Vomiting in a baby after fountain feeding with breast milk

Why does vomiting occur in newborns?

The first month of a baby’s life is an amazing and difficult period for him, when he gets used to a new environment for him, when his internal organs undergo final adjustment. This period is even more difficult for his parents, who perceive any minor troubles as serious problems. If the baby vomits, parents believe that he is seriously ill.

Vomiting in itself is not an independent disease, but it is a symptom (and often the most important) of various diseases. The cause can only be identified after a detailed study.

Attention! Pediatricians consider one-time vomiting without other symptoms to be the norm for all newborns. It is mistaken for the child’s body’s reaction to new food or other external stimuli and is often unpredictable.

Causes of vomiting in infants

If vomiting in a newborn after feeding or at other times occurs frequently, in combination with other alarming symptoms, and his health deteriorates, then this condition can no longer be considered harmless. Repeated vomiting is especially dangerous due to dehydration.

Important! There are a lot of diseases that cause frequent vomiting in children, all of them are very dangerous. At the first suspicion that something is wrong, you need to contact a medical institution for help in order to begin treatment as quickly as possible.

The most common reasons:

  • lactose deficiency;
  • ARVI, influenza;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis media;
  • various injuries;
  • metabolic disease;
  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • encephalitis;
  • uremia;
  • SDS (shaken baby syndrome);
  • severe gastroenteritis;
  • strangulated hernia;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • respiratory tract infections;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • concussion;
  • appendicitis;
  • nectoric enterocolitis;
  • intussusception;
  • pyloric stenosis.

Causes of vomiting

Most often, this symptom is associated with the newborn reflex. But you can only calm down if the vomit of an infant does not contain foreign impurities in the form of streaks of blood, bile, and others. If it consists of undigested milk, then the causes of vomiting in an infant may be as follows:

1. The baby has eaten a lot (breastfeed or bottle feed until the baby lets go on his own). 2. Imperfection of the vestibular apparatus. 3. Undigested complementary foods (bring it to the consistency of semi-liquid porridge). 4. Excitability of the nervous system. You should not feed immediately after active games and tossing, let them calm down and get ready to eat so that the infants do not vomit. 5. Air accumulated in the stomach. When it exits through the esophagus, it begins to push out food, which is why infants vomit. Hold the baby upright after feeding and walk around the room with him. For prevention, make sure that your mouth tightly (without gaps) grasps the nipple or bottle.

Vomiting or regurgitation - how to distinguish?

The problems, as you can see, are different, but according to statistics, all these diseases do not occur very often in the first months of life. It is much more common for a baby to vomit slightly after feeding due to the fact that his stomach peristalsis has not yet fully formed. This condition is called regurgitation and occurs in almost all newborns.

How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation in a baby? The physiological process differs from the pathological process in the following ways:

  • there is no gagging when regurgitating;
  • the amount of rejected food is very small;
  • regurgitation occurs no more than 3 times a day;
  • the baby gains weight normally;
  • regurgitation disappears gradually without any treatment.

Attention! It is not difficult even for parents with minimal experience to identify vomiting or regurgitation. Regurgitation occurs immediately after eating or within an hour. It is a one-time procedure and produces milk or water. Vomiting occurs repeatedly; the vomit contains yellowish discharge due to bile.

Causes of vomiting in a child

There are many reasons why a baby may vomit. It may be caused by the following factors:

  • Binge eating
  • Child illness or teething syndrome
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Air entering the stomach while eating
  • Large pieces of food

In some cases, vomiting in a baby does not cause concern - the regular rejection of a small part of food back into the oral cavity is called regurgitation. It is considered normal until a certain age and in the absence of other warning symptoms.

Pathological vomiting in infants

Mothers must be attentive to detect in time that something is wrong with their babies. Due to the fact that vomiting in a baby after feeding is a fairly common occurrence, sometimes parents do not attach importance to many other alarming facts, namely:

  • the baby is not gaining weight well or the weight has stopped altogether;
  • vomiting continues for too long, sometimes up to three hours;
  • the child’s nausea is constant, without obvious reasons;
  • When vomiting, the newborn begins to choke and cough.

