Diarrhea before childbirth for how many days in multiparous women

Diarrhea as part of pregnancy

Most women who gave birth reported diarrhea that began at 38–39 weeks, that is, about a week before giving birth. At the same time, the general condition was noted as satisfactory, and no alarming symptoms other than loose stools were observed. All this is explained by the natural process of cleansing the body, which is preparing for the birth of the baby.

It is difficult to determine exactly how many days before birth diarrhea may begin. Each body is individual, as is the course of pregnancy. The beginning of the cleansing process can be influenced by factors such as the size of the fetus, the gastronomic habits of the pregnant woman on the day of birth, or the general health of the woman.

However, before giving birth in multiparous women, episodes of diarrhea are extremely rare.

Normally, loose stools before childbirth can last from several days to a week. This is quite enough to thoroughly cleanse the intestines and not interfere with the baby’s progress through the birth canal on the day of his birth.

These days, diarrhea means frequent, liquefied stools that are released in small quantities. Abdominal pain, fever and vomiting are absent. The condition does not cause dehydration, which is why it does not pose a danger to the mother and child.

What warning signs appear during the second and subsequent pregnancies?

Characteristic precursors of labor should not be confused with the onset of labor - they only signal that active preparations for the birth of the baby have begun. The task of the expectant mother is to recognize them in time in order to be mentally and physically prepared for the appearance of the first labor pains.

What warning signs may appear during the second and subsequent pregnancies, and also at what stage do they usually occur?

Abdominal prolapse

In women who are going to the maternity hospital not for the first time, the stomach drops a few days before giving birth. This occurs as a result of the fact that the baby’s head fits tightly to the entrance to the small pelvis in order to begin passing through the woman’s birth canal with the onset of labor.

It also happens that the abdomen of multiparous women begins to droop during childbirth, so this sign cannot be considered completely objective in assessing the body’s readiness for the birth of a child.

After the uterus goes down, the woman’s condition will improve somewhat - heartburn will go away and it will become easier to breathe. Along with relief, new inconveniences may also appear - as a result of the pressure of the uterus on the bladder, increased urination may occur (especially at night). It also becomes more difficult to move, and pain may first appear in the area of ​​the symphysis pubis (sometimes the intensity is very high, to the point that the woman has difficulty making even a few movements).

In any case, if this is not your first pregnancy, and your tummy has dropped to its lowest point, this means that there is very little time left before giving birth, and all the discomfort will go away very soon. Typically, the stomach of multiparous women drops down to 38-39, a few days before birth or with the onset of contractions.

Weight loss

Weight loss, as a harbinger of childbirth, can be observed from 36 weeks. If a woman does not violate the diet recommended for expectant mothers, then in the last month of pregnancy she stops gaining weight.

This is due to the fact that the baby’s body has almost gained the mass it needs, with which it will be born. Therefore, weight gain at 36-40 weeks is minimal.

Multiparous women may notice that their weight begins to decrease about a week before giving birth. At the same time, swelling disappears: shoes no longer squeeze your feet, rubber bands do not leave marks on your ankles, and swelling disappears from your face. The explanation for this phenomenon is quite simple: the body gets rid of everything unnecessary, so that all forces were directed to the process of giving birth to a child.

Depending on the severity of edema, as well as the level of kidney function, weight loss 7 days before birth can be up to 2 kg. This value is physiological and does not pose a danger to women and children.

Removal of the mucus plug

Another sign that childbirth will occur very soon is the release of the mucus plug. It is a clot of beige or brown mucus, which throughout pregnancy closed the entrance to the uterus and protected the child from infections.

The mucus plug may come off in parts - in this case, mucous discharge will appear on the underwear, which may contain blood streaks. Such secretions have a dense structure, they are quite thick, without an unpleasant odor.

If the plug comes off entirely, it will look like a lump of mucus, the release of which is usually accompanied by a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen and lower back.

In multiparous women, the plug usually comes off a few hours before regular labor contractions or water breaks, but there are cases when this happens several days before. In women giving birth for the second time, the cervix opens much better and faster, and therefore labor occurs faster compared to those who have to go through this process for the first time.

Nesting instinct (syndrome)

The state of hormonal levels also stabilizes before childbirth, so a couple of weeks before the significant date, a woman can feel a surge of vitality, which she uses to prepare her home for the arrival of a new family member.

General cleaning of all premises, washing children's clothes, ironing - all this brings a lot of positive emotions to the expectant mother, who is already looking forward to the birth of the baby.

During this period, women usually try to redo everything so that when they arrive from the maternity hospital, the house literally “shines” and is as comfortable and safe as possible. Household members should, whenever possible, help the expectant mother in this endeavor, as this not only promotes a positive attitude before the upcoming birth, but also stabilizes the woman’s psycho-emotional state.

The nesting instinct, as a possible harbinger of an imminent birth, begins to appear from 36-37 weeks of pregnancy.

"False" contractions

In multiparous women, “false” contractions (Braxton-Hicks contractions) can manifest themselves quite weakly - some do not even notice them, continuing to lead their usual lifestyle without feeling the slightest discomfort.

Typically, these training contractions appear in the third trimester at 32 to 37 weeks.

It is very rare to encounter situations where the uterus begins to contract in the middle of pregnancy (this phenomenon is typical for first-time mothers).

Sometimes “false” contractions can occur a couple of weeks before birth. In such a situation, even experienced women can confuse them with labor contractions.

To prevent this from happening, you should know how to distinguish training contractions from real ones. Labor pains are distinguished by the following symptoms:

  • appear at regular intervals;
  • the interval between them gradually decreases;
  • the duration of the contraction increases over time;
  • painful sensations increase with each new contraction;
  • pain does not go away when changing position;
  • the appearance of uterine contractions was preceded by the rupture of amniotic fluid.

If the contractions are irregular, the gap between them either shortens or increases, and the pain can be relieved in accessible ways - this indicates that the contractions are of a training nature, and it is too early to go to the maternity hospital.

Colostrum release

Colostrum is the very first food that a baby will try after birth. White transparent droplets on the nipples of multiparous women can appear even in the second trimester of pregnancy, but most often this occurs at 38-39 weeks.

There is no need to do anything about this phenomenon. To avoid discomfort, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, including a daily shower and wiping the chest with a soft cloth.

