Could gastritis be a chance to get out of the army?

Mikheeva Ekaterina Head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts in St. Petersburg


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It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether people with gastritis are drafted into the army - this is a specific disease with a sufficient number of forms and types, each of which corresponds to its own fitness category. In this article I will tell you whether it is possible to get a military ID for gastritis, and I will explain how to confirm the diagnosis for the military registration and enlistment office.

Gastritis and the army - who is entitled to exemption from service?

When a doctor at the military registration and enlistment office examines a conscript, he makes a decision whether the young man is fit or not on the basis of a special document - the “schedule of illnesses”, which is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. A disease such as gastritis refers to the 59th article of the Schedule of Diseases, and may also indirectly refer to the 61st article.

What are these articles talking about? Article 59 includes 3 subparagraphs: a, b, c. Each of them corresponds to a certain category of the young man’s suitability for service. However, this article applies not only to gastritis, but to various diseases of the stomach and some other digestive organs. The commentary to Article 59 states that gastritis applies only to points “b” and “c”. What does each of them mean?

Article 59 of the disease schedule – points “b” and “c”. What is the difference?

  1. With the first (59 “b”) conscripts are granted exemption from the army and issued a military ID. This includes gastritis, which is accompanied by symptoms such as “altered secretion”, “impaired acid formation”, as well as periodically recurring acute phases of gastritis, or if the disease is accompanied by malnutrition in the form of lack of body weight (thinness). Do they take into the army with gastritis of this form? The wording in the list of diseases is rather ambiguous - it is not obvious how many of the indicated symptoms must be recorded for this part of the article to apply; how many times must a diagnosis of “exacerbation of gastritis” be made to fall into the category of “frequent exacerbations” - some doctors believe that 2 cases per year are enough. However, opinions in different regions of Russia may differ. But the main fact is that once diagnosed with moderate or chronic gastritis, it cannot be relevant to this article if there is no medical history with regular complaints, exacerbations of the disease, treatment in a hospital setting and reappearance of symptoms over a period of at least the last 2 years.
  2. With the second (59 “c”) paragraph of Article 59, young conscripts are given the category “fit with minor restrictions” - this means that the young man will serve in the army, but not in an elite military unit or special forces, but in an ordinary unit, which are the majority. This item includes “chronic gastritis” if the disease rarely enters an acute phase - according to some opinions - less than 2 times a year. Also, this article usually includes other forms of gastritis in which there are no signs corresponding to the previous paragraph. As you can see, to the question of whether people with chronic gastritis are recruited into the army, the answer is very clear.

Category B for gastritis

Limited fit for military service. This means that you will only be called up in the event of hostilities. And then, with a high probability, the service will be non-combatant.

However, you can receive a category only if several important conditions are met. The disease must have the following characteristics:

  • Violation of secretory function.
  • Frequent exacerbations.
  • Disturbances in the process of eating with a proven decrease in body mass index.
  • Repeated hospitalizations as a method of correction.
  • Failure of initial hospitalization.

There are a lot of factors. Let's look at them one by one.

Violation of secretory function.

Indicates that the stomach is producing too much juice (high acidity). Or the acid is not synthesized enough for the normal digestion process (gastritis with low acidity).

Both options are accompanied by typical symptoms of the pathological process:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Disorders of digestive processes.
  • Discomfort after eating.
  • Heartburn.
  • Belching with sour contents.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth.

And so on.

Violation of secretory function is determined by performing an FGDS with examination of a sample of gastric juice. The procedure is mandatory if you plan to be released due to the named diagnosis.

Frequent exacerbations.

The situation does not say exactly how much. Consequently, this is an evaluative category and arbitrarily frequent relapses of the inflammatory process can be subsumed under it. We need to put pressure on the frequency of visits to medical institutions.

It is recommended to go to the doctor at least once every 2-3 months to document the fact of an exacerbation. This will make life a lot easier.

Decreased body mass index and impaired eating.

The position indicates a BMI of 18.5-19 or less. The indicator is calculated using a special formula.

It looks like this: Weight in kilograms / patient’s height (meters) squared

Example. The young man weighs 75 kilograms and is 185 cm tall. It turns out 75 / 1.85 * 1.85. Equal to 21.91. Approximately 22. Anything equal to 18.5-19 or less fits the formal criteria of the pathological process. If other points are present, you can be released based on the diagnosis of gastritis.

Repeated hospitalizations.

It is important that the hospitalization is not the only one in a year. At the same time, another formal criterion is put forward. This is the length of stay in the hospital. As the Regulations state, at least 2 months of treatment in a hospital.

One more requirement is being put forward. This is the ineffectiveness of the initial hospitalization. That is, a situation in which the patient could not be cured of gastritis at one time. This phenomenon can be confirmed using medical documentation.

If all criteria are met, you can count on receiving fitness category “B”.

Deferment from the army for gastritis

The schedule of illnesses provides for Article 61, according to which conscripts are granted a deferment from service if the young man suffers from acute gastritis during conscription activities, as well as if an exacerbation of the chronic form of gastritis occurs at this time. Naturally, this must be confirmed by a medical certificate or sick leave. Also, doctors may be inclined to use this article if, by all indications, gastritis falls under Article 59 “b”, but there is no long history of observations (2 years). This is often a violation, and such decisions are easily challenged in court.

Let's sum it up

Gastritis is considered a serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract, however, it is not a 100% reason for exclusion from military service. Although the army has a strict regime and requirements, it is more likely to help reduce the risk of exacerbation of gastritis than to be a provocateur of the disease.

The fact is that in the army the young man will receive regular nutrition, which excludes fatty and spicy foods that most provoke exacerbations. In addition, bad habits during service are also minimized, which will have a positive effect on the developing male body.

