Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen. Causes and treatment

Parasites are a common cause of flatulence and bloating. THESE “KILLERS” WILL BE LOMIC IF...

Women of all ages are susceptible to bloating. Most often, this annoying nuisance is not given much importance. However, sometimes flatulence becomes periodic and begins to cause serious discomfort. Due to bloating, discomfort and pain in the abdominal area, a woman’s usual rhythm of life is disrupted, she becomes more irritated and nervous.

But for what reason do women experience attacks of flatulence? In what cases does pain appear in the lower abdomen, and what does this symptom indicate? What are the causes of bloating during pregnancy and menopause? What pharmacological drugs are there for women against flatulence? Is it possible to relieve bloating using traditional medicine? The answers to each of these questions are provided in this article.

Why does flatulence occur?

Whatever the reasons, bloating and gas cause many unpleasant sensations, such as:

  • heaviness appears in the stomach;
  • the impression that the abdomen has increased in size, although physically it usually does not increase;
  • a feeling of seething in the intestines, accompanied by characteristic sounds;
  • short-term or constant pain, colic;
  • sometimes heartburn, belching, hiccups, nausea may appear;
  • with large accumulations of gas, internal organs can be compressed, and pain, sometimes acute, appears in them.

Such sensations arise due to the fact that gases accumulate in the stomach, distending it and squeezing other organs, or gases collect in the intestines and cause significant discomfort as they move through it.

Regular bloating and gas may be signs of illness or caused by temporary causes. In order to effectively combat this phenomenon, it is necessary to establish what causes them. The most common causes of bloating in women are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • intolerance to a number of foods;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bad habits;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause

Each of these reasons should be studied in order to understand why gas formation occurs in a particular case, otherwise it is not always possible to cope with attacks of flatulence.


Initially, if such a problem constantly bothers you, but there are no obvious factors that could lead to it, it makes sense to contact a specialist. If any disease is detected, then it is it that needs to be treated initially, and not flatulence as one of the symptoms.

Sometimes it makes sense to reconsider your diet, minimize foods that provoke fermentation processes in your diet and lean on those that normalize the condition of the intestines. The latter include rice and buckwheat cereals, lean fish and meats, and fermented milk drinks.

If bloating causes serious discomfort, you can help yourself with activated carbon or other enterosorbent. Many folk remedies also help, for example, chamomile tea or dill water, which soothe the gastrointestinal tract. A light abdominal massage or physical activity also helps.

To prevent flatulence and other accompanying symptoms from causing you serious discomfort, it is better to take care of its prevention. To do this, you need to be responsible about what and how you eat, and about your health in general.

Poor nutrition

The most common cause of gas formation is poor diet. Bloating can be caused by both a general poor diet and a number of foods.

A common cause of flatulence is regular milk. Since adults do not have enough enzymes to break it down in the stomach and intestines, intestinal gases are formed.

Other foods that cause gas include vegetables, canned fruit products (including juices), carbonated drinks, sugar substitutes, bran and other whole grains. Eating fruits also often causes bloating. Especially if fruits are consumed after a heavy meal. The fact is that fruit dessert is digested in the stomach much faster than, for example, meat or flour products. As a result, a fermentation process begins in the stomach, during which a large amount of gases is formed. Therefore, fruits should be eaten either before meals or an hour after meals.

Not only foods can provoke gas formation, but also the form in which they are consumed. Quickly swallowing food or swallowing food in large pieces is accompanied by a large intake of ordinary air into the stomach. It is involved in the digestion process and goes through the intestines, causing the feeling that the stomach is swollen and enlarged.

Regular use of chewing gum also causes large amounts of air to enter the stomach.

For some people, gas may be caused by eating reheated food. When heated, many foods change their molecular compounds, causing their digestion to proceed differently than fresh foods. This problem is often faced by people who often eat in restaurants and cafes. In such establishments, as a rule, they prepare dishes in large quantities, heating them in portions for customers. If the cause of gas formation is precisely reheated food, then you should be more careful when preparing food and not purchase products for your home that require repeated thermal exposure. These products even include bread for making toast.

When heartburn occurs frequently, many people take various medications to suppress it. Sometimes baking soda is taken for these purposes. Both soda and other heartburn medications release a lot of gases when they enter the acidic environment of the stomach. Therefore, trying to cope with heartburn, many often cause bloating.