Advice! You should not wash the skin of your breasts with soap (except when going to the shower) - this can dry out the thin skin of the nipples, which will become very susceptible to any impact, which will contribute to the appearance of cracks on the nipples when the baby is latched to the breast.

Colostrum is released in very small quantities, so this phenomenon does not cause much discomfort. If a woman feels a certain constraint or psychological fear of wet spots appearing on clothes in the chest area, you can use pads for the mammary glands. These are special inserts in the bra, which can be useful in the future when a large amount of breast milk is produced.

Under no circumstances should colostrum be squeezed out of the nipples, as it can cause infection and injure the area around the nipple.

Reducing movements

The decrease in the number of fetal movements can be explained quite simply: the baby is already completely ready for birth, and its size no longer allows free manipulation of its arms and legs. In addition, the baby is also preparing for the upcoming process, like the woman herself, and therefore saves her energy for the upcoming complex process.

A decrease in the number of movements is a physiological phenomenon, however, every woman needs to count them - the baby should make itself known at least 10 times per day.

A smaller number of movements indicates that the baby does not have enough air, so it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital to perform a CTG procedure and assess the condition of the fetus - you may need artificial stimulation of labor.

Eating disorders

The appearance of loose stools can be caused by

Useful tips

If shortly before the birth of the child diarrhea begins, not accompanied by other symptoms, do not panic and try to eliminate the diarrhea. This is physiology, and there is no need to interfere with the natural processes that accompany the “everyday” birth.

A small bonus from such diarrhea is that when labor begins, the woman will not have to take a cleansing enema between contractions. Although many people now give birth without it, an empty intestine is still safer for the child.

To alleviate the condition during this period, it is recommended:

  1. Completely avoid any physical activity. Now we need rest, and if a woman wants to give birth to a healthy baby, she should take care of herself.
  2. Review your diet, eliminating from it all foods that have a laxative effect.
  3. Don't forget about water. Most likely, the woman is not in danger of dehydration, but it is not worth the risk. In this state during pregnancy, the norm of fluid intake is 1.2–1.3 liters per day. But do not overdo it, a larger volume of water can cause swelling and the development of complications.

Dietary recommendations

Regardless of the reason that provoked severe diarrhea shortly before the onset of labor, you need to reconsider your diet and finally learn to eat properly. Physiological loose stools do not pose any threat to the mother and child, but care must still be taken to ensure that the diet is balanced and that the foods consumed contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. To do this, be sure to include in your daily diet:

  • vegetable soups with low-fat broth;
  • simply boiled or stewed vegetables (heat-treated vegetables do not cause fermentation processes in the intestines);
  • porridge with water (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice or semolina);
  • steamed fish or meat cutlets;
  • chicken soup with recycled broth (it is advisable to remove the skin before cooking, as it contains the most fat);
  • natural fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt or kefir);
  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • replace white bread with homemade breadcrumbs (you can use a frying pan or oven for cooking);
  • apples and other fresh fruits must undergo heat treatment before cooking (boil, preparing fruit puree, or bake in the oven).

To ensure normal functioning of organs and metabolic processes, drink more water, compotes or fruit drinks. The approximate rate of fluid consumption is 100 ml every hour.

But if you have diarrhea, you will need to avoid the following foods, since any of them can increase intestinal motility and provoke a worsening of the condition. It could be:

  • fish and meat prepared by frying or smoking;
  • homemade cow's milk;
  • canned fish and meat;
  • homemade pickles, preserves;
  • buns, pies and other baked goods;
  • fresh berries and fruits, especially sour ones;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol (beer, wine).

These nutritional recommendations should be followed until childbirth, so as not to overload the intestines and not provoke new episodes of diarrhea.

Diet for symptoms of diarrhea in pregnant women

As already noted, the duration of diarrhea in a pregnant woman can range from 2-3 days to several weeks. In addition to medication treatment during this period, it is very important that the diet be as balanced as possible to stimulate metabolism and supply the body with all kinds of vitamins and nutrients. It is best to include the following products in your daily diet at this time:

  • boiled vegetables and vegetable-based soups (do not form gases in the intestines after digestion);
  • porridges cooked in water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina, etc.);
  • steamed fish and meat cutlets;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • apple or pear puree;
  • fermented milk products containing bifidobacteria (kefir, yogurt);
  • boiled eggs (preferably hard-boiled);
  • white bread crackers;
  • mineral water without gases, herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly (experts recommend following the norm for drinking liquids for diarrhea - at least 100 ml per hour);

When to sound the alarm?

Physiological diarrhea before childbirth should not be accompanied by other alarming symptoms. Therefore, if any ailment appears, you need to be wary.

You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms are present:

  • severe diarrhea that has not stopped for several hours;
  • fever, weakness and body aches;
  • muscle pain, cramps;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • change in the color of stool (green stool);
  • detection of any impurities or inclusions in the stool (blood clots, mucus);
  • headaches of varying intensity;
  • dry mouth, severe thirst;
  • attacks of sharp pain localized in the stomach or lower abdomen.

The appearance of at least one of these symptoms is not associated with natural loose stools in women giving birth. This condition is extremely dangerous for a pregnant woman and her baby.

What if diarrhea is a sign of pathology?

It is important to understand that diarrhea before childbirth is not always a cleansing and preparation for the birth of a baby; it may well be health problems, ranging from food poisoning to problems with the digestive tract and the body as a whole. But a typical feature of pathological diarrhea will be the presence of additional, painful symptoms and ailments, accompanying signs. It is important to pay attention to your own well-being, and also analyze your diet over the last couple of days.

The development of serious diseases may be indicated by:

  • Diarrhea more than 5-6 times a day, lasting several hours or days in a row;

  • The feces have a watery, foamy consistency, undigested food particles, an admixture of blood or mucus, and are released in sharp bursts;
  • A sharp and unpleasant odor, flatulence, and abdominal pain are typical;
  • The general condition is disturbed, there may be pallor, nausea, fever or low temperature;
  • Against the background of diarrhea, vomiting begins;
  • Consciousness is impaired, dizziness, aches in bones and muscles, joint pain, and convulsions are possible;
  • A headache, thirst appears, the mouth becomes very dry, the lips crack;
  • The stomach hurts severely, uterine tone and intestinal spasms occur.

