Diarrhea after drinking coffee

Causes of diarrhea, diarrhea, why do frequent loose stools appear?

Stool disorder in the form of diarrhea and severe diarrhea can occur against the background of:

1 increased intestinal motility: due to frequent contractions of the intestinal walls, food leaves the body before the nutrients it contains can be absorbed, which negatively affects the functioning of internal organs and the general well-being of a person;

2 consuming large amounts of liquid or raw vegetables/fruits/berries during the day can lead to severe diarrhea;

3 damage or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract: if there is damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, the liquid ceases to be absorbed in full, which leads to its stagnation in the intestinal lumen and dilution of the stool;

4 viral, bacterial, fungal infection: pathogenic microorganisms not only irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines, but also poison the body with their waste products, causing stool upset, severe diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea;

5 parasitic infestation;

6 acute intoxication caused by the consumption of low-quality or expired food, poisonous plants, highly effective medications, chemical or narcotic substances, strong alcoholic drinks, smoking mixtures;

7 non-compliance with a therapeutic diet during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, all these are causes of diarrhea and diarrhea, frequent loose stools;

8 unbalanced diet;

9 imbalance of intestinal microflora;

10 Failure to observe basic hygiene rules can also lead to diarrhea.

Types of diarrhea, what types of diarrhea are there?

Diarrhea has two mechanisms of occurrence:

1 consequence of failures in the processes responsible for the absorption of fluid by the intestine;

2 changes in intestinal motility, causing mechanical diarrhea.

Whenever mentioning diarrhea, one should keep in mind copious liquid feces, frequent urge to defecate, and decreased ability to retain intestinal contents for a long time. This condition is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: cramps and stabbing pain in the upper abdomen, blood streaks in the stool, nausea and vomiting, increased gas formation, dizziness and general weakness. Prolonged diarrhea leads to the loss of a large volume of fluid, leaching of useful substances, in particular minerals, and an imbalance of intestinal microflora. To make up for losses and maintain the level of water in the body at a level acceptable for normal life, it is necessary to provide the patient with plenty of fluids. First of all, it is recommended to use non-carbonated mineral water for this. You should not drink juices, tea or coffee, as these drinks carry the risk of worsening the situation.

Composition of green and black tea, is it possible to drink tea for diarrhea?

Green tea contains tannins, caffeine, amino acids and many vitamins, the most useful of which is vitamin B: the substance helps strengthen muscle tissue, eliminate cramps and spasms, including intestinal ones, stimulates metabolic processes and eliminates fluid stagnation in the body. Is it possible to drink green tea if you have diarrhea or severe diarrhea? Tannins in green tea play the role of a natural antiseptic and “fixer”: they neutralize pathogens, protect the gastrointestinal mucosa from damage and inflammation, and also have an astringent effect. Therefore, you can and should drink green tea when you have diarrhea.

Tea contains more caffeine than freeze-dried coffee, but it does not act as aggressively as its “brother” that comes from coffee beans: other substances that make up tea soften its effect, and it is also used for brewing tea. less “starting material” than when making coffee. You can drink tea when you have diarrhea; it can, together with other medications and diet, gradually neutralize and negate the effects of diarrhea.


In any treatment, precautions must be taken, some restrictions:

  1. With diarrhea accompanied by bloody discharge, which indicates the presence of acute infectious diseases in the intestines. In this case, hospitalization and a course of antibiotics cannot be delayed.
  2. High temperature with diarrhea and shortness of breath are alarming symptoms for which diagnosis and comprehensive medical treatment are recommended.
  3. Children under 16 years of age should not drink coffee during diarrhea, especially without a doctor’s prescription and preliminary diagnosis of the causes of the disease.
  4. With divisive diarrhea, more than a week.

Coffee is not recommended for diarrhea, but its natural analogues are quite acceptable; they will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of intestinal problems.

Composition of coffee, can you drink coffee if you have diarrhea?