Attention! If vomiting occurs with pale skin and a rise in temperature, the child is lethargic and refuses to eat - these are very dangerous symptoms. You should call an ambulance immediately!

Let's consider the main types of pathological vomiting in infants:

  • Nausea is accompanied by extremely high fever. Existing symptoms indicate the development of a viral infection, cold, or poisoning. The baby suddenly vomits, loses his appetite, and becomes weak. Having assessed the baby’s condition, the doctor directs therapy to treat the underlying disease, bring down the temperature, replenish fluid in the small body and light nutrition.
  • Sometimes vomiting and fever can have different origins. If before this the baby was, for example, prescribed an antibiotic, then vomiting is an allergic reaction to this drug. The attending physician must be notified of this in order to prescribe another drug, and the drug should be stopped before visiting the doctor.
  • Vomiting may be combined with diarrhea. The occurrence of these symptoms indicates poisoning, intestinal or viral infection, or early introduction of complementary foods. If they are intense, you need to call an ambulance. A baby loses fluid much faster than an adult, so you should protect him from developing dehydration. Treatment is aimed at rehydration. Antibiotics are prescribed in serious cases; in less severe cases, antimicrobials are prescribed.
  • The baby may vomit like a fountain. The reason for this is aerophagia. This is the phenomenon of swallowing air and it relates to neuroses. Regurgitation is considered a normal process, but sometimes it is a sign of certain ailments associated with abnormalities in the structure of the digestive system. Parents should be alerted to fountain vomiting with much more vomit than the child has eaten. If the baby is capricious, this should serve as a signal to call a doctor.

Features of pathological vomiting

When breastfeeding, moms should always listen to their instincts. Thanks to them, they will be able to recognize the development of the disease at an early stage. Vomiting during lactation in a baby can occur quite often. However, you should definitely consult your doctor in the following cases:

  • Lack of positive dynamics in baby's weight gain.
  • Vomiting lasts more than three hours.
  • The baby begins to feel sick, although there are no obvious reasons for this situation.
  • During vomiting, the baby also experiences a strong cough.

Dangerous symptoms for an infant are considered to be increased body temperature and pale skin. In this case, the child becomes too lethargic and constantly refuses to eat. In this case, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

Pathological vomiting after eating in a child is observed in several cases.

Increase in body temperature to a high level. This symptom indicates the development of a viral infection. It is also characteristic of a cold or poisoning. Vomiting tends to occur suddenly. Additionally, the baby loses appetite and feels very weak. Only a doctor can correctly assess the severity of the situation. He will select the correct course of treatment aimed at normalizing body temperature and replenishing the lack of fluid in the body. During this period, the child should be given only light meals.

It is sometimes difficult to determine the nature of vomiting that occurs when body temperature rises. The situation often accompanies the use of antibiotics. Attacks occur when there is an allergy to a drug prescribed by a doctor. You should definitely report any side effects to your doctor. He will replace it with an analogue or completely abandon therapy.

If a child constantly vomits like a fountain, then he is suspected of having aerophagia. The disease develops in the case of nervous swallowing of air. In this case, regurgitation may be caused by an abnormal condition of the digestive system. The vomit may be much larger than what the child ate before. If there are additional whims and crying, the baby should be immediately sent to the doctor.

What to do if your baby vomits?

Physiological regurgitation may be a normal condition, but can it be prevented? Experienced mothers recommend:

  • Make sure that the baby is in a calm state before feeding. Mom should also not be nervous, since the child feels everything. It’s good to lay the baby on his tummy or stroke his belly. You can massage the navel area.
  • It is necessary to ensure that when feeding the baby’s head is not thrown back, so that his nose is clean and breathes freely.
  • We make sure that the baby latches onto his mother's breast correctly. He should grab it along with the nipple area so that his lower lip is slightly turned out.
  • When artificial feeding, it is advisable to use special bottles that have the function of preventing the baby from swallowing excess air.
  • After feeding, there is no need to carry out any active activities with the baby. It is important to place it vertically to your heart at this time and gently pat it on the back.
  • Make sure that the baby does not overeat, because regurgitation can also happen from simple overfeeding.

