The best sorbents for cleansing the body - names and descriptions

Natural sorbents . Absorbents for cleansing the body can be found both in pharmacies and in nature. Sorbents for cleansing the body are often used by people to rid the intestines of accumulated toxins, as well as to get rid of intoxication caused by food or industrial poisons. Sorbents are recommended for use in various infections and poisonings, and septic conditions. Natural sorbents are found in nature - fiber and pectins. Synthetic drugs are obtained artificially. Some such drugs not only remove toxins, but also have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach. These properties make it possible to use medications for gastric ulcers.

Sorbents for cleansing the body

There is a lot of talk nowadays about cleansing the body at home with sorbents. Just a few years ago, this topic was practically not discussed in the press and was rarely raised at conferences. Or maybe this is not true at all, you just didn’t use the colorful words “sorbents” and dietary supplements?

Not many people know that sorbents were first described by Avicenna in one of his works, where he proposes to cleanse the body of toxins for one’s own benefit and for prevention. Hippocrates also draws attention to this teaching. It was he who used activated charcoal to disinfect the wounds.

Perhaps, thanks to these wonderful discoveries, today, in the age of complex ecology, humanity has an excellent opportunity to save its body from many troubles, clean it at home and prolong the age of its youth with sorbents.

For what diseases are these substances used?

Natural sorbents. Sorbents are primarily recommended for use in cases of poisoning, intestinal infections, ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia, skin diseases, and septic conditions. However, they are not medicines in themselves, they are only auxiliary means in the fight against disease. Also, sorbents are indicated for all skin diseases, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, obesity, metabolic disorders, normal intestinal function, atherosclerosis.

It is very useful to use them for nervous fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome. They are also necessary for those who live in environmentally unfavorable areas.

“Several years ago, sorbents began to be used at the Kiev City Heart Center,” says Vladimir Nikolaev. – Very good results in the treatment of radiation sickness with sorbents. Experiments have shown that if hemosorption is used in the first 24 hours after fatal irradiation, this ensures up to 80% survival. The use of sorbents in the complex treatment of cancer, tuberculosis, HIV infection, etc. is effective.

Names of popular sorbents

We list the names of sorbents for cleansing the body for various diseases:

  • "Atoxil";
  • Activated carbon;
  • "Multisorb";
  • "Polyphepan";
  • "Polysorb MP";
  • "Peccesorb";
  • "Smecta";
  • "Sorbolut";
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Entegnin-N";
  • "Enterosorb";
  • "Enterodesis."

A separate group should include sorbents combined with probiotics and prebiotics:

  • "Lactofiltrum";
  • "Lactobioenterosgel";
  • "Sorbolong";
  • "Bactistatin".

Natural sorbents. These drugs help restore the intestinal microflora, which always suffers during infections and diarrhea. It is advisable to take such combined medications for food poisoning, diarrhea of ​​various origins, and infectious diseases of the digestive tract.

The best sorbents for children

Poisoning in children is not uncommon. Is it possible to use sorbents for babies? There are a number of drugs that are considered the safest and most effective when used in children.


  • Lactofiltrum,
  • Polysorb,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Sorbovit-K.

Sorbents for children are often available in the form of lozenges, so giving them to children is quite simple.

When using such products, it is recommended to adhere to the instructions for use and doctor's prescriptions.

Operating principle

Natural sorbents. With the slow accumulation of negative substances, the natural defense functions in the body weaken, and the human immune system is no longer able to resist foreign proteins as before.

Because of this, a toxic reaction of the product occurs, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, failure of metabolic processes (the most common manifestations are expressed in the functioning of the liver and kidneys). At this stage, the main task of the dietary supplement is to stop or slow down the development of pathogenesis, remove toxins and waste from the body and prevent reabsorption of the substance into the blood.

Due to their properties, sorbents are recommended to be used to cleanse the body from the very beginning of the development of allergies. As a rule, the body quickly absorbs allergens from the gastrointestinal tract and then removes them, eliminating serious adverse consequences for the body.

What are sorbents?

Sorbents are special substances that can absorb and also remove dangerous toxins, poisons and waste. This group of drugs helps to effectively cleanse the organs of the digestive system, as well as the body as a whole.

