Experts tell us which kefir is best for laxatives and whether the drink is useful when taking antibiotics

Benefits for constipation

Kefir is rich in vitamin A, calcium, and phosphorus. The components it contains are responsible for changing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract for the better. Drinking 1 tbsp. a fresh drink at night, and in the morning eating properly prepared bran, discomfort during bowel movements disappears, you forget about constipation and feel lightness in every movement. What beneficial properties does it have?

  • Reduced levels of fatigue.
  • When stressed, the body does not experience wild stress.
  • Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, ridding the body of waste and toxins.
  • Quenching thirst.

Foods and dishes whose consumption strengthens the intestines

The food listed below is in no way contraindicated, it just should not become basic, as it significantly reduces intestinal motility:

  • Sweet baked goods, including fresh white bread;
  • Porridge (from rice, semolina and pearl barley), mashed potatoes;
  • Meat and eggs in large quantities, especially fried ones;
  • Butter, creams, milk chocolate;
  • Puréed vegetable soups, cream soups, puree soups;
  • Kissels based on potato starch, rice broth;
  • Fruits and berries: pears, quince, chokeberry, bird cherry;
  • Tea, coffee, cocoa;
  • Red wine.

Fans of the listed products do not have to categorically give up their favorite food. In the right combinations and properly prepared, they no longer strengthen, but become neutral. For example, pears and rice have many beneficial properties, and in moderation they will not cause negative consequences. It is recommended to always eat rice with fresh vegetable salads, and take unpolished rice. When eating pears, there is one trick: pears of weak and normal ripeness are strengthened, but very ripe pears can even give the opposite effect. You need to take into account the nuances.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Any fermented milk product has an impressive list of contraindications.
Despite all the benefits of kefir, it is not recommended for all people. The reason is simple: its frequent use provokes unpleasant consequences. Before prescribing it for constipation, it is important to consult a doctor and make sure that there is no gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity of the stomach or heartburn. It is strictly contraindicated for people with individual lactose intolerance.

Although the drink is considered a medicine that facilitates bowel movements, it is sometimes considered to be to blame for stool retention. Is it possible to avoid this? People with allergies to fermented milk products should avoid it. It is beneficial for the body and exhibits its best properties if fresh. A drink older than 3 days is already rich in pathogenic bacteria that cause hardening of stool. Always check the expiration date before purchasing!

Important! Even if the patient is deeply convinced that “stale” kefir caused a delay in bowel movements, they do not self-medicate. You need to make an appointment with a doctor so as not to provoke the development of a serious pathology in the body.

Can kefir cause constipation?

Can kefir cause constipation? This is a very important question. After all, it is generally accepted that fermented milk product is aimed at restoring normal intestinal function. But you need to know when to stop. Constipation may occur if you take a low-quality product. Also, if you are allergic to milk, you may experience digestive problems. That is why you need to drink only high-quality and fresh kefir. It is best to prepare it at home using beneficial bacteria to get maximum benefits for the body.

Can I use vegetable oil and other products?

Doctors detect constipation in many patients, but they cannot be helped by prescribing kefir. They have individual lactose intolerance. What should you recommend to them in this case? For example, castor or vegetable oil. These products are a natural intestinal stimulant. It lubricates its walls, as a result of which the act of defecation does not cause pain.

To avoid harming yourself, take the oil carefully and only in the dosage recommended by your doctor. Exceeding it is fraught with the appearance of shortness of breath, urticaria, nausea, fainting, chest pain, etc. It is avoided during pregnancy, with appendicitis and intestinal obstruction.

Kefir for constipation: why it helps

Does kefir help with constipation in adults? Many experts recommend using this product. It helps restore intestinal microflora, its laxative effect has long been known .

The action of kefir is based on its ability to soften feces; it also restores the balance of microorganisms and the acidity of the intestinal mucosa, thereby helping to solve the problem of constipation.

Sometimes patients wonder whether kefir can cause constipation. The situation is paradoxical, but it happens.

This occurs in people who are lactose intolerant, which is an integral component of any dairy product..

In such situations, drinking kefir helps slow down digestion and intestinal motility. Patients and doctors should look for other ways to solve the problem.

Therefore, the answer to the question whether kefir can cause constipation in adults and children is positive. In such cases, you need to look for other treatment methods.

Children digest dairy products better . They may also have lactose intolerance, in such situations there will be no result from this product, the condition will only worsen.

Which kefir is better as a laxative?

When prescribing kefir for constipation, the doctor will definitely tell you when it will provide maximum benefit to the body. Any fermented milk product is useful if the shelf life does not exceed 7 days. If, when purchasing, the patient did not look at the fermentation date, but at home he found out that it had been on the shelf for more than seven days, it is better not to drink it, but to use it to ferment fresh milk.
To do this, take 200 ml of kefir and one liter of milk. Everything is poured into a saucepan and left warm overnight. In the morning they eat yogurt instead of semolina porridge.

Operating principle

Why, if you decide to drink kefir, does it really help with constipation? This is a remedy that can positively affect the state of the gastrointestinal microflora. In particular, it can achieve its effect due to the following:

  • it normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • it is easily digestible;
  • thanks to it, the process of absorption of vitamins and minerals improves, and its protein is absorbed very easily.

So, if you drink kefir, the general functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during constipation will be normalized.

You should not cleanse the intestines with kefir only when constipation has already begun. It is worth drinking it regularly as a preventive measure so that the body can be cleansed non-stop. The version with not very high fat content, about one percent, works best.

