Pathology erosive gastritis
Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies
Erosive gastritis is one of those diseases that, even in the absence of symptoms, can lead to
Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
Bend of the gallbladder neck: symptoms and treatment
How it manifests When the gallbladder is bent, the symptoms are most often explained by congestion from the side
gastric erosion
The best recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of gastric erosion
Gastric erosion is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases, many of whose symptoms are similar to those
Diets for stomach and duodenal ulcers
Minus 24 kg without leaving home! A Muscovite who lost weight in quarantine “blew up” Russia with her
What helps with heartburn during pregnancy
Why does heartburn appear during pregnancy? About eighty percent of women in an “interesting situation” experience
Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen: causes, diagnosis and treatment
What hurts on the right? To answer the question of what hurts on the right side under the ribs, you need to know
Cancer and ulcer
Stomach cancer - symptoms at an early stage, prognosis
Stomach cancer is a dangerous malignant disease localized to the gastric mucosa. He takes
Symptoms of pancreatic cancer what are the first signs
Category: Oncology The fact that cancer is one of the most terrible pathologies is often
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic hepatosis
Fatty liver hepatosis: causes, signs, treatment methods
What it is? Hepatosis is a chronic process that is accompanied by obesity of hepatocytes and excessive accumulation of
Frequent diarrhea in men: causes and treatment
Chronic diarrhea in adults: causes and treatment
Causes of diarrhea Experts divide the causes of diarrhea into infectious and non-infectious. Also diarrhea
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