Any sorbents have an effect according to the following scheme:

  1. They bind cholesterol, toxins, heavy metal salts, and radionuclides to remove them from the body.
  2. Accelerate the release of bound substances from the intestines.
  3. Facilitate the work of the liver.

Most sorbents stimulate the synthesis of digestive secretions and improve the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Medicine uses sorbent drugs to prevent and treat various diseases.

Main indications for use

It is not recommended to use sorbents to cleanse the body and intestines without consulting a doctor, so as not to harm your body.

The main conditions when it is recommended to take sorbent drugs are:

In some situations, it is recommended to take sorbents to prevent atherosclerosis or cardiac ischemia. This group of medications is also prescribed during chemotherapy for cancer.

Symptoms of slagging in the body

The human body receives a large amount of toxins and wastes through air and food.

There is a list of signs indicating slagging in the body:

Allergic reactions, rashes, pimples and itching also indicate problems in the body.

What are sorbents

Sorbents (or in another way they can be called sorbent substances) are the best drugs from the group of excretory therapy. They are used by both adults and young children. Sometimes a newborn, while still in the womb of his beloved mother, has already received the first dose of toxins. Having been born, he immediately feels inconvenience and discomfort from harmful substances in his small body. Cleanse his tiny stomach with sorbents. It’s just better to dissolve them in milk. If the drug strengthens the baby's stomach, you can give him plum compote.

And what can we say about the dose of poison that an adult’s body receives daily! Unfavorable environment, polluted water, products containing additives are by no means as safe as the manufacturer advertises. What if smoking or alcoholic beverages have become your constant companions? The body cannot cope with such poisoning on its own. This is how the gradual decline of vital functions begins, although all organs are functioning normally.

It is almost impossible to prevent harmful substances from entering the body, because we all live in society and depend on it in every possible way. But you can start cleansing your body at home any day. The sooner such a decision is made by an individual, the sooner he will feel a visible result. And to do this, you need to make friends with sorbents and learn how to use them correctly.

Types of sorbents

Natural sorbents. Each type of sorbent is used for a specific purpose. Some of them can only affect the intestines, cleansing it of harmful substances. At the same time, other sorbing substances act on the entire body as a whole. Based on their origin, they are conventionally divided into several groups, each of which is unique in its own way.

Activated carbon and its derivatives

There is not a person in the world who does not use activated carbon. Everyone keeps this amazing remedy, ready to come to the rescue at the first signs of poisoning or the slightest ailment associated with the work of the stomach, in their first aid kit. But not everyone has learned to use it. Most often it is used sporadically, when it is already very bad. Some people remember it before going on a visit in the hope of avoiding overeating. And the range of services they offer is much wider. To cleanse your body of toxins and waste at home, you can consume up to 7 g of coal for 10-15 days.

It is better to divide the daily intake into several parts. The most acceptable is to take 2 tablets at a time a couple of hours before eating. In this case, the drug must be washed down with water. You should not take a large amount of water to wash it down, especially if you are taking an evening dose of the drug. As the body begins to gradually cleanse itself, doctors recommend reducing the amount of sorbent substance. By the end of the second week, it can be increased to 2 tablets per day and this dose can be divided into two doses.

In addition to coal, other sorbents based on it can be used. In medicine they are called carbonaceous.

Feast lovers appreciated the effect of coal as the best sorbent. After an unsuccessfully calculated dose of alcohol, terrible alcohol poisoning usually occurs. A few charcoal tablets will help restore the body's functioning, freeing it from toxins. The wisest coal connoisseurs know that when going on a visit or to a restaurant, it is better to immediately take the pills, then empty your stomach in time and the consequences of a hangover or headache will be very easy to avoid.

Natural sorbents

When people did not yet know about the existence of sorbents, attention was paid to the composition of food. Some foods significantly worsened the digestion process, while others made the body lighter. Thus, over time, it was proven that the natural substance pectin is capable of adsorbing harmful substances. A lot of pectin is found in peaches, grapes, strawberries, beets, cabbage, and gooseberries.

When these vegetables and fruits are consumed, a gel is formed from pectin in the body. It absorbs toxins.