Another medicine that causes bloating is antibiotics. When treated with them, general disorders of the digestive system may occur. Once the course of treatment is completed, such side effects usually go away.

Association with diseases

Any disease of the gastrointestinal tract can be accompanied by increased gas formation and bloating. Constant flatulence with the right diet can be a sign of such diseases. Considering that gas formation causes a number of serious diseases, you should carefully consider your condition. And if bloating is accompanied by pain, then you should consult a doctor to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract.

If an attack of flatulence is accompanied by severe cutting or dull pain, and bleeding appears from the anus, then you must immediately seek emergency medical help.

Gastritis, especially chronic during the period of exacerbation, and stomach ulcers cause a general disruption of the process of digestion of food in the stomach. As a result, many volatile gases are formed during the breakdown of products. In addition, gas formation in these diseases is caused by the activity of Helicobacter bacteria living on the mucous membranes. Gas formation caused by these reasons can only be prevented temporarily. Complete relief from it will be possible only by treating the disease itself.

Flatulence often becomes a sign of a violation of the intestinal microflora, obstruction or acute intestinal syndrome. It occurs in various diseases of the liver and pancreas. In addition to gas formation, such diseases also cause other serious disorders in the body, and they should be treated immediately.

The inflammatory process in the appendix, cholelithiasis, and various types of tumors also cause bloating and pain in the lower abdomen. Treating such diseases with home remedies is extremely dangerous and you must seek medical help.

In addition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies can cause excessive gas formation. A malfunctioning immune system causes not only a runny nose, watery eyes and rashes on the body, but also disorders in other organs. Taking anti-allergy medications relieves these effects.

Stress and depression negatively affect the entire body. With them, there is often a decrease in appetite, tension in the intestines, or, conversely, its weakening. Such phenomena must be treated comprehensively.

Gas formation caused by any disease completely disappears after the cause of the disease is cured. Often, with this treatment, doctors prescribe medications designed to reduce intestinal problems. You can take medications on your own, but without eliminating the cause, you will not be able to completely get rid of attacks of flatulence.

Treatment of bloating and abdominal pain

Abdominal pain in pregnant women should be treated with extreme caution

The most important thing when treating bloating and abdominal pain is to follow all prescribed instructions. First of all, you need to go to a specialist and get examined, especially if these two symptoms appear quite often. If a person suffers only from bloating, the doctor will prescribe:

  1. Motilium, which not only relieves bloating, but also improves digestion
  2. A special diet during which you will have to exclude raw vegetables, fruits, legumes, spicy and fatty foods, as they irritate the intestines and can cause excessive gas formation. You can only eat steamed or boiled
  3. Enzyme preparations that will help to better digest food that enters the stomach
  4. Decoctions of chamomile and dill that help with colic and bloating
  5. Sometimes a specialist may recommend that a person take a laxative. To cleanse the intestines.

If we talk about painful sensations in the lower abdomen, the doctor will prescribe:

  • No-shpu, which perfectly relieves muscle spasms
  • Espumisan, which will remove accumulated gases
  • Enzymes, namely Pancreatin or Mezim, which will help the functioning of the pancreas and stomach

If the doctor, when examining the patient, notices that the painful sensations are of a more serious origin (intra-abdominal bleeding, rupture of the spleen, etc.), then he will immediately send the patient to surgery for a more complete examination and, if necessary, surgery. Sometimes the stomach may hurt during prolonged fasting. In this case, the pain will be of a pistoning and compressive nature, and no enzymes or painkillers will help. Separately, it should be said about abdominal pain during menstruation. Each woman chooses for herself individually the drug that alleviates her condition. This is mainly No-shpa, Spazmalgon.

When pregnant women experience pain, there is no need to think that it is problems with the intestines, indigestion, etc. It’s better to play it safe and go to a gynecologist so that he can eliminate the threat of miscarriage.

Bloating and pain in the lower abdomen often appear simultaneously and require urgent treatment, since even the most innocuous cause can develop into something more serious over time.

The following video will tell you about the causes of pain and rumbling in the abdomen (stomach, intestines):

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Bloating in the lower abdomen and flatulence in women are caused by both physiological and pathological processes in the body. If these conditions are rare and short-lived, then most likely they are associated with a reaction to certain foods that promote the fermentation process in the intestines. Prolonged flatulence may signal that hidden chronic diseases are present in the body.

