Vegetables for gastritis with high acidity

The benefits of vegetables for gastritis

Although beets are considered a simple and affordable vegetable, they have a lot of benefits. The product can improve digestion. Beets have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The fiber contained in the product improves peristalsis.

The pectin contained in the product reduces cholesterol levels and restores the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The vegetable has the ability to protect against inflammation and eliminate it. Special components have a diuretic effect and increase metabolism. Beets contain components valuable for the body - sodium, iron, iodine, phosphorus.

Healthy recipes

There are many ways to serve beets. The most popular recipes for gastritis are the following:

  1. Salad. You need to cook half a medium-sized beetroot. Grate the peeled apple. Products are mixed; you can add a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream to them.
  2. The vinaigrette. 3 potato tubers, 2 beets and carrots are boiled, after which the vegetables are chopped and mixed. You can add herbs and butter to them.
  3. Salad with prunes. The cooked beets are cut into cubes and mixed with prunes. Sour cream and honey are added to the salad.

Diseases of the digestive tract always require special treatment and a proper diet. How is boiled beets used for gastritis? When will this product be beneficial and when will it be harmful? How to prepare a dish with beets to reveal all its positive properties?

Is it possible for gastritis?

Beetroot is useful for gastritis; you just need to know in what form it is preferable to consume it so that it does not harm your health. Due to its high fiber content, the vegetable is considered solid (in its raw form) and during digestion improves the formation of gastric juice. The root vegetable is rich in acid. Therefore, fresh beets for gastritis with high acidity are undesirable, as they will injure the stomach. It is forbidden to eat fresh vegetables.

High in acid content, the fresh root vegetable is consumed during relief of the disease. You should not add hot spices or mayonnaise to your dishes. Due to hot seasonings, the gastric mucosa is irritated and nausea occurs. You should not eat pickled vegetables. But boiled beets will be very useful for gastritis with high acidity, as well as low acidity. It is better to season the salad with olive oil or low-fat sour cream. It must be taken into account that dishes are prepared not only from the root, but also from the leaves, which are rich in a large amount of vitamins.

In what form should beets be consumed?

Let's consider whether freshly squeezed beet juice is suitable for gastritis.

Many patients treated with beetroot juice complain of deterioration of their condition, vomiting, and a drop in pulse. When choosing juice therapy, follow the rules:

  • It is undesirable to combine beets with yeast products; mixing causes fermentation. You should not eat the vegetable with kvass or sour juice.
  • The best option is slightly warmed beet juice, drunk on an empty stomach. Food is taken after 15 minutes.
  • The drink is drunk for weak immunity, constipation and vitamin deficiency.
  • Thanks to the juice, the stomach and intestines are cleansed of waste and toxins. For a weak stomach, mix the juice with oatmeal.
  • When treating gastritis with beet juice, remember that the drink cannot be drunk in unlimited quantities. In addition to water, the squeeze is diluted with carrot juice. For 10 parts carrot juice there is 1 part beet juice. The ratio is gradually increased in favor of beet juice and reaches a ratio of 1:1. The freshly squeezed drink needs to brew for two hours, then it is allowed to be diluted with carrot juice. Patients suffering from hypertension dilute the juice with honey.

Boiled vegetable

After cooking, the root vegetable retains its vitamins. This product can eliminate the pain that appears from excess acidity. The vegetable can relieve inflammation. Is it possible to eat boiled beets with gastritis? In this form it will be most useful in case of illness.

Eating vegetables improves your mood and gives you a lot of strength, which is especially necessary for recovery. Processed beets are used for high-acid exacerbation of gastritis, but they should be eaten in limited quantities. The root vegetable is added to first courses and salads. It is used as a component of casseroles.


Sometimes beets are prohibited.