Natural sorbents. Fiber has also become no less valuable. Its effect is especially strong in atherosclerosis and constipation. But most often it is used to remove toxins. Eggplants, sorrel, oatmeal, nuts, peas, and prunes contain a lot of fiber.

Siberian cedar became the progenitor of polyphepane. This product has absolutely no contraindications and can be used even by those who suffer from allergies.

Polysorb - a new direction in cleansing the body

Natural sorbents. Today it becomes unthinkable for a person without the use of sorbents. And this applies not only to sick people, but also to completely healthy people. It turns out that some would not have to encounter many diseases at all if the body was cleansed in time with available substances. Modern doctors prefer new drugs with improved qualities. Among them, the polysorb sorbent took a worthy place. This is a unique silicon-based drug. It is produced in the form of a white powder with a slight bluish tint.

It is first dissolved until homogeneous in water. The drug is used to cleanse the body and during diets. It copes well with alcohol poisoning, diarrhea, bronchial asthma, psoriasis and food intoxication. This drug is also indispensable for the prevention of certain diseases. They can prevent allergies and kidney failure by promptly ridding the body of toxins, alcohol metabolites, allergens and other unnecessary and also harmful substances.

The action of polysorb in the body occurs instantly. You don't have to wait several days or hours for the effect. Relief is visible. Detoxification of the body occurs immediately after the necessary substance enters the blood from the intestines.

Names of effective sorbents

Each type of drug is prescribed for a specific purpose. Some effective sorbents have a positive effect on the entire body, while others act only directly on the intestines.

Activated carbon

This medicine is animal or plant charcoal that has undergone special processing. It is considered a fairly affordable, widespread and effective adsorbent that binds toxins, alcohol and heavy metal salts.

Effective in the following conditions:

  • for acute poisoning;
  • for bacterial enteritis, for example, dysentery or salmonellosis.

The dosage is calculated individually by the doctor. Long-term use of the medicine can cause side effects:

  • nausea with vomiting;
  • belching and heartburn;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • pain in the peritoneum.

Activated carbon is usually used for one-time assistance. The drug is not designed for long-term use, since it can remove beneficial components from the body.


It is an enterosorbent based on silicon-containing substances that removes toxins and radionuclides. This drug also improves the functioning of the intestines, kidneys and liver. The sorbent contains polymethylsiloxane polyhydrite, which is an active substance.

Enterosgel is characterized by an enveloping effect, reduces the risk of ulcers forming on the digestive organs and normalizes the functioning of the immune system. Prescribed for allergies, jaundice, acute poisoning and intestinal infections. The drug is not prescribed to patients with peptic ulcers, acute intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The main advantage of the drug is that it removes only harmful substances from the body without affecting the beneficial ones.

Polysorb MP

This silicon-based enterosorbent cleanses the body of:

  • alcohol;
  • allergens;
  • poisons;
  • viruses and fungal infections;
  • cholesterol;
  • fat

The drug helps improve well-being and strengthen the immune system. They are effectively used for intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea, as well as for complex therapy for viral hepatitis. It is non-toxic and is prescribed to children under 1 year of age.


The active substance of the sorbent is aluminosilicate. The drug is characterized by a selective effect: it absorbs harmful components without removing useful ones. The product envelops the intestinal mucosa, thereby protecting it from negative influences. Main indications for use:

  • poisoning;
  • diarrhea, unknown nature;
  • colic and pain caused by pathologies of the digestive organs.

How to use sorbents

It is imperative that the sorbents be prescribed by a doctor. After all, in order to choose the right treatment regimen, you need to know what a person is sick with and what medications he uses.

“There are many sorbents and they are different. For example, our laboratory has developed the drug “Carboline”. But I wouldn’t recommend regular activated carbon - its sorption capacity is low. But, given the ability of some sorbents to absorb drugs, care must be taken when treating severe chronic diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, etc.) that require constant medication. Typically, sorbents are used 2 hours after a meal, and the medicine is used before or during meals, says Vladimir Nikolaev.

The use of sorbents for alcohol poisoning

Natural sorbents. Excessive alcohol consumption ultimately causes the accumulation of its breakdown products in the body, and sorbents such as activated carbon are often used to remove them.

