What are the main contraindications for hemorrhoids?

Characteristics of hemorrhoids

The pathology develops due to varicose veins of the rectum. Blood stagnates in the blood vessels and hemorrhoids form. Hemorrhoids occur in both men and women. About 20% of the population suffer from a recurrent form, in which exacerbations are followed by periods of remission. Others sometimes experience discomfort in the anal area, accompanied by itching, burning and pain during bowel movements.

There are factors that provoke the development of hemorrhoids. These include:

  • heredity;
  • physical inactivity;
  • obesity;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent physical activity;
  • work that requires standing for long periods of time;
  • chronic stool disorder.

In men, hemorrhoids are often provoked by an addiction to spicy foods, snacks and dry foods. This interferes with the digestion of food and leads to constipation.

"Male hemorrhoids"

Bad habits play an important role in the development of the disease: smoking and drinking alcohol. In young men, intensive training in the gym and strength sports contribute to the development of pathology.

In addition to the general factors that cause the disease, hemorrhoids in women can appear during pregnancy or after childbirth. This is due to increased load on the veins of the large intestine.

Additional information on the topic: “Pregnancy and hemorrhoids”:

There are other reasons that cause hemorrhoids in young girls and women - frequent hypothermia, wearing tight underwear, constant nervous tension. To keep up with fashion, the fair sex wears nylon stockings even in cold weather. This leads to colds in the rectum.

"Female hemorrhoids"

Against the background of constant nervous tension, a spasm of smooth muscles occurs, which leads to digestive disorders. This leads to the development of chronic constipation or diarrhea, which is also a risk factor for the development of hemorrhoids.

Important! Hemorrhoids develop gradually and in the first stage a complete cure is possible.

Information on the stages of hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids have internal and external types of flow.

Internal hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids cause swelling, inflammation of the rectum and difficulty defecating. The resulting hemorrhoidal seals are not visible outwardly, since they are located under the mucous membrane. The nodes reduce the elasticity of the intestine, which, under pressure from feces or constant inflammation, leads to the formation of cracks.

External hemorrhoids

The external type of hemorrhoids is formed by hemorrhoidal nodes, which are located outside and surround the anus with a ring. Such compactions rarely cause bleeding, unlike internal ones.

Physical exercise

One of the causes of hemorrhoids is physical inactivity. But excessive physical activity can lead to the development of this disease. In this regard, there are some contraindications for playing sports, but physical education cannot be completely excluded from life. Sitting for a long time without moving is contraindicated. A motionless position for two hours can give impetus to the development of the disease or lead to an exacerbation of an existing disease. If, due to the nature of your professional activity, this cannot be avoided, then it is advisable to do regular physical warm-up. Exercises that involve swinging your legs are useful.

Allowed sports include swimming. You can also take up dancing. Hiking is good. The following activities will help improve the condition of hemorrhoids:

  • fitness;
  • tennis;
  • run;
  • race walking;
  • figure skating;
  • skiing.

But you should not overwork the body; even permitted physical activity should be dosed, avoiding overexertion.

Contraindications for hemorrhoids in men include the exclusion of strength sports. Weightlifting weakens the muscles in the anal area. Horseback riding, cycling or motorcycling can damage the inflamed bumps, therefore, during the period of exacerbation, it is better to postpone such activities.

During periods of exacerbation, physical activity should be reduced, and during remission, exercise should be resumed at the same intensity.

List of restrictions for hemorrhoids

If not treated promptly, hemorrhoids cause complications such as bleeding or perirectal abscess. Pathology introduces restrictions into a person’s normal way of life. Is it better to walk or lie down for hemorrhoids? Contraindications for external or internal hemorrhoids:

  • you cannot ride a bicycle or ride a horse, so as not to injure hemorrhoids;
  • avoid hypothermia of the legs and sacral area;
  • treat pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract leading to persistent constipation or diarrhea;
  • lift suddenly or carry heavy objects for a long time;
  • sitting for a long time on a soft chair or lying on your back in bed.

If hemorrhoids are a consequence of sedentary work, then you need to play sports. Swimming is best. During remission, they also engage in other sports - volleyball, fitness, running. During training, the load is increased gradually so as not to strain the muscles around the anus.

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