Dietary recipes for gastritis with high acidity: delicious dishes, soups, salads

Gastritis is a disease in which proper nutrition helps treat the stomach much more effectively than any pharmaceutical drugs. At this time, it is not enough to prepare dishes exclusively from permitted products; you also need to know what kind of processing they must undergo (usually to the state of porridge or puree), and what temperature they should be when serving. All this is necessary so that the stomach functions with less stress. Gentle nutrition is the key to health in this case.

Dietary nutrition for gastritis: basic principles

Although research into any disease continues today, many standards of treatment have remained virtually unchanged over the years. For example, this is a therapeutic diet that was developed back in Soviet times based on the results of many years of research by Professor M.I. Pevzner. From the point of view of this therapist, dietary nutrition for gastritis can be divided into two categories . One category includes table No. 1, which is designed for the period of exacerbation, and then table No. 2 is used to support the stomach.

How should food be prepared? Diet table No. 1 has two modifications - A and B. In the first case, you can only eat dishes in the form of pureed puree or porridge. You need to eat often, but in small portions, on average 6–7 times a day. Even if the acidity is not increased, you should not eat vegetables, fruits and bread.

In the second case, you can already afford more dishes. This is a nutrition plan in the stage immediately after an exacerbation of gastritis. However, there are also a lot of limitations here. In particular, more attention needs to be paid to the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. As before, all dishes are served in a porridge form. Vegetables, fruits and bread are still prohibited.

Meat and fish dishes

Many people simply cannot imagine their menu without fish and meat, and patients suffering from symptoms of gastritis are no exception. Since these products are at risk for this disease, it is useful for such patients to know dietary recipes for preparing meat and fish dishes.

"Beef soufflé"

In order to prepare this dish, you need to boil 200 g of beef meat well and pass it through a meat grinder, or beat it in a blender. Then add 15-20 g of butter and 1 chicken yolk to the resulting meat soufflé, after which the contents are mixed.

The remaining egg white must be beaten with 70 g of milk and added to the meat. The resulting minced meat is steamed, resulting in a very tasty and healthy dish.

What foods can you eat if you have gastritis?

In order to understand what recipes for dishes for gastritis of the stomach you need to prepare, it is important to know which of them are generally allowed by the rules.

Many people believe that with gastritis, the stomach cannot cope with fatty foods. But this does not mean that it does not need fats and oils. Butter (but only unsalted), refined sunflower, corn or olive oil is allowed, which are added directly to the dish.

Is it possible to use sauces and spices if you have gastritis?

This is an important question, since such components decorate the recipe and make even the most prosaic dishes tasty. Anything that could increase (even theoretically) the acidity of the stomach is prohibited. That is, mushroom, meat and fish sauces are completely excluded. Increased acidity means that tomato sauces cannot be eaten. But you can eat sour cream in moderation. Some recipes also require the preparation of permitted fruit and milk sauces. As for ingredients such as dill or parsley, as well as spices like cinnamon and vanilla, you can eat them, but use them in small quantities.

Increased acidity does not prevent you from giving various sweets their due, although you should not abuse them. Only chocolate and ice cream will have to be completely excluded from the diet. They negatively affect the stomach. But you can eat various fruit jellies, butter creams, jelly (including milk jelly), marshmallows and marshmallows. Only things that can increase acid levels need to be completely eliminated. For example, these are any sour and especially unripe fruits.

How to create a menu for a sick stomach

The most important thing is to adhere to the basic rules, which are identical for all variants of gastritis.

  1. You can't fry! Cook food only by steaming, boiling, stewing, baking.
  2. No hot spices. You will have to give up spicy dishes. However, this does not mean at all that now you have to languish over bland steamed cutlets for the rest of your life. It is quite possible to add spices to food that give dishes an original taste and subtle aroma, but do not irritate the stomach (dill, parsley, cilantro, fennel).
  3. Less salt. You should not completely remove it from your diet. Still, table salt is a substance necessary for health. Just try not to add enough salt to your dishes and don’t eat all kinds of pickles.
  4. Choose low-fat or medium-fat products for cooking. They are easy to digest.
  5. Try to chop foods before eating. This is especially important in the acute stage of the disease. During the period of remission, this is not a prerequisite - it is enough to simply chew food thoroughly.
  6. Average temperatures only! Food that is too cold or hot damages the gastric mucosa.
  7. You should cook in small portions and eat 5-6 times a day.
  8. Despite many restrictions, you need to take care of a balanced diet. It must include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and microelements.

