The first symptoms of kidney disease - all the answers here


Many kidney diseases occur in a latent form and do not have pronounced symptoms. There may be weakness, decreased performance, fatigue, swelling (especially in the morning).

Due to problems with removing fluid from the body, headaches often appear. There is also a change in blood pressure - it increases.

The kidneys may hurt more with sudden movements, playing sports, or urinating. The urine begins to smell strongly and its color changes. The smell of ammonia is felt from the mouth. Pimples appear on the skin.

Often occurs during the first or multiple pregnancies. Nephropathy appears due to the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the ureter. As a result, the outflow of urine is disrupted, the kidneys suffer and the lumbar region begins to hurt.

Swelling of varying degrees of severity manifests itself - from weak to strong. Against the background of nephropathy, dangerous conditions such as albuminuria and hypertension develop. All this threatens the development of the fetus.

Associated symptoms include frequent urge to go to the toilet, but with minimal urine output. It hurts most often on the right. In the acute form, vomiting, nausea, and fever appear.


Occurs due to genetic predisposition. The structure of the renal tubules changes, and vesicles form on them. A characteristic symptom is constant pain in the lumbar region. Additional symptoms of kidney disease are frequent urge to urinate, the woman feels thirsty.

In the future, without treatment, the disease leads to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system and hypertension.


With this problem, the calyces and pelvis of the kidneys expand. Appears due to various problems:

  • stones;
  • tumors;
  • inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • congenital anomalies.

It is often asymptomatic until inflammation begins. Then a frequent urge to urinate begins. Blood appears in the urine - it can be seen with the naked eye.

Sand in the kidneys

Sometimes a suspension of salt residues, the so-called sand, forms in the pelvis. Symptoms of kidney problems in women due to the formation of sand do not always appear. When the sediment comes out in the urine, it can scratch the ureteral mucosa. It doesn't hurt much. Unpleasant sensations descend to the lower abdomen and groin.


The reason why a woman’s left or kidney hurts may be due to nephroptosis (prolapse of the organ). This occurs due to sudden weight loss or during labor. Due to weakening of muscles and ligaments, the kidney changes its location.

The more serious the stage, the more severe the symptoms. It hurts in the abdomen and back, and the sensation intensifies over time. Associated symptoms are loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, nervousness.

If you start the process, it will lead to serious consequences: urolithiasis, kidney failure, pyelonephritis.

During the disease, stones form in different parts of the urinary system. Most often these are the kidneys. Patients experience acute cutting pain when stones move.

Due to the fact that stones can obstruct the normal flow of urine, swelling of the face appears. Excess fluid is not removed from the body. When the ureter is blocked, renal colic occurs. It is characterized by severe, unbearable pain in the lumbar region. It does not subside when changing body position.

Characterized by loss of kidney function. The cause may be infectious diseases, poisoning, injuries, prolonged inflammation, etc. Due to poor kidney function, little or no urine is produced.

In addition to low urine output, a rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, and metabolic disturbances are noted. If left untreated, death is likely.

Kidney cancer

In the early stages, tumors do not produce any symptoms. Possible pallor, lethargy. If the oncology is right-sided, the right kidney constantly hurts, the site of its projection swells a little. Occasionally, you may notice blood in the urine.

Typically, symptoms appear already in the third or fourth stage, when only surgical treatment will help. Any movement is accompanied by pain.


There are several diseases that are inflammatory in nature and affect the kidneys: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. They appear due to hypothermia, heavy metal poisoning, alcohol consumption, and as a result of autoimmune disorders. The pain in the kidney area does not begin immediately.

Sometimes jade is confused with poisoning due to similar symptoms: fever, chills, and frequent urge to urinate. Skin color changes to sallow or jaundiced.

It appears due to abnormalities in intrauterine development (polycystic kidney disease) or after injury. Sometimes it is secondary to the underlying disease, for example, thrombosis.


Kidney pain can occur due to endometriosis. This is a condition when the cells of the inner layer of the uterus spread throughout the body and begin to divide. Renal endometriosis is a very rare occurrence.

Unfortunately, kidney disease affects one third of the entire population.

Neglect of symptoms and failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can lead to kidney failure, and in particularly difficult cases, to complete failure.

According to statistics, the disease more often affects women than men, although in the male half of humanity the disease is more difficult to treat, as it is detected in an advanced form.

The symptoms that appear depend on the disease that is detected in the patient. Often, it is certain differences that make it possible to suspect the development of pathology, so symptoms for problems with the kidneys can be quite different.

Acute diseases arise abruptly, but chronic ones gradually attack the diseased organ. In any case, the initial diagnosis is carried out based on the patient’s complaints.


It is characterized by the appearance of compressive, mild pain in one or both sides. The pain syndrome does not decrease when taking a comfortable position. There is a change in the color of the urine, the presence of particles of pus and sediment in it. The patient quickly gets tired, apathetic, indifferent to food, and his body temperature rises. Patients of all ages are susceptible to the disease, with pregnant women especially susceptible.


That is, prolapse of the kidneys, which causes nagging, intensifying pain in the lumbar region. The pain intensifies when taking a vertical position, and in a lying position the pain intensity decreases.


