How long does it take for the liver to recover - All about the liver

Don’t rush to just look for a good hepatoprotector. There is an integrated approach!

The Sokolinsky System approaches the issue of liver restoration in a comprehensive manner: from causes to effects, and not vice versa. For example, the greatest damaging effect on hepatocytes is not even fatty foods, medications and alcohol, but a banal disturbance of the intestinal microflora. And toxic products can be removed from the blood without forcing the same liver cells to do this. Did you know this?

In this article you will find practical information on how to naturally eliminate bile stagnation, support recovery with sulfur in combination with iron and herbs, normalize digestion and stool, and avoid the accumulation of internal toxins with the help of a special complex of beneficial bacteria.

The source of the damage is not in the liver itself. Therefore, it is important to approach the issue comprehensively and, in order to facilitate the cells’ ability to regenerate, carry out a systemic cleansing of toxins at the level of the liver, intestines, and blood, while simultaneously rebooting the intestinal microflora. This is our experience since 2002. Tens of thousands of people! This is not a treatment! This is common sense! I deliberately do not talk here about specific natural remedies, so as not to lead you down the path of a “magic pill”. Always a complex!

This small book contains compositions, mechanisms of action and dosage regimens. Read more about how to use natural technology.

Alcohol won't hurt me

Living a righteous life is a real talent and tremendous willpower. Most of our fellow citizens occasionally, on occasion, but still drink at least small portions of strong alcohol.

What can I say, in our life there are generally a lot of temptations and temptations. Open a bottle of fine aged cognac or rare whiskey, real rum from distant Cuba with friends - who can refuse such an opportunity? First comes intoxication, after which comes toxicosis.

The first couple of times the body vigorously copes with the load, gradually the strength weakens, and it is already necessary to dilute the usual diet with products that restore the liver. Otherwise, various diseases caused by insufficient functioning of this organ are of concern.

Every person who is addicted to alcohol is concerned with the question of whether the liver recovers after quitting alcohol. Liver cells, freed from the burden of toxic ethanol, immediately begin regeneration.

But, contrary to the popular belief that only alcoholics destroy the liver, statistics can be cited that show that the liver can suffer even in people who don’t drink.

Problems with the organ are provoked by the person himself, his frivolous attitude towards his own health. For example, when, along with prescribed medications, the patient begins to self-medicate by taking homemade drugs.

The combined use of drugs that enhance each other's effects (or polypharmacy) is considered the most critical risk factor for liver health.

Alcohol-containing drinks. Particularly strong (moonshine, alcohol, vodka, cognac or whiskey). The liver suffers greatly from the excess of ethyl alcohol that enters it when drinking alcohol. Unsweetened red wines and dark beer can be considered the least dangerous for the liver - the body quickly copes with these products.

Fatty food. Heavy, fried food overloads the stomach, which directly affects the functioning of the liver. Overload occurs in it too. The most unloved “guests” of the liver include lard, duck meat, lamb, pork, strong rich broths and butter.

Marinades. Delicious, appetite-inducing pickles and pickled foods have a detrimental effect on the health of the liver. This organ is not at all friendly with pickled vegetables, pickles, and smoked meats. The liver also does not recognize hot seasonings in the form of adjika, vinegar, horseradish and mustard. They are most often used for twisting.

Sour foods. So healthy, filled with vitamins and so unwelcome for the liver. An inhospitable organ will not “rejoice” at sour sorrel, cranberries, or kiwi. The acid contained in this food is perceived by the liver as poison. It also applies to products with a sharp taste: radish, wild garlic, radishes, cilantro.

For the sake of liver health, you will have to reduce the amount of aromatic, invigorating coffee, rich cocoa with delicious buns, sweets and pastries. The strict scrupulous liver does not accept them either.

Often the organ begins to play pranks after stormy feasts with an abundance of various hearty foods, snacks and alcohol. Listen to how you feel! Timely and competent actions to cleanse the liver are a guarantee of human health, well-being and longevity.

What are the dangers of gluttony?

A weakened liver leads to sad consequences. Arthritis, allergies, asthma, the appearance of depression, severe migraines, hepatitis, increased blood pressure, metabolic problems, obesity, ulcerative colitis and skin pathologies. All these troubles originate from problems of the liver organ.

