Colon cleansing diet - a delicious menu for weight loss in 10 days

General information

Throughout life, the human body is exposed to various negative influences, as a result of which various organs and systems suffer. Particular attention must be paid to the work of the intestines - an organ on the health of which the general condition of the body largely depends. In ancient times, Hippocrates said that colon cleansing is a way to take care of the colon. In modern medicine, various methods of cleansing this organ are practiced. There are also many traditional methods that are popular. This article will discuss how necessary such cleansing is, when and how to carry it out.

Possible risks and disadvantages of cleaning

Despite the fact that many perceive colon cleansing as a panacea for many health problems, most gastroenterologists are in no hurry to advise patients on this procedure. And they have at least three reasons for this.

First, there is no scientific evidence that colonic lavage improves patient health or is an effective treatment for chronic diseases.

Secondly, after cleansing, not only potentially harmful substances are washed out of the intestines, but also healthy microflora. But without it, the human body actually becomes vulnerable and prone to developing various diseases. By the way, the functioning of the immune system directly depends on the state of the intestinal microflora.

Third, if water cleansing is not done correctly, it can cause serious health problems, including colon perforation.

Colon cleansing should absolutely not be carried out if you have the following diseases:

  • diverticulitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • severe hemorrhoids;
  • tumors in the sigmoid or rectum;
  • severe heart or kidney disease.

Why cleanse your intestines?

The intestine is an organ that is an important part of the digestive system. It is inhabited by microorganisms that take part in metabolic processes and utilize harmful substances. That is why the connection of this organ with the condition of the skin, liver and a number of other organs has been scientifically proven. Beneficial intestinal microflora mainly lives in the large intestine. In addition to beneficial bacteria, potentially dangerous microorganisms also live there. But in order for this organ to work optimally, and for a person to feel good, what is important is not the absence of pathogenic microorganisms, but the maintenance of an optimal balance of microflora. But in the process of life, the microflora is disrupted due to the influence of various factors - infectious diseases, severe stress, taking antibiotics and some other drugs, poor nutrition, etc. The following conditions can result from an imbalance in the microflora:

  • digestive disorders - severe gas formation, bloating, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • impaired immunity ;
  • deterioration in general health associated with intoxication of the body - fatigue and weakness, a slight increase in temperature;
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin - itching, peeling, rashes, allergic manifestations.

Cleansing the intestines is required in different life situations. So, a woman needs this before childbirth, in case of constipation , bloating and some other diseases. In some cases, a person needs to have their intestines cleansed before they die to alleviate their suffering due to hardened stool.

Types of cleaning

Detoxing or colon cleansing is a relatively simple way to restore a healthy balance of microflora. There are many types of colon cleansing practiced:

  • Sorption - sorbents act like a sponge, extracting, absorbing and removing toxins from the body.
  • By stimulating the kidneys and intestines, this method helps to remove feces naturally.
  • Intestinal dialysis - this procedure involves washing the intestines using an enema or a special device for colon hydrotherapy.
  • Oxidative techniques - involve the introduction of sodium hypochlorite , saturation of organs with oxygen using devices, etc.
  • Cleansing the intestines with folk remedies - there are numerous methods that allow you to cleanse the intestines, improving the condition of the body after the holidays, taking large amounts of alcohol, medications, etc. However, folk remedies must also be used very carefully.

Artificial cleaning methods are practiced only in a hospital setting, when the patient is monitored by a specialist. As for how to cleanse the intestines at home, at home a person can not only “traditionally” use an enema, but also use other methods. After all, the body is cleansed of harmful toxins using natural methods - through the lungs, kidneys, with sweat, through the intestines. The essence of cleaning methods is to stimulate these processes, thereby ensuring active cleaning.

Monitoring hardware cleanup

Monitor colon cleansing or colon hydrotherapy allows the body to get rid of toxins and effectively cleanse the intestines of fecal stones. This procedure, also called AMOC (hardware monitored bowel cleansing), is performed using a special device in a clinical setting. This procedure is relatively comfortable, since during its course the intraintestinal pressure is controlled, and the rate of supply of the solution is also controlled. During one procedure, from 20 to 60 liters of water passes through the intestines.

In this case, different solutions can be used. To get the desired effect, a course of a series of procedures is practiced - up to ten of them are carried out. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning every six months.

Reviews indicate that after such a procedure, skin color improves, performance increases and general condition normalizes, insomnia , etc. Another pleasant “bonus” is that after the AMOC course you lose a few extra kilos.

