Propolis for the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract: treatment of the stomach with propolis » Bee products » Propolis » Propolis for the stomach



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Propolis is one of the most effective drugs in apitherapy. It is used to treat many diseases and pathologies. For example, propolis is used in medicine for the stomach. The product has virtually no contraindications or side effects, so it can be used even by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis

Propolis and its features

Propolis is a sticky compound that bees use to care for their homes - hives.

Humanity has learned to use it to its advantage, because about 16 classes of chemical compounds and more than two hundred names of healing components were found in this product. It is this fact that makes this product incredibly useful for the human body, and also allows it to be used to treat a large number of diseases, among which disorders in the gastrointestinal tract play a special role.

The gastrointestinal tract is a fairly large section of the human body, and when talking about its damage, ulcers, stomach or intestinal upset, disorders of the pancreas, colitis, enteritis (inflammatory processes) and so on are usually mentioned. And you can, for example, immediately say that propolis for colitis allows you to literally get rid of the main symptoms of the disease literally a few days after the start of therapy, and after completing the course of treatment - from the causes.

The effectiveness of propolis in the treatment of gastritis

Propolis is a popular natural medicine that has long been used in folk medicine to improve immunity and general well-being, as well as in the complex treatment of many gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis.

The product is rich in valuable biologically active substances: minerals, macro- and microelements, vitamins. It contains tannins, flavonoids, fatty acids, aldehydes, alcohols, essential oils and pollen. Read more about the beneficial properties of propolis here.

All these components help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and have an analgesic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and protective effect on the inflamed gastric mucosa. High results in the treatment of gastritis with propolis are achieved due to the ability of this product to promote:

  • eliminating symptoms of the disease: pain, bloating, nausea;
  • rapid healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • creating a protective layer that protects against erosion;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • removal from the body of pathogenic bacteria that cause the inflammatory process (such as Helicobacter);
  • active absorption of microelements useful for the functioning of the stomach.

If all storage rules are observed, the product retains its medicinal properties for a long time. The use of propolis as a medicine for gastritis should be combined with the treatment prescribed by the doctor and compliance with preventive measures, including diet.

The benefits of propolis for the gastrointestinal tract

When discussing the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with propolis, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the benefit of the product lies in its wide range of biological effects. Thanks to its rich composition, this product is able to have many healing effects on the body, starting with a disinfectant, which allows you to fight bacteria that cause disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and ending with simply improving digestion.

Considering the properties of propolis, we can say in more detail that it perfectly protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from the negative effects of both food and gastric juice. Moreover, it has a regenerating effect, causing the mucous membrane to repair itself. This effect allows you to quickly and effectively combat ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines, and also provides excellent prevention of re-development of the problem.

Moreover, treating the stomach with propolis is also advisable due to the fact that it:

  • helps get rid of the symptoms and causes that led to the appearance of gastritis;
  • normalizes the acidity of gastric juice;
  • has an antiseptic effect, inhibiting the growth and development of bacteria that cause ulcers;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • helps restore appetite in the absence of it;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it allows you to fight any inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system.

Propolis can be used for dysbiosis, and it can be caused by various reasons, including the use of antibacterial agents - modern antibiotics, for which dysbiosis is, as a rule, a consequence that occurs in almost everyone. It is allowed to use propolis for other gastrointestinal diseases, and this can be done in combination with taking traditional medicine, because in this case they enhance each other’s properties. Sometimes a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required about taking certain medications. However, usually preparations made from bee products are perfectly combined with modern pharmacology.


Gastritis is a disease that can be caused by several reasons. In addition to bacterial activity, it can also be triggered by poor diet and severe stress .

Therefore, along with drug treatment prescribed by a doctor, it is necessary to eliminate all potential threats, for example, introduce restrictions on alcohol and introduce healthy products - cow and goat milk.

Nutrition for gastritis should be dietary and exclude all foods that can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. If you have any doubts, it is better to consult with a specialist once again - this will reduce the risks of developing exacerbations. Do not forget to also regularly undergo FGDS examinations and colonoscopy (as indicated).

