Colon cleansing with laxative herbs at home

In what situations is herbal medicine recommended?

Before cleansing the intestines with herbs, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such preventive measures allow you to get rid of toxins not only in a separate system, but also in other organs, for example, the urinary tract.
Thanks to healing decoctions, it becomes possible to quickly get rid of slagging, toxins, fecal clots, heavy metal salts and much more. Thanks to such procedures, it is possible to normalize the patient’s general condition, normalize his hair and nails.

It is also worth considering that different types of intestinal cleansing with herbs, the benefits and harms of which should be studied immediately before the procedures, are recommended to be used when the first symptoms of slagging appear. Treatment should begin if a person suffers from:

  • lethargy, decreased performance, loss of strength;
  • digestive problems;
  • frequent allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of frequent constipation and diarrhea;
  • increased gas formation;
  • frequent headaches turning into migraines;
  • the appearance of heartburn, nausea;
  • anxiety and increased excitability.

It is noteworthy that herbal medicine is used even in official medicine. For example, in situations where a patient cannot undergo chemotherapy for one reason or another.


Herbs act very softly and delicately. At the same time, their adsorbing properties are quite high, so the quality of such cleaning is not inferior to other methods (drugs, diets). If you drink the recommended decoctions and infusions for a month, you can achieve the following results:

  • all organs and systems will get rid of waste and toxins, and first of all - the intestines, liver, kidneys, blood and joints from salts;
  • on the digestive side, problems will end: stool will normalize, heaviness will go away, bloating and flatulence will not bother you;
  • blood circulation will accelerate, which means that the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues will increase - this will lead to improved skin, hair and nails;
  • the renal and bile ducts will expand, and the movement of small stones and sand through them will not cause pain;
  • damaged cells of many organs will gradually recover, because most herbs have regenerative properties;
  • many plants have a therapeutic effect on various diseases, so after a month of their active use you can say goodbye to old ailments (this could be migraines, allergies, constipation, chronic fatigue syndrome);
  • metabolism is normalized;
  • If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​in a month.

Provided that the cleansing is done correctly, such amazing results can be achieved in just 30 days. Improved well-being and lightness throughout the body should appear by the end of the first week.

Benefits of using herbs

When the large and small intestines are polluted, poisoning and intoxication of the body occurs. Abdominal pain and nausea are the initial symptoms. If measures are not taken, problems may arise that require medical intervention and hospital treatment. In order not to bring the body to such a state, periodically cleaning the intestines with herbs will be useful.

Using folk recipes, you can cleanse systems and organs (colon, gall bladder, liver). Medicinal plants have a laxative effect, gently and effectively cleanse the body without causing harm, remove toxins, waste, and get rid of small stones. They serve as a pain reliever, reducing stomach cramps.

Herbs for intestinal cleansing have a healing effect, neutralize the effects of harmful bacteria, and bring the microflora in order. After cleaning, follow these conditions: monitor your diet and bowel regularity. Fecal stones may have accumulated in the stomach, which must be cleared step by step.

Proper preparation for cleaning

Preparation for cleansing with herbs is just as important to do correctly as the process itself. Herbs for colon cleansing will work faster and better if you follow some preparation conditions. Basic rules to follow before starting the procedure:

  1. remove fatty and unhealthy foods from the diet, dilute it with vegetables and steamed dishes;
  2. drink as much water as possible, at least 1.5 liters per day;
  3. For breakfast, eat cereal porridges, which help improve intestinal motility;
  4. It is better to avoid baked goods, since they are the main source of carbohydrates and contaminants;
  5. significantly reduce the amount of meat consumed, especially red.
  6. It is advisable to add to the change in diet an increase in walks in the fresh air and the elimination of stressful situations.

Herbs for cleaning the intestinal tract

It is worth noting that the procedure for cleansing the intestines with herbs at home should be carried out with all the recommendations of doctors. It is important to properly prepare for therapeutic measures.

It is recommended to prepare medicinal formulations during the daytime. If you drink decoctions at night, you can ensure a restless sleep. The fact is that most components have a laxative and diuretic effect. It is also worth taking a closer look at which herbs for cleansing the intestines are the most effective and harmless for the human body.

Review of herbs for colon cleansing

A large number of plants are used to cleanse the intestines and remove excess water. Many people start the process of losing weight and help get rid of extra pounds. These include senna, buckthorn, nettle, elderberry, flax, horsetail, corn silk, fennel, dandelion, burdock, and milk thistle. Peristalsis is normalized through regular consumption of dill, parsley, and rhubarb.