Bad habits

Smoking causes great harm to the intestines. When smoking, a large amount of toxic substances enters the body, which the body tries to eliminate in every possible way. Smoke impairs blood circulation and increases the intensity of acid production in the stomach. All this, especially with regular exposure, causes numerous problems in the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract.

Drinking alcohol also has a very negative effect on digestion. Trying to remove dangerous compounds from the body, the stomach begins to work in an enhanced mode. In addition, alcohol causes fermentation in the stomach, which releases a large amount of gases.


If digestion is physiological, then the presence of gases does not cause much discomfort to a person. But when the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, gases accumulate in the intestines in excess quantities. This phenomenon is commonly called flatulence.

Main symptoms:

  • visually the stomach is swollen and hard and hurts;
  • feeling of fullness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • rumbling in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • On palpation, the abdomen is soft, but the lower abdomen hurts.

Bloating often occurs in people who suffer from constipation. If the intestines are emptied rarely: once every 2-3 days, there is a feeling that the stomach is not completely empty. Therefore, you feel like you are bloated and your lower abdomen hurts. The reason is poor diet, drinking alcohol, stress and pregnancy. Let's take a closer look at the possible causes of bloating.

Hormonal reasons

Hormonal causes of gas formation occur only in women and cause them additional discomfort at certain periods of their lives.

During pregnancy, all women experience disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and stomach due to the fact that the growing fetus pushes away and compresses all internal organs, interfering with their full functioning. The intestines are especially affected, compression of which causes accumulation of gases. Unfortunately, there is no effective way to treat such gas formation, but a proper diet helps reduce negative effects in the intestines.

For many women, bloating occurs before, and sometimes during, menstruation. This is due to cyclical changes in hormonal levels, which cause a slowdown in water metabolism in the body. Before menstruation, a large amount of blood rushes to the pelvic area, compressing the internal organs. The result of this is not only pain in the lower abdomen in women and bloating, but also an increase in body weight by 1-2 kilograms. After menstruation, these phenomena disappear. If bloating causes a woman serious discomfort during menstruation, the doctor may prescribe medications to relieve premenstrual syndrome and, in particular, to reduce gas formation.

During menopause, women experience not just a temporary change in hormonal levels, but a complete restructuring. The consequences of this are numerous disruptions in the functioning of the entire body, including the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to cope with the negative consequences of menopause according to your doctor’s recommendations.

If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen and there is a feeling of heaviness and bloating, and there are no natural reasons for this condition, then perhaps this condition is a sign of diseases of the ovaries or uterus. Tumors, cysts, and inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system often cause increased gas formation.

Bloating during pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, bloating is a typical phenomenon associated with physiological changes in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is not advisable to use pharmacological agents if increased gas formation does not bother the woman much.

Pregnancy is a provoking factor for the development of pancreatitis. With this disease, the stomach may swell and hurt, a feeling of fullness and heartburn may appear. Symptoms such as belching and diarrhea are also common. The level of progesterone in the blood of a pregnant woman increases, which leads to a decrease in muscle tone of internal organs. This leads to congestion in the pelvic area, resulting in bloating and a feeling of heaviness.

In any case, it is advisable to begin diagnostics to determine the cause of gas formation in a woman with a gynecological examination. Statistics show that bloating in the lower abdomen can be observed in the presence of an ovarian cyst. The patient has pain in the lower abdomen, bloating and bleeding.

An accurate diagnosis is established by a gynecologist after an external and internal examination, as well as based on data from laboratory tests and ultrasound. In certain cases, a biopsy or laparoscopy of a benign tumor is necessary. If there is a tumor in the appendages, the pain is localized on the left or right, depending on the location of the cyst.

Treatment methods

Any treatment for bloating and gas in women should begin with establishing the cause of their occurrence. However, there are drugs and methods to alleviate the condition before the long process of diagnosing the disease is completed.

The easiest way to cope with discomfort in the stomach and intestines is activated charcoal. A simple, effective and harmless remedy is perfect for quickly relieving the feeling of bloating.

If you have bloating, you should limit yourself to eating foods that may increase intestinal discomfort. To normalize its functioning, it is good to drink tea with chamomile or mint. A drink made from cumin or dill will help relieve gas. These seasonings have a wonderful effect on the stomach and intestines. The medicinal drink itself is prepared simply: 1 tsp. seasonings are infused in a closed glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

To prevent flatulence, you should follow a proper diet and not neglect healthy foods, such as oatmeal. But products that cause gas formation should be excluded. These are mainly beans, peas, milk and baked goods.

