Is it possible to eat herring under a fur coat if you have gastritis?

All types of fish, including herring, are enriched with protein - a building material necessary for the restoration and regeneration of the gastric mucosa damaged by gastritis. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which remove excess cholesterol from the body; fish cleanses of toxins and strengthens the entire body. But not all fish are equally safe for inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It all depends on the cooking method and the amount of fish oil.

What fish can you eat if you have gastritis?

Diet is a necessary part of treating the stomach with gastritis. This disease leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Therefore, the body does not receive enough proteins, fats and other necessary substances. Fish dishes during a therapeutic diet can relieve the inflammatory process. For them to be beneficial, you need to know what fish you can eat with gastritis, and also be able to properly prepare dishes from it. A balanced diet and proper living conditions will help you get rid of gastrointestinal diseases forever.


You should not get carried away with fried, pickled, smoked and dried fish. This is heavy food. It will only increase irritation of the mucous membrane and cause a new exacerbation of the disease.

Under no circumstances should you consume cod liver if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as it is very fatty and difficult to digest. Canned food is completely excluded from the patient’s diet. They contain many carcinogens, the effect of which on the gastric mucosa is quite dangerous.

Expert opinion

Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

River fish must be from a clean reservoir, then it will really be a healthy and safe food for people with stomach disorders. Otherwise, such a dish can easily cause digestive upset and further complicate the course of gastritis.

People prone to food allergies need to be very careful when consuming freshwater fish. This product often provokes hypersensitivity of the body.

On our website: What salads can you eat if you have gastritis?

How to choose the right fish?

When choosing products, buyers usually look at the date, wondering until when they can be consumed. This rule does not require additional comments. But what if you want to know which fish contains the least amount of fat? Typically this product is not labeled with the amount of fat, protein, or carbohydrates.

Recommended low-fat sea fish for gastritis:

These types contain no more than 90 kcal per 100 g of fat, with halibut containing slightly more (104 kcal). Among freshwater inhabitants, low-calorie species include tench, pike, perch, sturgeon, pike perch, carp and catfish.

Steam cutlets

This is one of the most popular dietary fish dishes. If you have gastritis, you cannot fry cutlets, so the steam version will be a real godsend for people suffering from this disease. To prepare these cutlets you will need:

  • 200-300 grams of pike perch.
  • ½ loaf.
  • 250 milliliters of milk.
  • 10 grams of butter.
  • Salt.

You need to start the process by preparing the fish. It is cleaned of skin, entrails and bones, washed and twisted through a meat grinder. A loaf of bread, soaked in milk in advance, is added to the resulting minced meat. Salt and butter are also sent there. The fish mass is thoroughly kneaded, cutlets are formed from it and cooked in a double boiler for twenty minutes.

Can it be used if you have gastritis?

Its unique composition enhances the body’s protective functions, has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, removes excess cholesterol and saturates the body with useful substances. A fresh, low-fat product will prevent diarrhea, nausea and stomach pain.

Light, rich fish for gastritis and in addition to it vegetables and fruits ensure that the body fully receives the necessary nutrients. The advantage of a diet with this product is that non-specific food intolerances are eliminated, and at the same time the body receives valuable proteins, vitamin D and minerals.

What kind of fish can you have for gastritis? Doctors recommend only low-calorie, high-quality varieties consisting of basic proteins. They also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for the body.

Attention! Steaming preserves maximum natural qualities.

The indisputable advantage of the product is that it is digested several times faster and better than any type of meat. During exacerbation of chronic gastritis, fish will help replenish the necessary nutrients.

What is the benefit

The main advantage of fish products is their biochemical composition. They are rich in proteins, optimally balanced in terms of essential amino acids, vitamins (A, D, B) and minerals (iodine, fluorine, zinc, copper). It is these components that determine the beneficial effect of fish on the body:

  • regulation of metabolism;
  • normalization of cholesterol;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • stabilization of thyroid function;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • activation of the brain.

Fish generally has a positive effect on the stomach due to its ease of digestion. But its digestibility largely depends on the fat content and method of preparation.

Is herring prohibited for stomach diseases?

