How to restore the stomach and intestines after poisoning

What can cause poisoning

Serious poisoning with a threat to life can be caused by products containing toxic components. For example, many mushrooms are such, as well as some medicinal plants, which should be consumed in microdoses with caution. Eating exotic animals or seafood can cause serious poisoning.

To avoid poisoning, products should be checked for suitability before consumption. Spoiled ones often change color, consistency and smell, so the presence of these signs should alert you. A clear sign that liquid food is unsuitable are gas bubbles. Mold on food also indicates that the food cannot be used. Home-canned food is especially dangerous.

Please note that food poisoning is most often caused by salads dressed with mayonnaise, eggs, cream pies and various cakes, milk and fermented milk products, as well as homemade mayonnaise, boiled sausage and watermelon.

Poisoning can be caused not only by food, but also by alcoholic drinks, medications, various chemicals, paints and other means.

How to restore your stomach after poisoning


Unfortunately, no one is immune from food poisoning. Stale or low-quality products are not that uncommon in our age of high technology. After poisoning, any organism requires a period of adaptation and recovery. If you consulted a doctor, he will undoubtedly recommend further treatment to restore digestion and diet.

But what if the disease was mild and everything was treated at home? How to restore the stomach after poisoning at home? First of all, in any case, you will have to follow a diet.

The body after poisoning

And yet no one can insure themselves one hundred percent against poisoning. Low-quality products may contain poisons, pathogenic microbes and harmful toxins, which, when entering the body, cause a variety of ailments. The vulnerable organs that fail most quickly are the stomach and intestines. Further, harmful microorganisms, spreading through the blood, begin to disrupt the functioning of all other organs. The greatest danger from poisoning is to the liver and central nervous system.

Signs of food poisoning most often include symptoms such as:

  • severe nausea;
  • the occurrence of repeated vomiting;
  • body weakness;
  • presence of acute diarrhea;
  • nervous system disorder (possible sign of botulism);
  • dizziness.

The first symptoms can make themselves felt within half an hour after poisoning. But most often they appear after four or more hours. In some cases, poisoning may appear only after a day. These symptoms may persist for several days, gradually subsiding. Then the victim may experience weakness after poisoning, flatulence and intermittent pain in the stomach.

With the help of diarrhea and vomiting, the body itself tries to cleanse itself of the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, the absence of these manifestations is much more dangerous to health than their presence.

Food poisoning is also dangerous because it can cause dehydration, which is a common occurrence with acute diarrhea. Recovering from food poisoning takes time and a lot of effort. It is necessary not only to restore water balance, but also to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Causes of poisoning

Poisoning occurs when pathogenic microorganisms enter the human body. Harmful bacteria can enter in three ways: through food, through the respiratory tract and through the skin. The damage occurs depending on the incoming toxin.

Food intoxication

Food poisoning occurs more often than others. The toxin enters the stomach along with food. Meat contains staphylococcus, E. coli, salmonella and a host of other bacteria. Before use, it is recommended to fry and boil well to kill bacteria. Ready-made meat dishes can also be dangerous. Improper storage leads to contamination. Eating such food is dangerous to health.

You can poison your body with river and sea fish. Fish dishes require proper preparation and thorough frying. River species contain a large number of parasitic larvae. Marine representatives contain heavy metals and radionuclides. Exotic fish species consumed as food contain paralytic poison, the situation requires immediate medical attention.

Raw eggs should not be eaten, because... possible salmonella infection. Milk is an undoubtedly healthy product, but sometimes it causes intoxication. It is possible to become infected with brucellosis through milk. Improper storage of cottage cheese concentrates a high percentage of bacteria that are hazardous to health.

A strong toxin is found in mushrooms - toadstool and fly agaric. Accidental use without qualified medical assistance results in death. Infusions containing poisonous plants or berries cause acute poisoning and hallucinations. You should avoid eating food.

Drug and vitamin poisoning

Young children are most often poisoned by drugs. In adults, intoxication with tablets occurs when taken incorrectly, expired, improperly stored, or for suicidal purposes.

Overdose of sleeping pills, tranquilizers or antidepressants occurs when prescribed independently. They are quickly absorbed into the blood and enter the stomach, causing many deaths. Drugs to stimulate the central nervous system are taken in very small doses. Increasing the amount of the drug on your own can lead to severe poisoning!

Internal intake of narcotic drugs or iodine depresses the heart muscle and respiratory system. An overdose of morphine occurs under the influence of pain. To relieve pain, the victim takes more than necessary.

Vitamin poisoning occurs due to excessive consumption. This often occurs in children. The symptoms are similar to drug poisoning.

Alcohol intoxication

Intoxication occurs with adulterated alcohol. Pure ethanol does not do much harm. The content of fusel oils or other impurities can cause a poisonous effect. Excessive consumption affects the gastric mucosa.