You should definitely make sure that you eat slowly. You should chew food thoroughly and not talk while doing so to prevent air from entering the stomach. The food should be fresh, it is advisable to avoid reheating it.

Physical exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles will also be useful - running, walking, squatting, swimming. All these sports help normalize intestinal function.

It is best to give up bad habits. This will have a good effect not only on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on all systems of the body.

If gas formation continues despite all preventive measures, you need to contact a specialist to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Flatulence caused by any disease must be treated only together with the underlying disease.

Both children and adults periodically suffer from troubles - the stomach is swollen, the lower abdomen hurts. It's an unpleasant feeling. The sensation can occur after overeating or is a reaction to a certain product. There are many reasons, but the symptom is common: it hurts, and the condition is like a balloon ready to soar.

Flatulence and associated unpleasant sensations have been known since the times of Ancient Greece, in fact, where the name came from. The word means the accumulation of excess gases in the abdominal area, unable to escape.

The presence of gas in the digestive system is justified. During the digestion process, constant gas formation occurs. Their quantity corresponds to age, activity, quantity and quality of food consumed. The place where the journey of gases through the body begins is the stomach. This contains the bulk of the air masses, then everything along with food goes into the colon and lingers slightly at the turn. Then air and digested food enter the sigmoid and cecum. Later they end up in the jejunum, where there is very little residual gas. They come out naturally. According to the described scheme, most of the gas is contained in the stomach, why then does the stomach and lower abdomen suffer? Let's figure it out.


Bloating can be eliminated in different ways. Many patients self-medicate using folk remedies. Most turn to professional specialists for advice and prescription medications. Immediately after identifying the cause of bloating, symptomatic, etiotropic or pathogenetic therapy can be carried out. In severe advanced forms, surgical intervention may be performed.

Medical supplies

To relieve bloating, you can start taking probiotics.

Such medicines contain live bacteria of the necessary intestinal microflora.

These drugs are specially designed to eliminate dysbiosis.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
BififormThe drug is able to regulate the balance of intestinal microflora.Not recommended for hypersensitive people.From 423

If the cause of an enlarged lower abdomen is a mechanical block that interferes with the movement of food in the intestines, then experts will prescribe laxatives.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
BisacodylAvailable in tablets.Not recommended for uterine bleeding.From 13

In case of dynamic bloating, medications may be prescribed that increase intestinal motility.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
CerucalIt is an antiemetic drug.Not recommended for people with intestinal obstruction.From 232

For pathogenetic therapy, enzymatic drugs can be prescribed. They contain digestive enzymes that easily improve the digestion of food.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
MezimIt is an enzyme preparation.Not recommended for acute pancreatitis.From 292
PancreatinUsed for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.Not recommended for hypersensitive people.From 15
PanzinormAvailable in capsules.Not recommended for children under three years of age.From 130

In order to remove toxins from the intestines, sorbents can be used.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
PhosphalugelAntacid drug.Not recommended for patients with gastric ulcers.From 177
EnterosgelUsed for intoxication.Not recommended for patients with intestinal antonia.From 383

Sometimes antifoam agents are prescribed to eliminate bloating. Such drugs easily reduce the surface tension of gases in the intestines. They are able to improve its absorption.

NameDescriptionContraindicationsCost, rub
EspumisanA remedy that reduces flatulence.The drug is not recommended for children under six years of age.From 264


Many patients wonder why they have bloating. The main reason is not only swallowing air while eating, but also an unbalanced diet.

If the patient's lower abdomen is bloated, then it is necessary to pay attention to the diet.

You should limit your consumption of sweet carbonated water; It is necessary to completely eliminate the consumption of fast food, food containing dyes and preservatives; You should reduce the amount of sugar and salt you consume; It is not recommended to eat over-salted, overcooked and too spicy food; Nutritionists advise consuming lean varieties of fish, poultry and meat. You can eat rice, buckwheat, dairy products with the exception of whole cow's milk, which contains lactose, which is digested in the small intestine; It is necessary to drink as much fresh mineral water without gases as possible;

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods containing large amounts of starch, carbohydrates and fiber. Prohibited products include:

Cabbage of all varieties, broccoli; Legumes, including beans, peas, beans, soybeans, lentils; Potato; Radish, radish, turnip; Whole cow's milk; Canned meat and canned vegetables; Herring and seafood; Smoked meats and sausages;

Folk remedies

If you feel pain in your lower abdomen, you can resort to traditional medicine. Today, a large number of different recipes are known to relieve bloating.

