Traditional recipes to help in the treatment of liver cirrhosis

Norman Walker's Vegetable Juice Recipe

Norman Walker is an American scientist, naturopath, and pioneer in the field of vegetable juice and healthy eating. According to various sources, he lived from 99 to 119 years.

Norman Walker's recipes are based on mixtures of natural vegetable juices:

Recipe No. 1. Take carrots, cucumber and beets in a combination of 10:3:3. Pass through a juicer and drink.

Recipe No. 2. Take carrots and spinach in a ratio of 10:6. Pass through a juicer and drink.

Recipe No. 3. Just add 1-2 tablespoons of black radish juice to carrot juice, which is also very useful for inflammation and cirrhosis of the liver, toxic hepatitis.

Are there any restrictions for drinking juices?

There are no obvious restrictions for drinking juices. You can drink them in the quantities you want. However, to achieve a quick therapeutic effect, you must drink at least 600 grams of juice during the day. There is no upper limit. The optimal amount of juice consumption is about 1-4 liters per day. The limitation in this case concerns only the amount of fluid consumed per day. That is, you need to drink just enough so as not to overload your heart and kidneys.

The effect of consuming vegetable juices is achieved due to the content of enzymes and microelements in the fruits. To preserve all the beneficial substances, juices must be prepared only from fresh vegetables. No less important is the method of preparation. It is best to prepare juices using the grinding method.

What do you need to know when drinking natural juices?

When consuming juices for therapeutic purposes, it is important to remember a few recommendations:

  • Please be patient. Juices help cleanse the body and restore organ function (especially the liver). In the first days and even weeks, unpleasant phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract, for example, from the intestines, may be observed. This only indicates the effectiveness of the purification being carried out.
  • In the average person's mind, drinking juices can be harmful because juices turn the skin an unnatural color. This opinion is especially rooted in carrot juice. Of course, this is not true. A yellowish tint to the skin is given by excess bile, which is released by the liver as a result of receiving juices (the cleansing process occurs). If the skin turns a different color after drinking juices, this only means that the excretory organs are not yet able to cope with removing such an amount of the substance. Over time, everything will return to normal.
  • After treatment with natural juices is completed, it is important to continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Otherwise, all the results will come to nothing. It is especially important for patients with liver cirrhosis to adhere to this recommendation, since for them this is a matter of vital importance.

List of the most effective methods

In addition to the oat cleansing agent given as an example, there are other effective methods that allow it to recover from liver cirrhosis.

  1. Tubage is an excellent treatment for the liver and bile ducts. This method is quite simple to implement. In the evening before going to bed, no later than 19 hours, you need to have a light dinner, snack on an apple or other fruit. After three hours, you need to dissolve the sorbitol in a glass of water and drink all the liquid at once. Next, it is recommended to lie down in bed and place a heating pad on your right side, in the liver area. You can sleep with a heating pad all night, but it is advisable to cover yourself with a warm blanket so that the heating pad cools down as slowly as possible. This procedure should be done all week, and then reduce the number of procedures to three times a week. You can stop such methods of treatment after receiving tests to improve the functioning of the organ.
  2. Melon fasting - this is what the populists called the most delicious way to cure a liver with cirrhosis. This liver cleanse lasts fourteen days. Every day from seven in the morning to ten in the evening you need to eat only melons. The best melons for cleansing and treating liver cirrhosis are oblong fruits that are yellow-green in color. You can eat as much of this delicious product as you like per day. It is best to divide the melon into four meals; cool green tea will be useful in between meals. After the liver cleansing is completed, you can gradually return to a normal diet.
  3. Treatment with folk remedies also involves the use of rose hips, a very beneficial berry for the body. Three tablespoons of dry berries should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, preferably in a thermos. The next morning, dissolve three tablespoons of sorbitol or xylitol in rosehip infusion, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved and drink one glass in one gulp. The remaining rosehip is drunk after twenty minutes. In about an hour you can have breakfast. It is best to eat juicy fruits that contain a lot of fiber. If there is no fruit, a vegetable salad will do. The procedure is recommended to be done every two days on the third. This liver cleansing is carried out once a month for a week. Using this method, it is possible not only to treat, but also to prevent liver cirrhosis.

Milk thistle for liver cirrhosis

One of the most effective natural remedies against liver diseases, even as serious as cirrhosis, is milk thistle. Milk thistle has a pronounced regenerative effect due to the presence of flavolignans in its composition. At home, treatment with this remedy is carried out in the form of taking tea based on the seeds and herbs of the plant.