This procedure is prescribed for the purpose of prevention, in the period after surgery, for allergies , dysbacteriosis, chronic constipation , skin diseases, etc.

More detailed information about colon hydrotherapy can be found in the video.

Cleaning at home

At home, you can practice cleansing techniques with an enema, take medications that promote detoxification, and use folk remedies for this purpose.

Enemas for colon cleansing

Using enemas, you can effectively empty the lower sections, ensuring cleansing of the large intestine. A liquid enema helps make stool softer, activate peristalsis, and facilitate the evacuation of stool. This procedure can be carried out both for constipation and to remove toxins. Enemas are also performed during fasting, which is practiced for cleansing.

However, this procedure is contraindicated for those who suffer from inflammatory diseases of the rectum, intestinal and gastric bleeding, peritonitis , rectal prolapse, cancer, heart and vascular diseases, as well as in the period after surgery.

Cleaning is carried out with water with added oil or salt water at room temperature. To prepare a saline solution, you need to mix 1 liter of water with 1 tbsp. l. salt.

But in order to get the desired result, the process must be approached responsibly. First of all, eat right for some time before starting the cleanse and practice proper nutrition after the cleanse. Before cleansing, you should include bran, whole grain bread, and cereals in the menu. After the procedures, nutrition should be gentle.

You can learn more about how to cleanse with an enema from the video.

Those who intend to practice this method of cleaning should take into account that it also has a number of disadvantages.

First of all, when performing such a procedure at home, there is a risk of infection. In addition, tap water can negatively affect the mucous membranes, as it contains chlorine.

People who use an enema too often risk disrupting the intestinal microflora, because the liquid actually washes out all the beneficial microorganisms. dysbiosis develops , and the body's condition worsens even more.
Therefore, those who practice enemas for weight loss, making it a habit, risk seriously impairing their health.

How to eat if you have intestinal problems

If such problems arise, you should switch to a balanced diet.

To do this you need:

  • eliminate fried, fatty, smoked foods from your diet and switch to foods that are steamed or baked in the oven;
  • try to consume a minimum of salt;
  • you need to eat little and often, but at the same time adhere to a three-hour interval between meals;
  • drink up to two liters of regular table water daily;
  • completely give up alcohol;
  • include natural foods in your diet.

To gently and safely cleanse the intestines, you need to use plant foods in your diet. Natural products contain the required vitamins that help the digestive organs become healthier and renew themselves.

Medications for colon cleansing

There are also numerous tablets, as well as suppositories and other forms of preparations designed to cleanse the intestines. They can be divided into several groups.


Laxatives for bowel cleansing can have different principles of action. Laxatives can increase osmotic pressure in the intestines, activate peristalsis, and soften stool. This group includes a number of drugs: lactulose ( Duphalac, etc.), glycosides, herbal preparations (senna, etc.). Most people who need an inexpensive remedy of this kind routinely ask about what is the best laxative in the pharmacy. But in order to choose the most effective and mild laxative to cleanse the intestines, we recommend visiting a doctor. This type of medicine should not be taken in case of obstruction, “acute abdomen”, inflammatory bowel diseases, during treatment with antibiotics, or in case of dehydration.

Lavacol and Fortrans

The most popular laxatives for cleansing are Lavacol and Fortrans .

Preparations Fortrans and Lavacol for bowel cleansing are recommended for cleansing before surgery or before colonoscopy. After all, even if a diet is followed before such an intervention, cleansing is still necessary.

In order to cleanse the intestines before the examination, you can use any of these drugs. As evidenced by reviews of intestinal cleansing with Lavacol and Fortrans, the main difference between these products is their price. Lavacol is a cheaper domestic drug. After all, they contain the same active ingredient - macrogol , so these drugs also have a similar effect on the body. When used, stool softens and pressure in the intestines increases. These are one of the most effective drugs for cleansing the intestines before surgery or before other examinations.

Lavacol can be taken after 15 years. Before taking, the powder is diluted in a glass of water and drunk before bed or between meals. Sometimes nausea, headache or abdominal pain is observed when using it. But such manifestations quickly disappear. Sometimes this remedy is also used for weight loss. But still, experts urge you to realize that cleansing the intestines and losing weight are two different things. We hasten to rejoice those who are interested in how to cleanse the intestines before a diet - you can use this drug once. But its systematic use for the purpose of losing weight is unacceptable.

