How to get rid of hiccups in a newborn after feeding

Main reasons

Why does an infant hiccup frequently? The occurrence of this process is influenced by several factors:

  1. The baby is cold. Hypothermia is associated with insufficient thermoregulation in the baby. He may hiccup after bathing. Hiccups in infants can also occur after air baths. To understand that it is caused by hypothermia, you need to try the nose, arms and legs of the newborn. If they are cool, it means he is freezing.
  2. The little one is hot. Hiccups in a baby can be caused not only by hypothermia, but also by overheating. Often, young parents, on the advice of grandparents, begin to wrap their newborns in a thousand clothes. You can't do that. They should be dressed according to the weather.
  3. The baby is thirsty. This is the most common reason explaining why a child often hiccups. However, mothers and fathers constantly forget about this and begin to look for it in something else.

  4. The baby experienced emotional shock. His central nervous system is still very weak. For this reason, hiccups in infants can be caused by such reasons as bright lighting or loud sound. If something scares the baby, he also hiccups. This process is often observed when a baby laughs.
  5. Parents throw the baby up, shake vigorously when rocking - here are other reasons: why newborns constantly hiccup.

Why does a newborn hiccup after feeding? Causes and remedies.

Currently, women's forums are filled with various topics about the baby's health. The most common headline is why does a newborn hiccup after feeding and what measures should be taken in this case?

Young mothers living in the modern world are incredibly lucky. They can discuss any problem concerning her baby on the forum of a thematic website or ask the doctor about what it is connected with by calling him on a mobile phone. A few decades ago, women had to independently determine what was happening to their child, or run to the nearest hospital for help.

Types of hiccups in babies

1. Long-term;

2. Short-term.

Prolonged hiccups are characterized by frequent attacks over a fairly long period of time. Sometimes contractions of the diaphragm can be so frequent that the baby has problems with the ability to inhale fully. In this case, it is necessary to consult an experienced doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can determine the cause of hiccups and help relieve the attack.

Brief or episodic hiccups in newborns occur rarely and for a short time. Every child and adult has experienced such attacks. As a rule, such a symptom does not indicate the presence of health problems. Like persistent hiccups, episodic hiccups can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Some methods of dealing with hiccups cannot be used on newborn babies. For example, scare or make you hold your breath. For a small child experiencing an attack of hiccups, you can use one of the following methods. It is important to remember that you do not need to use several methods at once; it is better to use one. If the attack recurs, wait a while and try another method.

  • Give the baby the breast. Very often this method is the most effective. Having received maternal attention, the child instantly calms down, breathing returns to normal and the spasm goes away.
  • Back and tummy massage. For proper back massage, the child must be brought into a sitting position or placed on his stomach. Using circular movements, carefully and gently massage the back in the shoulder area, smoothly lowering to the lower back. To massage the abdomen, the child can be laid on his back or picked up with his back resting on the crook of his arm. Massage your stomach with gentle circular movements.
  • Sugar. A small amount of sugar helps relieve diaphragm tension. For very young children, sucking on a pacifier or mother's finger dipped in sugar syrup is suitable. An important clarification: the finger or pacifier must be clean to prevent the introduction of tiny harmful microorganisms into the body.
  • Dill water. The effectiveness of dill water in treating stomach problems has not been clinically proven, but this method does not lose its popularity among mothers. Before using this method, be sure to consult with your doctor about the safety of the method for your child.
  • Distraction. If your baby is worried or upset about something, you can try to distract him with his favorite toy. Having received an interesting thing in his hands, the baby will be distracted by it and forget about his worries for a while. It is important to remember that the cause of anxiety can be an uncomfortable condition (overheating, hypothermia, wet clothes or diapers). Therefore, it is worth checking the baby’s clothes and body temperature before giving toys. It is quite possible that by putting on socks or changing the child’s wet T-shirt or bodysuit, he will calm down and the hiccups will go away.

If the child is already hiccupping, take him in your arms and press his tummy tightly against you. He will feel your warmth and care, calm down, and you will notice how very soon his colic will go away, excess air will come out, and the hiccups will stop.

If the diaphragm does not stop contracting within two days, you should definitely consult a doctor, since such prolonged attacks of hiccups can cause a serious illness that cannot be diagnosed without additional tests.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding are considered normal and do not require special treatment. But sometimes attacks of contraction of the diaphragm are not associated with food intake, are repeated too often and last quite a long time. To understand how to help their baby, it is important for parents to know the causes of hiccups.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding - what should parents do?

Hiccups are a physiological phenomenon that can be observed in newborns and even those babies who are in the womb. Hiccups in newborns after feeding are usually not associated with diseases or pathologies. In itself, it is dangerous only if it occurs at the moment of regurgitation. Also, the process requires increased attention if it occurs after each feeding. In any case, parents need to know when to see a doctor and what to do if newborns have hiccups after feeding.

Physiological reasons

Hiccups as a physiological process is a convulsive involuntary rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the diaphragm - a strong partition located between the thoracic and abdominal regions. The glottis is closed, so hiccups are accompanied by a characteristic sound. From birth to four months, the diaphragm reacts to various stimuli with increased sensitivity. The muscles and nerve plexuses in the diaphragm are immature, so hiccups after feeding in newborns are quite normal. As the diaphragm develops and neural regulation matures, the hiccups go away.

If the manifestations of hiccups are isolated and last no more than 15 minutes, they are not considered to be a pathology. In infants, it is not associated with the respiratory mechanism, and digestive processes affect it only indirectly. The main reason is most often reflex reactions.

If hiccups occur immediately after eating, the cause is improper feeding of the child. When a mother places the baby to the breast in an awkward position or the baby often pulls away from the nipple, air may be swallowed along with the milk. This depresses the diaphragm and causes an attack of hiccups. To prevent this situation, you need to position the baby so that the top of its head is higher than the mother's nipple. For feeding, it is better to choose a quiet place where there will be no distractions. Feeding through an empty nipple or one with a large opening may cause your baby to swallow air, which will also cause hiccups.

If the baby is bottle-fed, then hiccups may be associated with overfeeding: an excess amount of food fills the stomach, puts pressure on the diaphragm and causes its reflex contraction. Overfeeding, on the other hand, can happen if there is too much formula or if it is too thick. Since infants themselves regulate the volume of milk sucked, this problem usually does not arise with natural feeding.

