How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids - a gentle solution to an acute issue

How does hemorrhoids hurt?

The nature of pain with hemorrhoids is determined, first of all, by the degree of damage to the hemorrhoidal veins. At the initial stage of development, the patient is bothered by pain in the anus during bowel movements or after prolonged sitting. The pain is usually dull and does not cause severe discomfort. As the inflammation of the hemorrhoids increases, the patient experiences more severe pain symptoms. During exacerbations of hemorrhoids, if anal fissures have formed, the pain is constant, painful, unbearable.

Inflammation of the nodes with external hemorrhoids in some cases causes dull pain in the anus. During pregnancy, a woman suffering from this disease feels aching pain. If the inflammation is complicated by chronic constipation, then the painful sensations gradually intensify, but as the intestines empty, the pain subsides somewhat. Childbirth in such cases is accompanied by bleeding and cracks in the intestinal walls.

Severe pain during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy are not uncommon. The symptoms of this disease complicate the course of pregnancy and worsen the well-being of women themselves. Eliminating pain in this condition is more difficult, since many drugs can have a negative effect on the development of the fetus. At this time, colossal hormonal changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body, which affect the functioning of many organs and systems, which manifests itself, among other things, in hemorrhoids. If the pain becomes intense, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of constipation, for which you can use traditional medicine methods almost without limitation. Some drugs for hemorrhoids, made on the basis of natural raw materials, are allowed to be used during pregnancy, for example, drugs in the form of Levomikol, Heparin ointment, suppositories with sea buckthorn. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using belladonna suppositories, as this can lead to miscarriage. Before a pregnant woman starts using any, even the most harmless, remedy, it is necessary to consult not only a proctologist, but also a gynecologist.

What to do if hemorrhoids hurt

If inflammation of the nodes is accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to use medications to relieve acute pain (for example, rectal suppositories or analgesics). When the veins of the rectum are damaged, spasms of the vascular wall are observed, which are accompanied by pain. In this case, to relieve pain and burning, you should take an antispasmodic drug (for example, No-Shpu). You should also consult a specialist to find out how to relieve hemorrhoid pain.

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If the pain is just unbearable

What to do if you experience severe pain with hemorrhoids? Pain syndrome can be relieved with general pharmaceuticals (tablets, solutions) or with medications used locally (suppositories, ointments).

Local dosage forms are much preferable, since analgesic substances immediately reach damaged and inflamed areas. Therefore, the therapeutic effect from them will be faster than from oral medications.

In addition to the analgesic effect, ointments and suppositories relieve inflammation and promote the healing of damaged tissue.

When using suppositories, they melt in the rectum, releasing active substances that are quickly absorbed and make the patient feel better.

The choice of suppositories is very large; they produce suppositories that are approved for use during pregnancy, lactation, pediatrics, and also to eliminate bleeding from the rectum.

Anesthetic ointments are preferable to use if pain occurs during bowel movements. They have a short-term effect, but greatly facilitate this process.


Medicines that have an analgesic effect block impulses passing along nerve fibers. Analgesic drugs for relieving pain from hemorrhoids can come in different forms: tablets, rectal suppositories, ointments, gels. Some of them have a cooling effect, which helps reduce itching and burning in the anal area.


If hemorrhoids do not hurt much, tablets are used for treatment:

  1. Analgin. Popular analgesic. It is effective for half an hour, the dosage for an adult is 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. The main advantage of the drug is its low cost and availability in pharmacies. The negative side of using the medicine is frequent allergies, intolerance to the components of the drug. The drug is not recommended for use by pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.
  2. Nurofen. A medicinal product with a wide range of uses. Belongs to the group of antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs. The main advantages are speed of action (5-10 minutes), special formulas for children. The disadvantage of use is a wide list of contraindications.


An analgesic with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, it is actively used to treat hemorrhoids. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Its main advantage is its wide range of applications and speed of action. The negative side of use is an impressive list of side effects with long-term use.