The main causes of such symptoms may be reactions to medications, food poisoning and toxic infections, or infection with serious intestinal infections. In such cases, it is worth calling an ambulance and seeking help from doctors who will help provide complete and adequate treatment before the birth. In a relatively satisfactory condition, this will be symptomatic treatment.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

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Features of treatment

If a woman is bothered by such diarrhea, which is not associated with the natural cleansing of the birth canal, treatment is recommended in a hospital. The drugs used are selected according to the disease causing the disorder. Among them:

  1. Enterosorbents for food poisoning. These medications help bind and remove toxins, preventing them from being absorbed further into the blood. Among the drugs allowed for women during pregnancy are activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel. We also recommend that you read: what can you take during pregnancy?
  2. Enzyme preparations. These remedies are effective when there is a lack of enzymes for breaking down food in parts of the digestive tract. The most popular of them are Mezim, Panzinorm, Pancreatin.
  3. Antispasmodics. Antispasmodics are also allowed in the treatment of pathologies during pregnancy. The principle of action of these drugs is to eliminate pain by relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. The most popular drugs in this category are No-shpa and Papaverine.
  4. Rehydration therapy. To restore the water-salt balance in the body, Regidron and other pharmaceuticals are used.

Without a diagnosis, self-medication, even with seemingly safe means, is unacceptable. Failure to follow this important recommendation may result in serious complications. In addition to the fact that premature birth may begin, the woman faces dehydration, and her baby faces intrauterine infection of the fetus, hypoxia and other dangerous consequences.

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Diarrhea before childbirth, characterized by slight softening of the stool, is beneficial for both the mother and her baby. An empty intestine when the time comes to give birth will allow the baby to be born without obstacles. So if this happens, do not panic - any day now you will experience contractions and the happiest event of your life. But at the same time, listen to your body so as not to miss the alarming symptoms of diarrhea not associated with childbirth.


Treatment and prevention

You should resort to drug treatment only in cases where loose stools before childbirth are not due to natural causes, i.e., do not depend on the impending birth.

Diarrhea caused by a corresponding infection or pathology of the digestive system is treated with the help of medications.

In this case, the expectant mother is prescribed the following groups of drugs:

  • enterosorbents are agents that promote the binding of endogenous and exogenous substances in the gastrointestinal tract. The drugs in this group are familiar to many by their pharmacy names: “activated carbon”, “smecta”, “enterosgel”, etc. The average cost of each of them in pharmacies is 100-300 rubles;
  • enzyme-containing drugs that reduce pain accompanying diarrhea, among which the most common are “Pancreatin” and “Mezim”. They can be purchased at prices ranging from 120 to 400 rubles per package;
  • drugs that restore the water-electrolyte balance in the body of a pregnant woman: “Regidron” (350-500 rubles), “Trisol” (up to 140 rubles per 200 ml.), “Lactosol” (120-360 rubles);
  • antispasmodics - drugs that prevent spasms by relaxing the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. These include “No-shpa” (90-500 rubles) and “Papaverine” (10-100 rubles);

Signs of approaching labor

As labor approaches, a woman’s body begins to prepare for the most important process; during this period, new unfamiliar sensations may appear. The main symptoms of impending delivery include:

  • lowering of the fetus into the pelvic region over several weeks in women giving birth for the first time or just before birth in women giving birth again;
  • a feeling of strong pressure on the pelvic bones and rectum, pain and spasms in the groin area;
  • the appearance of nagging pain in the lumbar region;
  • no weight gain, and sometimes even a decrease in weight a few days before giving birth;
  • a sharp change in mood, a feeling of a surge of vigor or, conversely, a loss of strength;
  • an increase in vaginal discharge, accompanied by further discharge of the mucous plug just before childbirth or several weeks later;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge due to the rupture of small blood vessels, which notify about childbirth within 24 hours;
  • water begins to leak;
  • severe cramps, similar to those that occur during menstruation, their increase every day;
  • the occurrence of diarrhea.

Many expectant mothers experience diarrhea before childbirth. Diarrhea can begin either a few weeks before the baby is born or a few hours before.

In primiparous women, diarrhea most often begins a few days before giving birth, and in multiparous women, such symptoms may occur during labor.

If the intestines are emptied, it will be easier for the baby to be born. In such a situation, it is difficult to find a comfortable position for resting or sleeping, appetite decreases, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract begin. You should not force yourself to eat. If you don’t want to, then you don’t have to - after all, this is all the norm for a pregnant woman, as provided by nature.

If you have diarrhea, you should not be embarrassed or embarrassed in front of specialists. Such a harbinger of childbirth will save the expectant mother from artificial cleansing of the intestines before delivery - an enema, although doctors no longer consider it useful. This procedure is carried out in order to ensure an easy birth, because feces make it difficult for the baby to pass through the birth canal.

In some cases, diarrhea before childbirth is accompanied by mild vomiting. This mainly applies to primiparous women. Severe nausea often begins before contractions begin and is caused by hormones. In this case, you should prepare yourself for the birth process, and most importantly, refuse to eat and drink so that vomiting does not occur.

How many days before birth can diarrhea begin?

Changes in bowel function are only one of the signs of impending labor, so there is no need to focus only on changes in stool. You should evaluate your general condition, sensations, and if the PDR is already close, and changes are observed in the body, then you need to consult a doctor, and if contractions clearly begin or your water breaks, immediately call an ambulance. If diarrhea is associated with impending childbirth, then one or all of the following conditions occur simultaneously:

  1. Painful, cramping attacks. For each woman they have different intensity and pain. At the beginning, the sensations may be insignificant and short-lived, then the interval decreases and the pain intensifies. Under such circumstances, you need to make sure that the contractions are not training and go to the maternity hospital.
  2. Pulling sensations in the abdomen and lower back. Labor may begin in a similar way; some women compare the pain as during menstruation.
  3. The abdomen descends, which is explained by the movement of the fetus along the birth canal.
  4. Removal of the mucus plug. Sometimes the expectant mother may not notice that the plug has come out, especially if she has frequent bowel movements. If it was nevertheless discovered, then the date of meeting the child is approaching. Depending on the physiological processes, after the plug comes out, it can take either a day or a week. That is why, if a clot has been noticed, some time has passed, then it is likely that terrible diarrhea is before childbirth and it is time to prepare everything necessary for hospitalization.
  5. Water leakage. A sign that requires an immediate call to the ambulance. A long period without water is dangerous for the baby. Even if a small amount of water is noticeable, it should not be confused with natural discharge, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

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A bowel disorder can be observed before the above signs or occur simultaneously, but in any case, it is necessary to control your condition. Prolonged diarrhea for more than two days and with a frequency of 5-7 times a day is a condition that requires medical supervision, so there is no need to ignore gastrointestinal dysfunction. Moreover, the use of special medications for diarrhea should be limited.