It is unfortunate when people who abuse alcoholic beverages ingest chemical compounds containing ethanol. The use of surrogates for the stomach is more dangerous than the content of other harmful substances. After alcohol intoxication with such drugs, complications from poisoning appear quickly.

Necessary measures in case of poisoning

To get rid of signs of poisoning, it is necessary to perform gastric lavage. For this, a weak solution using potassium permanganate (you can use soda) or boiled warm water is usually used. This procedure must be repeated several times until clean water begins to come out of the stomach.

After this procedure, it is recommended to take adsorbents. Activated carbon is often used for this. It is better to check the dosage and regimen of taking tablets with your doctor.

The third measure is to drink plenty of fluids. Not only with diarrhea, but also with vomiting, the body is deprived of a large amount of fluid. To avoid dehydration, you should drink water (preferably boiled) frequently. Jelly, weak sweet tea, and fruit drinks are also very useful in this case.

The victim should be at rest for several days. On the first day, you need to stop eating solid food, then you can start eating soups (rice is good) and mucous decoctions. A special diet will help you quickly recover from food poisoning.

If the poisoning is caused by mushrooms or there is suspicion of botulism, then you should not hesitate and immediately seek professional medical help.

You should also consult a doctor if the victim is a small child or an elderly person. Medical assistance will be necessary if the symptoms of poisoning are very strong and do not subside in the first day after self-medication or last more than a week. A high temperature and yellowness in the whites of the eyes indicate that the process is spreading to the liver, so you should not hesitate to contact a specialist either.

Gastric restoration

Spoiled food first enters the stomach, and the first blow falls on it. After poisoning, many victims often have stomach pain, and in some cases the organ may not function normally at all. The pain can be observed for a long time and be of a pressing or aching nature. The causes are toxins that irritate nerve receptors. Special medications are not used in this case, since the body must independently cleanse itself of the presence of toxins.

When thinking about how to restore the stomach after poisoning, you should know that the best measure in this case is diet. After first aid has been provided, you must adhere to a special diet, which should be light and include only safe foods. Food should not overfill the stomach and stretch its walls, so it should be taken in small portions up to six times a day. To make it easier to digest food, it should be liquid or puree. Such measures will also help to establish a stomach.


After food poisoning, the menu should not be varied. On the first day, it is very useful to fast, thereby helping the body cleanse itself. It is very important at this time not to stop drinking plenty of fluids.

The minimum number of days to maintain the diet is three days. During this time you can take:

  • porridge with water without salt (rice porridge is very useful, as it adsorbs toxic substances);
  • lean soups;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • mashed potatoes without butter;
  • boiled lean meat, such as poultry;
  • boiled fish;
  • carrot or apple puree (but not green);
  • tea with added sugar;
  • wheat crackers.

Should be excluded:

  • dairy products of any nature;
  • heavy and irritating foods (fried, smoked, fatty or spicy);
  • eggs;
  • cabbage and legumes;
  • honey;
  • any fruits and berries (you can eat banana with extreme caution);
  • chocolate and other sweets (including jam);
  • strong drinks such as coffee or cocoa;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks and juices;
  • vegetables (for example, beets, cucumbers, etc.);
  • black bread;
  • canned food;
  • various sausages and smoked meats.

Dishes should be boiled or steamed. As for drinks, preference should be given to simple clean water, weak green tea, mineral water without gases, as well as jelly, which perfectly envelops the stomach.

Traditional medicine recommends consuming warm decoctions of certain herbs, which can have a restorative effect. For example, St. John's wort, rose hips, as well as chamomile and black currant strengthen the body and have an astringent effect. A decoction of calendula flowers is very useful.

By following these simple recommendations, you can quickly start your stomach, restore the food processing process and relieve yourself of the stress you have suffered. If you don’t have an appetite, then you shouldn’t force yourself to eat. After three days, familiar foods should begin to be included in the diet, but slowly and in small portions. Good stomach function is also influenced by your psychological mood, so you should be in a good mood while eating.

Main objectives of rehabilitation therapy

After poisoning, the stomach is unable to function fully. Considering what caused the poisoning and how much of the toxic substance entered the stomach, it will be clear how long it will take for the stomach to recover after poisoning. A person who has been poisoned and has experienced all the acute symptoms of the disease will first of all think about how to restore the stomach after poisoning, and what will be required for this.

The main tasks during the recovery period of the stomach after poisoning include:

  • protect the liver and remove from it harmful organisms that it absorbed during toxic damage to the body;
  • prevent dehydration. This threatens additional complications for the stomach;
  • relieve the victim of symptoms resulting from poisoning;
  • help the body remove harmful substances from the stomach;
  • activate the immune system;
  • normalize the intestinal microflora.