Causes of regurgitation

Belching of stomach contents after feeding in infants can be of different types. It can be either weak in intensity or come out under pressure (fountain) and resemble vomiting. This process is due to a number of factors that we will now try to figure out.

Regurgitation can be physiological (normal) or indicate a disease. Natural regurgitation occurs for the following reasons:

  • If the baby swallowed a lot of air during feeding. This is possible during breastfeeding, when the mother does not attach the baby to the breast correctly, or when there is not enough milk in the mammary gland. In such cases, the baby often opens his mouth wide, performing sucking movements, which captures air. When bottle feeding, the cause of regurgitation is a large hole in the nipple. The more air the child swallows, the more powerful the vomit will be after feeding.
  • When the baby has eaten a lot of formula or breast milk. A child's stomach has a certain size, and if the baby eats too much with appetite, it will definitely come out.

Also natural and not indicative of disease is regurgitation after eating in infants as a result of intestinal colic and excessive gas formation. The inner surface of the small and large intestines of a newborn baby is sterile; there are no bifidobacteria and lactobacilli on it, which would facilitate the digestion of food. It takes 3 to 5 months to grow them in the required quantity and ensure the full functioning of the intestinal tract - this is a natural process, and it is simply impossible to move its time frame forward. You just have to wait it out, the baby will grow up and everything will go away on its own.

The baby may also spit up after eating if he was actively playing before, became overexcited, or was overtired. These activities can be guided and avoided before meals.

But it happens when a baby regurgitates like a fountain after drinking milk or formula as a result of diseases or pathologies. Such belching of stomach contents may have the following etiology:

  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • pathologies of the development of the digestive system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Why does vomiting occur in newborns?

Vomiting in newborns is always a concern for parents. However, it is not always worth sounding the alarm: if the child’s behavior does not change, he does not become capricious, whiny, or the temperature does not rise, most likely the reasons are quite harmless.

The causes of vomiting in newborns are as follows:

  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Congenital kidney pathology;
  • Consequences of birth trauma or difficult childbirth. Sometimes after birth, the baby needs some time to recover from internal hemorrhages or swelling of the brain;
  • Intolerance to cow protein or baby food components. While in the womb, the child received nutrition through the umbilical cord. Now he receives a completely different composition in a new way, and the immune system may perceive the incoming substance as a foreign object, or it may still be too heavy for the newborn's stomach. Then a compacted lump of incoming food forms in the child’s body and comes out in the form of vomiting. Essentially, this is a defensive reaction.
  • Allergies (always accompanied by a rash or redness of the skin);
  • Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Concomitant symptom of ARVI;
  • Neuralgic disorders and pathologies;
  • Heat or sunstroke;
  • Crying too much and for a long time;
  • Diabetes mellitus or changes in intracranial pressure;
  • Whooping cough.

The reasons may be hidden in other conditions and diseases of the baby, for example, excessive activity after eating. If vomiting is not accompanied by additional symptoms, does not have a greenish tint, and does not recur at intervals of several hours or days, i.e. happened once, there is no reason to worry. Consultation with a doctor is required.

Vomiting and regurgitation - how to distinguish?

Spitting up is common in babies—almost 70% of babies under 4 months of age spit up at least once a day. In this case, a small amount of stomach contents comes out, but the child’s well-being does not change.

Regurgitation, in fact, is a type of vomiting - the safest, but still requiring attention. Sometimes regurgitation is a clinical manifestation of abnormal functioning of the upper digestive tract, but more often it is caused by the restoration of the baby’s body after birth. Regurgitation does not bother the baby in any way, and by a certain age it disappears.