Causes of physiological diarrhea

Diarrhea is due to the fact that a couple of days or weeks before labor, the woman’s stomach begins to descend, the uterus, along with the fetus, moves to the pelvic part.

As a result of this process, the woman feels relief: heartburn disappears, because. The uterus no longer squeezes the stomach and breathing becomes easy. When the abdomen lowers, the muscular organ begins to put pressure on the pelvic organs - the bladder and intestines, resulting in a frequent urge to go to the toilet.

In some cases, constipation may occur instead of diarrhea. Rare stools are accompanied by cramps and gases, to which the uterus reacts impulsively. You should know that during such processes false contractions may begin, bringing the muscular female organ into tone. But, fortunately, experts say that this unpleasant phenomenon lasts no more than two days.

Loose stools that begin during contractions or before them are not dangerous for the body and will not lead to fluid loss and dehydration, because small mushy stools. This phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, especially when you leave home and are on the way to the maternity hospital. In a medical facility, you must inform the doctor about the diarrhea that has occurred, its characteristics and duration.

After 37 weeks, the baby can be born at any time. During this period, the baby practically stops growing and gains weight rapidly. Mom’s stomach is getting tighter every day. Therefore, the precursors of labor may begin completely unexpectedly for a pregnant woman or not exist at all, as a result of which contractions and childbirth will begin without any signs.

Causes of diarrhea before childbirth

The female body is unique, so the prenatal period proceeds differently for each woman. Some people suffer from indigestion, which is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, while others do not feel any physiological changes. Often on forums young women ask the question: how many days does it take for diarrhea to appear before giving birth?

There is no clear answer to this question. Abnormal bowel movements can occur in a pregnant woman both a few weeks before the onset of labor and a couple of days before it. This is due to the fact that before labor begins, the uterus changes its position, moving from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic area.

The result of this process is easier breathing due to the fact that the lungs and diaphragm are relieved of pressure from the uterus. At the same time, the expectant mother’s heartburn disappears due to the absence of reflux, when the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing irritation. The uterus, changing its position, begins to put pressure on the pelvic organs - the intestines and bladder, as a result of which urination and bowel movements become more frequent.

In primiparous women, diarrhea may appear before childbirth already in the penultimate or last week, and with repeated births, this symptom may appear immediately before or on the day of delivery. With an intestinal disorder, there may be a decrease or loss of appetite, discomfort in the stomach and intestines, and in some cases, late gestosis (toxicosis). Taste preferences change again, selectivity in food appears, as in the early stages of pregnancy.

With the development of an intestinal infection, dizziness, weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhea are observed

When is diarrhea a pathology?

As a rule, diarrhea before delivery does not worsen a woman’s condition, since it does not cause dehydration and weight loss. Bowel movements may increase up to 5-6 times a day, with the stool having a soft consistency and small volume. In rare cases, as an exception to the rule, a woman may experience weakness and dizziness. This is due to how long before birth diarrhea begins and what symptoms accompany this disorder.

Abnormal stool characterizes the approach of labor

Important! If diarrhea occurs, a woman should monitor the condition of her body and the quality of her stool. If you experience loose stools with a characteristic odor, an admixture of mucus or greens, you should immediately consult a doctor. These alarming signs may indicate the development of an intestinal infection, which is often accompanied by deterioration in health, general weakness, fever, and dizziness.

A change in stool in a pregnant woman may occur due to other reasons that the expectant mother should know about:

Ways to combat emerging diarrhea

As the expected date of birth approaches, a woman should gradually limit her diet so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract before childbirth. From about 38 weeks, the expectant mother's diet should include products of plant origin and fermented milk products. Reduce the consumption of baked goods and cereals as much as possible or avoid them altogether.

After a week, you can reduce the consumption of fermented milk products, and on the day of the onset of contractions you do not need to eat so that childbirth is not complicated by vomiting. In addition, if the intestines are overloaded after childbirth, it will be difficult to perform a bowel movement.

After the baby is born, previously excluded foods should be gradually introduced into the diet. You should eat as light a diet as possible until milk appears. For many women, after childbirth, due to the new condition and the emotions they have experienced, their appetite worsens, so do not be afraid of a kind of “hunger strike”.

In order for the expectant mother to still have a lot of strength for childbirth, during symptoms of loose stools, she should lead a calm lifestyle, get plenty of rest, include strengthening foods in her diet, and completely exclude foods rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits of red shades.

If a woman is bothered by physiological loose stools, then there is no need to treat diarrhea. Diarrhea will disappear immediately after the baby is born. Diet, rest and traditional restorative methods will help alleviate the condition. The expectant mother can prepare rice water without salt and sugar. After reviewing her diet, a woman should eat low-fat foods that are rich in carbohydrates. If you have diarrhea, you should also drink plenty of fluids and eat probiotic yoghurts, which will help improve digestion. A woman should take into account that diarrhea can also begin from stress and anxiety. In this case, the best medicine is natural sedatives - valerian, motherwort, brewed tea with herbs.

When visiting a specialist, you can talk about loose stools and, perhaps, the doctor will prescribe absorbent medications or other treatment.

What and how can you alleviate the condition?

Despite the fact that diarrhea before childbirth is a consequence of normal physiological processes, pregnant women need remedies to help alleviate the condition and mitigate temporary inconvenience. Practical tips that will be useful for women experiencing discomfort from frequent bowel movements before childbirth:

  • Prevention of dehydration. Keep your body hydrated and try to drink water and other liquids more often.
  • A gentle diet. Eat small, frequent meals, avoid heavy and fatty foods, rough fiber, and intestinal irritating liquids such as citrus juice.
  • Include strengthening foods in your diet (white bread crackers, biscuits, bananas, rice, baked apples).
  • Try to visit places with a toilet, and stay close to it if possible. On an airplane, choose a seat located next to the restroom.

You should not self-medicate and fight diarrhea with medications, as these drugs interfere with the natural process of cleansing the intestines before childbirth, and their components may be harmful to the expectant mother and child. You need to perceive this phenomenon as a short-term inconvenience that precedes childbirth and the long-awaited meeting with the child.