An autoimmune disease in which the body forms antibodies against kidney tissue. It is characterized by the presence of severe swelling on the face after waking up, and causeless pressure surges. The vast majority of protein and white blood cells are present in the urine. A nagging pain is localized in one or both sides.


Aching pains are often accompanied by unpleasant tingling sensations; they are felt, as a rule, on the left side.

Renal colic

An extremely unpleasant sensation, the cause of which may be urolithiasis, that is, the formation of kidney stones. The patient feels sharp, unbearable pain, including when urinating. Often this condition is accompanied by vomiting, nausea, elevated body temperature, weakness, and the presence of traces of blood in the urine.


The formation of a benign or malignant tumor is indicated not only by pain, but also by the following manifestations:

  • presence of blood in the urine;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general malaise;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • increase in general temperature;
  • anemia;
  • changes in blood pressure.

When we talk about kidney diseases, we mean a fairly large group of pathologies, the development of which gradually damages the kidney tissue. The causes of such diseases can be a variety of influences. A number of diseases develop as a result of the impact of infection on the human body, and this can be either bacterial or viral infection.

Impaired urine flow negatively affects kidney function. Formations such as tumors and cysts can provoke impaired kidney function. In addition, the causes of kidney disease can be metabolic disorders, autoimmune damage to the body, congenital developmental anomalies, and a decrease in the functional activity of the parenchyma. The normal functioning of the kidneys is also affected by the stones that sometimes form in them.

All symptoms of kidney disease are divided into general and characteristic. General symptoms are difficult to attribute specifically to kidney pathologies. If a person believes that his kidneys hurt, then this and other signs need to be paid special attention. If your kidneys hurt, symptoms may indicate other diseases. Information about the nature of all disturbing signs, as well as a detailed description of how the kidneys hurt, must be submitted to the doctor.

Typically, kidney disease manifests itself with some common symptoms. When the disease first develops, the patient feels a slight chill and a certain degree of general discomfort, which makes him feel overwhelmed. But the problem is often that such signs are characteristic of the onset of a cold, and severe pain in the kidneys does not appear immediately.

But if a person ignores the first signs of the disease, then the symptoms continue to grow further. The patient begins to feel feverish and his temperature rises. Gradually the lower back and back begin to hurt. Depending on which kidney is affected - the right or left - you may experience pain in a certain area of ​​the lower back. Less commonly, lower back pain occurs on both sides. In addition, common symptoms include increased blood pressure.

When thinking about what to do in such a situation, the patient should realize that at this stage of the development of the disease, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Characteristic symptoms include swelling that occurs both on the face, in the eye area, and throughout the body. The latter phenomenon is more typical for obese people. Also, edema in women with kidney problems often appears during pregnancy. In this case, it is important for a woman to clearly know why swelling occurs and what to do if it does not go away for a long time.

Diseases that lead to unpleasant sensations

Any signs of pain are often associated with illness. Although the female body is very vulnerable, it always tries to overcome the disease itself. Therefore, most often the pain is felt short-term and goes away on its own. But if a woman feels discomfort, most likely some kind of disease is developing that she does not know about.

The main kidney diseases include:

  • nephropathy during pregnancy;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • renal failure;
  • tumors.

The signs of nephropathy are simple - pain in the kidney area on the right, heaviness in the side, and sometimes vision deteriorates. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult for a woman to bear a child, so she feels a strong load on her organs. During pregnancy, it is recommended to undergo constant examination so as not to harm either yourself or the child in the end.

What are the symptoms of inflammation?

Not everyone knows this. Symptoms of glomerulonephritis include urine changing color, fever, pain and nausea. Often this disease also includes swelling, but it is much less common. Inflammation can be easily cured if you consult a doctor in time.

Pyelonephritis is another inflammation, which is additionally accompanied by an increase in temperature.

For both men and women, the formation of kidney stones causes constant pain. Over the years, it only gets worse and cannot be eliminated without surgery.

The main symptom is the presence of blood in the urine. Only strong painkillers will help to quickly relieve pain for a while. The pain is so acute that the person not only cannot move, but even simply stand on his feet. No therapy is provided for nephrolithiasis, only surgery is possible.

If a woman suffers from anemia, muscle weakness and her blood pressure is always high, these are all symptoms of kidney failure. In this case, the organs cease to perform their functions or do their work with disturbances or interruptions. They lack the strength to fully perform their functions.

Women over 40 years of age may suffer from the tumor.

Weakness of the body at this age is so predictable, as is a decrease in performance, so women often do not attach importance to such signals. Upon reaching 40 years of age, doctors recommend monitoring the color of your urine, whether there is blood in it, and constantly checking your blood pressure and body weight.

Symptoms of kidney problems


This is perhaps the first and most important symptom that the kidneys have begun to function poorly. May change:

  • amount of urine (up or down);
  • its color (becomes dark, brownish, cloudy, with particles of blood, thick foam);
  • frequency of urination (especially noticeable at night);
  • pain, burning and feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen when urinating.

Symptoms often appear similar to cystitis: frequent urge to urinate with a small amount of urine released.

Secondary symptoms include nagging pain in the side. If light tapping on the indicated areas of the lower back causes spreading pain inside, then this is a sure sign that the kidneys are not functioning normally. The presence of a swelling with a reddish tint should signal the need to visit a doctor and take the necessary blood and urine tests.

