
  • diarrhea caused by pathogenic microflora or parasites, taking certain groups of antibiotics;
  • juvenile polyps that occur between 2 and 9 years of age;
  • some forms of intestinal obstruction.

Important: all pathologies, the symptoms of which are the presence of blood in children’s feces, manifest themselves sharply and suddenly. If the baby becomes lethargic, weak, has bloody stools, epigastric pain, fever and other symptoms, it is important to show the child to an experienced doctor as soon as possible! .

Causes of bloody stool

Let's look at what causes blood to appear during bowel movements:

  • Intestinal diseases: pathological processes in the sigmoid and rectum, cracks and damage to the anus, bleeding hemorrhoids.

Intestinal diseases can lead to such an illness.
The blood is predominantly scarlet in color, since it appears in the stool before it is released. Consequently, it does not have time to bake or change color. All this is a manifestation of hemorrhoids - varicose veins of the intestine. Blood in the stool due to hemorrhoids is a very common occurrence.

  • Constipation. If a person suffers from chronic problems with bowel movements and walks every 3 or even 4 days, then with strong straining, microcracks are possible. And baked, already dried feces, when passing through, can simply injure the intestine, form scratches on it, and that’s why scarlet discharge appears.
  • Ulcerative colitis. This pathology may well cause the appearance of not only blood, but also mucus and pus in the stool. With this disease, the patient feels all the signs of inflammation (chills, pain, diarrhea).
  • Oncological diseases. The patient has a clear decrease in body weight, pallor, and loss of appetite.
  • Crohn's disease. This is a serious disease of an immune nature. In most cases it is hereditary. Its appearance can be caused by severe nervous stress or a serious illness. The manifestations of Crohn's disease are very similar to colitis. It can be distinguished by the appearance of a rash on the body and ulcers in the mouth. Dark blood comes out with the stool.
  • Gastrointestinal infections. If, in addition to blood during bowel movements, there is vomiting, fever, pallor, diarrhea, then bacteria and viruses have entered the body. In this case, severe pain and cramping in the abdomen are very common.

Causes of blood in stool

Blood released during or immediately after defecation can be a manifestation of a number of diseases. Therefore, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. With mild bleeding, only a few drops of blood flow from the anus. With moderate discharge, bloody clots may be noticeable in the stool; with strong discharge, serious blood loss, anemia and loss of consciousness are possible. Among the main reasons for the appearance of blood in women's stool are: hemorrhoids, polyps, cancer, anal fissures, diverticulosis.

  • Haemorrhoids

The disease occurs when varicose veins located in the rectum. The main symptom of the disease is scarlet blood, which the patient can notice on paper. It appears due to damage to hemorrhoids by fecal matter. In this case, the woman may not feel pain at all. Bleeding from hemorrhoids is almost always moderate or heavy, and as a result leads to the development of anemia.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is carried out using anti-varicose agents, which normalize blood supply and ensure the outflow of blood from the pelvic organs.

  • Cracks in the anus

The disease most often occurs in those who suffer from constant constipation. Hard feces cause damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Blood discharge in this pathology is insignificant, occurs after emptying and does not mix with feces. Bleeding rarely occurs directly during bowel movement. The diagnosis is made after detecting a crack in the intestinal mucosa.

  • Polyps

These are benign tumors that, if left untreated, can develop into cancer. They do not manifest themselves for a long time; patients rarely experience diarrhea or constipation. They are caused by a decrease in intestinal motility. When the polyps are damaged, the patient experiences bleeding of varying amounts. The larger the tumors, the stronger they are. Most often, blood is mixed with feces.

  • Diverticulosis

A pathology in which small protrusions form on the intestinal walls. When they are inflamed or damaged in women, blood is noticeable during bowel movements. In addition, other symptoms are observed:

  • ;
  • increase in body temperature, etc.

The first thing to do is to normalize intestinal function to prevent the formation of new diverticula. Therapy depends on the severity and advanced stage of the disease: drug therapy or surgery to remove damaged tissue is possible.

  • Colon cancer

The most common oncological disease, during the development of which blood comes out of the anus. Bleeding is possible at any stage of the disease. They may be brightly colored or mixed with stool. The intensity of the discharge also varies. If the tumor disintegrates and bleeds, they are quite strong, since the disease affects large vessels.

What types of blood in stool are there?

Pathological inclusions in feces can be of a different nature. This is directly related to the reasons that provoke them.

Classification of discharge according to stool consistency:

  • formed, without mucus, but with blood;
  • diarrhea with bloody inclusions;
  • weakly formed with mucus and blood.

Types of pathology based on blood color:

  • scarlet;
  • clots or red streaks;
  • black chair;
  • cherry.

Classification by severity:

  • occult blood (detected only by microscopic examination);
  • obvious (visible to the naked eye).

Photo gallery: what stool changes look like

Another name for black stool is melena

Bloody diarrhea accompanies infectious diseases

Cherry blood in stool occurs in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Poorly formed stool with blood occurs when the small intestine is damaged

Why do stools have different colors and shades?

Depending on the nature of the secreted fluid, we can conclude about the location of the source of the disease:

  • if the blood is thick and dark, this means that it has interacted with hydrochloric acid, which is contained in the stomach;
  • when brown, coagulated clots appear, we can conclude that the small intestine, in which many nutrients are absorbed, is damaged;
  • a lighter wine-colored blood indicates damage to the large intestine;
  • if the mucous membrane of the anus or hemorrhoidal node is injured, bright scarlet blood predominates.

Reasons for appearance

Why does bleeding appear? Blood clots that are released along with bowel movements can indicate a number of ailments. If the bleeding is weak, then only a couple of drops of blood may come out of the anus. In cases where blood clots are visible in bowel movements, this type of bleeding is classified as moderate.

With severe bleeding, serious blood loss is observed, which can lead to loss of consciousness and the development of anemia. The factors due to which blood can be detected in the stool of females are varied. These include:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • polyp;
  • colitis;
  • oncology;
  • defect of the anal canal mucosa;
  • diverticulosis.


Hemorrhoids can occur due to varicose veins, which are concentrated in the rectal area. The main symptom in this case will be a bloody clot of a bright scarlet hue, which will be imprinted on the paper. It occurs due to the fact that hemorrhoids are damaged by feces. In some cases, this process may not be accompanied by pain.

Reasons for detecting hidden blood impurities in stool

Adults are characterized by the presence of blood discharge during bowel movements in the event of the development of certain pathologies in the body.

Bleeding in the stomach

They are caused by a peptic ulcer or taking medications - Ibuprofen, Aspirin .

If the cause is an ulcer or gastritis, then the appearance of blood impurities in the stool is accompanied by the rejection of undigested food debris from the stomach, burning pain and the coloring of the vomit black as a result of the oxidation of blood when it enters the stomach.

Inflammation in the intestines

It occurs against the background of Crohn's disease, with ulcerative colitis. If the inflammatory process is not stopped, it can develop into cancer . Blood particles tint the stool dark or reddish in color. In this case, there is upset stool, weight loss, vomiting, and pain localized in the upper abdomen.


It is characterized by damage to the venous vessels of the anus or rectum.

Cracks may appear in the anus due to tissue rupture in it, which also leads to bleeding.

With hemorrhoids, pain and growths in the form of lumps are observed in the area of ​​the anus.

The process of bowel movement is accompanied by pain and itching of the anus.

Cancer tumor

It can be located in any part of the digestive system and cause bleeding. Blood particles give the stool a reddish or black tint. A state of chronic fatigue appears and body weight decreases.

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