Herbal tea is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of crushed plant seeds is mixed with a teaspoon of chopped milk thistle herb. The resulting mixture is poured with hot water (approximately 200 ml). Then you need to leave the product to infuse for 15 minutes. Strain the infusion. Take the product 3 times a day (in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch and in the evening before bed) one cup. If you mix milk thistle tea with peppermint tea, you can enhance the healing effect of milk thistle itself.

On the subject: 5 superfoods for the liver (extremely beneficial)

Turmeric reduces inflammatory damage to liver cells

Turmeric effectively copes with inflammatory liver lesions. Such a powerful anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the high content of turmeric, a special polyphenol and at the same time an antioxidant - curcumin. As is known, the mechanism of formation of liver cirrhosis is based on the development of a stable autoimmune reaction. As a result of primary damage to liver cells (viruses, toxic substances), a specific protein produced by hepatocytes takes on antigenic properties. The immune system mistakes the protein for an intruder and produces antibodies against the protein, simultaneously attacking the hepatocytes. The lipids contained in the liver are oxidized under the influence of substances produced by antibodies, which leads to rapid destruction of organ tissue.

Curcumin has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, due to which destruction of liver tissue does not occur, despite the fact that the immune reaction continues. In addition, curcumin promotes accelerated outflow of bile, which means it eliminates the development of congestion in the liver and gall bladder.

To improve the condition of the liver, you need to prepare the following composition: 1 teaspoon of grated turmeric (powder) is diluted in a glass of warm boiled water, honey is added for taste. Take the product 0.5 cups 2 times a day before meals.

Elecampane and dandelion juice

Elecampane root is also an effective remedy against liver cirrhosis. At the initial stages of the development of cirrhosis (compensated cirrhosis), you need to take an infusion of elecampane.

Infusion of elecampane. One and a half tablespoons of chopped elecampane should be poured with half a liter of water. The resulting mixture should be heated over low heat for 30 minutes. Upon completion, the infusion should be left for 10-15 minutes and strained. Take a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days.

Dandelion juice

Dandelion juice is a good way to remove toxins from the liver, which means increasing the rate of regeneration. This long-known and proven medicine should be taken 2-3 tablespoons on an empty stomach. Due to the high content of magnesium and potassium, which are necessary for detoxification, dandelion leaves are also beneficial.

Advantages of traditional medicine

The effectiveness of traditional medicine recipes has been proven over the years.

Experts categorically prohibit herbal treatment, especially in the final stages of liver cirrhosis.

List of positive aspects of treating liver cirrhosis with herbs:

  1. Herbs affect the body with virtually no side effects or reactions. While the aggressive effects of medicinal forms of treatment can lead to worsening of the liver condition.
  2. The use of traditional medicine is aimed not only at improving the condition of the liver and stopping the pathological process of growth of scar tissue, but also at strengthening the immune system and toning the entire body.
  3. Traditional medicine recipes have long been known and time-tested. Therefore, this treatment method is trustworthy.
  4. Unlike medications, traditional medicine does not cause specific allergic reactions, and they can be used starting from adolescence.
  5. The low price of herbs and other raw materials allows you to treat the liver without much financial expense.
  6. Ingredients for preparing recipes can be purchased at any pharmacy.

However, along with the positive aspects, treatment of liver cirrhosis at home is not always effective. It is especially difficult to treat cirrhosis in the decompensation stage with traditional medicine. And failure to see a doctor in a timely manner can even lead to death.

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    No signs of alcohol dependence were found. However, we still recommend not to abuse alcoholic beverages. Remember, alcoholism often begins with everyday drunkenness.
  • There is a risk of the initial stage of alcoholism. But don't despair!

    At the moment, the best results are shown by the anti-alcoholism drug ALKOPROST - these are natural-based drops that cause an aversion to alcohol.

    The drops are colorless or odorless and can be given without the patient's knowledge. It is the completely natural composition that allows the drug to be given without the knowledge of the patient.


    Right now the manufacturer is holding a promotion and ALCOPROST can be purchased at a -50% discount

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    Studies have shown more than 80% effectiveness when taken for 30 days. During the entire period, the subjects reduced the dose of alcohol they consumed until they completely gave up alcohol. More information on the link below. Go to the official website

  • There are signs of the second stage of alcoholism. We need to take action URGENTLY!

    At the moment, the best results are shown by the anti-alcoholism drug ALKOPROST - these are natural-based drops that cause an aversion to alcohol.