Pain in the back and lower back can develop not only with kidney disease. The same symptoms may be accompanied by osteochondrosis, rheumatism, pancreatitis (girdling pain), neuralgia, premenstrual syndrome, inflammation of the appendages, the onset of labor pains and much more. To correctly determine where the kidneys hurt and where another pathology occurs, you need to remember the anatomy.

It is especially important for pregnant women to be thoroughly examined. Diseases of the genitourinary system can be either a consequence of compression of the ureters by the enlarged uterus, or a primary phenomenon that can be complicated by the addition of an infection - the development of pyelonephritis, which in itself can already cause a miscarriage.

The selection of medications during pregnancy has its own characteristics, so only a doctor should prescribe them. Most often these are plant-based medicines. Do not delay your visit to a specialist, he will competently explain why your kidneys hurt in the morning, how to deal with it, which will help you recover completely or at least soften the symptoms harmlessly.

If a woman is in the last months of pregnancy, then she needs to understand that swelling and bags under the eyes are a temporary phenomenon, but the health of the genitourinary system should be constantly monitored by a doctor. There is also a risk of attributing the onset of contractions to habitual renal colic. Listen to yourself, pack all your things for the maternity hospital in advance, do not take strong drugs or painkillers - they can weaken or enhance the effect of other medications that may be used by doctors.

Proper treatment for kidney problems

Sick kidneys disrupt the functioning of all organs and systems. If one kidney is unable to function fully, then the second worker takes over its functions and receives a double load, which over time can lead to organ failure. Before starting treatment, it is best to find out about the disease that became the prerequisite for the development of kidney failure and use moderate methods of treating it. Medicine offers the following effective treatment methods:

  • diet;
  • taking medications;
  • operations (for example, to remove, crush stones);
  • folk methods.

Diet food

Diet is an effective way to reduce intoxication, reduce the death of nephrons, and reduce the negative impact of metabolic disorders. The main “postulates” of dietary nutrition are:

  • reducing the amount of salt consumed (it causes swelling) and protein;
  • increasing the caloric content of the diet due to carbohydrates and fats;
  • eating more foods containing calcium;
  • unhealthy foods - smoked foods, sweets, fatty foods, fried foods;
  • if the kidneys are overloaded, then you need to drink less water.

Drug therapy

Taking into account the pathology that could trigger disorders in the kidneys, where characteristic pain and other factors are localized, the doctor prescribes to the patient:

  • antispasmodics for pain, stone-disintegrating and anti-inflammatory drugs for urolithiasis;
  • medications to lower blood pressure;
  • antibiotics for bacterial infections;
  • glucose, sodium bicarbonate and other medications intravenously to maintain acid-base balance;
  • diuretics to reduce fluid volume;
  • temporary dialysis for artificial filtration of blood.

Folk remedies

Signs of kidney problems should not be ignored; natural remedies will help fight them. To do this, you can make decoctions and tinctures from:

  • strawberry leaves with leaves of nettle, birch, flax seeds;
  • onion peel;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • lingonberry leaves and fruits;
  • rose hips with dried needles;
  • calendula;
  • millennium;
  • mint;
  • burdock;
  • juniper.

Urolithiasis disease


The disease has an autoimmune nature of its origin, when one’s own antibodies begin to “attack” the kidney tissue, as a result of which immune complexes are deposited in the glomeruli.

The following symptoms are characteristic of glomerulonephritis:

  • pain in the lumbar region on the side of the affected kidney (most often the process is bilateral), they are aching or pulling;
  • the process of urination becomes more frequent;
  • swelling appears on the face, which is most intense in the morning;
  • fluid gradually accumulates in the body cavities (pleura, pericardium, abdominal cavity, etc.);
  • Blood pressure numbers increase.

Scheme of development of glomerulonephritis


The basis of the disease is an inflammatory process caused by infectious agents of various origins (primarily bacteria).

Acute ascending pyelonephritis

With pyelonephritis, the following clinical picture is observed:

  • pain in the lumbar region intensifies gradually (this is due to an increase in tissue edema), the patient is bothered by a pulling or aching sensation on the affected side;
  • body temperature rises, which is accompanied by all manifestations of intoxication (apathy, weakness, etc.);
  • urination becomes more frequent, emptying the bladder is often accompanied by pain;
  • the urine is cloudy in color and contains flakes, pus, or traces of blood.

When examining the patient, you need to carefully palpate the abdomen and pelvic organs. There is pain in the lower abdomen on the affected side. If the patient has severe muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall, this may indicate an attack of renal colic.

A positive symptom of tapping in the lumbar region on the affected side is characteristic.

In order to determine that it is the patient’s kidneys that are hurting, it is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory and instrumental studies:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • urine analysis according to Nechiporenko;
  • Zimnitsky test (according to indications);
  • culture of urine on nutrient media;
  • overview image of the urinary system and excretory urography;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder;
  • CT and MRI of the urinary tract.

Only based on the results of the study can a correct diagnosis be made, so do not delay your visit to a specialist

Therapy of patients requires an individual approach in each specific case. This directly depends on the underlying disease and the severity of the pathological process.