How to quickly restore your stomach after poisoning

If the poisoning is not severe, you can self-treat with medications or traditional medicine, as well as spend the rehabilitation period at home.

During the recovery period, every effort must be made to normalize the water-salt balance, eliminate the presence of toxic substances in the internal organs that have been damaged, and resume the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor your condition, so that the symptoms of intoxication fade away, and not increase them. In the latter case, you will need the help of a doctor. He will give recommendations on how to restore the stomach, cure dysbiosis, and how to avoid inflammatory processes that can lead to chronic diseases.

To restart the stomach after poisoning, perform two or three gastric lavage procedures. They use the standard scheme: dissolve potassium permanganate in a liter of clean water, strain the solution, drink in large sips and wait for the urge to vomit. Take absorbents. These include: activated carbon, smecta, polysorb, enterosgel, motilium, sorbex, etc. Polysorb, enterosgel and smecta are allowed to be taken by women who are carrying a child, during lactation, as well as by children under 12 months.

Sorbents have an enveloping property. They protect the walls of the intestines and stomach, which limits the further entry of harmful substances into the bloodstream. They stop pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria and remove them from the body without affecting the healthy flora.

In order not to harm the stomach in case of poisoning, it is not recommended to drink painkillers. It is difficult for a damaged stomach after poisoning to process such medications. It’s more useful to start using traditional methods. For example, drink herbal tea (from rose hips, mint, chamomile flowers, currants). To do this, pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. The advantage of rose hips is not only pain relief, but also a diuretic effect. This affects the increased functioning of the kidneys and the removal of toxic substances from the stomach. You can lightly massage the area where pain is felt.

  • How to restore the stomach after gastritis

The main method for the recovery period of the stomach after poisoning is to follow a gentle diet, which excludes the consumption of spicy, salty, fatty, fried, and sweet foods. This will help cope with the infection and resume normal functioning of the stomach after poisoning.

After poisoning, the liver takes on an important function - it cleanses the stomach of toxic substances. It does not matter what the severity of the poisoning is - severe or mild form of poisoning, other organs recover faster. She accumulates toxic substances and cannot get rid of them on her own. The recovery process of the stomach takes longer. To do this you will need:

  1. Use of medications after poisoning. These include hepaprotective drugs based on phospholipids. For example, Essentiale, Gepabene, Enerliv, Phosphogliv. The drugs renew damaged liver cells that were damaged during the fight against toxins during poisoning. The advantage of the drugs is that they are based on herbs, so the outflow of bile occurs more effectively. This helps improve digestion. The duration of administration and the required dosage are determined by the attending physician.
  2. Dieting. Eating fatty broths, fried and fatty foods, smoked meats, flour, and savory dishes harms the liver. You should avoid such dishes. A person needs to focus on whole grain porridges, non-sour fruits, low-fat cottage cheese, stewed vegetables, vegetable soups cooked in a second broth.
  3. Application of traditional medicine methods. Brewed dandelion roots will help remove toxic substances from the stomach. Herbal infusions (St. John's wort, milk thistle, immortelle, knotweed) will eliminate the inflammatory process.

A person who has been poisoned should know how to restore the intestinal microflora after poisoning so that side effects such as dysbiosis and chronic intestinal diseases do not occur. This will require introducing good bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicines include prebiotics and probiotics. For example, Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Lactusan, Bificol, Prelax, Lactobacterin. The drugs contain live bacteria that settle in the intestines. There they multiply, resulting in the restoration of healthy intestinal microflora. The basis of the medicine is lactulose. It has a detrimental effect on pathogenic organisms. At the same time, the immune system is activated. Their list of contraindications is minimal.

Eat the right food after poisoning to restore the stomach, normalize intestinal function, and restore healthy microflora.

Such food products include:

  • fermented milk products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, homemade yogurt;
  • boiled asparagus;
  • not sour apples;
  • cabbage;
  • bran.

The diet should be chosen based on the frequency of bowel movements. If a person has loose stools, they should eat porridge, especially rice, boiled in water. Cook meat and fish in the oven or boil. Choose low-fat and dietary varieties. If you have constipation, increase the amount of fluid you drink per day, include fresh or boiled vegetables, fruits, and fiber-rich foods in your menu.

  • How to restore the stomach after rotavirus

Gut restoration

In addition to the stomach, it is very important to restore the harmonious functioning of the intestines. The intestinal microflora is disrupted during poisoning, so it is necessary to bring the organ into balance.

A healthy intestine is home to a whole community of bacteria that are beneficial to our body. They help to properly digest food and separate proteins, vitamins and other useful components from it. Common representatives of intestinal microflora are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Along with them, E. coli, enterococci and bacteriodes are also observed in the microflora. Their total number is ideally 99% and only 1% are pathogenic bacteria.

