Is it possible to eat dumplings with gastritis: Dumplings for gastritis - when can you eat them, benefits and harms, recipes - Is it possible to eat dumplings for gastritis: a healthy home recipe

The development of gastritis is most often caused by various nutritional disorders. One of the main methods of treating the disease is following a diet aimed at preventing the development of a pathological process in the gastrointestinal tract. Some foods and dishes are excluded from the patient’s diet; to create favorable conditions for the digestion process, the method of their preparation matters.

The list of prohibited foods for inflammation of the gastric mucosa does not include dumplings, but this beloved dish by many is not among the permitted foods.

Nutritionists question the benefits of eating processed foods for the body. Let's figure out whether it is possible to eat dumplings with gastritis, what you should pay attention to when choosing and how best to prepare them.

Negative and positive qualities

The beneficial characteristics of dumplings are very variable due to the variety of possible fillers

  • High nutritional value. It depends on the filling and the preparation of the dough.
  • A source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous and immune systems, the formation of bone tissue and red blood cells.
  • High content of animal proteins and essential amino acids.
  • Convenient preparation of semi-finished products for busy people. Even if we are talking about store-bought factory-made dumplings, they are still a healthier option compared to instant noodles and potatoes.

The main harm to the body comes from store-bought semi-finished products, but some negative features are also characteristic of homemade dumplings:

  • The content of synthetic additives (flavor enhancers, spices, stabilizers) and spices irritates the digestive system and can serve as a source of allergies.
  • Slow, often incomplete, digestion of the product is due to the combination of meat and dough. During normal functioning of the digestive system, meat dumplings are processed in the stomach for 3-4 hours, and the full digestion cycle for them can take up to a day.
  • The high calorie content of dumplings is a disadvantage for overweight people. Not all dumplings (and especially dumplings) are a high-calorie product. If desired, you can choose a leaner option.

Reference. Pork products are considered the most high-calorie - 310 kcal, the most dietary are dumplings containing rabbit, turkey, and chicken. Their energy value is on average 210 kcal. Fish and beef fillings are somewhere in the middle - 240 and 270 kcal, respectively.

Homemade Recipes

Below are the dumpling recipes. The dish can be prepared at home yourself and eaten with chronic gastritis in remission.

The dough for making homemade dietary dumplings should be fresh and light.

Recipe 1

To prepare a kilogram of product you will need 700 grams of white wheat flour, 1-2 small chicken eggs, 250 ml of cold water and salt on the tip of a knife.

The listed products are combined together. Steep dough is kneaded. Next, the mixture is left for half an hour. The gluten contained in the flour will swell and the dough will become elastic and pliable.

There is still time to prepare minced meat from lean meats. The meat is passed through a meat grinder and lightly salted.

You can cook the formed dumplings in two ways.

  • Pour 4 liters of water into a saucepan, add a little salt. After boiling, the dumplings are lowered. When they float to the surface, boil for another 2-3 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Another cooking method is steaming in a pressure cooker or double boiler.

Both methods are gentle and allow you to make a homemade dish tasty and not burden your stomach.

Recipe 2

To prepare, you will need to pour 0.5 kg of flour onto a table or board, pour in a glass of water and add a little salt. It is allowed to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. Knead the resulting ingredients into a dough and let it stand for half an hour. Next, thin plates are rolled out from the dough and dumplings are formed. Minced meat is prepared as in the previous recipe. Dumplings are boiled in a pan with water or steamed.

What type of disease can be added to the menu?

An acute form of stomach inflammation requires the most gentle, easily digestible nutrition.
The product clearly does not belong to this category. You can try dumplings in small quantities only after the onset of stable remission, in the absence of symptoms of gastritis. With hyper- or normoacid gastritis, eating dumplings is possible provided you feel well. Of course, you shouldn’t overuse them, but allowing yourself a small portion of dumplings a couple of times a week is quite acceptable.