Other dietary features depend on the specific form of gastritis.

Soups for gastritis

Even the most gentle diet for gastritis allows you to eat soup . But only in this case you should not eat meat and fish broths, as well as mushroom broths. Cabbage soup (due to acidity), borscht, and okroshka are strictly prohibited. It is also undesirable to consume strong vegetable broth.

You can add meat to the soup (for example, chicken), but it must be cooked separately. In such cases, the broth is drained, and there is no need to regret it - a lot of harmful substances end up there. In general, it is allowed to eat soup from vegetables included in the dietary table. These are potatoes, carrots, beets, and occasionally you can eat cauliflower. Vegetables must be washed.

It turns out that the soup is prepared using potato or carrot broth. You can add cereal to it, but only well-cooked one. It could be rice or rolled oats, even semolina. It is allowed to add vermicelli to this dish. Since vegetables still need to be pureed , you can puree them in a blender and add milk. Soup is made using a similar principle with the addition of separately cooked meat.

Despite the fact that all this does not sound very appetizing, dietary soups for gastritis can be both tasty and quite varied if you approach the matter with imagination.

For example, you can make pumpkin puree soup. To do this, you need to wash the pumpkin and carefully remove all the seeds from it. This soup is prepared with carrot broth. It is made separately, since pumpkin boils faster than carrots. So, the pumpkin pulp is cut into cubes and boiled in carrot broth until tender. After that, beat it with a blender until pureed. To make the soup thicker, you can add flour or well-boiled semolina to it.

Pumpkin soup for gastritis can be replaced with squash. It is prepared according to the same principle, only for this recipe you need to select good, not too watery zucchini.

Or you can make soup from barley - it is well tolerated by the stomach. You can add boiled meat to this soup. Barley groats are washed and boiled in water until tender. Carrots and onions are finely chopped and boiled. Cooked barley porridge is diluted with water and brought to a boil. Before it boils, you need to add prepared vegetables so that they do not overcook, otherwise they will lose all their beneficial substances. You can add a small piece of butter to the finished dish. If desired, this soup can also be blended in a blender.

When considering the question of what soups are possible for gastritis, many experts note that okroshka cannot be eaten. But we are talking about the usual version, and this dish can easily be replaced with a dietary one. And the stomach will tolerate it just fine. For this dish, meat and vegetables are also cooked separately. The meat is cut into small cubes. Potatoes and carrots need to be finely chopped. Fresh cucumber is added to them, which must first be peeled from the grains. The egg is also boiled separately and then cut into cubes. The finished ingredients are mixed in a bowl, poured with low-fat kefir and salt is added to taste. This dish is eaten chilled.

High acidity

Hyperacid gastritis imposes serious restrictions on acidic foods. Primarily for raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits (citrus fruits, peaches, plums). The rules for consuming meat and fish delicacies do not differ significantly from other forms of the disease. We will tell you the most healthy and tasty dishes allowed for high acidity of gastric juice.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 banana;
  • 6 tbsp. l. milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • 5-10 g olive oil.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Cut the banana into small cubes.
  2. Beat eggs, pour in milk, salt.
  3. Pour the future omelette into greased molds, add a banana to each, approximately equally.
  4. Place the molds in a double boiler or water bath and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Turn the molds over and remove the portioned omelette.
  6. Before serving, it can be decorated with non-acidic jam berries.

Chicken hedgehogs


  • 100 g minced chicken;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • ½ tsp. salt;
  • 60 g olive oil.


