What are the types of rectal injuries and how to treat them?
The intestine is an essential organ in the digestive system that originates from the stomach
Nutrition for intestinal diverticulosis: principles of diet, permitted and prohibited foods, sample menu
General rules Diverticular disease (or diverticulosis) is a pathological process affecting the intestines, a characteristic symptom
Metoclopramide for gastritis
Medicines and folk recipes for the treatment of gastritis of the stomach. How to use
Acute or chronic gastritis can quite significantly ruin the quality of your entire life, and not just
Diet for rotavirus infection in children and adults
Minus 24 kg without leaving home! A Muscovite who lost weight in quarantine “blew up” Russia with her
sorbents for children
The best sorbents for cleansing the body - names and descriptions
Natural sorbents. Absorbents for cleansing the body can be found both in pharmacies and in
atrophic gastritis
How long do people live with gastric metaplasia? Gastric metaplasia, its causes and symptoms
Intestinal metaplasia of the stomach is the degeneration of the gastric glandular epithelium into the intestinal one. Parietal cells that produce
Iliac region. Where is a person’s right/left, how does it hurt, reasons
The ilium where the photo is located in a woman
To clarify the clinical picture, in the presence of abdominal pain, it is important for the doctor to know their location,
biochemical analysis of stool
Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis. Reduced levels of enterococci
Biochemical analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis is a method for studying intestinal microflora, designed to establish the level
Symptoms of parasites
How to cleanse the body and get rid of parasites using folk remedies
May 27, 2019 Parasitology Kristina Degtyareva In order for parasites to enter the human body,
child sitting on the potty
Spastic constipation: clinical picture and effective treatment methods
Main symptoms: Painful bowel movements Pain in the lower abdomen Pain after bowel movements Headache Hardness of stool
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