Pain in the epigastric region radiating to the back

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Unfortunately, people often ignore the fact that stomach pain radiates to the back and think that it is caused by age or fatigue, especially if the unpleasant symptoms are minor and periodic. However, just the same pain syndrome is an alarming signal from the body about the formation of pathological processes in it. If stomach pain radiates to the back, you can judge a number of serious diseases, and it is very important to diagnose them in time.

Causes and possible diseases

In the absence of diseases of the spine, there may be certain pathologies of the organs, called irradiating or reflected. For example, when stomach pain radiates to the back, the patient may suffer from severe liver colic, acute cholecystitis or chronic pancreatitis. This symptomatology is also typical for ulcers that are located in the duodenum or stomach.

With these diseases, as a rule, the pain sensations are similar to each other and appear on the right, then radiate to the lower back or collarbone. Patients experience severe pain just below the shoulder blades and near the base of the neck.

Such attacks can last for several minutes or a week. They are most often accompanied by fever, severe nausea and occasional vomiting. When your back and stomach hurt badly, it is imperative to establish the root cause that causes the unpleasant syndrome. It should be remembered that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, but if the pain sometimes radiates to the anus, we recommend reading this article for information: -zadniy-prohod-prichinyi-i-shema-lecheniya.

Why does it occur and what other symptoms is it accompanied by?

Inflammatory reaction in the stomach

Often pain in the stomach area, which also affects the spine and lower back, may be a consequence of the development of gastritis. Gastric pathology provokes dystrophic disorders in the internal organ. For a long time, the disease can occur in a latent form, without manifesting itself in any way. A patient with gastritis may experience severe pain in the stomach, liver, back and cramps after eating. Sharp painful attacks are complemented by nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and other disorders.

Less commonly, with an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, pain is referred to the neck, shoulder or lower extremities.

Manifestation of pancreatitis in acute form

If your stomach and back hurt at the same time, this may be the first sign of inflammation of the pancreas. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms, including:

Constipation can be an additional symptom of pancreatic inflammation.

  • urge to vomit;
  • unpleasant belching;
  • bloating and flatulence;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the abdominal cavity;
  • frequent constipation;
  • rash on the skin;
  • problems with water balance.

When acute pancreatitis occurs, a person complains of distinct pain in the back and stomach. Often unpleasant feelings appear in the kidneys, between the shoulder blades and in the neck area. The pain can be sharp or aching and constantly bother you. Often with inflammation there is a pathological rash around the navel. With pancreatitis, pain under the left shoulder blade can be mistaken for heart disease.

Peptic ulcer

Stomach pain radiating to the back, shoulders and other parts of the body may be a manifestation of an ulcer of an internal organ. In pathology, a spasm, a burning sensation in the abdominal cavity is also noted. A person experiences relief when taking a horizontal position. A stomach ulcer may be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, and blood streaks or mucous patches may be detected in the stool. With a peptic ulcer, pain is noted at the level of the center of the abdomen, and the sensations are intense. Often the pain radiates to the lower back or radiates under the left shoulder blade.

Perforated type of ulcer

When an ulcer of the digestive organ is perforated, the patient may sweat profusely.
Pain in the kidneys, in the spine and stomach can be associated with a through wound of the gastric wall, which occurs against the background of a peptic ulcer. The pain often radiates to the right side of the ribs. Against the background of a perforated ulcer, the patient is often bothered by internal bleeding of varying intensity. This condition can be dangerous to health and cause death if the patient is not treated within 3 hours. Girdle pain in the stomach and spine is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • pale skin;
  • blueness under the eyes;
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat;
  • increased accumulation of gases that are unable to exit the body normally;
  • excessive sweat production;
  • heartburn.

Signs of hepatic colic

When severe pain in the stomach radiates to the back, similar symptoms may be accompanied by cholelithiasis. The pathological condition is characterized by the formation of stones in the liver, which impair the function of the organ. The deviation negatively affects metabolic processes, causing burning pain in the shoulder blade, abdomen, and back. For spasms that occur due to colic, the doctor prescribes special nutrition and medications.

How does myocardial infarction manifest?

If your back hurts between your shoulder blades and you have discomfort in your stomach, then such symptoms are characteristic of the gastralgic type of disease.