On our website: How to properly treat gastritis with jelly?

How to apply it correctly?

Speaking about how to properly use propolis to treat the stomach and intestines, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it can be used in different dosage forms. The most popular form of using “bee glue” today is an alcohol tincture, because this drug has a fairly long shelf life and is easy to use.

However, in addition to alcohol tincture, you can also use an aqueous decoction, propolis oil, a mixture of propolis with herbal extracts, an emulsion from this product, and even a milk drink. Each form has its own application characteristics and is suitable for the treatment of different diseases, so it is worth paying special attention to them.


Before using the tincture, read the contraindications.

  1. Allergic manifestations. The substance is dangerous for people who cannot tolerate honey and other bee derivatives.
  2. Pregnancy. There is no data on the effectiveness of therapy in expectant mothers, so it is better for this category of people to refrain from taking the drug orally.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Bronchial asthma.
  5. Liver diseases in the acute period.
  6. Upcoming surgery.

In some cases, bee glue slows down the blood clotting process, which can cause bleeding during surgery. People who use such drugs for medicinal purposes for the first time need to start with small doses and gradually increase them.

Alcohol tincture

You can prepare propolis in alcohol for treating the stomach (gastrointestinal tract) yourself, because there is nothing complicated in the recipe. You just need to take a little propolis, grind it on a grater, place it in a bottle to prepare the medicine, and then add alcohol there. The ratio of ingredients should be 1:10. The resulting solution must be shaken well until the bee glue is completely dissolved, and then left to infuse for several days in a dark place. There is nothing complicated in the process of making the medicine, but reviews say that treating the stomach with propolis in alcohol is best done with a ready-made tincture, which can be purchased directly from the manufacturer.


You can buy propolis tincture for treating the gastrointestinal tract on the website of the family apiary “Vesely Hornet”. Apiary specialists pay special attention to the quality of products that are used to prepare medicines, and also carefully monitor the technological process of their production, and at the same time can offer their customers the most affordable prices. You can purchase medicine at an ideal price-quality ratio here.

The tincture is taken 20 drops three times a day, but its dosage can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of the body and health problems.

Ready-made propolis tincture 20% can be ordered by phone:

+380984298830 +380955638797

Treatment of the stomach with propolis: how to prepare tinctures at home, reviews

Propolis is a resin made by bees from wax and saliva. This sticky substance has antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and even antitumor effects.

Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with propolis is quite popular among fans of alternative medicine. If you are not allergic to bee products, you can try several recipes on yourself.

Beneficial properties of propolis

More recently, it has been proven that propolis is a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to the flavonoids found in the resin, rapid removal of free radicals is ensured.

Of particular interest to scientists is the ability of a beekeeping product to protect vitamin C from oxidation and destruction. The resinous substance can also be used to treat acne.

And a specially prepared extract can even even out skin tone!

Elderly people should look for propolis cream on store shelves. Such cosmetics have an anti-aging effect and accelerate the healing of small wounds. A small amount of the natural resinous substance can be placed directly on cuts and burns. The resin seals the wound, creating a “second skin” and accelerating regeneration.

This miraculous substance also prevents the proliferation of viruses (including influenza, hepatitis).

Indications for use in gastrointestinal diseases

Since propolis actively fights against fungi, bacteria and parasites, it is very useful to have a pharmaceutical preparation at home, or a tincture prepared with your own hands.

You can drink propolis extract after a course of antibiotics to restore intestinal microflora.

Preparations from bee products will be useful for people suffering from chronic gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

As for official studies, Australian doctors compared the results of treating stomach ulcers with propolis and pharmaceutical drugs. As a result, after 3 days it was found that 70% of patients receiving propolis noted complete relief from pain, versus 25% of those taking pharmaceutical medications.

Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers with propolis

Small erosions on the walls of the stomach without treatment can turn into real ulcers. Ulcer sufferers often complain of aching pain, heartburn, and acid reflux.

