Prunes for constipation when breastfeeding a newborn

Healthy dried fruit

Prunes are the dried fruits of sweet varieties of plums. First, the fruit is blanched in boiling water and then steam-dried. As a result of such processing, the beneficial properties of plums are preserved.

Prunes contain laxatives - sorbitol, phenolic complexes and 7% dietary fiber. Thanks to this, the dried fruit is a good natural laxative with a mild effect.

It’s easy to choose healthy prunes by paying attention to their appearance. Buy matte black berries. Otherwise, you will encounter an unscrupulous manufacturer:

  • A dark gray shiny surface indicates that the fruit has been treated with glycerin.
  • Black, shiny dried plums look appetizing, but they are often given their marketable appearance by being coated with fat of unknown origin.
  • A brown tint indicates that the berry was scalded with boiling water for the purpose of disinfection and longer storage. Such processing negatively affects the taste of dried fruit - it begins to taste bitter.

In prunes with pits, more nutrients are retained, because the top layer is not damaged. Avoid smoked plums - they are smoked using liquid smoke, which is a carcinogen.

It’s easy to check whether the dried fruit you bought is processed or natural: soak the berries for half an hour in cold water. “Correct” prunes will turn white in places when soaked, but processed ones will remain completely black.

At what months are prunes allowed to be given to children?

Puree dried fruits for constipation are given to babies from the age of six months and later. Prunes should be introduced into complementary foods gradually, starting with a few grams at the tip of a teaspoon. The product is considered non-allergenic, but a reaction often occurs to the substance with which the fruit was treated during preparation. Prunes can also cause excessive loosening of stools, so a child under one year old should not eat more than 5 g (1 teaspoon) of dried fruit.

Infants are given an infusion or decoction of prunes no earlier than three months. Introduce it into your diet carefully, because it is more likely a medicine than a complementary food, and the dose should be medicinal - no more than 5 ml at a time. It is better to give the infusion and decoction using a syringe (without a needle, of course) or a teaspoon. The “medicine” turns out sweet, and the infant drinks it with pleasure.

If a mother consumes dried fruit, the laxative properties of prunes are transmitted to the breastfeeding newborn through milk. But berries must be consumed with caution so as not to cause negative reactions in the baby.

Medicines from prunes


The healing drink is prepared without boiling, so the beneficial properties of the dried fruit are fully preserved. The infusion is allowed for children from 3 months, starting with one teaspoon (5 ml). As needed, the portion is gradually increased. By the age of one year, it is permissible to give the baby 100-150 ml of drink per day, but not at once. Give your baby a drink 3-4 times a day, 30-50 ml.

The infusion is prepared simply:

  1. 10 pieces. Rinse the berries with warm water, then scald with boiling water.
  2. Place the fruit in a pan, jar, or other container with a lid and pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  3. Close the lid and steep the drink for 12 hours.

It’s easy to notice - the cooking process is not complicated, but lengthy. It is more convenient to make the infusion in the evening, then by morning the delicious medicine will be ready.


Despite the name, prunes are not boiled, but brewed. The drink is the most common black dried fruit and the preparation time is minimal.

  1. 5 pieces. Rinse the prunes several times with warm water.
  2. Remove seeds from berries.
  3. Place dried fruits in a saucepan and add 200 ml cold water.
  4. Bring the berries to a boil and remove the pan from the heat.
  5. Wait for the broth to cool completely.

The dosage of the decoction is similar to the dosage of the infusion. It is permissible to give the infusion to a child from 3 months, initially 5 ml, gradually increasing the amount. By the age of one year, it is permissible for a baby to drink 120 - 150 ml of decoction.