Colon cleansing with Fortrans is carried out in a similar way. Since the product is produced in France, its price is higher. However, the instructions for use are not much different from the domestic product. The powder (1 packet) must be diluted in a liter of water, divided into several servings and drunk every 10 minutes. one glass at a time. If we are talking about an upcoming study, then in the evening before the colonoscopy you need to dissolve the drug (3 packets) in 3 liters of water and drink the solution every 15 minutes. one glass at a time.

Reviews of the use of Fortrans to cleanse the intestines indicate that it acts faster than its domestic counterpart. The effect is noted within an hour, while Lavacol acts after 2-3 hours.

Epsom salt

In addition to the remedies already listed, Epsom salt ( magnesium sulfate ) is also widely used to cleanse the intestines. Magnesium sulfate (magnesia) is available as a powder or liquid for injection. For cleaning purposes, a powder is used that is taken orally. After oral administration, this drug affects the digestive tract. Since it is poorly absorbed, increased osmotic pressure is created in the intestines, as a result of which stool is irritated and peristalsis is activated. According to reviews, salt acts 1-3 hours after administration. You should take the product before bed on an empty stomach, dissolving 10-30 g of the product in half a glass of water. You can also use Epsom salts for enemas.

When taking magnesium orally, headaches, low blood pressure, facial redness, vomiting and nausea, and difficulty speaking may occur. Such signs are observed with increased levels of magnesium in the body. This remedy should not be taken if you have bradycardia , low blood pressure, dysfunction of the respiratory center in the brain, or during pregnancy and lactation.


These medications also cleanse the intestines. They are able to absorb harmful substances and remove them from the body without enemas. It is important that the sorbents do not injure the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time actively absorb harmful substances.

One of the most well-known preparations of this type is activated carbon , reviews of which are widespread for cleaning. True, this remedy should also under no circumstances be taken uncontrolled.

This group of medications also includes Enterosgel (gel for oral administration), Smecta , Polysorb , etc. Any of the medications listed can effectively cleanse the digestive system. But they must be used very carefully. For example, those who have used Polysorb to cleanse the body leave quite different reviews. In particular, it is mentioned that it provoked allergic reactions.

You should not take such medications for intestinal and gastric bleeding, erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such medications cannot be used continuously, as this can lead to disruption of electrolyte metabolism and microflora. Therefore, you can only practice such cleansing courses, doing this after consulting a doctor.

Why Gut Health Is Important

Unfortunately, awareness of something does not mean that we know about it: knowledge is based on experience, and most people, although they understand theoretically that food should not be all in a row, and food should be healthy and useful, in practice behave completely differently. Using the excuse of a lack of time and the inability to resist taste preferences, we load our bodies with heavy foods, with lots of sugar, fat, salt, spicy seasonings and harmful “E-shakes”, and then grab onto cleansing diets - at best.

Colon cleansing products

Those who intend to cleanse the intestines without using any auxiliary methods can make adjustments to the menu and consume foods that promote active cleansing.

But, first of all, you need to stop consuming heavy and fatty foods. It is necessary to consume the maximum amount of plant foods rich in fiber, which helps to activate the digestive system. It is vegetables and fruits that should be the basis of such a diet.

In general, a cleansing diet should be formed taking into account which foods help cleanse the intestines.

  • First of all, the menu should be rich in apples, which contain pectin, fiber and other substances that help remove toxins from the body.
  • Prunes are another product that helps get rid of toxins and waste. Cleansing is helped by consuming not only prunes, but also fresh plums. Prunes contain a lot of fiber, which aids digestion. This product is also useful, as it helps to increase immunity, accelerate metabolic processes, stimulate the intestines, etc.
  • Lemon juice is also useful for cleansing - water with lemon juice helps cleanse the intestines and liver, saturates the body with vitamin C and promotes the normal functioning of the digestive system.
  • It is also recommended to consume cabbage, which contains many microelements that help cleanse the stomach and intestines. The organic acids contained in this vegetable also improve the digestion of food.
  • If you make a list that includes laxative foods, then beets must be included in it. This product is indispensable for detoxifying the body. This mild laxative is consumed in any form, as beets stimulate peristalsis. True, people with gastrointestinal problems should consume beet juice with caution.
  • It is very important to include fermented milk products in the menu. As you know, there is a recipe for cleansing the intestines with kefir, and such kefir cleansing is quite effective. But if natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk are present on the menu every day, then natural cleansing will begin to occur quite actively.
  • Oatmeal is also widely used to cleanse the intestines. Oatmeal, consumed regularly, can improve digestion. To do this, Hercules flakes should be minimally thermally processed before consumption. Ideally, they are poured with boiled water and left for a while. This dish can be eaten with honey and dried fruits. Oatmeal will help normalize the digestive system and cleanse the intestines.