When should a pregnant woman sound the alarm?

During diarrhea, it is necessary to listen to the body and carefully monitor how you feel and bowel movements. If very thin diarrhea begins with the release of mucus and greens and a pungent odor, then you need to sound the alarm and urgently contact a specialist or call an ambulance. Such diarrhea is not a harbinger of childbirth, but is similar to an intestinal infection, especially if it is accompanied by deterioration in health, dizziness, fever, and general weakness.

Loose stools in a pregnant woman can also occur for other reasons that you need to know:

  • product incompatibility;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction;
  • food infection;
  • the beginning of a period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

As soon as prenatal diarrhea or other symptoms appear, the expectant mother should calm down, relax, and get as much rest as possible before future contractions and childbirth. Ideally, a restful sleep will help a woman gain strength and meet her baby in a cheerful state. You can call your doctor and tell them about changes in your body’s condition.


What to do if you have diarrhea before childbirth?

The duty of the expectant mother is to listen to her body and respond in a timely manner to any changes that seem pathological.

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Even if the mother knows that diarrhea occurs before childbirth, and most often this turns out to be the norm, you should not ignore your condition. And positive symptoms can be very unpleasant, and to avoid possible consequences, mom should:

  • Move less and stay in a horizontal position more, rest and relax.
  • Do not indulge in heavy foods, prefer easily digestible snacks. Consolidating food will have a positive effect.
  • Drink more plain water to avoid dehydration.
  • Try not to leave the house, avoid crowded places.

Causes of diarrhea

For a certain period of time before the onset of labor, pain may appear that is nagging in nature. While carrying a child, contractions may be felt; they are of a training nature. The baby gives signals that it is ready to be born soon. Towards the end of pregnancy, appetite worsens. Against this background, there is a possibility of developing diarrhea. Representatives of the fair sex who have given birth are aware of this feature. They do not give in to anxiety or panic. Their emotional state remains at the normal level. Unpleasant symptoms disappear as soon as the mother meets her baby.

From 38 weeks, the appearance of loose stools in a pregnant woman predicts the imminent onset of labor. This phenomenon is physiological in nature. The body needs to get rid of everything unnecessary. Diarrhea before childbirth is a normal reaction. Diarrhea does not require special treatment during pregnancy if this does not affect the well-being of the expectant mother or her activities.

By the expected date of birth of the child, all organs and systems of the body begin to adapt to childbearing.

The cause of diarrhea before childbirth is the prolapse of the uterus into the pelvic area. With the positive aspects of this process, there is an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. This is due to additional pressure on the bladder and sacrum. In some cases, the reverse process occurs - constipation. The peculiarity of diarrhea in pregnant women is that it does not lead to dehydration. The water-salt balance is kept within normal limits. The consistency of stool is mushy. The volume of stool is small. If the expectant mother is observed in the inpatient department of the maternity hospital, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about the onset of diarrhea and its frequency.

After 37 weeks, the fetus is actively gaining weight, activity decreases. The closed space restricts his movements. Symptoms of early labor can appear at any time. The woman must be ready to be placed in the delivery room.

After childbirth

A woman does not always face a delicate problem before the birth of a child. And if diarrhea before childbirth is rather the norm, then there should definitely be no diarrhea after it.

However, this is a fairly common situation, sometimes caused by an enema before childbirth or unusual hospital food. Such diarrhea will most likely lead to dehydration, so the mother needs extreme care for the body, since it is in a weakened state.

A set of measures in such a situation boils down to the following:

  • Preventing dehydration of the body, restoring water-salt balance.
  • Taking medications to restore intestinal microflora.

You can provide first aid to a young mother yourself; you just need to listen to the first advice. You can replenish fluid levels in the body by drinking plenty of fluids. You can drink both plain water and fruit drinks with compotes. Things will go faster if the drinks are close to body temperature. According to doctors, this way the liquid is absorbed faster by the body.

The ideal option is to purchase sachets labeled “Regidron” at the nearest pharmacy. The drug "Hidrovit" or any other will do. By the way, with the advent of the baby, such products should become permanent “inhabitants” of the home medicine cabinet.

Diarrhea as a sign of imminent labor

The main signs of approaching labor are:

  1. Advancing the baby into the pelvic area. As expectant mothers say, the belly begins to sink. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe. Mommy's palm is placed between the chest and stomach. Pressure on the stomach decreases.
  2. Increasing pain in the groin area. Additional pressure is placed on the pelvic bones. This can lead to a condition where it becomes difficult for the expectant mother to find a comfortable body position. It becomes more difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position.
  3. Mucous discharge, colored brown. The process is indicated by the removal of the plug, which all the time protected the baby from infection.
  4. Bloody issues. The phenomenon does not indicate danger. The baby's pressure causes small blood vessels to burst.
  5. Discharge of amniotic fluid. This sign indicates that the moment when mother and baby will see each other for the first time is approaching.
  6. Diarrhea.

Loose stools before childbirth come as a surprise to some women. In primigravidas, prenatal diarrhea may occur several weeks before admission to a health care facility. In multiparous women, diarrhea before childbirth may occur during contractions. The described condition increases gas formation, and spasmodic pain is possible.

With an empty intestine, it is easier for the fetus to pass through the birth canal. If the expectant mother has a decreased appetite or lack of it, it is not worth persuading her to eat. The body signals that there is no need for an additional portion of nutrients. An intestine overloaded with food can cause discomfort in the form of belching and heartburn.

Some women in labor experience discomfort and embarrassment if diarrhea overtook them at the time of examination by the obstetrician. Doctors study the characteristics of the body during the period of delivery and are prepared for unforeseen situations. If diarrhea occurs at the start of labor, there is no need to artificially cleanse the intestines.

Situations may arise when diarrhea before childbirth is accompanied by vomiting. An increased amount of hormones provokes a state of nausea. It is recommended to refuse food and water so as not to provoke a gag reflex. If a woman realizes that she is unable to cope with the urge to vomit, the staff will provide her with a container to relieve the condition.

Harbingers of childbirth

Let's start with the fact that harbingers are far from childbirth. Each begins a certain time before the expected date. In other words, these are signs that say that in a few weeks or days a baby will appear. I have many friends who have given birth more than once. And they all claim that subsequent births proceed faster. And the signs appear very close to the expected process.