Taking a resinous substance helps speed up the healing of wounds and also relieves the above unpleasant symptoms.

However, we must remember that treating the stomach with propolis in alcohol for ulcers is strictly prohibited. It is better to use aqueous preparations.

You can take alcohol-containing tinctures with caution for gastritis. However, propolis will be effective only if it is known for sure that the disease was caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria.

So, if in the case of peptic ulcer propolis has a calming and healing effect, then in case of gastritis a bactericidal effect is noted.

The bee product has the ability to inhibit the activity of microorganisms. In addition, bee resin does not upset the balance of intestinal microflora, which allows patients not to fear dysbiosis.

Interestingly, both water and alcohol infusions of propolis are considered equally effective.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis has another undeniable advantage over antibiotics: the body does not develop resistance, which means that during the entire period of therapy the effectiveness of the folk drug does not decrease.

Contraindications and precautions

Due to the fact that bees collect material for the production of propolis from a huge number of different plants, each of which has its own specific characteristics, a person can develop severe allergies.

If signs of an allergy previously appeared in response to the consumption of regular honey, then it is better to refuse to take the beekeeping product. You also need to understand that even if you are not allergic to honey, you may develop an allergy specifically to propolis.

Therefore, before taking the drug for the first time, it is better to apply a small amount of resin to the skin. In the absence of any disorders, you can try the drug, heavily diluted with water.

Also, without first consulting a doctor, you should not take propolis preparations and antibiotics at the same time. On the one hand, it has been proven that bee resin enhances the effect of antibiotics, and on the other hand, the body quickly develops resistance to synthetic drugs.

You can find out how to prepare the tincture by watching this video.

How to prepare propolis preparations for gastrointestinal therapy at home?

There are several ways to prepare propolis-based tinctures:

  • water;
  • alcoholic;
  • oil.

Tinctures prepared on the basis of oil are best used externally. It is enough to mix 100 grams of melted butter and 10 grams of pure liquid propolis. Let it harden. The resulting mixture can also be used internally: a teaspoon per day is enough. The oil will lubricate the walls of the stomach and will have a healing effect for constipation and indigestion.

But still, alcohol tincture of propolis for the stomach is considered the most effective. Ethanol is the best option for extracting biologically active substances from bee resin. To prepare the medicine you will need purified resin.

It is necessary to place the propolis in the freezer overnight, then use a blender to crush the frozen cube into a fine powder.

Place 100 grams of propolis powder in a dark bottle, pour 400 ml of high-quality 70% ethyl alcohol. Shake the bottle vigorously and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the specified time, filter the semi-finished product through a paper filter and leave in a dark place for another couple of weeks. A slight sediment is allowed in the finished product.

Judging by the reviews of doctors, it is safest to treat the stomach with propolis at home, using a water infusion. The recipe is quite simple.

  1. Pour 300 ml of water into a saucepan;
  2. add 30 g of propolis, cut into small pieces;
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid, place on medium heat and cook for 40-45 minutes;
  4. cool the contents of the saucepan;
  5. Use a spoon to collect the wax that has collected on the surface (supernatant) into a separate container;
  6. add a new portion of propolis (30 grams) to the remaining water in the saucepan and add 300 ml of cold water;
  7. cook for 10-15 minutes;
  8. cool again, collect the wax from the surface and place it with the previously selected one.

In the future, you can use both the infusion remaining in the saucepan (internally) and the selected supernatant (externally).

The water infusion has all of the above positive effects and can be stored for about a month in a cool, dark place.


Water tincture

Often, for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with propolis, a water tincture is recommended, which, due to the absence of alcohol components, is approved for use by literally all people. The only exception in this case is individual intolerance to bee glue, and only if a person is allergic to it.