Medicine, analgesic. Increases the permeability of the vascular wall during inflammation. It is used infrequently for the treatment of hemorrhoids, mainly if the patient is intolerant to Nurofen. The main positive side of using the drug is its rapid analgesic effect and low cost. The negative side is a large number of side effects; it is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Pain relieving ointments

Ointments and gels containing lanolin, vitamins B, A and E will help relieve acute pain from hemorrhoids. They not only help to significantly reduce inflammation, but also promote the rapid healing of anal fissures. Some representatives of ointments:

  1. Heparin ointment. It has a healing effect on damaged veins and helps relieve pain. The main advantage of the ointment is its low price and rapid pain relief. The disadvantage of the medicine is allergic reactions.
  2. Proctosedyl. A medicine that helps patients quickly get rid of unbearable pain from hemorrhoids. The drug contains the glucocorticosteroid substance Hydrocortisone. According to patient reviews, improvement in health with inflammation of the veins occurred after starting to use the drug.

Ointment Relief

A medicine based on herbal components, used to treat hemorrhoids at different stages. Vegetable oils, glycerin and vitamin E relieve inflammation of hemorrhoids and reduce pain. The main advantage of using Relief ointment is its herbal composition, which can be used by both adults and children. The downside is the allergic reactions that the drug causes.

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Painkiller suppositories

As a rule, pain-relieving suppositories contain the same components as tablets, but act locally, locally, due to which the effect on hemorrhoids and blockade of pain impulses occurs much faster:

  1. Betiol. Rectal suppositories, which can have a complex effect on damaged vessels, and not only relieve inflammation, stop bleeding. The downside of the medication is its high cost and some side effects with long-term use.
  2. Gepasolone. Suppositories are intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids and cones. In this form, the medication is easier to use and effectively has a therapeutic effect on bumps and inflammation.

What kind of pathology is this

To determine how inflamed internal hemorrhoids hurt, you should find out what kind of pathology it is and what its manifestations are.
Most often, the disease develops gradually, without foreshadowing anything about itself from the very beginning. Patients feel discomfort with heaviness in the anus, constipation becomes more frequent, and pain appears after bowel movement. If a person likes spicy food, enjoys drinking alcohol, or carries heavy loads, the pathology intensifies faster. People do not often immediately pay attention to such changes in the state of their health; only after the symptoms increase does the patient think about the possible development of some kind of disease in the rectum.

First signs

  • the appearance of seals around the anus;
  • traces of blood on paper, linen and feces;
  • swelling of the perineum and anorectal canal;
  • prolapse of cones into the lumen;
  • decreased passage for feces;
  • difficulty moving stool through the intestinal capsule.

Hemorrhoid cones are localized both externally and externally; sometimes proctologists diagnose combined hemorrhoids, which are marked by nodes both inside and outside the rectal organ. When hemorrhoidal pathology worsens, the risk of thrombosis increases. This phenomenon requires an immediate proctological examination, diagnostic measures and effective therapy; sometimes it is impossible to do without surgery.

How to relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home

Herbal infusions, homemade ointments containing anti-inflammatory substances and antioxidants, and some medications found in every medicine cabinet will help relieve pain from hemorrhoids at home. Applying cold to the affected area helps reduce acute pain. To understand how to relieve pain from hemorrhoids and not harm yourself, you need to know exactly your diagnosis and the stage of the disease.


Proper nutrition will help reduce the pain of hemorrhoids. Reducing spicy, fatty and fried foods in your diet will help relieve itching and reduce painful vascular spasms. The right combination of products will reduce inflammation of hemorrhoids and improve regular bowel movements. A large amount of fiber, which has some adsorbent properties, will reduce the number of toxic substances produced by pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.

Folk remedies

Treatment of hemorrhoids is a long and complex process, including both drug therapy and traditional medicine recipes. Here are some of them:

  1. Yarrow decoction. The plant must be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. One course of treatment will require 50-100 g of crushed dry leaves. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. Then strain and take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. The decoction helps relieve spasms of the anal vessels and helps reduce local inflammation.
  2. Rowan juice. Squeeze the juice from ripe rowan berries and consume 50-100 g raw in the morning, before meals, for 7-10 days. Vitamin C contained in rowan berries will help not only cure hemorrhoids, but also relieve acute attacks of pain.
  3. Antihemorrhoids collection. Consists of one part buckthorn bark and one part dry nettle. This mixture in the amount of 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water must be brewed and consumed within a month. Nettle herb will have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and help soothe aching pain.