    The drops are colorless or odorless and can be given without the patient's knowledge. It is the completely natural composition that allows the drug to be given without the knowledge of the patient.


    Right now the manufacturer is holding a promotion and ALCOPROST can be purchased at a -50% discount

    on the official site.

    Studies have shown more than 80% effectiveness when taken for 30 days. During the entire period, the subjects reduced the dose of alcohol they consumed until they completely gave up alcohol. More information on the link below. Go to the official website

  • There are signs of the later stages of alcoholism. The person needs to be saved URGENTLY!

    At the moment, the best results are shown by the anti-alcoholism drug ALKOPROST - these are natural-based drops that cause an aversion to alcohol.

    The drops are colorless or odorless and can be given without the patient's knowledge. It is the completely natural composition that allows the drug to be given without the knowledge of the patient.


    Right now the manufacturer is holding a promotion and ALCOPROST can be purchased at a -50% discount

    on the official site.

    Studies have shown more than 80% effectiveness when taken for 30 days. During the entire period, the subjects reduced the dose of alcohol they consumed until they completely gave up alcohol. More information on the link below. Go to the official website

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Garlic for the liver

Another well-known recipe is that garlic perfectly removes toxins from the liver, promoting rapid regeneration of organ tissue.

Let's talk about two ways to use it:

  • One clove of garlic needs to be crushed and mixed with a quarter glass of kefir. The resulting composition should be drunk every morning before meals.
  • There is another way to use garlic. Every morning you need to chop 2 cloves of garlic and pour a glass of boiling water over them, leave for a day and drink in the morning. And so every day for a month or two.

Fandetox for liver cirrhosis

FanDetox is an innovative product developed by Korean scientist SongHyeBok with the aim of protecting and restoring liver cells from the toxic effects of harmful substances, alcohol and drugs, as well as poor-quality food.

Indications for use of the drug are:

  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis.
  • Poisoning affecting liver function.
  • High blood cholesterol levels.

The main advantage of Fandetox is its completely natural composition, based on plants that are beneficial for the liver. The drug is effective not only as a medicine for existing problems with the liver, but also as a measure to prevent cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc. Taking Fandetox reduces the load on the liver, so the organ remains “strength” for recovery (after all, it is known that the liver has the most pronounced regenerative potential).

On the subject: List of medications used for liver cirrhosis


For a long time, the patient will not show any signs of liver cirrhosis. Only occasionally can the patient feel bitterness in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach after eating fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. Often, patients do not consult a doctor, attributing these alarming symptoms to overeating or poor quality food.

After some time, when the disease continues to progress and leads to serious damage to the liver parenchyma, signs of the disease begin that are difficult to ignore. Patients' performance decreases, the abdomen may increase in size, and flatulence appears. Excess bilirubin leads to redness of the palms and the spread of itching throughout the body. The skin begins to acquire a yellow tint, and the sclera of the eyeball becomes yellow. The most severe disorder is increased pressure in the portal vein, which threatens serious internal bleeding.

Patients who notice symptoms of pathology do not know how to determine cirrhosis of the liver, so they need to go to the hospital, have liver tests and other tests to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Recipe from healer Lyudmila Kim

The treatment is based on a long but effective regimen of taking several infusions.

The treatment regimen is designed for 3 months:

  • Month 1. Prepare an infusion of celandine. Mix crushed celandine herb and mix with water in a ratio of 2:200 (2 tablespoons of celandine per 200 ml of boiled water). Take the product for a month. 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before the next meal.
  • Month 2. Prepare a decoction of elecampane rhizomes. 20 g of crushed rhizomes per half liter of water. The drug is taken for 10 days, half a glass 3 times a day, 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Month 3. In the third month, you need to take the celandine infusion again. However, in addition to the infusion, you should also take an infusion of dandelion root.

Treatment of cirrhosis with herbal remedies

In addition to the above recipes, herbs are often used in folk medicine for liver cirrhosis, aimed at eliminating the disease. There are a huge number of herbal recipes, but the most effective of them are the preparation of decoctions and infusions based on:

  • elecampane and celandine root;
  • nettle, rosehip and wheatgrass;
  • yarrow, buckthorn, St. John's wort and caraway;
  • chicory, horseradish and horsetail;
  • string, tansy, burdock, rosehip, chamomile and sage.

Despite the wide variety of non-traditional recipes, when the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to seek help from specialists as soon as possible. Only a gastroenterologist knows how to treat liver cirrhosis with folk remedies, and what recipes should be used, depending on the nature of the disease.

It must be remembered that traditional methods should be an auxiliary part of drug therapy.

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