Do they take into the army with chronic gastritis?

Evgeniy Aristov

Good afternoon This type of disease currently affects most children over 18 years of age. Such a diagnosis in itself cannot serve as a reason for exemption from the army. However, if the medical history for the last 2 years contains facts of exacerbation, then this may already give rise to the possibility of receiving a military ID card for health reasons, especially if there are other symptoms, such as a violation of “acid formation”. You can also apply for a deferment for exacerbation of gastritis for 6–12 months, and during this time prepare the necessary medical extracts from the medical history for subsequent release from the army for chronic gastritis. Sign up for a consultation with us - we will organize an examination by a doctor specializing in diseases that affect suitability for the army.

Konstantin, St. Petersburg

Do they take into the army with erosive gastritis?

Evgeniy Aristov

Lately we have often been asked whether people with superficial gastritis, as well as with erosive gastritis, are accepted into the army. Here it is necessary to immediately note that those with an acute form of these diseases are not accepted into the army, but are given a deferment of six months so that the conscript can recover. As a rule, acute gastritis becomes chronic. The further picture may be different: in some guys it goes away almost asymptomatically, in others it regularly worsens, causing digestive problems, and so on. If superficial gastritis worsens more than twice a year, then people with such gastritis will not be accepted into the army. But it is necessary to provide a confirmed medical history to the military registration and enlistment office - there are many nuances here. We advise on how to properly prepare documents and provide legal support in case the conscript’s certificates are not accepted and declared fit. Call us, we can help you all over Russia.

Departure to reserve or service to the Fatherland, depending on the form of the disease

Basically, the question of whether someone with gastritis will be accepted into the army depends on the form of the disease. Gastritis is a disease that has many varieties, differing not only in origin, but also in the dynamics of evolution and consequences. The disease is so popular that almost every second young person in the country has it, and some do not even suspect they have this disease. This popularity is explained by the not very positive modern ecology, common bad habits of the younger generation that provoke the onset of the disease, as well as poor nutrition and consumption of foods harmful to the body. All these factors, in combination or individually, provoke the development of gastritis, which can be expressed in acute and chronic forms.

Most often, gastritis initially occurs in an acute form after heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages or a luxurious feast. Most people call this fact poisoning, however, painful symptoms in the abdominal area, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting that do not go away for a long time are called acute gastritis. Proper treatment of it and the exclusion of similar stomach-provoking situations in the future guarantees the patient’s complete recovery. If you miss the moment and do not pay attention to the “rebellion” of the stomach, you can provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form, which has more serious consequences and can accompany the person for the rest of his life.

Chronic gastritis and the army

The question of whether people with chronic gastritis are recruited into the army has a twofold answer, since it all depends on its stage and neglect. Most often, chronic gastritis is not a reason for deferment from the army, since it worsens very rarely, no more than twice a year. If a patient suffers from attacks of pain during the draft board, and this is proven by a medical examination, then the conscript will be able to receive a deferment from service until the next stage of conscription. He will be sent for inpatient treatment of the disease. However, in the absence of exacerbation, those with chronic gastritis are drafted into the army.

Can superficial gastritis cause refusal to serve in the army?

The disease can develop in different ways, and the form and degree of pathology can only be determined by a qualified specialist. The most common is superficial gastritis, which is classified as an inflammatory process on the mucous walls of the stomach. Whether one is accepted into the army with superficial gastritis is also decided individually for each case.

Sometimes superficial gastritis has frequent manifestations in the patient. If the conscript’s medical card records frequent visits to the hospital with this disease and hospital treatment exceeds two calendar months per year in total, then the commission will be able, after a re-examination, to decide to issue the young man a “white” ticket. If the illness has not recently bothered the conscript, then he can be drafted into service, since superficial gastritis is considered one of the most harmless in ontogenesis.

Peptic ulcer disease and erosive gastritis as a way to “refuse” from service

Erosive gastritis and peptic ulcer are more serious manifestations of the disease, which can cause a delay from military service or even being sent to the reserves. The fact is that both of these forms, in addition to the complexity of their course and treatment, may have prerequisites for the development of a stomach ulcer, which as a result can cause cancer.

Treatment of gastric erosion is more than difficult and requires mandatory medical supervision, therefore, if this form of the disease is detected, the young man will most likely be sent for additional diagnostics, based on the results of which his future fate will be decided. If a guy really came with erosive gastritis, he is entitled to at least a deferment from the army until the next conscription season with mandatory hospitalization. If the treatment results are positive at the next stage, he will be taken into service, otherwise he will be sent for re-treatment. As you can see, erosive gastritis and the army are still comparable concepts under a positive set of circumstances.

A guaranteed way not to go into the army is to prove the presence of a peptic ulcer, which is a 100% option for obtaining a “white” ticket. Gastric ulcers are practically not treated, but only with the help of systematic therapy and preventive measures are brought into remission. The patient must adhere to a proper diet throughout his life, a special diet, give up bad habits, and avoid stressful and provoking situations, which is almost impossible to do in military conditions. It is worth noting that it is more than stupid to bring your body to a stomach ulcer in order to evade the army, since you will only have to serve for one year, and the treatment of the ulcer will last for the rest of your life.

And one more important point: some people of military age buy “fake” certificates from doctors, which confirm the presence of an ulcer in the patient and are very disappointed when they are sent for additional examination, showing the real state of health. The draft commission is very scrupulous about the patient’s health condition. It will not be possible to buy the entire commission, and by providing a “fake” medical certificate of illness, you can only put yourself in a shameful position in front of the commissariat, since an independent examination will immediately reveal the catch.

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