An excellent folk remedy is field chamomile. This collection easily calms the nervous system. Used if there is pain in the lower abdomen. The dry substance is poured with two glasses of boiling water. Infuse for ten minutes. Strain and consume two tablespoons no more than five times a day; Ginger is an effective remedy. It can be added to prepared dishes or made into tea. Chopped pieces of ginger are poured with boiling water. Infuse for ten minutes. Take one tablespoon no more than seven times a day; You can take potato juice. The potatoes are peeled and squeezed in a juicer. Take a quarter glass on an empty stomach; Peppermint tea is a soothing and anti-bloating remedy. You can use either regular peppermint or lemon balm. The dry substance is poured with boiling water. Infuse for ten minutes. Consume half a glass three times a day; You can use dandelion roots. They are poured with boiling water and left for 24 hours. Strain and consume two tablespoons four times a day;

Additionally, it will be very useful for readers to watch this video

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen

The feeling of bloating in the stomach is always unpleasant. But why does this happen? The reasons vary. There are physiological causes, short-term and rarely recurring. And there are serious ones, when the discomfort is caused by problems with internal organs

Physiological state

The natural state of the body during digestion of food. During the digestion process, beneficial substances and gases are released. Each food product contains a certain amount of modified air, which is released as the food is processed. Observations show: the more fiber in a product, the more gases are released in the digestive tract. If you reduce the amount of bread, legumes or cabbage in the menu, the digestion process will be quieter.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by intolerable foods. The body cannot digest them. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages disrupts the natural processes in the body, a malfunction of the internal organs occurs, gases accumulate in the intestines and put pressure on the walls, which causes pain not only in the lower abdomen. The pain can radiate to the lower back and hypochondrium.

Among women

Representatives of the fair half of humanity have more reasons for stomach pain and bloating than men. This is due to the structural features of the female body.

  • Pain can occur due to disruption of the menstrual cycle or becomes a natural accompaniment of menstrual flow. Girls often experience painful periods.
  • Pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. Pain occurs due to pressure from the fetus on the digestive organs. A woman feels pain below, discharge appears from the vagina - this is a sign that it’s time to see a doctor.
  • Climax. In women, age is associated with pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the lower back. This is associated with significant changes occurring in the female body and suppression of reproductive function.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs in a progressive stage.
  • Uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Endometriosis of the uterus

In children

Infants are especially susceptible to bloating. Their digestive system is not strong enough to cope with harmful bacteria. An incorrectly selected mixture causes increased gas formation due to the inability to digest the substances. And on breast milk, a baby can suffer from gas emissions. Then the mother needs to reconsider her diet and remove the product that causes bloating.

Older children suffer from flatulence from an unbalanced diet and addiction to sweets, snacks between meals, and carbonated drinks.

Causes of gas formation

Physiological reasons that contribute to excessive gas formation include the consumption of foods whose digestion process increases fermentation. This food is rich in fiber, which contributes to a swollen belly. Such products include legumes, apples and pears, milk and its derivatives, beer, kvass and carbonated drinks.

If your stomach is swollen and painful, it may be an enzyme deficiency, an example of which is lactose intolerance due to a lack of lactase, the so-called small intestinal enzyme. Another factor contributing to gas formation is a sedentary lifestyle. In the absence of physical activity, metabolic and digestive processes in the body slow down somewhat and intestinal tone decreases.

The so-called psychogenic flatulence, caused by nervous situations and chronic stress, also contributes to increased gas formation. The latter can also be considered as a symptom of pathologies of the pancreas, parasites, dysbiosis and acute intestinal obstruction.


Bloating in the lower abdomen and pain appear when, in addition to physiological ailments, diseases also occur. Considering the environment, air and food quality, diseases are everywhere.


Implies increased gas formation. A lot of gas is released after eating a meal that contains a lot of fiber. Poor nutrition leads to the release of air and a large belly appears. A person snacks while running and talking; a lot of excess air enters the stomach along with food. Some of the gases are eliminated through the mouth through belching, and the rest will continue to travel through the intestinal tract.