The situation with dumplings is somewhat more complicated: here it all depends on the type of filling. You can try dumplings with cottage cheese and potatoes. It is better to abstain from mushrooms and berries with high acidity; they will only further reduce the pH of the gastric contents.

Eating dumplings with hypoacid gastritis is usually not recommended. They are poorly digested if the hydrochloric acid content is low and can cause heaviness in the stomach, nausea and belching. During the remission stage, it is possible to eat dumplings with dietary meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey) or fish in small portions.

Dumplings should also be limited, but not completely excluded. You can try products with curd and berry filling. The most preferred berry is cherry. Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms are considered a difficult-to-digest product and should be set aside.

Atrophic gastritis “dislikes” dumplings more than others.
In this case, not only the production of hydrochloric acid is reduced, but also various enzymes of gastric juice necessary for the processing of proteins and fats. So in this case, it is better to abstain from dumplings, and choose dumplings with cottage cheese and berries.

Simple and healthy recipes

How to cook dumplings so that it is both tasty and healthy? We offer you secret recipes that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Appetizing cherry dumplings - delicious like at home!

To prepare you will need the following ingredients:

First, prepare the cherries. If you took frozen fruits, then defrost them naturally in advance. Next, you need to remove the seeds, add sugar and leave for at least forty minutes, wait until the juice forms.

Mix flour and salt, egg and water. Combine all ingredients, knead the dough. You need to roll it out thoroughly, first it must stand for thirty minutes in a warm place, devoid of light.

When the filling and dough are ready, you can safely start cooking. Divide the dough into several even circles (using a glass), add the cherry, and carefully wrap it.

Boil the dumplings until fully cooked, eat with appetite!

For those who are not used to spending a lot of time in the kitchen, the ideal option would be lazy dumplings , which are no worse than regular dumplings and are not inferior to them in their properties.

You need the following products:

The cooking process is surprisingly simple: you need to mix all the ingredients, roll the sausage, cut into pieces and decorate your dumplings. Cook them until fully cooked, and then enjoy the rich taste of the dish!

Over the past few years, gastroenterologists have classified dumplings as an approved food for gastritis. They cannot cause enormous harm to the stomach if you consume them in moderation. To follow the principles of proper and healthy nutrition, calculate the required daily caloric intake according to your height and weight.

Most people cannot imagine their diet without dumplings or dumplings. It’s not for nothing that these dishes have earned such popularity. They are not only filling and tasty, but also very easy to prepare. But a disease such as gastritis always makes adjustments to any usual diet.

After all, it causes inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which makes it completely impossible to eat many of your favorite dishes. That is why in the office of a specialist doctor the question is so often asked about what you can eat if you have this disease.

Rules for eating the dish

If you want a delicious lunch without consequences, follow the recommendations of gastroenterologists and nutritionists:

  • Make dumplings and dumplings yourself, then you will definitely be sure of their quality.
  • To reduce stress on the stomach, add whey to the dough.
  • Eat dumplings only from dietary meat or fish, dumplings - with cherries, low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Avoid hot spices and excess salt.
  • Dumplings should not be seasoned with ketchup, mayonnaise, or hot sauce. It is better to use low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt.
  • Nutritionists advise eating no more than 20 dumplings at a time, but you need to start trying them with smaller portions: 3-5 pieces.
  • It is better to eat dumplings at lunch, during the most active period of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Products must be cooled before use. Excessively hot or cold food has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.
  • The best option is boiled, baked, steamed dumplings. But the stomach can react painfully to fried dumplings.

If, after culinary experiments, your stomach hurts and other symptoms of indigestion appear, then you need to help the body digest the heavy product - take an enzyme preparation like Creon or Mezim.
Then within a few days it is better to switch to a more strict diet.

Important! If self-treatment does not bring results, be sure to consult a doctor.

Dumplings for gastritis

Dumplings are a hearty and tasty dish. They are not exclusively characteristic of traditional Russian cuisine. Recipes for dumplings are available in Chinese cuisine. Georgian manti resemble dumplings in appearance and taste. The dish is prepared quickly.