Is it possible to eat herring with gastritis? The herring family has about 190 species. All of them contain many useful substances. There is even a saying: “The herring is on the table, the doctor is on the sidelines.” Despite its beneficial properties, it is usually eaten salted. And salt in a sick stomach is harmful to health. Therefore, herring dishes cause stomach irritation.

Properly prepared herring for gastritis helps the production of gastric juice. To prevent it from harming your health, it is advisable to soak the herring in milk for six hours. You need to eat herring in moderation and in proper combination with other foods. For gastritis with low acidity, as well as lack of appetite, herring is useful. Inadmissible for gastritis with high acidity.

What kind of fish is allowed?

It would be best if the fish were caught from clean waters. It must be non-greasy. The fat content of fish should not be higher than 4%. These are hake, pink salmon, pollock, pike perch, pollock, flounder, cod. River fish (burbot, pike, pike perch) is allowed, but it is not so healthy.

Of the red varieties, pink salmon and trout are allowed. They are low-fat varieties and are easily digestible. The minimum fat content will be sufficient to coat the gastric mucosa. After eating fatty fish, the condition worsens.

For gastritis with low acidity, during a calm period, it is allowed to consume salted herring to stimulate the production of digestive juice. But immediately before use, it will need to be soaked for about 4-6 hours in milk or tea. After an attack, you can only eat boiled herring.

For gastritis, it is recommended to cook fish in a double boiler, stew, bake in the oven or boil. Stewed or baked vegetables and pasta are served as a side dish. You can also prepare fish soup or cutlets for gastritis.

Healthy varieties of red fish

Red fish for gastritis is the best alternative to meat. Of its varieties, pink salmon, tuna and trout contain the least fat. Dishes made from them envelop the walls of the stomach and do not cause irritation. The most popular of the red varieties is salmon, but despite the pleasant taste, patients with stomach diseases should not consume this excessively fatty product.

For gastritis, red fish is usually included in the diet menu. Gentle dishes are prepared from it, which are allowed in the dietary table. Lean and juicy baked trout meat has a light, delicate and delicate taste. For illnesses with low acidity, trout soup is useful.

Red and black caviar for gastritis

Red fish for gastritis is the best alternative to meat. Of its varieties, pink salmon, tuna and trout contain the least fat. Dishes made from them envelop the walls of the stomach and do not cause irritation. The most popular of the red varieties is salmon, but despite the pleasant taste, patients with stomach diseases should not consume this excessively fatty product.

For gastritis, red fish is usually included in the diet menu. Gentle dishes are prepared from it, which are allowed in the dietary table. Lean and juicy baked trout meat has a light, delicate and delicate taste. For illnesses with low acidity, trout soup is useful.

If you think that dietary nutrition for gastritis means tasteless and bland food, then you are deeply mistaken. How to cook fish for gastritis? It is enough to know a few little tricks and not be afraid to experiment. It is not necessary to cook only soups. Modern cuisine is rich in recipes that will help you prepare a tasty and at the same time healthy dish.

Red fish is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. If you cook it in a slow cooker, it will turn out juicier and tastier.

Black caviar can be included in the diet, provided that the patient is in a stable state of remission, and should be consumed in small portions 2-3 times a week.

The consumption of black caviar is prohibited during gastritis with high acidity, during exacerbation of gastritis with low acidity and during acute gastritis.

Red caviar is allowed for gastritis at the stage of long-term remission. Consumption should be in small portions and not often. Frequent use can lead to a worsening of the condition and the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Red caviar is prohibited for acute gastritis, exacerbation of gastritis, and gastritis with high acidity, as it has a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

Fish 200 g, butter 12 g.

proteins - 32.0, fats - 10.0, calories - 220.

The fish is steamed for 30-35 minutes. and when finished, served with melted butter or bechamel sauce.

Pike perch soufflé

Boiled pike perch 100 g, bechamel 25 g, 2 eggs, mashed potatoes 50 g, grated cheese 10 g.

proteins - 36.5, fats - 19.5, carbohydrates - 12.0 calories - 380.

Boiled pike perch or puffed white fish, peeled from skin and bones, are finely chopped and rubbed through a sieve; add bechamel, mashed potatoes and yolks to the minced meat, rub again through a sieve, beat for 15 minutes. and add the whipped whites; The resulting mass is placed in a mold greased with butter, sprinkled with grated cheese, covered with a lid and baked for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 70-80° or steamed.