Normal intestinal microflora is designed not only to regulate digestion, but also to protect the body from the invasion of pathogenic microbes and bacteria. Well-coordinated functioning of the intestines ensures harmony throughout the body, including supporting the immune system. During food poisoning, this harmony is disrupted, causing intestinal dysbiosis, which has many unpleasant consequences. For example, you may experience constipation or loose stools, bloating in the abdomen, pain in the same area, as well as poor digestion of food.

Dysbacteriosis very often develops after antibiotic therapy.

If the poisoning is mild, then there is usually no need to try to restore the body with special means. In the case of the intestines, a regular diet is also very useful, following which the body itself will cope with harmful bacteria. Dietary nutrition helps to set up the normal functioning of the organ, has a beneficial effect on its mucous membrane and creates good conditions for the proliferation of beneficial microflora.

Very useful:

  • eat food in small proportions;
  • take easily digestible food during the recovery period;
  • do not wash down food with water;
  • exclude simple carbohydrates;
  • eat foods that contain a lot of fiber (vegetables and fruits);
  • exclude fatty or fried foods;
  • choose stale bread.

Drinks such as sweet soda, alcohol, and coffee have a rather negative effect on intestinal function.

You can restore your intestinal microflora with the help of certain products. For this, it is extremely useful to consume fermented milk products, which contain living cells of beneficial microorganisms. Fermented milk products enriched with essential lacto- and bifidobacteria help balance the microflora and thereby eliminate unpleasant dysbacteriosis.

It is also useful to eat sauerkraut, bread kvass and pickled apples. Foods such as dried fruits, garlic, sour berries, wheat bran, herbs and fresh vegetables and fruits also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organ.

To put the intestines in order, you can resort to medications. For example, probiotics and so-called prebiotics have proven themselves to be excellent. In the first option, the composition may contain several types of living bacteria, with the help of which it is possible to renew the microflora. In the second option, there are no such bacteria in the composition, but there are chemicals necessary for their growth and reproduction.

You can buy such drugs at any pharmacy; they are available in the form of tablets or capsules. Before taking, you should consult your doctor to assess the degree of microflora damage and choose the correct dosage.

How to restore the body?

In order for the body to quickly return to its previous state, it needs to be helped to recover


  • The first thing you need to start with is to normalize the water-salt balance , which has been disrupted due to a large loss of fluid. For the first time after poisoning, it is better to drink still mineral or plain salted water
    You can also take an aqueous solution of Regidron or similar drugs for several days.
  • of chamomile and calendula soothe pain and relieve discomfort in the stomach To prepare them you need 2 tbsp
    Brew tablespoons of dried plants in a glass of boiling water or simply leave for 30-40 minutes. Take half a glass three times a day; you can drink calendula more often
    . Green tea with mint is also good for pain.
  • After a couple of days, you can drink unsweetened tea, rose hip decoction, and dried fruit compote. Rose hips have diuretic properties, so a drink from it will help quickly remove remaining toxins not only from the stomach, but also from the kidneys.
  • Chicory infusion restores digestion well and normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare the product, you need chicory powder, which is poured with boiling water (200 ml) in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons and left overnight
    . The serving is divided into two doses and drunk before meals.

A light and dietary diet is recommended during the recovery period. Food should be warm, not too hot or cold. You need to eat in small portions, but often (5-6 times)

. All dishes must be boiled and not greasy.

After poisoning, enveloping dishes are useful: liquid porridges, jelly. You need to stick to the diet for at least a week

. You should return to your normal diet gradually.


Even if the poisoning was mild and other organs quickly returned to normal, the liver continues to fight the consequences of intoxication. The main function of the liver is to filter both beneficial and harmful substances that enter the body. This is why most of the toxins accumulate in the liver and the liver itself cannot cleanse itself of them.

Liver restoration is carried out in three main directions:

  • A gentle diet . Everything fatty, bitter, salty, smoked and fried is harmful to the liver
    . You should not eat starch-containing foods, baked goods made from yeast dough, fatty broths, beans, homemade fatty sour cream, butter, coffee, pepper, and garlic.

Note! Ideal foods for the liver are cereal porridges, stewed vegetables, fruits, especially apples, live yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, and vegetarian soups.

You need to eat fractionally, in 5-6 meals. Breakfast should be early - around 8-00, dinner should not be late - it is not recommended to eat after 20-00.

  • Folk remedies . Herbal decoctions of milk thistle, knotweed, St. John's wort, artichoke, and immortelle will relieve inflammation and spasms
    Dandelion root is effective against liver intoxication - it removes toxins and accelerates the process of cell restoration
    . Drinks made from the fruits of sea buckthorn, rose hips, blackberries, and rowan are beneficial for the liver.
  • Maintenance drug therapy . Hepaprotective drugs based on phospholipids (Enerliv, Essentiale) are used to treat and restore the liver
    . These remedies can literally eliminate all the destruction that occurred during the poisoning of the liver cells and bring them to a healthy state.