In addition, it is recommended to drink a lot of water, not consume alcohol, canned food, smoked foods, and minimize the amount of salt and sugar.

If a person feels normal, but wants to quickly cleanse the intestines, you can spend a fasting day on oatmeal, beets, cabbage, etc. Even in 1 day you can stimulate digestion and feel light. But, as a rule, a detox diet is practiced longer – up to 10 days.

Other methods of cleansing the intestines are also practiced - with herbs, soda, etc. But for this, special folk recipes are used as a supplement to nutrition.

Detox diet. What is a detox diet?

A detox diet is a short-term change in diet aimed at cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, the accumulation of which is a consequence of suboptimal nutrition. Most often, such a diet is an element of an entire program, which also includes cleansing and health procedures.

Detoxification leads to the following results:

  • some weight loss;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improvement of well-being, appearance and immunity;
  • skin cleansing;
  • reducing the intensity of allergy manifestations or even getting rid of it.

A detox diet usually lasts 3,7 or 10 days. The longer the program, the more thorough and smooth the preparation for it, as well as the exit from it, should be. Naturally, different programs give different results:

  • in 3 days it will be possible to remove the waste and toxins accumulated over a month, and therefore such detoxes are usually carried out monthly;
  • in 7 days you will not only get rid of unnecessary burden, but also launch the body’s self-healing mechanisms;
  • 10 days of the diet will allow you to thoroughly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, optimize the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation, which will certainly improve the condition of the body as a whole.

For a detox diet to be beneficial, it is important to take into account the body’s annual rhythms: in the summer it actively perceives the energy of all natural factors (sun, water, food), and in the cold season it needs increased nutrition. Therefore, it is best to carry out detoxification in the off-season (autumn and spring), it is during these periods that the body is tuned to cleansing. Naturally, it is better to plan it on a weekend or vacation: firstly, your body will actively get rid of everything unnecessary, and secondly, it is advisable to provide yourself with complete rest and relaxation during these days.

Folk recipes

To cleanse the intestines, you can use numerous folk recipes based on herbs and other components.

Colon cleansing tea

Herbal tea is effective, producing a laxative effect and stimulating digestion. You can use either individual herbs to cleanse the intestines or a collection of herbs, numerous recipes for which include the following herbs:

  • plantain seeds;
  • rhubarb pulp;
  • nettle leaves;
  • fennel;
  • buckthorn bark;
  • elder flowers;
  • anise fruit;
  • dandelion;
  • horsetail;
  • yarrow;
  • flax seeds;
  • senna leaves.

You can use not only the herbal mixture, but also one of the listed herbs. Thus, a decoction of flax seeds (1 tablespoon of flax seeds per 1 cup of water) relaxes and improves peristalsis. A decoction of buckthorn bark (the proportions are similar) tones the intestines without irritating the mucous membrane.

Senna is a natural laxative. It is included in many recipes. One of the most popular is “compote”, which includes senna, Holosas , and raisins. To prepare it, take 50 g of senna leaves, 150 ml of Holosas syrup and 1 glass of white raisins. Raisins and hay are brought to a boil, poured with a liter of boiled water.

The product is cooled, filtered and squeezed out, Holosas is added and water is added so that you end up with 3 liters of product. Store it in the refrigerator, consuming 1 glass before going to bed. True, for several days you need to drink a smaller dose, starting with a third of a glass. The product should be drunk warm, performing super cleaning until all the “compote” is gone. This cleansing is practiced once every six months. It is better to start it on the weekend to check how the body reacts to it. You should not drink this remedy if you have gallstones, or if you have increased bile secretion or diabetes .

Salad "Pastel"

Another method by which you can cleanse without an enema or medications is by consuming Broom or Panicle salad. It is recommended to eat this salad twice a day. It allows you not only to activate the process of natural cleansing of the intestines, but also to reduce cholesterol , saturate the body with vitamins, and eliminate constipation. It is also beneficial for blood vessels and the heart.

The salad includes: raw beets, white cabbage, carrots. The products are taken in equal proportions and grated on a coarse grater. You cannot salt it, but for dressing you can use lemon juice and flaxseed oil (can be replaced with olive oil). This salad should be eaten within three days. You can also prepare such a salad while following a protein diet - it stimulates the digestive system when eating protein foods.

Meals after cleansing the intestines in any way can also include this salad in the menu.

