Causes of dilated intestinal loops in the fetus

Causes of bloating

Boiling and bloating in the intestines often occurs in infants. The culprit is a digestive system that is not yet fully formed. Therefore, it takes some time to normalize all gastrointestinal processes.

Bloating occurs when there is a large accumulation of gases in the intestines. Under normal conditions, all people have a certain number of bubbles in their gastrointestinal tract. Their increase is called flatulence and causes swelling of some parts of the intestine, which increases the volume of the abdomen, and additional negative symptoms arise.

The causes of intestinal flatulence can be the following factors:

  1. When eating or swallowing liquids, a person simultaneously swallows air. Most of it comes back out through belching, the rest remains in the intestines in the form of nitrogen-oxygen gas. During digestion, it produces carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen. If a lot of them accumulate, then the stomach begins to increase in volume.
  2. The appearance of bloating is promoted by the consumption of foods that cause fermentation - legumes, cabbage, prunes, etc.
  3. Consumption of alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  4. Baking soda, which people drink to relieve heartburn.
  5. Eating poorly compatible foods together. For example, cutlets with fruit, bananas with marinade, etc.
  6. Fatty, fried, spicy or highly salty foods. It is very difficult to digest.
  7. A sudden change in diet. Sudden transition to vegetarianism, moving to another place, etc.
  8. Binge eating.

The cause of bloating can be large consumption of certain dairy products. In some cases, the culprits are diseases:

  • parasites;
  • hepatitis;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • violation of bile outflow;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • allergies to certain foods;
  • constipation due to intestinal obstruction;
  • digestive disorders;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • intestinal infections;
  • decreased muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach diseases (in particular gastritis);
  • poor circulation in the intestines;
  • gluten pathology or celiac disease;
  • intestinal diseases (these include enterocolitis, enteritis, colitis, etc.).

Bloating can be caused by irritable intestines, when food does not move well through the organ and “scrapes” the thin walls.

Distended intestinal loops

Intestinal loops are dilated: how to prevent this and other diseases?

The intestine is the longest section of the digestive system, which is located in the abdominal cavity.
But its functions are not limited to just digesting food and absorbing nutrients. It is a participant in immune processes, some hormones are synthesized here, and toxins are eliminated. Any disruption to the functioning of this organ immediately affects a person’s well-being. Structure of the intestine The human intestine consists of two sections: the small intestine and the large intestine. They differ not only in appearance, but also in the functions they perform. The small intestine is quite long - about 4 meters. It starts from the stomach, has a diameter of 4-6 cm in the upper sections, gradually narrowing to 2-3 cm. There are three sections in the small intestine:

duodenum - starts from the stomach, is shaped like the letter “C”, its length in ancient measures is 12 fingers (fingers), hence the name

ileum - the lower section of the small intestine, has no borders with the jejunum, therefore the separation of these two sections is conditional, determined by the length of the small intestine as 2:3

The main processes of food digestion occur in the small intestine. It is attached to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity by a fold - the mesentery, which is penetrated by blood vessels and nerve endings. The small intestine is located in the abdominal cavity in such a way that it has multiple bends (loops) along its entire length. Between the small and large intestines there is a partition that prevents the reverse flow of food. The large intestine is smaller in length (about 1.5 meters), but wider in diameter (up to 10 cm). It also consists of several sections:

In the large intestine, water is absorbed and feces are formed, which is excreted through the end of the rectum - the anus. In addition to the general functions of the digestive organ


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Cystic fibrosis is the most common hereditary disease affecting members of the white race. It has an autosomal recessive type of inheritance, occurs in a ratio of 1 in 2,500 newborns, the carrier frequency is 1 in 25. The cystic fibrosis gene, a regulator of transmembrane ion transport, is located on the long chromosome 7, the key mutation is AF50S. Approximately 10-15% of infants with this gene defect are born with meconium ileus, which may be complicated by volvulus, atresia, or perforation with meconium peritonitis.

In uncomplicated meconium ileus, the obstruction is caused by dense and viscous meconium accumulating in the lumen of the distal ileum. The colon and terminal ileum are filled with grayish, compacted spherical formations. The diagnosis can be suspected based on the results of a plain abdominal radiograph. It shows dilated intestinal loops with unequal lumen sizes, the absence of air and fluid levels, as well as the presence of soap bubble-type formations in the right lower quadrant of the abdominal cavity. Irrigoscopy will reveal a shrinkage of the colon, which will contain meconium in the form of “sheep feces”. If meconium ileus is uncomplicated, the degree of obstruction can be reduced through a therapeutic enema with gastrografin (diatrizoate meglumine), a hyperosmolar substance containing an emulsifying agent. The enema is performed by an experienced pediatric radiologist after the infant has been sufficiently rehydrated through intravenous infusions. The dissolved gastrografin is carefully infused into the colon under radiographic control until contrast is seen to flow into the dilated loops of the ileum. If the child's condition is stable and


Symptoms of the disease

The cause of frequent bloating inside the intestines is accumulated gases. As a result, a feeling of heaviness and fullness appears in the stomach. Pain appears. It can have a varied character - be pulling, cramping, cutting or stabbing. The abdomen is greatly enlarged, which can be seen even visually. Then they appear:

  • nausea;
  • belching;
  • rumbling;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • loss of appetite.