For first-time mothers, the process is a little different. The symptoms I describe below first appear within a few weeks. Therefore, dear mothers giving birth for the second time, be prepared at any moment.

But harbingers exist, and you need to know about them. After all, every woman wants to be mentally prepared for the upcoming event. Right? Here are the most striking symptoms:

  • Lowering of the abdomen.
  • Weight loss.
  • The number of movements of the baby decreases.
  • The mucus plug comes off.
  • Frequent urination and loose stools.
  • The desire to restore order and comfort.
  • Colostrum.
  • False contractions.

In principle, these symptoms also apply to those who go to the maternity hospital for the first time. But, there are some differences. To understand them, I will tell you more about each point.

Descent of the abdomen

Have you noticed that the tummy changes its shape and shape during pregnancy? It has been growing especially rapidly in recent months. Yes, here the little one is gaining weight, as it should! But this is not the only thing the baby does in the womb in the last stages. He has a lot of work to do before he is born.

First of all, it's preparation. Most babies lie with their heads down, adjacent to the pelvis. Other presentations are less common. But in any case, the uterus lowers the child down, preparing for birth. At the same time, it becomes easier to breathe. Heartburn ceases to bother you, the pressure on the ribs becomes less.

And the second time this sign can be seen just a couple of days before the long-awaited date. I even know when this happens in the maternity hospital. One of my friends’ tummy sank literally a day before giving birth. And although she had been carefully preparing for this event for months, mommy did not expect such a rapid flow. Therefore, be sure to pack your bags in advance. And keep your phone with you!

This is indeed a very telling sign indicating that labor is approaching. But there are others.

Weight loss

As I already wrote, in recent months the baby has been gaining a lot of weight. And with him his mother. But on the eve of the long-awaited event, weight gain slows down. The baby has already gained as much as he needs. Consequently, mom is no longer getting better either.

It happens that it is not a slowdown that occurs, but weight loss. This is especially true for those who have experienced swelling. Excess fluid is removed from the body. It becomes easier and freer. Well, a woman should take a break before such a crucial moment!

Reducing movements

This is a bit of an insidious symptom. Because any mother would be wary. After all, lately the baby literally hasn’t let me sleep, pushing with his legs and arms! And then there’s calm. But don't worry! Better yet, stock up on your diary.

Write down there how many times and at what time the movements were noticed. The doctor may ask for this information. At the deadline there should be at least 10 of them. If you count this number, everything is fine. If less, be sure to see a doctor! This may threaten fetal hypoxia.

So why is there a lull before the long-awaited event? Very simple. Do you remember that I wrote that in recent months the baby has been rapidly gaining weight? Although the uterus is stretching, the little one becomes cramped in such a house. His movements are shy. All you have to do is breathe and wait for your birth!

Mucus plug

The female body is amazing in its essence! How everything is thought out by nature. In order for the baby to be protected for 9 months, the entrance to the uterus is closed with a mucus plug. It is this that protects against unwanted infections and similar unnecessary things.

And now this clot of mucus should come out. But this is not a fact that amniotic fluid will be released immediately. It may take several days, or hours, before this happens. I want to say that the removal of the plug is not the beginning of labor. Although in multiparous women, this sign appears within a couple of hours. Usually. So this is a very clear sign of a long-awaited event.

So that you don’t get scared, I’ll characterize the outgoing plug a little. It is yellowish or brownish in color. But this is not a liquid, but a clot, streaked with blood. By the way, it may come off in parts. Have you seen this phenomenon yet?

Frequent urge to go to the toilet

Oh, how I want to take a break before the crucial moment! And here... not a single night goes by without getting up to go to the toilet. It’s like someone is pressing on the bladder! Certainly. The descent of the uterus gives free rein to our lungs and stomach. But it causes great inconvenience to the intestines and urinary tract.

Frequent urination, especially at night, indicates the imminent birth of a baby. But this can also be accompanied by loose stools. Don't be alarmed, if you are following a pregnant woman's diet, you are unlikely to be poisoned. Just pressure on the intestines causes a reaction such as diarrhea.

But try to see the positive aspects in this too. Before childbirth, the body is cleansed, which means the process will be easier.

Nesting instinct

It's a funny name, but it's a scientific term that refers to a woman who is extremely pregnant. Some apathy and laziness are replaced by an unbridled desire to restore order and change something in the apartment. Just don't try to do it yourself. Involve your household!

And the desire for comfort is explained simply. This is an instinct, the desire to create comfort for a new family member. So that when you return home it will sparkle and shine!


This is the baby's first and most valuable food! After birth, the baby will be placed on your breast and he will eat. A few drops, but how much benefit they contain! The mother's body, in preparation for the upcoming event, begins to secrete colostrum. There is no need to influence this process, wash your breasts every hour with soap. If it bothers you a lot, buy special bra inserts.

By the way, these will come in handy later, when the milk starts flowing. It happens that it begins to flow spontaneously and leaks. So stock up on useful things as you prepare to become a mother!

False contractions

For repeat pregnancy, false contractions occur a couple of weeks before the upcoming due date. How can they differ from the real ones? Sometimes even experienced mothers confuse these concepts. I gave birth by Caesarean section, and did not experience such delights myself. But I have a lot of friends in my arsenal who told me how this happened for them.

Read more about how to determine true or false contractions.

Some urgently called an ambulance and rushed there. And after a couple of hours they returned home. The fact is that with false reductions there is no established pattern and frequency. If you change position, relief is felt.

With real contractions, the duration and interval between attacks have a pattern. The first few hours they have equal values. Then the contraction time increases and the interval shortens.

Nutrition for prevention

Two to three weeks before the expected date of birth, a woman is advised to review her diet. You should not overload your digestive system with heavy meals. The consumption of fast carbohydrates, sweets and cereals should be kept to a minimum. The basis of nutrition during this period consists of products of plant origin.

Consumption of fermented milk foods should be careful. The presence of bacteria in them can lead to increased gas formation and changes in stool consistency. In the third trimester, you should limit your intake of carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. Unpleasant sensations in the stomach will bring additional discomfort to the expectant mother.