Vomiting is a complex reflex process in which the contents of the stomach are ejected in a continuous stream. Vomiting is less common in children than regurgitation, but more often requires observation. Usually this process is accompanied by headache, sweating, previous nausea, fever, weakness, and dizziness.

After regurgitation, the child’s mood does not change, he behaves as usual, but after vomiting, a deterioration in the baby’s condition is noticed, he looks lethargic.

Danger of vomiting

The danger of vomiting as a symptom, first of all, is that the child may have some disease (infection) that urgently needs to be treated.

Vomiting itself is dangerous due to possible dehydration. This condition is especially dangerous for babies, since the cells contain a large amount of intercellular fluid, and therefore water deficiency is very acutely felt by the baby.

The presence of other symptoms (loose stools, fever) increases the removal of fluid from the body, and in addition, contributes to the leaching of mineral salts. With repeated vomiting, the symptoms intensify, severe weakness and lethargy are noticed, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and dry mucous membranes are detected. Salts continue to be washed out, while the lack of salts increases vomiting.

This condition can lead to serious disturbances in water-salt metabolism, as a result of which all the functioning of internal organs suffers.

If a child is unattended during an attack of vomiting, there is a huge risk that he will choke or aspiration will occur - penetration of vomit into the respiratory tract. Therefore, vomiting is an extremely dangerous condition and requires an immediate visit to the doctor.

First aid for a baby

If a newborn baby suddenly starts vomiting, you need to take care of his correct position. You should not allow him to lie on his back, so you need to carefully turn his head to the side. If the child was in your arms during the attack, you do not need to lay him down: it is better to simply turn his head a little to the side.

After this, you need to replenish the lost fluid. The baby is given water at room temperature (no more than 100 ml in small portions).

You definitely need to measure the temperature and pay attention to the stool - if the rest of the child feels well, you don’t need to see a doctor. No earlier than after 2 hours, you can try to feed the baby. If vomiting recurs, medical intervention is necessary.

You also need to see a pediatrician if an attack of vomiting occurs the next day or within the next week.


The main preventative measure is, of course, taking care of a nutritious and balanced diet. If we are talking about breastfeeding, the mother must create a diet in such a way that the body receives all the vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

The drinking regime plays an important role: the child should drink a volume of clean water daily at the rate of 100-150 ml per 1 kg of weight.

Children under one year old should maintain a healthy sleep and rest schedule. Normally, they need to sleep at least 10-12 hours a day.

Be sure to walk in the fresh air and ensure the flow of fresh air into the apartment (ventilate the room).

If there is a change in the child’s behavior, appetite, stool, or mood, you need to show him to a pediatrician. This way, you can prevent the development of many diseases and prescribe treatment in time so that exacerbations do not become chronic.

Vomiting in infants is a common occurrence, but parents either do not attach any importance to it or immediately begin to sound the alarm. A one-time attack is not dangerous provided that the child’s behavior has not changed and there are no other symptoms. If the child is weakened, shows anxiety, or the vomiting attack recurs, it is better to show him to the pediatrician.

Regurgitation and vomiting often occur in children under the age of one year. These two phenomena are similar to each other, but indicate different states . Mothers often get scared and wonder why their newborn spits up a lot after feeding with breast milk or formula. They begin to suspect the presence of a hidden disease and are worried.

Especially young mothers are shocked by the vomiting of a baby after breastfeeding. In order not to torment yourself with negative thoughts, it is important to learn to recognize where regurgitation is and where vomiting is.

Regurgitation or vomiting?

Regurgitation is considered a natural physiological process. Excess air swallowed by the baby while eating comes out of the stomach. This happens immediately after feeding or within an hour after it, and is repeated no more than 2-3 times a day. An average of 30 ml of liquid is released. Usually this is water, milk, drool. The color is white, there are no inclusions of bile. The child himself is cheerful and happy, does not cry. As they grow, regurgitation disappears without a trace. Pediatricians consider their presence to be the norm for all babies.