Dumplings and acute gastritis

Acute gastritis occurs when the gastric mucosa is damaged by a severe bacterial or viral infection, as well as by poisoning with toxic substances or poor quality food.

On the first day of an acute process, the mucous membrane needs complete rest and unloading. The patient is prescribed fasting for 24 hours. You are allowed to drink water without gases. On the second day, if the dynamics are positive, rosehip decoction or weak unsweetened tea is allowed. Next, porridges and slimy soups with water are gradually introduced into the diet. Food should be pureed and not contain salt or hot, spicy seasonings. The food is steamed or boiled.

In case of exacerbation, the use of dumplings is prohibited.

Dumplings for chronic gastritis

The recipe for dumplings contains ingredients that are difficult for the stomach; it is undesirable to consume dumplings and chicken cutlets for chronic gastritis. Gastroenterologists recommend replacing dishes with steamed meatballs and cutlets made from dietary meats.

In the acute period of the disease, cutlets are strictly contraindicated. Stewed meat with vegetables without spicy seasonings is allowed.

Eating dumplings for gastritis can provoke an exacerbation of the chronic process.

Exacerbation of gastritis

Features of dumplings and dumplings of industrial production

It is not advisable for patients with gastritis to buy these products in the form of semi-finished products. Only homemade, personally prepared food is allowed.

Nevertheless, high-quality industrial products still exist, but they are very difficult to find. First, you need to make sure that the dumplings consist of meat.

To do this, read the letter marking. We need “A” or “B”, they contain the most meat - from 60% or more. But options “B” and “D” contain more extraneous additives.

Note! The percentage of meat refers to muscle fibers. Veins, skin, and fat do not belong here. However, for the same reason, category A products tend to be a bit dry: the accompanying components retain moisture better than meat.

It is very difficult to find dumplings with dietary fillings on sale. The only really affordable option is turkey meat. Choose products with minimal spice content. It is important that the composition lists specific additives, and not just vague “spices”. This term includes glutamate, dyes, and emulsifiers.

Dumplings and dumplings should be taken without sticking together - this is a sign that they have previously been thawed. It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date and storage features. For sale, they must be displayed in the freezer.

Composition and properties

Traditionally, homemade dumplings are made from unleavened dough, which requires flour, water, eggs, salt, and meat filling. Minced beef, pork, and lamb are usually used as filling. Less popular are dumplings made from minced poultry or game meat.

To improve the taste, onions, salt, pepper and other spices are added to the filling.

The benefits and harms of dumplings depend on the properties of the products included in their composition.

  • wheat flour is a source of B vitamins and niacin (vitamin PP), involved in many redox processes and the formation of enzymes;
  • eggs contain animal protein, vitamins A, D, E, B3, B12, as well as minerals: phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc;
  • any meat filling is rich in easily digestible protein, B vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for full life;
  • salt, a source of sodium, regulates the water-salt balance in the body, but its abuse is dangerous for the heart, liver and kidneys.

Various additives and spices in the filling can also be both beneficial and harmful to the body.

especially careful with store-bought semi-finished products . The composition of such a product may differ greatly from dumplings prepared at home.

In their production on an industrial scale, synthetic additives (flavors, emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives) are often used; minced meat for the filling is prepared from low-quality meat (second grade) or is replaced with soy.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

Eating such a dish is not beneficial even for a healthy person. In case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation will be ensured.

What do the doctor's say

I forbid patients to eat dumplings. The stomach needs to produce a lot of hydrochloric acid in order to process the ingredients of this dish, and this will negatively affect the course of the disease. I allow patients whose gastritis has gone into remission to eat dumplings and tests have confirmed the restoration of the mucous membrane. But the dumplings used should only be homemade.

Valery Ignatovich, gastroenterologist

Dumplings are an extremely unsuitable dish for patients with gastritis, since its components take a very long time to digest, and the salt and seasonings used can lead to complications of the disease. But patients with normal acidity levels can eat them.

Nikolai Andreevich, gastroenterologist

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