Irritation of the diaphragm in an infant can occur due to increased intestinal motility. With a high load on the intestines, food does not have time to be processed sufficiently, as a result, excess gases are formed, which put pressure on the diaphragm and cause hiccups. They can also be the cause of colic.

Another reason for hiccups in newborns after feeding is the immaturity of the nervous system. A child may begin to hiccup in response to excessive or prolonged stimulation. Stress can be both negative (fear) and positive (joy), in addition, hiccups can begin in response to a sharp sound or flash of light.

None of the described cases require treatment. But parents, if possible, need to create an environment in which there will be no reason for such a reaction from the baby.

Pathological causes

Hiccups that occur for no apparent reason several times a day for a week and last for more than 25–30 minutes can be considered pathological. In this case, it may be a symptom indicating congenital or acquired diseases.

Hiccups can be caused by injuries and defects of the chest, the presence of helminths, and a diaphragmatic aneurysm. Prolonged and intense attacks in a newborn can be caused by pneumonia, while fever, cough and runny nose are sometimes absent. Congenital disorders and underdevelopment of the digestive organs also cause hiccups. Thus, with colic, the diaphragm is often irritated by pathological intestinal activity.

From the central nervous system, hiccups can be triggered by intrauterine or postpartum hypoxia, which is manifested by underdevelopment of the motor centers of the brain. Another cause of hiccups is celiac disease and other types of enzyme deficiencies.

How to help your baby

Hiccups caused by physiological reasons do not need treatment - it is only necessary to limit the effect of the factors that provoke it.

If the attack began during feeding, you need to calm the baby and hold him in a column. After the hiccups pass, you can continue. To prevent your baby from swallowing air, feed him while holding him at an angle of 45–50°. Make sure that the baby grasps not only the nipple, but also most of the areola. If the grip is tight enough, the child will not smack and swallow air. The only sound you should hear when feeding is sips of milk.

After a hearty lunch, do not rush to put the baby to bed - hold him in your arms with his head on your shoulder for 10-15 minutes. During this time, he must regurgitate excess food. In the future, try to feed your baby when he is not too hungry and quite calm. Preferably split meals - more often and in smaller portions. During feeding, it is undesirable to distract the baby with noise, including from the TV, bright lights, or the presence of other people.

When artificial feeding, you need to choose nipples with an air valve, which prevents the swallowing of excess air. The pressure of the milk should be such that when you turn the bottle over, drops flow out, not streams. The amount of mixture must always be strictly calculated according to age.

In case of flatulence and bloating, it is recommended to exclude legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits, sweets, fatty foods and other foods that cause gas formation and colic from the diet of a nursing mother. The diet must be maintained at least during the first three months, when most babies experience infant colic. If colic occurs while formula-fed, consult your pediatrician about formula milk. Goat milk-based products, low-lactose or hypoallergenic, are suitable. Sometimes this is enough to eliminate colic and hiccups.

What to do if a newborn has hiccups after feeding? To stop an attack, you can use the methods below.

  • Most often, a baby hiccups after normal hypothermia, since at this age the processes of thermoregulation are imperfect. Therefore, to begin with, you can put an additional layer of clothing on him, warm him with the warmth of your body, pressing the baby, attach him to your chest, or give him warm water from a bottle.
  • Give your child a few drops of diluted lemon juice or chamomile infusion. But first you need to consult your pediatrician.
  • Apply a warm diaper or heating pad to the area where the breastbone meets the abdomen.
  • If hiccups occur as a result of increased gas formation, you can prepare or purchase dill water at the pharmacy. To prepare it, pour 10 g of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, give one teaspoon three times a day.

If hiccups occur too often or attacks are accompanied by severe anxiety, crying, or blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, you should consult a pediatrician. In this case, hiccups may be a consequence of a pathology that requires adequate treatment.

When a child hiccups, what should you not do?

In the pediatrician's office, you can often hear a mother complain that the baby hiccups after every feeding. She wants to know what causes this and how to help the fidget. So, let's look at these questions too.

  1. The baby hiccups after feeding due to overeating. Most often, those mothers who feed their children on time eat more than the norm. This is due to the fact that such little ones are constantly in a hungry state. The milk they receive from their mother is very quickly absorbed in their body, as a result of which, a short time after feeding, they begin to want to eat more. Mothers, having heard plenty of advice from others, do not allow their babies to eat until a certain time has passed. As a result, having received the breast, the babies begin to suckle greedily.
  2. Hiccups in newborns after feeding could be caused by the accumulation of a huge amount of gas in the tummy.
  3. The child hiccups after eating due to the child swallowing air and then regurgitating it. This phenomenon is called aerophagia. If your baby frequently spits up and hiccups, you should consult a pediatrician.

How to help a newborn baby with hiccups? If he is cold, you should dress him. If hiccups are caused by colic, then the baby's tummy should be massaged and then a warm diaper should be placed on it. You can also give him Plantex, Bobotik, Espumisan, Simplex or Infacol to drink.

If a child hiccups due to overeating, then give him boiled water to drink, and then put him to the breast.

How to get rid of frequent hiccups in a newborn, provoked by emotional stress. Hold your baby close, sing a song, give him his favorite toy to support him, or just rock him.

What to do: The baby hiccups when feeding. You should stop eating, lift it vertically, and then put it on your tummy.

The baby hiccups even in the womb, from the second trimester. When a woman is pregnant, sometimes she feels that the baby's body is pulsating rhythmically. Perhaps at this moment the fetus has hiccups.

We suggest you read: Why does a newborn often hiccup (for example, after feeding)

So why does a baby hiccup while still in the womb?:

  • the brain sends a signal to the fetus's diaphragm to contract, and when it contracts, the fetus sucks in amniotic fluid, which causes hiccups;
  • Fetal hiccups also occur when the baby develops a sucking reflex and thus sucks in amniotic fluid;
  • Rarely, a significant increase in hiccups may be a sign that the umbilical cord is wrapped around the fetus's neck and restricting the flow of oxygen, known as cord compression.

You don't have to worry too much about this. But if anxiety increases, tell your doctor and he will order an ultrasound to check if everything is normal.

There are certain hiccup remedies that are suitable for adults. Never try them on your babies, as getting rid of hiccups in a newborn can have adverse consequences.

