Cause of very hard stool in lumps in an adult

Characteristics of laxatives

Laxatives are medications that are used solely to relieve constipation. In general, the mechanism of their action can be divided into two directions:

  • strengthening the wave-like contraction of the colon (peristalsis) to accelerate the removal of its contents to the outlet;
  • inhibition of the processes of reabsorption of water in the large intestine.

The history of the development of laxatives began with herbal remedies, which included anthraglycosides. Over time, salt and synthetic preparations were created, which were not always effective and safe to use. But now pharmacology has gone far ahead, enemas, syrups and tablets for constipation have become more advanced and we will consider them in as much detail as possible.

Main drugs of the group
  • Liquid paraffin (Vaseline oil) (from 45 rub.);
  • Norgalax (docusate sodium) (from 80 rub.);
  • Glycerin (from 136 rub.);
  • Almond oil (from 63 rub.);
Mechanism of actionEmollient laxatives have an effect at the level of the small intestine. The result of their work is the softening of feces, stimulation of peristalsis, reducing the absorption of fluid by the intestinal walls, and facilitating the sliding of feces to the outlet.
Indications for usePrescribed to people who cannot push (women after childbirth, people after operations), patients with coprostasis (obstruction of the large intestine). Also, drugs in this group are recommended for various poisonings and in preparation for diagnostic procedures.
ContraindicationsEmollient laxatives should not be used by pregnant women, children under 12 years of age, or people with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, kidney disease, uterine and intestinal hemorrhages.
Side effectsPossible decrease in defecation reflexes, inflammation of the rectal mucosa, malignant neoplasms of the intestine

Quite often, people believe that laxative medications for constipation are absolutely harmless and easy to use, and prescribe them to themselves without consulting a doctor. This is fundamentally wrong. Most laxatives have a significant list of contraindications, without which a person exposes himself to serious danger.

When choosing a remedy to combat constipation, you need to remember that microenemas and suppositories will bring the fastest effect, and chronic constipation is best dealt with using prebiotic drugs, which are most often found in the form of anti-constipation tablets. In addition to normalizing stool, they stimulate intestinal function and have a positive effect on microflora, with virtually no contraindications.

You should take laxatives before going to bed. Most medications in this direction begin to act after 6-12 hours, so the expected effect will be observed in the morning. In addition, after taking laxatives, you should plan your time in such a way as to stay at home during the day. This will avoid many unpleasant situations.

Getting rid of fecal impaction

If you have intestinal obstruction due to fecal stones, a regular therapist or gastroenterologist will not help. Feel free to make an appointment with a proctologist, preferably one with experience in surgical operations. Remember that the sooner you get to the doctor's office, the more likely it is that the problem will be resolved quickly and with a guaranteed result.

The first point of any treatment is a thorough diagnosis. The doctor can feel large fecal plugs that have formed over a long period of time with their fingers. Usually, palpation of the abdomen or rectum during a rectal examination is sufficient for this. If the fecal stones are small, perhaps there are several of them, then the patient will undergo an x-ray or ultrasound.

It is possible to soften fecal impaction in an adult or child without surgery. But this is real if the disease is not advanced to an extreme stage. In this case, there will be little hope for mild laxatives (like rectal suppositories). You will need the good old classic: softening the fecal plug with an enema.

You can get rid of fecal impaction at home, but ideally, of course, the procedure should be carried out in a hospital under the strict guidance of a doctor. You will need an Esmarch mug; add glycerin, hydrogen peroxide or petroleum jelly to regular water. These components are needed to soften the accumulation of feces.

From the range of pharmacies for removing fecal stones, we are interested in microenemas: “Norgalax”, “Microlax”, preparations with glycerin. They will help soften the fecal impaction, but they (especially Norgalax) should not be used without consulting a doctor. Here are the contraindications for microenemas:

  • anorectal bleeding;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for fecal impactions in children.