You can read more about what to do if your kidneys hurt, as well as how to treat underlying diseases, in this article.

If you experience kidney discomfort for the first time, you should seek help from a doctor as soon as possible, even if your general condition remains satisfactory. You should not engage in self-diagnosis and carry out treatment that has not been agreed upon with a specialist. After all, this can cause complications and worsen the prognosis of the disease.

The kidneys are responsible for removing waste and excess fluid from the body. When this does not happen, unresolved fluid accumulates in the body and causes swelling. They most often occur on the arms, legs, ankles, face and under the eyes. If the kidneys are not in order, then when you press the skin with your finger, you will notice how it loses its original color and becomes dull and pale for a while.

At home, they are treated with herbal infusions, decoctions of rhizomes, and homeopathic medicines. Tinctures of birch leaves, bearberry, corn silk, licorice root and celery perfectly cope with the inflammatory process, promote the dissolution of stones and have a diuretic effect.

Drink such decoctions a quarter glass 3-4 times a day. If your kidneys begin to hurt from the cold, then decoctions of linden and chamomile, as well as a warm compress on the lumbar region, will help relieve the pain. Homeopathic medicines include herbal alcohol tinctures.

The formation of stones in the bladder occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body, as well as when the functions of the endocrine glands are impaired. One of the factors influencing the process of stone formation is stagnation of urine in the urinary tract. In addition, the hereditary factor plays an important role in this case. The stones have a heterogeneous composition - they can be phosphates, urates, oxalates.

Patients with kidney stones often suffer from renal colic, which causes severe pain. In this case, you cannot self-medicate. The main principles of treatment are the removal of stones, as well as the treatment of inflammation associated with kidney stones.

There are also a number of other kidney diseases that require an adequate approach to treatment. But in all cases, kidney treatment must be carried out in a timely manner, since there is a possibility of complications such as kidney cancer, etc. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to practice exclusively kidney treatment with folk remedies or herbs at home.

For any disease, consulting a doctor is important. For example, if a person is diagnosed with a single kidney cyst, then in this case it is sufficient to conduct an annual study. Treatment of a kidney cyst is required if complications or polycystic disease occur. In this case, the person is predominantly prescribed laparoscopic surgery.

Sand in the kidneys as a sign of urolithiasis occurs due to metabolic disorders. In this case, in parallel with taking medications, treatment with traditional methods is practiced. However, like the treatment of kidney stones, it must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Drug treatment of kidney diseases is practiced for most ailments. However, if a person is diagnosed with hydronephrosis, inflammation, kidney prolapse or other ailments, then antibiotics and medications belonging to other groups are selected exclusively individually. It is also important to take into account the fact that the treatment of such diseases during pregnancy should be as gentle as possible.

Causes and characteristic pain for kidney disease in women

The female body is designed in such a way that when the function of excreting fluid is impaired, diseases of the genital organs, inflammation, or simply after lifting a heavy object, the kidneys are the first to suffer.

The first signs of kidney disease in women do not appear immediately after the onset of the pathology.

In most cases, pain begins to be felt only when the affected organ ceases to cope with the task of removing toxins from the body, and residual metabolic products begin to accumulate in the internal tissues.

Exceptions include mechanical lesions or malignancies.

The main causes of kidney pain in women can be:

  • stones in the organ itself or the ureter;
  • penetration of infection and development of inflammation;
  • thrombosis of the artery leading to the organ;
  • general decrease in urinary function due to poisoning or damage by antibiotics;
  • organ displacement;
  • tumor;
  • cyst formation;
  • mechanical injury (for example, as a result of a fall or accident);
  • rejection of a donor organ during transplantation.

The main symptoms of kidney disease in women are the same for almost all diagnoses.

After all, the main reason for the occurrence of pain is not so much the disease itself as the rapid intoxication of the body, which develops due to the inability of the kidneys to normally remove toxins from the body.

Some diseases have specific symptoms; in others, the problem can only be detected as a result of a clinical examination.

Lower back pain

All kidney diseases in women, regardless of diagnosis, are accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region. The pain is not localized in one place, but spreads all the way to the level of the lower ribs.

Similar sensations can occur in women with other diseases: ectopic pregnancy, appendicitis, liver inflammation, etc. But there are several differences:

  1. When the kidney hurts, a pulling sensation appears on the right or left side of the back, radiating to the lower abdomen and accompanied by severe weakness. If both kidneys are affected at once, the pain may be girdling.
  2. The pain intensifies with sudden movement (for example, trying to stand up) or exertion.
  3. When pushing or tapping the lower back, the pain becomes more intense.

Only a urologist can diagnose a disease of the urinary system in a woman and begin treatment.

Decreased urine output

An indicator that the kidney is not coping with its functions is a decrease in the volume of urine discharge and the appearance of edema.

This means that part of the waste that should have been eliminated from the body along with urine accumulates in the kidney itself, and excess fluid remains in the tissues of the body.

The occurrence of swelling in a woman can indicate not only kidney disease, but also pregnancy, coronary heart disease and a number of other problems.

Regardless of the cause, the appearance of this symptom requires an immediate visit to a urologist or therapist.

In women, the lower extremities, fingers and toes, face, and neck swell.

