Biliary dyskinesia in children (BDH): causes, symptoms, treatment, signs
Dyscholia is a mysterious concept for parents, because in most cases they do not know that
Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women
What suppositories can be used for hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Suppositories for hemorrhoids for pregnant women Today, the pharmaceutical market is represented by a large assortment of drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids,
Special nutrition for pancreatitis and diabetes can prevent a sharp increase in blood glucose levels and an increase in the patient’s body weight.
Effective treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies and the most effective recipes
How to treat inflammation of the pancreas at home General recommendations After identifying pancreatitis, the patient needs to
What and how can you feed a child after vomiting?
Those who have children know firsthand how carefully you need to monitor
Consequences of liver biopsy
Indications for liver biopsy There is a myth among patients that a biopsy is performed only when
Esmarch mug disinfection at home. Instructions for using the Esmarch mug. Preparing the workspace
What is she? Many do not know about this cup and what its use is and
Female doctor coloproctologist
How to treat hemorrhoids so you don't have to have surgery?
Treatment in a hospital Hemorrhoids are a chronic disease that is aggravated by an incorrectly selected diet, lifting
Causes and symptoms of the disease
Signs of ascariasis in adults and treatment with drugs
Causes and symptoms of the disease First of all, you need to determine what roundworms are and how
Closing the colostomy during the operation. Colostomy surgery
Diet for intestinal stoma, nutrition after closure of the stoma
Colostomy is a surgical intervention that consists of creating an artificial opening that will perform the functions of
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Levomycetin tablets - instructions for use for diarrhea
Levomycetin actitab for diarrhea The rhythm of our daily life often leaves no time for taking it
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