Duodenal ulcer (DU) is a chronic relapsing disease characterized by deep damage to the internal mucosa
Etiology A large number of predisposing factors can cause the occurrence of one or another lesion of the duodenum.
Causes of slagging One of the main causes of most of them is intestinal slagging, which represents
What causes abdominal pain? Abdominal pain can have different origins. That's why,
Exclusively all diseases of the digestive tract fall under the general medical term “gastropathy”. Erythematous gastropathy despite
General concept of the disease Belching is a pathological phenomenon if it occurs frequently
What is increased pneumatosis? Increased pneumatization of the intestine occurs due to injury to the lining of the large and small intestine.
Factors and symptoms Intoxication with food, alcohol, and medications is often diagnosed. For what reasons is it permissible?
Today, kidney disease is a very pressing problem. According to statistical observations, then
Pathologies of the biliary system occupy third place among diseases of the digestive tract. If long-term conservative treatment