In case of myocardial infarction, the pain syndrome may be accompanied by dizziness.
Against the background of the disease, the patient’s blood pressure decreases and tachycardia appears. A deviation can be suspected by frequent dizziness and a feeling of weakness. If pain in the stomach and back area is associated with myocardial infarction, then it is necessary to provide assistance to the patient as soon as possible, since irreversible consequences and death are likely.

Other reasons

Acute pain in the stomach and back can appear after cystitis and other pathological conditions, which include:

  • Osteochondrosis. Disease of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine often becomes a source of painful attacks in the stomach and back.
  • Neuralgic disorders. The pain typically appears in the scapular area, and it becomes stronger after exercise or prolonged walking.
  • Dissection of the aortic wall. The condition poses a threat to the patient’s health and life, causing stroke, thrombosis and other complications. In this case, the pain also spreads to the upper limbs.
  • Intervertebral hernia in the thoracic region. The disease is rare, but can cause discomfort.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system. The sources of pain in the back and stomach are inflammatory reactions in the lungs and pleura.
  • Myositis. The condition is characterized by inflammation of the muscles due to hypothermia, acute respiratory viral infections or mechanical injuries.

Signs of peptic ulcer

When stomach pain radiates to the back, it can be triggered by an ulcer, which is confirmed by the following signs: sudden pain in the abdominal area, which occurs some time after eating; nausea with vomiting; heartburn, always accompanied by discomfort; pain that occurs at night or on an empty stomach, often disappearing after eating; pain that increases with exercise and decreases with rest; discomfort that extends to the lower abdomen and chest.

Classifications of epigastric pain

There are several classifications of pain in the epigastric region. They can be based on its nature, intensity, time period, and so on. For example, pain in the epigastrium can be:

  • hungry (occurs on an empty stomach, can disappear even after a piece of food or sips of a drink) or associated with eating;
  • permanent (as a rule, they occur against the background of inflammatory processes in organs and are caused by constant irritation of nerve endings) or be periodic;
  • strong or weakly expressed.

In addition, pain in the epigastric region may depend on the time of year, that is, it may be seasonal. Such sensations are also divided by nature: in the form of contractions, pain, colic, etc.

Inflammation of the pancreas

With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, during its exacerbation, the patient seems to only have back pain, but the pain actually appears due to the destruction of glandular tissue.

Unpleasant sensations caused by diseases of the pancreas often resemble stomach pain, since these organs are located close to each other. But there are several signs by which you can determine that it is the pancreas that is hurting. Among them are: girdle pain; vomiting that does not allow relief; nausea; dry mouth; shortness of breath; belching; temperature; high pressure; specifically pointed face; profuse sweating.

Abdominal pain radiates to the back, what else could this mean?

Associated symptoms

Pain in the epigastric region can be expressed in a single form. However, most often (especially upon closer examination) other symptoms are also present. Among them may be the following:

  • unpleasant or painful sensations in the heart area;
  • the stomach increases in size;
  • the pain begins to radiate to the back or is localized on the right side, and at the same time intensifies;
  • there were breathing problems;
  • body temperature became above 38;
  • it became difficult to swallow even water;
  • Blood appeared in feces, urine and vomit.

Attention! If such symptoms are detected in combination with pain in the epigastric region, you should urgently call an ambulance team!

Diagnosis of hepatic colic

When a patient suffers from hepatic colic, most of the symptoms are quite pronounced. Sometimes he thinks that this is ordinary discomfort, trying to relieve the pain on his own, taking various medications to treat stomach diseases. However, this is completely wrong. To determine hepatic colic, you need to pay attention to other symptoms, including: nausea, which turns into constant vomiting that does not bring relief; on the right under the ribs there is a feeling of acute pain, periodically spreading further: to the shoulder blades, back or even neck; damp and pale skin; slight yellowness of the skin, sclera; Ortner's symptom is often determined - significant pain if you tap on the right ribs with your palm; swelling, which is accompanied by pain during palpation and significant muscle tension; dark urine and very light stool.

Stomach pain and lower back pain often accompany each other.


If the cause of discomfort in the stomach and back is a perforated ulcer , acute pancreatitis or a heart attack, the patient requires therapy in a medical facility. Treatment at home is possible only after diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.


There are several categories of drugs used to eliminate stomach pain , and it is necessary to choose the appropriate drugs depending on the cause of the discomfort and the general condition of the patient.