Intestinal infections, parasites

The human body is home to millions of bacteria. Together with enzymes, they help digest food and break it down into useful micro and macroelements. However, pathogenic microorganisms fall inside along with food or dirt. Their waste products are not eliminated from the body quickly enough, which creates a platform for intoxication of internal organs. Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and increased gas formation appear.


With dysbiosis, all beneficial bacteria disappear from the intestines. The organ begins to fail. This is an unpleasant illness, accompanied by indigestion, increased gas formation, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Diseases of the peritoneal organs

This includes problems with the pancreas, dysfunction leading to insufficient production of necessary enzymes. Accordingly, food is not completely digested. There is an accumulation of food residues in the colon. During the decay process, gas is released and cannot escape naturally. The walls of the intestines and abdomen begin to burst from gases. Therefore, there is swelling and pain on the right, under the right rib and in front.

Intestinal obstruction

Food passes through a lot of organs on its way to the rectum. Having arrived in the intestines, according to nature, food gives up its last nutrients. It forms into feces and prepares to be released. This is the work of healthy internal organs. If intestinal obstruction is present, severe intoxication develops. Due to gases formed in stagnant food, pain is felt on the right and left sides.

By drinking carbonated water, a person deliberately creates obstacles for the body. The negative effects of soda have been known for a long time.


Inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. The pain is localized in the right side of the lower abdomen, a pulling sensation. An unpleasant feeling near the navel can also become a sign of an inflammatory process.

Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers

The disease is located in the stomach and affects the walls of the organ. Violation of the function of this section of the gastrointestinal tract leads to disruption of the entire system. The pain is felt under the ribs, radiates to the right side, there is heaviness in the stomach, and there is sour belching.

The patient feels that he is pulling in the liver area; upon examination, no problems with the liver were revealed, but he continues to pull. Then it is necessary to check other internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main causes of bloating

to make the doctor’s task easier, you need to clearly name the location of the pain

Bloating causes great discomfort to a person, and that is why almost everyone tries to eliminate it as soon as possible. The main causes of bloating include:

  1. Increased gas formation. Basically, increased formation of gases occurs due to poor nutrition, especially consumption of large amounts of sweets, flour, and legumes
  2. Dysbacteriosis. With dysbiosis, there are practically no beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and that is why it does not function as the body requires
  3. Intestinal infections
  4. Parasites
  5. Diseases of the abdominal organs. This process is especially negatively affected by problems with the pancreas, when an insufficient amount of enzymes is produced for normal food processing
  6. The problem of removing gases that occurs with intestinal obstruction
  7. Intake of large amounts of air with food

Sometimes bloating occurs as a result of drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks. People suffering from gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome note that often, after the pain subsides (and with these diseases this is a common occurrence), another symptom appears - bloating, which is much more difficult to eliminate.

Bloating is present in almost any problem with the gastrointestinal tract, which is why it is necessary to pay attention to this phenomenon.

Medical supplies

In the treatment of any disease, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and take the prescribed medications. Self-medication can only aggravate the disease and lead to complications.

Pharmacy shelves offer medications that improve the body’s condition and speed up recovery.


Pharmacological form of release: tablets and suspensions. Helps improve intestinal motility. It is taken when there is a urge to vomit. The main active component of Motilium is Domperidone. the drug helps the stomach and duodenum pass food and accelerates their motor activity. It does not affect the production of enzymes, which does not create additional stress on the mucous membrane of organs. Due to the absence of stagnation of food in the upper digestive organs, less gases are released.

Activated carbon

The most common adsorbent. Available in tablets, taken when symptoms of bloating and pain in the lower abdomen appear. Helps with poisoning by absorbing toxins, bacteria and poisonous substances. The elements are then carried through the intestinal tract and excreted naturally.

Helps relieve pain and collapses gas bubbles in the intestines. Constant use of activated carbon leads to constipation.


Antispasmodic drug. Available in the form of tablets and intravenous injections. Active substance – Drotaverine. The action is similar to another antispasmodic component - papaverine, but with a longer lasting effect.

No-spa dilates blood vessels, which allows the affected organs to be supplied with blood and reduces the tone of muscle tissue. At the same time, there is a decrease in the motor function of the intestinal tract. There is no effect on the human central nervous system.