Soak the herring in milk or cold black tea for 6 hours before eating. This method helps get rid of excess salt in fish.

The recipe is healthy for gastritis with low acidity.

Water 350 ml, red lean fish (fillet, head, ridge), onion 1 piece, carrot 1 piece, celery root 1 piece, vegetable oil 1 tablespoon, potatoes 2 pieces, salt.

Rich broth is recommended with low acidity; with high and normal levels of acidity - contraindicated; in such cases, you should prepare a light broth using only fillet.

While the broth is preparing, simmer onions, carrots and celery root in vegetable oil and water, then add to the broth. We take out the fish parts. We throw away the fish backbone and head. Finely chop the fish fillet and potatoes and place in the broth until cooked. Add salt.

Water 350 ml, lean fish 150 g, egg white, salt, homemade crackers.

After preparing the broth, chop the fish, pour the whipped egg white into the pan and stir.

Add salt and prepare crackers.

Fish 500 g (pike perch, pollock, chum salmon), egg, half an onion, milk, a piece of black bread, salt.

Grind the fish in a blender along with the egg and finely chopped onion. Pour milk over the bread, wait until it gets wet, then add to the minced meat and add salt. Place in a double boiler/multi-cooker/water bath and cook for 15-20 minutes.

Pike perch 400 g, carrots 100 g, butter 50 g, 1 onion, salt, foil.

Place salted fish on foil, greased with oil, top with coarsely chopped onions, pieces of butter, and sprinkle with grated carrots. Wrap in foil and cook for 20 minutes in the oven at 1800.

Steamed fish

500 g pink salmon, foil.

The dish is prepared without salt, but even if you add salt, you must remember that when cooking in a double boiler, you need to put less of it than usual. Cut the gutted, washed fish crosswise into pieces 2-3 cm thick. Remove the fish skin and subcutaneous fat. Place on foil in a steamer so it doesn't become dry and all the juice stays in it. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

What fish is unacceptable for gastritis?

The main factor for giving up a certain type is the amount of fat. Fatty varieties include: carp, sturgeon, beluga, catfish, stellate sturgeon, salmon, herring, cod liver, dried roach. They increase the damage to the stomach lining caused by stomach disease and can also lead to the formation of stomach ulcers. To avoid diarrhea, a feeling of a full stomach, pain and nausea, it is better not to eat fatty fish if you have gastritis.

Important. If there is a certain intolerance, it is important to exclude the corresponding fish products from the diet.

But you also need to know how to cook it correctly. Eating smoked fish is acceptable during remission of a chronic stomach disease, but it is better if it is smoked yourself. Marinated, canned or smoked fish for acute gastritis can lead to diarrhea, bloating and other ailments. Dried and dried fish increases acidity in the stomach. Therefore, it is better to avoid such dishes altogether.

Is it possible to eat herring if you have gastritis?

If a patient has gastritis with low acidity, then he is not forbidden to eat salted herring. A patient with gastritis with high acidity can also eat it, but there is no need to do this often. And it is advisable to cut this product into fillets and soak in water or milk so that the excess comes out salt. And if it is lightly salted, then it will not cause harm when consumed. Salted herring essentially increases acidity in the body, so this is fraught for those who have high acidity. Therefore, if there is no seasonal exacerbation of gastritis, salted herring can be included in your diet .And after soaking it will be a safe and tasty product.

In the acute stage, you cannot eat herring with gastritis. As for the remission stage, with chronic gastritis you can eat herring, just don’t add too much salt to it, let it be lightly salted. And without vinegar.

If you are at the stage of exacerbation of gastritis, then you should definitely abstain from salted herring as well as salted fish. It is better to avoid everything salty, pickled, fatty, smoked, fried and alcohol. Then, when the exacerbation subsides, you can eat salted herring little by little. Preferably lightly salted, not too salty and without vinegar.

In case of acute gastritis, it is best to avoid salted herring, as this can further aggravate your condition. During an exacerbation, it is necessary to follow a diet and avoid foods that can irritate the stomach. If gastritis is not acute, then nothing will happen from a couple of pieces of lightly salted herring.