  1. Never try to scare your newborn if they are hiccupping to get them to stop hiccupping. The loud bang of an exploding plastic bag, commonly used for hiccupping adults, can cause damage to infants' sensitive eardrums.
  2. Sour candies are great for adults, but are not intended for children. Even if your baby is over 12 months old, it is not recommended to feed him sour candy or other acidic foods to relieve hiccups. Most sour candies contain powdered edible acid, which may not be healthy for your baby.
  3. Don't slap your child too hard on the back. The ligaments in your baby's skeleton are still flexible, and any shock or brute force can cause serious damage to them. For this reason, never slap your baby hard on the back to prevent him from hiccupping. You can knock gently, but any excessive force may cause damage.

Hiccups in a child are a temporary nuisance. But if it repeats frequently, then it’s time to visit the doctor.

Hiccups in newborns after feeding: why it happens and what to do

Involuntary contraction of the main muscles of the diaphragm - hiccups. The movement is uncontrolled, sudden, and therefore a characteristic sound appears due to closed or relaxed vocal cords. Many parents are afraid of these physiological manifestations in the baby, but these sensations cause practically no inconvenience to the newborn.

Why does a newborn hiccup?

Hiccups in newborns are a reflex phenomenon that is not associated with food intake and intestinal motility. Very rarely it can be caused by improper feeding or behavior after eating. Scientists don't have a consensus on hiccups. Some believe that this is how the respiratory organs are trained, others that the nerve gets rid of the pressure of a full stomach. The concern of parents is understandable, since the mechanism of the phenomenon is still not clear.

A newborn often hiccups for reasons such as:

  • Bloating. The swollen intestines put pressure on the stomach and diaphragm.
  • Binge eating. A full stomach compresses the diaphragm, and it contracts to relax.
  • Neurotic manifestations. Bright light, sound, unexpected actions from others.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Thirst. This is a common cause of hiccups in newborns.
  • Worms, after getting rid of which the attacks go away.

The attacks should not last more than 15-20 minutes, only then can this phenomenon be considered a normal reaction of the child’s body to external factors. If your baby hiccups for more than an hour, the attacks are frequent and cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Often spasms are a manifestation of problems in intrauterine development caused by hypoxia, diseases of the pancreas, liver, and stomach. Pneumonia, bacterial, and viral infections can cause contractions of the diaphragm. If a newborn baby hiccups for a long time, this is a reason to see a doctor.

After hearing unpleasant sounds from a child, adults can try to help the baby by giving him some water. How to get rid of hiccups if drinking doesn’t help? It is advisable to hold very small ones vertically for several minutes, holding them close to you. The diaphragm will relax in this position and the spasms will go away. Laying on the stomach, stroking clockwise with warm hands - you need to try all the methods. In any case, hiccups in newborns will go away in 15-20 minutes, even if the mother was unable to provide help.

What to do if your baby hiccups after feeding

Hiccups after feeding in newborns are a common condition that is easy to get rid of. The baby swallows air along with the formula from a bottle or from an incorrectly latched breast. The bloated stomach then presses on the diaphragm, which contracts in an attempt to relax. Such movements provoke spasms, which is why hiccups occur. All children go through this physiological manifestation, so parents should not worry and run to the doctor every time.

What to do if newborns have hiccups after eating:

  1. If cramping is caused by air being trapped during eating, hold your baby upright at the end of the meal. You can put it in only after regurgitation of excess air or undigested mixture.
  2. If your baby is in a hurry, it is important to take breaks while eating.
  3. The pacifier must be selected according to the age of the baby.
  4. During hiccups, after feeding, the baby should be placed on the mother's tummy or knee to relax the diaphragm muscles.
  5. The warmth of your mother's hands will help relax the muscles - this is a fail-safe method when hiccups appear.

When to see a doctor

Spasms normally should not last more than 15 minutes, no more than a couple of times a day. If hiccups last longer, are more frequent, occur constantly, or cause pain and crying in the baby, consult a doctor. This may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the spinal cord, inflammatory lung diseases, problems in the digestive system, or the appearance of worms. The doctor will prescribe an examination, after which the causes of hiccups will become clear, whether it is caused by deviations from the norm or features of the development of the body. Proper treatment will help manage the condition.

Measures to prevent hiccups in infants

It is easier to prevent the appearance of hiccups than to try to stop them later. It is necessary to feed the child in a lying position on the floor, and avoid swallowing air while eating. The environment at this moment should be calm and not cause overexcitation and anxiety in the baby. A newborn should not be overcooled, the temperature should not be allowed to rise due to overheating, or overfed, then the occurrence of hiccups can be minimized.

Video recommendations from doctors

What lies in this concept

Hiccups in babies are quite common and normal. This is a nonspecific failure in the functionality of external respiration, resulting from convulsive contractions of the diaphragm with a jerky impulse. Hiccups are diagnosed more often in infants than in adults, since the organs of a small child are not fully mature. The norm is the appearance of this feeling up to several times a day, with a duration of 5-10 minutes, but maximum no more than half an hour.

The mechanism of development is the influence of external factors on the respiratory apparatus, which causes a response in the form of contraction of the diaphragm and simultaneous closure of the airways. When a baby hiccups, this process is accompanied by a characteristic sound of tissue squeezing.

Which is better: formula or breast milk?

Some pediatricians claim that toddlers tend to experience hiccups more often after artificial feeding than after breastfeeding. Is it so?

Why does a child hiccup after breastfeeding (breastfeeding)Causes of hiccups in newborns after willows (artificial feeding)
Mom puts him to the breast in the wrong wayThe angle of inclination when the child consumed food was selected incorrectly
Feeds on timeExtra large or extra small nipple hole
The baby's body receives mainly fore milk, although hind milk is better in its nutritional properties.Overeating due to a huge flow of mixture
Baby sucks too fast at breast

What to do if a newborn hiccups after feeding? Listen to the doctor's recommendations and try to follow them.

What causes hiccups in a baby?

Why does a newborn hiccup after feeding? Some reasons that cause hiccups in babies are the same as in adults, but there are others that cause babies to hiccup more often than adults:

  1. a newborn swallows a lot of air during feeding, which leads to overstretching of the tiny stomach (the most common cause of hiccups);
  2. when overfeeding a baby, the stomach also overstretches;
  3. hypothermia and decreased body temperature;
  4. muscle tension as a result of strong excitement, fear (this could be too loud music or bright light);
  5. due to insufficient maturity of the internal organs of the newborn, which lasts 2-3 months.