It is noteworthy that you can drink water-based propolis for the stomach in the same way as its alcohol form, and the medicine is prepared according to the same scheme - only 10 grams of crushed “bee glue” are mixed with 100 grams of water

. The main ingredient is very difficult to dissolve in water, so the process of preparing the medicine is carried out in a water bath. You can take the medicine after it has cooled, but here it is worth considering the fact that the shelf life of the water tincture is very short - 10 days, and it must be stored in the refrigerator, so preparing it in large quantities is not recommended.

Propolis recipes for the treatment of gastritis

The most common propolis remedies for the treatment of various forms of gastritis are tinctures, decoctions, propolis oil and propolis milk.

The bee product used for their preparation must be properly crushed. You can grate it. Before this, it is advisable to cool the propolis.

All mixtures obtained as a result of preparing the recipes below should be stored in glass containers.

Alcohol tinctures

This medicine is very easy to prepare. In a clean container, mix 10 g of propolis and 100 ml of medical alcohol or vodka. Close the container tightly and infuse the solution for about 2 weeks in a dark place.

And one more recipe: heat 100 ml of alcohol in a water bath to 50℃, add 10 g of grated propolis to it and mix until smooth. Do not boil the liquid. Filter the composition using several layers of gauze, pour into a glass vessel and seal tightly.

Propolis in alcohol for gastritis must be diluted with water to a volume of 150 ml and taken 30-40 drops an hour before meals. You can use a purchased tincture for treatment. It is taken 20 drops dissolved in a glass of warm water.

The maximum period of treatment with alcohol tinctures of propolis for gastritis is 2 weeks.

More recipes for alcoholic propolis tinctures are described here.

Tinctures on water

To prepare an aqueous tincture of propolis for the treatment of gastritis, add bee product to boiled and cooled filtered water in a 2:1 ratio. The mixture is heated to a maximum of 80℃, left on the fire for an hour, then infused.

The sediment separated from the liquid is poured into a glass container. The product helps with any type of gastritis. You need to drink 1 tablespoon before meals. It is better to prepare fresh tincture every day.

Separate material on water tinctures can be found here.


Propolis is part of many healing herbal decoctions that help against gastritis. Here is a recipe for one of the most common such drinks.

Propolis oil

To treat stomach ulcers with propolis, there is a recipe for preparing propolis oil. It is very simple to prepare such a medicine, because you just need to melt the propolis in a water bath and mix it with sunflower or olive oil. During cooking in a water bath, a film of wax may appear on the surface of the mixture, which must be removed using a slotted spoon or a regular spoon.

Preparation proportions: 30 grams of propolis and 100 grams of base oil.

This remedy is recommended for the treatment of low acidity in atrophic gastritis. It is recommended to take it one teaspoon twice a day, and it is also suitable for use when administering cleansing microenemas.

Treatment of various forms of gastritis with propolis

Propolis-based recipes can be taken orally for gastritis with low and high acidity. Depending on the additional components, this product can either increase or decrease the production of gastric juice.

Therapy for gastritis with high acidity

The benefits of propolis for increased stomach acidity include eliminating pain, reducing inflammation and accelerating the regeneration of damaged areas. The substance relieves heartburn, belching and nausea. It is best to use propolis tincture, milk and herbal ingredients for this:

  • Infusion of milk with walnuts and alcohol solution of propolis

    . To prepare, take regular store-bought milk - 200 ml, bring to a boil and filter after 2 minutes. Add a spoonful of honey after the broth has cooled to 40 degrees, 20 drops of pharmacy or homemade propolis tincture, 10 g of chopped walnuts. Take before/after meals no earlier than 30 minutes twice a day, drinking the entire portion during the day. Treatment should not last longer than 2 months.
  • Herbal decoction of mint, fennel, linden, licorice and propolis infusion . Mix an equal amount of herbs (1 tsp each), take 1 tbsp. l. and brew it in a glass of boiling water. After cooling, extract 15 drops of infusion and a spoonful of honey. Take 30 minutes before meals.

During the period of exacerbation, you can continue treatment with traditional recipes after consultation with your doctor.