Traditional medicine has its own view on softening fecal stones. For an enema, take a herbal decoction of linden, chamomile and motherwort. You can add beet or potato juice, vinegar (no more than 6%) to it. But it’s still better to be careful and not get carried away with unconventional recipes, because vinegar is not the best friend for the rectum.

What to do if a fecal plug has formed in the intestinal lumen, how can you get rid of it at home without causing even more harm to your health? Clearing the colon of blockages is best done under medical supervision. Before carrying out any procedures, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a proctologist to determine the stage of the disease. This especially applies to those traffic jams that appeared as a result of prolonged constipation (more than a week).

To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, mild laxatives are prescribed in addition to the enema, which affect the functioning of peristalsis. But before drinking laxatives, you need to make sure that the stones are softened by the influence of oils. If this does not happen, then activation of peristalsis can provoke rupture of the lower intestines. Therefore, therapy is always carried out under the supervision of doctors.

If the fecal impaction is not neglected, how can I get rid of it myself? Regardless of the stage of the disease, its treatment consists of breaking down accumulated feces. To independently cleanse the intestinal lumen, a softening enema and laxatives are also used.

Causes of constipation

Normally, a person's intestines form tight and dense feces. At the exit into the rectum, it already has an even denser state. Thick poop that is relatively dense is normal for humans. If it’s a little softer, then this is also normal, since each person’s stool will have its own shape (the stool may be soft or slightly hardened, but not stone-like).

If the stool is hard and does not come out of the rectum, if it is stuck in the small or large intestine, then this is constipation. Constipation is characterized by the fact that the first portion is hard, followed by soft but thick feces. If the formed fecal lump does not completely come out of the rectum, causes discomfort and pain, and after the act of defecation feels incomplete, then this also indicates pathology.

Another sign of constipation is stool that looks like sheep poop, or stool that looks like rocks. If stool is stuck, and then a fecal plug comes out of the intestine during a bowel movement with straining, and then liquid stool comes out, then this is not diarrhea; this phenomenon is also observed with constipation.

It is important to break up hardened stool in the intestines before a large lump forms in the rectum, causing an intestinal obstruction that can only be corrected by surgery.

Constipation often occurs in an adult, sometimes people simply do not pay attention to it and, if there is no serious pathology, then everything quickly returns to normal.

But you shouldn’t hope for a miracle; you need to find out why the stool has hardened and try to prevent constipation from occurring again.

The reasons why excessively dense feces are formed:

  • insufficient fluid intake leads to the fact that water from the stool is absorbed into the intestines and the fecal bolus becomes too hard;
  • non-compliance with the diet, when a person practically does not consume fiber, but prefers meat and semi-finished products, then the feces completely become very dense;
  • during pregnancy and after childbirth, a woman may experience constipation due to hormonal imbalance and heavy load on the intestines;
  • a sedentary lifestyle leads to weakening of intestinal motility and hard feces slowly move forward, which brings significant inconvenience;
  • some drugs can lead to a decrease in intestinal tone, which will cause constipation;
  • if feces slowly pass through the intestines or even stand in it, then the cause may be a tumor or other neoplasm that prevents a person from going to the toilet normally;
  • stress and sudden changes can also lead to the formation of hard feces; here it is important to quickly establish an emotional background;
  • A number of chronic and acute intestinal diseases (enteritis, IBS, colitis, proctitis, dysbiosis) can also lead to the formation of hard feces.

If you have constipation, it is important to quickly normalize your stool, because if constipation lasts for more than a week, this can lead to major complications.

Only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, so it is important not to bring it to a critical state, and to understand as early as possible why the problem arose and eliminate this factor.

Dense, relatively hard feces are normal for humans. If the stool is a little softer, this is also normal, since each person’s fecal deposits can have their own shape and density. If the stool is hard and does not come out of the rectum, this is constipation, which is characterized by alternating thickness of the stool.

If the formed fecal lump does not come out of the rectum on its own and causes pain and discomfort, this indicates the presence of pathology. If such symptoms recur frequently, you should immediately consult a proctologist, since the formation of a large fossilized stone in the rectum can cause intestinal obstruction. It is possible to get rid of this pathology only through surgical intervention.