Causes of attacks

The causes of hiccups in newborns may depend on a number of factors. Typically a child experiences this feeling when:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Incorrect feeding technique.
  • Overeating.

There are many reasons that cause hiccups in children and adults. Often these are individual characteristics of the body. However, there are several common phenomena that can trigger attacks of hiccups in newborns:

  • Overfeeding a baby. This reason is especially relevant for children who eat formula, that is, who have switched to artificial feeding. If a portion of the formula is too large, the baby's stomach quickly becomes full and stretches, which leads to spasms of the diaphragm.
  • Swallowing air during feeding. When feeding a baby, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to burp in order to release excess air “swallowed” along with mother’s milk or formula. In addition to the possibility of regurgitation, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s position while eating. It should be as comfortable as possible for the child: there should not be too much tilting of the head or, conversely, lowering. It is also important to monitor not only the position of the newborn’s head, but also his body as a whole.
  • Insufficiently developed diaphragm. As a rule, this phenomenon is temporary and is explained by the age of the baby. Over time, the muscles will become a little stronger and attacks of hiccups will cease to bother you.
  • Diet of a nursing mother. The baby receives all the nutrients necessary for growth and development from the mother's milk. There is a group of foods that, when consumed by a mother, can cause hiccups in her child. Potentially hazardous foods include nuts, soy, wheat, chocolate, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, and caffeinated beverages. To prevent the appearance of hiccups after breastfeeding, you should stop consuming these foods altogether or do this at least 1.5 hours before the feeding session.
  • Decrease in child's body temperature. Infants are especially sensitive to changes in ambient temperature. Their bodies cannot yet maintain core temperature as efficiently as adults. Therefore, it is very important that the baby is always in a warm and comfortable environment.
  • Allergic reactions. Since the newborn is breastfed or bottle-fed, a food allergy can occur only to the components of his food: milk or formula. In this case, inflammation of the esophagus occurs. This phenomenon leads to diaphragm spasms and hiccups. In addition to food allergies, there may be increased sensitivity to irritants in the air: dust, strong odors, and others. Such allergens cause coughing attacks, which provoke hiccups.
  • Reflux. The scientific term for this condition is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The essence of the disease is that part of the food gets from the stomach back into the cavity of the esophagus. However, hiccups are not the only symptom of the disease. In babies, it is accompanied by moodiness, frequent regurgitation, a colic-like condition, and crying after eating.
  • Nervous tension. Sometimes the cause of a spasm can be fear or another nervous disorder in a child. If there are no other reasons for the appearance of hiccups, then it is worth paying a visit to the pediatrician to accurately determine the causes of the baby’s anxiety and restlessness.

Causes of hiccups in an infant

In most cases, hiccups appear for a while after feeding and very soon disappear on their own. From a physiological point of view, such a phenomenon is quite normal for a child’s body, and there is no need to worry about it.

But there are factors due to which the baby almost always hiccups after eating:

  1. The most common of these is air entering the digestive tract. The resulting portion of air during sucking fills the child's stomach with oxygen, which begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and cause it to contract. This kind of hiccups is harmless to babies.
  2. A child hiccups a little less often after overeating. Mothers' constant worries about whether the baby received enough milk during feeding, as a rule, have the opposite effect; the child eats more than he needs. Because of this, the walls of the stomach stretch, which begins to put pressure on the diaphragm and provoke hiccups. To save your baby from this type of hiccups, it is enough to reduce the serving size. But if this is very easy to do with artificial feeding, then with breastfeeding, in order to prevent overeating, it is necessary to take into account some factors. Why is it best to feed your baby according to his every need, and not according to a schedule? The fact is that enough time can pass between meals by the hour for the baby to get seriously hungry. A small child's stomach cannot accommodate a large volume of milk, which the baby will begin to swallow greedily as soon as he is allowed access to the breast. The result is overeating, stomach distension and hiccups.
  3. Hiccups in infants after feeding may appear due to the accumulation of gases. In newborns, the gastrointestinal tract is very poorly developed in the first three months of life. What can cause bloating, intestinal colic and hiccups after feeding.

A child does not always hiccup due to feeding with milk, even if the diaphragm begins to contract immediately after eating. This may just be a coincidence, but in fact the hiccups were caused by one of the following factors:

  • Excess of emotions. The children's nervous system cannot be called stable, which is why it is easy for babies to become excited in a matter of seconds, for example, due to fear of a stranger, a change of environment, or every sharp unexpected sound. An anxious state leads first to a spasm of the diaphragm, and then to its convulsive contractions.
  • Hypothermia. Due to the underdeveloped thermoregulation system in their body, infants are unable to maintain their body temperature, which is why they are constantly freezing. To understand whether a child is hypothermic or not, just touch his hands: cold - the baby is cold, warm - everything is fine.

The baby may hiccup not only after feeding, but also while taking milk or formula. The following factors provoke hiccups:

  • Pressure on the diaphragm due to stretching of the stomach walls.
  • Increased gas in the intestines and muscle tension.
  • Air entering the digestive system.

The last reason most likely applies to children fed formula or expressed milk. Perhaps the hole in the nipple on the feeding bottle is too large, and the baby is swallowing air along with food.

Irritation of the diaphragm can also occur due to external factors.

Often hiccups appear due to hypothermia. Usually babies begin to hiccup after a walk in the fresh air or taking air baths.

Hiccups appear after the tip of the child’s nose and fingers become cool. Immediately dress your baby warmly as soon as you notice these signs.

Usually the hiccups last no longer than 10-15 minutes, after which the baby calms down. If the baby hiccups for much longer and for no apparent reason, and this process causes him discomfort, parents should consult a pediatrician. Pathological hiccups may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, constant hiccups prevent the child from breathing fully.

The causes of pathological hiccups also sometimes lie in disorders of the nervous system, lesions of the brain or spinal cord. Prolonged hiccups are typical for babies who have suffered central nervous system disorders during childbirth due to hypoxia. A child may hiccup for a long time due to strong stimulation of the nervous system, for example, when frightened or from too bright light.

The occurrence of hiccups in newborns is that the muscles of the diaphragm begin to contract convulsively. This process causes a change in the size of the chest and abdominal cavity, which provokes the appearance of intermittent breathing.