When roasting, coffee beans lose up to half of their nutrients. Of what does reach the consumer, tannin, a tannin that has a pronounced fixing effect, B vitamins, malic, citric and chlorogenic acids, which stimulate metabolic processes, trigonelin and caffeine deserve special attention. Causes of diarrhea after coffee: despite the fact that during roasting the amount of the latter sharply decreases, it is still sufficient to provide a stimulating effect on the nervous and vascular systems, as well as enhance intestinal motility. You can drink coffee for diarrhea, and in most cases, coffee for diarrhea becomes an auxiliary element for restoring normal stool, but you should know some of the features of drinking coffee for diarrhea. It should be noted that the positive effect of drinking coffee for diarrhea is observed only if the organs of the digestive tract function without interruption. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage, drinking coffee is not recommended. During remission, the drink can only be consumed in an unconcentrated form, preferably with the addition of milk or cream.

Diarrhea after coffee: truth or myth?

Even the healthiest people can experience diarrhea after drinking this drink. The whole reason lies in its quality and dosage. Instant coffee, which contains other microelements in addition to fragrant roasted beans, poses the greatest danger to the body. Exceeding the dosage can not only have a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system, but also affect the gastrointestinal tract:

  • irritates the gastric mucosa by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid, which creates an aggressive environment;
  • puts increased stress on the digestive system, forcing it to work in emergency mode;
  • interferes with normal intestinal motility.

These are just some of the harmful manifestations that can accompany a healthy person who is addicted to coffee. As for a patient who already has diarrhea, or chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, coffee can only aggravate the existing problem, preventing the natural normalization of digestion.

Therefore, doctors do not recommend using coffee to treat diarrhea, or exceeding the recommended dosage for healthy people, which can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Is it possible to drink tea if you have an intestinal disorder?

Tea leaves contain polyphenols that have antioxidant effects. The substances neutralize pathogenic microorganisms, so green tea is recommended for diarrhea caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection, as well as parasitic infestation. In the latter case, it is recommended to add medicinal herbs to the tea leaves for diarrhea, prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the type of parasite.

Is it possible to drink black tea if you have diarrhea or severe diarrhea? Thanks to a large number of beneficial microelements, tea is ideal for restoring fluid balance in the body during acute diarrhea. It is better to drink the drink warm: too hot or cold tea can damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which will lead to poor health and worsening diarrhea. Due to its strengthening effect, tea is not able to provoke diarrhea. Diarrhea from black tea or diarrhea from green tea can occur in a person only if the drink provokes an allergic reaction or is consumed hot if there is damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Other causes of diarrhea

So why does diarrhea appear after drinking? It turns out that not everyone is prone to diarrhea after drinking this drink. Do not forget that the reaction to this or that product is individual for each person.

To understand why milk causes diarrhea, you should consider the main causes. This phenomenon is not uncommon in adults and young children. However, older people are still more likely to experience milk diarrhea.

Diarrhea from dairy products occurs for the following reasons:

  • individual intolerance to dairy products;
  • internal diseases of the digestive system;
  • allergy;
  • age-related changes.

To know how to treat and what to do if your stomach hurts after drinking milk and diarrhea begins, it’s worth taking a closer look at each cause separately.

Diarrhea due to individual intolerance

Most often, dairy intolerance is detected in children. Is it possible to feed the baby milk in this case?

A lack of enzymes that help digest and absorb milk occurs at any age. More often, such a predisposition is transmitted genetically, but parents usually do not immediately detect this. In the first years of life, the baby can well absorb mother's milk and complementary foods containing lactose.

Gastritis as a cause of stomach pain

Coffee contains caffeine and catechol, which can cause diseases of the heart, blood, brain and digestive system as a whole. If your stomach hurts after drinking coffee, this may indicate the development of serious diseases or irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Coffee is mostly consumed in the morning on an empty stomach to cheer up, but this is what provokes the appearance of wounds on the mucous membrane and other inflammatory processes that destroy the normal functioning of the digestive system. Coffee can also be harmful if consumed frequently and without proper nutrition.

Does coffee harm your stomach?

If you drink coffee in moderation and lead a healthy lifestyle, then it will certainly not harm the normal functioning of the stomach and digestive system.