Prune compote for constipation is prepared with sugar for babies, so it is recommended for babies no earlier than 6 months. Additionally, you should add dried apricots, raisins, dried apples, and pears to the drink. Compote is cooked according to the same principle as any other:

  1. 10 pieces. Rinse prunes with warm water.
  2. Place dried fruits in a saucepan and add 300 ml cold water.
  3. Bring the drink to a boil and add 50 g of sugar.
  4. Cook the compote over low heat until the fruit is completely softened - 20-25 minutes.
  5. Cool the drink.

Cooking recipes

There are many options for using prunes to prepare laxatives for constipation in a breastfed child. They are not addictive, but you should not abuse them either.

To prepare an infusion of dried fruits, you do not need to boil the product. It is quickly absorbed by the child’s body, producing its effect.

Follow the following algorithm:

  1. Thoroughly wash several large fruits (6-8 pieces);
  2. Pour a cup of boiling water over them and cover with a lid (you can use a half-liter jar);
  3. Wrap the future infusion with a towel and leave overnight in a dark, dry place;
  4. In the morning, strain the resulting liquid.

When first used, a child can be given 1 tsp. the resulting infusion before feeding or in the morning on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals). Such an event will allow you to notice possible negative reactions of the body to this product.

If he took it well, the dose can be increased to 3 tsp. before each feeding or meal. After stool normalization, it is gradually reduced until the infusion is stopped.

Prune decoction lasts a little longer, exerting its laxative effect on the digestive tract. It is prepared this way:

  1. Prunes (about 100 g) are washed well, cleared of excess debris and placed in a pan that will be used to prepare the product;
  2. Dried fruits are poured with two glasses of cold water and placed on low heat;
  3. After boiling, keep on the stove for another 10 minutes;
  4. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and allow to cool;
  5. The liquid is filtered, the broth is ready.

It is also recommended to start using the drug with small doses, increasing slightly later as the body reacts normally. The baby should be given it exclusively before feeding - this way the work of the gastrointestinal tract is activated.

It is believed that compote has the greatest number of beneficial properties. In addition, its preparation does not require sugar, which is too early to add to a child’s food. Additional sweetness and benefits can be provided by using raisins and/or dried apricots, which also have a laxative effect.

The cooking rules are as follows:

  1. In total, you will need 200 g of dried fruits, of which 100 g are prunes;
  2. The fruits are washed several times and pour 1 liter of cold water into a saucepan;
  3. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat for another 10 minutes;
  4. Remove from the stove, knead the boiled dried fruits and allow to cool;
  5. The compote is filtered, after which it is ready for use.

Considering the age of the child from which it is allowed to consume prune compote, at the first dose you can give about 50 g of the product, gradually increasing the amount to 150-200 g.

The remaining pulp can be additionally used to enhance the effect. It is usually added to cereals or fruit purees.

The digestive system of a newborn baby is not yet as perfect as that of adults or older children. Often, babies experience constipation, which is not so easy to get rid of, because using chemicals in the first months of life is extremely undesirable. In this case, natural laxatives will help normalize the child’s condition.


It is recommended that a child take prunes in the form of infusion and decoction from 3 months, in the form of compote and puree - from 6 months. Carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. In rare cases, dried fruit not only helps with constipation, but also causes diarrhea. However, prunes are considered a mild laxative that rarely causes adverse reactions.

Article last updated: 04/20/2019

Constipation in a baby can occur for one of three reasons:

  1. Mom's poor diet. It can lead not only to constipation, but also to allergies, diarrhea and colic. If a breastfed baby is constipated, it means that the mother ate foods that strengthen the stomach.
  2. Incorrectly selected formula for artificial or mixed feeding.
  3. Poor adaptation of the intestines to new food when complementary foods are introduced at 5-6 months.

You can solve the problem of constipation in infants with the help of prunes.

Effect of prunes on constipation

Dysfunction of digestion and defecation can be observed in most newborns. Constipation in infants can occur for various reasons:

  • poor nutrition of the mother, who consumes fixative foods;
  • stool retention due to mixture;
  • the baby’s intestines are not able to cope with a new task (observed in children 5–6 months of age due to the first complementary feeding).