What drugs damage the liver?

Almost all drugs are hepatotoxic. There are disappointing statistics: 7% of people who receive any medications develop toxic organ damage, ¼ of all cases of liver failure are caused by medications1. Particularly dangerous are those drugs that are transformed in hepatocytes with the formation of free radicals. We use some of them very often.


One of the most “popular medicines” that we drink for any occasion: headache, fever, hangover syndrome... The liver is the main site of conversion and elimination of paracetamol. 95% of the substance binds to glucuronic acid and is excreted in the bile as a non-toxic compound. The remaining 5% can be transformed along an alternative pathway with the formation of free radicals. When the dose is exceeded or glucuronic acid is depleted in hepatocytes, the free radical mechanism begins to predominate. The result is hepatocyte necrosis and liver failure2. The negative effect of paracetamol is especially strong in children, with alcohol abuse, fatty foods and in other situations when hepatocytes initially experience increased stress.


Known under the names “Nise”, “Nimulid”. It is an effective anti-inflammatory drug that has recently been promoted for the treatment of pain. Nimesulide triggers several processes at once that damage hepatocytes:

  • — Activation of the formation of free radicals3.
  • — Violation of microcirculation in tissues4.
  • — Blockade of mitochondrial enzymes, leading to energy deficiency in liver cells5.

With a long course of treatment, the incidence of hepatotoxicity reaches 1.5%6. Other NSAIDs have similar properties - Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Aspirin.


Widely used antibiotics – Azithromycin, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin and others – have hepatotoxicity7. To realize their negative impact, concomitant factors are necessary, which does not eliminate the use of antibiotics. But long-term use should definitely be discussed with your doctor.

How does alcohol affect

It has been proven that 25% of all liver damage is associated with alcohol. An increase in alcohol consumption by 1 liter per capita leads to an increase in male mortality by 3-4 people per 100 thousand population (data for Eastern Europe)8.

Alcohol-induced liver damage depends on the dose of ethanol and the duration of its use. If a person takes 80 g of ethanol per day for 5 years, then irreversible changes are formed in his hepatocytes9. These data are true for men. In women, the critical dose is much lower. Their Kupffer cells are more sensitive to endotoxins, which are intensively absorbed in the intestine under the influence of alcohol10. Therefore, female alcoholism and the cirrhosis induced by it develop much more often. Continuity of reception plays a big role. If a person drinks a lot, but intermittently, his liver has the opportunity to regenerate and cirrhosis develops much less frequently.

To date, a relationship has been identified between the rate of processing and elimination of ethanol and the genotype11. Other aggravating factors for hepatocyte damage are:

  • — Concomitant viral hepatitis.
  • - Obesity.
  • - Poor nutrition.
  • - Stress.

Interestingly, in developed countries with an established nutritional culture (plant foods rich in antioxidants), the level of alcohol-induced liver damage is much lower.

Real reviews

  • My husband and I were restoring the liver. We work together, we go to corporate events, meetings, business trips together. I noticed that they began to drink quite a bit (there is no reason for it, but there is also a reason too often). Of course, the choice fell on essential, because it was actively advertised and is still being advertised. I went to the doctor, he approved (I had to get tested, which my husband didn’t want to do, and he was against it, although he already has a problem with his liver). I persuaded him to take the course too. I know that I should have persuaded her to take me to the doctor first, but we drank Essentiale, a lot of citrus fruits, bananas, and tried to cook boiled food. My liver stopped hurting after just a week.
  • I stopped drinking when my liver got sick. I went to the hospital and they prescribed a whole course of treatment. It turned out to be fatty liver! I didn't even know this could happen. I was on a diet for three months... for a long time I cursed those days when I drank too much, because after that the problem appeared... although this may be cumulative. Everything is fine now, thank God. Sometimes I sin - I drink, but not more than once a week!
  • Enerion is a good drug. Helps clean, doesn't seem to restore, but overall a good thing. I'm complete. I drank without going to hospitals, I just read the description, and based on how I felt, I realized that it was time to do something.