  1. Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked (about 7 minutes).
  2. Combine it with minced meat, add salt and mix thoroughly.
  3. Roll into balls with a diameter of 3 cm.
  4. Grease a deep frying pan with olive oil, place the hedgehogs in it, add sour cream and water until half full.
  5. Simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

What dishes are prepared for gastritis?

The diet for gastritis is, first of all, porridge. They are boiled in milk or water. These are ordinary buckwheat, oatmeal, and rice cereals. They don’t have to just be boiled and served with butter. These can be delicious cutlets made from ground cereals or even balls made from them.

How to cook vegetables for gastritis?

You need to either steam them or serve them as a puree. The exception to this rule is pumpkin and zucchini, since they are already soft. Potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, and, in small quantities, green peas and beets are suitable for mashed potatoes. If the acidity is very high, you should not eat tomatoes. But if not, then they can be added a little to various dishes, but only they must be ripe.

When considering dishes for patients with gastritis, many are interested in whether it is possible to provide snacks. The diet does not exclude this. But the list of such dishes is small. This is mild cheese, low-fat herring, doctor's sausage or milk sausage. But under no circumstances should you prepare something spicier, or even more so, use smoked meats.

Delicious dietary recipes for gastritis are not necessarily overly complicated things. After all, a sick person already perceives many things negatively, and then there are restrictions. At the same time, if a person has a choice between at least an omelette and porridge, this already improves his mood.

Recipes for gastritis, which is characterized by high acidity

If a patient suffers from this form of gastritis, then the main goal that the diet should pursue is to reduce the activity of gastric juice. Therefore, in order not to increase the already high acidity, you need to avoid any products with coarse fiber. That is, such a diet excludes radishes, bran bread, stringy meat and a number of other products. Recipes for dietary dishes for gastritis with high acidity exclude the use of any pathogens of gastric secretion. This is, for example, white cabbage. You should not eat strong broths, duck and goose meat, otherwise the patient will feel heaviness and discomfort.

But such a diet includes seafood . If you wish, you can make a delicious salad of squid, eggs, leafy greens and season it with sour cream sauce. There are also simpler solutions. For example, every housewife probably has her own signature recipe for carrot and apple salad (you just need to take non-sour varieties). A delicious salad is obtained by seasoning chopped carrots and apples with sour cream sauce, to which a little sugar is added. This helps reduce its acidity.

The best dietary dishes for gastritis

If the increased acidity level does not bother you, you can try preparing more interesting dishes. For example, dietary recipes for gastritis include zrazy.

Cooking depending on the acidity level

If there is an increased secretion of gastric juice, vegetable broth soups are used to normalize the patient’s condition. You can use a second meat or fish broth; the first one must be drained. It is useful to add pasta made from durum wheat or cereals. When preparing, it is allowed to use a small amount of unsalted butter, low-fat sour cream, and chicken egg yolk.

If the acidity is excessively low, you should include in the menu dishes that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid. It is acceptable to use rich broths based on fish or meat. Frying or sautéing components is prohibited. You should also not add ingredients that cause fermentation processes.

Healthy vegetable salads

There are a great variety of salads that a patient with gastritis can include in their daily menu. Such dishes are not only rich in vitamins, but also very tasty and quite easy to prepare.

"Carrot and sour cream salad"

In this recipe, sour cream is used for better absorption of all the beneficial substances and vitamins contained in carrots. Using a fine grater, grate one large carrot and pour a small amount of low-fat sour cream over it.

If desired, you can add 1 grated apple to this salad.

"Vitamin salad"

To prepare this dietary dish you can use:

All necessary ingredients should be cut into cubes and pour sour cream over the resulting mass.

"Beet salad"

The recipe for this dish is very simple. The beets need to be boiled, and after cooling, cut into strips and seasoned with a small amount of refined sunflower oil.

This healthy salad can be included in your menu 2-3 times a week.

"Potato and carrot salad"

To prepare this dish, we need carrots - 2 pcs. and potatoes - 4 pcs. Vegetables should first be boiled, and after cooling, peeled and cut into small cubes.

Then lemon juice, salt and sour cream are diluted in warm water, and the resulting mixture is seasoned with the salad.

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