In an adult, constipation occurs quite often, but in the absence of serious pathology, they simply do not pay attention to it.

Reasons contributing to the formation of excessively dense stool:

  • Frequent stress and sudden changes contribute to the formation of hard feces. To eliminate the problem, it is important to establish an emotional background;
  • insufficient fluid intake also causes the stool to become hard;
  • during pregnancy or after childbirth, constipation may occur due to excessive load on the intestines and hormonal imbalance;
  • non-compliance with the diet and lack of the required amount of fiber in the diet makes the feces very dense;
  • some medications can reduce intestinal tone, causing constipation;
  • a number of acute and chronic intestinal diseases (colitis, proctitis, dysbacteriosis, enteritis, IBS) lead to the formation of hard feces;
  • a sedentary lifestyle contributes to decreased intestinal motility, thereby causing discomfort during bowel movements.

If you have constipation, it is very important to normalize your bowel movements, since prolonged constipation (more than a week) can lead to serious complications.

Only a specialist can tell you how to soften stool during constipation, so it is important not to bring this problem to a critical state and eliminate this pathology.

The criteria for normal feces are color, consistency and the absence of suspicious inclusions. If stool becomes hard, even with normal bowel movements, it causes damage to the intestinal wall. The cause of this condition should be found out.

Why does the consistency of stool change:

  1. Malnutrition – food contains little dietary fiber, excess sugar and fat. Lack of fluid in the diet.
  2. Psychological factors - a child’s attitude that going to the toilet should generally only be done at home. This condition is observed in patients with depressive conditions, in survivors of sexual violence, in patients diagnosed with anorexia.
  3. Physical inactivity – lack of physical activity reduces intestinal motility.
  4. Taking laxatives – frequent use of such drugs is addictive. And without additional stimulation, intestinal motility worsens. This category includes treatment of other organs and systems with certain medications.
  5. Intoxication with salts of hard metals, nicotine.
  6. Endocrine disorders.
  7. Metabolic disorders – hypercalcemia, hyperkalemia, porphyria.
  8. Neurological diseases - parkinsonism, disorders in the centers of the spinal cord that provide innervation to the anus and rectum. Fecal retention is caused by cerebral palsy in a child, multiple sclerosis in an adult patient.
  9. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - colitis, enteritis, tumors, overdistension of the rectum, congenital and acquired.
  10. Pregnancy in women is associated with an increase in progesterone production. This hormone reduces bowel activity.

Long-term dysfunction of defecation is a sign of a large number of pathological processes in the body. It is necessary to be examined and identify the cause of the violations.

Long-term constipation is dangerous due to the reabsorption of waste products into the blood and increasing intoxication of the body. Due to the outflow of fluid from feces, their consistency changes. The feces become hard and during defecation can injure the rectum and anus. Softening stool during constipation means preventing organ injury and facilitating the process of bowel movement.

Therapy for hormonal and neurological changes

Factors causing sheep feces can be endocrine and neurological disorders, such as:

  • changes in protein metabolism;
  • lack of thyroid hormones;
  • Parkinson's pathology;
  • diabetes;
  • porphyrin disease;
  • increased presence of calcium in the blood and decreased in the bones;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Dry feces in the form of pellets can occur due to psychogenic factors (anorexia, depression, etc.). The main symptoms of constipation are pain during bowel movements and inconsistent visits to the toilet.

Bowel problems are more common in women than men due to weak abdominal muscles

Such people should take preventative measures for constipation - drink more fluids, coarse fiber foods, and lead an active lifestyle.

Sheep feces are eliminated using:

  • Sunflower oil, drink 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach. funds for 3 days.
  • Coniferous and paraffin compresses are used to relieve intestinal spasms. They help excrement move more easily into the rectum.
  • Antispasmodic drugs are used with the permission of a doctor when thermal measures are contraindicated.