  1. It is undesirable to eat beets in large quantities, even for healthy people. Excessive consumption will increase acidity and lead to complications.
  2. Beets for gastritis interfere with the full absorption of calcium.
  3. Oxalic acid contained in the root vegetable provokes the formation of erosion. For gastritis, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal diseases, beets should be carefully introduced into the diet.
  4. You should not eat beets if you have diarrhea due to their laxative properties.
  5. Vegetable fibers harm the vulnerable walls of the stomach.
  6. The vegetable is prone to the accumulation of substances hazardous to health. The place close to the tops is especially dangerous. Cut off the area at the base of the root crop along with the foliage.
  7. If the disease worsens, it is advisable to avoid beets until you feel better. If inflammation is present in the digestive system, consuming the product causes stomach pain, heartburn, and heaviness in the stomach.

Beet juice

For gastritis, beets are consumed in the form of juice. Only it will be useful for low acidity. A drink made from raw vegetables has a stimulating effect and restores stomach function in case of insufficient secretion. You should not drink juice if your illness worsens.

A freshly squeezed drink is useful, not a store-bought one, since the latter contains additives and preservatives. To obtain the drink, you should make sure that you are using a product grown in an environmentally friendly place. The drink should not be consumed if you have diarrhea or food allergies. Before use, you should consult your doctor to find out about the possibility of taking juice and the norm.

Benefits of beets for the body

Let's talk about the beneficial properties of the root vegetable. They are truly impressive:

  • Due to its high fiber content, beets restore the microflora in the intestines.
  • It is a powerful remedy in the fight against constipation.
  • Significantly reduces cholesterol.
  • Removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • The product contains a lot of iron. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
  • High iodine content is another reason to eat beet salad regularly. It restores the functioning of the pancreas and is useful for pancreatitis.


Boiled beets are useful for gastritis, and in this form they retain their beneficial properties. It must be prepared in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the root crop. It is cooked unpeeled; before and during cooking it is necessary to ensure that the peel is not damaged.

Heat treatment should last no more than 15 minutes. The product is processed in a pan and in the oven. To do this, the vegetable should be thoroughly washed and you can cook it. If the processing will take place in the oven, then the root vegetables should be wrapped in a double layer of foil. And you should add a small amount of vegetable oil to it.

Does it matter how a vegetable is cooked?

Cooking options for the disease - gastritis.


Fully preserves medicinal properties, microelements and vitamins. Boiled beets:

  • relieves pain in the stomach;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • cleanses the intestinal walls;
  • triggers immune processes in the body.

Important! For gastritis, it is advisable to eat boiled beets in moderation.

Cooking process:

  1. Choose a medium-sized root vegetable with thin skin and bright colors.
  2. Bring water to boil and rinse the vegetable thoroughly with a soft brush. Take care of the skin. There is no need to cut the roots.
  3. Place the beets in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes over low heat.
  4. The beets are cooked; using a slotted spoon, sharply lower the root vegetable under cold water. The temperature difference speeds up the readiness of the beets.


The preferred method of preparing beets for people with stomach problems. Grate the baked vegetable and store in the refrigerator.

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Wrap the beets in foil or a cooking sleeve and place in the oven for 1-2 hours.
  3. Pierce the root vegetable. The toothpick goes in easily - the beets are ready.

Beet juice

“Aggressive”, irritating drink for the gastric mucosa. In small quantities it is acceptable for people with low acidity. The juice, with its acidic background, stimulates the secretion of the stomach, food is digested in full.


  1. Wash the beets, peel and cut into pieces.
  2. Pass through a juicer.

The squeezed juice should not be drunk immediately due to the risk of a sharp drop in blood pressure. The drink is infused in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

You need to start drinking juice with two tablespoons and observe how the body reacts. Gradually bring to half a glass. It is recommended to mix with water.


Attention! When using the root crop in its original form, it is necessary to cut off the area around the tops. Nitrates and toxic substances accumulate here.

The rough texture of the raw product easily injures inflamed mucous membranes. Beets, baked and boiled, are more beneficial.