  1. Antispasmodics . No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine and their analogues relieve spasms of smooth muscles and relieve pain.
  2. Antacids . The drugs prevent excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid, eliminate heartburn, heaviness and abdominal pain, the most common drugs are Maalox, Gaviscon, Almagel, etc.
  3. Enzyme preparations . Necessary for insufficient production of digestive enzymes to improve the digestion process, examples are Festal, Creon, Pancreatin, Mezim.
  4. Proton pump blockers . A group of drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from high acidity and promote regenerative processes, which include Ameprozole, Pantoprazole, etc.

It is strictly not recommended to take aspirin, Analgin, Ibuprofen and other similar drugs with caution for stomach pain, as they can cause worsening of the condition, and in some cases, internal bleeding.


Taking medications for stomach pain must be combined with proper nutrition . Food should be taken in small portions at the same time, dishes should have a semi-liquid consistency and moderate temperature (neither cold nor hot).

You should refuse:

  • fried,
  • fatty,
  • salty,
  • spicy and smoked dishes,
  • fast food,
  • semi-finished products and other products containing chemical additives.

The diet must include fermented milk products, pureed soups and cereals, boiled vegetables, bread with bran, non-acidic fruits, preferably baked.

Folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies can also be used only after consultation with a doctor . Most often, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used to eliminate unpleasant sensations - chamomile, calendula, centaury, cucumber, raspberry and currant leaves.

A good effect is given by flaxseed (pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of boiling water, leave overnight, then drink the liquid in several doses), honey, propolis, sea buckthorn, freshly squeezed potato juice.

If discomfort is accompanied by constipation, you need to eat boiled beets, dried fruits, plums; for diarrhea, bananas, apples, green beans, and eggplants are useful.

Signs of acute cholecystitis

Acute cholecystitis resembles hepatic colic, but there are certain specific symptoms that make it possible to differentiate this pathology:

  • Ker's symptom - the onset of increased pain during the examination of the patient's gallbladder and simultaneous inhalation;
  • Ortner's symptom mentioned above;
  • Obraztsov’s symptom – increased pain if the patient wants to raise a straight leg;
  • Frenicus - pain occurs with this symptom if you press on the area where the pectoral muscle is located.

How to help a patient yourself

If a person, trying to get rid of attacks of pain, takes an anesthetic drug, then this action is incorrect. This will not eliminate the symptoms of the disease. As a result, the doctor will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis, and the prescribed treatment will be incorrect. In addition, the patient is not recommended to:

  • use a laxative;
  • use enemas;
  • apply heat to the sore spot;
  • try to rinse your stomach yourself.

These actions will not help the patient get rid of constipation, but can lead to intestinal rupture. If heat is applied, this can lead to the rapid spread of pathological processes. If the patient tries to rinse the stomach on his own, this will lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and excessive strain on the muscle fibers. As a result, a spasm in the stomach will occur and the patient’s general health will deteriorate.

Before the doctor arrives, the patient is not recommended to:

  • Eating;
  • Use traditional medicine for back and stomach pain.

Uncommon causes

When stomach pain radiates to the back, this may indicate other ailments. Let's figure it out.

In addition to the reasons listed above, which are the most common, in some cases they may be associated with other pathologies. So, for example, with these complaints, a doctor may suspect a certain disease of the bladder or kidneys. But in order to make a more accurate diagnosis in such a situation, sometimes it is necessary to undergo additional examination; ultrasound is most often used.

In some cases, with severe stomach pain radiating to the back, a certain gynecological pathology can be suspected. Moreover, only a gynecologist can make a correct diagnosis after examining the woman. However, additional diagnostics cannot be avoided here either.

Finally, in this case there may be liver disease, especially cirrhosis or hepatitis. Only a gastroenterologist can make a correct diagnosis here and carry out adequate therapy.

Often, a patient who feels pain in the stomach and pain in the lower back begins to panic because he does not know what the root cause of this sensation is - a pathology of the spine or a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It is almost impossible to figure this out on your own, so a specialist must answer this question and prescribe treatment.


There are a number of pathologies that can cause pain in the stomach with radiation to the back, and almost all of them require, if not urgent medical care, then close attention from doctors and the person himself.

Stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer is a chronic disease in which characteristic defects occur in the mucous membrane of the organ. There may be several factors that provoke the development of the disease:

  • bacterium Helicobacter pylori,
  • chronic stress and neuroses,
  • long-term depression,
  • genetic predisposition.

Important! Pathology is provoked by errors in nutrition, poor lifestyle, bad habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Painful sensations are accompanied by increased gas formation, decreased appetite, and nausea.