Sometimes a baby spits up heavily after feeding breast milk or formula (more than 3-4 times a day and more than 30 ml) and appears healthy in all aspects. If this happens once, it's normal. If this happens all the time and the little one is fine, then you should still go to the pediatrician. Mom needs to tell the doctor that the baby spits up a lot after feeding with breast milk or formula. The doctor will examine the newborn and prescribe the necessary tests.

The child’s well-being does not suffer when regurgitating. A completely different picture with vomiting: the baby feels bad, he cries, as if complaining. It is not water and milk that are released from the body, but masses of yellow, mustard flowers and a lot of bile.

Vomiting is not a disease; it is not dangerous if it happens once. But if it happens often, then this is a signal to examine the child.

After all, its repetition may indicate the presence of an illness in the body:

  • ARVI;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • flu;
  • poisoning;
  • injuries;
  • otitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • metabolic disorders and others.

For a baby, these diseases are especially dangerous because they can cause irreparable damage to his health.

Why does a newborn spit up like a fountain after feeding?

Regurgitation is a common process that involves the entry of a small amount of air into the baby's esophagus along with milk or infant formula. This process is mainly typical for newborns aged 3 months and older. In children after 10 months, regurgitation is practically not observed.

Why did the baby vomit and why does he suddenly burp - the reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • The baby's stomach is full of milk and air. That is why regurgitation is mainly observed immediately after the baby has eaten heavily;
  • weakened muscles that block the canal between the esophagus and stomach. In a newborn baby, the valve muscles are still poorly developed, and they will become stronger only after 1 year;
  • allergic reaction to milk or complementary foods: this is noticeable after a mixture of a different type or manufacturer;
  • physiological disorders of the development of the esophagus or stomach.

During the normal development of a child, immediately after regurgitation, he behaves calmly and continues to play.

What you need to pay attention to! Unfortunately, the cause of regurgitation may be the presence of any disease. In order to contact a specialist, regurgitation may have the following features:

  • when they say that the baby has burped a lot, this means that the volume of the vomited mixture is 5 ml or more;
  • regurgitation occurs not only after feeding, but repeats some time after that;
  • vomit looks like curdled yellow milk or curds and has a sour smell;
  • the child behaves restlessly, cries, and there are often cases when he may completely refuse to eat;
  • regurgitation occurs in a fountain not only through the mouth, but also through the nose.

Dr. Komarovsky in his program drew the attention of young mothers to the fact that if a newborn’s regurgitation takes on such a character, then we can say that it is vomiting. And this is an obvious reason for the presence of some kind of disease of the esophagus or intestines, which requires immediate contact with a pediatrician.

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Fountain vomiting can be caused by several reasons:

  • small intestinal size;
  • while breastfeeding, the mother places the baby incorrectly to the breast;
  • there is not enough milk in the breast or the nipple has an irregular shape;
  • infant formula or complementary foods are not suitable for the child;
  • sudden change in diet. This must be done gradually and very carefully;
  • constipation, severe flatulence or colic in infants, which increases pressure on the abdominal cavity of the newborn;
  • a premature baby has underdeveloped digestive organs or a weak sucking-swallowing reflex;
  • a newborn child suffered intrauterine hypoxia, which became the cause of the development of pyloric spasm;
  • overexcitement or fatigue of the baby.

Main reasons

There are several main reasons:

  1. binge eating;
  2. active games and sudden movements after eating;
  3. the mixture is not suitable;
  4. allergies to first complementary foods, incorrect introduction of new foods into the diet.

All of the above factors can become prerequisites for one-time vomiting. If the newborn has vomited and is feeling fine, everything is fine.

If a baby vomits like a fountain after feeding breast milk once, this is also not dangerous. And if this happens systematically, this is already a signal to visit a specialist and begin an examination.

Should you panic when your baby vomits like a fountain?

Often on the forum, young mothers ask the question: “How should you behave when your baby spits up like a fountain? How can I help him and what should I do?”

