Recommendations and tips for taking potato juice for gastritis

Gastritis is an acute or chronic disease that is characterized by inflammatory or inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the stomach and leads to disruption of its functions. The causes of gastritis can be irritating substances that enter the stomach (poor food, some medications, chemicals) or infection with bacteria and fungi (in particular Helicobacter pylori). Sometimes gastritis can occur against the background of other diseases.

Gastritis causes the patient significant discomfort. A person may experience pain and heaviness in the stomach, nausea, and heartburn. The inflammatory process can also result in severe vomiting, lack of appetite and general weakening of the body.

In the treatment of gastritis, drug therapy and diet therapy are used. The use of folk remedies is not excluded, one of which is freshly squeezed potato juice. How is it useful for gastritis? How to use it, and how effective is it in fighting the disease? These questions are asked by people who want to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.


Potatoes are a perennial, herbaceous plant of the nightshade family, the tubers (modified shoots) of which are a valuable food product. Indeed, both adults and children love potatoes for their excellent taste and high nutritional value . This is one of the main food products of the Russian consumer.

Potatoes contain large amounts of starch, which accounts for up to 80% of the dry matter content in the tuber. This product is also rich in proteins, vitamins (C, K, PP, B vitamins) and minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium). Potatoes contain fiber, sugars, pectin and other organic compounds.

Contraindications during use

When using juice for medicinal purposes, there are many contraindications, so you should consult a doctor before use. Drinking the drink for a long (excessive) period will not have the desired effect, since potatoes contain a considerable amount of starch. The main contraindications are:

  • Patients with diabetes. Juice is strictly prohibited for patients, even those with early stages of diabetes;
  • Reduced stomach acidity. With this disorder, drinking juice is very dangerous, as it can lead to even greater pain. You can drink juice only under the strict supervision of your doctor;
  • Frequent fermentations in the intestines. The fermentation process will intensify even more with the intake of juice, which will lead to frequent constipation;
  • Excess weight. Potatoes contain starch, which greatly affects a person’s weight.
  • Allergy. People who are prone to allergies are also contraindicated from taking potato juice.

By following these rules, you can protect yourself from unwanted unpleasant complications that may arise during the treatment process.

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice

Freshly squeezed juice from potato tubers is an excellent enveloping, anti-inflammatory and analgesic for gastritis with high acidity and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

To relieve heartburn, you can eat a small piece of raw potato, and to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should use potato juice.

This healing agent acts on the body as follows:

  • normalizes the secretory function of the stomach;
  • supports hemoglobin production;
  • increases immunity;
  • promotes scarring of defects and ulcers;
  • improves appetite;
  • improves the motor function of the stomach.

Expert opinion
Irina Vasilievna

Practicing gastroenterologist

All the beneficial properties of potatoes for the gastrointestinal tract apply only to freshly squeezed potato juice. Boiled, baked, and especially fried potatoes do not have such health-improving effects.

Potato juice is an effective diuretic , so if you have kidney disease, you should consult your doctor before using it.

Beneficial features

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with potato nectar is recommended because it has a soothing and healing effect on the gastric mucosa during gastritis.

In addition, it also has an antispasmodic and softening effect on gastritis with high acidity. It is also able to treat ulcers that occur due to problems with the nervous system.

Its effectiveness has even been demonstrated scientifically. Potato nectar has a good ability to treat diseases such as colitis, gastritis and intestinal and stomach ulcers.

They contain a lot of carbohydrates, as well as a significant amount of beta-carotene, a complex of vitamins (group B, vitamins C and A).

This vegetable is characterized by high levels of calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, sulfur, protein and fiber.

Medical experts say that the raw vegetable replenishes the system with protein, vitamins C and B6, magnesium and zinc, which is especially important during the treatment of gastritis.

It is also considered one of the most alkaline vegetables, so its nectar can be really helpful in relieving stomach pain and neutralizing the acidic environment of the stomach due to hyperacidity gastritis.