The abdominal muscles in the female half of the population are usually weaker formed than in men, and have an atonic character (feces do not come out in peas, but in a large structure) in nature, while in men they are spastic. Constipation occurs in women who are pregnant, sedentary or have significant body weight.

The effectiveness of enema use

According to the international drug classification system, laxatives are divided into six groups:

  • emollient drugs;
  • osmotic laxatives;
  • laxatives, which increase the volume of intestinal contents;
  • laxatives in the form of enemas and suppositories;
  • contact (irritant) laxatives;
  • other laxatives.

Let's look at each of the groups in more detail.

Main drugs of the groupThere are three subgroups of osmotic laxatives:
  • salt preparations: Sodium sulfate (from 19 rubles), Magnesium sulfate (from 23 rubles), Carlsbad salt, Magnesium hydroxide
  • indigestible carbohydrates - prebiotics: Lactulose (from 202 rub.), Inulin (from 82 rub.), Duphalac (from 248 rub.), Prelax (from 161 rub.), Normaze (from 257 rub.)
  • Macrogol and its analogues: Forlax (from 152 rubles), Endofalk (from 462 rubles), Fortrans (from 118 rubles).
Mechanism of actionSaline laxatives act throughout the intestine, increasing the osmotic pressure in its lumen. This action attracts fluid from plasma and fat tissue into the intestines, which leads to softening of the stool. Prebiotics have an effect on the colon. When they are fermented by bacteria in the colon, the acidity in this area increases, which leads to an increase in volume and softening of the stool. Macrogol stimulates the hydration process, equalizing the volume of the colon and its contents. Does not affect the intestinal microflora and does not irritate it.
Indications for useOsmotic laxatives are prescribed for various types of poisoning, in preparation for laboratory tests and surgery, for acute and chronic constipation.
ContraindicationsThe salt subgroup of laxatives is contraindicated for children, pregnant women and women during lactation. Also, saline laxatives should not be used for heart failure. Prebiotics and Macrogol have virtually no contraindications. They are most often prescribed for constipation in children.
Side effectsSalt preparations can cause uncontrollable laxative effects, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Taking prebiotics is often accompanied by flatulence, and Macrogol can cause diarrhea and minor abdominal pain.
Main drugs of the group
  • Norgalax (from 80 rub.);
  • Bisacodyl in suppositories (from 25 rubles);
  • Glycerol (from 90 rub.);
  • Microlax (from 346 RUR).
Mechanism of actionThey have a local effect on the rectum, softening feces and increasing their volume.
Indications for usePrescribed before laboratory tests, during the postpartum and postoperative periods, as well as for occasional constipation.
ContraindicationsRemedies for constipation in the form of enemas and suppositories are contraindicated for uterine bleeding, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, inflammatory processes in the colon and fissures in the anus.
Side effectsWhen used short-term, laxatives of this group have no side effects. Long-term use may be accompanied by pain and itching in the anus, inflammation of the rectum, and diarrhea.

Do you know what “purgantism” is? This concept means addiction to laxatives (from the name of one of them - purgena). This addiction develops quite quickly as a result of regular use of laxatives. In addition, medicinal laxatives can have a number of side effects on the human body, cause diarrhea, and, as a result, an imbalance in water-salt balance.

Quite often they lead to drug-induced inflammation of the intestines - colitis, and with regular use - to intestinal atony and other unpleasant things. Therefore, you should resort to such medications as a last resort when other means of treatment do not help, after coordinating their use with your doctor. But, when discussing the harmful side effects of medicinal laxatives, let the first person to throw a stone at me is the one who has not suffered from constipation (or, in scientific terms, “constipation”) at least once in his life. Sometimes there is no way out (both figuratively and literally), and you still have to take some kind of laxative.

An enema is an effective remedy, and sometimes the only solution for constipation. But this method of softening stool for constipation at home should be used as rarely as possible.

Impaired defecation can provoke intestinal stenosis of various etiologies. Excessive volume of water will only increase the load on the walls of the organ. There is a risk of injury to the rectum and anus.