According to experts, you should never panic and leave your baby alone in a crib or on the sofa. It is necessary to pick up the baby in your arms in an upright position. And keep it like this for about 5 - 10 minutes. If vomiting does not stop during this time, seek emergency medical help.

In order to reduce the possibility of regurgitation to a minimum, it is necessary, if possible, to try not to overfeed the newborn (feed often, but a little at a time). It is not recommended to start feeding when the baby is overexcited, and even more so when he is crying.

When feeding breast milk, try to give your baby a body position in which his head is above the level of his tummy.

If the baby is bottle-fed, the hole in the nipple should not be too large (then the newborn may choke on the formula), but not too small (in this case, the baby will swallow a lot of air).

Good results in the fight against regurgitation can be achieved by changing your diet. For example, make the artificial mixture thicker or more liquid. If the newborn is breastfed, rice powder can be used to thicken breast milk. The milk must first be expressed.

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What to do to make regurgitation disappear

There are a number of recommendations that can help young mothers reduce regurgitation to a minimum:

Before feeding

  1. The baby should be calm. There is no need to disturb him or shake him. It is better to give a relaxing massage with warm hands.
  2. You need to massage your tummy clockwise, in a circular motion, and do not press under any circumstances. Mom's touch has a calming effect on the child's nervous system.
  3. The mother herself also needs to be balanced and calm, because her psychological state is transmitted to the newborn. Babies are very sensitive, good for mother - good for child. Mom is tense and nervous—the baby will behave the same way.

During feeding

  1. A newborn should eat its quota; there is no need to overfeed, otherwise the excess will come out in the form of regurgitation.
  2. The position of the baby's body plays a significant role. He should lie comfortably and correctly: the head is not thrown back, the spine is straight, the arms are free, not pressed down, the nose is clean and breathes well.
  3. It is important that the baby latch onto the breast correctly, otherwise he will swallow excess air and then after eating he will vomit it, and with it the milk he has eaten. The baby should capture not only one nipple, but the entire areola. The mouth should be wide open, the lower lip turned outward. If your baby doesn't take the entire areola, put your finger in his mouth, gently pull out the nipple and try again. Take the nipple with 2-3 fingers, squeeze it a little and put it in the baby's mouth. If the lip is not turned out again, try sticking it out with your finger.
  4. Continue until your baby latch onto the breast in the correct way. This is significant, because then the peristalsis of the stomach begins to work as it should, the baby sucks out all the milk, it is easy and tasty for him, and the mother is not in pain.
  5. If your newborn is bottle-fed, use special slow-flow bottles. The nipples in these bottles are designed in such a way as to prevent the swallowing of excess air and the formation of colic. You can buy bottles at a pharmacy or any specialized children's store.

What to do and how to help the baby?

Excessive regurgitation in newborns can be prevented by following these recommendations:

- before feeding, give your baby a light relaxing massage to calm him down. The mother should also be affectionate and calm, since her nervous state is transmitted to the baby.

- the baby is obliged to eat the amount of food allotted to him; overfeeding is not permissible.

— make sure the baby’s body is in the correct position during feeding.

- the nipple grip should be such as not to cause the swallowing of excess air, which leads to subsequent regurgitation of breast milk.

- if you are using artificial feeding, purchase bottles with a slow flow of liquid from pharmacies. Their nipples are made in such a way as to create a barrier to the ingestion of excess air, which contributes to the appearance of colic.

- if the child vomits from complementary foods, refuse to introduce them. Is your baby feeling nauseous or has diarrhea? In this case, a suspicion arises that the food is not suitable for him. Consult your doctor regarding the continued use of complementary foods or its adequate replacement with another product.

- after each feeding, the baby must be kept in a lying position for 1-2 minutes, then slowly raised and held upright for about five minutes. During this time, the air that has entered the stomach along with the milk will have time to escape. The child is placed in the crib after the appearance of belching.

Preventive measures require strict adherence to the above rules to reduce the number of regurgitations, maintaining regular hygiene of mother and child, sterility of cutlery (spoons, bottles, pacifiers), careful compliance with medical prescriptions regarding the diet and daily routine of the newborn.