Pharmacies have a large assortment of dried plants, which makes it possible to buy and prepare a suitable individual collection. But for the convenience of buyers, there are packages with the names “Gastric tea” or “Intestinal tea”. Most often, for convenience, they are packaged in sachets, which you just need to pour boiling water over and drink after a few minutes.

  • gastric collection No. 1: calendula, chamomile, immortelle, knotweed, St. John's wort, yarrow, horsetail, dill seeds, corn silk, nettle, lemon balm;
  • gastric collection No. 2: motherwort, peony, lemon balm, hill solyanka, calamus and licorice root, flax seeds;
  • gastric collection No. 3: buckthorn bark, calamus root, valerian root, nettle, mint.

Sometimes in collections some components can be replaced or rose hips, strawberry leaves, or Ivan tea can be added.

Plants used individually differ in their effects on the body. Some laxative herbs for cleansing the clogged intestines begin to act after 3 hours, others after a day. Depending on how quickly you need to cleanse the body, weed is selected.

  1. Flax and plantain seeds, dandelion, chickweed will have a mild effect, accumulated toxins will begin to come out in the evening if you take the decoction in the morning.
  2. For severe constipation, quick action is needed. Then they take senna, buckthorn bark, and flax.

Herbs for constipation

Senna. This herb is one of the most popular to drink for constipation. To prepare the infusion, crushed leaves are brewed with boiling water and infused. The strained decoction is drunk before bed. You can buy hay at any pharmacy.

bark (brittle). This is another popular remedy for constipation. To prepare the decoction, pour a tablespoon of buckthorn bark into a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 30-45 minutes. Strain the broth and add boiled water to the original volume. Drink the decoction in the morning and before bed.

Recipes for preparing herbal teas for cleaning

A collection of herbs to cleanse the intestines can be prepared at home. Buy various herbs at the pharmacy that help cleanse the body, mix in equal proportions, prepare a decoction, infusion and consume at the appropriate time.

Plants can be collected independently, but you need to know when and what herbs to collect and their appearance. You need to collect medicinal plants away from the city, roadways and industrial zones, in ecologically clean areas - forests, fields. Dry the inflorescences and leaves well and store them in a dry and dark place, carefully packaged.

Along with herbs, decoctions made from cereals cleanse the body. Linen tops the list.

The advantage and uniqueness of the plant is the small number of contraindications. For health - a storehouse of useful substances and a guarantee of uninterrupted operation.

  • pour 200 ml of boiling water over a teaspoon of seeds;
  • cook for 10 minutes over low heat;
  • leave the decoction for half an hour;
  • strain.

In the second option, pour boiling water over the grains and leave in a thermos for 12 hours. Pre-ground grains will improve the effect. Make a fresh drink every day.

  1. Flaxseed decoction is one of the remedies that solve problems with constipation and high bile levels. Having bought a package at the pharmacy, you need to pour 2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and drink. If you have constant problems with the intestines, you can grow toadflax in your summer cottage. In addition to great benefits, it will serve as a decoration for the site, thanks to the original yellow flowers. Seeds are sown in March and planted in the ground in May.
  2. Dandelion leaves and roots are used for dandelion infusion. In the first case, the leaves poured with boiling water are left overnight in a warm place. In the second, the dried crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. Dandelion is collected in early summer in places located away from the roadway.
  3. Senna has a powerful laxative effect. Two tablespoons of the dry product are poured with boiling water, boiled in a water bath for half an hour, and filtered.
  4. Horsetail removes waste. Pour 200 ml of water into a teaspoon, infuse, filter, and add honey to improve the taste. Horsetail is dangerous to collect. You need to know exactly what it looks like. Only the field one has healing properties, other types are poisonous. It is safer to buy at a pharmacy. If you had to collect it yourself, keep in mind: the hard branches of horsetail look straight up, this distinguishes it from its poisonous counterparts.
  5. Buckthorn is prepared as follows: pour a tablespoon of bark into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. The broth is cooled and filtered.

Plant collections

A herbal mixture for cleansing the clogged intestines is prepared with the addition of various plants, observing the rule: it contains a choleretic, laxative, and sedative.

The optimal combinations are:

  1. Alexandria leaf, elderberry, buckthorn, St. John's wort, calendula, lemon balm.
  2. Elderberry, chamomile, senna, dandelion root.
  3. St. John's wort, corn silk, buckthorn, mint.
  4. Fennel, licorice, marshmallow, St. John's wort.