Available in tablets coated with a protective coating. The medicine contains enzymes necessary for digesting food. Thanks to the shell, medicinal components reach the small intestine (it protects against the action of gastric juice and acid). The active ingredients contained in Mezim help break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates into simple elements that are easy to absorb. Relief is felt within 15 minutes. This drug is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Gastroenterologists advise to undergo a preliminary examination. The cause of discomfort can be not only food, but also a serious illness that requires other treatment.


Pharmacological form of release: tablets and suspension. A drug aimed at removing excess gases formed in the intestines.

The action of folk remedies is aimed at reducing spasmodic phenomena, increasing the motor activity of the tract. Gases come out on their own, naturally. Espumisan works differently. It is based on components that reduce spasms in the intestines, but the component does not remove gases, but acts as an antifoam. It destroys the gas shell and promotes their dissolution or partial removal. The medicine has no toxic effect on the body and is excreted unchanged.

Folk remedies

The arsenal of a natural pharmacy contains medicinal plants for the treatment of any disease.

  • A decoction of chamomile flowers. Helps fight gases and has a disinfectant effect. A tablespoon of herb is poured with a quarter glass of boiling water. After 4 hours it is drained and the broth is ready. Drink a decoction of 50 g three times a day for a week.
  • Pumpkin seed infusion. The course of treatment is two weeks. Take 100 g before meals. A tablespoon of crushed seeds is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and 0.5 liters. boiling water In 20 minutes. filter.

Often there is pain in the lower left abdomen in women. In medicine, such phenomena are called pelvic pain. They can be sharp, pulling, cramping, dull, sharp. The reasons that lead to pain in the left lower abdomen are different. This may be caused by problems in the intestines, other organs, diseases of the joints, bones or lymph nodes that are part of the pelvis.

It happens that it hurts in the left lower abdomen or in the lumbar region. This is typical for people who have gastroenterological, gynecological or urological diseases, as well as those who have pelvic pathologies.

The fact that women have pain in the lower left abdomen is the reason for visiting a doctor in 60-70% of all cases in gynecology and in almost 80-90% of cases in urology when men consult a doctor. About 60% of all patients present with problems in the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract for pain in the lower abdomen on the left, and only about 15% of such requests are associated with changes in the organs that are part of the pelvis.

Pain on the left side of the abdomen periodically occurs in 20% of the entire world population, which is associated with problems in the internal organs. Most often they occur in the intestines; in women it is caused by gynecological problems, and in men by urological problems.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left is associated with the presence of problems of those organs that are located here:

  • The spleen is a place for reserve blood storage. If it is removed, the functions of the spleen are taken over by the liver and lymph nodes;
  • small intestine, loops of jejunum are located on the left. The main problems with this organ are blockages and invaginations, which cause the development of an inflammatory process;
  • the large intestine hurts when its secretory function is disrupted;
  • in a girl or woman on the left are the uterus and reproductive tract, as well as parts of the paired genital organs and kidneys;
  • left hip joint.

There may be pain in the abdomen on the right or left, often with the same disease it radiates in different directions. The reasons for its appearance are different. Abdominal pain can be caused by the following diseases:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • dystrophic processes;
  • impaired blood circulation in certain organs;
  • functional changes in the intestines or other internal organs;
  • if cellular metabolism is disrupted at the site of the disease.

Everything that is located on the left side of the abdominal cavity can cause pain if there are malfunctions of these organs.

Causes associated with spleen diseases

At the initial stage of the disease, the pain in the lower abdomen on the left side is influenced by diseases of the organs located here. If chronic diseases are present, the pain may be reflective.

Pain on the left side of the lower abdomen can result from the development of pathologies of the spleen, when lymphocytic leukemia and myeloid leukemia develop.

These are cancers, and their symptoms intensify as the tumor grows. At first, a person simply feels frequently unwell, aching pain in the lower abdomen occurs after eating, the person quickly gets full, and may lose weight.

As the tumor grows, a nagging pain appears, joints begin to ache, and a rapid abrupt change in temperature occurs.

Arterial blockage may begin, causing a splenic infarction, and severe pain will be felt on the left side under the ribs. If a volvulus of the spleen occurs, then the nerve bundles, veins and arteries are partially or completely twisted, and pain appears on the left side of the abdominal cavity, the temperature increases, intestinal bloating occurs, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.