The intestines begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. As a result, pain in the heart appears, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances. If the symptoms of bloating do not go away, then a headache begins and weakness occurs. A person's sleep is disturbed and his mood worsens.

From the gastrointestinal tract - stool disorders (constipation or diarrhea). When gases begin to pass away, this happens with a loud sound, which causes inconvenience and discomfort to the person. However, if this is prevented, the stomach swells even more, and the pain becomes much stronger.

Appendagitis on ultrasound

Omental suspensions are attached to the adventitia, consist of adipose tissue and vessels, and are covered with a visceral layer of the peritoneum. There are 50-100 pieces located along the length from the dome of the cecum to the rectosigmoid angle. Usually 0.5-5 cm long, the largest pendants are the sigmoid colon.

The development of appendagitis can be caused by torsion of the vascular pedicle of the suspension or thrombosis of its central vein. The descending and sigmoid colon are most often affected. This condition may mimic diverticulitis, appendicitis, or cholecystitis, although fever, chills, and leukocytosis are not usually found with appendagitis. Appendagitis is a self-limiting disease. Patients are treated conservatively: if necessary, they receive antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In rare cases, surgery is required.

On ultrasound, only inflamed fat pads can be distinguished. In the place of maximum pain (usually the left iliac fossa), a round, incompressible, slightly hyperechoic formation is determined; in some cases, you can notice a central hypoechoic area with a blurred contour - a necrosis zone, as well as a hypoechoic halo along the periphery - inflamed peritoneum. The structure is adjacent to the intestinal wall, which is not thickened. Fluid in the abdominal cavity is often not detected.

Cases of chronic inflammation of the appendage with central calcification - “hard-boiled egg” - have been described. When torsion occurs, the appendage can be completely separated from the leg and move freely in the abdominal cavity; over time it becomes calcified, often forming a rim of fibrous connective tissue along the periphery.

Drawing. A man complains of severe pain in the left iliac region. On ultrasound, a moderately hyperechoic structure with a wide anechoic rim (fluid) and a hypoechoic zone in the center (focus of necrosis), without internal blood flow, is adjacent to the descending colon (DESC COLON). The wall of the colon is not changed. Conclusion: Appendagitis.

Consequences of bloating

Constant bloating does not only cause discomfort. For example, children experience slow growth and development. The accumulation of gases leads to:

  • digestive disorders;
  • deterioration of the condition;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • disruption of the functioning of nearby internal organs.

Undigested food remains in the intestines, and the processes of fermentation and decay begin. The person becomes irritable and may become depressed. If there is constant bloating in the stomach, this indicates a specific disease. If it is not diagnosed and treated promptly, the condition can soon become very serious.

For example, with prolonged intestinal bloating, its obstruction is recorded. The food remains in the organ, begins to rot, then inflammation begins, general intoxication of the body. This can lead to blood poisoning or other serious problems that can lead to death. Other organs and systems of the body begin to suffer from constant bloating.

Proper nutrition for bloated intestines When you have bloated intestines, you must follow a diet.

Basic principlesThe diet needs to be balanced, meals should be split, 5-6 times a day in small portions. The simultaneous consumption of proteins with carbohydrates, salty and sweet foods is excluded. Other recommendations: • fruits can be eaten only an hour after a meal; • you cannot take food with liquids; • concentrates, semi-finished products, fast food and similar products are excluded from the diet; • you should not have light snacks between meals; • food must be chewed well; • it is forbidden to eat too cold or hot food; • you cannot overeat; • a certain diet must be followed.
Prohibited ProductsA person should exclude at least temporarily from the diet some products: • milk; • bananas, peaches, grapes, pears, apples; • eggs; • nuts; • any products containing yeast; • all carbonated drinks; • legumes (lentils, beans, peas, etc.); • products containing starch; • all types of cabbage, radish; • millet and pearl barley; • products containing soy; • sweeteners; • alcohol. You should also temporarily refrain from smoked, canned, spicy and pickled foods.
Authorized ProductsIf signs of bloating are observed, the diet should include foods and dishes that do not cause fermentation: • seafood; • rye bran, stale bread; • lean types of meat; • broths; • fresh herbs (especially parsley, dill and natural seasonings); • buckwheat, rice, rolled oats; • boiled, steamed or stewed food; • fermented milk products or special starter cultures with bifidobacteria; • any drinks, except carbonated ones. Eggs can only be eaten soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet.