Perforated ulcer

Pain in the navel area, radiating to the back, may indicate a perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.

Painful sensations appear suddenly, and their intensity is such that many people simply cannot bear it - it becomes difficult for the patient not only to move, but also to breathe.

A perforated ulcer is accompanied by the so-called “acute abdomen” - a strong tension in the abdominal muscles, due to which it becomes hard as a board.


When a dull pain in the stomach radiates to the back area, this may indicate gastritis, and it indicates that the pathological process is already in a fairly advanced stage and has affected not only the stomach, but also other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Associated symptoms depend on the type of disease (autoimmune, atrophic, low or high acidity, etc.), and most often include disorders of the digestive system, chronic fatigue, frequent belching, heaviness after eating.

Symptoms of gastritis resemble manifestations of an ulcer, and they can be distinguished by the following feature - with gastritis, patients most often experience diarrhea, and for ulcerative lesions, on the contrary, constipation is characteristic.


When this pathology worsens, one often gets the impression that the stomach and lower back hurt. In fact, pain occurs due to inflammation and destruction of pancreatic tissue, and irradiation occurs due to the close location of these organs.

Pancreatitis can be recognized by additional signs, primarily severe vomiting, which does not bring relief and bloating, sometimes the patient’s temperature and blood pressure rise, pale skin, and intoxication of the body.

Myocardial infarction

A heart attack is necrosis (death) of a certain part of the heart muscle. In most cases, the cause of death of cardiac fibers is a lack of blood supply, which is carried out through the network of coronary vessels.

The cause of disruption of their functioning in most cases is atherosclerosis, much less often – embolism or spasm.

Attention! Regardless of the reason, the lumen of the vessel narrows so much that blood stops circulating in it, and the muscle begins to die.

The main signs of a heart attack are the classic manifestations of a disorder of the cardiovascular system:

  • chest pain,
  • dyspnea,
  • heart rhythm disturbances.

In addition, many patients experience gastric symptoms - severe stomach pain, painful sensations radiating to the back and spreading to the shoulder blades and shoulder. There is also a strong feeling of fear of imminent death; the person may be in a semi-fainting state or lose consciousness.

Gastric symptoms are most severe when the posterior part of the heart muscle is affected - in other cases it is felt quite weakly, or may be completely absent.

In addition to the above diseases, the causes of stomach pain radiating to the back can be attacks of renal or hepatic colic, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, as well as pathologies of the biliary tract - cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, bile duct dyskinesia.

To prevent unpleasant health consequences, if you experience stomach pain radiating to the back, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Before the medical team arrives, the patient should be positioned so that the least pain is felt - most often, slight relief occurs in the fetal position or on the side.

Reference. It is impossible to give a person something to drink or eat, as well as to take any painkillers - they can “blur” the picture of the disease and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

Pain in the stomach and back can be of different types, which may indicate completely different diseases. The pain can be sharp, stabbing or dull.

The main causes of stomach and back pain:

  • stomach ulcer, perforated ulcer;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • oncological diseases.

Peptic ulcer

With a stomach ulcer, acute pain occurs in the abdominal area, radiates to the back and is often localized on the left in the scapula or lower back, similar to pain in the kidneys. The pain mainly appears on an empty stomach, after excessive physical exertion, or after a meal, spicy or fatty.

Important: the pain is significantly reduced if you take a lying position and pull your legs towards your stomach, bending your knees. Other symptoms of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease are heartburn and nausea. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor so that he can prescribe comprehensive treatment - anti-inflammatory drugs and diet.

With a perforated gastric ulcer, a sharp, acute, unbearable pain appears in the stomach, spreading to the entire abdominal cavity and shoulder blades; it is difficult for the patient to move, he tries to breathe shallowly so as not to increase the pain. Occurs both on an empty stomach and after eating. These symptoms require urgent hospitalization; treatment often requires surgical intervention.

Until the ambulance arrives, the patient cannot eat, drink, or move independently; rest is necessary. The main risk factors for the development of gastric ulcer are:

  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • hereditary predisposition to stomach ulcers, genetically determined increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • neuroses, depressive states, distress, chronic fatigue syndrome, emotional burnout and other psychologically determined factors;
  • chronic gastritis, which, if not treated in a timely manner, can transform into an ulcer;
  • improper diet: hunger, overeating, regular consumption of excessively spicy, fatty and sweet foods;
  • taking medications that act aggressively on the gastric mucosa.