Excessive alcohol consumption ultimately causes the accumulation of its breakdown products in the body, and sorbents such as activated carbon are often used to remove them. Many people know firsthand that to relieve alcohol intoxication you need to take a couple of tablets of this drug.

Activated carbon has long established itself as a very reliable and effective sorbent, very quickly reducing the degree of intoxication and becoming an obstacle to the absorption of alcohol by the intestinal walls.

It should be noted that in addition to taking the sorbent, the cleansing effect will simply be impossible without timely bowel movements, since otherwise the harmful ingredients absorbed from alcohol will begin to be released into the body after some time.

After drinking alcohol, you can also use other sorbing drugs. For example, those based on lingin, a substance extracted from seaweed and a number of other plants, are suitable.

An easier cleansing of the body can be done with the help of natural sorbing herbal infusions and mixtures. They will help you get rid of the main symptoms of a hangover (nausea and headache), and will also help cleanse your kidneys and liver. Alcohol intoxication entails the accumulation of excess mucus in the intestines and stomach, and it is this that must be removed first. New generation sorbents cope with this task in a few hours.

What types of adsorbents can there be?

Adsorbents are designed to solve problems such as:

  1. The need for rapid and high-quality sorption.
  2. Do not cause additional irritation to the intestinal walls.
  3. Do not cause any toxic effects of your own.

These products are no less important than absorbents, since in addition to helping with poisoning, they also have the following effects:

  • reduce the level of bilirubin in the body;
  • regulate urea concentration;
  • improve lipid metabolism processes.

Pharmacists produce both absorbents and adsorbents in the form of tablets, gels, suspensions and powders. The most popular and in demand are the following drugs based on:

  1. Coals are Karbolene, Carborong, Carbactin and activated carbon itself.
  2. Polyvinylpyrrolidone are drugs such as Enterodes and Enterosorb.
  3. On a magnesium-aluminum base - well-known - Almagel, Gastal and Phosphalugel.
  4. Sucralfate - only one medicine is available - Venter.
  5. Lingins and celluloses are drugs such as Filtrum-STI, Polyphepan, Lignosorb, Entengin.
  6. Medical natural clay - indispensable drugs for allergies - Neosmectin and classic Smecta.
  7. Alginic acids are a unique medicine, the only one of its kind - Algisorb. It is good both in cleansing the intestines and in normalizing its microflora, especially for allergies.
  8. Natural resins are drugs such as Cholestyramine and Colestipol.

Allergy cleansing

Natural sorbents. Such drugs also help in cases where it is necessary to cleanse the blood. Such drugs help improve the functioning of the liver, eliminate dysbiosis and are an auxiliary component in the treatment of such ailments as:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • constipation;
  • hives;
  • pollen reaction;
  • reactions after an insect bite.

It is recommended to carry out preventive measures as quickly as possible, preferably immediately after contact with the allergen. In this case, such home treatment should last 1 or 2 weeks, and the timing of increasing the dose should not be taken only for the first 3 days.

Sorbents for weight loss: should I use them?

The popularity of all kinds of sorbents ( as Wikipedia defines them: solids or liquids that selectively absorb (sorb) gases, vapors or dissolved substances from the environment) for weight loss has recently simply crossed all imaginable boundaries! This is partly the result of the search for a “magic pill”, and myths passed on “by word of mouth” about how easily, quickly, without much effort and without negative consequences “I” or “my friend (relative, classmate, friend’s relative or husband, friend)” with the help of one or another sorbent! Activated carbon is mentioned most often! Of course, the cheapest and, in the minds of most, “absolutely safe”! And the thought creeps in, why not try it! And the Internet will helpfully “send” you both “schedules” for taking it and rave reviews for allegedly losing weight with its help.

Natural sorbents. There is an opinion that to successfully fight excess weight, “cleansing” the body is essential. I would not take such a radical approach to this issue; each person must determine for himself whether he needs “cleaning”. If you have discomfort in the abdominal area, problems with stool (constipation, diarrhea), lack of appetite, allergies, skin problems that arise suddenly (oily, acne, rashes), fatigue, headaches, coated tongue, bad breath, weakness, frequent colds, dizziness - it’s worth cleaning up.