You can prepare different dishes from vegetables:

  1. Salad. You need to boil and grate ½ beet and 1 carrot. You also need to peel and grate the apple. Mix the ingredients, add low-fat sour cream (3 tbsp.).
  2. The vinaigrette. You will need potatoes (2 tubers), beets (1 root vegetable), carrots. Vegetables must be boiled and cut into cubes. The products need to be mixed, dill, salt and vegetable oil added.
  3. Sweet salad. Add chopped prunes to the boiled beets. The salad should be mixed with sour cream and honey.

Beets are a healthy and tasty vegetable. It contains a lot of glucose and fructose. In addition to problems with acidity, the root vegetable is useful in blocking blood vessels, preventing anemia and cancer. There are many ways to prepare the vegetable. The main thing is to remember the norm and technology for processing root crops.

How to make medicine using beets

Fans of juice therapy should know that drinking fresh beet juice is prohibited even for healthy people. Before drinking the prepared drink, it is recommended to place the liquid in the refrigerator for an hour.

A freshly prepared drink contains many harmful substances that are dangerous to blood vessels. By letting the juice brew for an hour, the harmful substances disappear, while the beneficial substances remain. Therefore, gastroenterologists allow patients to drink beetroot juice only after infusion.

This juice is useful to drink for anemia, vitamin deficiency, and loss of strength. The drink as a medicine is first consumed in a small spoon. The dose is increased gradually. If the body gets used to the juice, it is permissible to drink in large quantities.

Beets are an excellent laxative in case of constipation. The vegetable should be boiled, chopped and seasoned with sunflower oil. In case of disorders, it is better to remove the product from the menu.


It is important to use a quality product. When choosing it, you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. When purchasing table beets, you should look at the size of the root crop. This vegetable usually has a round shape. It is advisable to purchase beets with a diameter of 6-12 cm.
  2. It is necessary to inspect the root crop. It should have a dense structure, no damage to the skin, and no traces of rot.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to the color of the vegetable. In a high-quality root vegetable it is burgundy-red with a purple tint. Betaine, found in beets, makes the color rich.
  4. Before cooking, the vegetable must be cut in half. The color of the beets in the cut should be uniform. If there are white spots or rings, then we can conclude: the beets were grown with fertilizers or this is a fodder variety.
  5. It is advisable to buy a vegetable with a green top part, especially since it can be used to make a salad.

Recipes with beets

For gastritis, beets can be eaten raw, in small quantities.
The vegetable is crushed using a grater or blender and mixed with other ingredients for the salad. Boiled root vegetables are eaten even with high sugar levels; if cooked, the glucose level is zero. Boiled beets are allowed to be consumed in case of constipation and other digestive difficulties. Beets are included in the list of permitted foods in therapeutic diets. The root vegetable is used to make casseroles, soups, and salads. The recipes outlined below are easy to prepare and will not harm patients with digestive problems.

Making beet pesto

For the dish you will need two beets, 50 g of Parmesan, and a clove of garlic. For the sauce, take a quarter of a glass of pine nuts and olive oil. The beets are washed, cut into halves, and placed in the oven for 60 minutes. It is advisable to first wrap the vegetable in food foil. Grate Parmesan on a fine grater and chop the garlic.

The finished beets are crushed and sent to a blender, Parmesan, garlic and oil are added and blended.

Borscht with hake and beets

For borscht you will need 300 g of hake, two potatoes, two beets, and sweet pepper. Garlic, oil, salt are added to taste. For a sour taste, add fresh lemon juice to the borscht. The best spices for borscht are bay leaves and green onions.

Fish fillets are cut into small pieces and placed in a liter pan. Add water and place the fish on low heat. After 5 minutes, the pan is removed from the gas stove, the beets, sweet peppers and potatoes are chopped into strips. Finely chop the garlic.

Beets are stewed with lemon juice and a small amount of cooked fish broth. After 15 minutes, remove from heat. Sweet peppers are placed in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil.