The problem of stomach pain after coffee is common. Why is this happening? It's simple, coffee contains caffeine and catechols.

These substances provoke the release of hydrochloric acid, which actively affects the digestion process. If you drink coffee on an empty stomach, then this acid significantly irritates the gastric mucosa.

Increased acidity negatively affects the condition of people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Can coffee make your stomach hurt?

If you drink coffee on an empty stomach or excessively, you will certainly experience severe pain and possibly nausea.

Most often, the causes of abdominal pain after drinking this drink are:

  • The development of serious diseases, more precisely: stomach or duodenal ulcers, gastritis, polyps, oncology and other inflammations.
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane or increased acidity of the ventricle.
  • Allergic reaction or contraindications due to the composition of coffee.

It is precisely these factors that can provoke pain, so it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist and allergist to find out whether the digestive system is functioning normally and there are no allergic reactions.

Those who have bad habits and addiction to coffee suffer from pain much more often. If you often drink coffee and at the same time lead an abnormal lifestyle, this will become the main reason for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of abdominal pain. It is also forbidden to drink coffee for children and people under 21 years of age, otherwise pain may become more common and illnesses may become chronic.

Can coffee cause diarrhea, diarrhea from coffee, causes

Coffee beans contain alkaloids - substances that stimulate peristalsis and secretory activity of the stomach and intestines due to irritation of their mucous membrane. Frequent contractions of the walls of the organs prevent the absorption of fluid, which begins to actively “leak” into the feces. Liquefied stool quickly moves through the intestinal tract and comes out during defecation. This can lead to diarrhea and diarrhea. Can coffee cause severe diarrhea? The frequency of bowel movements after drinking coffee can reach four to five times a day - a fairly high figure, considering that a person normally defecates no more than twice a day. Due to these properties, it is not recommended to drink coffee for people suffering from stool disorders in the form of diarrhea, since drinking the drink can lead to a worsening of the situation; coffee can increase severe diarrhea. It is also not recommended to drink coffee for people with gastrointestinal diseases: the drink has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs and can provoke an exacerbation of ailments.

Often, those who care about their health prefer barley or acorn drink to regular coffee. It tastes different from traditional coffee, but in terms of benefits it is in no way inferior to its freeze-dried “brother”: it protects the walls of the stomach and intestines from damage, stimulates metabolic processes in the body, and helps strengthen the immune system. You can find barley and acorn coffee in specialized stores or in the corresponding sections of large hypermarkets.

What should you eat to get rid of diarrhea and relieve the symptoms of diarrhea?

The menu for intestinal disorders such as diarrhea and severe diarrhea should include easily digestible foods and a sufficient amount of liquid designed to replenish the balance of moisture in the body: jelly, dried fruit compotes, green tea, still mineral water, rice water, infusion of St. John's wort, blueberries , chamomile flowers or oak bark. On the first day of diarrhea, it is recommended not to eat anything, but to drink often and in large quantities. If the feeling of hunger is unbearable, you are allowed to eat a little rice, semolina or oatmeal porridge with water. On the second day, if you have diarrhea, you can include lean soups, bananas, baked apples, jacket potatoes, carrot or mashed potatoes, dry cookies, and crackers in your diet. After the stool has improved, it is necessary to follow a therapeutic diet for at least two weeks: eat steamed omelettes, cottage cheese casseroles, boiled chicken or rabbit meat, steamed or baked low-fat fish, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal and semolina porridges, vegetable soups ( except for cabbage soup and borscht), dried white bread, natural yogurt without additives, soft low-fat cottage cheese.

It is also important to know what not to eat during diarrhea and for some time after diarrhea. During the recovery period after diarrhea, it is prohibited to consume fast food, semi-finished products, any sauces and seasonings except salt and sugar, fermented milk products, smoked products, canned food, preserves, snacks (crackers, chips), unheated vegetables, fruits and berries, alcoholic beverages, baked goods, sweets , carbonated mineral water, lemonade, mushrooms, fatty fish, pork, lamb, horse meat, beef, duck and goose.