Salty water

This procedure can only be carried out by people who have a healthy stomach. To carry it out, dilute 2 tsp in 1 liter of water. salt and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After 1-2 hours, feces begin to come out. If this does not happen, it is recommended to drink another dose of saline solution.

Shank Prakshalana

Yoga offers this method of cleansing. Shank Prakshalana is considered a very effective method of cleansing, since if all recommendations are followed, the entire digestive system is cleansed.

To perform this technique, you need to dilute 1 full teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water. The procedure begins in the morning. First you need to drink 1 glass of warm salt water and immediately do the exercises, which will be discussed below. Next, drink a glass of water again and start exercising. There should be six such approaches, after which you can go to the toilet. As a rule, after this the evacuation of feces occurs. But if this does not happen, then you need to immediately repeat the exercises again and return to the toilet. In rare cases, bowel movement does not occur even after this. Then you need to do an enema with unsalted water.

After the first visit to the toilet, the entire procedure is repeated again. This must be done until clean water begins to come out during bowel movements. As a rule, this occurs after 12-14 glasses of salt water. After this, the person can go to the toilet several more times.

Next, it is recommended to drink up to 3 tbsp. clean water, artificially induce vomiting to flush the stomach. After half an hour, you need to eat for the first time - a portion of purified rice boiled in water with tomato juice and 40 g of butter. During the day you should not consume dairy products or alcohol.

This procedure cannot be performed by people with stomach ulcers, acute colitis, diarrhea , or cancer.


  • 1. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped with palms above your head. Fix your upper body and bend left and right 8 times.
  • 2. Standing, spread your legs, extend your right arm forward, bend your left so that your thumb and index finger touch your right collarbone. Rotate your torso, moving your outstretched arm back. In this case, the lower part of the body needs to be fixed and twisted around the waist. Twist in both directions at once - 4 times in each direction.
  • 3. Lie on your stomach with your big toes touching the floor and your hips lifted off the floor. There should be 30 cm between the feet. Turn your head and torso, looking at the heel of the opposite leg. Twist without stopping, 4 turns in each direction.
  • 4. Squat down, there should be 30 cm between the feet, the heels are located at the outer part of the thighs, the hands lie on the knees, separated by 30 cm. Turn the torso and lower the left knee to the floor in front of the foot on the opposite side. The palms should point the right thigh towards the left side, the left thigh towards the right. In this case, one side of the abdomen should be pressed. You need to look back. Start by pressing on the right side of the abdomen.

Flax seeds

You can cleanse your body with flax seeds at any time, even before giving birth or just to improve your well-being. To do this, flax seeds can simply be added to a variety of salads, baked goods, and other dishes. You can also consume seed flour with kefir. This cleansing is carried out for three weeks. In the first week, every day drink half a glass of kefir mixed with 1 tsp. flax seed flour. In the second, they act in a similar way, but only add 2 tsp to kefir. flax flour. In the third week, 3 tsp are added to kefir. flax


Cleansing with kefir will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract without causing harm. For this purpose, it is better to use homemade kefir. To prepare it, add 3 tsp to 1 liter of milk. kefir from the store and put in a warm place for 10 hours. Kefir should not be stored longer. Throughout the day you need to drink 2 liters of this product and one and a half liters of water. Such fasting days can be arranged once a week.

Castor oil

To clean, 70 ml of castor oil needs to be warmed up a little and mixed with a glass of fresh orange juice. Drink on an empty stomach, followed by 2 glasses of hot water. On this day you can only eat vegetables, cottage cheese and kefir. The intestines will be effectively cleansed.

Reviews of cleansing using different methods

If you read numerous reviews about different cleansing methods, one conclusion emerges: each person uses the cleansing method that best suits him individually. Almost everyone uses a variety of folk remedies under certain circumstances. But if you can drink light laxative tea or cleanse yourself with kefir without any particular negative effects on the body, then the use of medications is advisable only if a doctor prescribes them to a person.

This is often confirmed by reviews of those who have used Fortrans , Polysorb , Magnesia , etc. for the purpose of losing weight, using them for a long time. As a result, the general condition did not improve; on the contrary, it worsened, as the intestinal microflora was disrupted and dysbiosis developed. Digestive disorders are also reported by those who have tried to lose weight using activated carbon for a long time. This led to constipation, abdominal pain, etc. And reviews of Levacol indicate that with prolonged use of these drugs, among other negative phenomena, allergic reactions may occur. Therefore, even “harmless” cleansing with soda or salt, not to mention sorbents and laxatives, must be carried out very carefully and in no case exceed the recommended cleaning periods. To determine how to proceed, it is best to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations.

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