In recent studies, tests were carried out with just one tablespoon of raw vegetable juice before each meal, and the results were amazing.

Here are some of the benefits that were found:

  1. This drink helps with stomach problems, especially in the treatment of gastritis.
  2. Removes toxins from the body.
  3. Strengthens the immune system.
  4. Helps reduce blood sugar levels.
  5. Protects against cardiovascular diseases.

There are many other medicinal uses for potato nectar. It is currently used as part of cancer therapy. It also treats liver and kidney diseases.

It is known that the acid-base balance in the human body is a measure of his physical health.

During the digestion process, a person constantly consumes foods that maintain this balance.

So, do potatoes help with gastritis, in maintaining acid or alkaline balance? Potato acid such as phosphatase or phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine makes this vegetable sour.

However, this vegetable also has alkaline properties as it contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and sodium.

Since acids in food are not an indicator of its acidity or alkalinity, it is safe to say that the above drink containing non-volatile acids can help neutralize stronger acids in the stomach.

Heartburn and gastritis caused by acid reflux can be cured by drinking raw potato nectar.

In fact, pregnant women may find this especially helpful since they suffer from frequent heartburn.

For erosive gastritis, this drink acts as a natural remedy without any side effects.

Contrary to popular belief, the alkaline properties of potatoes can actually prevent acidity and gastrointestinal problems during gastritis, such as bloating, cramps, excess gas and other gastritis symptoms.

The anti-inflammatory properties of raw potato juice are useful for treating ulcers and gastritis with varying acidity.

However, when consuming such juice for gastritis with high acidity and ulcers, it is necessary to dilute it with warm water before use.

Although no harmful side effects have been reported, fresh potato juice contains high levels of starch and carbohydrates.

The benefits of vegetable juice far outweigh the benefits of eating boiled potatoes. This occurs because the cooking process oxidizes many of the natural and organic substances in raw potato nectar.

It also changes many of its alkaline properties. This is why treatment with raw potato juice is recommended rather than boiled potatoes.

The various methods used to cook potatoes usually result in the elimination of their beneficial composition.

However, despite the many benefits, eating unwashed, green or spotted potatoes for gastritis can pose health risks.

You should always wash this product thoroughly. It is correct to stop the potato diet if a person experiences discomfort or observes any other deterioration in health.

Before starting therapy with raw potato juice, it is recommended to consult a doctor and ask him about all the nuances of drinking potato juice.

Overall, potato juice is a healthy drink that stimulates the digestive system and protects the stomach from various diseases.

Potato juice also helps balance stomach acidity and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory drink for hyperacid gastritis.

Treatment of stomach ulcers, rheumatoid arthritis and liver diseases is possible through the consumption of raw potato juice.

It benefits the digestive system by significantly reducing the likelihood of constipation. By regularly drinking this juice diluted in water, you can avoid constipation.

Treatment of digestive disorders is effectively done with the help of raw pink potato juice. Half a cup of potato juice mixed with warm water can be taken every morning to relieve constipation, peptic ulcers and dry skin.

Potato juice also acts as an effective liver cleanser.

To cleanse the liver, it is advisable to consume the above juice half an hour before breakfast. Potato juice therapy also helps with other gastrointestinal disorders and treats not only gastritis.

Thus, drinking raw potato juice at least two to three times a day half an hour before meals can be beneficial for health and skin.

How to use?

The duration of taking potato juice depends on the degree of manifestation of gastritis symptoms, as well as on the general condition of the patient. It is not recommended to use the product continuously for more than 10 days .

The classic treatment regimen is as follows: take ½ glass of freshly squeezed juice half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days, then repeat the course.

To prepare the juice, use smooth, strong, medium-sized tubers without visible damage, mold, rot or greenery.

It is better if the treatment takes place in August-December, since in the second half of winter the content of starch and some vitamins in potato tubers is significantly reduced.