A woman who has just given birth and is still breastfeeding her baby needs to give up many foods. This is explained by the fact that substances contained in food products go directly into milk.

However, it is quite easy to cope with constipation with the help of prunes.

Dried plums are rich in vitamins, fiber, pectin and minerals.

Nutritional value per 100g of product
Squirrels2.3 g
Fats0.7 g
Carbohydrates57.5 g
Alimentary fiber9 g
Calorie content231 kcal
Vitamin content per 100g of product
IN 10.019 mg
AT 20.028 mg
RR0.091 mg
AT 50.071 mg
AT 60.037 mg
AT 31.882 mg
WITH4.0 mg
E0.05 mg
TO0.6 mg
Content of chemical elements per 100g of product
Iron3 mg
Magnesium102 mg
Potassium864 mg
Calcium80 mg
Manganese0.038 mg
Copper0.031 mg
Phosphorus83 mg
Zinc0.54 mg

The most well-known beneficial properties of prunes include:

  • antibacterial effect;
  • normalization of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • prevention of colds and acute respiratory infections;
  • improving the condition of a woman's hair;
  • prunes effectively fight diarrhea and constipation in infants.

Beneficial properties of prunes

Prunes are ripe plums, dried using a special technology. It contains many useful substances:

  1. Vitamins B1, B2, C and P, necessary for the normal development of the child.
  2. Pectin helps remove harmful substances.
  3. Plant fiber that normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Fructose, sucrose and glucose speed up metabolism.
  5. Iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium are minerals that ensure the normal functioning of all organs.

Prunes have bactericidal properties, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and slow down the spread of salmonella and E. coli.

Prunes are useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. But how much of it can you eat? You can eat no more than 3-4 berries per day. Excessive consumption of dried fruits can lead to stomach upset.


As already mentioned, prunes can be harmful not only to the child, but also to the mother. The effectiveness of prunes in the fight against constipation in infants is undeniable, but they should not be abused, as the opposite effect may occur.

It should also be remembered that prunes are contraindicated for people with diabetes, as well as for those who are prone to obesity. Nursing mothers should heed this warning, since prunes contain 231 kcal per 100 g of dried fruit.

In order to avoid the negative consequences of excessive consumption of medicinal berries, decoctions, infusions and compotes should not be made too strong. As for eating whole dried plum berries, you can eat 3-4 berries per day, no more.

When can you give prunes to your baby?

How old should a child be before he can be given prunes? Doctors do not recommend feeding prunes until 3 months of age. In newborns, the stomach is absolutely not prepared for such food. Their mothers should not use this product if they are breastfeeding.

Prunes are introduced into a child’s diet after 6 months. Start with one teaspoon per day, gradually increasing the dose. If the child is offered not puree, but a decoction, then start with 5 ml per day. A baby who is already one year old can already be given whole berries without seeds.

Often, babies start feeding prunes before 6 months. Many babies experience constipation between 3 and 5 months, especially those who are formula fed. Before giving your baby prunes, you should consult your pediatrician. Before prescribing prunes as a cure for constipation, the doctor must take into account how many months the baby is, what his height and weight are, and whether he has any diseases.

Prunes usually do not cause allergies, but if you give your baby more than normal, he may develop diarrhea.

How to prepare prune decoction

A natural prune laxative for babies can be prepared as follows:

  • take 80-100 g of prunes (up to 20 pieces of dried fruit) and rinse several times in water;
  • Place the washed prunes in a saucepan, pour two glasses (40-500 g) of cold water, then place the dishes on moderate heat;
  • after boiling, simmer the broth over low heat for another 10 minutes;
  • Cover the prepared broth with a lid and wait until it cools to a slightly warm state.

You also need to know how to give prune decoction for babies with constipation, and in what volume small children can take it.