Homemade recipe

This fermented milk product can be easily bought in the store, but it is not the best help for constipation. If you buy it, then only with a fat content of 3 percent and above, but it is better to prepare the drink yourself.

To do this, take 700-800 ml of milk, heat it in a saucepan, and then add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream or the same amount of kefir bought in the store. After 24 hours, the starter is thoroughly mixed and beaten, and then drunk to cleanse the intestines and relieve the patient of constipation.

Foods and dishes that relax the intestines

  • Vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, corn, flaxseed, coconut;
  • Fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, whey, yogurt;
  • Porridge (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bran and bran bread;
  • Raw vegetables: cabbage (including sauerkraut), radishes, turnips, radishes, beets, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions;
  • Fruits and berries: watermelons, melons, apples, plums, apricots, persimmons, grapes, gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, wild berries;
  • Mineral water, juices and fruit compotes, kvass, white wine.

What is better to use with?

To enhance the effectiveness of the fermented milk product in cases of defecation disorders, various additives are added to it. Which?


Kefir + buckwheat porridge is an ideal combination of products that is recommended for young ladies who are losing weight. In combination with porridge, cleansing the body of feces occurs gently, and also improves the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to help yourself, porridge is prepared in a special way.

Take 70-80 g of buckwheat and 1 tbsp.
kefir Mix and leave overnight. By morning, the porridge will swell and you can eat it for the benefit of the body. The patient cannot always eat unleavened porridge. In this case, it is recommended to add 1 tsp to it. honey The taste will change for the better, but the beneficial properties will not disappear. Buckwheat porridge helps adults and children against difficulties with defecation. It is not surprising that it is considered the basis of therapeutic nutrition.
You can eat it every day, as it is nutritious and healthy. Some boil it in water, while others simply brew it in kefir, like tea. In both cases, it is possible to preserve all its beneficial substances. They are needed to restore normal bowel function. They gently relieve constipation by activating peristalsis, improving motor function and restoring the mucous membrane of the colon.


Prunes are also useful if a person suffers from constipation. They buy it in a store, bring it home, and prepare it according to a special recipe.
Take 8-10 berries, steam and grind them using a blender.

When the gruel is ready, add warm daily kefir to it and leave for another 15-20 minutes. The drink is drunk at night.


Bran in combination with kefir helps with constipation.
The main thing is that the drink is not 3 days old. If it is also enriched with prebiotics, the condition and functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will improve. After suitable kefir has been purchased, take 30 grams of bran. In the evening, pour the bran with kefir and leave it on a shelf in the refrigerator all night, and in the morning eat it and wash it down with 1 tbsp. water. An hour later, if the patient wants, he can eat.


For constipation, the doctor recommends changing not only your lifestyle, but also your entire diet. They drink kefir in combination with eating dry fruits and raw vegetables.
Fruit juices and fruit purees help. You can prepare a delicious salad from kiwi, apples, oranges, plums, apricots, and you can use fresh kefir as a sauce.

Flax seeds

Flaxseeds are good for constipation, producing a mild laxative effect. With their help, you can correct the functioning of the intestinal tract and normalize its activity. In combination with a fermented milk drink, their effectiveness increases, but only if you drink the mixture at night. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and eaten at dinner. The intake of the kefir mixture is stopped at 60-90 days, and a month later it is resumed again in order to achieve a sustainable effect of cleansing the body.

Healthy recipes

The effectiveness of kefir against constipation can be enhanced if certain ingredients are added to this drink.

You can drink kefir with prunes

To do this, dried fruits (8 pieces) should first be soaked in boiling water, then grind the fruits in a blender. The resulting gruel must be mixed with warm daily kefir and let this drink brew for 20 minutes.

After this, the finished cocktail should be drunk regularly before going to bed. This daily procedure will help you forget about constipation.

Recipe that uses butter

This method of getting rid of stool retention is also considered quite effective:

  1. To prepare kefir with oil for constipation, the fermented milk drink itself should be slightly warmed over medium heat and one tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil should be added to it.
  2. Then the composition is mixed and drunk two hours before going to bed.
  3. This procedure must be repeated for four days.

With olive oil, such a drink will bring additional benefits, as it will supply cells with essential amino acids and healthy fats, which have a beneficial effect not only on internal processes, but also on a person’s appearance.


Some people, trying to help themselves with constipation at home, use kefir and soda. However, you need to be careful with this recipe.

This drink can be effective for constipation, but if an overdose of soda occurs, it can harm the body . For a glass of fermented milk drink you need to take 1/3 teaspoon of soda. After this, the kefir is thoroughly mixed until a voluminous foam forms. And as soon as the drink sizzles, you should drink it immediately.

You can also drink kefir with water

But one thing should be taken into account. The resulting drink will have a strong laxative effect. So it is better to use it when a person is at home. Only pre-chilled boiled water should be used for its preparation. The proportions of liquids used must be equal.

In addition to the methods of using kefir described above, there are other recipes that will help eliminate this delicate and unpleasant problem:

  • You can use flaxseed oil and kefir. You just need to eat a spoonful of flaxseeds every day until your intestinal problems are eliminated, washed down with a fermented milk drink. These seeds contain mucus, which gently envelops the organs of the digestive system. This has a positive effect on the activity of the stomach and intestines.
  • A healthy and effective drink for constipation can be prepared from kefir and freshly squeezed carrot juice. These two components should be mixed in equal proportions. You need to drink the finished drink as soon as the main ingredients have been combined.
  • Fermented milk drink to which dill is added also has a laxative effect. These greens can be thoroughly chopped beforehand, and then mixed with kefir and drunk. This procedure should be done twice a day.
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