Recipes for low stomach acidity

The product is taken to combat unpleasant symptoms and to restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Propolis cannot increase acidity, but it is excellent for eliminating signs of disease:

  • A mixture of Kalanchoe, honey and propolis . Prepared from 20 g of Kalanchoe, 10 ml of boiled water, 5 ml of propolis tincture. 100 g honey. Mix in a water bath, pour into a bottle and leave for a day. You need to drink 1 spoon three times a day, 0.5 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Infusion of licorice root, linden, mint and fennel . Take 1 tsp. all herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse. Strain, mix with 15 drops of propolis tincture and 1 tbsp. l. honey Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day, long before meals, so that you feel hungry.

Non-traditional methods combine well with medication therapy.

Propolis for erosive gastritis

This form of the disease is considered one of the most serious. You should be treated using pure propolis:

  1. Grind 20 g of dry matter and pour in 1 glass of milk.
  2. Place on the fire and heat until the products dissolve.
  3. Take 1 glass in the morning before meals.

In case of exacerbation, you can use a recipe of 50 g of bee glue and 100 g of honey mixed with 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice Should be taken 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

Therapy of atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis can be treated using alcohol infusions:

  1. Grind 20 g of propolis and pour in 250 ml of vodka.
  2. Leave to infuse for 5-7 days.
  3. Take 30 drops, diluted with warmed milk, for 14 days.

With atrophic gastritis, patients are often bothered by pain. You can eliminate it using propolis oil.

Grind 20 g of the product and mix with 100 g of butter, do not bring to a boil, boil for half an hour in a water bath. After cooling, take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Treatment of gastritis with stomach ulcers

When large ulcerative lesions appear, propolis can be used in several ways:

  • First, use propolis oil, taking 1 tsp. 0.5 hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • 3-5 days after the onset of an exacerbation, you can use the tincture if there are no contraindications. Dilute 60 drops in 30 ml of milk or water.
  • If after a week of therapy no unpleasant symptoms appear, you can use a concentrated infusion (20-30%). Treated for 2 months.

If acute pain occurs, you can prepare an infusion of 60 drops with 50 ml of novocaine. Take it 3 times a day before meals.

With butter

An additional type of oil and propolis for the stomach also involves the use of butter. Here the recipe for preparing the medicine is as simple as possible, because you just need to take 100 grams of butter, melt it, and then mix it with 10 grams of heated propolis. It is best to mix the ingredients in a water bath because this is the easiest way to achieve a homogeneous consistency when mixing.

Propolis with creamy milk gives a good effect in the treatment of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, because in addition to the general therapeutic effect, it also has an enveloping effect, activating the regeneration process of the mucous membrane and relieving pain.

Herbal decoction

To treat stomach erosion with propolis, you can also use a mixture of this ingredient with herbal decoctions. The method is used as an additional one, that is, to achieve a faster and more lasting effect, it is best to use other treatment methods in practice.

A variety of decoctions can be used, but it is better to pay special attention to St. John's wort, flax, oak bark, chamomile, and celandine. It is necessary to add tincture to the finished decoction, and it is recommended to do this before each dose. Propolis tincture for the stomach mixed with a complex of decoctions of medicinal plants is very useful - collection number one or number four, therefore in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders it is best to use all available methods.

Milk propolis

Treatment of the stomach with milk propolis deserves a good effect of treatment with propolis, according to reviews. The milk solution is prepared daily, and it is best to mix a natural product with milk (50 grams of bee product per liter of liquid). The solution is prepared over low heat, with constant stirring, and when a wax film forms on its surface, it must be removed. You can store it in the refrigerator and take 1/3 cup three times a day.

For gastritis

It is known that there are features of the use of propolis in the treatment of various diseases. For example, in the treatment of gastritis, propolis is best used in the form of an aqueous solution, as well as propolis oil, because these dosage forms do not irritate the gastric mucosa and only bring benefits to the body. You can supplement the therapy with milk infusion, which you prepare yourself.