Recipe how to cook :

  • For one serving of juice you will need 2-3 medium potatoes. They need to be cleared of soil, washed thoroughly and doused with boiling water . The skin does not need to be peeled off. In this case, you must be sure to wash the potatoes properly. If in doubt, it is better to remove the peel.
  • Next, the potatoes can be grated on a fine plastic grater, and the juice can be squeezed out through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. If the household has a household juicer, you can use it.
  • Use the prepared product immediately , otherwise after a while it will turn into a useless product. To improve the taste, you can add carrot or beet juice, a little honey or a little lemon juice.

With high acidity

Potato juice for gastritis with high acidity is taken according to the classical treatment regimen: the freshly prepared product should be drunk within 30-40 minutes. before meals .

Then it is recommended to lie down for a better effect of the “medicine”. Only after this can you start eating. The juice is taken three times a day for 10 days.

You can add cabbage juice to potato juice - then the remedy will have a double effect, since cabbage juice is also considered an excellent remedy for gastritis. And to improve the taste, you can add a little fresh cranberry juice to the mixture.

At low

For gastritis with low acidity, potato juice should not be consumed, as it will weaken the secretory function, which is already in a depressed state. In this case, the disease may worsen or even become chronic.

Start treating gastritis with potato juice only after diagnostic detection of stomach acidity!

On our website: What cheese should you not eat if you have gastritis?

For stomach and duodenal ulcers

For peptic ulcers, a 21-day course of treatment is carried out. You need to start therapy with 50 g. “medicines”, gradually increasing the dose to 100 g, and then to 150 g. for one appointment. You can add carrot juice to potato juice. This way the drink will taste better and its regenerating ability will be more effective.

I take the product three times a day. The recommended course of treatment is 21 days, after which you need to take a week break. Then the course is repeated.

During treatment, you should strictly adhere to the diet recommended for people suffering from ulcers.

Contraindications and dangers

Potato juice helps cope with a large number of diseases, but it should not be taken if you have:

  • Green potatoes - potatoes with solanine!

    severe forms of diabetes mellitus;

  • enhanced fermentation processes in the intestines;
  • severe obesity;
  • excessively low acidity of gastric juice.

Treatment of gastritis with this method can be undertaken at any time of the year, with the exception of March, since during the winter potatoes are saturated with the toxic substance solanine and lose most of their vitamins. Therefore, if you start fighting gastritis at this time, you may not only not get the desired effect, but also suffer severe poisoning.

Tip: Since the juice obtained from unpeeled tubers can destroy tooth enamel, it is recommended to drink it through a straw.

After treatment with potato juice and, of course, following an appropriate diet, patients note an extraordinary improvement in their well-being. They notice that the heaviness and pain in the stomach have disappeared without a trace, and their stool and mood have improved. Therefore, to this day this remedy is actively used to eliminate problems not only with the digestive tract, but also with other organs.

There are many natural products that can help alleviate and even treat many illnesses.

One of these little-known but wonderful products is potatoes and their nectar.

People don't really know how effective it is in treating a variety of ailments.

People who monitor the glycemic index in their diet claim that once the above vegetable enters the stomach, it turns into pure sugar, which can lead to diabetes and the risk of heart disease.

Recently, this argument regarding potatoes has been challenged by experts due to the benefits that have been found in them.

In particular, potato nectar has been found to be an excellent source with which to treat gastritis.

Needless to say, many of our ancestors ate meat and potatoes every day and knew nothing about such a disease as gastritis.

In fact, such a problem simply did not exist for them. Today, people shy away from eating potatoes due to medical reports about high cholesterol levels in them.

Although, at the same time, gastritis has practically become an epidemic throughout the world.

Tips and tricks

To prevent gastritis, stick to proper nutrition, get plenty of rest, and do not overload your nervous system. Review your lifestyle: give up bad habits, go in for sports.

Remember that some medications (acetylsalicylic acid, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.) can irritate the gastric mucosa - take them only as prescribed by your doctor.