For a cleansing enema, use only cool water. Warm liquid dilutes feces, but is easily absorbed from the rectum and, instead of improving the condition, there is a risk of intoxication of the body.

Procedure method:

  1. Fill Esmarch's mug with water.
  2. Lubricate the tip with Vaseline.
  3. While lying on your left side, insert the tip into the rectum. Open the tap.
  4. After emptying the enema, lie down for 5 minutes. This will allow the stool to soften.
  5. Visit the toilet.

An enema is a cheap method of softening feces. But you should resort to it only in extreme cases.

How to soften stool during constipation: 5 effective ways

Sharp, breakthrough drugs from the Senadexin series are becoming a thing of the past. Currently, a number of requirements are imposed on laxatives that soften stool:

  • ease of use;
  • safety for all categories of patients, including children of the first year of life, pregnant and elderly patients;
  • soft but predictable effect;
  • normalization of normal intestinal rhythm;
  • lack of addiction.

Drugs that meet these requirements are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Lactulose syrup

Lactulose, the trade name of the drug Duphalac, belongs to the Prebiotics pharmaceutical group. The active substance is not absorbed in the intestine. It creates conditions for the growth of your own beneficial microflora and helps soften stool.

Available in the form of syrup in bottles and sachets. Approved for use in pregnant women and children of the first year of life. Dosages are calculated individually. The expected result is 5-6 hours after administration.

The product does not cause abdominal pain, colic or other unpleasant effects. It acts slowly but surely and is gentle on the body.

Glycerin suppositories

This is a fast-acting drug. After administration, a trip to the toilet will occur within 10–15 minutes. The drug is approved for all categories of patients. The drug liquefies feces, and the structure of the suppository makes it easier to remove them from the body.

Glycerin suppositories are produced in 2 dosages - for adults and children. Do not cause abdominal pain or flatulence. The only side effect is a burning sensation at the injection site.

The drug is made in the form of a liquid solution for rectal administration. The liquid is contained in a microenema for one-time use. Allowed for children from the first days of life, pregnant women, and other categories of patients.

Active components help soften stool. Bowel movement occurs within 10–15 minutes.

There are many home remedies to soften stool for constipation. They do not require large amounts of time and investment.

  1. Drinking enough liquid – from 1.5 to 2 water per day.
  2. One-day kefir - the maximum dosage is 0.5 liters per day.
  3. Consumption of flaxseed - added to salads, dairy dishes. 1-2 teaspoons of grains per day is enough.
  4. Beets - boiled and raw. Salads are made from the root vegetable, and the juice is drunk in a diluted state.
  5. Plums, prunes – compotes, raw. Dry fruits are steamed and added to fermented milk products.
  6. Dried apricots and apricots – like prunes, help soften feces.
  7. Vegetable oils - olive, sunflower, corn - a sufficient dosage is 1-2 tablespoons per day. If it is not possible to take pure oil, then it is used for salad dressing.
  8. Chamomile decoction has a regulating, laxative effect. For 5 g of dried flowers you will need 1 cup of boiling water. Pour in and leave to steep. Take instead of tea.

When using traditional methods, do not exceed the recommended dosages. Otherwise, instead of relief, you will get diarrhea.

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If a patient plans to soften hard feces with the help of medications, he should be aware that taking laxatives is addictive to the body.

Also, against the background of long-term use of such medications, various side effects may occur, so you need to weigh the possible risks in advance:

  • defecation mechanisms are disrupted;
  • necessary microelements are removed from the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.;
  • problems arise in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems may occur in some systems (cardiovascular, nervous, etc.).

There is a classification of drugs that have a pronounced laxative effect:

  • means that stimulate the act of defecation.
  • drugs that form the volume of the fecal bolus.
  • agents that envelop the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • drugs that can soften stool.

To eliminate some risks and prevent the body from getting used to the components of the drugs, patients should start treatment with the weakest medications, for example, products that include buckthorn, rhubarb and hay. It is also recommended to take medications such as Guttalax or Bisacodyl. The potent products Duphalac and Normaze eliminate constipation quite quickly.