Heavy metals can damage hepatocytes every day

The deterioration of the environment every year exacerbates the problem of exogenous liver damage. The most dangerous to health are heavy metals: lead, chromium, nickel, manganese, vanadium, cadmium12. They enter drinking water when the purification systems of industrial enterprises are ineffective. Most exogenous substances can accumulate in the body, primarily in hepatocytes, disrupting liver function. Heavy metals suppress many enzyme systems and disrupt the structure of nucleic acids responsible for storing genetic information.

According to our long-term observations (more than 300 analyzed results of tests for toxic trace elements, performed in the clinic of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on a highly sensitive mass spectrograph), in rare cases it is possible to determine where a person received a toxic metal from. Most likely, they accumulate over years, with weakened liver function.

The greatest effect in cleansing from damaging metals is obtained by blood cleansing using the hemosorbent Zosterin Ultra, according to a special author’s program. The course takes 1-2 months. Analyzes confirm the normalization of mineral balance after 3 months. How to use Zosterin ultra 30% and then Zosterin ultra 60% in combination with detox at the intestinal level can be read below.

How does liver cell regeneration occur?

The ability of liver cells to quickly recover is described in the myths of Ancient Greece. But understanding of specific mechanisms is coming to scientists only recently13. Today it has been proven that the liver can fully recover after losing 75% of its mass.

The liver regeneration process is divided into three stages14:

  • - Initiation - hepatocytes emerge from the resting state and cross the checkpoint when the dissolution of cell membranes begins. Lasts 12-18 hours.
  • - Proliferation - cells synthesize new DNA, this means doubling each cell. Duration up to 4 days.
  • — Termination is the stop of active division and the transition of cells to the normal mode of functioning. Continues until day 7 and beyond.

This ability to reproduce itself remains in the liver throughout a person’s life. This mechanism is triggered when tissue is damaged or partially removed15. The regulation of compensatory recovery may be disrupted in cirrhosis, which makes this pathology the most life-threatening for the patient.

But today a backup regeneration mechanism has also been discovered. This is the activation of bile duct cells, which, if the main mechanism (division of the liver cells themselves) is weak, can perform the same work.

The signal that restoration is required comes from the organ itself when damaged, and the activator is endothelial cells formed in the bone marrow and brought with the blood. Therefore, it is so important not just to use hepatoprotectors, but to influence the body as a whole.

It usually takes 2-3 months for changes to be really noticeable on ultrasound if you follow a diet, limit alcohol, if there is no cirrhosis, liver tumors and the gallbladder is functioning. But people report noticeable improvements in their well-being and analysis already in the first month.

First symptoms of liver disease

There are 3 degrees of cirrhosis: A, B and C. As the disease intensifies, more and more symptoms appear. The most favorable prognosis is at stage A, when it is still possible to completely restore the structure of the liver.

How does liver cirrhosis manifest?

  • Weight loss, lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorders: want to sleep during the day, and insomnia at night;
  • the skin and whites of the eyes acquire a yellowish tint;
  • bloating, pain;
  • stool becomes very light or colorless;
  • urine darkens;
  • bleeding from the gums, nose, hemorrhoids;
  • pain in the liver, which intensifies when the diet is violated, after physical activity;
  • the liver is dense to the touch;
  • During an ultrasound examination, an increase or decrease in the size of the organ is observed;
  • skin itching - due to the accumulation of bile acids in the body;
  • “liver signs” on the skin: “stars”, “spiders” on the upper body;
  • “liver” tongue – raspberry varnish tongue;
  • “liver” palms are a rich red color.

Hepatoprotectors - means for practical recovery

Many people who have suffered from hepatitis or mononucleosis in the past constantly take medications, especially hormonal, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory medications, and have encountered a doctor’s recommendation to take hepatoprotectors.

Most often these are phospholipids (for example, Essentiale), herbs (milk thistle), artichoke extract or peptides (for example Heptral). The Internet is full of advice to cleanse the liver with allohol.

Let's not even discuss cleaning with oil or soda. It's just dangerous.