Such contractions of the diaphragm occur under the influence of various stimuli. Thus, the diaphragm can be affected by mechanical factors, as well as innervation. It is worth noting the fact that the diaphragm is innervated by the vagus nerve, the stimulation of which leads to the appearance of hiccups.

Scientists have been studying the factors that can cause it in infants for a long time, and have identified among them:

  • Eating disorder. Overeating, improper latching, or bottle sucking can cause your baby to swallow air. Because of this, the stomach stretches, enlarges, and also puts pressure on the diaphragmatic dome with the cardiac part.
  • Flatulence. If a child hiccups after eating, then perhaps the cause is hidden in intestinal bloating. Distended intestinal loops will press the stomach against the dome of the diaphragm, which will lead to irritation.
  • Hypothermia. When feeding artificial milk formulas, parents must adhere to the temperature regime for the formulas. If the baby receives cool food, it will cause hiccups.

Some scientists also highlight psycho-emotional arousal as one of the reasons. Due to the excitation of the central nervous system, the parasympathetic division of the central nervous system, part of which is the vagus nerve, is activated, which provokes the appearance of hiccups.

If a child hiccups after each feeding, then this should be regarded as an alarming sign. Perhaps he has a pathology of the pyloric sphincter. It is necessary to contact a medical institution, especially if regurgitation is noted against the background of hiccups.

Depending on the cause, hiccups after feeding may vary in duration. So, when air is swallowed, it goes away after a few minutes, and with nervous excitement or hypothermia it can disturb the child for several hours.

Why a baby hiccups after feeding may be due to the introduction of complementary foods. Products used as complementary foods are much heavier food than mother's milk, which causes the appearance of an unpleasant reflex.

Is hiccups always a physiological process?

No not always. If it occurs many times a day and lasts more than an hour, then this may indicate the presence of a pathology in the baby. If the baby not only hiccups and often burps, but also behaves restlessly, constantly cries, and also has a blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, then it is necessary to show the little one to the doctor.

Why does a newborn still hiccup after feeding:

  • due to diseases of the digestive tract;
  • due to injuries received by the baby during childbirth;
  • due to lung damage;
  • due to cardiovascular diseases;
  • due to respiratory diseases;
  • due to spinal cord lesions;
  • due to intestinal deformation;
  • due to inflammation in the brain;
  • due to the presence of worms in the infant.

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Reasons for concern

Now it has become clear why the baby may hiccup after feeding and how to help him during an attack . But it happens that prevention does not help and the baby hiccups often and for a long time. With prolonged hiccups, it is best to show the baby to a pediatrician, as it may be a signal of the presence of one of the diseases:

  • dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • birth injury;
  • infections and inflammatory processes in organs;
  • spinal cord injury.

If an attack begins suddenly and constantly, bothers the baby and exhausts him, then you should not wait or hesitate to visit a doctor. This needs to be done as quickly as possible.

For example, inflammation of the digestive system can irritate the diaphragm and cause hiccups. With “persistent hiccups” syndrome, the baby cannot sleep, eat or breathe normally. Such symptoms are typical for diseases of the spinal cord and encephalopathy. Such a coincidence rarely occurs, but it is best to play it safe and visit your pediatrician on time.

If the child does not suffer from any such disease, then the resulting attack stops after a maximum of 15 minutes, and does not cause the child any discomfort. This is simply a reaction to some stimulus: for example, seeing a panicked mother, the baby will also get scared and react in a similar way. As they grow older, hiccups will bother the baby less and less, since this is a physiological process that is associated with the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of a small organism.

In general, if the baby does not have any pathologies, then parents and grandparents should pull themselves together and calm down. In a few months everything will go away on its own. It is worth remembering that the baby feels the parents’ mood very well and may even get scared. So don't panic ahead of time. It is better to distract the child and read him an interesting book with fairy tales.

It's all the fault of the nervous system

If the baby begins to hiccup and this is not related to food intake, then the problem lies in irritation of the vagus nerve. It is located in the thoracic and abdominal region, which causes contraction of the diaphragm.

This condition is typical for psychological overstrain, fear or hypothermia. Since the child’s nervous system is still very unstable, internal discomfort can be provoked by bright light, loud sound, change of environment, or the presence of strangers near the newborn.

How to relieve annoying symptoms

If your newborn hiccups after each feeding, you should:

  1. When applying it to the breast, observe whether it, together with the nipple, captures part of the areola located around it. Also listen to see if there are any extraneous sounds other than sips of milk. If at least one point is not met, then the little one will continue to hiccup.
  2. If the child hiccups after feeding due to colic, then the mother should adjust her menu. She should exclude smoked, spicy and fried foods from her diet. Do not drink kvass or eat cabbage, as they cause fermentation in the stomach.
  3. If a newborn hiccups after feeding due to overeating, then you need to start feeding him often, but in small portions.

  4. For an artificial baby, you should choose a bottle with an anti-colic system. Make the size of the hole in the nipple such that the mixture only drips a little, and does not flow in any way into the baby’s mouth.
  5. If the child constantly hiccups due to swallowing air, then after feeding you need to hold the baby upright and let him burp it.
  6. If the toddler is bottle-fed, then you need to learn how to calculate the volume of formula for one feeding.

I ate a tasty and hearty meal and started to hiccup: why does this happen?

When the baby hiccups after each feeding, you should pay attention to the process of eating. The first reason is overeating, when the amount of food eaten is more than necessary for a small person. In this case, the stomach becomes full and puts pressure on the diaphragm, which in turn contracts.

To eliminate the problem, it is enough to monitor the baby’s nutrition. The interval between feedings should be at least 1.5-2 hours, then the food consumed will have time to be digested. To prevent a baby receiving complementary foods from hiccupping, care should be taken to ensure that there is no solid food in the diet. Eating should be as calm as possible, since insufficient chewing, as well as rough food, can cause diaphragm spasm.

Carrying your baby upright after feeding helps get rid of excess air and prevent the development of hiccups.