For constipation, the diet is revised in favor of those foods that have a laxative effect - with a high content of soft fiber. You need to drink beet and carrot juices and eat prunes. Second courses are made with vegetable oil. You need to drink as much water as possible.

You can cure a swollen irritable intestine with the help of foods that have an enveloping effect - pureed soups, heavily boiled porridges, boiled vegetables. They will gradually reduce the impact of aggressive enzymes on the mucous membrane and eliminate flatulence.

In this case, spices, onions and garlic are excluded from the menu. All drinks and food are consumed only warm. You cannot eat smoked or fried foods. You need to eat in small portions, 5-6 times a day.


When a person has constant bloating, treatment is determined only after diagnosis. The cause of this condition can be many factors. In addition to visual examination and recording of patient complaints, hardware examination is used:

If there are suspicions of specific diseases, CT, MRI and a number of other examinations may be performed. In addition to the above, the patient must undergo tests. A complete urine and blood sample is required, and stool is checked.

Types of intestinal ultrasound

To visualize the intestine, it is possible to conduct research using 2 different methods:

  1. Transabdominal examination (through the abdominal wall). An ultrasound can be performed without filling with liquid, on a full bladder and with the introduction of a special sterile liquid into the intestine for better visualization.
  2. Endorectal ultrasound. The sensor is inserted rectally or vaginally (in women).

How to check the intestines is chosen by the attending physician depending on the diagnosis.


Before treating severe bloating, the cause of this reaction is determined. First of all, a diet is prescribed, and, if necessary, medications. However, most often you can get by with home treatment using folk remedies. If the cause of a swollen intestine is illness, then treatment without consulting a doctor is contraindicated.

General recommendations

General recommendations include prescribing a special diet. Sometimes - fasting for 1-2 days. Fasting days are welcome. Medicines relieve pain and other negative symptoms that accompany bloating. The last time you can eat is no later than seven o’clock in the evening. If hospitalization is not necessary, treatment takes place at home. Herbal and physiotherapy, exercise therapy may be prescribed.


Medicines are mainly aimed at eliminating flatulence, helping to relieve bloating and heaviness in the intestines. The standard therapeutic regimen includes:

  • enzyme agents (“Mezim” and its analogues – “Micrazim”, “Panzikam”, etc.);
  • defoamers (mainly Espumisan, but Dinolak, Bobotik, Almagel can be prescribed);
  • Herbal-based carminatives (one of the best is dill infusion);
  • probiotics (“Bifidumbacterin”, “Hilak-Forte”, “Linex”);
  • enterosorbents (Polysorb, Smecta, one of the most popular is activated carbon).

If there is pain in the intestines, antispasmodics “Drotaverine” or “No-Shpa” are prescribed.

Attention! If patients abuse enzyme preparations (“Pancreatin”, “Creon”, “Mezim” and their analogues) due to discomfort from overeating, then the body’s own systems completely stop producing the necessary enzymes.

If the cause of bloating is an infection, then antibiotics are indicated. They are selected strictly by a doctor. This takes into account the sensitivity of bacteria. If the cause of bloating is parasites, anthelmintic drugs are used.

Folk remedies and home treatment

Adults with bloating do not necessarily need to see a doctor for treatment if it is a one-time occurrence. There are many folk remedies that eliminate excessive gas formation, which causes an enlarged abdomen. Instead of regular tea, it is better to give preference to herbal infusions or drink them additionally throughout the day. For funds taken:

  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • mint.

These herbs can simply be added to regular tea. If constipation occurs due to bloating, the pharmacy sells special preparations that promote rapid excretion of feces. These include:

  • ginger;
  • dill;
  • cardamom;
  • fennel;
  • centaury;
  • burdock;
  • parsley;
  • caraway.

You can prepare such a decoction yourself by taking herbs in equal proportions and mixing them. Flax seeds are also good for constipation. A tablespoon of grains is chewed in the morning and washed down with water. At the same time, flax seeds restore bowel function and help eliminate toxins and excess gases.

Even if your stomach is bloated, you can give yourself an enema for a couple of days. It gives good results even with a single use, but it is not recommended to use it for more than two days. The enema is done once a day.

A simple massage helps relieve bloating in the intestines. It enhances intestinal motility and helps get rid of accumulated gas. The abdomen should be massaged strictly clockwise. Particular attention is paid to the ileal regions, in the area of ​​the sigmoid and cecum.