If we exclude the period of exacerbation of gastritis, when the diet should be as gentle as possible, then otherwise a patient with gastritis can eat almost everything, only in small quantities. It should be taken into account that gastritis occurs with both high acidity and low acidity. It is known from cooking that salted, smoked, fish and meat dishes enhance secretion and therefore are less dangerous for patients with gastritis with low acidity than for patients with high acidity. Also, when eating herring, you should give preference to home-salted fish rather than spicy ones. And eat herring for your health, just don’t get carried away with this process. Sometimes limiting the consumption of your favorite product is a hundred times more harmful than consuming it.

Whether you can eat herring with gastritis or not depends on whether there is currently an exacerbation and what kind of gastritis you have. When gastritis worsens, the gastric mucosa does not protect the stomach walls from aggressive foods (spicy, salty, fried, etc.) and this leads to the fact that such food corrodes the mucous membrane even more. Therefore, herring should not be eaten only during exacerbation of gastritis, and with erosive gastritis, herring should not be eaten at all.

Fish in batter

You can occasionally treat yourself to this dish when you achieve stable remission from gastritis with high acidity. The fish used for its preparation must be fresh and lean. Cod, hake, pike perch or pollock are most suitable for these purposes. Before starting the process, see if you have on hand:

  • 300 grams of fish fillet.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • A couple of eggs.
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.
  • Salt and refined vegetable oil.

The washed and dried fillet is cut into portions of the desired size, salted and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour. In the meantime, you can make the batter. To prepare it, combine egg yolks, milk and flour in a bowl. Add the whipped whites into the resulting liquid and mix gently.

The cooled fish is dipped in batter and placed in a heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Fry the pieces for several minutes on each side.

Video: Brovchenko family. How to properly clean herring. Which “uniform” is better?

Despite the fact that herring is a fairly fatty fish, you can eat it if you have gastritis, but gradually add it to your diet menu. How to do this correctly? The fact is that this fish helps increase acidity, so it should be added to your diet when the pain goes away. In salted form, it is administered simultaneously with fermented milk products if the acidity of the stomach is reduced. It is also recommended to eat fresh or frozen fish.

Like any other fish, herring is rich in proteins, which are so useful and necessary for gastritis. It contains omega-3 acids, which remove cholesterol from the human body, which is so harmful, and also reduce the possibility of heart and vascular diseases by 40%. In this sense, fatty fish of this type is even useful, because the “thicker” it is, the richer the product is in medicinal acids.

Herring also contains selenium, which has a positive effect on the human body, especially those with gastritis, because selenium can even help with stomach ulcers, which develop as a complication of gastritis. It also helps reduce the risk of stomach cancer.

Recommended varieties

For any problems with the digestive system, you can eat low-fat fish caught in clean natural reservoirs. It is considered an excellent source of phosphorus, minerals and saturated acids, which contribute to the rapid restoration of damaged gastric mucosa. In addition, it contains useful protein molecules that have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Having figured out whether it is possible to eat fish for gastritis, you must definitely mention specific varieties. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are advised to add flounder, navaga, roach, pollock, cod, pink salmon and hake to their diet. It is also acceptable to eat less healthy river fish, such as pike, pike perch or burbot.

Video: How to peel herring quickly and without bones

Now let's look at some of the recipes that can be prepared from herring for gastritis:

  1. Baked minced herring. You will need 65 g of fish, 68 g of meat, 133 g of potatoes, 10 g of sour cream, ¼ pcs. eggs, 10 g butter, 5 g cheese and 12 g onions. The fish must be cleaned and removed from the bone, then soaked in running water for 8-10 hours. Peel the potatoes and cook them like meat. Then you need to pass the fish through a meat grinder, as well as meat, potatoes and onions. Put everything in a saucepan, add 7 g of sour cream and mashed egg. Beat everything well. Grease the frying pan with oil and lay out the prepared mixture, then grease everything on top with sour cream, and then sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake the dish in the oven until done.
  2. Fish soup . This recipe is very often used for gastritis, as all its components are beneficial. You will need boned herring, carrots, onions and potatoes. Place all the ingredients in a saucepan, add a minimum of spices and cook until tender. Then you can puree everything.
  3. Steamed fish cutlets. We will need 200-300 grams of fish, half a loaf, butter, one glass of milk, 10 g and salt to taste. We clean the fish from skin and bones, pass the fillet through a meat grinder, add the loaf, previously soaked in milk. Mix everything well and pour in the melted butter. Then we form cutlets and cook in a double boiler for fifteen to twenty minutes.