In cases where problems with intestinal motility are observed, it is recommended to take the drugs “Platiphylline”, “Bismuth”, “Belladonna”, as well as effective folk recipes. If a patient has decreased intestinal tone, he is advised to take medications that contain lactulose, for example, Normaze.

Often, placing suppositories is the only way to soften stool in children without negative consequences. Glycerin suppositories have a softening effect; their use helps soften stool, enhances intestinal motility, which leads to defecation.

Suppositories with glycerin are excellent for facilitating bowel movements for patients at any age, starting from the first days of life. Children under one year old are given a small dosage of ¼ to ½ part of the suppository, after which bowel movements occur within half an hour.


The use of enemas should not be frequent; it is advisable to use them only in cases where nothing else helps with acute constipation. To use enemas, the water must be warm. It is recommended to do enemas from a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula), but before treatment in this way, you must consult a specialist.

It is also worth considering some contraindications:

  • severe intestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • rectal tumors.

Folk remedies

To relieve constipation, many different folk remedies are used:

  • Wheat bran. Due to the presence of fiber, they significantly improve the digestion process, making stool softer. For the best effect, it is best to consume bran with fermented milk products.
  • Beet. An excellent stool softener. If you eat beets with the addition of vegetable oils, then the act of bowel movements will be regular.
  • Rowan. A good remedy in the fight against hard feces. The prepared decoction should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Knotweed. Pour boiling water (half a liter of water) over a handful of seeds and boil for 5 minutes. Leave the decoction for 24 hours and take it the next day, once before or after meals.
  • Black elderberry. An excellent stool softener. To prepare it you need to pour 2 tbsp. spoons of elderberry fruits with warm boiled water (200 ml), leave for 2-3 hours. Take 1/3 cup at night.

A balanced diet helps eliminate congestion and restore the functioning of the digestive system.

To improve the condition, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • To drink a lot of water. Due to a lack of fluid, stool hardening often occurs. In addition to water, you can drink compotes, fruit drinks, juices, kefir, yogurt, teas and decoctions.
  • You can eat all types of cereals, exclude rice and semolina.
  • Fiber is good for the stomach; large amounts of it can be found in fruits and vegetables. It is allowed to use various types of vegetable oils to season dishes.
  • Include flax seeds, oatmeal cookies, and coarse wheat bread in your diet.
  • To get the desired effect, it is recommended to drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir at night.
  • It is advisable to exclude foods that contribute to constipation from the daily menu. This includes canned, spicy and smoked foods, bakery and confectionery products, fatty meats and fish, and fast food.

The main thing in this diet is to prepare food in a healthy way. Vegetables, meat and fish can be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. It is not recommended to use spices and preservatives when cooking.

You need to eat food often and in small portions. Fresh fruits, prunes and fermented milk products are suitable for snacks.

The cause of hardening of stool and difficulty in passing it can be acute or chronic constipation - intestinal constipation. Most of the water comes out of the feces, complicating emptying and causing a lot of unpleasant sensations. In this case, it is important to establish normal bowel function as soon as possible.

Is hard feces normal or pathological? This question worries many people who monitor their health. Ideally, stool should be soft to allow regular bowel movements. Otherwise, problems such as constipation arise, which leads to poisoning of the body with toxins. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to soften stool for constipation at home?

Where does fecal impaction form and why does it happen?

Fecal impaction can occur in any part of the large intestine.
Usually they are formed directly “at the exit” of the body, in the rectum. Fecal impaction is a direct consequence of chronic constipation. The main factor influencing its development is the habit of waiting until the disease goes away on its own, without doing anything about the accumulation of feces. Other reasons why fecal impaction forms are as follows:

  • consuming large amounts of food at one time;
  • an abundance of smoked, fried and fatty foods in the diet;
  • congenital or acquired disorder of the shape of the rectum;
  • disturbances of tone and peristalsis of the large intestine;
  • psychological reasons.

