Cirrhosis of the liver
How long can you live with stage 1 - 4 liver cirrhosis?
Information about the disease To find out how long people live with cirrhosis of the liver, you need to familiarize yourself with the features
Ointments for hemorrhoids
Relieving hemorrhoid pain at home using simple methods
Often painful hemorrhoids interfere with work, rest, and living fully. Temporary anesthetic ointment for hemorrhoids
How to understand that you have pancreatitis: main symptoms and signs
Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, is considered a serious medical and social problem. It is diagnosed quite
Medicine for rotavirus infection for children: drugs and treatment methods
Rotavirus in children: signs, how to treat rotavirus infection 14457 4
How is rotavirus transmitted? Rotavirus infection in children: treatment at home. Rotavirus, the causative agent of infection,
Prevention of heaviness in the stomach
All the causes of heaviness and bloating after eating: illness or simple indigestion?
Wormwood decoction should be taken with honey before meals. Healing decoction. Requires crushed calendula, St. John's wort
Enema to prepare for surgery
How to do an enema in hospitals before surgery or examination
An enema before surgery is often necessary. But why do doctors prescribe such an unpleasant and frightening
What is the difference between Fortrans and Moviprep?
Which cleanses the intestines better, Fortrans or Moviprep?
Active ingredients Surprisingly, in one of our earlier articles about Moviprep, they noted:
Diet for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori with antibiotics
Helicobacter pylori provokes the development of ulcerative lesions in humans, hyperacid, and in some cases
Main symptoms and treatment of anacid gastritis
August 28, 2018 Gastroenterology Natalya Kalinichenko Problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur in every person
Flax is an affordable and incredibly useful natural cure for many diseases.
Flax seed for the treatment of the pancreas - how to take, effect, contraindications
What is its value? Flax seed has a rich composition, but polyunsaturated acids are of particular value.
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