Ways to eliminate hiccups

Many parents, when hiccups begin in a newborn, do not know what to do and panic. This is not entirely the right thing to do, since the baby, feeling the mother’s excitement, begins to worry, and the situation worsens. The first thing to do is to calm down and comfort the baby by taking him in your arms. Next you should proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • If a child hiccups after feeding, then it is necessary to carry the baby in your arms in an upright position so that the remainder of the swallowed air leaves the baby’s body.
  • You can give a few tablespoons of boiled water.
  • The method of distracting the toddler by playing or reading a book also helps.
  • When the baby hiccups not after eating, you can offer him breast instead of water.
  • A newborn baby does not yet have stable thermoregulation, so hiccups are often a consequence of hypothermia. In this case, it is enough to make sure that the baby is warm and, if necessary, warm him with a warm blanket or press him to his own body.
  • With nervous overstrain, applying to the breast helps; if the child has recently eaten, then it is enough to caress the baby, carry him in your arms, and talk to him in a calm tone.

If the baby continues to hiccup after these manipulations and the condition does not return to normal after 30 minutes or alarming signs are added to the problem, then you should consult a specialist.

A newborn hiccups, what to do in this case?

There are several ways to eliminate signs of hiccups in a baby.

  1. There is no need to invent two-wheeled transport. The best cure for hiccups has been plain water for several hundred years. It is necessary to give the baby a small amount of cooled boiling water. This can be done with a bottle, but usually infants refuse to drink water this way, especially if they are breastfed. In this case, you need to pour a little liquid into a teaspoon and pour it into the baby’s mouth. Dill water, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, will also help you cope with hiccups. By the way, this product is a must-have in the home of a young family; it allows you to cope with problems such as bloating, constipation and dry mouth;
  2. If the method of treating hiccups with water did not help, then most likely air has entered the child’s stomach. In this case, you should allow the baby to burp. It is necessary to take it in your hands in a vertical position for a few seconds;
  3. If both methods do not bring the desired result, then it is worth checking whether the newborn is cold. To do this, you need to touch his nose, arms and cheeks with your hand. If the parent thinks that they are cool, then the baby should be additionally wrapped up.

Every young mother should carefully monitor the condition of her child and study why exactly he may be hiccupping.

How to eliminate hiccups without resorting to medicine

If hiccups occur due to colic or gas, then you should give your baby a decoction of herbs such as dill, fennel or chamomile to drink. To relieve symptoms such as hiccups in infants, bloating, colic, constant constipation or diarrhea, gaziki should be prepared and the child should be given dill water to drink. It is prepared as follows:

  1. First, dill seeds should be poured with a glass of boiling water. For a decoction, 1 teaspoon of herb is enough.
  2. Then let it brew. 1–2 hours will be enough for this.

Giving your baby a decoction is required 1 teaspoon three times a day.

To help your child cope with the disease, you must first understand why he hiccups. Only after this should any measures be taken.

What not to do

Often mothers and fathers do things that should not be done. Here are a few of these actions of young parents:

  1. At first they just walk with the baby, and then they go into various shops with him. The air temperature is different from the outside temperature. It is higher in supermarkets. The baby, dressed warmly, becomes hot in the room and beads of sweat appear. After the parents buy everything, they and their child go outside. The little one, steamed indoors, begins to freeze outside. This makes him sick and develops chronic hiccups.
  2. They throw the baby. This action leads to the fact that he loses the feeling of security and safety. As a result, the baby begins to behave restlessly. He gets hiccups.
  3. They slap you on the back. Because of this, the baby experiences pain, which leads to fear and increased hiccups.
  4. They scare the baby. It should be understood that this will not stop the baby from hiccups, but on the contrary, it will provoke a panic attack. Plus, the baby will be very capricious due to the stress he has suffered.

After the feeding process, the baby should not be immediately put to bed. This is also contraindicated during an attack of hiccups, since a hiccuping child may choke. When the baby has eaten, he needs to be carried for several minutes in an upright position so that he burps out the remaining air.

Why does a newborn hiccup after eating?

The baby has eaten. It would seem that after a hearty dinner he should fall asleep soundly or play enthusiastically with his parents. But instead, the newborn is restless and makes hiccupping sounds. This can happen for several reasons:

  • The child ate more than the required amount. Usually in this case, hiccups are accompanied by regurgitation;
  • Air entered the baby's stomach along with the milk or formula;
  • Incorrectly selected bottle that does not correspond to the age of the newborn;
  • The child choked while eating;
  • Another reason for hiccups is low room temperature;
  • Incorrect mixture.

Don't be too wary of natural reactions like hiccups. You need to try to help your baby cope with this minor illness on your own.

When to contact a specialist?

If a baby’s hiccups do not subside for several hours or are observed all day, then this should be a reason to contact a specialist. This condition may indicate the presence of a serious pathology:

  • Affected by infections, for example, measles, rubella, toxoplasmosis. If not treated promptly, these diseases can affect brain cells.
  • Tumors or inflammation of the brain, pulmonary structure.
  • The presence of a craniocerebral lesion.
  • Neuritis when areas of the diaphragm are affected.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux.

We suggest you read: Respiratory distress syndrome of newborns

You should call an ambulance when hiccups are accompanied by other alarming symptoms:

  • Profuse regurgitation.
  • Nervousness.
  • Long crying.
  • Cough.
  • Increasing temperature.

Hiccups are considered normal in childhood and do not require special treatment. A weak respiratory apparatus is not yet able to cope with the load placed on it, and some factors lead to the body’s response to irritation. An exception is the situation when the baby often hiccups, and he needs to be shown to a specialist to rule out serious pathologies.

  • if it is gastroesophageal reflux. If a child constantly hiccups and always regurgitates a little liquid, we can assume the presence of gastroesophageal reflux. Gastroesophageal reflux is usually accompanied by other signs, including irritability, arching of the back, and crying a few minutes after feeding. If you suspect reflux, contact your pediatrician immediately;
  • hiccups interfere with sleep and feeding. It is normal for a baby to hiccup from time to time, but if the hiccups are interfering with his daily activities such as eating, sleeping and playing, then you should take him to the doctor. When hiccups become chronic and interfere with daily activities, the baby automatically shows signs of discomfort. This means that hiccups may be caused by another cause that requires medical attention;
  • when hiccups last for hours or days. Babies, including newborns, may hiccup almost daily for a few minutes or up to an hour. If they generally feel comfortable and happy, then there is no reason to worry. But if the hiccups show no signs of abating and continue for an abnormally long time, then the cause may be serious.

Observe whether your baby's hiccups are accompanied by an abnormal sound, such as


. In such cases, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

Patience and observation will help you and your baby smile through the hiccups. Home remedies are simple methods to suppress and even prevent hiccups in your baby. Always remember that if your baby hiccups, it is completely normal and does not harm the baby. So never worry about it as it is a natural event. Some basic precautions during feeding will help manage your baby's hiccups. When hiccups are chronic, consult your pediatrician.


