MRI of the intestines or colonoscopy which is better reviews
Indications for MRI This instrumental diagnostic technique is a method of visualizing internal organs, which
How to reduce stomach acidity at home: the best folk remedies
General rules Acidosis means a shift in the acid-base balance to the acidic side. But this applies to
structure of the stomach
How long can you take Omeprazole without a break?
Release form. The composition “Omeprazole” is produced by Russian drug manufacturing companies: Ozone is a pharmaceutical company with
Pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy
Reasons why a pregnant woman may have a tummy tug
If the lower abdomen feels tight during pregnancy, you cannot ignore it. After all, this
The man crossed his arms on his stomach
Is there a best cure for liver cirrhosis?
What is liver cirrhosis? A pathological condition of the largest organ (gland) of the abdominal cavity, which is
spasmodic pain in the abdomen
Catarrhal bulbitis of the stomach: what is it and how to treat
Superficial bulbitis is one of the mildest forms of a dangerous inflammatory process occurring in the bulb
Diet for intestinal dysbiosis: what you can and cannot eat, menu for the week and nutritional rules
General rules Intestinal microbiocenosis plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis and performs protective, metabolic
Anal suppositories for the treatment of fissures in the anus
Proctologists are doctors whose visit is usually postponed until the last minute. But unfortunately,
How is intestinal tuberculosis transmitted in adults?
Intestinal tuberculosis is a rare infectious disease of extrapulmonary form. Primary symptoms of the disease do not make it possible to diagnose
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Diet for treating a sick stomach, what you can eat, what you can’t eat
General rules Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is the most important factor in complex treatment, and in
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