The compositions can be prepared in two ways: pour boiling water over the dry mixture of herbs, leave for 2-3 hours, or keep in a water bath for 15-20 minutes.

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This healing composition includes plants that, in combination with each other, cleanse the hematopoietic system of the human body, as well as other systems in which malfunctions may occur.

In addition, according to user reviews, the Tibetan fee helps:

  • Normalize metabolism.
  • Improve the performance of the urinary system.
  • Eliminate excess fat deposits, including toxins, cholesterol and other harmful substances.
  • To restore the body after a course of potent drugs that negatively affect the microflora of the stomach.

To complete the cleansing course, you need to purchase half a kilogram of the collection in dry form. The raw materials must be thoroughly ground. After this, you need to pour two spoons of the collection with half a liter of boiling water and leave for about 30-40 minutes. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, divide it into three portions. The first two parts must be consumed in the morning. Before this, it is better not to eat anything. The remaining composition should be taken before bed.

The course of treatment with such a collection is usually two and a half months. During this time, you can cleanse not only the intestines, but the entire body.

Laxative herbs for constipation

There are three classes of herbal laxatives for constipation: bulking herbs, stool softeners, and laxatives. No matter what herb you use for constipation, you need to remember that to achieve the end result i.e. bowel movements will take from 12 hours to 24 hours. Some herbs begin to act earlier, after 6 hours, and some within 24 hours.

Bulk laxative herbs

The most famous three bulk laxative herbs. These are plantain seeds, flax seeds and fenugreek seeds.

Flax seeds. Flax seeds are considered the safest remedy for constipation and have no contraindications or side effects. For constipation, consume a tablespoon of whole flax seeds 2-3 times a day. At the same time, they need to be washed down with a sufficient amount of water.

Plantain seeds. Plantain seeds are included in some pharmaceutical bulk laxatives. For chronic constipation, take from 3 to 10 tablespoons of plantain seeds, washing them down with plenty of water.

In the intestines, the seeds swell, increasing the volume of the stool and stimulating the intestines to empty.

Do not take psyllium seeds if you have asthma or allergies.

Laxative herbs with emollient effects

Dandelion. The most popular herb with a softening effect among herbalists is dandelion. Tea made from dandelion leaves and roots is especially useful for bedridden patients, those with chronic constipation, and the elderly.

Pour boiling water over a teaspoon of dandelion root and boil for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Infuse and drink 3-4 times a day.

You can use the leaves to make a salad or brew it as a regular tea.

Gerbil. These delicate white flowers on thin stems appear in early spring almost simultaneously with snowdrops. Although the use of chickweed for constipation is controversial, it is used in folk medicine for this purpose. Chickweed leaves are rich in minerals. Gerbil can help those who have hard stools, hemorrhoids and certain diseases such as colitis or stomach ulcers.

Herbs with laxative effects

This is the largest and most commonly used group of herbs and plants. The most famous herb belonging to this group is sena or alexandria leaf. Herbs with a laxative effect also include alder buckthorn, joster (cascara sagrada), rhubarb and many more herbs.

All herbs in this group contain anthraquinones, strong chemicals that irritate the intestinal lining and stimulate bowel movements.

Herbs with laxative effects should be used with caution by pregnant women and people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and hemorrhoids.

Herbs with laxative effects should not be taken for a long time. Their constant use to solve the problem of constipation can aggravate the situation and make the intestines sluggish.

Also, as studies have shown, with frequent and constant use of laxative herbs, electrolyte balance can be disrupted, which in turn can lead to potassium deficiency in the body.

Enema with celandine

Although this herb has mildly toxic properties, it is very effective in getting rid of toxins. However, it is important to consider that if wormwood is taken for too long, its components (including poison) will accumulate in the human body. This can provoke negative changes in a person’s mental state and affect sleep and appetite. Therefore, you should be very careful when planning a course of treatment.

You need to collect wormwood in a clean area. It is prepared in powder form or brewed as tea. Typically, this herb is used to cleanse the intestines for quite serious problems. For example, when you need to “drive out” parasites or eliminate putrefactive processes occurring in the intestinal area.

As a rule, no more than 100 g of this plant in powder form is used during the entire course of treatment. The dosage directly depends on the age and weight of a particular person.