The herbal preparation Gepabene improves the composition of bile and promotes its outflow into the intestines, which is very important for indigestion. All medications are taken for a long time, depending on the severity of poisoning and the degree of liver damage, and have virtually no side effects.

Intestinal microflora

Restoration of microflora involves the repopulation of beneficial bacteria into the intestines. You need to start by changing your diet and supplementing it with fermented milk products that contain live bacteria: bio-yogurt, bio-kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt.

Bifidobacteria are also found in pickled apples and cabbage, bread kvass, of course, provided that the products do not contain any harmful additives. Bran, green apples or freshly prepared apple juice will help remove remaining toxins from the intestines.

In case of severe poisoning with a long course, it is necessary to take the following medications:

  • probiotics (Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Bifikol) - products containing one or more types of living bacteria, they populate the flora with beneficial bacteria and promote their further reproduction in the intestines;
  • prebiotics (Prelax, Lactusan, Hilak Forte) are products based on lactulose, which has a detrimental effect on harmful bacteria and is a breeding ground for the proliferation of beneficial flora.

These drugs are compatible with other medications, they can be taken by pregnant women and children from a very early age, they have no contraindications, with the exception of lactulose intolerance. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the poisoning and is 1-3 weeks.

What is the situation with the liver?

It is known that the liver acts as a filter in our body. It constantly cleanses the body of accumulated harmful substances without rest. Poisoning can also harm this important organ. Medicines with hepatoprotective action will help restore its function. It is better to take herbal preparations. To do this, you should consult a doctor.

Amino acids and vitamins with antioxidant effects (C, A, E) will also help the liver function well.

Liver restoration

Even with a mild form of intoxication, when the functioning of other organs quickly returns to normal, the liver still has to work with double load for a long time. This is due to the fact that it filters both beneficial and toxic substances that enter the body. Because of this, most of the poisons and toxins accumulate in the liver, and it itself cannot cleanse itself of them. Therefore, rapid recovery after poisoning is possible only in cases where the functioning of the filter organ is established.

Cleansing the liver and improving its functioning is carried out in 3 main directions:

  • following a gentle diet;
  • taking medications;
  • use of folk remedies.

Fatty, bitter, salty, smoked and fried foods are harmful to the liver . It is worth giving up starchy and flour products, broths, beans, butter, sour cream and garlic. All the features and recommendations of dietary nutrition were discussed in more detail at the beginning of the article. They must be followed if you want to improve liver function and restore the body as a whole.

Effective medications to improve liver function include:

These are hepaprotective drugs made on the basis of phospholipids. They are able to quickly eliminate all damage that has occurred to liver cells during poisoning.

It is also worth trying proven folk recipes.

  • milk thistle Ground plant seeds (1 teaspoon) are taken a quarter of an hour before a meal, washed down with water;
  • St. John's wort decoction. 1 dessert spoon of dry plant mixture is poured with boiling water (half a liter), covered with a tight lid and left for 20 minutes. Take 1/3 cup before meals.


The best thing you can do to avoid getting poisoned is to remain vigilant. The following are tips that you can follow to avoid poisoning.

  • It is necessary to avoid consuming products that have expired.
  • When purchasing milk, you must check the integrity of the packaging.
  • Vegetables, fruits, and herbs should be washed well.
  • Products such as meat and fish must undergo proper heat treatment.
  • Food must be stored properly in the refrigerator.
  • It is not recommended to store prepared dishes for more than three days.
  • Kitchen hygiene is also of great importance. Crockery and cutlery must be clean.
  • It is worth exterminating all insects that are found in the kitchen. Flies, cockroaches, and mice are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

The importance of body rehabilitation

After poisoning, severe damage to the gastric mucosa occurs. The cells that are responsible for the production of gastric juice and mucus need time to recover. In this case, the concentration of gastric juice acidity can significantly decrease. In this case, inflammation of the mucous membrane develops, the intestinal microflora is disrupted, and gastritis or “nervous stomach syndrome” can form.

Therefore, the importance of rehabilitating the body during such a period is very important. The disease cannot become severe. Food poisoning requires prompt treatment. The amount of toxins absorbed into the blood, which begins a destructive effect, depends on the temporary factor. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. At the first symptoms of poisoning, the patient should:

  • Quickly eliminate signs of intoxication and remove dangerous toxins from the body;
  • Prevent dehydration by starting prompt treatment;
  • Restore intestinal biocenosis;
  • Make the gastrointestinal tract work properly with the help of a therapeutic diet;

Principles of treatment

Treatment after poisoning is aimed at eliminating the negative effects of toxins, their final removal from the body and stimulating the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues. Thus, the main goals of therapy are:

  • final removal of toxins from the body;
  • relief of pain symptoms;
  • creation of a protective layer for the endothelium;
  • restoration of gastrointestinal functions;
  • stimulation of mucosal regeneration;
  • normalization of microflora balance.