Pediatricians allow the use of prune decoction for children who have reached at least 3 months of age. Some doctors recommend refraining from using this remedy for up to 5-6 months, i.e. before the period of active introduction of complementary foods in the form of new foods for the child.

For the first time, prune decoction should be used in a minimal dosage - no more than one teaspoon.

This liquid should be given to the baby before feeding. If the baby feels well in the future and does not develop allergic reactions, the volume of the decoction can be increased to one or two tablespoons.

Upon reaching 6 months of age, you can reconsider the question: prunes for babies with constipation: how much to give? A six-month-old baby is not forbidden to consume from 50 to 150 g of decoction, provided that this remedy is well tolerated.

In order for the use of the decoction to bring only benefits, you should also take care of the safety of the product. To do this, you should purchase prunes only in specialized retail chains, where the goods are not exposed to dust or other harmful factors. Prunes should be washed as thoroughly as possible, and at least once - in hot water.

Prune infusion

The infusion can be given to children from 6 months, and, if necessary, to babies after 3 months, be sure to dilute it with boiled water to reduce the concentration.

It is better to prepare the infusion in the evening. To do this, take about 10 prunes, pitted and washed with boiled water. The berries are poured with 200 ml of boiling water, covered and infused overnight. Before use, the infusion must be strained.

An infant should be given 1 teaspoon of prune infusion per day. If the baby tries this infusion for the first time, then it is better to dilute it a little with boiling water and offer it to the child in the morning to monitor the body’s reaction to unfamiliar food throughout the day.

Prune compote

Dried plum compote is the most effective remedy for constipation. In addition to prunes, you can add other dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, dried apples. It is not recommended to give it to a child under 6 months.

To prepare the compote, you need to take 200 g of peeled and washed dried fruits, place them in a saucepan, add water and cook for about 20 minutes until the fruits are completely softened. During the cooking process, you can add a glass of sugar. After the compote has cooled, you can feed the baby.

It is worth noting that sugar causes increased gas formation, as does excessive amounts of prunes (they contain fructose). You should also be careful with dried apricots - they can cause allergies.

Prune puree

If the baby is trying this puree for the first time, then you can take just a couple of berries to prepare it. The fruits are washed, pitted, and poured with boiling water. They need to sit for a while and soak well; to do this, you can leave them covered with a lid overnight. In the morning you need to take them out of the water and place them in clean water, and then boil them a little. Prunes need to be peeled and ground. If the consistency is too thick, you can add a little boiled water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. After it cools down, you can start feeding.

It is not recommended to store puree, like almost any baby food, in the refrigerator. The baby should be fed only freshly prepared meals.

Thus, prunes are a tasty and healthy product that is actively used for constipation in infants. The main thing is to properly prepare the puree or drink from prunes and not give your baby too much, so as not to cause diarrhea.

Correct and balanced menu for a 1 year old child

The use of bay leaves for childhood allergies

Prune compote is useful for the digestive system for babies against constipation. The formation of the gastrointestinal tract accompanies the baby throughout childhood. At this time, not enough enzymes are produced to break down food, so the child’s body needs help.

How to properly prepare prunes for drinking

Prune infusion is prepared in the evening

No boiling is required for cooking. Prunes are quickly absorbed by the body and excreted just as quickly, which is why their duration of action is short. Sequencing:

  • rinse several dried fruits (about 8 pieces);
  • pour 250 ml of boiled water;
  • cover the jar with a lid;
  • wrap in a towel to keep the heat as long as possible;
  • In the morning, strain the resulting infusion.

You need to start taking the decoction gradually, with one teaspoon, preferably 30 minutes before meals. At this time, the intestines start their activity, so the likelihood that food will be digested in full increases. If there are no allergic reactions, and the child’s body accepted the new product without problems, you can increase the dose and give the infusion before each meal. But do not overdo it - as soon as the stool begins to improve, the amount of fluid should be reduced.