If the patient decides to take wormwood in the form of tea, then the duration of preventive procedures cannot be more than a week. To prepare the drink, you need to pour 1 small spoon of herb with a liter of boiling water. During the day you need to drink no more than half a liter of healing tea. The remaining half of the liquid is used for administration using an enema.

It is important to eat right during treatment. For example, you need to give up animal products, herbs, spices, as well as cigarettes and alcohol. It is recommended not to purchase this herb to cleanse the intestines at the pharmacy (especially since it is not so easy to find on sale), but to collect it yourself.

As a rule, complex treatment is required, which is carried out once. It is advisable not to perform such procedures more than once a year. Such recommendations and restrictions are due to the fact that the plant is toxic.

If we talk about the peculiarities of taking this herb to cleanse the intestines, then experts recommend using a pinch of ground wormwood powder, washed down with warm water, every 2.5 hours. This prevention continues for the first three days. However, there is no natural connection with food intake.

This is another herb for cleansing the intestines of toxins, which is considered to be very effective. However, we must remember that celandine, like wormwood, is far from a safe plant. However, it is difficult to dispute its amazing healing properties.

Celandine is often used to treat intestinal or gastric polyposis. The herb helps with atony and is a very powerful bactericidal agent. It is also recommended to collect celandine in clean ecological areas. You should not use grass that grows along the road or near industrial facilities.

You should also be extremely careful when using this herb, as celandine can cause a severe allergic reaction. Drinking this product undiluted is strictly prohibited. Only local use is allowed.

Despite the fact that this herb is quite poisonous, many in their reviews note the effectiveness of this plant. However, before taking preventive measures, Internet users and doctors recommend preparing. First of all, the patient must adhere to a gentle diet for five days. After this, you can begin to directly use the herb to cleanse the intestines.

To do this, add 5 drops of freshly squeezed plant juice to 250 ml of boiling water and cover. After this, you need to wait some time until the medicinal composition cools down. Then half of the finished liquid is mixed with the same amount of water or any neutral drink. You need to take the medicine three times a day some time before meals. Usually the course of treatment is no more than five days.

In this case, you will not only have to adhere to a gentle diet for some time before the procedures. You will also have to do a cleansing enema. To do this, you can pour 50 g of this plant in a ground form with half a liter of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, add the same amount of clean water. The resulting composition is used for enema.

As many write in their reviews, this procedure is most effective if a person suffers from intestinal polyps. Celandine is an excellent antibacterial agent.

Rules for herbal cleansing

Herbal infusions are not stored for longer than a day; you need to make a fresh infusion every day. The course of administration is 1-2 weeks, this time is enough to normalize intestinal function and remove waste and toxins.

Take the decoction in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. During the normalization of intestinal function, food should consist of vegetables and fruits. You should drink more fluids, which helps in the cleansing process. Coffee and tea are replaced with dried fruit compotes and green tea.

If the body is heavily polluted and there is an urgent need to help the body, douching and an enema are used. Infusions of sage, chamomile, sage, and yarrow are suitable for enemas.


Despite the fact that herbs are natural and have a predominantly positive effect on the body, not everyone can take them. For example, girls expecting the birth of a baby and nursing mothers should avoid such preventive procedures. You should not take the herbs described above in case of exacerbation of chronic pathologies or during colds.

You also need to be extremely careful for those who suffer from:

  • Pathologies that impair the functioning of the kidneys and liver.
  • Tuberculosis in an acute form.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Problems with the functioning of the biliary system.

Also, do not forget about possible side effects. Some users have reported experiencing pain, dizziness, nausea, weakness, or an allergic reaction (usually itching and irritation) after taking certain herbs.

You need to understand that each body can react to a particular treatment differently. Therefore, you should adhere to the exact proportions of the decoctions and not use the chosen remedy if the condition worsens. Before a cleansing course, you should talk to your doctor and, together with him, select the most suitable herbs and mixtures that will have a more effective effect.


Colon cleansing with herbs is not suitable for every person; there are also contraindications:

  • any types of bleeding, including the menstrual period in women;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • intoxication of the body, which is manifested by characteristic symptoms;
  • diseases of the large intestine;
  • increased body temperature, dizziness, weakness;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal plants and herbal mixtures for cleansing the intestines, in the absence of contraindications, have a good effect on all internal organs and intestines. Removing toxins, toxic substances and chemicals completely heals the body and eliminates problems that previously disrupted the normal functioning of the digestive organs.