Similar goals can be achieved through the use of a complex of therapeutic measures. The main focus of therapy is taking medications, but it is advisable to reduce the amount of medications used to a minimum so as not to overload the body with chemicals.

Important: additional measures include physiotherapeutic procedures, diet, as well as various folk remedies that do not contradict common sense.

Drug therapy

It is not recommended to use medications without a doctor's prescription, with the exception of sorbents. Incorrectly selected medications can aggravate the problem and provoke even greater intoxication. In addition, some substances affect the properties of the blood, which, if blood vessels are damaged, can lead to internal bleeding.

To restore the stomach after poisoning, the following groups of drugs can be prescribed:

  • Sorbents: Activated carbon, Polysorb, Smecta. Binds and removes toxic substances from the body.
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics: No-shpa, Papaverine, Spazmalgon. Relieve pain symptoms. The use of Analgin is not recommended.
  • Enveloping agents: Phosphalugel, Almagel, Maalox. They create a protective layer for the walls of the stomach and stimulate its regeneration.
  • Probiotics: Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin. Helps restore the balance of microflora and fight the effects of dysbacteriosis.
  • Enzymatic preparations: Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim Forte. They relieve the burden on the pancreas, support the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract and promote normal digestion of food.
  • Prokinetics: Motilium, Passazhiks, Trimedat. Stimulate peristalsis, restore the motor function of the digestive organs.


In case of serious poisoning, it is additionally recommended to undergo a course of physiotherapeutic treatment. It stimulates regenerative processes, relieves pain, improves tissue trophism, and also helps restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic diet after poisoning

Even if the intoxication was mild and the digestive organs were able to recover very quickly, the liver still struggles with the consequences of poisoning for some time. The main function of the liver is to filter beneficial and harmful substances that enter the human body. Some harmful toxins may accumulate in the liver. Unfortunately, this organ cannot always be cleansed of harmful elements.

That is why it is necessary to carefully select a therapeutic diet. Fried foods, very salty, over-smoked and very fatty, are harmful to the liver. Therefore, during the period of recovery of the body, it is necessary to avoid heavy foods.

Cereal porridges are ideal foods for the liver.

How to restore stomach function with diet

Whatever the form of food poisoning, a diet during the recovery period becomes a necessity. Intoxication not only becomes a source of discomfort, but also damages the gastric mucosa. There is a temporary decrease in acidity levels, and the development of inflammatory processes and subsequent gastritis is possible. Damage caused by mechanical or chemical factors - and this can be the ingestion of rough food or the abuse of spicy, sour, smoked or fried foods - causes painful spasms. Accordingly, the first postulate of recovery is the quality of dishes and the ease of their digestion:

  • Fractional meals are necessary - meals should be more frequent, up to five or six times, but portion sizes should be reduced to 250 or 300 ml.
  • Food should be prepared by stewing, steaming or boiling. Preference is given to slimy, enveloping porridges and low-fat puree soups.
  • The temperature of food eaten should not be too low or high.
  • An important point is maintaining a drinking regime. The daily minimum amount of water is at least two liters. At the same time, about thirty minutes before meals you need to drink from 250 to 500 ml of water; after eating, it is not advisable to drink liquid for an hour.
  • In order to restore electrolyte balance, it is recommended to drink mineral still water.

Now let's look at what foods and dishes are recommended to eat during the period of stomach adaptation. Usually food poisoning - its acute period - lasts for two or three days. On the first day, it is recommended not to eat anything at all, which is not difficult, given the lack of appetite. But water, weak teas and herbal infusions must be drunk in large quantities in small portions, and Regidron must also be taken to restore salt balance. Then unsweetened crackers and boiled porridges, rice or oatmeal, cooked in water are introduced into the diet.

Gradually, the menu is expanded, adding buckwheat, corn porridge, mashed potatoes without adding oil, low-fat sea fish, mashed bananas, baked apples, and dried fruit drinks. After seven days, lean meat is included in the diet - chicken or rabbit, you can eat veal. Low-fat cottage cheese, homemade yogurt, kefir are also useful - fermented milk products will provide an influx of beneficial bacteria, which will help restore the microflora. As for prohibited foods, these are mainly animal proteins - eggs, meat products and milk, which are quite difficult to digest. And, of course, you should give up alcohol and smoking.

Principles of nutrition

Within one to three days after food poisoning, the human body is considered weakened. In order to restore the necessary functioning, you need to adhere to a strict diet. It is strictly forbidden to consume fatty and very heavy foods, fast food, chips, soda, sweets, foods containing dyes, food that can destroy the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

Alcoholic beverages, baked goods and very spicy foods remain prohibited. You need to limit your consumption of whole cow's milk. You need to eat in small, fractional portions. Meat delicacies and vegetables must be prepared in a dietary way, steamed or in crushed puree form.