Prune decoctions are made exclusively by boiling. This drink is well absorbed by the intestines and stomach, acts slowly and for a long time. Instructions:

  • Rinse 100 g of product and place in a pan;
  • pour cold water (about two glasses) and put on fire;
  • wait 10 minutes after the water boils;
  • cover the broth with a lid and let it brew for a few minutes;
  • Strain the resulting liquid.

Give the decoction little by little, gradually increasing the amount.

Prune compote

Compote is most effective for constipation. But not all children are allowed to introduce sugar early, as it can provoke allergic reactions or increased gas formation in the stomach, so you need to monitor the child’s condition.

To prepare compote, you can use other products - for example, raisins, dried apricots.

  1. Take dried fruits, most of which should be prunes, and rinse. If the berries are too dry, you can pre-soak them for a few minutes.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and sugar is added.
  3. Place the container on the fire and wait for the syrup to boil.
  4. Then add all the dried fruits and cook for another 10 minutes.
  5. Strain the resulting mass and cool.

You need to give compote to your child in small portions. You don’t need to add sugar, as this product itself is tasty and sweet.

Prune puree is best prepared in the evening.

  • Rinse the prunes and add boiled water;
  • Cover the container with a lid and leave until the morning;
  • the prunes are transferred to new water and boiled;
  • then you need to remove the peel and grind the pulp thoroughly;
  • Put the resulting mass back on the fire and bring to a boil;
  • Cool and serve in small portions.

Due to the incompetence of the gastrointestinal tract in the first months of life, the baby is bothered by various digestive disorders, including constipation. This condition is usually physiological, but if problems with bowel movements occur frequently, it is worth helping the child’s body cope with them. Complex therapy has its limitations due to the small range of acceptable drugs, so nutritional correction remains the main method.

Causes of constipation in infants

Bowel dysfunction can be caused by several reasons.

  1. If the child is completely breastfed, then the main reason is non-compliance with the mother’s diet. There may be an excess of flour or other fixing product.

  2. If the occurrence of constipation coincides with the first complementary foods, you need to reconsider the dosage and quality of food. The first complementary foods are introduced at approximately 5 months.
  3. Intestinal dysbiosis.
  4. Intestinal infections.
  5. Gallbladder diseases lead to a decrease in the production of enzymes necessary for the digestion of all food components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).
  6. Artificial feeding. It is necessary to check whether the permissible dose of the mixture has been exceeded.
  7. Insufficient fluid intake.

Prune decoction has a laxative effect - it activates intestinal motility and promotes the natural release of feces. In addition, it contains many vitamins and minerals and does not cause allergies.

It is useful for mom to eat a similar product. You can give your baby a decoction or infusion of prunes.

The benefits and harms of prunes

Prunes are a dried fruit made from the fruits of domestic black plums. Only when using the correct selected product for preparing a compote, infusion or decoction can you expect the desired effect for a baby with constipation.

Chemical composition

All the properties that prunes can exhibit when breastfeeding a child suffering from constipation directly depend on its chemical composition. It is due to the following points presented in the table (per 100 g of pulp):

Interestingly, prunes contain almost 1.5 times more potassium than bananas.

Beneficial features

Dried fruits are primarily useful for infants against constipation due to their laxative effect. This is ensured by normalizing intestinal function, which significantly improves the child’s condition.

Prune compote for babies against constipation has the following properties:

  • Dietary fiber stimulates peristalsis, facilitating bowel movements;
  • The presence of a large number of microelements and vitamins replenish losses, thereby normalizing the functioning of all organ systems;
  • Pectin acts as a sorbent, binding and removing toxic substances from the body;
  • Ascorbic acid is a natural stimulant of the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infectious diseases;
  • Many organic acids and minerals restore normal functioning of the nervous system, appetite returns;
  • Improves the appearance and condition of skin that suffers from prolonged fecal intoxication;
  • B vitamins have an effect on the central nervous system, eliminating tearfulness and anxiety;
  • All types of exchange are normalized;
  • Useful for anemia (decreased amount of hemoglobin and/or red blood cells).