But, alas, we must admit that hepatoprotectors alone do not work enough. Explanation in the physiology of hepatocyte regeneration! This is written about above in the same article. To help, in fact, it is necessary not only to stimulate the process and eliminate stagnation of bile, but also to remove external causes that create a load on the liver: deficiency of plant fibers, imbalance of minerals, absorption of digestive by-products in the intestines with disturbed microflora, remove them from the blood at the initial stage circulating toxins (including binding microbial toxins, chronic inflammation toxins, heavy metals).

Liver 48 (Margali) is used directly to provide nutritional support and revitalize the work of liver cells in the Sokolinsky System. This is not a medicine for the liver!

But when we talk about its action, these are not empty statements. We rely on the following methodological recommendations: Shabanov P. D. Margali hepatoprotector in the complex treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Their author is Doctor of Sciences, Prof., Head. Department of Pharmacology of the Russian Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, prof. Department of Narcology, Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Margali was also tested in the early 2000s by one of the most broad-minded gastroenterologists in Russia, Academician. E.I. Tkachenko.

According to the Law, I cannot talk about the “medicinal” effect of a natural remedy that is not a medicine. Therefore, at this link you can find data on how the tests of people with liver damage changed. More details

Liver Healing Foods

The chances of liver recovery can be reduced or increased depending on what foods you include in your diet. Simply put, liver regeneration after damage is only possible with a healthy diet. Eating the right foods helps detoxify the liver and enhance its ability to renew itself.

Since alcohol metabolism occurs directly in the liver, drinking alcoholic beverages can increase the load on the liver and interfere with its regeneration process.

Therefore, you should exclude any form of alcohol from your diet. Fatty foods such as butter, fried foods, hamburgers, organ meats, bacon, steaks and sausages should be avoided as they have been linked to an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Avoiding fatty foods will certainly support the liver in the process of rebuilding healthy cells.

Fatty foods such as butter, fried foods, hamburgers, organ meats, bacon, steaks and sausages should be avoided as they have been linked to an increased risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The inclusion of various fruits and vegetables in the diet also helps to increase the liver’s ability to recover on its own. Eating onions and green vegetables such as kale, artichokes, leeks, arugula and bitter gourd, and antioxidant-rich fruits such as apples, oranges and strawberries, improves liver health by promoting liver regeneration.

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, a substance that helps the liver remove harmful substances from the body.

Probiotic foods such as yogurt can also help keep your liver in good shape. Cultures of live bacteria in yogurt increase liver enzyme levels and even reverse liver disease. Herbs such as garlic and spices such as turmeric have also been found to be beneficial for the liver.

In conclusion, the regenerative potential of the human liver deserves attention. Fat deposition on the liver due to regular alcohol abuse is reversible if you stop drinking alcohol.

However, people with chronic liver damage require early treatment to prevent scar tissue from forming, as well as a special diet to support liver cell regeneration.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article should be used for educational purposes only and should not substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

What tests are needed to ensure a positive result?

— on ultrasound, reduction in size, disappearance of fatty hepatosis

- reducing chronic fatigue, improving skin color and condition, stopping hair loss

- normalization of stool

- disappearance of heaviness and discomfort in the right side under the ribs

- yellow coating on the tongue disappears

- in tests: normalization of ALT, AST, bilirubin and, most importantly, GGT (GGTP). It is the latter indicator that most indicates the risk of liver cell damage.

Nutrition for liver restoration

There are just a few important rules. It will be easy for you to follow them

  1. 1. Limit fatty and especially heated animal fats
  2. 2. Don’t skip breakfast; for normal bile secretion there should be no long breaks between meals
  3. 3. The amount of animal protein must strictly correspond to the amount of plant fiber. If you know that you are overeating meat, then add Redi Fiber to your food.
  4. 4. The amount of clean water during the day is at least 1 liter. This is necessary for the implementation of natural detox mechanisms
  5. 5. The liver does not like spicy, smoked, or canned foods.
  6. 6. Do not get carried away by constantly adding substances with “hepatoprotective” effects to food, such as milk thistle.

How else to help the liver: the role of traditional methods

Restoring the liver with folk remedies can be no less effective, the main thing is to choose the right components. Certain recipes will help speed up the regeneration of damaged tissues, as well as improve liver function. Many diseases of the hepatobiliary system manifest themselves on the skin, and well-known folk remedies can also help cope with them.