In order to quickly restore digestion, it is necessary to ensure plenty of drinking. With water, all the toxins accumulated in the body are released. After poisoning, a person needs to replenish the lost volume of fluid.

Doctors recommend drinking black and green tea, infusions of medicinal herbs, various compotes and fruit drinks.

Authorized Products

  • Buckwheat;
  • Rice;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Salty cheese;
  • Low-fat sea fish;
  • Boiled chicken;
  • Bananas;
  • Red ripe apples;
  • 1% cottage cheese;
  • Natural yogurt;

Prohibited Products

  • Canned food;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Millet;
  • Pearl barley;
  • Coffee;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fresh berries;
  • Raisin;
  • Prunes;
  • Grape;
  • Oranges;
  • Hot peppers;
  • Black bread;
  • Seasonings;
  • Radish;
  • Legumes;
  • Radish;
  • Beet;

Toxic effects

It will take a long period to restore the functioning of the stomach and other organs. This period depends on the source and severity of intoxication.

Competent recovery requires knowledge of functional changes in the stomach and other organs. After poisoning, some disorders are observed that require correction and drug treatment.

Acute food poisoning is characterized by an active struggle of the body itself against toxins. After this, diarrhea, vomiting appears, and body temperature rises.

The patient complains of excessive sweating, weakness, loss of strength, loss of appetite and other signs.

Such restoration leads to dehydration, which is associated with loss of fluid. At the same time, there is no way to replenish it, since the patient constantly vomits.

After food poisoning, the intestinal flora is disrupted and beneficial bacteria die. Against this background, digestion is disrupted and dysbiosis develops.

Therefore, restoration of the intestines, stomach and other organs involves taking probiotics.

Poisoning is characterized by the penetration of toxins into the blood. In such a situation, cells are affected and destroyed, and the functioning of organs is disrupted. After intoxication, there is a malfunction in the functioning of the central nervous system, liver and cardiovascular system.

Since the phenomenon under consideration increases body temperature, therefore, to normalize the functioning of the stomach and immune system, taking antipyretics is indicated.

It should be remembered that an increase in temperature indicates the struggle of one’s own immune system against pathological agents, however, if the temperature lasts for a long time and everything increases, there may be a danger of blood thickening and changes in its composition. Against the background of fever, proteins coagulate. The patient needs to be hospitalized.

Harmful bacteria that enter the stomach with poor-quality food provoke inflammation, irritating the mucous membrane.

Against this background, patients are bothered by burning and pain. Such a clinic accompanies acute poisoning and a recovery period.

Against the background of an acute clinical picture, the pancreas is affected and pancreatitis develops. If the functioning of the PS is restored, the symptoms of pancreatitis will disappear.

In such cases, special therapy is indicated. Poisoning is characterized by liver damage, so treatment includes restoring the functionality of this organ.

Menu examples for the day

To restore intestinal microflora, build up the mucous membrane and the proper functioning of the liver and restore strength, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition. Food should enter the body in small fractional portions. The minimum meal intake is five to seven times a day.

  • No. 1. For breakfast, eat low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch they prepare borscht from sauerkraut. For dinner, boiled low-fat sea fish is suitable. Boiled vegetables are used as snacks - carrots, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant.
  • No. 2. Drink natural yogurt for breakfast. For lunch they cook chicken. Potato croquettes or mashed potatoes are prepared for dinner. Bananas and fresh or baked sweet apples are perfect snacks.
  • No. 3. Buckwheat porridge is cooked for breakfast. For lunch, make vegetable or chicken soup. Vegetable stew is prepared for dinner. Wheat crackers, puree soups, lettuce leaves seasoned with olive or sunflower oil are used as snacks.