A clear indication of kidney problems are “bags under the eyes” - characteristic swelling of the lower eyelids, often accompanied by darkening of the skin due to the accumulation of excess fluid in this area.

Increased urine volume

A clear sign of kidney problems among women is frequent urination.

At the same time, urine has a low density - this is due to the fact that the diseased organ is not able to concentrate salts and is forced to produce more fluid in order to remove residual metabolic products from the body.

This indicator may increase depending on the amount of fluid you drink or decrease (for example, in hot weather). A sharp, causeless increase in urine volume is a reason for a visit to a urologist.

Temperature increase

Any symptoms of kidney inflammation in women are accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Characteristic sensations in this case are muscle tremors, causeless chills, and a difference is felt between the temperature of the skin of the hands and the rest of the body.

Headache and confusion may occur.

In some diseases, such as acute pyelonephritis, severe fever is observed (up to 39ºC and above); in other cases, the temperature can fluctuate between 37 - 38⁰С.


When kidney function is disrupted, salts removed from the body along with urine are deposited in the tissues of internal organs and physiological fluids.

Increased blood density leads to increased blood pressure, or hypertension.

This syndrome does not always serve as a manifestation of a disease of the urinary organs: in women after 40 years of age, age-related hypertension is observed.

However, a sharp and causeless increase in pressure and increase in pulse rate may be the first symptom of a problem with the genitourinary system.

Constant fatigue and weakness

When the kidneys do not function properly, a person often feels weak, tired, and easily fatigued without much exercise. Two common causes of these symptoms are anemia and waste buildup in the body. Healthy kidneys create a hormone called erythropoietin.

It helps produce red blood cells. A damaged kidney reduces the production of this hormone, which leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. In addition, with poor kidney function, the body cannot cope with the elimination of harmful substances, which causes loss of appetite, and then loss of energy, weakness and fatigue.

Fatigue, headaches and general weakness

The kidneys convert vitamin D, which makes bones strong and also produces the hormone EPO (erythropoietin). This hormone is very important for the production of red blood cells. A decrease in the level of red blood cells provokes rapid fatigue of the brain and muscles.

Warning: People with chronic kidney disease often suffer from anemia. This disease actively develops if your kidneys do not work at full capacity, but use only 20%-50% of their resource. If you do not overexert yourself and take sufficient time to rest, but still experience weakness and fatigue, you should talk to your doctor.


This is a disease that is inflammatory and autoimmune in nature. With glomerulonephritis, damage to the renal glomeruli and tubules occurs. The disease can develop independently, as well as accompany other ailments. Most often, the cause of this kidney disease is streptococcal infection; in more rare cases, it develops against the background of tuberculosis and malaria. Also, the cause of the disease is sometimes hypothermia and the influence of toxic substances.

There are acute, subacute and chronic glomerulonephritis. In the acute form, the patient is bothered by pain in the kidneys, swelling in the eye area on the face, as well as swelling of the limbs, attacks of arterial hypertension, changes in the state of urine are observed, the temperature rises, pain in the lower back, in the right or left part, increases. As a rule, this disease manifests itself in a person several weeks after suffering an infectious disease.

In the chronic form, which develops in most cases as a consequence of acute glomerulonephritis, the symptoms are similar to those of the acute form of the disease. Doctors distinguish hypertensive, nephrotic, mixed and latent forms of the disease.

In the process of diagnosing glomerulonephritis, not only the results of instrumental and laboratory studies are taken into account. If necessary, a kidney biopsy is also performed.

It takes a long time to treat this disease, sometimes therapy lasts several years. The patient is prescribed a diet, antihypertensive and diuretic drugs, as well as long-term treatment with corticosteroids. If necessary, other treatment methods are practiced.

General signs

Clinical symptoms that are associated with kidney disease mainly occur against the background of an inflammatory process in this organ, and a person may be bothered by:

  • Sharp, piercing pain in the transverse region. If the inflammation is infectious in nature, then in addition to pain, a person experiences a complete or partial disruption of the functioning of the kidneys, which consists in the formation and excretion of urine, as well as fever, fever, and a significant deterioration in the general condition and well-being.
  • Kidney pain is often accompanied by problems with urination. In this case, urine may change its color and acquire an extremely unpleasant aroma. If the disease was caused by various types of infections, then purulent or bloody discharge may appear in the urine. Blood and pus may also be present in tumors. The active growth of a cancerous tumor leads to traumatization of nearby tissues, causing internal blood loss.
  • Inflammation of the kidneys may be accompanied by symptoms characteristic of a state of intoxication - headache, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, and a decrease in the amount of urine produced.
  • Problems with urination and high temperature lead to the fact that a person begins to experience very strong thirst; in this case, urine acquires a viscous consistency and a foul aroma.
  • The occurrence of kidney failure leads to increased blood pressure and swelling throughout the body.

Symptoms of kidney disease may vary depending on the disorder. The most common of which are the following:

  • nephrolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • renal failure.