Milk thistle

Spotted thistle is included in many herbal hepatoprotectors. Effective for restoring liver function. For this purpose, decoctions of leaves, fruits, and stems are used.

Prepare tea for oral administration:

  1. A spoonful of seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. The product is infused for half an hour.
  3. Strain and drink on an empty stomach in small sips.

For the best effect, it is recommended to drink the infusion in the morning and before bed.

Milk thistle decoctions are also used to make cleansing enemas.


Pumpkin will help restore liver cells and restore its normal function. You can prepare many recipes from it that will help the entire digestive tract and hepatobiliary system.

Pumpkin Recipes:

  1. The top of the pumpkin is cut off, honey is poured into it, the hole is closed, and the future medicine is left in a warm place for 10 days. After this, the honey is drained and left in a cold place. It is taken one tablespoon 3 times a day. It is recommended to eat it for 3 weeks, repeating the course every 12 months.
  2. Pumpkin juice is taken for a month. You can drink it with pulp.
  3. Add a tablespoon of oil to the dried pumpkin seeds. Heat in a water bath. Leave the mixture for 2 hours in a dark place. Take a spoonful 3 times a day for 2 weeks.


The grass has a lot of beneficial effects that have a general healing effect on the body. It is beneficial for the liver in that it helps eliminate toxic substances.

You need to start treatment only after diagnosis in the clinic. It is prohibited to prescribe medications or folk remedies on your own - there is a risk of missing time to treat a serious illness.

The following recipe is useful for the hepatobiliary system:

  1. A tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil the product for 15 minutes, then infuse until it cools.
  3. Strained.
  4. Take half a glass of decoction before meals.

It is recommended to drink herbal decoctions through a straw, as it has a negative effect on tooth enamel.

Healing tea is also useful:

  1. A tablespoon of herb is poured into 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. The broth is boiled, then infused, wrapped, for 15 minutes.
  3. Take it hot like tea, you can add sugar.

However, not everyone can use this herb. It is contraindicated under the age of 12 years, with individual intolerance, osteoporosis, renal osteodystrophy, hypoparathyroidism.

Burdock leaves

All parts of this plant contain many useful components that effectively restore the liver. Burdock contains inulin, organic acids, vitamins, proteins, and natural antibiotics. You can prepare tincture and medicinal juice from it:

  • Infusion. A tablespoon of seeds is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes. Afterwards it is infused for an hour and filtered. Take 3 times a day before meals.
  • Juice. Wash the leaves and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting juice should be drunk one tablespoon three times before meals. Continue the course for 7 days.

This cereal is beneficial for the entire gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system. To obtain the desired effect, it must be brewed correctly.

Place well-washed oats with husks (100 g) in a container and add a liter of water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes. Close the container and wrap it up. When the mixture has cooled, strain. Take the resulting decoction one glass four times a day. Continue this treatment for 4-8 weeks.

Honey and other bee products

To maintain the health of the hepatobiliary system, it is recommended to eat a spoonful of honey every day before meals. You can also add royal jelly to it.

You can enhance the effect of bee products by lying on your right side for 15 minutes after consuming them. Honey has an anti-inflammatory effect, and in combination with milk helps restore damaged tissue.

Recipes with honey:

  • Mix equal amounts of honey and olive oil (200 ml each). Add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Keep refrigerated. Take half an hour before meals.
  • Place 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon in a 0.5-liter jar of honey. The ingredients are mixed well. Take 2 spoons up to 5 times a day before meals.
  • Half a glass of honey is mixed with half a glass of pumpkin juice. Take ¼ cup before meals for 2-3 months.

Plum juice

Drinking plum juice has a positive effect on the entire body. It contains vitamins such as A, B, B1, B2, C. Of the minerals, it contains phosphorus and potassium in large quantities.

To prepare juice, you need to take ripe fruits and separate them from the seeds. Then steam them over boiling water for 7 minutes. Afterwards you need to put the fruits on a cloth and dry them. Using short, strong presses, gradually collect the juice.

It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses a day, focusing on your own feelings.

It is necessary to take into account contraindications to plum juice in the form of individual intolerance, diabetes, gout and rheumatism.

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