When does coffee help with diarrhea? When can you drink it for diarrhea?

Coffee is not recommended for use during diarrhea due to the fact that it enhances digestive processes and has a chemical composition unfavorable for this ailment. For people who cannot go a day without an invigorating drink, a substitute can be its analogue, made from acorns, which, in addition to its pleasant taste, also has binding properties.

In terms of benefits for the body, the drink is much healthier than Arabica or Robusta. Acorns contain substances that quickly normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. More than half (65%) of acorn coffee is starch. Thanks to its enveloping properties, diarrhea quickly stops. A high concentration of starch does not create a strong load on the pancreas, since it is quickly broken down under the influence of other enzymes. Quercetin, present in such coffee, acts as a strong antispasmodic, quickly eliminating pain caused by increased gas formation, bloating and spasms. A secondary role is played by proteins and carbohydrates, thanks to which the optimal amount of elements that ensure metabolism is restored. Tannins help eliminate spastic processes that occur during diarrhea.

In addition, acorns contain a number of components with powerful antibacterial properties. This allows the body to overcome intestinal infections on its own, without the use of antibiotics. A tonic drink made from acorns is used for both acute and chronic intestinal disorders. Thanks to its ability to coat mucous membranes and heal inflammation, acorn coffee is deservedly considered one of the best alternative medicines used for diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by loose stools. It is obvious that the composition of this substitute for natural coffee is several times superior to it in terms of benefits for the body.

When can I take it?

Acorn coffee reduces the load on the pancreas.
It is a proven fact that drinking coffee during diarrhea is contraindicated. But there is an exception when a drink can help. This is coffee made from acorns and barley. These two remedies help with diarrhea.

These drinks can only be called coffee because of their similar taste. The effect on the body differs from the original one. They have fixing properties and have a beneficial effect on peristalsis.

Coffee made from acorns contains more than 60% starch. It coats the intestinal walls. Due to this, the load on the pancreas is reduced. Diarrhea stops.

Barley drink will help get rid of bloating, infections, parasites

Drinks made from barley and stomach contain a substance called quercetin. It helps get rid of the formation of cramps, gas, and bloating.

Coffee also gets rid of certain types of intestinal parasites, bacteria and infections.

What foods can help get rid of diarrhea and diarrhea?

You can feel better about diarrhea by following these rules:

1 during illness, you should avoid eating fatty and heavy foods to ease the load on the intestines;

2. An important component of treatment is compliance with the drinking regime; It is advisable to give preference to clean drinking or still mineral water;

3 in order to cleanse the intestines of toxins, the diet should include starchy foods: rice, potatoes and bananas;

4 during diarrhea and after its completion, you need to postpone the consumption of whole milk, nuts and legumes for a while;

5 disease involves complete exclusion of coffee from the diet.

Strengthening the intestines is facilitated by eating foods rich in tannins, for example, black currants and pears. It is noteworthy that people who do not have the habit of starting with a cup of coffee every morning are more likely to experience bouts of diarrhea. Regular consumption of this product adapts the body to caffeine, as a result of which more of it is required to upset digestive functions. This also affects the ability to perk up, so coffee drinkers drink more and more of the aromatic dope over time to wake up. If your body is hypersensitive to caffeine, other products containing it (chocolate, energy drinks, Coca-Cola, etc.) should also be consumed with caution.

Chemical composition

Natural coffee, like other products, can bring benefits and harm. It all depends on who drinks the drink and in what quantities. To understand what effect the product has on the human body, it is worth taking a closer look at its qualitative composition.

Coffee contains the following components:

  • caffeine;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • trigonelline;
  • tannins;
  • microelements;
  • amino acids.

Someone drinks coffee with milk and decides that if diarrhea begins after drinking the drink, it’s the milk. This is possible in the presence of enzyme deficiency.

Product properties

The chemical composition determines the properties, that is, how drinking the drink affects the body. As you know, most people drink this drink for aesthetic satisfaction and to get a dose of vigor and energy. Is this thinking justified?