Modern medicine knows many methods of cleansing the body. Some are based on the use of medications, others are based solely on folk remedies. They differ in many ways, but they are united by their structured approach and desire to help.

Let's figure out together whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of sorbents and whether it is even worth taking them if you are overweight!

I'll start with activated carbon! Will you be able to lose weight with it? Anything is possible! People just lose weight without doing anything, and they even lose weight on placebos (dummy pills)! But you will reasonably object to me, because I will “cleanse” the body of waste and toxins! And the question arises: from what?

Not only is our body a superbly thought-out (by God? Nature?) self-cleaning system that does not need any “cleaning”; normally, the cleansing of the body is provided for a priori; usually the lungs, colon, kidneys and skin help us with this, so Also, most doctors categorically reject the very concept of “slag” (let me remind you that slag is waste from metallurgical production)!

And if a person is healthy, eats a varied, balanced and rhythmic diet, then the body does not need any cleansing. For example, the intestinal microflora is capable of producing natural antibiotics against any viruses. And the cleansing systems of the kidneys, liver, lungs and other organs are able to fight pollution not only at the intestinal level, but also carry out cleansing at the cellular and molecular level. However, if the body is deficient in vital substances, including vitamins and minerals, the purification systems are inactive.

Why are sorbents needed?

The word sorbens (sorbent) translated from Latin means “absorbing”. This is the name given to substances in a solid or liquid state that are capable of selectively absorbing gases, vapors and individual components of solutions from the environment. They are used in the national economy to maintain environmentally friendly space on land and in water bodies (for example, after an emergency oil spill on the sea surface), to purify industrial gases, wastewater, and various products of technological processes.

Operating principle

Depending on the purpose, different types of sorbents are used, which differ in their operating principles:

  • Absorbents are capable of absorbing gases or components of solutions with their entire volume.
  • Adsorbents concentrate (hold) chemical compounds only on their surface.
  • Ion exchangers absorb some ions from solutions and release others in return.
  • Chemical absorbents bind substances from the environment through chemical reactions.

Application in medicine

In medical practice, sorbents are widely used - pharmacological preparations, the main purpose of which is to bind toxins, chemicals and toxic substances by adsorption in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). This prevents intoxication of the body: harmful elements of chemical and natural origin are not absorbed into the blood, but are bound and removed through the excretory system. Absorbent preparations are used for specific medical indications and for preventive cleansing.

A progressive method in the fight against cancer is the use of an adsorbent polymer saturated with a cytostatic drug. The principle of its operation is that the sorbent slowly releases the chemotherapy drug into the tissue affected by the tumor. This therapy minimizes side effects and is used as a non-surgical treatment for cancer. This technique is currently practiced only in Russian scientific centers.

Sorbents for cleansing the body of children

Natural sorbents. No less effectively can you cleanse the body of harmful substances with the help of fiber, which is also a natural sorbent. It helps remove toxins from the body, thereby preventing possible constipation and atherosclerosis. Fiber is found in large quantities in pearl barley and buckwheat, rye bread, cucumbers, tomatoes, bananas, apples, mushrooms, peas and other products. Sorbents for cleansing the body of children are usually of plant origin.

Sorbents for cleaning the body in children should only be prescribed by a doctor! It must be taken into account that diarrhea in a child is often accompanied by severe dehydration, and this is life-threatening.

Not all drugs can be given to children. Here are the names of sorbents suitable for cleansing a child’s body and their dosage. Before the age of one year, the following drugs are used.

  1. "Smecta" works well for diarrhea and flatulence. Doses: children under one year of age - 1 sachet per day, from one to two years - 1-2, over two years - 2-3. The sorbent is divided into three doses or more. It can be dissolved in 50 ml of puree, porridge, compote, baby food and given little by little throughout the day.
  2. Filtrum tablets are prescribed for intestinal infections (salmonellosis, dysentery). They are crushed and given ½ to children up to one year old, from 1 to 7 years old, 1 tablet, over 7 years old, 1-2 pieces 3-4 times a day.
  3. "Polysorb MP" is given for various diarrhea. Prepare a sorbent solution at the rate of 1 tsp. per glass of water. Children from 1 to 7 years old are given to drink at a dose of 0.05 g per 1 kg of weight three to four times a day.