While it is beneficial to rid the body of toxins, bowel cleansing should be done with caution if there are contraindications:

  • intestinal inflammation, ulcers, gastritis;
  • chronic kidney and liver diseases;
  • low, high blood pressure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period.

If you have any doubts, it is better to consult a doctor; a specialist will recommend a plant that is beneficial and not harmful.

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Features and need for cleansing

A clean intestine reflects the general condition of any person. When the intestines are cleansed, there is no constipation, the stool is regular and formed. The role of the intestines in the body is the final digestion of food, the absorption of beneficial microelements, vitamins that are beneficial to the whole body.

The anatomy of the intestine is quite complex, it has many bends, ornateness, various sections and segments that smoothly combine with each other, so the pathology of one section affects the function of another.

Traditional medicine has many useful recipes based on laxative herbs and medicinal plants that safely and quickly cleanse the intestinal tract. There are several main methods of phytopurification:

  • enemas based on decoctions;
  • drinking according to a certain pattern;
  • douching.

Many cleansing herbs, in addition to their laxative effect, do not disturb the intestinal microflora, promote its restoration, and have antibacterial and bactericidal properties. Many healers suggest combining the use of the decoction with other ingredients, such as castor oil. You can learn more about castor oil cleansing in the article “Castor oil for colon cleansing: important aspects of use as treatment and cleansing procedures.”

Indications for use

Usually the body itself makes it clear that some pathological processes and functional disorders of any organs or systems are occurring. Colon cleansing is required if the following unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • general loss of strength;
  • depression;
  • feeling of swollen intestines;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • grayish complexion;
  • skin rashes (acne, acne, pimples);
  • reduced immunity, frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • sour belching, bad breath.

Note! The main symptom of a polluted intestine is stool instability and alternating constipation with diarrhea, as well as constant gas formation with air evacuation through the rectal canal.

Video. Colon cleansing at home. Treatment with folk remedies

Colon cleansing is one of the important stages of cleansing the body of toxins and harmful chemicals. If a person has never practiced such procedures, did not adhere to proper nutrition and diet, or exercise, a complete cleansing of the intestines is necessary. Thanks to this simple procedure, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve, metabolism and general physical condition will improve.

Before carrying out colon cleansing, to enhance the effect of the procedure, you should prepare your body by following these rules:

  • on the eve of the cleansing, exclude unhealthy foods from the diet - fast food, meat, spicy, salty foods, sweets;
  • the day before the procedure, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day, freshly squeezed juices, green tea, and herbal infusions are allowed.

To cleanse the intestines, brew 2 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l, calendula, 1 tbsp. l, hops. 1 tbsp. l. coltsfoot. 2 tbsp. l. Take dry bran at night, washed down with a decoction of herbs. You don’t need to finish the whole broth; a few sips are enough. The bran and herbs will serve as a real whisk in the intestines, which will cleanse every turn of your intestines.

Cleansing the intestines with coarse particles of grain shells (bran) gives approximately the same result as microcrystalline cellulose. The fiber found in bran, like MCC, is not digested or absorbed by the body. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it swells greatly and requires a large amount of water.

Bran is very good at “sweeping” fecal stones and debris out of the intestines, removing toxins, radionuclides, heavy metals and toxins. Through the use of this natural and absolutely safe product, the intestinal microflora returns to normal and the absorption of nutrients is significantly improved.

You can buy bran anywhere, from stores to pharmacies. They are taken three times a day (24 hours) for 20–30 minutes. before meals, 2 tablespoons, which should be washed down with two glasses of water. The cleaning course is one month, and should be carried out no more than once a year.

Certain foods are quite capable of coping with the task of cleansing the intestines. This can safely include all kinds of grains from which porridge is prepared. Thanks to the dietary fiber contained in porridges, the gastrointestinal tract is carefully cleansed. Cereals that cleanse the intestines include brown rice, pearl barley, buckwheat, oats, etc. If you train yourself to regularly eat the right grains, then cleansing in other ways can be done less often.

Cleansing the body should be carried out constantly, including a large amount of the freshest vegetables in your diet. By consuming raw vegetables rich in fiber, the gastrointestinal tract is naturally cleansed. For effective cleaning, you will need to introduce into your diet a large number of foods such as white and red cabbage, beets, carrots, celery, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, etc.