What should you do if your newborn constantly has hiccups after feeding? The following recommendations from doctors should be followed:

  • if the mother is breastfeeding, then she needs to adhere to a special diet, thanks to which the risk of gas in the baby’s tummy will be minimal;
  • feed the baby not by the hour, but on demand. The one-time portion of milk or formula will become smaller, but he will receive it more often. Thanks to this, the baby will stop overeating, which means that frequent hiccups will not bother him;
  • correctly apply the fidget to the chest. Make sure that he does not suck it too actively. Pick her up during milk flow. This is necessary so that he does not choke;
  • then make sure that the baby drinks from a bottle with a nipple with low tension;
  • Feed the baby only when both he and the mother are in a calm state. If the baby is nervous, then you must first try to calm him down: sing him a song, talk affectionately, cuddle him and carry him around the room;
  • If the baby spits up after each feeding and hiccups, then before giving him the breast, you need to pump lightly. So, the little one will be able to get to healthy hind milk faster;
  • Monitor the baby's body temperature. To do this, you just need to check the condition of its arms, legs and nose. If they are cold, it means he is frozen. You need to put something warm on him and press him to your stomach.

Before trying to cope with hiccups in a newborn, you need to understand the reasons that triggered its occurrence. Most often they are physiological and do not require any therapy. Hiccups in infants are a reflex process that appears especially often during the first 3 months of life. As soon as all the digestive organs are sufficiently formed, hiccups will bother the baby less and less.

If the appearance of hiccups was caused by a violation of the baby’s diet, it is important to prevent the appearance of such a symptom in the future. To do this you should:

  • Feed the baby so that his head and chest are slightly higher than his lower body.
  • Wait a while after feeding for the air and excess milk to regurgitate, and only then place it on a horizontal surface.
  • Feed the little one in a calm environment, without waiting for too much hunger, so that the little one does not eat too “greedily”.
  • When feeding with formula, give food in small quantities, and also pay attention to the size of the hole in the nipple.
  • When breastfeeding and colic, exclude gas-forming foods, such as cabbage and legumes, from the mother's menu.

Since hiccups are not inherently a disease, there are no specific measures to prevent them. There are several recommendations for preventing conditions that can cause diaphragm spasms:

  • After eating, hold the baby upright for 15 minutes;
  • Allow the baby to burp freely after feeding. You can help this by gently stroking your back;
  • Maintain the correct portion size and frequency of feedings, according to the child’s age and pediatrician’s recommendations;
  • A nursing mother should choose and follow a diet that excludes foods that promote gas formation and contain large amounts of protein;
  • Monitor the temperature of the child and the room in which he is located;
  • Monitor the baby’s comfort: clothes should be dry and clean; for walks, the child should be dressed according to the weather, and should not be over-wrapped or, conversely, exposed;
  • Carry out thorough cleaning in the baby’s room so that dust and other irritants do not enter the body;
  • Eliminate factors that can lead to emotional shock (loud sounds, bright lights, strangers, pets (especially the appearance of a large dog’s face in front of a child’s face), and so on);
  • Do not allow tobacco smoke to enter your child's lungs.

Hiccups are a fairly harmless condition that signals parents that there is some problem with the child. Most often, the problems are very minor, but they worsen the quality of life of the baby. It is important for moms and dads to notice the symptom in time and take measures to eliminate the causes of hiccups. If you can’t cope on your own, you shouldn’t delay visiting a pediatrician. Prolonged hiccups can lead to breathing problems, which can be a serious problem. You definitely can’t figure it out without the help of a doctor.

Tags: hiccups, feeding, newborn, after

About the author: admin4ik

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Hiccups in newborns: what to do and causes

Hiccups in newborns are frequent rhythmic contractions (twitchings) of the diaphragm, a muscular partition that separates the organs of the digestive system from the respiratory system - the lungs. Hiccups in babies and infants can last from five minutes to one hour. More often than others - adults and children, newborns suffer from hiccups.

This phenomenon brings anxiety to both mothers and babies themselves. Here we will look at what to do and how to stop and eliminate hiccups after feeding, and also, so that the hiccups go away quickly, we will turn to Dr. Komarovsky for video advice. Adults and elderly people can find out on the previous page how to quickly get rid of hiccups at home using folk remedies.

Causes of hiccups in newborns

Hiccups in a newborn are provoked by many factors, because their hiccup reflex is better developed than in adults. And during the prenatal period, hiccups help the baby develop properly. Because massaging contractions of the diaphragm ensure the circulation of fluid in the child’s lungs and develop their muscles. After birth, this reflex is not needed, but it fades slowly. Often any external influence can provoke the hiccup reflex.

The mechanism for the occurrence of hiccups in newborns can be imagined as follows: An impulse arises in the nerve pathways and endings of the vagus nerve. It appears when a spasm of the diaphragm appears, which is pinched by a swollen tummy or after irritation of the esophagus. This impulse goes to the brain. And a special area that controls the movements of the diaphragm gives a command in the form of a nerve impulse and causes the diaphragm to tremble. Although, nevertheless, why and how severe hiccups appear has not yet been fully determined in medicine.

In order to stop hiccups, you need to clearly know the most common causes of contractions of the vagus nerve and, accordingly, hiccups:

  1. Hypothermia. Normally, a child always reacts to cold with strong muscle tension. The abdominal muscles contract, while the internal organs support the diaphragm. It turns out that hiccups are an attempt to help relieve tension and achieve the necessary level of relaxation of the diaphragm, so that it becomes easier and more comfortable for the lungs to breathe.
  2. After regurgitation. After eating, when regurgitating, air and a portion of food quickly passing through the esophagus irritate nearby nerve endings.
  3. Fullness of the stomach after feeding. Incorrect attachment to the breast, when the newborn takes in air in every gulp, or too fast sucking ends in the beginning of hiccups. The stomach, which is full of milk and air, puts pressure from below on the diaphragm, causing hiccups.
  4. Bloating. Gases formed in the intestines cause pain. The baby's tummy becomes swollen and hard. The baby tenses, twists his legs, the diaphragm is compressed even more, and rises up to the lungs. In response, the muscular septum begins to twitch.
  5. Scream. When a baby cries, he tenses all his muscles and takes in a lot of air, which enters both the lungs and the stomach. The latter increases, stretching the vagus nerve, which just passes along the surface of the stomach.
  6. Fright. You took the baby with cold hands, turned on a bright light, or there was a loud sound next to him - this can frighten the child. Stress is always accompanied by contraction of the body muscles, and sometimes hiccups.
  7. Immaturity of internal organs. All internal organs of a child form and grow after birth, especially for those children who were born ahead of schedule. Their nervous system and digestive system organs are sensitive to various external and internal stimuli. Therefore, spasms occur, and hiccups are their consequence.
  8. Diseases, disorders and disorders. Sometimes hiccups can be caused by increased intracranial pressure, which compresses the center of the hiccups in the brain and directs impulses to the diaphragm. The next reason is pneumonia (pneumonia). A very dangerous condition. Here, the inflammatory process disrupts the signal transmission along the vagus and phrenic nerves.