How to cook

The method of preparing fish dishes is also important. Smoked, salted, fried, pickled, and canned fish are definitely prohibited for gastritis. Salt, spices and preservatives irritate the gastric mucosa, increasing inflammation. Carcinogenic substances formed during frying and smoking are difficult to digest and provoke the development of cancer.

You can eat salted fish only after soaking or with a slight addition of salt. The fish can be stewed, boiled, steamed, in a slow cooker, or baked in the oven.

It goes well with thermally processed vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, zucchini. During the cooking process, many people like to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, which successfully emphasizes its taste.

If the acidity of the gastric contents is high, you need to be careful with such additives. Of course, a few drops of lemon juice will not cause serious damage, but you still shouldn’t generously cover the fillet with pieces of citrus.

The benefits of fish for gastritis

Gastroenterologists and nutritionists say that fish contains easily digestible protein. Therefore, people suffering from inflammation of the gastric mucosa are recommended to prefer this product to all types of meat, in particular pork, which is digested in the gastrointestinal tract after 6 hours. For complete absorption and assimilation of the fish, 1.5-2 hours is enough. In addition to “light” protein, fish meat is rich in minerals, phosphorus, vitamins, polyunsaturated acids Omega 3, 6 and 9, which are necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the body as a whole, especially in case of digestive problems. The unique component composition of the product triggers regeneration processes, activates the protective functions of gastric mucus, starts digestion, which increases appetite.

Is it possible to eat fish?

Gastritis is a contraindication for eating smoked, fatty and fried fish. For gastritis of the stomach, it is allowed to eat exclusively boiled or steamed fish, but low-fat varieties are acceptable - up to 4% fat. Such a product does not harm, but benefits the damaged body. The best option for a diet for gastritis would be to include in the menu dishes with such varieties of aquatic inhabitants as:

  • hake;
  • cod meat (no liver);
  • pink salmon;
  • zander;
  • haddock;
  • vobla;
  • pollock;
  • navaga;
  • lemonema;
  • pollock;
  • flounder.

Of the varieties of red fish meat, it is better to prefer pink salmon and trout, since only they contain a small amount of fat, sufficient for an enveloping, non-irritating effect. Fish meat of the listed species can be used to prepare light broths, fish soup, steamed cutlets and other gentle dishes allowed in the diet.

What kind of fish can you eat?

Patients are allowed to eat boiled or steamed fish. Acceptable fat content is four percent. You can eat river and sea fish. The list is presented:

  • sea ​​flounder;
  • pollock;
  • hake;
  • pollock;
  • zander;
  • haddock;
  • navaga;
  • Lemonema.

These varieties are low-fat, so they will not irritate the mucous membranes. Patients can treat themselves to fish broth, steamed cutlets and meatballs, and fish soup.

Is herring allowed?

Separately, you should consider the possibility of eating salted fish. Due to serious dietary restrictions for gastritis, which vary depending on the form, type and nature of the disease, it is difficult to answer unequivocally whether you can or cannot eat herring. It is definitely forbidden to eat pickled, salted, smoked herring, as these products irritate the inflamed gastric mucosa.

In the stage of stable remission, moderate consumption of herring obtained in the classical way is allowed. This is explained by the fact that when properly prepared, salted fish promotes the production of gastric juice, which is necessary for gastritis with low acidity, as well as for exhaustion due to lack of appetite. To achieve this effect, salted fish is soaked in tea or milk for 6 hours before consumption.

But eating herring in any form is unacceptable during high acidity, the acute phase of gastritis, or during an exacerbation of chronic inflammation. In these cases, gastroenterologists even recommend chewing for a while. As the attack subsides, you are allowed to eat only fresh boiled herring. Other types of fish are prepared according to the easy and tasty recipes presented below.

Table recipes

Fish soup

The dish is prepared from ingredients that are approved and useful for gastritis, so it can be consumed even on a strict menu. Take boned herring, fresh carrots, onions and potatoes. The crushed ingredients are poured into a saucepan with lightly salted water and cooked until tender. The dish is served pureed until pureed.