Like the vegetables listed above, apples also contain a large amount of fiber, which has a similar effect on the intestines. Plus, sweet and sour varieties of apples contain fruit acid, which dissolves waste and toxins well and helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. Sweet varieties of apples do not have this acid. Colon cleansing with apples is carried out in one day. To do this, take 2 kilograms of apples of any sweet and sour variety and water.

Apples will need to be eaten in equal portions every 2 hours. You can and should also drink clean still water. Apart from apples and water, eat nothing else during the day. This type of colon cleansing can be done a couple of times a month, and you will soon notice its positive results.

Herbal treatment has always played a very important role among the peoples of the past and in the present time they occupy a fairly significant position. Cleansing the body with herbs and in particular cleansing the intestines gives lasting positive results and eliminates toxic substances and neutralizes poisons that enter the blood. There are herbs that have different properties: choleretic effect, laxative effect, dissolving mucus.

Tincture for intestinal cleansing. Take pharmaceutical chamomile, birch buds, strawberry leaves, St. John's wort and immortelle flowers in equal proportions. In total you should get 100 grams. All this needs to be crushed and pour 1 tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a 500 ml ceramic cup. Then you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into it, cover with a lid and let it brew for half an hour.

This tincture copes very well with removing waste and toxins from the body and removes harmful cholesterol. It dissolves and removes stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. Improves metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Decoction for intestinal cleansing. You need to take 1 tablespoon of such components as plantain, chamomile and marsh sushi. Grind it in a coffee grinder or crush it. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water. Cover and let sit for 20 minutes, then strain and cool. Drink 100 ml of decoction early in the morning half an hour before meals and also in the evening.

Video. Colon cleansing at home. Treatment with folk remedies

Herbs for cleansing the body have shown their effectiveness not only in cleansing of waste and toxins, but also in cleansing from parasites. They strengthen the immune system, nourish our body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, prolong youth and give beauty.

Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants and natural dietary fiber. Adding flax seeds to your diet is an excellent method of naturally cleansing the colon. Flax seeds absorb water and swell in the colon, thereby helping to eliminate toxins and mucus as they pass through the intestines. In addition, flaxseed helps prevent the development of colon cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

To cleanse the intestines, you can add ground flax seeds to cereals, natural yoghurts, kefir, fruit salads, juices and other healthy foods. For quicker results, add 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed to a glass of water and drink within 30 minutes. before breakfast and before bed.

The best thing you can do to keep your gut healthy and clean is to drink plenty of water. It is extremely important to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of clean, still water daily. Regular consumption of water will provide your body with the fluid and lubrication it needs to completely and naturally eliminate harmful toxins and waste products from your body.

After all, cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins is quite a feasible task for your body, because... Our bodies are perfect systems that are able to independently cope with tasks such as cleansing and self-healing - we only need to help them with this quite a bit by drinking enough water.

Drinking plenty of water will also stimulate intestinal motility, helping food move through the digestive system. In addition, water is necessary to keep our bodies well hydrated. You can do colon cleansing with water using plain water, and in addition you can drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

In addition, even in ancient India they used the method of colon cleansing with salt water, which is still recommended by various healers as an effective and reliable way to cleanse the colon. You can learn more about this method here - Colon cleansing with salt water at home.

Regular use of fresh kefir or yogurt in food is a good way to maintain your intestinal health. Since these drinks are fermented (contain bacteria beneficial to the body), they help restore microflora in the intestines, which promotes digestion and also creates an unfavorable environment for various types of pathogens and parasites that live in the intestines. Eating natural kefir and yoghurt also helps fight inflammatory bowel diseases.

In addition, these drinks have significant amounts of calcium, which prevents excessive growth of the cells lining the colon. Kefir and all kinds of yoghurts also help get rid of stomach problems such as indigestion, flatulence, irregular intestinal contractions and much more.

You can cleanse the intestines with kefir and yogurt by consuming them regularly, and to enhance their effect, it is recommended to add fiber-rich fresh fruits to these drinks, such as apples, limes and lemons, bananas and berries. Kefir can be consumed in its pure form, but if you want better results, it should be mixed with ground flax seeds.

In this method we will need fresh sour, sour fruits - various citrus fruits, sour apples, plums, cherry plums, cherries, etc. These products have a large amount of fruit acid. It quite effectively dissolves hardened feces and toxins, due to which they begin to unstick from the intestinal walls and are excreted in the feces.

If we combine this method with cleansing with bran and MCC, we will get an enhanced double effect. It is necessary to squeeze out juice from fruits in such an amount that it is enough for the whole day (day) of consumption. You will need to drink one glass of juice every hour. On the day (day) of cleansing, you should not eat or drink anything except juice. This cleansing is carried out twice a month.