First aid for exacerbation of ulcers:

  • bed rest,
  • peace;
  • don't drink water
  • do not eat;
  • in case of severe pain, it is permissible to use up to 0.5% novocaine solution orally;
  • Place a cold compress on the stomach area.

Basic methods for diagnosing stomach ulcers:

  • gastroscopy (examination of the stomach using an endoscope);
  • X-ray;
  • bacterial culture (detection of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms);
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) - tests for identifying Helicobacter;
  • blood test (general and biochemical);
  • stool analysis (to detect hidden bleeding).

Treatment of gastric ulcer consists primarily of following a strict diet prescribed by your doctor; drug treatment - therapy with proton pump inhibitors to suppress gastric secretion; surgical intervention using the vagotomy method (in severe advanced forms).

Diet for stomach ulcers is primarily:

  • refusal to drink alcoholic beverages,
  • smoking and any substances that cause intoxication;
  • do not eat fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and salty foods;
  • exclude raw vegetables and fruits (excess fiber injures the walls of the stomach);
  • give up mushrooms, soda, legumes, tea and coffee;
  • try to eat food in the form of purees, broths, soufflés and any foods in liquid form.

Acute pancreatitis

Acute pancreatitis is characterized by girdling pain in the stomach and back, most often in the shoulder blades and lower back, much less often it can radiate to the heart, which can be confused with a heart attack. The pain appears sharply, suddenly and quite strongly, and is accompanied by nausea, bloating, diarrhea, belching and vomiting.

Attention! Appears after eating fatty, fried foods, and alcohol. Unlike peptic ulcers, pain does not occur immediately, but after several hours. With timely treatment, it is possible to significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Risk factors for pancreatitis:

  • long-term alcohol abuse;
  • gallbladder diseases (presence of gallstones);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • improper diet;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • long-term use of medications that have a toxic effect.

First aid for an attack of an ulcer: rest and bed rest; tilt the patient's body forward a little if possible; breathe shallowly, do not take too deep breaths; refuse to eat; drink water in small portions every half hour; do not give painkillers until the doctor arrives; It is possible to take antispasmodics.

Diagnosis of stomach ulcers: general blood test, biochemical analysis; Analysis of urine; Ultrasound of the abdominal organs; EGDS (gastroscopy); X-ray; endoscopy; cholecystocholangiography; stool analysis.

Treatment: abstaining from food for several days is advisable; administration of analgesics; vitamin injections; antienzyme drugs; broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Basic rules of diet for stomach ulcers: the first days of fasting, mineral waters; consume thermally processed foods, boiled, baked or steamed; refusal of flour, fatty, fried, fresh sour vegetables and fruits; drink milk in moderation; eat foods in liquid form - purees, soups, soufflés.


Cholecystitis manifests itself as sharp pain in the right hypochondrium and between the shoulder blades, which increases significantly when pressing on the gallbladder area. It may temporarily stop on its own or as a result of taking painkillers. Cholecystitis is also accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased basal body temperature, the eye sclera and the patient’s skin become jaundiced.

Treatment Options

Treatment of stomach pain depends on the disease that was the root cause of this condition. For example, with pancreatitis, the patient is prescribed a strict diet, most often this is therapeutic fasting for three to six days. In addition, pancreatic enzymes may be used. This is done in order to reduce the functioning of the pancreas, thus providing it with functional rest.

Hepatic colic also has its own treatment. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor as quickly as possible and in no case self-medicate, since the constant use of painkillers often leads to very serious consequences.

Naturally, when a person already has diseases such as an ulcer or gastritis, then in this case one can suspect a perforation of the former or an exacerbation of the latter. Urgent medical assistance is required; a person’s life is usually saved by urgent surgical intervention.

Thus, any pain - nagging, sharp or aching in the stomach area - requires a mandatory examination by a doctor. Otherwise, the patient risks experiencing many serious complications that can lead to death.

So, your stomach hurts and it radiates to your back, what should you do?