Baked cod

The following ingredients are used to prepare the dish: cod fillet; pasteurized milk; Wheat flour; any vegetable oil; salt. Pieces of prepared cod fillet are simmered in water for 15 minutes. While the fish is cooking, the flour is dried in a frying pan, after which milk is introduced into it in a thin stream. The mixture is boiled until it becomes a liquid sauce. The cooked fish is placed in a baking tray, poured with the resulting sauce, topped with oil, salted and placed in the oven for 10 minutes.

Fish soufflé

For cooking you will need 400 g fish (any low-fat fish), 1 tbsp. l. flour, 10 g butter, half a glass of milk, 2 eggs, herbs and salt (to taste). The fish should be cleaned of bones and skin, steamed, and passed through a meat grinder with a fine mesh twice. The dressing with milk and flour is prepared in the same way as for baking cod. The minced fish is mixed with the yolks, then the whipped whites are added. The minced meat along with the sauce is placed on a sheet greased with butter. The sheet is placed in a water bath under the lid and brought to readiness. The dish is served with fresh herbs.

Dietary recipes

Nutrition for stomach problems can be quite varied. From the permitted varieties of fish you can prepare a huge number of not only healthy, but also tasty dishes.

Hake soup

The ear contains a large amount of useful substances, so it can be eaten even with an exacerbation of the pathological process. To prepare the soup, you need to take hake, peel it, remove the insides and bones, and cut it into small proportional pieces. If desired, you can replace it with another low-fat type of fish.

Lightly salted water needs to be boiled, then add fish pieces and chopped vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots) to it. In the remission stage, it is allowed to do a weak frying. After the soup is ready, you can add a little greenery to it. Pepper and other spices are prohibited. After removing the pan from the heat, its contents should be crushed to a puree.

Steamed fish meatballs from pollock

For this recipe you need to prepare the following products:

  • pollock fillet – 500 grams;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • eggs – 1-2 pcs.;
  • crumb of white bread - 2 pieces;
  • milk – 70 ml.

The first step is to grind the fish fillet through a meat grinder or blender. You can buy ready-made minced meat. The bread pulp is soaked in milk, then squeezed out and added to the fish. Chopped onion, eggs and a pinch of salt are also sent there. Everything mixes well. Then small round cutlets are formed, which are placed in a slow cooker and steamed for about half an hour.

Baked cod with onions and herbs

In order to cook delicious fish in the oven, you need the following products:

  • cod fillet – 500 grams;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 20-30 grams;
  • parsley and dill - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • pasteurized milk – 100 ml.

The fish fillet must be washed well, dried and cut into portions, which should then be boiled for 5-10 minutes in salted water. In a frying pan without oil, you need to fry the flour, gradually pour milk into it and boil the sauce for 2-3 minutes. Then cut out small squares from the foil, place the chopped onion in the middle and the cod on top of it. After this, the fish is poured with milk sauce and sprinkled with chopped herbs. The wrapped envelopes are sent to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Pike perch soufflé

To prepare this interesting recipe you need the following products:

  • pike perch fillet – 500 grams;
  • flour – 20 grams;
  • eggs – 2-3 pcs.;
  • low fat milk – 150 ml;
  • butter – 20-30 grams;
  • greens – 1 tbsp. spoon.

The fish fillet needs to be washed, boiled a little in salted water, then grind with a blender or through a meat grinder until pureed. While the fish is boiling, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, the flour is fried in a dry frying pan and milk is poured into it. Everything is mixed and brought to a boil. Now you can do the eggs. The yolks need to be added to the minced meat, and the whites must be beaten with salt until they form a thick foam and also gradually added to the puree mass. The soufflé is laid out in molds greased with butter, sprinkled with chopped herbs and poured with milk sauce. You can cook the dish in a water bath or in the oven.

Cooking rules

Before using recipes, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the cooking rules. It is important not to use the frying method in oil. Such food is a carcinogen not only for gastritis, but also for a healthy body. The ideal cooking method is steaming, stewing and baking. But you shouldn’t completely give up oil. It is better to add it at the end of cooking. This is how pink salmon, trout, cod, herring and other types of fish are prepared. But you shouldn’t choose the menu yourself; only your doctor will tell you what kind of fish you should eat and how best to prepare it.

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