Effective Cleansing Herbs

What herbs can cleanse the liver and intestines? Herbs for cleansing can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other medicinal plants. The main herbs for cleansing the intestines and distal parts of the gastrointestinal tract are the following:

  1. Gerbil. A strong laxative herb with immediate effect. Literally an hour later the first bowel movement occurs, and the urge to defecate persists for a long time. Gerbil stimulates intestinal motility, completely removes feces, and a course of treatment allows you to get rid of even old fecal stones and many years of slagging.
  2. Caraway. The main advantage of the plant is the reduction of irritation of the intestinal tract during diarrhea. The plant is good to take as an independent remedy or for diarrhea. The seeds gently stimulate the intestinal walls and do not cause severe twisting, pulling pain during intestinal contractions. Ideally combined with fennel or anise when getting rid of slagging.
  3. Rhubarb. For medicinal purposes, it is medicinal rhubarb that is used, and not the one that grows everywhere in summer cottages. The oriental herb is widely used in many Chinese medicine recipes. The laxative effect should be expected 4-8 hours after the first portion of the laxative decoction. The advantage is the wide-spectrum focus. So, in case of constipation, it gently relieves, and in case of persistent diarrhea, on the contrary, it strengthens the stool and stabilizes the processes of defecation. In addition, rhubarb reduces the inflammatory process, soothes and envelops the walls of the irritated intestines. In modern medicine, rhubarb can be found in capsules or extracts.
  4. Elm is slippery. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, has a gentle effect on the intestinal lining in all parts, and restores the mucous epithelium after persistent diarrhea. In addition to a mild laxative effect, the herb perfectly relieves pain, stabilizes and shapes stool, removing it from the lumen of the large intestine. The decoction goes well with oatmeal decoction. You can learn more about methods of cleansing with oatmeal in the article.
  5. Burdock. The plant contains a special component - inulin, which promotes the proper formation of stool, makes it stable, and helps regularly empty the intestines of feces. With the course of treatment, the problem of constipation is completely solved. Burdock can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other herbal ingredients. Colon cleansing occurs gently. In addition, the herb has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain from broken stools during exacerbation of intestinal diseases, including hemorrhoids.
  6. Fennel. The plant has a mild laxative effect, reduces gas formation during flatulence and metabolic disorders. The esters contained in the seeds have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, eliminate pathogenic agents, reduce the inflammatory effect, and eliminate waste and toxins. With a course of treatment, there is a decrease in spasms and irritable bowel symptoms.
  7. Senna. Senna leaves have a pronounced laxative effect. Even after one use, the laxative effect lasts up to 24 hours. As a cleansing monotherapy, senna leaves have side effects in the form of painful bowel movements (pain is localized in the abdomen, near the navel), so a combined use of the plant is recommended to reduce discomfort.
  8. Peppermint. The mild laxative effect of a decoction based on peppermint not only weakens and cleanses the intestines, but also improves mood, reduces nervous excitability and stress levels. Typically, mint is used as a comprehensive intestinal cleansing along with other laxative herbs.

There are other plants and herbs for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, but they are usually included in herbal preparations and are not used as an independent remedy. Before using any herb, you should take a hot bath, relax, drink herbal tea and wait for the effect.

Note! In addition, it is important to switch to a balanced diet and follow a diet. If you maintain your usual diet, which has led to constipation and sludge, the therapeutic effect will be temporary and after treatment the clinical symptoms will return again.

St. John's wort

This herb has numerous positive properties, so it is widely used in folk medicine. St. John's wort helps cope with problems of the cardiovascular system, liver, urogenital tract, etc. It helps accelerate regeneration, relieves pain and inflammation.

If you prepare a tincture of St. John's wort, you can quickly improve the processes occurring in the digestive system. In addition, if you periodically undergo a course of treatment using this plant, you can significantly improve the general condition of the body and your well-being.

Useful tips for improving bowel function

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are very beneficial not only for the intestines, but also for all internal organs. Regular cleansing with their help will reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol and sugar in the blood, increase immunity and the body’s resistance to many diseases. The laxative effect of the seeds on the intestines is so mild that the elimination of feces will become as painless and delicate as possible.

Flax seeds have long been considered an effective intestinal cleanser.