Be sure to monitor food hygiene: wash your hands before eating, eat only fresh food, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly, and boil or fry meat, poultry, and fish well.

On our website: How to properly treat gastritis with jelly?

Benefit and harm

Potato juice is widely used not only in folk medicine. Quite often it is prescribed to be taken during traditional treatment. Doctors are confident that potatoes are a natural source of quickly digestible protein, which means that this will help prevent the stomach from being overloaded. This will allow the mucous membranes to quickly recover and heal.

The benefits of potatoes for treating gastrointestinal problems are obvious. Potato juice additionally has the following positive properties:

  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates heartburn;
  • helps stop internal bleeding in the stomach;
  • relieves high acidity;
  • improves appetite;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • eliminates pain in the stomach and intestines;
  • prevents constipation;
  • has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility;
  • improves heart function;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

Despite all its excellent qualities, potato juice for gastritis can cause deterioration if you do not follow these rules:

  • Potato juice should be consumed only fresh;
  • juice is contraindicated for diabetes, as it significantly increases blood sugar levels;
  • allergic intolerance to potatoes also welcomes this method;
  • Juice should not be used for various degrees of obesity;
  • Green potatoes cannot be used to prepare the product, as they are incredibly poisonous.

Important: Potato juice will be more effective if you combine the treatment of gastritis with taking a decoction of St. John's wort or chamomile.

How to make the right recipe

In order for the medicine to be useful and have the necessary properties, the juice should be prepared correctly. Only then will the beneficial substances of the vegetable be completely transferred into it. For cooking, use potatoes harvested in September and stored no longer than until December:

  1. First, the tubers are selected. They should be even, not too big or small. If rot or many black spots are found when cutting, the tuber is thrown away. Potatoes that are too large contain a low concentration of nutrients. It is important to prepare a fresh portion each time before use. For 1 dose you will need at least 2 medium pieces.
  2. After selection, the potatoes are washed with a brush and soap, peeled and doused with boiling water. If the potatoes are from your own garden, then you do not need to remove the skin - this will increase the medicinal properties.
  3. Grind the potatoes in a blender or using a fine grater and squeeze. You can use a juicer.

The resulting juice must be consumed within 10 minutes, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties. After application, the patient must lie down for 40 minutes, and only then can he start breakfast or lunch.

What to do if the taste of potatoes is difficult to tolerate

Potato juice has a specific taste that some patients find difficult to tolerate. Among the consequences of using the medicine: nausea, unpleasant belching. You can preserve the benefits and improve the taste of the medicinal drink by the following means:

  • mix half and half with carrot juice - this is the best choice for those who have high stomach acidity, you can also add part of the cabbage juice,

  • add a spoonful of honey or cranberry juice - you get a real aromatic cocktail, a small amount of berry nectar is enough to completely drown out the potatoes,
  • pour in some of the carrot and beet juice - this method is suitable for those patients who do not suffer from constipation.

All juices must be freshly squeezed, prepared 10 minutes before use, but not later.

Advice! After completing the course of treatment, you need to visit a gastroenterologist to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine used.

If potato juice has improved the patient’s condition, then the therapy can be repeated next year (remember that treatment can be done from September to December).

And a few more recommendations

  • The maximum benefits of juice therapy will be achieved in combination with a vegetarian diet.
  • Carrot and potato juices in a 1:1 ratio will help improve digestion.
  • The combination of carrots and potatoes improves well-being and eliminates unpleasant symptoms.
  • In addition to carrot juice, beet juice is added, which is no less healthy.
  • A good alternative would be juices from non-acidic fruits. In order for the healing process to be effective, the following proportions are observed: 2/3 potato juice, 1/3 pear, apple or apricot juice.

Form of application

To extract juice, you need to use only potatoes without skins, because they contain a considerable amount of pesticides. It is also necessary to strain the finished juice through cheesecloth. Patients should take no more than 200 ml of juice per day, once on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, and a second time at night.