Pain in the epigastric region is caused by various ailments that affect many internal organs. Among the ailments, the most common causes of this symptom are:

  • a wide range of diseases of the stomach, duodenum, esophagus and other gastrointestinal organs. In particular, chronic gastritis of various origins, hiatal hernia, pancreatitis and pyelonephritis;
  • acute course of appendicitis. At the beginning of development, aching pain is noted in the navel area, then in the epigastrium, after which it spreads to the entire right side of the abdomen;
  • myocardial infarction - can often be accompanied by painful spasms in this place. The pain is expressed quite acutely, and is also accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate;
  • pleurisy and pneumonia - with such disorders, pain in the upper abdomen sharply intensifies with strong coughing and inhalation, often the pain can radiate to the back;
  • acute duodenitis – a slight pain syndrome appears, the sensitivity of this area increases, and signs of intoxication of the body are also observed;
  • pyloroduodenal stenosis - characterized by the fact that pain is expressed after eating, accompanied by heartburn and frequent vomiting;
  • various infectious disorders that cause sudden abdominal pain;
  • hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • typhus – differs in that it involves the solar plexus in the pathological process, thereby causing intense pain in this area.

But not only diseases can become a factor in the manifestation of unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region. Often the source of pain can be damage to other internal organs, in particular:

  • stomach – there are severe and paroxysmal pains, often accompanied by other symptoms. Can occur both after meals and on an empty stomach;
  • heart - in addition to the appearance of painful spasms in the epigastric region, pain spreads to the right shoulder and lower jaw;
  • lungs - the intensity of pain varies depending on the breathing rate;
  • pancreas - provokes constant and colicky pain, which can radiate to the back or left shoulder;
  • intestines - almost always causes pain in the epigastrium, which is accompanied by many other signs;
  • spleen – causes intense pain, often spreading along the left side of the body and neck;
  • gallbladder - diseases associated with this organ often cause unbearable pain in the epigastric region, pain radiating to the back is often observed;
  • kidney - sharp pain, spreading to the perineum and lower back;
  • diaphragm - spasms in this area are greatly intensified during food consumption or deep breaths.

Another reason why epigastric pain may occur is oncology of one of the gastrointestinal organs or cancer metastasis.

Treatment of gastritis

Gastritis refers to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Its development can be caused by prolonged frequent stress, the presence of pathological microflora, metabolic disorders, infectious chronic diseases, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, long-term use of certain medications (mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), autoimmune diseases and a number of other reasons.

To cure stomach pain caused by gastritis, drugs based on ibuprofen and acetylsalicylic acid are not used. Although these are effective pain relievers, they cause mucosal irritation. Usually, absorbents and medications are prescribed that envelop the stomach from the inside.

For gastritis caused by a bacterial infection, an antibacterial course is required. The diet involves excluding salty, fatty and spicy foods, foods high in fiber, as well as foods that can cause fermentation (primarily baked goods and milk, some fruits, such as grapes).

How to get rid of pain in the stomach area that radiates to the back?

Pathologies in other organs with pain radiating to the back and stomach

If a patient has stomach and back pain, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • In the cardiovascular system. The occurrence of pain in the stomach area, radiating to the back, is associated with the development of myocardial infarction. With it, pain occurs completely unexpectedly, the heart rate increases, and the pressure drops, the patient faints.
  • In the reproductive system in women. Pain is associated with the development of fibroids, the penetration of inflammation into the appendages, the appearance of erosion in the cervix, or the development of infection in the woman’s body during pregnancy. Women complain of a dull aching pain in the lower abdomen. If she changes her body position, the symptoms intensify.
  • In the kidneys and urinary system. The patient suffers from a sharp, aching pain localized in the lower abdomen. If diseases in these organs appear in men, the pain radiates to the genitals. If the disease has penetrated the urethra, the patient experiences a burning sensation when going to the toilet. In this case, the discharge has a yellow or green color, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Itching in the genitals may also begin, and the urine may change color. All unpleasant symptoms intensify after sex.

The intensity of pain in urolithiasis is related to the size and number of stones in the organs. Stomach pain occurs when gallstones begin to move through the ducts. These symptoms may not subside for 1–2 days.

Treatment of stomach ulcers

Gastritis without proper treatment can cause the development of ulcerative pathology. Gastric ulcers predominantly develop due to the functioning of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or regular use of large doses of acetylsalicylic acid. Stress itself, as long thought, does not cause ulcers, but the development of the disease is significantly accelerated because of this. With a peptic ulcer, the pain in the stomach is quite strong and burning, it manifests itself approximately four hours after eating, is localized in the center of the abdomen, and is often accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, belching, nausea or vomiting.