One-time bloating can be cured on your own by following a diet, performing a series of physical exercises aimed at releasing gases, or using folk remedies. However, if you experience persistent negative symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Self-medication can lead to serious complications.

Intestines and pregnancy

Patients diagnosed with Dolichosigma usually exhibit a lack of body weight and pale skin. And when palpating, the doctor finds lumps in the intestines filled with feces; during a digital examination, the specialist does not detect feces, but when conducting a survey, the patient complains of a long-term absence of bowel movements.

Also methods for detecting pathology can be:

  • Computed tomography of the colon;
  • Colonography (with its help, you can assess the condition of the intestinal mucosa and determine the degree of expansion without resorting to examination with an endoscope);
  • For additional studies of the patient, the doctor may prescribe studies using electromyography and sphincterometry;
  • Stool examinations and blood tests are also performed.

Pregnancy forces the body to readjust and work under stress; it is necessary to provide everything necessary for the mother and the full development of the baby.

The causes of pain in the intestines can be a growing uterus during pregnancy and a change in the amount of progesterone. The intestines hurt for various reasons. This could be colitis or dysbacteriosis.

By following a proper diet, eating foods rich in fiber, and drinking enough fluid, you can significantly alleviate the condition.

It happens that pregnancy causes intestinal obstruction, causing acute pain, as if menstruation begins, vomiting occurs, hemodynamic disorders begin to appear, and peritonitis develops.

In order not to lead to such critical conditions, from the very beginning of pregnancy until a successful outcome, you should follow the doctor’s recommendations, follow a diet, monitor the condition of the intestines, and the pregnancy will pass without complications.

The pregnancy period is stressful for the body. Rapid changes occur in it, now the body is responsible for the life of two creatures. The child grows, the uterus enlarges, and the relative positions of the organs begin to change.

Another problem that makes the intestines work worse is that pregnancy contributes to the appearance of laxity of the walls. There is a danger of hemorrhoids appearing.

To improve blood circulation in the large intestine, you need to try to reduce the pressure that the uterus produces on the veins. It is better to sleep on your left side, try not to stand or sit for a long time.

Almost half of pregnant women have intestinal pain and the level of bifidobacteria decreases. This also affects the microflora of the pregnant child. Proper nutrition, consumption of foods rich in bifidobacteria, vegetable and fruit juices will help get rid of this problem. The newborn will also inherit good intestinal health.

During pregnancy, a fairly large percentage of women encounter problems with gastrointestinal tract disorders. Most often, intestinal problems occur in the early stages, when pregnancy has not yet become obvious. Unexplained constipation or diarrhea worries women.

Constipation usually occurs due to changes in progesterone levels. An increase in hormone levels weakens the smooth muscles of the intestines and slows down the passage of food. In addition, the growing fetus begins to squeeze the intestines, disrupting the natural digestion process. The use of laxatives should be under medical supervision so as not to harm the course of pregnancy.

The normal quantity and quality of intestinal microflora is often disrupted, and pregnancy is the cause. There is often bloating, belching, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. The course of treatment includes diet, protobiotics, which stimulate the growth of the necessary beneficial bacteria.

The intestine is called hyperechoic in cases where its echogenicity becomes comparable to the echogenicity of bones. This phenomenon is quite rare.

It occurs in the second trimester in approximately 1% of pregnant women. The appearance of such intestines should be alerted. This may be due to infection or developmental pathologies.

Increased hyperechogenicity of the fetal intestine is attributed to decreased peristalsis and water content in meconium.

Often the appearance of this sign indicates intrauterine infection. These are acute forms of cytomegalovirus infection, acute toxoplasmosis, syphilis, rubella. In all these cases, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy.

However, in 20% of detected hyperechoic intestines, the problem resolves on its own in the third trimester, and the child is born without any pathologies, with normal development and weight.

Fetal intestine

The development of the fetus is under constant medical attention. In cases where ultrasound reveals abnormalities, congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract should be examined.

Developmental changes may be detected in the second trimester.

Changes in the echogenicity of the fetal intestine are sometimes transient, but may also indicate chromosomal pathologies, including Down syndrome.

In these cases, medicine recommends an examination. It is necessary to check the analyzes of hormones, alpha-fetoprotein, and if fetal pathology is suspected, amniocentesis should be performed - a procedure for obtaining amniotic fluid for further research in the laboratory.

In the last trimester, ultrasound examinations sometimes reveal an increase in fetal intestinal loops. The increase is up to 15 mm. This pathology is associated with obstructions in patency, the likelihood of stenosis, and atresia.

During pregnancy, this pathology has no clinical significance. During long periods of pregnancy, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the baby, including examining the intestines.

After his birth, on the recommendation of a neonatologist, an ultrasound examination of the newborn’s abdominal cavity should be performed.

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