If the child is older than one year, you can use other drugs.

  1. "Atoxil" - for diarrhea of ​​various origins. The contents of the package are dissolved in 250 ml of water. This solution is given to children aged 1 year and older at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of weight three times a day.
  2. After the age of three, it is allowed to prescribe the Enterosgel sorbent, which eliminates diarrhea and intestinal inflammation. Children under 5 years old are given 1 teaspoon, from 5 to 14 years old, 1 dessert spoon three times a day. The course of treatment can last from 5 to 14 days.

Sorbents for cleansing the body in case of allergies are given to children for the same indications as for adults.

How to take sorbents correctly

To effectively cleanse your body of toxins, poisons and waste using sorbent preparations, it is recommended to adhere to the following simple rules:

  1. It is advisable to use sorbents an hour before or after meals. If it is necessary to absorb poison from the stomach, then the drug should be taken 15 minutes before a meal or immediately after signs of intoxication appear.
  2. When taking sorbent drugs for a long time (more than a week), it is necessary to take calcium supplements and vitamins in combination.

Rules for taking sorbents depend on their purpose.

Cleansing for alcohol intoxication

Enterosorbents are able to remove excess alcohol, as well as its breakdown products. It is recommended to take these medications before the feast. To relieve a hangover, these drugs are consumed in the morning. The following drugs have proven themselves well: Liferan, Polyphepan and Lignosorb. In case of acute alcohol intoxication, it is recommended to take sorbents with a stronger effect: Enterosgel or Polysorb MP.

Taking sorbents for weight loss

To get effective results when taking sorbent drugs for weight loss, it is recommended:

  1. Drink more fluids.
  2. Do physical education.
  3. Take frequent walks in the fresh air.
  4. To refuse from bad habits.

It is also recommended to limit the consumption of coffee, fatty and fried foods, spices and various sauces.

Treatment of allergies using sorbents

Allergies are considered to be the immune system's response to any irritation. It usually manifests itself as itching or runny nose, rashes or redness of the skin. When the first signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to take the sorbent along with an antihistamine. Effective sorbents in these situations are: Enterosgel, Activated carbon or Sorbex, Polyphepan or Polysorb. Very often, sorbents are prescribed for prevention.

Medical sorbents

Natural sorbents. Modern medicine offers a lot of different sorbents, but their selection should be made extremely carefully and only after consultation with a doctor. Such drugs as “Liferan”, “Polipefan”, and some others definitely have an effective effect on the human body, and “Polysorb” has the most powerful effect. It is created on the basis of silicon, and its structure allows you to quickly and completely cleanse the body of almost any toxins and toxic substances.

This remedy can eliminate the effects of food poisoning, hangover, diarrhea and many other negative factors. It should be understood that all sorbents have a different structure from each other, and therefore absolutely any such product should be taken according to an individually developed scheme. For example, activated charcoal and some other drugs should be taken before meals, while others should be taken exclusively after meals. There are also such as enterosgel, and this drug requires that it be thoroughly rubbed and diluted with water immediately before taking it.

It is not recommended to use sorbent agents for people who have cancer, stomach or duodenal ulcers, or any cardiovascular diseases. They should be used with extreme caution in case of diabetes, hepatitis, asthma, dystrophy, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

At the same time, it is very important to properly structure your diet, and if you take sorbent substances, the food you eat should definitely be easily digestible. It should not contain any flavorings or dyes, and ideally should be cooked exclusively by steaming.

Monitor bowel cleansing

In essence, this phrase means a planned day for cleansing both the intestines and the body as a whole, that is, “unloading”. For regular, constant cleansing of the body from toxins, a drug such as Polysorb is well suited.

However, in some cases, other means are more optimal, for example:

  1. For bloating and flatulence, it is worth cleaning the intestines using a product such as Enterosgel.
  2. To remove toxins, internal accumulations of gases and with a tendency to diarrhea, Polyphepan is ideal.
  3. In case of intestinal infections and allergies, Polysorb and Neosmectin will help the most.
  4. In case of kidney or liver diseases, you need to cleanse the body carefully; for a “planned fasting” diet, Polysorb, Coal and Enterosgel will be good.

Video: absorbents for cleansing the body.

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