It is recommended to store natural propolis for preparing medicines in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of bee products

Propolis tincture for gastritis is a natural bactericidal and bacteriostatic agent. In most cases, pathogenic microorganisms provoke gastritis and propolis is precisely the drug that can inhibit harmful microflora. Propolis in the treatment of gastritis has the following effects:

  • eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • relieves pain;
  • fights bacteria;
  • speeds up the healing process.

A distinctive feature of propolis from other antibacterial agents is that it does not provoke the development of dysbacteriosis and is not an irritant to the gastric mucosa. On the contrary, the components included in bee glue accelerate the healing process of erosion on the walls of the stomach. In addition, the beekeeping product helps strengthen local immunity.

After a course of use, experts note a significant improvement in the patients’ condition; they stop complaining of pain, indigestion, and heartburn disappears.

For colitis

Regarding the treatment of gastrointestinal colitis with propolis, almost any recipe described above can be used here. Colitis is an inflammatory disease, but the rich composition of “bee glue” allows you to quickly get rid of signs of inflammation, although for a complete recovery the patient must undergo a full course of medications, and sometimes more than one.

For stomach ulcers

There are some nuances that you need to know when taking propolis for stomach ulcers; you can use different recipes, but special attention should be paid to the alcohol tincture, which is taken in two stages. At the first stage, which is aimed at scarring the ulcer on the surface of the stomach or intestines, the tincture is taken one tablespoon three times a day. The course lasts three weeks, after which you need to take a week's break and move on to the second stage. The second stage involves taking the medicine every other day, and it is recommended to do this in the same dosage, but for three months.

Treatment can be supplemented by taking decoctions of medicinal herbs, as well as milk propolis drink. It is necessary to monitor the symptoms and condition of your body in order to understand whether it is worth repeating the course of therapy.

Sincerely, family apiary 'Jolly Hornet'

Propolis for gastrointestinal diseases

Good day!
My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on.

There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts:

Instagram page:

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Email: [email protected]

I consult for free.

Treatment of esophageal esophagitis with propolis tincture is in great demand, because every year the number of people suffering from this disease increases, and this method is gentle and effective.

Use for esophagitis

Esophagitis is a common pathology of the esophagus. It is often formed due to acidic contents entering the esophagus, resulting in damage to the esophageal mucosa. The disease can also be caused by an infection: Candida fungus, cytomegalovirus virus.

The clinical history of the disease is different, it depends on whether esophageal esophagitis is acute or chronic, as well as its type. Patients often complain of heartburn, belching, chest pain, and frequent pneumonia.

Treatment takes place under the strict supervision of a specialist. The patient must adhere to a gentle diet and in difficult cases it is also permissible to refuse to take food enterally.

Bee glue successfully fights infections, viruses, pain, and also protects the esophageal mucosa. The most effective in the case of esophagitis is the use of propolis tincture with sea buckthorn oil. To prepare you will need:

  • propolis tincture 10%;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Mix the tincture with oil in a percentage ratio of 10:1. The resulting product is consumed three times a day, dissolving 30 drops in water.

How to treat an esophageal ulcer

Esophageal ulcer is another disease that propolis works well against. Peptic ulcer is another name for this disease that occurs due to the effect of gastric juice on the esophagus.

Usually the disease occurs along with a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Difficulty swallowing food, gagging, heartburn and belching are typical symptoms of the disease. If you have an ulcer of the esophagus, you need to follow a strict diet.

It is necessary to exclude foods that promote the secretion of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membrane.

Treatment of esophageal ulcers with propolis is one of the alternative methods, and should be started immediately. A strict diet is a prerequisite.

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For treatment, take 10 drops of 20% propolis tincture with a glass of water. Use the product before meals, three times a day, the course lasts for 20 days.

The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • 40 g bee glue;
  • 100 ml 70% alcohol or vodka.

Pour alcohol into the bee product and mix thoroughly for 30 minutes. Place in a cool, dark place for 72 hours. Don't forget to mix periodically. Strain the mixture and take 20 drops 2 hours before eating. The course of treatment is 20 days with a break of 14 days and a repeat of the administration procedure.