This disease occurs as a result of disturbances in water metabolism in the body, as well as the penetration of infection into the urethra and kidney tissue. During the initial stage of the disease, stones formed in the kidneys do not cause discomfort, without disturbing the person in any way. When they begin to actively increase, inflammation of the kidney tissue occurs, and with even the slightest movement, a person begins to feel pain in the area where the organ is located. To determine the problem, you need to visit a nephrologist. The specialist will prescribe a set of studies to the patient, based on the results of which he will be able to prescribe appropriate therapy. If the stones are small, they can be crushed using a laser, but when the stones are very large, they are removed surgically.


With glomerulonephritis, inflammation of the tubules and glomeruli of the kidneys occurs. In the case of untimely treatment, the inflammatory process affects the kidney tissue, and as a result, an acute form of the disease develops. A person is bothered by aching pain that is felt regardless of the time of day. During the act of excreting urine, burning and stinging occurs.


Pyelonephritis is a kidney disease characterized by inflammation of its tissues. In this case, in addition to pain in the lumbar region, a person is worried about the following changes, such as:

  • discomfort when urinating;
  • temperature increase;
  • chills;
  • fever.

If the disease occurs in an acute form, then the symptoms will be pronounced. In the case of the chronic form, the symptoms will be less pronounced, and their intensity will increase with relapse of pyelonephritis. If the pain in the area where the kidneys are located is constant and in addition to the above symptoms, you should contact a medical facility for help as soon as possible.

Polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic disease occurs during the formation of all organs and systems in general in the fetus while still inside the womb of its mother. The disease affects both kidneys. At the beginning, newly formed cysts are small in size, which gradually increase as the disease progresses and at the same time disrupt the functioning of this organ, provoking the development of renal failure. In the presence of polycystic kidney disease, cysts characteristic of it can appear on the tissues of nearby organs - the liver and lungs.

In a baby with this diagnosis, the presence of pronounced symptoms can lead to the development of an extremely dangerous condition for the health of the fetus - uremia, which can lead to death.

In adults, the symptoms are not very pronounced at first, but the pain syndrome constantly increases, the kidneys begin to lose all their extremely necessary functions and, if the course of therapy is not completed on time, the outcome can be fatal.

Kidney failure

The main sign indicating the development of renal failure is throbbing pain. In addition to pain, a person also experiences a change in the smell and consistency of their urine. Urine becomes overly concentrated and contains a huge amount of various toxic substances that poison the body as a whole and negatively affect the tissues of the brain, kidneys and liver.

If the concentration of toxic substances is low, the kidneys begin to ache, but with an exacerbation, a person develops renal colic. With partial or complete loss of the kidneys' ability to form or excrete urine, the following changes occur, such as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • failure of metabolic processes in the body, especially water;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness of the body.

Kidney failure, which occurs in an extremely severe form, can cause death. For this reason, therapy for this disease must take place in a hospital under the mandatory and constant supervision of a doctor.


This is an inflammatory kidney disease, in which the pathological process also involves the calyx, renal pelvis, and renal parenchyma. Due to its anatomical structure, pyelonephritis most often affects women. The inflammatory process can be caused either by microorganisms that are constantly present in the human body, or by microflora that enters from the outside.

The causative agents of the disease are often Proteus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and E. coli. Sometimes the disease manifests itself as a result of the action of several different pathogens at once. But pyelonephritis occurs if a person has a disruption in the outflow of urine from the kidney, and there are also disturbances in the blood flow and lymph circulation, and against this background the pathogen enters the body.

Doctors define three forms of pyelonephritis - acute, chronic, recurrent. The acute form of the disease develops as a result of decreased immunity, hypothermia, and also after the use of certain instrumental research methods. The chronic form often results from acute inflammation of the kidney and lack of proper treatment.

The diagnosis is established on the basis of ultrasound examination of the kidneys, x-rays and other diagnostic methods. In the course of therapy, broad-spectrum antibiotics are initially used, and later, after studying the results of a sensitivity test to antibacterial drugs, treatment is carried out with targeted antibiotics. General restorative treatment methods are also practiced.

First aid for kidney pain

Unexplained pain in the lower back or lower abdomen is another common cause of kidney disease. Painful sensations may also occur in the area of ​​the joints, which may become less mobile and “crunch.” Pain in the lower back and groin is often caused by kidney and urethral stones. Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder of fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys.

If your kidneys start to hurt, the first thing you need is rest. You need to lie down in a comfortable position. You can take a painkiller if the pain is unbearable and call a doctor.

When your kidneys hurt, you can temporarily relieve the sensation with a heating pad or a hot bath. This effect relieves muscle tension.

Warm compresses should not be used if you have heart problems.

The main medicine for kidney pain is a spasm reliever. Baralgin or Maxigan will do. They do not get rid of the cause, but they facilitate the course - they remove spasms, relieve pain, and relax the muscles. If this medicine is not available, No-shpa or Drotaverine will do.

As first aid, fruit drinks with a diuretic effect (cranberries, lingonberries) and warm tea with lemon are given. Measure your temperature and blood pressure regularly.

If your kidneys start hurting on the street, you need to sit on a bench or lean against a wall and call an ambulance.

You should call a doctor if your kidneys still hurt a lot after taking medications, if your urine is dark red, or if you have hypertension. Regular swelling of the legs should be alarming.

The kidney has a complex structure, and therefore the range of possible pathological processes in it is quite wide.