Actually, yes. The human condition is affected by caffeine that enters the body with a cup of fresh ground coffee. Caffeine stimulates increased mental and physical activity. As a result, a person feels more energetic and becomes more resilient and gains strength.

Due to the fact that the drink contains nicotinic acid, normal synthesis of B vitamins becomes possible. In addition, this substance supports metabolic processes in the body.

Interestingly, the tart, specific coffee aroma released during grinding and brewing is possible thanks to a special component included in the drink. This is trigonelline. When ground grains are heated during roasting or boiling, the aroma becomes especially intense due to the activation of this substance.

Tannins have a slight strengthening effect on the body. These components are similar to those contained in black tea, and as you know, diarrhea is often relieved with the help of a black, unsweetened drink.

Microelements are necessary for every person. By drinking 2-3 cups a day, you can support your body by replenishing it with valuable components.

The amino acids included in the product increase endurance and emotional stability. That's why many people prefer to refresh themselves with a cup of aromatic coffee throughout the day.

How is diarrhea caused?

To find out the reason for the development of intestinal upset from drinking coffee, it is worth understanding the mechanism of the drink’s effect on digestion. Of course, everyone’s body has its own unique characteristics and the reaction that manifests itself in one is not standard. At the same time, it is important to consider several factors.

No matter how healthy coffee drinks are, some substances contained therein have an irritating effect on the stomach. For example, caffeine and nicotinic acid irritate the gastric mucosa. This leads to increased peristalsis. Gastric juice is secreted more actively, the person begins to feel intense hunger.

As already mentioned, the risk of developing diarrhea after drinking coffee increases when a person adds milk to the drink. This product is not always well absorbed by the adult body. As a result, the ability to properly digest food decreases and diarrhea begins.

You should not drink coffee in moments of extreme stress. Immobilization of a person’s internal forces occurs only when the drink is taken in a calm environment. In other cases, stimulation of the central nervous system may increase, and intestinal upset begins.

A coffee drink has a similar negative effect when it is drunk on an empty stomach and done frequently. Coffee in large quantities on an empty stomach is perceived differently by the body. He regards it as a toxic compound. The body is trying to free itself from it. As a result, diarrhea develops. Sometimes such conditions are accompanied by sudden nausea and vomiting.

The most severe irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is caused by drinking instant coffee. It contains not only natural compounds. These chemical inclusions are perceived by the body as potent toxins. As a result, diarrhea begins, which usually does not last long, but is characterized by wateriness and a short interval between drinking the drink and the act of defecation.

The risk of developing diarrhea due to drinking aromatic coffee drink is greater for those who drink it rarely. Those who delight themselves with a cup of their favorite coffee regularly, 2-3 cups a day, usually do not suffer from diarrhea. However, it is worth considering that with regular consumption of an invigorating drink, its stimulating effect is less pronounced and this is due to the body becoming accustomed to the serving size of caffeine and other active substances.

Effect of coffee grounds and drink temperature

The condition of the intestines after drinking coffee can be affected by:

  • the presence of grounds;
  • product temperature.

Surprisingly, in some cases, intestinal upset is caused not by the coffee itself, but by the grounds that have settled at the bottom. To eliminate the risk of it entering the body, you should use special filter bags or brew coffee in a coffee machine, where the grounds are separated during the preparation process.

How the body perceives coffee is affected by its temperature. A drink that is too hot or too cold has a negative effect. This temperature causes the digestion process to stop. As a result, food simply moves through the intestines. Since the temperature is uncomfortable for the body, the digestive system strives to quickly remove these products and, as a result, diarrhea begins.

Coffee as a laxative, why does drinking it cause diarrhea?

Most people are completely unaware of what coffee intestinal upset is. However, even a healthy person is not immune to problems if he drinks a lot of coffee on an empty stomach.

It is strictly not recommended for people suffering from gastrointestinal dysfunction to drink the drink on an empty stomach - the active caffeine irritates the intestinal walls, which stimulates the production of gastric juice. Milk added to coffee contains lactose, a disaccharide compound that is not digested by some people due to the lack of enzymes that break it down.