How does hiccups manifest in newborns?

Hiccups in infants manifest themselves as rhythmic shaking of the whole body and are accompanied by a characteristic sound. As we have already said, hiccups last from a few minutes to an hour. This often happens after feeding or during air baths. For newborns themselves, hiccups do not cause significant concern, although some babies are prevented from falling asleep, making them capricious and whiny if the hiccups are not calmed down and eliminated in time.

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The first day in Mashenka's life. Has eaten and hiccups after feeding

What to do if your newborn hiccups after eating

How to treat hiccups

The main rule in order to fight and cope with hiccups is not to panic. After all, hiccups in newborns are not a manifestation of the disease. All children hiccup, although some hiccup more often or for longer. But each person has his own characteristics. Do not forget that this reflex will gradually fade away and will not bother the baby as often. Let's look at simple tips on how to help your baby.

What not to do

Methods, methods and options for treating hiccups for adults are not suitable for a newborn baby. Hiccups themselves will not do as much harm as trying to get rid of hiccups.

  1. Don't scare the baby. Tossing, screaming and clapping will only cause a crying attack and lead to a sleepless night. Try to distract your baby using civilized methods: carry him in your arms, show him toys.
  2. Don't wrap it up. There is no point in wrapping your child in winter clothes. Enough rompers and a blouse when the temperature in the newborn’s room is 22°C. Overheating in a newborn is worse than even hypothermia. If your baby has cold hands and nose, wrap him in a warm diaper or pick him up.
  3. Don't give water. According to breastfeeding recommendations, newborns need only mother's milk. And a bottle of water can cause a baby’s lack of desire to latch on to the breast.
  4. Do not consume gas-forming foods. Products from the daily menu of a nursing mother are of great importance. Eating nuts (peanuts), cabbage, legumes, and tomatoes inevitably causes bloating in infants and can cause hiccups.

What to do

  1. Give the baby the breast. The process of suckling at the breast for newborns, infants and infants brings great pleasure and exercise to the muscles. When a newborn is put to the breast, he warms up, relaxes, calms down and begins to breathe correctly, spontaneously relaxing the diaphragmatic muscles. These are the optimal conditions for treating hiccups of any cause.
  2. Help expel air from the stomach. Carry your newborn upright in a column. Try to hold him closer to you and stroke his back. This will help regurgitate air and excess milk that fills the stomach and causes hiccups.
  3. Feed your baby at a 45 degree angle. This body position leads to less air swallowing. There are even pediatricians who advise making the child burp every five minutes of feeding.
  4. Don't overfeed. If the baby turns away from the breast or does not want to take the bottle, do not insist.
  5. Follow a daily routine. Currently, it is customary to put the baby to the breast on demand, but do not forget about moderation. A newborn’s body needs two to three hours to digest mother’s milk, process it with enzymes and absorb it. If you feed your baby every 30 minutes, the stomach will inevitably become full and hiccups will appear. It also happens that fresh milk ingested into the newborn’s stomach mixes with milk that has not been completely digested, causing bloating and hiccups.
  6. Choose a pacifier with the correct opening. An unsuitable pacifier can cause hiccups in breastfed babies. Reason: bloating. When the hole in the nipple is wide, a lot of milk flows in. The baby has to frantically swallow it and overeat. The small hole in the nipple causes the baby to swallow air when feeding. The stomach swells with air.

Treatment with medications

I present here various medications and remedies simply for information, not for practical use! Don’t forget, never make your own decision about taking medications without consulting a medical specialist!!!

Treatments for hiccups from causes

Immaturity of the nervous system and nervous excitation

Homeopathic sedatives of the Dormikind type are used. Prescribed for the treatment of hiccups associated with immaturity of the nervous system and uneven development of its parts. They have a calming effect. The child becomes less whiny, less stressed and sleeps better. The functioning of the nervous system improves faster, and attacks of hiccups become less frequent.

Prescribed: 1 tablet, diluted in a teaspoon of water, given to drink 30 minutes before meals or 30 minutes after meals. Repeat 3 times a day.

Intestinal colic

Carminative drugs of the type “Bebinos” and “Espumizan L” are used. Used to treat hiccups caused by bloating and other digestive problems. Relieves spasms in the intestines, helps get rid of gas accumulation. Reduces the load on the diaphragm from the digestive organs.

Prescribed: 3–6 drops 3 times a day with a small amount of water. Take after meals and before bedtime.


It is prohibited to give a newborn or infant any medications without a doctor’s prescription! Before treating hiccups in a newborn with medications, consult a pediatrician and neurologist. Tell your pediatrician in the following cases of hiccups: when they last for more than two hours, despite the fact that you have eliminated all possible causes of their occurrence; when attacks are regular, several times a day for two or more weeks.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky

Hiccups in infants

The first part of the video discusses the problems of hiccups and its treatment for adults and infants (towards the end), in the second, caring for infants. Including care during hiccups in the baby. About eight reasons for this phenomenon and newborns, as well as a lot of other information regarding hiccups in infants.

Hiccups and itching - Emergency care

What causes and intensifies itching, causing a person to scratch? In what cases can you relieve itching on your own, and when should you go to the doctor? What causes and what stops hiccups? Dr. Komarovsky will answer these questions and tell you how to get rid of hiccups and itching. Be the first to watch new episodes and receive valuable recommendations from Dr. Komarovsky!

The publication was created based on materials from practicing pediatrician of the 2nd category A. D. Isaeva.

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