Use for constipation

Constipation is a difficult act of defecation; in this case, bowel movements are difficult or irregular. Everyone suffers from constipation from time to time, both infants and the elderly.

Stress, sedentary lifestyle, diets, neoplasms, gastrointestinal diseases are the main stimulants of the disease.

At home, laundry soap is used for constipation in adults; in addition, you can get rid of the problem with the help of bee glue.

Propolis tincture for constipation is an effective folk remedy that has been used since ancient times. They loved it for its ease of preparation, quick effect, and antimicrobial and wound-healing functions. It contains a complex of beneficial properties and is prepared from completely natural products.

It is advisable to start treatment with a low concentration tincture of 10%. This product should be taken three times a day, 30 drops with a glass of water or 150 ml of milk, three times a day 40-60 minutes before meals.

If the body tolerates this product well, then after a week you can use an alcohol infusion of 30%.

Another option for treating constipation is to take 20 drops of 15% alcohol tincture of propolis diluted in a glass of warm water in the morning an hour before meals on an empty stomach.

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Candles for constipation

Propolis for constipation can be used in the form of a suppository. They are a strong, mildly acting natural antibiotic.

You need to be careful when using suppositories for diarrhea, because the resin they contain can aggravate the problem.

Suppositories can be used in the amount of one to relieve periodic constipation, and also as the main drug for treatment. The course is ten days, apply rectally three times a day.

Candles containing cocoa butter and bee glue are very popular. The ingredients should be taken in the following quantities:

  • 200 g fat base;
  • 100 g cocoa butter;
  • 50 g wax;
  • 50 g crushed bee glue.

The first step is to melt the base in a water bath and add cocoa butter, wax, and propolis. Mix everything well until smooth. Let cool and form suppositories. Store them in the refrigerator in cling film.

They also help get rid of uncomfortable sensations: pain, itching, burning. Never add frozen or stale fat of any origin to candles.

When preparing the product, the fat should be plastic and not remain on slightly damp fingers.

You can also buy candles at a pharmacy, because not everyone has the opportunity to prepare candles.

Microenema with propolis

An enema with propolis tincture into the rectum promotes wound healing, relieves inflammation and relieves pain in gastrointestinal diseases. It is used for constipation, flatulence, bloating, and can be used for diarrhea, but only under the supervision of a specialist.

To carry out the procedure, either an aqueous or an oil solution is used. You can perform an enema 2 times a day: morning and evening. Before administering the solution, you must do a regular cleansing enema.

Then you need to introduce a warm solution of bee glue or propolis oil. The patient should try to retain the fluid as much as possible, for about 30 minutes. And after the first procedure the patient will feel relief.

The process of natural emptying will improve quite quickly.

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Treating diarrhea with bee glue

Propolis tincture for diarrhea is a very effective remedy. The ingredients for the medicinal infusion are as follows:

  • 20 g calendula;
  • 10 g yarrow
  • 20 g plantain leaves;
  • 10 g nettle leaves;
  • 20 g of St. John's wort herb.

First of all, you need to mix all the ingredients. Then take 2 tbsp. pour 500 ml of water into the mixture and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Leave for two hours and strain. Take half a glass of the infusion 30 minutes before eating food, and at the same time take 40 drops of 10% propolis tincture orally for diarrhea. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Use for gastrointestinal problems

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with propolis tincture in alcohol is an excellent alternative to expensive and harmful treatment with medications. The product successfully treats gastritis, ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis. It carelessly removes attacks of poisoning, while the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is not injured, as when using antibiotics.

For treatment, you can use alcohol tincture of 10 and 20% concentration. You should take 20-30 drops, first diluting it in 100 ml of water. Take before meals. You can use warm milk instead of water.

The procedure for preparing the tincture is the same as described earlier.

Unbalanced nutrition, stress, poor ecology, and nerves, of course, affect the stomach and intestines, and propolis rightfully becomes an assistant on the path to recovery for gastrointestinal diseases.

Health to you!


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