Since lactose is not digested, it simply penetrates into the spaces between particles of swallowed food. In the absence of enzyme treatment, undigested food immediately moves to the colon, causing the urge to loose stool.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful to your stomach

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have diarrhea? Considering its laxative effect, it is better to refrain from using it during gastrointestinal upset - caffeine increases peristalsis.

Excessive consumption of caffeine will provoke the development of frequent bowel movements and rapid dehydration of the body.

According to gastroenterologists, there are other causes of diarrhea after coffee:

  1. Intestinal diseases are in remission.
  2. Allergic reaction to the product.
  3. Overeating or poor nutrition.
  4. Smoking, alcohol abuse.

Caffeine is harmful to weakened digestion.
Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, Addison's disease can also cause diarrhea after coffee.

Most often, the occurrence of diarrhea after a cup of aromatic drink is provoked not by physical problems, but by the emotional state of a person. The digestion process is closely related to human emotions, so drinking coffee during a period of nervous stress is perceived by the body as a toxin and irritant, which means it can cause severe diarrhea.

Emotions, performance and coffee

The most dangerous drink for health is instant drink. Chemical additives added by the manufacturer act as strong irritants on the walls of the stomach. By increasing acidity, the body pushes caustic substances into the colon. This contributes to the occurrence of severe diarrhea after excessive consumption of instant coffee.

Does coffee help with intestinal upset?

Opinions differ on whether you can drink coffee when you have diarrhea. Coffee for diarrhea rarely has a fixing effect, since at the time of drinking the drink the intestinal mucosa is already sufficiently irritated and the tannins contained in the drink are unable to have the desired effect.

When deciding whether coffee is ok during diarrhea, it is worth considering that the drink has a diuretic effect. During the period of disorder, the body is dehydrated. Additional fluid removal will only worsen the situation. Therefore, instead of coffee, it is better to drink more pure water or strong black tea.

If diarrhea develops, medical attention is usually not required. However, when the condition persists for several days without relief, you may need to see a doctor.

Is it possible to drink coffee if you have diarrhea?

For a completely healthy person, coffee with diarrhea does not bring any dangerous consequences; on the contrary, it is an invigorating drink that can enrich the body with proteins and amino acids. However, in case of disorders and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the drink will only worsen diarrhea. This side effect is achieved due to the content of microelements that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to get rid of the idea of ​​using coffee for diarrhea, because the active components of this drink increase blood pressure, increase heartbeat, which leads to swelling and fluid retention in the tissues.

It is especially dangerous to take this drink with milk, as it can cause increased attacks.

Chemical component of coffee

Despite all the warnings, coffee lovers do not stop drinking coffee if they have diarrhea. Thus exacerbating the problem. Yes, the benefits of the drink are striking, but in some situations it can be harmful. To understand how its effect on body systems occurs, it is necessary to study its components.

Coffee beans contain large amounts of caffeine. The component stimulates the nervous system, gives vigor and physical endurance to a person. Strong espresso contains a substance rich in B vitamins - nicotinic acid, which takes part in the metabolic system.

Trigonelline gives a pleasant bright smell to the drink when heated; the component belongs to the group of alkaloids. Mental activity is stimulated by tannins and microelements (magnesium, calcium, potassium).

When a person does not have health problems, even a double espresso will not harm him. The drink will enrich his body with many microelements, amino acids, proteins, and vitamins. They will improve the functioning of the metabolic system and increase metabolism.

If a patient has an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation), then coffee acts as a laxative due to its high content of microelements. They irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines and cause diarrhea after coffee.

If you have diarrhea, then drink warm tea as a drink that restores normal processes in the intestines. After all, coffee weakens the stool.

Causes of diarrhea

The causes of diarrhea may be the following:

  1. Poisoning from low-quality products.
  2. Exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases as a result of dietary disorders.
  3. Infection with parasites that infect the intestines.
  4. Excessive consumption of foods containing sucrose.
  5. Bacterial lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.