The diet is discussed in detail in the video

Medicines for recovery

RehydrantsIndications for use
They are the main treatment. Restores the lack of electrolytes. Treatment can be carried out at home.
For oral rehydration:
NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
OralitIt is a glucose-saline solution. Restores electrolyte and energy balance. Not recommended for patients with severe renal impairment.From 300
GastrolitAvailable in powder form for preparing a suspension.Not recommended for people suffering from diabetes.From 250
For perenteral rehydration:
LactosolImproves the rheological properties of blood.Prohibited for hypersensitive people.From 27
TrisolAvailable in the form of a solution. Used for dehydration of the body. Prohibited for hyperkalemia.From 35
EnterosorbentsIndications for use
Remove toxins from the body through adsorption. Do not use for vomiting and temperature above 38°. Prescribed with caution to the elderly and newborns.
PolysorbUsed in the presence of intestinal infection.Not recommended for people with stomach ulcers.From 107
PolyphepanPrescribed as a detoxifying agent.Not recommended for the development of intestinal atony.From 64
AntispasmodicsIndications for use
Prescribed in the presence of pain. Easily relieve pain.
DrotaverineAvailable in tablets. Used for biliary dyskinesia. Prohibited for cardiogenic shock.From 17
SpasganIt is a combined analgesic and antispasmodic agent.Prohibited for small children under three months of age.From 381
Antibiotics and antimicrobial drugsIndications for use
Prescribed for mixed poisonings. Eliminate pathogenic microorganisms found in the human body.
FurazolidonePrescribed for food intoxication and dysentery.Contraindicated for pregnant and lactating girls.From 61
NifuroxazideIt is an intestinal antiseptic.Prohibited for patients with allergic reactions to 5-nitrofuran derivatives.From 100
Drugs for antiemetic and antidiarrheal therapyIndications for use
Prescribed for the development of a chronic disease. Eliminate toxins. Relieves gag reflexes and diarrhea.
CerucalAble to block dopamine receptors.Prohibited for people intolerant of metoclopramide.From 224
LoperamideUsed for acute and chronic diarrhea.Not recommended for patients with individual lactose intolerance.From 13
AntipyreticsIndications for use
Used in the presence of high temperatures above 38°. Prescribed to elderly people, children and patients who cannot tolerate high temperatures.
IbuprofenIntended for symptomatic therapy.Not recommended for patients with erosive and ulcerative diseases.From 27
ParacetamolUsed for infectious and inflammatory diseases.Not recommended for chronic alcoholism.From 17
Drugs that restore intestinal microfloraIndications for use
Brings the intestinal biocenosis back to normal. They contain beneficial bacteria.
BifidumbacterinAble to regulate the balance of intestinal microflora.Not recommended for people with individual intolerance.From 83
EnterogerminaIs a probiotic. Available in capsule form. Not recommended for hypersensitive people.


The treatment is designed to help relieve the toxic effects of bacteria, free the body from poison and restore damaged cells. You can restore your stomach after poisoning using a number of measures. No one can say for sure how long this will take. Medicines will help put the damaged organ back into action. But for recovery, it is recommended to reduce the amount of medications. Doctors recommend using folk remedies, prescribing a certain diet and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Drug therapy

You cannot self-prescribe medications. Such actions can easily provoke re-poisoning and internal bleeding.

The following drugs can normalize the functioning of the stomach:

  • A complex of sorbents helps remove toxins from the body - activated carbon, Smecta, etc.
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics should be taken to relieve pain - No-shpa, Spazmalgon and others. You can't drink Analgin.
  • Enveloping drugs stimulate the restoration of organ walls - Maalox, Almagel, etc.
  • Probiotics normalize the microflora, eliminate the consequences of diarrhea and vomiting - Hilak-Forte, Linex, etc.
  • Enzymes are prescribed when food is not digested, there is a high load on the pancreas - Festal, Mezim-Forte, etc.;
  • Prokinetics are designed to stimulate peristalsis, the motor function of the stomach.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Physiotherapeutic treatment will help make the stomach work in a normal rhythm. Rehabilitation with these procedures will take place in a short time - tissue regeneration occurs faster, pain is reduced and gastric motility is restored.

The most commonly used procedures are:

  • The use of drugs with electrophoresis helps to act on the damaged organ in a gentle way and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Magnetotherapy affects the immune system and connective tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Laser therapy allows you to treat a diseased organ using a targeted method.
  • Galvanotherapy will help improve the functioning of the stomach.
  • Balneological procedures and massage relieve pain.


In order not to cause severe intoxication, after poisoning, traditional medicine can be used along with drug treatment. Such recipes quickly relieve weakness and fatigue. Healing herbs can restore intestinal microflora and liver function.

  • Cinnamon is considered a natural antispasmodic and sorbent. Ground cinnamon is used to prepare the infusion. 0.5 tsp substances are poured into one glass of boiling water. Infuse for fifteen minutes. Then filter and consume warm. Temporary admission is one day. The maximum daily volume is one and a half liters.
  • The root system, flowers and leaves of marshmallow restore the intestinal microflora. The crushed substance in the amount of one teaspoon is poured with half a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, filter, add natural bee honey. Consume one tablespoon four times a day.
  • Dill with natural honey helps remove toxins. 1 tsp dry dill seeds are poured with 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 2-3 minutes. Simmer on fire for two minutes. Strain, add natural honey, consume in small portions throughout the day. The maximum daily volume is 1 liter.
  • 1 tsp. dry wormwood and yarrow are poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Infuse for fifteen minutes. Strain and divide into five equal parts. Consume throughout the day.
  • To prepare lemon water you will need three lemons, distilled water and natural honey. The ingredients are mixed together. The infusion is consumed throughout the day. Eliminates high acidity and the formation of gastritis.
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