Psychological reasons are a separate matter. Fecal impaction forms in people with hemorrhoids and anal fissures due to banal fear. It seems to the patient that if he pushes hard, trying to “push” feces out of himself, this will provoke a deterioration in the condition of the anorectal area.

Other psychological factors behind the formation of traffic jams are: depression, serious psychological problems, mental illness. In this state, a person does not follow the rhythms of bowel movements at all. Naturally, the occurrence of fecal impactions cannot be avoided.

Fecal impaction in a child may occur due to his love for persimmons. Paradoxically, this fruit is the leader in clogging the intestines with its undigested waste. If your baby loves tart, astringent persimmons, then be careful, because he is at risk.

Bulk laxatives

Main drugs of the group
  • Sea kale (from 63 rub.);
  • Flax seeds (from 50 rub.);
  • Figs (from 122 rub.);
  • Psyllium seed husk (from 90 rub.);
  • Mukofalk (from 504 rub.).
Mechanism of actionThis group of laxatives is based on components that are not digested in the intestines. In fact, they expand the volume of the rectum while retaining water, which leads to a reflex acceleration of bowel movements. Taking the medications themselves should be accompanied by the simultaneous consumption of a large amount of liquid - up to one and a half liters.
Indications for usePrescribed for chronic constipation, people who cannot push (postpartum and postoperative periods), patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
ContraindicationsPresence of allergies to drug components.
Side effectsTaking bulk laxatives may be accompanied by bloating, minor pain, and a feeling of fullness in the colon. They are considered the safest group of laxatives.

When to see a doctor

If constipation was an isolated occurrence, then the stool returned to normal, you should not consult a doctor. If this condition recurs regularly, you need to schedule a visit to a gastroenterologist.

When to see a doctor:

  • stool less than 3 times a week;
  • feces resemble sheep or goat feces;
  • have to regularly use laxatives;
  • defecation is impossible without strong straining;
  • there was pain during bowel movements;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool;
  • there are abdominal pains;
  • weakness increases, and signs of intoxication appear.

Treatment of defecation disorders is carried out by a therapist, proctologist and gastroenterologist. If you suspect pathology of the endocrine glands, you will need to consult an endocrinologist.

Symptoms of hard stool

Normal bowel function is characterized by regular bowel movements, which occur easily and painlessly. If the act of defecation is difficult or stool is observed less than once a day, then we can talk about the presence of constipation.

The structure of feces during intestinal stagnation can take several forms:

  • loose round feces (pea-shaped feces);
  • sausages that are too dense;
  • dense masses with a ribbed surface;
  • lumpy feces.

An acute form of constipation occurs when solid masses get stuck in the intestines and their release stops completely. This type of problematic stool is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort in the rectal area;
  • feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • complete absence of emptying;
  • urge to evacuate, ending in nothing.

If constipation with hard feces is characterized by a partial release of masses accumulated in the intestines, then most often this pathology is accompanied by loose stools. In this case, the process is painful, since previously stuck feces pass heavily through the intestines, damaging its walls, and causing rupture of the anus.

If hardened excrement is not softened before emptying, the consequences of such constipation can be hernias, the appearance of hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse.


A common complication of constipation is hardening of stool and the formation of stones. In this case, it is impossible to cleanse the intestines on your own.

The following complications are possible:

  • intoxication of the body;
  • development of hemorrhoids;
  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • atony of the organ - with frequent use of laxatives, bowel cleansing with an enema, peristalsis worsens;
  • impaired kidney function due to pressure from a full intestine on the bladder;
  • obstruction of a mechanical nature with the development of peritonitis.

A balanced diet, drinking enough fluids, and an active lifestyle will help prevent defecation disorders.

Constipation is dangerous to your health. If there are frequent defecation problems, you should find out the cause of the problems, and not just soften the stool. Only in this case can a delicate problem be solved forever.

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If you adhere to the right lifestyle, you can avoid many digestive problems.

A sedentary lifestyle often leads to constipation. Therefore, you need to move a lot and walk in the fresh air. For the digestive system to function normally, morning exercises are quite enough. Breathing exercises and abdominal massage are also useful. Active hobbies and pets will help you move more.

