Stomach hurts after poisoning - instructions for action
Why discomfort is felt Pain in the stomach is a natural consequence of food intoxication in the body. On
Pear for constipation - strengthens or weakens, how it affects the intestines
Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract Let's consider how a pear affects your well-being. Its fruits contain
For gastritis, exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles are useful
Sports and gastritis In general, sports are useful for gastritis, but you should also observe
Is it possible to drink carrot juice if you have gastritis?
Oranges for gastritis - is it possible or not? Orange: benefits and harm
Is it possible to use tomato juice for gastritis Gastritis: low acidity With this diagnosis, tomato juice
How to cope with the problem of overeating on your own? How do you know if you've eaten too much?
Tablets for overeating and heaviness in the stomach
Diabetes, Obesity 10/12/2016 Overeating is a centuries-old problem for both men, women and children. Main
Removing parasites: enema with garlic for worms
Enema against worms at home The advantage of therapeutic bowel cleansing using an enema is
Main cause of heartburn
Tea for heartburn - GERD 2020, green tea and heartburn.
A cup of tea begins frank family conversations, friendly conversations, it ends holidays, a break in
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What is the discharge from hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a common pathology of the venous cavities of the lower intestine. Discharge from hemorrhoids from the anal
Why does it hurt in the right hypochondrium after eating, causes and treatment
Heaviness in the right hypochondrium is a symptom of a certain pathological process, most often of a gastroenterological nature. However
Why does your stomach bloat after ovulation?
Parasites are a common cause of flatulence and bloating. THESE “KILLERS” WILL COME OUT IF... Special
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