Treatment of diarrhea during pregnancy

It is recommended to take medications to thicken stool only after consulting a doctor. It is prohibited to make decisions and prescribe medications on your own. On forums you can find women recommending a drug previously prescribed to them, citing the similarity of symptoms. It is impossible to predict the reaction to the medicine consumed without examination by a doctor. It is possible that diarrhea will disappear on its own after the baby is born.

If diarrhea bothers a woman, then you can drink a small amount of rice water or sorbent. If used frequently, it can have the opposite effect. This will complicate the act of defecation during the postpartum period.

If the diarrhea does not go away for a long time or is interspersed with blood and mucus, then you need to visit a gastroenterologist. The stool may have a greenish tint. The presence of blood may indicate problems with the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines. If you experience a strong unpleasant odor, abdominal pain, weakness or fever, you should seek emergency medical help. There is a possibility of developing an intestinal infection with the listed symptoms. After examination and testing, additional specific treatment may be required.

In addition to physiological diarrhea, pregnant women may have altered stool in the following cases:

  • when the consumed products are incompatible;
  • exacerbation of allergic reactions;
  • infections localized in the digestive system;
  • exacerbation of sluggish gastrointestinal disease.

If a pregnant woman notices at least two or three of the listed signs, then there is no need to panic. This means that a long-awaited meeting with your baby will soon take place.


Pathology or normal?

On many forums, women share their impressions of the prenatal period and talk about this unpleasant phenomenon. Diarrhea before childbirth torments many. Sometimes loose stools are possible even several weeks before the event. But it can begin immediately before birth. This phenomenon is associated with the fact that the baby’s head descends into the pelvis. It puts pressure on the sacrum and causes discomfort. Along with diarrhea, frequent urination may appear, and possibly discomfort when lying down and sleeping. It becomes very difficult to find a position for night rest.

By the way, in first-time mothers, symptoms of diarrhea appear at 38-39 weeks, and during the second pregnancy they are possible the day before or with the onset of contractions. During this period, appetite does not always appear. Many women in labor continue to suffer from nausea and gastrointestinal problems. A woman doesn’t want to eat, and that’s normal. After all, cleansing the female body before childbirth causes a change in appetite. A woman can radically change her taste preferences, for example, switch to dairy foods.

Is this normal?

Very often you can find information from women who have given birth that this very unpleasant phenomenon happened to them just before giving birth.
As statistics have shown, diarrhea before the approach of childbirth occurs in many people. This can happen even when there are still a few weeks left in the final pregnancy. But in most cases, diarrhea appears a day or two before the first contractions begin. The reason for this behavior of the body is that the child’s head, when lowered into the small pelvis, begins to press on the sacrum, which naturally causes some discomfort. There may also be a frequent urge to go to the toilet associated with urination. It is not uncommon to experience discomfort while sleeping or just lying down. Then it is very difficult to choose a sleeping position that will be truly comfortable. Also, judging by statistics, mothers who give birth for the first time experience diarrhea at 38-39 weeks. For those who are not having their first birth, this unpleasant moment will be delayed almost until the last day before giving birth.

During such peculiarities of the body, appetite practically disappears. Many women experience a feeling of nausea and further gastrointestinal problems. Such changes occur due to the fact that the female body instinctively cleanses itself before imminent childbirth. At such moments, taste preferences can completely change.

Positive aspects of the phenomenon

Before giving birth, a woman may experience constipation, but more often it is diarrhea. The fact that the stool softens is a positive factor for mother and child. This is a normal state provided by nature. With an empty intestine, it will be easier for the baby to be born. Nothing will bother him.

Diarrhea immediately before delivery does not mean fluid loss or dehydration. The feces are softened to a mushy state. Stool occurs 3-5 times a day, and its volume is small. Yes, this phenomenon is unpleasant. You are leaving home for a long time, and diarrhea can happen on the way to the maternity hospital!

Rare stools before childbirth may be accompanied by abdominal cramps and the passage of gas. The uterus, by the way, is susceptible to this phenomenon and may even become toned with the transition to false contractions. But practice shows that such phenomena do not last long, 1-2 days. Usually during this time, bowel cleansing stops and traditional labor begins.

When is diarrhea before childbirth dangerous?

Sometimes diarrhea before labor can be a warning sign. If before giving birth a woman has diarrhea and vomiting, and the stool itself is very liquid, mixed with greens, you should immediately consult a doctor. The same should be done when the diarrhea is yellow, with foam and a pungent odor. When at the same time the temperature also rises, then it is impossible to “attribute” diarrhea to a prenatal factor! After all, it could also be an intestinal infection, from which no pregnant woman is immune. That is, if a woman, in addition to the usual symptoms of diarrhea, experiences a general weakening of the body, has the above symptoms and is thirsty, call a doctor immediately and under no circumstances self-medicate!

If diarrhea is normal, and you are going to the maternity hospital, you must tell the doctor about bowel movements and how long you have been suffering from diarrhea. Natural cleansing will save you from a cleansing prenatal enema, because in this case there is no point in doing it.

By the way, the cause of diarrhea may also be the mobility of your baby, who seems to be anticipating his birth. There are prenatal periods when the baby actively moves and puts pressure on the pelvic organs.

To make it easier to endure diarrhea and the discomfort associated with it, you need to move less, eat fastening foods and avoid orange and red fruits and vegetables.

Especially for beremennost.net Elena TOLOCHIK


Types of diarrhea in pregnant women

Diarrhea before childbirth has its own causes, which are divided into 2 categories:

  • Pathological manifestations can be serious complications of acute and chronic pathologies, the penetration of infection into the digestive tract;
  • Physiological symptoms that do not require special intervention do not make you feel worse after defecation.

Diarrhea before childbirth is an alarming situation. And no matter how this process is explained by its naturalness, it requires examination and recommendations from a doctor.

How many times have you heard in queues to see a gynecologist from patients, from nurses, and even from doctors themselves that diarrhea during the end of gestation is the preparation of the female body for labor.

The individuality of each woman's body reacts differently to the time of birth. One category of pregnant women attributes diarrhea to the onset of labor.

Other women already experience diarrhea in the middle of the third trimester. It has not been scientifically proven that diarrhea is a mandatory precursor to labor.

Loose stools before childbirth, according to reviews from women who have given birth to their babies, do not always accompany pregnant women.

But there is an interesting fact that a multiparous woman can have stool that is the same during any period of pregnancy. And it happens that at the end of the gestation period constipation appears.