Also, prunes for babies can be useful in relation to the normal development of the genitourinary system, myocardium (heart muscle) and blood vessels.


If there is no constipation, you should not often give prune decoction to a baby or consume it in large quantities to a nursing mother. This is due to the fact that the laxative properties of this dried fruit are quite pronounced, so under normal conditions it can cause diarrhea in a child.

You should also limit your consumption of prunes in the following situations:

  • Diabetes mellitus (including in women during lactation);
  • Overweight child;
  • Presence of food or cross allergies (may be detected for the first time);
  • The quality of the fruit leaves much to be desired or they are chosen incorrectly;
  • The presence of congenital pathology of the kidneys, gallbladder or intestines in the child.

When can you give compote to a baby?

The consistency and technology for preparing the prune drink will depend on the child’s age.

  1. For the first few months after birth, the baby should not be given anything other than breast milk or an adapted formula. In this case, the mother herself needs to eat several berries every day. All their beneficial properties will be passed on to the baby through breast milk.

  2. Infants older than four months can be given an infusion of prune berries.
  3. After six months, the intestinal and gastric spheres of the child’s body are ready for new foods. You can give a decoction, puree or compote of prunes for babies with constipation. It is better if the puree is homemade.
  4. Later, these dried fruits can be added in grated form to the porridge.

Features of use

The age of the child plays a fundamental role in how much and in what form prunes can be consumed. It should be remembered that in the absence of constipation syndrome (constipation), it is better not to get carried away with it due to the risk of developing diarrhea.

Despite the individual characteristics of each child’s body, there are the following rules for the use of prunes and products based on them for infants:

  • For the first 2-3 months, the baby should not be given anything other than mother's milk. During this period, it provides him with all the necessary substances. Using prunes when the digestive tract is not yet functioning properly can lead to intestinal colic, persistent diarrhea or bloating;
  • Prune infusion can be given after three months of a child’s life;

  • Prune compote is allowed from 5 months of age;

  • Dried fruits in the form of purees, desserts and as an addition to other complementary foods – from 6-7 months;
  • You should not immediately give a lot of the drink when you first use it. Start with 1 tsp. before breastfeeding, assessing the reaction of the child’s body for 3-5 hours.

After the introduction of complementary foods, prunes are used instead of sugar to “sweeten” porridges. Natural carbohydrates contained in dried fruit are better absorbed by the child's body.

How to choose a tasty and healthy product

To prepare a healthy and tasty drink (decoction or compote), you need to choose a quality product.

  1. Large, fleshy dried fruits will be juicy and sweet. The fruits should be pleasant to the touch, without mucus or unpleasant odor.

  2. The black color, rich and matte, indicates proper storage. A shiny, glossy color indicates that chemicals have been used. In addition to the lack of benefit from these berries, poisoning may also occur. If the fruits are brown, it means they have been processed for longer storage.
  3. If the prunes are good, then when they get into the water they become covered with a white coating. For others, it does not appear - when immersed, spoiled prunes lose their shape and turn the water a dark, cloudy color.
  4. It is better to buy prunes with pits: they are easy to remove, plus the taste will be better and there will be more beneficial properties.

Before using the product, the berries must be thoroughly washed.

In addition to the laxative effect, prunes also have other beneficial properties necessary for a child of any age. He helps:

  • increase immunity;
  • cope with colds;
  • enhance metabolism because it contains a lot of fiber;
  • break down fats;
  • prevent the deposition of carbohydrates;
  • cleanse the body of harmful substances;
  • increase vitality;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • slow down the process of reproduction of E. coli (therefore it is useful to drink in cases of poisoning);
  • strengthen the heart muscle.

Prune decoction is not addictive. It can be given to small children starting from 4 months .

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