Among the main diseases it is worth highlighting:

  • inflammatory process in the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys (different morphological variants of acute and chronic glomerulonephritis);
  • inflammatory process in the renal collecting system (acute or chronic pyelonephritis);
  • urolithiasis (movement of a stone down the urethra, which provokes an attack of renal colic);
  • cystic kidney disease (replacement of the normal structure of the organ with multiple cysts);
  • nephroptosis (descent of one or both kidneys below their anatomical bed);
  • blockage of a renal blood vessel by an atherosclerotic plaque, thrombus or embolus;
  • acute or chronic renal failure, as a result of a sharp impairment of all kidney functions;
  • oncological processes in kidney tissue (malignant or benign origin), as well as other space-occupying formations;
  • kidney injury, rupture of its capsule, etc.

Unpleasant sensations from the kidneys are not always associated with pathological processes in them.

Sometimes they can get sick for the following reasons:

  • a large volume of liquid drunk over a short period of time when the glomerular apparatus cannot cope with the water load (for example, if a person has eaten too much watermelon);
  • excessive physical activity and strenuous sports, when all organs begin to work in increased mode (many times more blood is “pumped” through the kidneys, which speeds up the filtration process);
  • During pregnancy, a woman often has pain in the projection of her kidneys, which is associated with intensive growth of the uterus and compression of adjacent organs (there is a risk of developing gestational pyelonephritis).

Daily consumption of a sufficient volume of water is the key to health and proper functioning of the whole body, however, large “water” loads negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys

If the kidneys hurt, then other symptoms appear. The temperature rises sharply (with inflammation up to 39.5-40°C). In the morning, swelling is noticeable, especially on the face, but serious pathologies provoke fluid retention throughout the body. Towards the end of the day, renal edema disappears.

Taking a closer look at the urine, you can notice impurities - blood, pus. In the first case, the cause is tissue trauma during the movement of stones, dysfunction of the renal structures, in the second - an extensive inflammatory process.

Urination becomes more frequent than usual. It is accompanied by burning pain. This is one of the signs of sand movement in urolithiasis.

Kidney pathologies are often associated with pressure surges - special attention should be paid to this. Fluid stagnation due to kidney pathologies provokes self-poisoning. Against this background, sleep disturbances, attacks of nausea, and vomiting occur. These symptoms never accompany back pain caused by spinal or muscular problems.

Kidney back pain is not relieved by ointments and rubbing. To slightly alleviate the sharp pain during stone movement, it is recommended to take a warm bath or apply a heating pad to the lower back. The heat will relax the muscles and eliminate spasms.

Medicines containing diclofenac do not help with kidney pain. The unpleasant sensations subside a little after taking antispasmodics - Baralgin, Spazgan, No-shpa, Papaverine.

To cure back pain, self-diagnosis is not enough. The cause can only be eliminated by undergoing a full examination:

  • General clinical analysis of blood and urine. In case of renal pathologies, the result of a urine test will show an excess of leukocytes (due to inflammation), red blood cells, excessive amounts of salts (due to urolithiasis), purulent and mucous impurities. High ESR, leukocytosis, and often low hemoglobin levels are detected in the blood.
  • Urine samples using the Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky method help confirm pyelo- and glomerulonephritis.
  • To identify the causative agent of inflammation, urine culture is prescribed, and the reaction of the cultured microorganism to antibacterial agents is immediately checked.
  • An abdominal ultrasound is performed to assess the condition of the kidneys, their size, the presence of foci of inflammation, purulent accumulations, stones, and sand. The peculiarities of the location of the paired organ are also revealed. The kidneys are scanned first while lying down, and then when the patient is standing (to detect nephroptosis).
  • Additionally, a tomography is prescribed (if the doctor suspects a tumor in the kidney).
  • To diagnose the location of stones, an X-ray examination is performed with intravenous contrast (excretory urography).
  • Additionally, tomography may be prescribed (detects vertebral hernias and other formations).

The cause of lower back pain is determined based on an X-ray examination, examination by an orthopedist or neurologist.

Causes of pain

The kidneys are usually susceptible to pain when they are affected by an infectious or inflammatory process. The woman herself may be to blame for this if she does not adhere to doctors’ recommendations.

The kidneys are negatively affected by a strong decrease or increase in temperature. Therefore, in order not to catch a cold in your kidneys, you need to dress warmly in the cold season. After all, it is this organ that suffers first of all during hypothermia. If at the same time a woman’s immune system is also weakened, then a disease such as pyelonephritis often develops. Prolonged exposure to the sun is also very dangerous, since overheating of the kidneys can lead to their dysfunction, resulting in a tingling sensation in the lower back.

Poor kidney function in women may be associated with alcohol consumption.

Long-term use of drugs can provoke a painful syndrome in the organ.

But when the pain does not cause much discomfort, a woman should not stop taking medications without an appropriate prescription from a urologist. In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that he can adjust the course of treatment. Taking any medications at your own discretion is prohibited.

Symptoms of kidney disease in women often appear when the organ is damaged from outside. These negative phenomena can be caused by urinary infections. Pain syndrome and infectious processes can even appear due to chronic diseases that affect the oral cavity and respiratory organs.

Therefore, doctors recommend timely treatment, for example, of chronic tonsillitis and caries. Then these ailments will not cause other serious diseases, including kidney diseases.