Acute enlargement of the spleen is a consequence of inflammation or deterioration of blood outflow, resulting in sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

When purulent inflammation develops, a spleen abscess begins. If it is multiple, then the person’s temperature rises and the stomach hurts on the lower left. When a cyst forms, it fills with mucus, which may be the result of a ruptured spleen. If the cyst is small, then it does not hurt, but a large one leads to severe pain in the abdomen when pressing on the left hypochondrium, most often it is a dull pain.

Causes caused by intestinal diseases

The small intestine consists of the ileum, jejunum and duodenum. Most often, if the left side hurts, it is due to problems in the jejunum.

When the mucous membranes of this organ cannot perceive certain foods, malabsorption develops. In this case, a person experiences frequent bowel movements, bloating occurs, and a cramping, acute pain appears, which gradually subsides after defecation.

The large intestine consists of the rectum, sigmoid, colon and cecum. The answer in this case, why the lower left abdomen hurts in women, will be the presence of problems with the descending and colon.

The development of irritable bowel syndrome is most often associated with stress; in women, such pain in the intestines worsens during menstruation. This pathology is characterized by flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, and the left side of the abdomen hurts.

With the development of Crohn's disease, intestinal pain, diarrhea, and decreased appetite will appear. All this is associated with the development of nodular inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

A common disease of the large intestine is ulcerative colitis, in this case changes occur in the intestinal walls. Most doctors believe that such colitis is caused by heredity and a malfunction of the human immune system. In addition to pain in the left side of the abdomen, bloody diarrhea appears, high fever, and joints begin to ache.

With the development of intestinal diverticulosis, the formation of pathological pouches occurs; it usually develops in older people. The presence of diverticula interferes with the normal functioning of the intestines, the fermentation process begins in it, a lot of gases are formed, and unpleasant sensations appear, radiating to the left side, so it can hurt from the bottom left.

When polyps form on the mucous membranes of the colon, polyposis develops. This disrupts the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, so a person often has diarrhea, which alternates with constipation, the process of water absorption is disrupted, which leads to dehydration of the body.

With the development of malignant tumors, a stabbing pain first appears on the side where the disease develops. Over time, its intensity intensifies, and the focus grows.

The relationship between general well-being and flatulence

Emotional discomfort is another reason why the lower abdomen hurts and is bloated. The digestion process is disrupted because the body lacks nutrients. In some cases, an excessive increase in appetite is possible.

If a person “eats” stress, this affects the digestion mechanism. The result is bloating, general weakness, increased levels of fatigue and decreased performance. Headache and irritability are associated symptoms.

Presence of problems in the functioning of the genitourinary system

When the renal pelvis expands, the outflow of urine is disrupted, or the left kidney is damaged, pain appears in the left side of the lumbar region.

If the uterine ligaments rupture during childbirth or abortion, a woman may develop Allen-Masters syndrome, which will be accompanied by cramping pain in the left lower abdomen, this happens due to stagnation of venous blood in the pelvic area.

When an unnatural proliferation of myometrial cells occurs, external genital endometriosis begins to develop. If the left ovary is affected, the pain will be on the left. The discomfort intensifies during sex and menstruation, the symptoms are similar to an ectopic pregnancy.

If this process is observed on the fallopian tubes, then pain appears on palpation of the cervix, and infertility develops. When the disease progresses in the vagina or labia, you may notice bloody nodules on the mucous membrane, severe pain in the lower abdomen appears, and it is impossible to have sex due to the discomfort.

Types of pain

Women with unilateral gynecological pathology most often complain of dull pain. During inflammatory processes, it is also usually dull, the temperature rises, and the woman feels general weakness.

If purulent pathologies develop, the pain can be nagging. In the presence of cancer and its progression, the pain will intensify, this is due to the fact that the tumor puts pressure on the nerve endings.

Sharp pain usually occurs when the intestines are bursting with gases. It may indicate the development of acute expansion of the renal pelvis, appear after rupture of ligaments or damage to the ovary, or when stones pass through the urinary tract.

Stitching pain indicates the development of intestinal or kidney diseases. This could also be problems with the lower back, cartilage or joints; it may indicate that the cyst will rupture soon.

If a woman’s lower left abdomen bothers her or her stomach often hurts, this may indicate the presence of serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. Therefore, if this bothers you often or does not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor, conduct appropriate examinations, establish the cause of such symptoms and begin effective treatment.

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