Before using traditional medicines, you should consult your doctor. Keep in mind that traditional medicine recipes begin to work after prolonged use and are not suitable for relieving emergency conditions, shock conditions, or stopping severe bleeding. They have the best effect in combination with properly selected drug therapy.

Hemorrhoids: how to relieve pain and remove a lump?

Traditional medicine is very simple and does not require any costs. Everything you need for therapy can be found in any home.

  1. Treatment of hemorrhoids using potato suppositories. The fact is that potato juice has the necessary properties. To prepare a candle, cut out an element from the middle of the potato that is convenient for insertion into the anus. Lubricate the product with Vaseline and treat for several days.
  2. Compresses made from oats and bran will help cope with hemorrhoids. To do this, soak the components of the compress, make a cake out of them and apply to the sore spot.
  3. Smoke baths will help get rid of hemorrhoids. This method of treatment is old. Therefore, the cooking recipe has an exotic character. It consists of lowering a hot brick into a bucket, on which chopped garlic, onions or birch tar are placed. As soon as smoke begins to emit, you should sit on the bucket and remain in this position for a quarter of an hour. This method is considered effective.

Seizure prevention

To achieve quick relief of symptoms, the patient is prescribed a number of recommendations that help fight chronic hemorrhoids. To eliminate the painful manifestations of the disease it is necessary:

  • give up sedentary work;
  • walk a lot;
  • doing physical exercise;
  • maintain proper nutrition;
  • do regular lotions;
  • refuse synthetic underwear;
  • do a special massage;
  • maintain personal hygiene.

These simple recommendations, in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures and drug therapy, will help avoid the appearance of rectal bleeding, rectal fissures and generally help alleviate the patient’s condition. Teas based on pharmaceutical herbs (chamomile, hawthorn) and baths with the addition of a small amount of sea salt can also reduce inflammation.

Causes of pain with hemorrhoids

The main causes of painful manifestations of hemorrhoids are the following conditions:

  1. The presence of inflammatory processes.
  2. Damage to mucous membranes.

Inflammation in the rectal cavity or in the location of the anus changes the condition of the mucous membranes, and the movement of feces causes minor injuries to them. But over time, these injuries begin to form long-term non-healing cracks, which will cause pain. Often, such patients, fearful of going to the toilet, refuse to eat or delay defecation. As a result, the feces become compacted, insufficient food intake gives them unusual hardness, and their movement through the intestine with an inflamed lining further injures its mucous membrane, and in the case of hemorrhoids, even them. Often unbearable pain occurs from swelling of the mucous membrane, which results in compression of the nerve endings in the nodes. This leads to the fact that the nodes and surrounding tissues are also subject to inflammation.


To find out the cause of pain in the anorectal region and peritoneum, it is necessary to undergo diagnostic measures with a proctological examination. Arriving at the appointment, the patient must report exactly where hemorrhoids hurt, unless, of course, the patient has already encountered the pathology before. Perhaps the symptoms are associated with other pelvic diseases.

The doctor palpates the intestine and examines the anus. When identifying internal hemorrhoidal inflammation, instrumental examination with an anoscope (anoscopy) is used. During this examination, the proctologist inserts a device into the anus to examine the condition of the intestinal mucous tissue.

Additional instrumental measures include:

  • irrigoscopy;
  • coloncopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy.

Urine and blood tests are mandatory. With a comprehensive diagnostic approach, it is possible to accurately determine the factor provoking pain and prescribe effective therapy.

Pain in the coccyx and abdomen with hemorrhoids is similar to signs of other diseases.

Sphincter injury

  • polyps;
  • tumors;
  • anal fissures;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • helminthiasis;
  • diabetes;
  • psoriasis;
  • acute paraproctitis.

Soreness in the lower peritoneum indicates an inflammatory process in the appendages, appendix, urolithiasis, inguinal hernia, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence.


As a result, we can conclude that internal hemorrhoids are a rather serious pathology, which, if treated incorrectly or untimely, not only turns the patient’s life into a nightmare, but can also lead to life-threatening complications. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, seek help from professionals, and do not look for help from friends, healers or on the Internet.

Any painful syndrome cannot be tolerated or anesthetized. Pain is the body’s reaction to some disease that needs to be identified and treated. Timely therapy allows you to avoid complications and aggravation of the condition.

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