Then lightly roasted peppers are added to the beets. Add raw potatoes and remaining fish broth. When ready, add pieces of hake, chopped herbs and garlic to the broth.

The dish should be served with sour cream. Boiled beets are served with mashed potatoes, buckwheat, and pasta. Diet cutlets are made from the vegetable, the recipe for which is given below.

Beetroot cutlets

To prepare this dish you will need 7 beets, a couple of eggs, 100 g of semolina, half a spoon of salt, and vegetable oil. Peel the beets and grate them using a grater. Garlic, semolina, salt and eggs are added to the resulting composition and stirred. Using a spoon, cutlets are formed and placed in a hot frying pan. Fry for 3 minutes on each side.

Composition of table beets

Table beets are often used as a food product in various dishes, so it is advisable to consider its composition. In fact, there are other types of this plant, for example, sugar.

The beet root crop is one of the few that can boast of its unique biochemical composition . Per 100 grams of root vegetables:

  • 86% water,
  • 1.5% protein,
  • 2.7% dietary fiber,
  • 0.1% lipids,
  • as much as 9% carbohydrates and 0.7% ash.
  • All this amounts to approximately 40 kcal.

Amazingly, most of the nutrients are retained after cooking . This is because minerals and B vitamins are resistant to changing temperature conditions. Thus, beets are useful both fresh and boiled .

The mineral and vitamin composition is very diverse. All the necessary macro- and microelements are found in one vegetable:

  • These are positive ions (cations) of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron.
  • Negative (anions) - sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine and so on.

The percentage of retinol (vitamin A), especially in the leaves and stems , is high. B vitamins (higher in percentage of thiamine - B1 and riboflavin - B2).

According to systematic reviews of the effects of B vitamins, scientists recommend the use of this group of vitamins to prevent the development of cancer.

Apparently, it is no coincidence that beets are credited with the properties of preventing carcinogenesis. Also present are ascorbic, folic, pantothenic, and nicotinic acids. All these acids belong to the group of vitamins. Additionally, there are unsaturated acids in the form of oxalic, malic and citric. Pigment gives beets their burgundy-red color. This pigment is called a carotenoid.

Positive effect on the functional state of the body

Thanks to such a rich content, beets are involved in the processes of strengthening the immune system . Especially in winter, when the body needs a lot of vitamins.

For colds, beets are the main helper. Its components fight inflammatory processes.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to instill fresh beet juice into the nose at the initial manifestations of a cold.

The product has a low calorie content, so it is prescribed as a recommended product for a diet for weight loss. With its low calorie content, the vegetable provides powerful energy. Betaine, or trimethylglycine in other words, is involved in important processes of lipid metabolism, and therefore reduces the risk of the appearance of fatty inclusions in hepatocytes (liver cells). The trimethyl derivative of glycine is not destroyed during cooking, so it does not matter whether it is freshly squeezed juice or boiled beets.

People suffering from anemia should definitely eat beetroot . Heart function becomes better, the walls of damaged or weak capillaries are strengthened. Micron-sized blood clots can dissolve and, accordingly, the risk of developing thrombosis will be reduced. The risk of developing atherosclerosis and hypertension is significantly reduced.

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Thanks to nitrates, blood circulation is activated during hemostasis. As mentioned above, B vitamins prevent the formation of malignant tumors. People with hypothyroidism find it very useful to consume beets because they contain a sufficient amount of iodine. This is especially true in endemic areas. Folic acid “rejuvenates” the body, as it stimulates the growth of new cells, and when taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the neural tube of the fetus.

One of the most significant functions was left for last. The root vegetable is actively involved in digestion processes , namely, it affects the functioning of the intestines.

Beets are a savior of chronic constipation. Especially if the boiled root vegetable is cut into pieces and poured with vegetable oil. Fiber stimulates peristalsis. Pectin substances prevent putrefactive microflora from developing.

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