With diarrhea, the gastrointestinal tract malfunctions and the absorption of fluid and microelements is disrupted. Loose stools occur when:

  • Damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. If the mucous membrane is inflamed or its integrity is compromised, then fluid is retained in the intestines. And its excess does not allow the nutritional components to be properly absorbed. Feces are formed. Compounds are formed that develop excessive osmotic activity. A high glucose content, for example, contributes to disturbances in fluid metabolic processes and dilution of chyme.
  • Infections with harmful bacteria or other microorganisms. Damage to the intestinal walls by bacteria leads to flatulence; pathogenic microorganisms also accumulate on the walls and cause disturbances in the passage of feces.
  • Strengthening the peristalsis of contractions of the intestinal walls. Increased peristalsis has a negative impact on food absorption. Food is not digested as it should be due to rapid movement along the inner surface of the intestines.
  • Increased amount of liquid in chyme and excess microelements.

Doctors strongly do not recommend drinking coffee if you have diarrhea. The drink will not only aggravate gastrointestinal disorders, but will also worsen the general condition of the patient. The patient will experience headaches, swelling, increased blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances.

If diarrhea continues for a long period of time, you should not self-medicate. Contact a specialist for help.

Why does coffee cause diarrhea?

Alkaloids stimulate intensive metabolism and increase blood supply in the gastrointestinal tract. This irritates the intestinal mucosa, increases fluid secretion and peristalsis. Due to these processes, liquid is retained in the stool, which facilitates its movement through the intestines. Therefore, you should not drink the drink if you have diarrhea, this significantly increases the problem. Also, caffeine and tannin promote gas formation, which leads to disruption of the integrity of the intestinal mucosa. They are especially dangerous for chronic gastrointestinal diseases, in combination with fatty meat dishes and legumes.

Why does coffee cause constipation and diarrhea?

When coffee makes you want to go to the toilet, it means the person has problems with the intestines or internal organs. Persons with chronic gastrointestinal diseases do not tolerate this drink well.

It is undesirable to drink coffee with milk during exacerbations of diseases. Fermented milk products in such cases are also not recommended for consumption. Milk or kefir causes bloating and discomfort in the abdominal region.

Fermented milk is poorly absorbed in the intestines and creates a favorable climate for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

If there are no problems with pathologies of internal organs, then coffee is generally well tolerated. The only thing is that consuming it with fatty meat or legumes, onions, and onions can make a person feel unwell. Thanks to this combination of products, loose stools will appear over time.

It has already been said that if you have diarrhea, it is better not to drink the drink, but is coffee good for constipation or not?

There are people who have constant problems with bowel movements. This indicates poor nutrition.

In such situations, you can use coffee for constipation. Espresso will make defecation easier. But be sure to follow the rules for drinking the drink:

  • do not abuse strong drinks; no more than two cups of espresso from natural coffee beans are allowed;
  • drink the drink an hour after your meal;
  • after espresso, drink 125 ml of water;
  • give preference to an unfiltered drink, this coffee will enhance peristalsis.

The drink itself can also cause constipation. If a person gets constipated from coffee, then he abuses the strong drink. As a result, the intestines become exhausted and the stool becomes dense. Without outside help, their departure is impossible.

Excessive consumption of strong coffee with sugar is dangerous. Intestinal spasms may develop, and defecation becomes difficult in these cases.

During an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, it is important not only to treat with medications and reduce or completely eliminate coffee from the diet, but also to follow a diet. Coffee lovers who cannot refuse the drink can drink coffee made from barley or acorns. This drink is drunk for diarrhea.

Is diarrhea (diarrhea) possible if you drink coffee and why?

If a person does not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or constant constipation, then moderate consumption of the drink does not cause problems in the form of loose stools. But even in such a situation, it is necessary to drink a coffee drink after eating.

Excessive use of caffeine, including on an empty stomach, causes diarrhea. This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, problems certainly cannot be avoided. Nausea, gag reflexes, and loose stools occur within a short period of time after drinking a coffee drink.

A healthy person may also experience an upset stomach after drinking coffee.

In a healthy person, a cup of coffee can cause diarrhea due to prolonged stress, fatigue or lack of sleep.

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