Vomiting in infants under one year of age is considered physiologically normal. Over time it passes without leaving a trace. The pathology is excessive regular regurgitation in the presence of the warning signs listed above. Only the vigilance of parents will help to respond to alarming symptoms in a timely manner and take urgent measures.

Natalya Ivanovna


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What are the dangers of repeated vomiting?

Vomiting is dangerous because it can cause critical conditions for the baby:

Dehydration occurs and develops extremely quickly in infants. This process is difficult to see. His parents notice him late. This is where the big difficulty lies.

Signs of dehydration in a child include:

  • the eyes and fontanel are sunken;
  • the baby pees little and loses weight;
  • the skin becomes dry, inflamed, rough and very hot to the touch;
  • the newborn is lethargic, cries a lot and loudly, his movements are inhibited.

Attention! If a child exhibits at least one of these signs, parents should immediately start giving the baby the required amount of water and call an emergency team. This situation cannot be ignored. Severe dehydration is often fatal. The lower the baby's weight, the sooner you need to call a doctor.

Weight loss is especially critical for premature babies and for those who are only a month old or a little more. Body weight is an indicator of health. It is by this that one judges whether the baby is developing and growing normally. It’s not for nothing that children are weighed at every visit to the pediatrician. Severe weight loss can be fatal.

Choking is a consequence of vomit entering the respiratory tract. That is why, since ancient times, grandmothers have taught to put a baby to sleep only on its side, because the little baby does not yet know how to roll over.

If vomiting resumes

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding with breast milk, formula or complementary foods is repeated systematically; you should consult a doctor.

Attention! It is prohibited to treat children under one year old using traditional methods or on your own! It is necessary to call either a pediatrician or an ambulance. Only the attending physician has the right to make decisions regarding the use of medications after the tests have been performed.

When should you call a doctor immediately?

You need to urgently call an ambulance if your child:

  • Sluggish, as if he cannot sleep, does not eat, does not drink;
  • She cries a lot, it is clear that something is in great pain;
  • Doesn't go to the toilet, he's vomiting;
  • Fell, hit himself, lost consciousness, vomited;
  • Fell into a state of dehydration, very weak and lethargic;
  • After nausea, the temperature rose;
  • Following vomiting, diarrhea began;
  • Vomiting repeated more than 2 times;
  • There was profuse vomiting in a fountain;
  • Drops of blood are noticeable in the rejected masses; the color of the mass is brown or black;

What should you do before the doctor or ambulance arrives?

Adults should stay close to the baby and monitor the slightest changes in his condition. Because dehydration occurs very quickly, it is important to give your child something to drink immediately after vomiting. Even if the baby vomited after eating.

  • Babies who are fed breast milk need to be put to the breast. Give water from time to time.
  • For bottle-fed babies, offer formula. You cannot change the mixture to another. Additionally, give the baby a solution of Regidron (60-120 ml). This is the only drug allowed in this case. It is intended to avoid dehydration after vomiting.
  • Children who have been introduced to complementary foods can be offered applesauce, banana, and rice. Give Regidron solution.

You can drink from a spoon or bottle. It is allowed to use a syringe without a needle. Draw a little solution into the syringe and slowly squeeze it into the baby’s mouth. If the child wants more to drink, give more.

You can give rehydron. Instructions: take 1 liter of chilled boiled water and dilute 1 sachet in it. Give to baby in small portions. Store in the refrigerator (2° to 8°C) for no more than 24 hours. There is no need to interrupt breastfeeding or formula feeding. Rehydron can be given before and after meals.

Note! It is forbidden to feed a newborn with honey, juice, tea, broth, cow's and goat's milk, and various folk decoctions. They are not able to replenish the supply of lost electrolytes and will significantly harm the already weak baby.

You cannot give your baby anti-vomiting pills, anti-diarrhea pills, or lower the temperature - you will only harm him.

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