The kidneys can be exposed to infectious processes as a result of weakened immunity due to chronic fatigue and overwork.

Intestinal constipation and impaired urine output can cause increased stress on the kidneys. As a result, women may also experience pain.

Skin rashes and itching

Frequent skin rashes, pimples, irritation and excessive itching are also among the signs of some kidney diseases. Improper functioning of the kidneys allows waste and toxins to accumulate in the body, leading to many skin problems. Another sign of kidney disease is an imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which often causes excessive itching of the skin. If suddenly healthy skin begins to change, dry out, become covered with pimples, or itch, then it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What tests are needed for kidney and lumbar pain?

Kidney failure is a pathology during the development of which the kidneys lose partially or completely the ability to perform their functions, that is, to maintain a constant chemical composition in the body. As a result, the water-electrolyte balance in the body is disturbed, and substances that are regularly excreted from the body in a healthy person are retained.

In acute renal failure, there is an acute disruption of the functioning of one or both kidneys. Acute renal failure manifests itself as a consequence of the influence of various pathological factors on the renal parenchyma. The disease can develop due to exposure to medications, toxic substances, etc.

In chronic renal failure, renal dysfunction also develops. This condition is a consequence of pyelonephritis, chronic glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus, poisoning with certain chemical elements, etc.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment for kidney dysfunction ranges from pills to surgery.
Kidney problems require the selection of complex therapy aimed at local treatment of the organ, removal of intoxication and general strengthening of the body. Drug treatment is used in combination with folk remedies to eliminate moderate symptoms when one kidney is working. If the disease affects both organs and the development dynamics are poor, surgical methods are taken - stones are removed from the kidneys, the ureter is cleaned, and hemodialysis is performed. Particular attention should be paid to childhood illness, because impaired renal function in a child leads to death.


When the kidneys begin to malfunction, medications are prescribed to restore their function. Medicines facilitate urine output and improve blood flow in organs. A course of diuretics and antispasmodics, plus agents that destroy kidney stones, is recommended. For concomitant problems with blood vessels, medications that lower blood pressure are recommended. Immunomodulatory drugs will help trigger the body's defense mechanisms. Together, medications from different groups can make the disease recede.

Diet food

The basis for inhibiting the development of the disease and subsequent recovery is a special diet.

Having noticed the first signs of dysfunction, it is necessary to reconsider the composition and diet. The menu must include first courses with low-fat broth. It is better to avoid alcohol and carbonated drinks altogether. Avoid salt and foods with high protein content. Amino acids and calcium will help bring the functioning of the renal system back to normal. You can get them from food naturally or take tablets. If you have kidney and liver problems, you can eat foods rich in carbohydrates and beta fats.


When the kidneys are troubled and do not function properly, healers' recipes based on medicinal herbs come to the rescue. Decoctions of calendula, mint, yarrow, sage and juniper normalize kidney function. Eating coltsfoot relieves swelling. A decoction of strawberry, nettle, birch and flaxseed leaves in a proportion of 20 grams improves the functioning of the urinary system. herbs for 50 gr. seeds The use of herbal infusions should be moderate so as not to cause an allergic reaction and swelling.


With hydronephrosis, the patient experiences a persistent dilation of the kidney cavities, which occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine. The disease can be either congenital or acquired. Congenital hydronephrosis occurs due to certain anatomical abnormalities. The acquired form of the disease occurs against the background of urolithiasis, tumors that impair the outflow of urine.

Hydronephrosis develops over a relatively long period without the appearance of visible symptoms. Signs of the disease become pronounced if kidney stones appear or an infection develops. The patient may experience lower back pain, which can be very intense. Often the only symptom of the disease is the presence of blood in the urine.

Kidney disease symptoms and signs of the disease. Main kidney diseases and their first signs

The kidneys are a paired organ that cleanses the blood of toxins. Kidney diseases are a heterogeneous group of problems associated with functional or organic changes in organs. Incorrect functioning of the urinary system affects the functioning of other systems - cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, and nervous.

Symptoms depending on the disease

The kidneys perform several important functions in the body - cleansing the blood of toxins, regulating the acid-base balance, blood pressure, and hormone production. Kidney dysfunction is included in the list of life-threatening conditions. Incorrect functioning of the urinary system is dangerous due to the accumulation of toxins in the body and a state of shock. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, you should contact a nephrologist.

Major kidney diseases:

  • glomerulonephritis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • polycystic disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure.

They are caused by infections, allergies, intoxication, tumor processes and other reasons.


This is another name for urolithiasis, or kidney stones. Stones are formed due to disturbances in the metabolism of uric acid, phosphorus and calcium. Often urolithiasis occurs against the background of infections of the genitourinary system.

Factors that provoke nephrolithiasis:

  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • abuse of spicy foods;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • drinking water with calcium salt;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • prostate adenoma in men;
  • injuries;
  • bacterial inflammation of the urethra and bladder.

Urolithiasis (UCD) is manifested by pain in the suprapubic and lumbar region, and perineum. There are complaints of frequent urination, nausea, headache and weakness.

KSD is often complicated by pyelonephritis, indolent cystitis with proliferation of the cervix.

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