It is recommended to take the drink for about 10 days, 1 tablespoon per day. Afterwards, the body needs a break for recovery of 10 days. It is recommended to repeat this course at least 3 times. Smoked and sweet foods should also be excluded from the diet so that the healing effect of the juice does not disappear.

People with high acidity can drink the drink for 12 days.

You should only take freshly squeezed juice, since you can only store it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which it will simply evaporate. You will also have to give up flour and fried foods.

To drink or not to drink?

The decision about whether to drink potato juice to treat gastritis with high acidity should not only be made by the patient. A gastroenterologist will help you with this issue. To confirm the possibility of treatment with traditional recipes, it is necessary to undergo an FGDS and establish gastric acidity.

Treatment of gastritis with potato juice is just one of the methods of traditional therapy for the disease. More and more young people and elderly patients are experiencing it. And medications in some cases become dangerous, in others they become unavailable from a financial point of view. Diagnosis by a doctor, obtaining professional advice and recommendations will help you decide whether to be treated with such an affordable remedy. And if yes, then this should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

What properties does juice have?

  • 1 What are the properties of juice
  • 2 How to drink the drink correctly 2.1 Making a drink from potatoes
  • 3 How to choose the right potatoes
  • The components contained in potatoes and their juice have a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract and have the following properties:

    • wound healing;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • diuretic;
    • general strengthening;
    • decreased acidity;
    • improvement of evacuation and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;

    The listed properties will help cope with gastritis, pancreatitis, and will also help with ulcers, reflux esophagitis, gastroduodenitis and high acidity. A red potato drink is good for duodenal diseases. It contains the maximum amount of substances and elements.

    When it is used correctly, the result of use will become visible after 3-5 days. Patients begin to experience a significant improvement in their health: belching and heartburn, which occurs with increased acidity, disappear. The feeling of discomfort and pain in the duodenum and stomach stops. The stool becomes normal and flatulence (increased gas production) decreases.

    For ulcers and erosions, this drink can reduce acidity and is also excellent for preventing their occurrence.

    With low acidity

    The product perfectly heals erosions and ulcers, characteristic of both gastritis and gastric ulcers. This is due to its ability to slow down the formation of hydrochloric acid, eliminate pain and accelerate tissue epithelization.

    But at the same time, juice is not healthier for all stomach diseases. If gastritis is accompanied by low acidity, then using potatoes to treat it is not recommended. In this case, the healing product contributes to the transition of gastritis with low acidity to a chronic form.

    Key rules of treatment

    If there are no contraindications, then potato juice can be taken all year round (with the exception of March, because during the winter potatoes are deprived of most of their beneficial substances, but at the same time they are saturated with harmful solanine, which has a negative effect on the body). During treatment, you need to follow a diet, about which, as well as permitted/prohibited foods, you can learn from the video below.

    On a note! During treatment, it is better to drink juice through a straw, as it has a negative effect on tooth enamel.

    Video - Nutrition rules for gastritis

    The drug can be taken according to one of two possible schemes, let’s get acquainted with them.

    Scheme one

    Take the juice 30 minutes before meals, starting with 1 tbsp. spoons and gradually increasing the dose to ½ cup. Treatment should last 10 days, after which a break is taken (also ten days) and the course is repeated. If necessary, all this can be repeated.

    Scheme two

    Potato juice should be consumed daily, 50 ml for 10 days. Then, after a ten-day break, the course is repeated - as in the scheme described above. Approximately 3 such courses are required.

    Morning is the best time for juice therapy

    Early hours are considered optimal for taking potato juice. Start with a one-time dose, then increase the frequency to 3 times a day. For peptic ulcers, the frequency of administration can be increased to 5 times a day. Food that is poorly digested should be abandoned immediately.

    Since exacerbations of the disease most often occur in autumn and spring, juice therapy begins in the off-season. At first it has a therapeutic effect, and then it is drunk for prevention. An effective remedy, gifted by nature itself, eliminates many problems associated with digestion.

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