In order for the stomach to function normally, it is recommended to eat food at the same time. You should start your morning with a glass of warm water to cleanse your digestive system of food debris.

After long-term drug treatment of pathologies in the intestines, it is recommended to take medications with probiotics that restore the intestinal microflora.

Contact (irritant) laxatives

Main drugs of the group
  • Castor oil (from 53 rub.);
  • Rhubarb root (from 160 rub.);
  • Bisacodyl (from 45 rub.);
  • Joster fruits;
  • Guttalax (from 230 rub.);
  • Phytolax in the form of chewable tablets (from 195 rubles).
Mechanism of actionDrugs in this group have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane and nerve endings in the colon, thereby stimulating the process of peristalsis. Contact laxatives also prevent the absorption of fluid from the intestine, preventing stool from hardening.
Indications for usePrescribed mainly for acute constipation.
ContraindicationsNot prescribed for children and the elderly, as well as patients with limited mobility due to the unpredictable course of the laxative effect. In addition, most drugs in this group have individual contraindications, and their long-term use is fundamentally not recommended.
Side effectsDysbacteriosis, dehydration, addiction.

What could be the consequences?

If the cause of constipation is not treated, numerous complications can develop. Long-term constipation can cause chronic intestinal diseases; hard feces can cause injury to the mucous membrane and bleeding.

Due to stagnation of feces, the risk of stretching the longitudinal muscle of the submucosal layer of the rectum increases, as a result of which hemorrhoidal nodes are displaced and hemorrhoids develop.

Timely softening of feces prevents the development of complications and injuries to the intestinal walls. Self-treatment of acute constipation can provoke the development of a chronic form of constipation, so a gastroenterologist should choose the right treatment.

Traditional methods of dealing with constipation

Considering the types of laxatives, it can be noted that many of them are based on herbal components that have laxative functions. They are also widely used in folk medicine for constipation. There are also a number of effective folk methods for preventing and combating constipation, which are very easy to use, do not require any complex components and are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Let's consider them:

  • After waking up, you should regularly drink at least a glass of clean water at room temperature, and postpone eating for half an hour after that. Water will cleanse the stomach and prepare it for the digestion process;
  • regular consumption of cabbage, prunes, beets, and other raw vegetables and fruits in sufficient quantities is the key to the absence of constipation and normal bowel function;
  • Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir. It is very easy to pickle and allows the intestines to prepare for the new day without overload;
  • If it was not possible to avoid constipation, then castor oil will help to quickly overcome it. 30 g of oil once a day for three days normalizes stool, and the first effect of taking it will appear after 2-8 hours. This drug is considered one of the most effective, fast-acting and inexpensive, which is why it is perhaps the most popular;
  • If you are constipated, you need to drink plenty of fluids. One and a half to two liters of water, drunk at a time, will make the stool softer and allow you to overcome the problem without serious therapy.

But the main thing with constipation is to eliminate the cause that disrupted intestinal function. Having correctly identified the prerequisites and gotten rid of them, constipation will go away without a trace, and you will forget about this problem for a long time.

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How to prevent stool from hardening in the intestines

Hardening of fecal matter most often occurs due to intestinal dysfunction. In order for feces to pass out regularly and not have time to accumulate, it is necessary to ensure daily emptying.

Recommendations for problem intestines are as follows:

  • fill your diet with foods that soften stool;
  • reduce the consumption of flour products and eat only stale baked goods;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day;
  • give up fried, spicy and fatty foods;
  • eat more fresh vegetables and fruits (with the exception of legumes, pears, grapes and persimmons);
  • include dried fruits in the diet, especially prunes and dried apricots;
  • consume several tablespoons of boiled beets with vegetable oil every day;
  • start the day with light exercise.

If constipation with hard feces occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then prevention should include not only proper nutrition, but also treatment of the underlying problem of intestinal dysfunction. Such therapy is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor using medications.

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