Cleaning with flaxseeds is carried out in various ways. You can use them in the form of a decoction, eat them in their natural form, or add them when preparing various dishes (baked goods, porridges, soups). The easiest way to cleanse the intestines is to take flaxseeds in their pure form, 2 tsp. in a day. Crushed seeds have a slightly better effect on the body and are taken in 2 tbsp. l.

on an empty stomach in the morning. After consumption, be sure to drink a sufficient amount of boiled, non-cold water. You can prepare a decoction from the seeds. The decoction is prepared as follows: take 1 tsp. seeds, pour a glass of boiling water. Shake the product and let it sit for 30 minutes until the mucus separates. Then strain, cool and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals. Cleansing course - 3 days.

1. General contraindications to the use of medicinal plants with laxative properties are: intestinal obstruction, appendicitis and other inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

2. Laxatives should not be used for a long time to avoid disruption of water-salt metabolism.

3. When using laxatives for a long time, they need to be changed periodically to avoid getting used to them and reducing their effectiveness.

4. Some foods that have a laxative effect may not give the expected results due to improper use; When cooking, they need to be poured with boiling water, but under no circumstances should they be boiled or sweetened.

5. Food that enhances intestinal motility and thereby prevents constipation: - cold drinks, especially ice cream, kvass, etc.: - salt and salty foods; - honey. molasses, milk sugar, generally sugary substances, but not flour (sweet cookies, muffins, etc.); - coarse plant foods: rye bread, peeled fruits, vegetables with solid fiber (beets, turnips, radishes), buckwheat porridge: - curdled milk, kefir, kumiss, plums, cherries, apricots, currants, sorrel, tomatoes, cabbage, white wine - all this contains organic acids.

6. Food that weakens peristalsis and thereby leads to constipation: - any hot drink - teas, coffee, cocoa, etc.: - astringents containing tannin, cocoa, red wine; - enveloping rice and barley decoctions, jelly with potato flour, fresh white bread, all kinds of pies, flour dishes, especially hot; - stringy varieties of meat.

Pharmacy laxatives

Today, in every pharmacy you can buy teas and herbs with a laxative effect. For ready-made collections, herbs are selected quite carefully.


This herbal tea has a laxative effect, produced by the large company Evalar. Their products have long proven themselves in the pharmaceutical market, which is confirmed by the effectiveness of the drugs. The composition of Fitolax tea includes chamomile, senna leaves, dill seeds and apricot.

These components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help get rid of constipation. Herbal tea should be brewed twice a day - one tea bag per 200 g of water. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

The product has virtually no contraindications. The tea is not recommended for pregnant women and people with intolerance to the components included in the product.

Pharmacy laxative collection No. 1

The composition of this laxative tea contains: nettle leaves, yarrow, buckthorn bark. The tea is quite effective and can cope with even severe constipation. Buckthorn decoction helps get rid of chronic constipation and hemorrhoids.

This collection has a number of contraindications. During treatment, some patients may experience colic in the abdominal area. This laxative drink is prohibited for use in case of allergic reactions, bleeding, abdominal pain, pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

During the treatment process, some side effects may occur, which are expressed in the form of constant thirst and headache. This collection has one significant drawback: with long-term use of “Pharmacy Laxative Collection No. 1”, the body gets used to it, which is a sign that it is necessary to increase the dose.

Take 0.5 cups of tea. overnight, remembering to mix thoroughly.

Dry senna leaves

Senna is an effective colon cleanser. The leaves of this plant contain substances that irritate the rectal mucosa, this enhances peristalsis and allows you to achieve the necessary laxative effect. There are practically no contraindications for the use of this remedy, with the exception of allergies, bloating or diarrhea.

To use the composition, you need to buy senna leaves at the pharmacy. Take 4 tea bags and pour boiling water over them. The healing drink should steep for 15 minutes, after which it should be strained. If necessary, add water so that the volume of the drink is equal to one glass. Take 0.5 cup of the product. before going to bed and in the morning there will be a urge to defecate.

Altai collection of medicinal herbs

Healing infusions from Altai herbs have long proven their effectiveness; they have bactericidal, laxative and choleretic properties.

The herbs included in the Altai collection relieve inflammation, painful spasms, and significantly facilitate the excretion of feces. As a result, the liver is cleansed and the functioning of the digestive system improves.

To prepare the healing composition you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain and drink 70 ml of laxative drink in 30 minutes. before meals.

This infusion can be taken by pregnant women by adding a teaspoon of honey.

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