A stomach ulcer is a dangerous pathology that can cause such unpleasant complications as peritonitis and bleeding. For this reason, treatment should be started immediately. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are antibiotics that destroy hostile bacteria, antacids to reduce acidity, and anti-inflammatory drugs. There are also complex drugs: they not only kill Helicobacter pylori, but also protect the gastric mucosa from aggressive influences. The diet for this disease should include low-fat light foods; foods should be taken in pureed form (purees, mousses), since the chewing process itself stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Causes of pain in the epigastric region (diseases)

Epigastric region (epigastrium) is the area directly under the xiphoid process, corresponding to the projection of the stomach onto the anterior abdominal wall.

By placing our hand where the ribs end we will find the so-called solar plexus. This will be the epigastric region.

Pain in the epigastrium generally portends any problems in the digestive system. Pain can be divided:

  • sharp, sudden pain. Most likely, it is pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis;
  • sharp and sudden. Presumably poisoning or chemical burn;
  • sharp and very severe pain, “as if someone were cutting the stomach with a knife.” This is a breakthrough of an ulcer into the abdominal cavity;
  • aching pain with a burning sensation indicates gastritis, especially if this occurs after eating;
  • pain similar to contractions will indicate inflammation of the intestines or an open ulcer. This may also be an indicator of an intestinal infection;
  • pain that feels like a shooting through the epigastrium when changing body position is a consequence of poor blood circulation or an inflammatory process;
  • constant aching pain may be a consequence of cancer or polyps;
  • dull pain syndrome with pain in the navel area speaks of appendicitis;
  • intense pain, which becomes less after 2-3 days, indicates the appearance of colitis.

Let's look at each problem separately.


Gastritis is a common disease in people who eat inconsistently or eat on the run.

Today, more and more often, doctors make this diagnosis to students, office workers and anyone who cannot pamper themselves with normal homemade food, but eats fast food.

To understand whether you have gastritis, just listen to yourself. If there is pain in the epigastrium after eating, you need to consult a gastroenterologist.

The second is scary because of the risks of ulcers and cancerous tumors in the stomach.

There are several types of gastritis, namely: atrophic, erosive, polypous, hypertrophic.

The doctor can accurately determine the type of disease after performing a gastroscopy. During the examination, the doctor, after preparing the patient, inserts an endoscope through the mouth and examines the surface of the esophagus, the area of ​​the stomach and duodenum. The examination must be carried out carefully, because the pathology can be located in different parts of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of hepatic colic

If abdominal pain radiates to the back on the right, first of all, treatment of hepatic colic concentrates on eliminating the discomfort and getting rid of the cause of the pathology.

Pain syndrome is relieved with antispasmodics. When medications do not help, one can judge that the disease has developed into cholecystitis, that is, a more serious form. This is an acute inflammatory process of the gallbladder, requiring surgical intervention. During the operation, the gallbladder is drained, dissolving cholesterol stones. Some stones cannot be dissolved; in this case, they are completely removed surgically.

Acalculous colic, when both the stomach and back hurt, is treated conservatively.

Clinical picture

With pain that occurs in the back and stomach at the same time , it is quite difficult to determine the primary source of discomfort, so often the situation can be the opposite - discomfort arises in the back and radiates to the stomach.

Most often, the cause of these phenomena is diseases of the spine - protrusion, hernia, pinched nerve fibers in the thoracic or lumbar spine.

  • Shoulder pain when moving the arm back

In addition, pain of this nature can be observed with cardiovascular disorders , as well as with a combination of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and the digestive system. For example, if a person suffers from osteochondrosis and gastritis, with a decrease in immunity or exposure to other negative factors, his stomach and back begin to hurt at the same time.

Treatment of acute cholecystitis

In the initial diagnosis of acute cholecystitis, when the presence of stones is not determined, there are no purulent complications and the course is not severe, treatment is carried out in a conservative manner under the supervision of a gastroenterologist. Antibiotic therapy is used to suppress the bacterial flora, as well as to prevent bile infection, antispasmodics to dilate the bile ducts and eliminate pain syndrome, and detoxification treatment for severe intoxication.

If severe types of destructive cholecystitis develop, cholecystotomy (surgical therapy) is performed.

If there are stones in the gallbladder, it is most often proposed to also remove the organ itself. An operation such as cholecystectomy is chosen. If there are contraindications and there are no purulent complications, conservative methods can be used, but it must be borne in mind that if you refuse to surgically remove the gallbladder with large stones, repeated attacks may develop, the process develops into chronic cholecystitis, and complications develop.

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