The content of increments in the intestines complicates the progress of pushing. Therefore, nature itself took care of helping a woman giving birth in the form of cleansing the intestines.

Diarrhea, as a witness, a harbinger of labor, has the following characteristic features:

  • Does not contain signs of dehydration, expressed in dry mouth, tongue, lips, and rare urination;
  • The stool is not liquid, but more of a mushy consistency;
  • The volume of bowel movements is not large, but bowel movements occur up to 4 times.

It’s not always so cloudless and harmless before childbirth. During this period, there may be an exacerbation of chronic diseases or the occurrence of other pathologies.

Then pathological diarrhea begins, which is characterized by the following criteria:

  • loose, copious stools containing mucus and blood. The color of the stool, which can range from yellow to greenish, will tell you about the pathology;
  • nausea and vomiting accompany the condition of a pregnant woman;
  • spastic nature of abdominal pain;
  • heat, fever, chills;
  • signs of dehydration;
  • deterioration of health.

Before giving birth, any such manifestation of the situation in the body cannot be left without the attention of the doctor.

In addition to exacerbations and infections, the development of acute surgical pathology is possible. Diarrhea in the third trimester may also be a hint of premature birth.

Diarrhea, not aggravated by dangerous manifestations, can last several days until the intestines are cleared.

But since the situation of pregnant women still differs from the condition of healthy women, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Moderate physical activity. Less walking, more relaxation. Especially if before childbirth, the time is calculated up to 14 days;
  • Monitor your diet. Exclude from the menu dishes that have a laxative effect;
  • Those who begin to become thirsty due to the loss of fluid during diarrhea are advised to drink more;
  • Despite diarrhea, you need to be calm, not experience stress, and moderate your emotions, both positive and negative.

Diarrhea, which started as a symptom of pathology, must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to lead to premature birth as a stimulus for contractions.

After all, a primigravida woman does not always understand whether feces are pressing on the anus or whether labor pains have begun.

The basis of the treatment method is to follow the doctor’s instructions:

  • Maintaining diet and drinking regime;
  • In the first few days, exclude foods that are difficult to digest;
  • Taking sorbents to accelerate the removal of toxins in case of food poisoning or infectious diseases;
  • Treatment with drugs of symptomatic manifestations of pathologies.

If it's a disease

In some cases, it happens that in addition to the disorder, there are other symptoms that may be the result of a certain pathology. Then you need to listen more carefully to your body. The disease is indicated by:

  • diarrhea for more than a few hours;
  • green feces or any other with a changed color, impurities (blood, mucus, food particles);
  • violation of general condition (malaise, weakness, drowsiness, aches);
  • cramps, muscle pain;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • headache;
  • thirst, dry mouth, dry skin;
  • sharp pain in any area of ​​the abdomen.

This can be caused by infections, food poisoning, or medications. In any case, it is better to go to the hospital, where they will select the necessary medications for you, including:

  1. Enterosorbents are substances that bind and remove toxins from the body, preventing their absorption and damage to organ tissue. Effective for any of the above reasons. Among the approved drugs are black and white coal, Smecta, Enterosgel, Atoxil.
  2. Enzymes are specially synthesized enzymatic compounds, similar to those secreted by the human body, that help in the digestion of foods. These include “Pancreatin”, “Mezim”, “Creon”.
  3. Antispasmodics are drugs that help relieve various spasms, which most often are the basis of painful sensations. These are medications such as “Papaverine”, “Spazmalgon”, “No-shpa”.
  4. Rehydration - for dehydration, the hospital uses oral (drinking) or intravenous rehydration, calculating the volume of fluid infused according to the amount of body weight lost. In this case, “Regidron”, saline solution, “Disol”, “Trisol” are used.

Read also Pain and bloody stool after childbirth (what to do if there is blood coming from the anus)

Also, at the 38th week, enzymatic deficiency often develops, which is treated by eliminating inappropriate foods.

​It is worth noting that food poisoning is a common situation, so not all mothers run to the doctor. Of course, if this is just a mild disorder, then by taking sorbents, increasing the volume of water consumed and eating a little salty food, this can be easily dealt with. Otherwise it will lead to death.

We also draw attention to the situation when a girl already had some kind of gastrointestinal disease before pregnancy. Then diarrhea is a possible sign of exacerbation of the disease or complications if it is not treated. Such diseases include stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and gastritis, as the most common.

How the body prepares for childbirth

The time to approach birth is reduced. Not all, but many pregnant women experience so many unpleasant symptoms that they can cause panic.

Although they are natural manifestations before childbirth, they cause discomfort in expectant mothers. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen can result in false contractions.

Diarrhea and the passage of mucus plugs accompany an upset stomach. Who experiences loss of appetite at this time?

The essence of such processes is that the uterus moves from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic part. The prolapse of the uterus before childbirth provides some relief to the woman.

The uterus does not compress the diaphragm and lungs, because of this breathing is freer. At this time, nausea, heartburn, and mild vomiting, which was previously caused by the backflow of the contents of the compressed stomach into the esophagus, may disappear.

Giving freedom to the upper organs of the peritoneum, the uterus compresses the pelvic organs. The primary discomfort is experienced by the bladder and rectum.

A pregnant woman experiences a frequent urge to urinate, slight nausea, and diarrhea before childbirth is possible.

Prenatal time for unpleasant manifestations is individual for each pregnant woman. Loose stools may begin much earlier than expected contractions. Weight loss

The growing weight of the last trimester after 37-39 weeks suddenly drops by 1-1.5 kg. It is better seen in pregnant women with edema. This condition is a sign of imminent birth.

Nature itself encourages you to get rid of excess moisture before childbirth. This promotes minor weight loss.

Blood thickens and less is lost during childbirth. The additional moisture that was needed to produce amniotic fluid is now unnecessary, and the body removes it outside.

Increased urination has diarrhea as a side effect.

Contractions and their nature

Resolution of labor can be expected with the appearance of contractions. Contractions begin as if tentatively. There is no particular pain felt. The character resembles muscle tension.

The stomach freezes, turns to stone, shrinks all over, and after a certain period begins to relax. A distinctive feature of false contractions is their irregularity.

True contractions are timed in minutes. They occur with enviable regularity, reducing the gap between occurrences.

2-3 weeks before birth, false contractions are an indicator of their approach. Their nature is beneficial for the uterus. Contractions help the cervix become soft and straighten, preparing for the upcoming birth.

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